Can You Beat DEMON'S SOULS With Only Daggers?

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hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs hope you're doing well it's been a pretty wild January so far we've blown up entire chunks of sanctuary with firebombs in Diablo I and I accidentally made the audience cry with Pikmin 1's yellow Pikmin only run sorry about that this week though we're going to try something a bit more familiar today we're going to find out can you beat Demon Souls with only daggers for those who aren't aware I love daggers they're light have quick attacks and tend to do incredible critical damage when you backstab or repost with them and when it comes to the soul series there's not many games out there that do it better and I think it's about time that we pushed our dagger run backwards in the series don't worry I'll use daggers in the other games eventually the year is young man anyone else getting some major anime Vibes right about now giant monster small protagonist with only a knife as their weapon I can't quite put my finger on it but I know I've seen this before speaking of anime today's video is brought to you by persona three reload is is that a dagger in your hand what no I would never do you have fond memories of playing the Persona series but can't find your old PlayStation 2 do you wish you could play it again but maybe without the old school Jank well good news persona3 reload is launching on February 2nd and is now available for pre-order rebuilt with modern-day graphics and quality of life features you can return to the specialized extracurricular dungeon Squad and relive The Glory Days of your high school youth go back to a time when streamings descriptions weren't a thing the hardest part of life was studying for your finals and punching monsters in the face with your boxing gloves and then summoning the wrath of God herself was just a normal Tuesday wait hold on a minute I don't remember doing anything like that when I was in the boxing team o everyone shut up there's a crane game yeah explore a world where the ordinary and extraordinary mingle where you must both be strategic in battle and strategic in life you know what's even bigger yukari my anxiety about all the tests I have tomorrow I'm a high school student in a highly competitive Society I don't have time for so if you're interested in playing Persona 3 reload you can pre-order Now using the link in the description below the game will be available on Xbox series X and S Xbox One windows steam PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 and will release on February 2nd huh you know maybe I should do a Persona challenge onun at some point that'd be a pretty wild r no wait not the face all righty let's get this party started I select the thief class since it starts with the dagger choose the providential ring as my starting gift then begin the journey across the fog we could have chosen The Wanderer class since it too starts with a dagger and even has more dexterity but the thief has more intelligence and Magic stats which sounds unimportant but trust me it'll matter later I unequip my shield since Shields are not in fact daggers then test out my weapons move set on one of the locals yeah that'll do that'll do nicely the dagger has a very quick move set and its swings are wider than you think letting you carve up more than one enemy at a time if they're standing close together on top of that one repost from this thing is enough to kill an enemy outright right and the backstab damage is no slouch either good Lord those animations are juicy we're going to have fun today I can tell already the lack of a shield is a bit of a bummer since that buckler would make pairing enemies even easier but we have to make this run challenging somehow and besides we didn't use a shield in Dark Souls 1's dagger run and YouTube is all about consistency don't you know in any case I blow my way through the tutorial level and encounter the first boss of the Run jiggle physics uh I mean the Vanguard demon this fight is pretty simple just stick behind the boss and stab away at tree trunks here the boss will start moving towards the walls or the entrance at some point during the fight so pay attention to your positioning and don't be afraid to step away from the fight better to take a break than to get forc into a corner trying to keep up the pressure it takes a bit to get the job done but not as long as you'd expect and after only a few minutes of hacking the Vanguard to pieces I send jiggle physics back to where it came from so you know probably fatal Fury too now Demon Souls doesn't actually expect you to beat the Vanguard demon but if you do you can collect a bunch of rewards there's some upgrade materials a bunch of poppable Souls and you can even get a piece of the backlog brand armor doesn't exactly match my outfit at the moment but wearing a helmet is important got to keep all that soup slashing around between my ears from spilling out woo thank God I was wearing a helmet that could have been bad but don't worry there's no rest for the wicked and our demon slaying Adventure has only just begun time to get to work I put my helmet aside for now briefly entertain the idea of upgrading my dagger before deciding against it then make my way to 1-1 the gates of boletaria oh yeah I always forget how squishy you are in the beginning of the souls games thankfully the starter enemies are too and enemy poison this game was pretty wonky and by that I mean it didn't really exist for most enemy types which means so long as we Parry an enemy or hit them first chances are we can burst them down to zero Health before they can react now don't worry this run isn't a complete Cakewalk any enemies that are wearing armor I'm more than happy to consume my entire stamina bar before dying so that's a problem worth considering for now I have to play on the safe side starting in and out of combat as necessary the armor wouldn't be a problem if I gave enemies a solid rep poost but it turns out that parrying weapons with your bare forearm is a bit harder than you'd think but with the cling ring on one finger and the thief ring on the other we're now a little bit tankier and stealthier than we were before no don't worry estrava I'll get it you just keep all that expensive magic Weaponry over there where it could be the most useful oh and in case they don't have that in the Royal Court we peasants call that sarcasm accept this as a token of my gratitude gee thanks a shiny tube how thoughtful I collect a few more upgrade materials around the map take full advantage of demon souls' terrible enemy AI to sneak in as many backstabs as I can then live up to my class's name and steal a fire resistance ring from a nearby Dragon Roost not even close and with the boletarian gates finally opened we can face off against the boss of the area failinks considering the last two two challenge runs of this game used unconventional weapons I have a sneaking suspicion this fight is going to be wildly different than what I'm used to failinks is very weak to fire damage and it just so happens that I have some Pine resin on hand this ought to be good oh yeah that'll do but it's not perfect if I don't have the right angle my little dagger bounces off fail's Shield wall doing minor damage to them and more often than not nearly fatal damage to me all right time out let's reassess what's going on uh I I didn't really mean you but sure go ahead I guess first thing to note two-handing my dagger keeps me from bouncing that's incredibly important and lets me keep my DPS up nice and High second one-h handing my dagger has a faster move set than two-handing and while the base damage is smaller the extra attacks I can squeeze in really let the buff damage shine so long as I have an elemental weakness I can exploit and so long as the boss doesn't bounce my weapon going absolutely Ham on the R1 button is a perfectly legitimate strategy 1-1 cleared moving right along if you if you've watched my other Demon Souls runs you know the drill after every boss we'll be throwing ourselves from the third story staircase as a Victory celebration to stay in Soul form why because obtuse game mechanics that's why and because we'll definitely need Pure White World tendency later in the run but with failinks defeated we can now level up which means it's time to think about what kind of build we're going to use there's plenty of ways to upgrade your weapons and Demon Souls you can make them use Fire magic poison extra critical damage you name it but here's the thing I'm I don't think we need any of that in fact we don't even need to level up because we chose the thief Over The Wanderer class we've actually got all the stats we need to pick up and use the next piece of my Arsenal enchant weapon be careful how you use it normally it would not be granted to one such as yourself I had to make an exception for the sake of sage freake note to self kill the wizard later oh uh did I say that out loud in any case time to press forward into one -2 well well look who it is stuck are we don't worry I have a super useful tool that should help you out is it working yet oh all right fine we'll help out Solair 0.5 but I need to grab something first there we are our first Catalyst it may not look like much but this wooden wand is actually one of the stronger catalysts in the game at least for my purposes anyway I hacken slash my way through the under bridge save a Strava for the second time then Scurry my way across the remaining Bridges avoiding dragon fire and crossbow bolts as I go and before you know it we're at the boss the tower Knight I start with this Entourage of crossbow men collecting all the goodies they drop as I go whoa hey watch where you're shooting that thing then all we need to do is hack and slash at the tower Knight's ankles to oh my God that's the worst damage I've ever seen well good thing we thought ahead the tower Knight might not be weak to slashing damage but he sure as hell is weak to Magic coating our blade in blue lets us cut through his armor like hot butter bringing him to the ground with ease which means we can then apply said blue to his body and face and there goes his health bar absolutely melted wait are you serious oh looks like our man has one HP in a dream no wait he was already dead he just didn't know it yet now I know what you're thinking lemon's going to put all of his stats into dexterity and be a glass cidate again isn't he well surprisingly no turns out if I've done my homework properly we've got pretty much all the dexterity we'll ever need for this build better to dump some points into health for now I know I'm scared too but with that done it's time to start Gathering up all the tools we'll need for the rest of the Run starting in World 3-1 I slay all the Mind flares around the map channeling all of my balers Gate 3 anxiety into each and every backstab collect all the keys hidden around the map and free an entire room of prisoners from their cell excuse me pardon me make a path make a path and would you look at that our endgame weapon rip for the taking a whole whopping Five Points better than the dagger we already had be still my Beating Heart And while the stat scaling will get better over time it's also no better than the regular dagger in that regard either move set is the same crit damage is the same and no special hidden qualities that I'm aware of cool cool cool cool that said I just so happen to have a good number of upgrade materials so we can at the very least boost our secret dagger up to plus four the rest of the upgrade materials can be found in World 2 so that's where we're headed you want to play you've got to be fromsoft you're not going pay to play on us are you truly this is the worst timeline the miners in World 2 are all slash resistant but take heavy damage from piercing attacks which which is my way of saying that I backstabbed and parried anyone and everyone that I came across and after stealing all the upgrade materials from the verified bag holders I visit the hidden blacksmith in the area and upgrade my weapon to plus five which puts my dagger damage at a whopping 105 every little bit helps but with nothing else here for me to collect it's time for the boss of 2-1 the armor spider I take advantage of the melee distance exploit we found Last Time Buff up my weapon then watch as the boss's health bar disappears in large chunks not going to lie when you've got an actual weapon in this game it becomes almost disappointingly easy Demon Souls bosses only ever had about five moves each and the balancing of this game is somehow worse than the soul series if you can believe it well that's the armored spider dead in two cycles I uh I think the dagger might be overpowered wasn't expecting that and to think I was muchly preparing myself to have to resort to hyper mode and all sorts of other cheesy strategies I mean look at this I just killed a skeleton with a dagger that would never fly in Dark Souls well might as well bulk up the build a bit more I skip 4-1 in its entirety and grab the regen ring then make a beine for the boss the adjudicator unlike the last two times I fought him I'm going to have to get in close this go around but the fight itself is simple just whale on this metal chunk here knock the poor boy over then let your dagger do all the talking and let me tell you my dagger is a chatter box another boss down and two cycles and I didn't even use magic weapon for this one the heck is going on well might as well lean into my advantage I pump points into vitality and endurance because more swing WIS means more damage go to world 2-2 to do some crystal lizard farming for upgrade materials then test out my new endurance against the Great Club twins we already knew that par and backstabs were super effective against enemies but as expected our massive stamina bar combined with the game's very poor implementation of poise is basically an instant wind button we've created a monster but our monster isn't done yet I scour the rest of the level for any remaining upgrade materials I can find find some sanky new clothes that I don't recognize from the original Demon Souls but greatly appreciate due to the increased fire resistance boost my dagger all the way up to plus 9 then decide that's probably enough and face off against the brick wall of every run the flame lurker hey buddy how's it going do you like magic sure you do everybody likes magic now it's not all fun in games as per usual flame lurker is annoying as hell bouncing around the arena and causing damage just by moving around you and despite me having over 20 Vitality wearing the most fireproof armor I have and the flame resistance ring his attacks still hit for about a third of my entire health bar each time but we've got a secret Advantage remember that providential ring we started with my thief comes out of the box with high item find as it is and combined with that Ring's increased item find I made a point to farm some highle healing herbs before coming to the fight which means so long as I can sneak in a heel between the flame lurker valleys I can heal myself right back to full and with one final push That's All She Wrote The Flame lurker goes back to whatever plane of hell it belongs to and I get to push forward into my own personal one of my own making after a little bit of research I decide to put my Souls into intelligence and Magic boosting my magic weapon damage and giving me another spell slot in the process then make my way into the final level of world 2 and face off against the dragon God it's just a puzzle gimmick boss how bad can it [Music] be all right what the hell is going on I don't remember this boss being hard did something change with the Remake I mean I know you're supposed to hide behind the pillars but it feels like the boss notices me before I can even hit the second Rubble pile and kills me every time I even went out of my way to purchase the invisibility spell and throw on the thief ring in hopes that the dragon God wouldn't be able to see me I mean this works for the old Hero boss so surely it could work for this boss too right yeah no wishful thinking I'm afraid apparently the dragon God can smell me from a mile away and knows exactly where I'm hiding add another body to the growing pile to add to the confusion the dragon God appears to have gotten a lot glitcher than I remember as well literally plucking me up out of the arena with his big old grippers am I going crazy I feel like I'm going crazy it's this particular pile right here I don't know why but the run from it to the safe Zone feels longer than it should be and the dragon God always aggros before I can get back no matter what I try I got stuck here for over an hour an hour this was supposed to be the easiest boss in the game why am I I did all sorts of testing with the boss attacking less times only moving when his head was looking the other way everything I could think of in the end nothing worked my only guess is that the combined problem of my weapon having basically zero range and very little raw damage is making it so that I can't clear the rubble in time or I'm just bad that's always a possibility I suppose eventually after banging my head against the wall for another 30 minutes I discovered the secret if you rush in and attack the wall then run all the way back to the start of the puzzle his attack misses you turns out he has bad tracking and doesn't follow you with his fist he just punches the zone that you're supposed to be hiding behind has it always been like this am I dumb oh God I'm dumb aren't I well it's a good thing I learned that little trick because after an hour of being stuck on the same piece of rubble I got greedy and instantly died to dragon fire guess we get to test that theory again but good news now for no reason in particular I can actually make it back to the column saf before the boss notices I'm there excuse me for a moment okay I feel better now chances are this was one of those times where I just needed to put the game down do something else for a few hours and come back to it with a fresh mindset it's actually upsetting how often that works time to finish this travesty of a boss fight magic weapon up dragon God down and with that world 2 is cleared and we've defeated our first Arch demon which means we now have access to World 1-3 if we want it which I do which I very much do you see there's a special something something at the end of 1-3 that would make our build even stronger than it already is it might be hard to obtain but we've got to try but you know maybe try harder than that guy did the enemies here aren't overly difficult and they all drop strong healing herbs so even if this excursion doesn't work out at least we're restocking on Heels oh hello there you've certainly dumped plenty of points into intimidation but can you fight an enemy you cannot see didn't think so come back when you're you're older kid I'll poke your eye out huh I guess even simple enemies can become deadly if put in the right combination in locations but you know what that's okay there's actually a few items that I skipped over in my excitement and I should probably level up a bit more before tackling 1-3 anyway I grabbed the silver bracelets which increase the amount of souls you get for every enemy killed make my way over to the prison bridge to collect the clever rats ring which is always good to have in case things ever get desperate and bump into tier three Thomas over here I won't cause you trouble I won't trouble already found you my friend speaking of trouble who's this Joker what do you think this is you trying to beat me at my own game huh huh any who time to face off against the Fool's Idol yeah yeah I called her the false idol last time I know I was hours into a crossbow only run cut me some slack I take a moment to collect the second to last dagger in the game the baby's nail which is completely worthless but fun to have then take the idle down to below half Health before the fight has even officially begun well if this fight is going to be that easy I might as well test the theory that a bunch of comments mentioned last time apparently you can tell if one of the idols floating around is a clone or Not by locking on if you see a health bar it's a clone and if you don't it's the real deal which is helpful if you're up close but doesn't exactly work if the real Idol is all the way across the arena and Out Of Reach of your lock on at which point you should probably just stick with watching which Idol the minions worship or which Idol is shooting the biggest beams but hey more tools in the toolbox is never a bad thing good call comment section you get a gold start today oh hey look a live action replay of what happens to my stomach when I eat dairy thanks cheese demons but before we press on I've got some unfinished business to attend to come on frake sentence is over back your things i' got a job for you when you get out frake here is the advanced magic teacher for demon souls and while the base magic he has doesn't exactly Peak my interest the Spells you can get from giving him boss souls does which is the main reason I've been pushing through 1-3 turns out the penetrator isn't just good for um you you can use his soul for a spell is what I'm trying to say here and after taking a short detour to save estrava from the local Riff Raff I finally arrive at the boss God what I would do to get your armor I mean I know what I would have to do to get your armor and I wouldn't do that but thankfully between learning all the boss's moves for the crossbow only run and the extremely quick attack speed of my dagger I think we've got this one in the bag am I over here or am I over here or am I okay I might have overdid it with the rolling around the second attempt goes much smoother I take my time attacking when I can and dodging through attacks as safely as possible and wouldn't you know it that's all there was to it penetrator defeated and silver Demon Soul acquired which means it's just a quick run back to Sage frake for my new spell light weapon it costs 50 Mana to cast and two spell slots to use but I've got both of those already so we're in business lus luch you and I are going to do great and terrible things together you know what why wait I've got a bunch of poppable souls let's pop them and boost up that stamina I don't need this or this or this or this or this or th oh [ __ ] wait I actually did need that one uh well balls that sucks I was supposed to give the seing demon soul to the blacksmith so he can make me boss weapons I don't really need the Moran blade this go around but the insanity Catalyst would have been a nice boost to my light weapon damage oh well that's what I get for rushing I mean it's not like we needed the extra damage but it would have been a relatively easy way to get more not the end of the world but still a bummer you know what else is a bummer I got a freaking gargoyle crossbow on my first walkthrough of the map thank you Demon Souls no really super cool if you'd give me that on the Run where I don't need it anymore I show off my poking stick to all the worshippers around 3-2 which in turn breaks the spell they were weaving and brings the heart of menis crashing down you know what I hate the most about this thing why does it have hands I mean look at them they're all tiny and creepy why does it need hands with the heart brought low I can now access all the goodies it was hiding which means I now have a ring of avarice boosting my soul gain even further and a golden mask you you know I've never used this thing before kind of makes me look like a superhero stabby Stephanie making the streets of boletaria safe once more anyway back to Serious matters the Maneater twins I uh I think we're going to be fine I knocked the first Maneater down to half Health then use light weapon to finish the job before the second Maneater can join The Fray well almost before close enough as to not matter really and with only one man eater left to deal with this fight's basically over it's a maner make you work hard how to make you spend hard to make you want all of it Souls it's a m tasteful amounts of copyright infringement aside we've got one more boss in World 3 the sentient piece of yellow fabric oh and the Red Man beneath it him too I guess so yeah time to face the weirdest build in Demon Souls Wolverine claws a helmet that completely blocks your screen if you try to wear it yourself and Magic homing missiles look I get it's fun to try and break the meta when you're playing PVP and that using wonky builds can be a breath of fresh air but this this ain't it Chief but with all of World 3 cleared in Soul form we now have Pure White World tendency who's ready for one of the most convoluted treasure hunts in the game first things first we can unlock this door over by the soul Mass enemy then climb the stairs all the way to the second floor where we oh the door's locked don't I have all the keys already well yes and no turns out if you go to world 3-2 in Pure White tendency this little wooden platform is here now which means you can Ascend one of the worshipper Towers even higher get to the top of that and you'll find the key to the cell block excuse me I need another moment okay all better we go back to the locked door and now we can okay what the [ __ ] apparently that key isn't for the door it's for rell's cell and now that he's free I need to go back to the door which is now open and no I didn't get a new key it's just unlocked now and if you go to the end of the cell block you'll find rell's physical body and you can tell it's him because he has the phosphor US and pull weapon and for reasons that I cannot fathom he has the keys to the rest of the cells on this block which lets me finally finally grab the parrying dagger along with the accompanying Rogue set I didn't think I'd ever say this but I think the quest lines in Dark Souls are actually more straightforward than this but in any case we now have a proper parry and just in time because the next area is full of enemies that deserve a good repost that's right it's time for Blight Town Alpha God give me strength actually in this case can God grant me dexterity instead I think I could use that more let me just test out the parrying dagger real quick uh yep that'll work you know I've never actually seen the Rogue outfit before what does it look like it's got a cape the streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the trains finally scab over all the Vermin will drown and all the people will cry save us and I'll look down and Whisper no not going to lie I feel like a freaking hero with this outfit on I think I have a new favorite armor set set totally worth the near mental breakdown speaking of breakdowns time to see how well I can dismember an entire Legion of leeches I'm sure it'll be fine the walk down to the bottom of the Arena got a little sticky but putting almost 30 points into Vitality seems to actually be helping and if we combine that with the power of la armad de Loose as well as my not insubstantial stamina bar and you've got a leechmonger fight that ends before it even began another two cycle boss seriously though we've hit that point where I'm locked in dagger builds have always been my forte but I've never felt so strong while using one before this is absolutely ridiculous I don't even have anything to say about that boss it's just dead maybe this Joker will be enough to Slow Me Down wait Joker where is she where is she oh she's right down there sorry about that didn't mean to yell at you hello AA I've come to save you where is she but with World 5 completely cleared there's only one more world to go on to 4-2 where Tony's been hard at work making new friends lots and lots of new friends well we can't have that I carved my way through each and every one of them because a friend of Tony's is an enemy of mine hey buddy hey Meb woo ouch why I'm dead nothing to see in the run up to the boss if I'm being honest so let's just skip right to the good stuff is what I would say if there was any sort of challenge here to show you but as those of you who aren't old Heroes can see the boss can easily be melted down that is literally the fastest old hero fight I've ever had barnone guess there's only one more boss in World War to go the one and only boss I had any concern about when plotting this run the Storm King because as you might be able to tell we've got a slight problem he's a bit Out Of Reach at the moment and he won't come down unless you clear out most of his minions so for those of you in the audience who read my titles literally there's your answer no you cannot beat Demon Souls with only daggers or any melee weapon for that matter aside from the storm ruler but for those of us who aren't afraid of thinking outside the box I ask you what is a throwing knife if not a range dagger now the damage throwing knives do is absolutely terrible easily a garbage tear consumable and with this in mind I decided to play around with the minion Ai and wouldn't you know it I found something interesting if you hit one of the Storm King minions with a throwing knife as they approach you they'll not only stop their attack animations but they'll also keep their same elevation level as they try to turn around and run which means if you throw a knife or two at them while standing on the highest point of the Arena you just might find yourself within melee range not super useful especially for the limited range I have with my dagger but hey new tech is new tech and with enough minions killed the Storm King finally comes into range time to see what these throwing knives can do yeah no that's not happening in this lifetime in desperation I positioned myself up as high as I could get in hopes that I might be able to just hit the storm King's tail but no matter where I stood it seemed to always be just Out Of Reach so close but not close enough I swear I've seen video proof of someone hitting the storm King's tail before but if I did that was years ago and for all I know it was just a fever dream if you had the same fever dream and knowwhere to find that footage please let me know I swear it's real and can be done but I can't find any mention of it online anywhere and it's driving me nuts as it stands though it looks like we're going to have to resort to throwing our daggers instead and while the throwing knives do pitiful damage the stealth throwing daggers are a different story 30 damage that sounds doable only one problem the only way to get more of these things is by grinding out the Assassin enemies in 1-3 and it's not exactly a common drop yeah no I'm too busy for that so instead I've got a different idea I Sprint through 3-1 to collect the copper key then use it to save our new best friend blig once freed from his cage blig will meet us in 4-2 and looky here with the grave robber Dragged In Poison dipped kunai because what is a kunai if not a smaller throwable dagger now the damage they deal is actually worse than the throwing knives but hit a storm king minion with two and you'll apply the poison status now don't get me wrong poisoning Demon Souls is a terrible status there is a reason we never bothered to use the baby's nail earlier in the Run the damage from the poison is so slow and small that you'd probably kill a normal enemy with regular damage before the poison could do much of anything but in a world where our options are either grind for hours or sit patiently for minutes I'll take the ladder because while it's terribly slow it does work eventually and now the final question can the Storm King be poisoned well if you hit him with four or five kunai surprisingly the answer is yes yes he can and now we just have to sit and wait for him to Keel over we uh we might be here a while in the interest of speeding up the process I threw some throwing knives at him every time he passed overhead which didn't do a whole lot but it did enough and after a few minutes of patiently throwing knives into the eye of the storm we've done it storm king defeated and world four complete which means we've only got one more boss to go side note for those of you who know how to have fun and stuck around to see the rest of the video despite it technically failing got a little tidbit for you you know how people are always complaining that they don't like the new art style that Demon Souls remake next time they complain about it ask them if they realize they can change it back if you go into the camera options you can change the filter and then set it so that it persists in game not just during camera mode that should shut them up for a bit you're welcome time for the final level 1-4 the King's Tower our first obstacle is the King's Guard who are an absolute hassle if you try to take them all on at the same time but nothing worth thinking too long about if you can get them alone just hack Down The Swordsman backstab the guardian and get in close to finish off the Archer after that it's just a casual stroll past the blue dragon and you're inside the palace proper oh hey it's asraa what are you doing here buddy turns out estrava wants us to go back to 1-1 to go get a sword to fight the King asraa this is a dagger run I can't use that oh great he took that personally now he's pouting oh for the love of seriously you're that mad about it I can't use swords sheesh some people oh come on well I guess we might as well see what he was going on about the run's almost over anyway thou who seekest the king s i Am The Old King show me thy strength and the power of thy Souls oh uh no I'm just visiting what you're mad now too what is with everyone who uses a sword being so sensitive today o baby you've got a lot of Health but it's okay after wailing on him for a little bit Old King Doran decides that I'm worthy to take the sword and use it against the king I mean I'll take the sword but I'm not going to use it I'm pretty sure I made that abundantly clear earlier now you can fight Doran if you want to but there's not really a point he's just a dude with the sword and easy enough to defeat the only thing he drops if you kill him is a ring that boosts stamina regeneration which I don't need and his armor set which I can't wear so yeah let's move on on to the second to last boss in the game Old King elant surely this will be oh wait no he's a pushover just turn on light weapon put your dagger in one or two hands and and just go to town there was a brief moment where I was worried but a single stamina bar of panicked attacks was enough to finish him off um long live the king but with Old King a lot defeated the path to the old one is clear and with one final leap it's time to finish the Run hello old sport you're looking verdant as always well everyone it's been a wild ride but every Journey comes to an end and this one is no different I find the true king elant in all of his warped Glory turn on my knife light then show him my daggers will always be superior to swords the future is now old man and there you have it Demon Souls beaten with only a dagger and a few throwing knives that was way easier than I anticipate ah [ __ ] I put my controller down too hard oh hey a trophy well I guess that's one way to end a run not very heroic of me but oh God stop stop she's already dead uh well let that be a lesson I guess pursuing the soul Arts can turn even the strongest hero to chaotic evil and so can setting down your controller but in any case that's that thanks for watching I've been having a great time revisiting this game so if you've got any other Demon Souls challenge runs you'd like to see feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments down below and I'll see what I can do but other than that that's all I've got take care of yourselves be good to one another and I'll see you all again [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 356,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, challenge run, demons souls, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, elden ring, sekiro, dark souls challenge run, dark souls 2 challenge run, dark souls 3 challenge run, elden ring challenge run, demons souls challenge run, demons souls daggers, demons souls dagger location, demons souls secret dagger, des challenge run, the backlogs demons souls, the backlogs daggers only, demons souls daggers only, demons souls baby's nail, demons souls parrying dagger
Id: xAhSiwxS4bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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