Baldur's Gate 3 - Don't Miss These POWERFUL Early Act 3 Weapons / Spells

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in this video I'm going to show you how to obtain two of the most powerful weapons and a spell in the game and you can obtain all of these with relative ease earlier on in your act 3 Journey so not items that require you to kill major characters in the game or items that put you on a 6h hour major quest line Etc let's start off with a weapon that can quite literally change everything it's so powerful that I almost don't want to talk about it because it may replace all of your melee weapons for the rest of the damn game this weapon is also not really that fancy or shiny looking in fact the weapon text color is just white but wait what the heck did I just see 9 to 42 damage for a one-handed weapon Yep this is the Diva mace that I currently have equipped on Menara who up to this point has been my damage focused Frontline two-handed heavy weapon wielder but now kind of looks like a character that you would think is my defensive tank but I'm actually dealing way more damage now than I was before with the added benefits of a higher AC from now being able to equip a shield this is a one-handed mace that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus your strength modifier with a side of radiant damage of yeah you know 4 d8 swinging this weapon is almost like slinging a level five or level six guiding bolt but without costing you a limited highle spell slot and the great thing is it can be found very early on in the lower City and I should also point out that you can get up WS to four or five of these maces it's crazy all right let's calm down a little bit when you enter the lower City for the first time you'll be at the Basilisk gate Waypoint this building right here with the wagon in front of it is the storm Shore Tabernacle I will say if you are doing a truly goody two shoes run here and you can't accept your character stealing something from a rather holy Place perhaps this is not the weapon for you but don't forget you can always RP one of your companions stealing things and that way you can keep a clear conscience on your main character so when you head into the Tabernacle in the southwest corner is a hatch leading to the basement which is where you will need to sneak into you can simply drink an invisibility potion to lockpick this hatch and then enter or you can wait for the rock gome to turn the other way or distract him if you need to with minor illusion or perhaps a cat enter into sneak lockpick and then go into the basement in the basement be prepared for a hell of a lot of traps pressure plates will be setting off holy fire so just don't step on the damn pressure plates in the back of the basement is a door leading to another trapped room which contains five chests none of which are locked when you loot one of these chests you will be cursed and when you remove that curse with the remove curse spell that clerics have but also possibly warlocks and wizards or you could use a scroll a Celestial Bean spawns to punish you if you remove this curse out on the city streets the Flaming fist will actually help you kill this Celestial being and after you kill it you simply have to take a long rest which can be partial or full return to the spot where you killed the diva and there should be a little pouch on the ground which will contain most likely the diva mace each of the five chests in the basement offers an opportunity for you to be cursed remove the curse and then kill the spawned Diva but the curses do not stack on one character you need to loot a chest remove the curse fight and then loot one again or you could even consider looting with multiple different characters but then you're going to be fighting several enemies at one time and they are pretty damn powerful after doing this with all five chests getting cursed five different times I was able to obtain four Diva mes this does seem to be a bit RNG though with what they actually drop but I've always gotten the mace on the first Diva kill and I'd say at the very least you'd get two or three in total if you get cursed five times and then remove the curse five times I would recommend doing this one Diva at of at a time as they are quite powerful and you can summon the diva back at Camp just remove the curse when you're in your camp in the daytime take your rest and then loot that pouch after you're finished resting if you do obtain multiple maces and you want to deal insane damage consider dual wielding these maces but you will need to take the Dual wielder feet because these are not light weapons also don't forget that if you multiclass three levels into Thief Rogue you get an extra bonus action meaning that you get an extra off and attack if you're dual wielding the next weapon that I wanted to include in this video is for ranged weapon users and this is the Deadshot bow which can be purchased from a vendor in the city so it's very easy to obtain this quickly from the lower City Central wall Waypoint simply head south along the wall and you'll run into the storm Shore Armory where you'll need to speak to fits the firecracker who sells this bow the merchant is very close to sorcerer Sundries if you don't have that actual Waypoint the Deadshot bow is a long bow so not every character will necessarily be able to use it and it might not be the most damage potential that you've ever seen But it comes with a very very powerful passive feature called Keen attack the wielder doubles their proficiency bonus when rolling ranged attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage so at this point in the game you should have a plus three proficiency bonus let now double that when shooting this bow and you get a plus six added to your attack roles making you much more likely to land your attacks and don't forget your dexterity modifier will also be added to your attack roles now the other benefit of the bow is improved critical which basically increases your chance of getting a critical hit by 5% even if you find a bow that offers more damage potential or cooler sounding features having this double proficiency bonus for your attack roles is going to make you hardly ever miss a shot which over time will likely out damage most other ranged weapons in the game it's an amazing bow that you can get very early on in act three it looks really cool it only costs around 13 to, 1400 gold but don't forget you can always pickpocket it also goes extremely well with the deadly Sharpshooter feet now I couldn't leave spellcasters out of this video so let's talk about one of the most powerful spells in the game and yes this is mainly for wizards as they're the only class that will be able to officially learn this spell instead of casting it with a scroll but even if you don't have a wizard grabbing this scroll and just keeping it in your inventory may just be the key to turning the tide of an encounter that is not going your way in your favor so you should definitely pick it up and have it in case you need it this is a level five evocation spell called Artistry of war that summons the apparitions of six Master strategists each Apparition strikes a target of you are choosing dealing 2d6 plus 6 Force damage which is a great great damage type for a spell this is basically magic Missile on steroids and as a wizard you can actually copy this into your spell book but you will be limited to using it once per short rest which in bg3 means you could pretty much have it for every combat encounter that you get into now how to get this scroll SL spell well you got to break into the vaults of sorceress sundrees your One-Stop shop for all your magical Necessities this is a little more involved than the D.A Maes and the Deadshot bow but if you know to go this can be done fairly fast I should also mention that if you take your time looting in the Sorceress sunry's Vault and discovering all of its Secrets you'll come out with so many Scrolls and items of great power your wizard will have an absolute field day now since obtaining this scroll does put you on the same path as Gail's companion Quest I'm going to give a spoiler warning here I'm not going to tell you anything about Gail's quest in particular but figuring out the overall Vault stuff on your own and how to get into the Vault Etc is part of the fun of that Quest so warning given so the easiest quickest way into the vault is to simply walk into sorceress Sundries go up the left staircase take a left and this door that you see right here is the room that you need to break and sneak into there's plenty of creative ways to do this without getting caught but I'd say an invisibility potion is the quickest and easiest way here then you can lockpick the door and once you're inside this room the bookshelf on your right contains a special book where if you click on it a portal will open into the Sorceress sunry's Vault now like I said before there's a ton of Secrets and Powerful items and Scrolls down here and also a few puzzles to solve but I'm just here to show you how to get the Artistry of War spell once you make it into the Vault walk up to the wall on the Northern side of the room and if you pass a perception check a button will be revealed which will open a secret wall walk up to the next door lockpick it or use the knock spell and in that next room you'll see a display case containing a special book pick your way into the case and read the book which is called the Red Knights final strategem after reading this book you'll be rewarded with the scroll of artistry of war and if you're a wizard you definitely want to right click on this scroll and copy it into your spell book immediately like I said before this spell is one of the best spells in the game you have so much control over it it deals great damage of a great damage type it can't miss and this is the only place that you can obtain this scroll to learn it now quick mention while we're down here though if you did pick up the necromancy of thebook in act one this magical Vault and sorcerer Sundries is where you can finish that quest which will give you another very powerful spell reward which lets you summon four ghouls once per long rest so yeah if you come down here just to grab the Artistry of War spell make sure to at least come back here at some point and then do all of the content sorcerer Sundries is actually a great early stop in a 3 thank you all so much for watching I'm sure many of you are aware that there are a ton of powerful items in act 3 but these three in particular a melee weapon a ranged weapon and then a spell can be obtained pretty easily and quickly and it doesn't really force you to RP a certain way although you are kind of stealing things nothing major story-wise though I'll catch you all on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 75,300
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldur's gate 3 act 3 weapons, most powerful items baldurs gate 3, best weapons baldurs gate 3, best spells baldurs gate 3
Id: 3KNqr6zjVrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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