Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide - All Quests & Achievements (Act 2 - Shadow-Cursed Lands)

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this balers Gate 3 Series covers how to do all major quests and missable content in order so that all achievements or trophies choices and major rewards will be available we will be striving to get the most optimal or good outcomes for all companions recruit the most allies obtain all legendary weapons and armor and have an overall satisfying playthrough for best results follow this series from the start of Part One spoilers will be limited to important information and as usual useful timestamps can be found in the video description now I don't usually do this but if you really like this series and want to help more people see it you can do so by liking the video and I sincerely appreciate it part two of this series will take us through the entirety of Act 2 all of which takes place within the shadow cursed lands to get there we can head east from the Grim Forge fast travel point and use the elevator before we actually get into the shadow cursed lands we will be stopped by a weary traveler we can go to camp with him immediately triggering a major story moment with Gail if we don't go now this interaction will happen during the next long rest saying if even the gods know why are we facing these threats alone will get us approval from Gail if it isn't already maxed out also I tend to start choosing options that might dissuade Gail from making a dumb decision in the near future after this interaction we should get Gail's companion achievement repairing the weave and we can also speak to Gail about it afterwards we can leave camp and head out into the shadow cursed lands we'll want to use the light spell on one or two characters in order to ward off the Lesser Shadow curse in this initial area upon contact with the curse Shadow heart's Quest will be updated and we can speak to her about it moving Southwest will run into a group of Harpers which we should be friendly towards after a short interaction a combat encounter with some shadows will ensue Shadow heart's Radiance of the Dawn is really strong here and Carly can also deal some serious damage with her manifestation of Soul passive which adds radiant damage to every punch after the fight we can agree to follow the Harpers then head further Southwest there's a dead raven on the ground and interacting it will trigger an ambush that being said shadowart won't be surprised with the alert feet and can use Radiance of the dawn to wipe out all of the Ravens in one Fell Swoop this will grant a ton of easy XP following this we can move Northwest into the boundaries of last Light in there we'll be confronted by the Harper we can fight through the vines but we don't want to attack jira and should instead aim to reach a peaceful [Music] understanding carlac will recognize jira and we can talk to her about it after the altercation is resolved next we can speak with quartermaster tally to buy some useful items such as the cloak of [Music] protection a short distance north will find Damon and speaking with him while carlac is near will progress her Quest and romance closing off any existing romances with other companions so if we want to see the new items that Damon has while also avoiding any issues with existing romances we can send carlac a short distance away before speaking with Damon he sells the dark fire shortbow which can be equipped to any character to give them the ability to cast haste once per long rest this is a very powerful item and so so it's definitely worth buying also we can exchange infernal iron to get the various pieces of the flawed hell dusk armor set in total there are three pieces to get and that should leave us with one final infernal iron to fix up carlac later on there is also at least one more piece of infernal iron that we can find in the shadow cursed lands at this point we can attack and defeat the strange Ox nearby to get the Hat of fire Acuity and shape shifter spoon ring [Music] we should get aarion in the party before going to the end because there are some things that we can do there with him first if we use a potion of animal speaking and speak with the cat named His Majesty we can get some approval with a Starion by saying what's got your whiskers in a Twist followed by my intentions are pure I only want to admire you up close and then quietly admire the cat next we can speak with Raphael and M and advise mole to put pressure on him attack the pieces in front of his King if aarion is with us we will eventually want to say what are you talking about aarion what scars followed by gods the carvings must have been excruciating to get more approval with him after that we can go speak with mole directly and at least make her aware of the fact that she's dealing with a real devil we can ask her about Raphael's offer and even press for the truth of it although this might require passing a passive Insight check ultimately though we are best off not trying to dissuade Mo from her Ambitions as it won't work we can also talk to carlac about the interaction and it's best to have faith in mole next we can speak with aarion and we will need to tell him about gandel the G if we speak with aarion again he will tell us about Cazador and we will eventually want to say I'll watch your back don't worry to get some more approval at this point Point our approval level with aarion should be high and he can be sent back to camp for the time being you can also keep him in the group if you want but this next part will involve choices that aarion will not approve of so I'm going to switch him back out for LEL back at the end we can find and speak with Mattis he sells the evasive shoes which are good on any character we can also ask if Mattis has any stock for an extra special customer then persuade him to give us the tower-shaped key [Music] we should also speak with alira and agree to help rescue the teelings from moonrise Towers we can also find Barkus root here and reassure him that we will go look for wbr and the other ironhand gnomes next we can go to the northern room to find Art kulla equip our headband of intellect and have a look at him there are several checks we can do and ultimately obtain the worn letter that being said we don't absolutely need it we can also speak with counselor Floric here to learn about Lord Gort of which carlac will have something to say in addition Roland can be found near the back of the Inn drinking too much regardless of what we say he will be inconsolable after that we can speak with jira allow Carli to have her fan moment then agree to infiltrate moonrise Towers we will then head upstairs and move to the north room where we will find Isabelle it's a good idea to save beforehand and make sure shadowart has the sanctuary spell prepared as our interaction with Isabelle will be immediately followed by a tough combat encounter as a quick side note you can save as often as you want and more is better when it comes to this game we'll need to make sure we side with Isabelle and defend her from being captured Ed or killed by Marcus the enemies will prioritize attacking Isabel and the best way to protect her is with the sanctuary spell that being said haste on laelle or carlac will go a long way in quickly clearing out all the enemies which will keep everyone at the in alive I like to have carlac go after Marcus and either stun or outright eliminate him as he poses the greatest threat to the people at the end step of the wind Dash is a great way to reach him if he happens to fly to the lower level Marcus drops the shifting Corpus ring when defeated and we can get some new dialogue by speaking with the various NPCs around the Inn after the fight for example we can speak with Mattis and agree to help find and rescue mole from moonrise Towers afterwards we'll meet a group of Harpers near the entrance to last Light in and we can follow them on a mission to retrieve a moon Lantern once at the Ambush point we can speak with one of the Harpers to initiate the encounter I like to take the Diplomatic approach and confront the dder and his followers with persuasion and deception with high Charisma we can pass a couple of skill checks to get the drider to willingly give up the moon Lantern and leave in [Music] peace upon picking up the lantern we'll have the choice of freeing the pixie trapped within doing so will get us a bell that applies the pixie blessing buff which protects us against the more severe form of the Shadow curse also if you smash the lantern to free the pixie you'll get cursed with a clown face from here we can move a short distance Northeast to activate the shadowed Battlefield fast travel point across a small Gap to the north we'll find a lone night Orchid and this can be given to shadowart for a big boost and approval and it will also unlock the to bloom in darkest KN achievement east of the Fast Travel point we will meet a boy named Oliver he will become important later but for the time being we can play along with his game he will first try hiding behind the wooden cart outside after finding him and agreeing to play a second round Oliver will summon his parents to try and find us before we find him for this part we'll need to sneak our way back into the ruined house to avoid detection then pass two turns at that point we can speak with Oliver in the corner of the room to get the ring of Shadows we can also lockpick the nearby chest to get the ring of mental inhibition which is quite good on Shadow heart next we'll travel West there is a pretty neat Ambush encounter that will be triggered by walking into the ruined House near the river for now though we can avoid it and move South to the southernmost bridge that spans the river there we will need to act fast in order to save the tling Roland from two Shadows we must save him to get they leave no one behind achievement later on after his pity party is over we will want to save the game then move west over the bridge walking down the path along the way we will be intercepted by a projection of maora upon a successful passive perception check we will get the option to bargain will out of his packed moving on we can Ascend up The Path and discover the Waypoint for Moonrise Towers we will be covering all the long rests for act two shortly but before doing that I want to tackle two more combat encounters so if you need you can skip ahead to see those long rests covered and then take your own as needed the first encounter is a short distance to the north if we tricked the drider envoy to walk into the shadow curse earlier they will be found here now consumed by Shadows Shadow heart can tackle this encounter almost single-handedly assuming she is hasted with the right gear equipped which I'll take a moment to show here and a level four Spirit Guardian spell she can basically just run around damaging blinding and knocking prone all the enemies she walks by there are a couple of magic items on these enemies including the cruel sting sword and the thermo arcanic gloves also there is a puzzle to be solved here at this statue but we'll save that for after our next long rest in order to maximize the resulting Buffs that we get for now we can move a short distance Southeast to the wreath wind Toll House in order to get the Penny Pincher achievement we'll basically need to defeat the toll collector before she can attack us and so saving is recommended the first thing we will need need to do is turn everyone invisible or at least our carlac monk with either a well thrown invisibility potion or by making use of a magic item that allows free casting of the invisibility spell such as the shifting Corpus ring after that we can sneak up behind the toll collector and enter turn-based mode once she is standing near the open window looking out over the town we can then sneak up on her with carlac and use Flurry of Blows pushed to send the toll collector plummeting to the ground below this should nearly kill her and we can finish the job with a single cast of magic Missile or any other ranged attack if done correctly this should net the Penny Pincher achievement succeeding on a strength check will allow us to open up the door of the safe nearby granting access to an easy 500 gold we can also get an additional 250 gold off the toll collector below feel free to to explore the toll house at your own Leisure otherwise we will go ahead and cover all the unique and eventful long rests at this point during the first long rest we should be able to speak with aarion about the sigil on his back and help him see it for himself we can also talk to carlac about her worsening condition and with Will about the recent encounter with maora upon going to bed we will have another encounter with the dream visitor if we manage to pass both the passive perceptions and insight checks we will get the option to hug our Dream visitor that being said it's not a crucial step in Romancing The Dream visitor so don't worry too much about safe scumming until you succeed in my experience it is not very likely to happen unless you have a character with high [Music] wisdom during the second long rest aarion will tempt us to take control of the absolute rather than destroy it personally I Flatout rejected this proposition but I don't think it matters all that much as far as responses go there will be more unique long rests to come but that's all there is for the time being so with that we can go ahead and prepare for the day then return to the moonrise Tower's fast travel point and move a short distance north to the statue once there we will need to read the surrounding plaques in a specific order the northern plaque is first followed by the Western plaque and finally the Eastern plaque reading them in this order will open a secret passage to a Shon Sanctuary after making sure the headband of intellect is equipped we will interact with the Statue to the Northeast succeeding on this saving throw will provide us with a fivepoint boost to our intelligence score next we can interact with the central statue succeeding here will grant a fivepoint boost to Charisma and finally I like to interact with the last statue on monk carlac as it will boost wisdom by Five Points raising her AC by three points thanks to the way an armored defense works on monks once all three trials have been passed another chamber will open where we can perform a blood ritual to get several useful items as a reward on the other hand stealing the ritual dagger will result in a tough combat encounter one that offers few if any rewards and mainly serves to drain resources and punish us next up we can leave the sanctuary and move a short distance Southwest to the waning [Music] moon we will want to equip the gloves of thievery before making our way over to theal thorm doing so we'll start a skill challenge of sorts where we can either perform slight ofand skill checks or Constitution saving throws in order to drink the aals Brew or fake doing so a combination of both Constitution and slight of hand checks seems to result in the most inspiration points these checks will be interspersed with performance checks regaling disal with Tales of Adventure and in case it wasn't already clear safe scumming may be required once Theobald has been defeated matalin's Ledger a quest item can be found under some wooden planks in the corner of the bar along with the Rat Bat magic weapon there are some other interesting items beyond the lock door to the west but nothing vital however we will definitely want to find the chest stashed near the southern entrance of the tavern where a potion of angelic Slumber can be found to make use of of mine's Ledger we will need to head a fair distance east of last Light in we should eventually find he who was along with a raven after speaking with them we can agree to help we will then need to speak to them again with the Ledger in our inventory saving is advised here we can choose how we want to approach this Quest but there are two main outcomes the first is if we successfully punish mateline which is most easily accomplished through the second persuasion option the one that begins with pathetic if we do that he who was will reward us with the Raven gloves which can summon quote The Raven but only for as long as the gloves remain equipped the second outcome is if we forgive mateline this will enrage he who was and he will attack us unfortunately he does not drop any unique items one defeated regardless of how we deal with the quest he who was does not not return later in Act 2 nor in act three in the end it's really more of a moral quander for us to work through with the added benefit of getting some XP for our [Music] trouble at this point we can head south into moonrise Towers we will want to give away as little information as possible while also maintaining our cover as absolute Tru Souls the first person we will want to speak with in Moonrise is Lan tarv tarv was instructed to give up to three Soul coins to carlac so long as she is willing to listen to the terrible stories of how they were acquired tarve also has some useful items for sale including two potions of angelic reprieve and the fist breaker Helm which is pretty useful on a sorcerer the halber of vigilance is also a great weapon for a fighter assuming we don't already have the silver sword of the the astral plane if we avoided killing Roa Moonglow at the goblin Camp she will also be found here with some new items the most useful include the Ring of spiteful Thunder and Drake throat glaive the glaive isn't great for actual use in combat but it can be used to provide a damage buff to lel's weapon just equip it on any other character such as carlac then have her cast The draconic Elemental weapon spell on Lazelle while Lazelle has her sword equipped for the choice of damage type Thunder damage is a safe bet as few enemies have resistance to it next going through the door to the east then another to the South we will find Aaj oblad she has some great items including the risky ring and ring of free action both of which are great on carlac there is also the Thunder skin cloak which is good on Shadow heart when combined with the other items we've been using on her we can also inquire about obl's special offer if we want to see the conclusion of her story in act 3 we will need to give her a drop of our blood in return we will get single-use elixir that provide varying benefits depending on the race of the character's blood used to make them the downside is that using one of these Elixir will result in a blood debuff the next day with which results in a negative-1 penalty to all D20 roles obla will also ask us to bring Aaron to her if we do this she will ask estaria to drink some of her blood which apparently tastes pretty bad we can say excuse me he's his own person to get some approval with him we will then have one of two choices if we say he said no there's nothing more to discuss we will get some approval with aarion but that's all on the other hand and if we convince aarion to go through with it we will get a little bit of disapproval with him but we will also gain a consumable that permanently increases the strength score of the Drinker by two points if we do go for the potion I would argue that it's best to use it on a character that we don't already buff with elixir of giant strength because of that I just use it on my main character with that handled we can reform our main party and return to moonrise next up we can go to the main chamber at moonrise triggering a cut scene and this is also where we get the achievement relating to saza assuming We rescued SAA from both the Druid Grove and the Goblin camp we will eventually need to say guards release them when given the option this will earn us the she canopi cage achievement heading upstairs we can find and speak with Disciple zurel as a consequence of our Mercy we will need to pass several skill checks in order to maintain our cover as faithful true Souls after succeeding in this we will be pointed towards a necromancer by the name of balazar whom we are tasked with aiding this will also get us easy access to balthazar's room where we can get some unique items we will find the derivation cloak within the locked heavy chest we can also take a heart from one of the bodies pull the Misty Toms on the top right side of the nearby bookshelf and place the heart in the ancient altar this will open a hidden chamber and we can unlock the opulent chest therein to get the cold brim hat we can also go out the door to the north from there we can take control of carlac and equip both a ring of jumping and a ring with invisibility on it this will allow us to jump Southwest towards another exterior [Music] area from there we can pick an easy lock to get into keck's room the reason we want a ring with invisibility is so that we can get to and pull the lever that will allow the rest of the party to rejoin us without being detected by keck's warhound which we will want to deal with on our high Charisma main [Music] character if we succeed on a performance or animal handling check we can then speak with the dog again to pet it this effectively turns the dog into an ally within the nearby locked chest is the cloak of Elemental absorption there's also an interesting lore-based book hidden under some loose wooden planks by cck's bed finally back through that southern door is a wooden chest which in reality is a mimic it drops the spine shutter amulet when defeated which could be good on shadowart at this point we can go save the prisoners in Moonrise fast traveling back to Moonrise and returning to the main room on the ground floor we can head through the door to the north West and follow the trail of blood down the staircase walking along the prison cells we'll find two groups of prisoners the teelings and the ironhand Gnomes upon speaking with either we will quickly be confronted by one of the guards a quick deception or persuasion check will resolve the situation we will need to speak with wbr using our association with barkis to gain his trust we can then agree to help him and the others escape and relay that information to the the tee Lings before enacting this plan will need to clear out the roaming centuries and scrying eyes and I recommend saving often for this part we can start at the Southwest end of the prison gaining surprise on the Zealot while no one else is around taking him down before he has the chance to alert anyone we can then dispatch the adapt by the same method or throw her into the chasm when she gets close to a broken section of the guardrail this will also need to be done with the two scrying eyes and a potion of speed may be necessary to do everything before the eyes have a chance to set off the alarm sometimes the warden acts weirdly here and runs out to investigate the death of a scrying eye in my experience she doesn't turn hostile and eventually returns to her Tower next we can head into the central tower of the prison and surprise the warden defeating her before she has a chance to react she drops the very useful spell Crux amulet when defeated finally we can head up the ladder to defeat the last scrying eye while up here we can find the magic brow beaten circlet and more importantly wool br's Hammer with that in hand we can save the game then return to wbr where we will have a special prompt to give him his hammer we will then say it's time let's do this and return to the warden's Tower to pull all the small levers on the back wall which will open up the prison cells this will allow us to ensure that all the prisoners Escape safely next we can meet up at the Northern end of the cave system and escort all of the escapes to last Light in successfully rescuing all of the prisoners will earn us the underlock and key achievement and is also necessary if we want to eventually earn the leave no one behind achievement after the survivors undergo a brief inspection they will go and reunite with their friends and family this will open up some new dialogue opportunities and rewards within the tavern before that though we can go find danis and beex reuniting near the north side of the protected Zone if we we say something along the lines of it was all thanks to me we will get some handmade cookies as a reward within the Inn we can speak with alira to get some nice [Music] rewards we can also speak with Roland to help him reconcile with his family get some gold and some humility and gratitude from Roland which is a nice change of pace last but not least we can speak with barcus alerting him to W bren's return we can then bear witness to their reunion we will probably want to tiptoe around the one-sided nature of their relationship for now and advise that barcus wait to leave last flight in until it is safe for our efforts barcus will give us the brilliant retort which is an admittedly underwhelming reward all that said we will also be able to trade with barcus now getting at least one useful item the Ring of geniality right around this time we will also be getting to level eight for sorcerer I'll be taking the fireball spell but feel free to pick something different I'll also be taking the elemental Adept lightning feat which will make all lightning based spells a lot more effective fighter also gains a third feet and Sentinel is a great choice here as it opens up new opportunities to deal additional damage for cleric I go with a straight ability score Improvement in increasing wisdom to 18 finally on carlac the monk we can get the alert feet now instead of lagging behind in combat turn order she will almost always be the first to act next up we'll head back to moonrise towers and move north into the town area to the northeast of here is the Mason's Guild we can find a piece of infernal iron there and there is also an ornate wooden hatch that can take us to a hidden area ultimately there is nothing vital to do here but feel free to explore on your own just north of the Shon Sanctuary we will encounter Arabella we will want to agree to find her parents and allow her to stay at her Camp afterwards we'll proceed into the graveyard a short distance in we can find the true love's caress ring on a skeleton by unlocking the graded iron doors to a nearby tomb we can also get the boots of apparent death to the north we'll find the ice bite robes within one of the two paired sarcophagy we can then move Southwest towards the house of healing there we'll find sister lidwin tending to arabella's parents Unfortunately they are no longer alive and there is no way that we could have saved them also if we succeed on a skill check with ldwin she will trade supplies with us though she does not have [Music] much before we forget let's head back to camp and speak with [Music] Arabella we should inform her of her parents' fate as she will need at least one long rest to process and accept it with that handled we can return to the house of healing near the southwest corner is a skeleton that has the true Love's Embrace the matching ring to the true love's caress we can equip the true L's Embrace on one character such as Lael and she will be the protector we can then equip the true love's caress on another character one that needs protecting such as our main character we can then have liselle cast gentle wording Bond on our main character giving them Extra Protection from damage and enemy attacks the the Rings can be taken off after the spell is cast and it should stay active until the next long rest while here we can also equip the Ring of geniality on our main character and speak with sister Cinda using a skill check to gain uncontested access to the theater which is located to the north going there we'll stumble upon a grizzly scene and this is also where we can get the non-invasive procedure achievement though we definitely want to save before doing it to get the achievement we will need to be very efficient in dispatching malice Thorn after saving we can enter turn-based mode and use twin haste on carlac and lazel we can also use Spirit Guardians on shadowart we can then exit turn-based mode and begin talking with malice skipping through the dialogue and initiating combat at the first opportunity we can start by having shadowart go in and do her thing between the spirit Guardians and her Radiance of the Dawn she should have all of the enemies prone on the ground and heavily damaged and feel free to use any potions of speed as we can revert to before this encounter once we have the achievement unlocked next Carla can head in and spam stunning strikes on malice until he's stunned preventing him from taking any actions again we'll be pulling out all of the stops for this one by making use of lel's action surge this whole encounter can be mopped up in a single turn this should unlock the non-invasive procedure achievement and at this point we can go back to a save from before the encounter started this time we will speak with malice rather than attack and fair warning this is pretty gruesome to talk our way out of this encounter we will start with a student yes do please enlighten me followed by the persuasion check these sisters aren't ready they'll make me sick instead of curing me finally we will need to pass a dc21 persuasion check they need a better subject to practice on first not a student but a master this will completely bypass the combat encounter and when defeated malice will drop the Sur subjugation amulet and battered [Music] loot we can then go into the back room to loot the poisoners gloves from The Painted [Music] chest now there are definitely some interesting encounters items and areas to explore to the West if you'd like but none of it is vital to the story instead we can have head out the East door and we will want to get a Starion in the party before proceeding for story purposes once that is done we'll move north towards the grand maum there we'll encounter Raphael we can agree to Raphael's proposal and Raphael will also promise to translate the inscriptions on Aaron's back Upon Our Success before we do that though let's take care of some other vital tasks before leaving we can go discover the grand melum fast travel point for an easy return we can then go back to camp and reassemble the team next we'll fast travel to last Light in and return to Art culla we can wake him up by playing on the loot we picked up after defeating malice thorm we'll then go to our camp and tell hson about art culla returning to last Li end we can speak with hson to progress his Quest next we'll need to go meet up with Hon by the lake shore to the north just beyond the protective barrier the encounter that follows here is pretty intense so use whatever resources are needed to see it through I'm not sure why but in the current state of the game this encounter acts buggy and basically puts our team at the end of the turn order this makes an already difficult encounter even harder to help with this while speaking with hson and after saying you can count on me I recommend quickly having shadowart cast a wall of fire across the choke point to the east this will greatly reduce the difficulty of the encounter and we can then position her near the southwest side of the shore after doing this we'll want to rush through the remaining dialogue so that the encounter starts before the wall of fire goes out [Music] after the initial Rush of enemies we can have Shadow heart Wipe Out the Shadows to the West with a Radiance of the Dawn or Sunbeam we can twin haste both Lazelle and carlac and have them clean up the remaining Shadows before moving to defend the Eastern [Music] line the next round tons of small ads will pop up shadowart can wipe out most with her Radiance of the Dawn and magic Missile from our sorcerer can clean up remaining [Music] minions the final round of enemies will include multiple turned zealots and gith yanki warriors along with more Shadows to the Southwest we will want to prioritize the enemies near the East Side cleaning up the Shadows after [Music] once all the threats have been dealt with we can have shadowart stop concentrating on wall of fire lest it accidentally burn house and Alive then end everyone's turn before leaving I definitely recommend looting up especially the zealots and GI yane as they have valuable armor to [Music] sell [Music] we can then head back to camp and speak with hson to progress the quest we will need to eventually say I met a sort of Shadow child before a little boy named Oliver around Daniel's age shortly after hon will officially offer himself to the cause and can join the party as a fullon companion that being said if all you want to do is romance hson in act 3 it's basically inevitable at this point even if you never have him in the actual party in any case we will fast travel to the shadowed Battlefield then move Northeast to confront Oliver if you don't have a level three or four spell slot on shadowart I would recommend using either the pearl of power or spell Crux amulet to restore one of those spell slots before proceeding even if we are kind to Oliver he will not come willingly instead we will need to follow him through the shadow portal the most difficult or annoying part of this encounter are the one Health Point Shadows that Oliver summons to deal with them shadowart can cast Spirit Guardians and serve as a safe spot for the rest of the party basically cast spe Guardians and then have LEL and carlac dispatch the two large Shadows we do not want to attack Oliver's night Dome barrier directly as this will result in heavy backlash damage instead after the two parent Shadows have been dealt with with have everyone huddle up around shadowart then just end everyone's turn and sit back as the minion Shadows all throw themselves upon Shadow heart's Spirit Guardians each one that is defeated will chip away at Oliver's night Dome barrier until it is destroyed the shadow plush will require special attention but besides that the encounter is fairly trivial and will just need to keep passing turns until the night Dome is destroyed after the fight we will need to start by saying you have what you want but not what you need followed by you were very brave and resourceful and finally change is good this will peacefully reunite Oliver and [Music] thanel optionally we can return to last Light in and update art culla on our success with saving Daniel we can also speak with Daniel back at camp and at this point the shadow curses days are numbered all we need to do now is defeat kric thorm which admittedly involves a few steps to start we'll fast travel to the Grand Mausoleum then head inside by the way if you need to Long rest you can always skip ahead to the time stamp for the remaining long rests once inside we'll head to the northernmost room where we will need to solve a simple puzzle before proceeding we first need to hit the button beneath the Southwest painting moonrise Towers followed by the button beneath the southeast painting grief and finally the button beneath the northern painting General this will open a new room to the north where we can take an elevator down into a Charon Temple the purpose of which will soon be revealed within the first room here there are two force fields protecting a umbrell Gem and any source of light prevents those force fields from being seen we can go around avoiding traps trying to lower the hanging lanterns which can then be extinguished revealing the walls but if you just know where to step you don't actually need to see them to avoid them reaching and interacting with the umbral gem will disarm the defenses in this first room we could go through the northern stone door which is the main entrance however I actually prefer the side path to the West there we can jump along some mushrooms to sneak our way deeper into the temple bypassing one encounter all that said there is a cloaker waiting in Ambush if we go down this path but it's fairly easy to get surprise on once we've done that we can take it out without spending any limited resources the cloaker is hovering over a mushroom which itself is overlooking a guilted chest as long as we spot the cloaker we can have carlac jump up behind it while hiding and give it the works afterwards we'll bust down the doors to the north and head inside the temple in this first set of Chambers we'll find several rats chittering around an altar to Shar we can take a potion of animal speaking then talk to the rats eventually starting a fight with them once a few have been defeated the remainders will flee upon trying to leave the room a single rodent should appear and strike up a bargain which we can accept successfully praying to the altar of sh here will grant a character resistance to necrotic damage until their next long rest and this can be done with all four characters however failing this check will result in a pretty harsh curse Shadow heart can remove it with remove curse but that's a level three spell beyond the door to the north we'll get into an encounter that can become somewhat challenging but can also be kept very easy if we make the Right Moves we'll start by having Lazelle and carlac split off from the group and sneak over to the two Northern corners of the chamber then we'll initiate the encounter on our main character the key here is to destroy the umbrell Tremors before they have a chance to spawn additional [Music] enemies and really as long as we keep our characters split up and efficiently take down the Tremors as they arise it's pretty easy also we should avoid using radiant damage against the justi your enemies as they have the radiant retort feature which will deal twice as much damage back once that encounter is done we can enter balthazar's Chambers and speak with him we are going to kill him but there's no reason not to be smart about it for now we'll play along with the ruse in order to get information and give Bazar a false sense of security if we succeed in the second persuasion check we can get a bell that summons a flesh golum however we probably won't be using it honestly the quickest and easiest way to deal with bism are is to have everyone go behind him enter hiding and turn-based mode then get the jump on him with some carlac kicks and lasel hits he should go down before he gets a chance to act which is kind of important because he can be a bit of a pain once he gets to do [Music] stuff after that we'll just need to clean up a flesh column and three ghouls Bazar drops the circle of bonees head armor along with a potion of speed if he didn't get the chance to use it returning to the previous chamber we'll find a vault door to the north which has a dc30 lock that being said if we are able to get lucky and unlock it or if you want to go level up aarion and bring him to do it more easily we can get at the goodies on the other side this includes the callous glowing ring which is pretty good on just about anyone but usually either Shadow hard or someone with magic Missile there is also lots of gold a piece of infernal iron and other useful consumables before moving on we'll want to switch carlac passive damage type over from radiant to psychic all right we can now head into the main part of this Temple through the door to the east as can probably be guessed from the name of the Fast Travel point this is the gauntlet of sh and we can speak to shadowart to get some unique dialogue about it in any case we will first deal with Raphael's task moving far to the east will eventually spot a displacer [Music] beast we can follow it into an ambush fairly confident that we'll be able to talk our way out of the [Music] situation we will follow it up to the campfire where a pair of dark justicier gauntlets can be found sitting nearby at which point we will stop and prepare there are lots of ways to resolve this UPC coming encounter and it's really neat but I'm just going to cover the quickest and easiest way of doing it which will also get us the most rewards with that said this is a good time to equip items that help with persuasion such as the Ring of geniality envo amulet and silver pendant this would also be a good time to have Shadow heart cast enhan ability owl's wisdom on our main character and have another character with the silver pendant do the same for guidance once ready we can move towards the displacer Beast to trigger the encounter when your gear smells Raphael sent on us we should be forthcoming of our unfortunate association with him and offer to work with your gear against Raphael we will eventually need to save before asking about your Gear's contract with Raphael because this is where we get an important passive perception check if we succeed on it we will have access to a set of new persuasion checks that should be quite easy for us to pass as a charismatic sorcerer the first begins with the lyrics are a trick and has a DC of 16 we might as well have shadowart give our characters enhance ability Eagle Splendor as the subsequent checks will only get even more difficult the second persuasion check has a DC of 21 as does the final persuasion check if we pass all of these checks your gear will no longer be a problem we will fulfill our deal with Raphael and get a bunch of loot from the vanquished foes including the Hellfire hand crossbow from your gear we will also need to pick up the umbrell gem which is sitting on the ground near the Throne of corpses feel free to explore these Halls at your own Leisure but for this guide we're just going to focus on the important stuff to start we'll fast travel back to the Waypoint from there we can head north Into The Gauntlet of sh the first door to the West will contain the soft step trial for story purposes we can allow shadowart to complete these trials when she asks if we still need approval with shadowart this will also help us with that an easy way to do the softstep trial is to just have shadowart take a potion of invisibility and go in on her own we will enter through the door just left of the sacrificial Bowl then head West and towards the north there will be a button that we can click which opens a path that leads directly to the final gate which is locked it's only a dc1 lock though so it's pretty easy to pick even for shadow heart once through we can pick up the umbrell gem then use the umbral transporter to quickly return to the trial's entrance returning to the main walk way we can continue moving North until we reach a second door towards the West which serves as the entrance to the self-same trial for this one we'll want to take shadowart in there alone and make sure everyone else stays outside of the room this next part seems weird at first but trust me it's actually smart we will need to take off all of Shadow heart's equipment the camp clothes can stay on then we'll start the trial and re-equip all of her gear if you've played Elden ring you might recall the mimic tier boss fight well this is kind of like that and we just made it really easy all we need to do now is Sneak our way in our mimic will be hiding in Ambush and the hope is that we see them before they see us they are vulnerable to radiant damage so that is what we will use to defeat them once the mimic is defeated we can pick up the umbrell gem and teleport back to the entrance next we'll head down the stairs to the final test the faith leap [Music] trial I usually end up using a potion of flying to trivialize this test and we just have to have shadowart fly to the parts of the walkway that can still be seen starting down on either side of the ancient [Music] altar once we've made it across we'll grab the umbrell gem and then teleport back there are a couple more things we should do before going to the inner sanctum first we'll move a short distance South to the Silent Library where an orb named The Librarian channels a silent spell on the whole Library we can sneak in with Lazelle and carlac to get surprise on the enemies here and mostly clean up everything before the enemies have a chance to attack once we've cleared the encounter we will need to loot the trapped bookcase in the northeast corner of the room specifically the bookcase on the left side it should have a book titled teachings of loss the night singer and we will need this momentarily next we can open the nearby Port Cullis by clicking the button in the northwest corner of the room in this new area we will need to interact with the pedestal labeled riddle of the night and insert the night singer book that we just picked [Music] up this will open a final chamber where we will get three items The Dark justicier Half plate Spear of KN and dark justicier helmet from a chest in the back it's essential that we keep the Spear of night on Shadow heart until we finish things up in the gauntlet of sh finally let's see to our wrap problem we will want a level three or higher spell slot on shadowart for this next part after leaving the library we can follow the trail of rats East into the lower levels of the temple once we're down there we will be confronted by the collective of rats and a combat encounter will ensue similar to how we dealt with the Oliver encounter we can use Spirit Guardians on shadowart then have the rest of the party huddle around her the horde of rats will fling themselves into the meat grinder until they have all been defeated once they are all defeated we will meet a new character Lindor regardless of what we say Lindor will attack us and we will need to defeat him upon defeat he will drop the justicier Scimitar and the justicier great Shield at this point we can return to the gauntlet fast travel point and move East towards the elevator to activate it we'll need to place an umbr gem in the ancient altar we can then take the lift down to the inner snum there we'll find another ancient Altar and all three of our remaining umbrell gems will need to be inserted to access the inner sanctum beyond the door we will discover the verge of the Shadows fast travel point and this is a major point of no return in the game what I mean is that after we enter the shadow fell up ahead all locations from act one will be blocked off and inaccessible so if you still wanted to explore or complete any tasks in the nautiloid crash region Mountain Pass OR underdark then now is the time to do it also if we are going to continue our romance with carlac then we need to do it before entering the shadowfell before doing that however let's cover the other remaining long rests after the first long rest and because we defeated your gear Raphael will confront us and fulfill the deal he made with aarion to earn some approval with Aaron we will eventually want to say of course I'll help we'll hunt him down and kill him we can also speak with a Starion after the fact about oblad the blood Merchant although I don't think there is much to be gained here in the way of approval the next day we can speak with Arabella to unlock the arabella's Shadow and Tangle spell and get the Shadow Blade ring we will also set events in motion so that we can see Arabella again in act 3 at the next long rest we can speak with a projection of Gail to trigger an important story moment with him and we should probably do our best to talk him out of blowing himself up the next day we can talk with Gail about the previous night depending on who you have an active romance with there may be more unique long rests to take so it's a good idea to keep taking long rests until nothing new or eventful happens also don't worry about doing any morning prep for an adventuring day as we still have one more long rest to take before we can move move on okay so now we can continue our romance with carlac in order to do that we will need to go to last Light in and speak with Damon while carlac is with us and while we have a piece of infernal iron we can then give Damon the iron so that he can give carlac her second upgrade at this point we can finally kiss carlac without getting our lips burned off to initiate carlac Act 2 romance we will need to speak with her and say I'm so happy for you for both of us if I'm honest after that we can take a long rest then find and speak with carlac saying of course nothing would make me happier this will enable the Act 2 romance scene with carlac to trigger once we go to [Music] bed now it's up to you how far you want to take things but if we are going to get the hot date achievement in act three we need to make sure to at least stay romantic with carlac on some level the next day we can speak to carlac and assure her that we are still interested in carrying on a romantic relationship saying I love you here we'll get a pretty funny response from carlac we can also make a manual save here if we want a point of no return for romance options that is because this is the last chance we have to choose between Romancing carlac and shadowart or some other companion if you already have the hot date achievement or if you just don't care and want to romance Shadow heart anyways you can speak with her and say I didn't realize you felt that way about me followed by wait this is wrong you're the one I'm supposed to be with and finally consider it done carlac will understandably be pretty ticked off about that decision but she will get over it quickly enough and still consider us a friend there is also a dialog option when speaking to carlac that can lose us a Whole 30 points of approval with her and I'll let you guess which one that is all of that said for the purposes of this Guide Series we are going to stay true to our word so when speaking with shadowart we can go ahead and choose one of the other two dialogue options either way the outcome will be the same shadowart will remain a friend and we will lock in carlac as our romance choice for the remainder of the game afterwards we can speak with carlac once more this time about choosing her over everyone else all right with with all of that romance stuff covered let's do our daily preparation and move on to the final stretch of act [Music] two this preparation includes a soul coin for carlac elixir of Hill giant strength for both carlac and lasel and using the Drake throat glaive weapon buff on lasel we will want to double check to make sure that we have the Spear of Knight on shadowart then after fast traveling to the verge of the Shadows we can enter the shadowfell which will prompt a prayer from Shadow Shadow heart you can try to pry into this commune but it will definitely earn you some disapproval from Shadow heart once again entering the shadowfell is a point of no return so we'll make sure we've done everything else we've wanted to then enter the shadow [Music] fell we will then need to hop our way down to the central platform within the shadowfell and make sure that everyone is following along as this can get a bit buggy there we will find the Night song Bound in a soul cage approaching her will trigger a major cut scene in Shadow heart's story as well as a major choice shadowart will need to choose to either kill the Night song or to spare her the immediate rewards for shadow heart killing the Night song are pretty awesome and I'll be the first to admit that however the long-term consequences are much more negative and make this a pretty hard choice to justify if Shadow heart kills Night song we will lose access to two great companions for act three one of the best vendors in act three Damon and we will lock ourselves out of earning the leave no one behind achievement it also leads to a pretty sad ending for shadowart and just nukes so many other story lines without adding much of anything to replace what is lost because of all that for this Guide Series we will need shadowart to spare Night song now if we've done everything right up to the this point we can just not interfere and allow shadowart to decide for herself she should make the right decision however if that fails we can also load back to a previous save and talk her into sparing Night song but I personally prefer it if she makes the right choice on her own as a quick aside I have a whole story video on shadowart and the different choices she could have made in case you were interested I'll leave a link to it near the bottom of this video's description in any case after night song is freed we will get the Moonlight glaive as a reward and can leave the shadowfell shadowart will want to talk to us about her unseen encounter with SH and we can reassure her that she did the right thing next we can make a brief stop over at last Light in to inform Isabelle about recent events ultimately though our destination is moonrise Towers also if we still have the Run powder Barrel we can go grab it as this part coming up is probably one of the best times to use it at moonrise there is a lot of sellable gear to be picked up from these scattered bodies so take some time to gather it and send it back to Camp afterwards we'll speak with jira and plan out a strategy I would recommend not having her join the party at least not yet as it can result in a bit of a buggy situation before initiating the first fight we can enter turn-based mode and do a little preparation we can cast twin haste on shadowart and lasel carlac can cast haste on herself thanks to the dark fire short bow and Shadow heart can cast spear Guardians at fourth level we can also have everyone group up then throw down a potion of flying at the center to give everyone a major Mobility boost once ready we can save the game exit turn-based mode and move forward to trigger the encounter you can play out that dialogue if you want but while that's happening anyone not in the dialogue so basically everyone but our main character will be losing their timed Buffs flying haste spe Guardians Etc because of that I'd recommend that after seeing what zerel has to say we go back to the previous save and Skip through the dialogue to initiate turn-based combat as quickly as possible the first thing we'll do in combat is have Shadow heart fly past the the enemy front liners place the room powder Barrel on the staircase in front of the two adeps then fly back to safety using Dash if necessary next we can set off the Rune powder barrel with a Firebolt from our main character this should wipe out most of the enemies in the first room amongst these survivors we definitely want to prioritize either taking down or stunning zurell the zealots and the adeps before they can take their turns basically they are the most likely to do significant harm to ourselves and our allies when only a few enemies remain we can begin moving at least one of our characters towards the prison entrance as there is a battle to be fought down there also and if we are efficient with our timing we can maintain all of our timed Buffs through the end of that fight right after the first battle ends we can quickly take a short rest to recover resources then enter the prison this battle is a bit easier we can start by having shadowart fly around the first room wreaking havoc on the undead we can also use her Radiance of the Dawn ability once or twice to wipe out the stragglers next we can have carlac fly to the backline and deal with the mistresses of souls stunning them so that they are not able to summon more reinforcements laselle can do the heavy lifting when it comes to finishing off the death Shepherd once that fight is won we can return to the main level and speak with jira if we pick the option I detect a hint of Envy followed by then consider yourself persuaded we will get Jahira as a temporary Ally we will then go upstairs and defeat rija the Mistress of Soul's standing guard along with her necrom mites will'll want to be sure to stun or defeat redia before she takes her turn otherwise she'll likely hit the party with a nasty Fireball once again we will want to prepare to fight before going to the the rooftop a twin haste on carlac and lasel along with shadowart using Spirit Guardians should suffice we should also probably save the game before going to the rooftop this time because everyone will be involved in the cut scene we do not need to worry about rushing through any dialogue if we succeed on the speech checks here it will make a later encounter slightly easier that being said it's not critical that we succeed and these particular speech checks are quite difficult to pass if you are not safe scumming also if we have shadowart use guidance here she will stop concentrating on Spirit Guardians for the fight that follows we will want to stun and damage down Krick fast this will cause him to retreat leaving us to clean up the remaining enemies as a heads up we don't need to take a long rest after this battle as there will be a restoration device that we can use before our next combat we can loot a key and Magic mace off the Mistress of Souls and the Ring of exalted marrow from the chest on the north side of the rooftop afterwards we can speak with shadowart and tell her to return to Camp then speak with jira near the east side of the rooftop to permanently recruit jira as a companion we can say don't you want to see how this ends followed by join me then and at at this point we can send her back to Camp as a permanent companion also if we want to get a unique and very rare Rapier we will need to have will with us when we go into the hollow Tower to be frank I personally won't be using the Rapier at all but it is a neat and unique weapon so I will be covering how to get it in this guide if you don't care to get it or feel like it will be more trouble than it's worth feel free to just keep your current party that being said there are one or two items you'll want to make sure that you have before jumping into the hollow Tower which we will get to in a moment if we want to see Gail blow himself up to destroy the absolute and end the game early we will need to bring him along we can also talk him out of doing that however there are no unique achievements associated with having Gail blow himself up so I won't be bringing him along in this guide that being said if you want to you can do so and you can even respect him as a fighter to fill a 's role however he won't perform as well as her especially if lelle currently has the silver sword as mentioned before I will not be bringing Gail along in this guide so assuming we want to get the Rapier we can return to Camp to grab will also we've gotten to the point where we can actually do something with those brain jars we got near the start of the game aboard the nautiloid so we'll make sure to grab those from Storage if we don't already have them on us now I haven't had will in my party up to this point because of that I'm just going to be quickly leveling him up picking packed of the toome to get the haste spell I will also be giving him the alert feed it probably isn't necessary to gear him up and make him super powerful given that we already have carlac and lazel two powerhouses but both the potent robes and bracers of Defense are pretty good on him and we can further increase his AC with Mage Armor in any case once we are ready we can return to the moonrise Tower's rooftop and after making a manual save enter the hollow Tower the first thing we can do here is destroy the membrane in our path then move a good distance East there is an elevator here which we will hold off on using for now but there is also a restoration point which we can come back to and use as often as needed to get back health and resources there is also a fresh mind to the north which we can pick up and make use of within this area more on that later for now we will backtrack a short distance and head down the hall to the Northeast after entering the barracks we can haste both lazel and carlac then gain surprise on the cultist to the north and clear them out before they have a chance to act even if we don't gain surp surpr this encounter is pretty easy in the Northwest chamber of the barracks we'll find a closed mind which once again we can pick up and hang on to next we'll go through the door to the West into the Tad polling Center here is where we will find the devil that Will was tasked with saving trapped within a mine flare pod in the western corner of the room we can perform a passive Arcana check on the left and right devices to determine what they do that being said I am pretty sure the device on the left will always kill mazora and by extension will whereas the device on the right will set mazora free that being said it's probably best to save before making a choice just to be safe or if you just want to see what happens when you kill maora which I won't spoil in any case we will go ahead and connect to the device on the right which should set maora free if we can pass a persuasion skill check here we will be rewarded with the infernal Rapier which will can definitely make good use of at the very least the cambon Ally he can summon with it should help in the battles to come we can also try to speak with will but he won't want to get into any long discussions until after Keck has been defeated next we will move South to a new room with many more mind flare pods to make the next combat encounter easier we can quickly clear out all all of the nearby intellect devourers even with those dealt with this next encounter can still spiral pretty quickly and we must protect at least one of the prisoners in order to eventually get the leave no one behind achievement because of that we will locate the neural apparatus in the northeast corner of the room cast twin haste on carlac and lasel then quickly release all the prisoners as well as the four mind flers ideally we keep all the mind flayers stunned or otherwise defeat them if we don't they will definitely be trying to stun all of us with mind blast you may have noticed that one of the prisoners is zor and he is the one that we must ensure survives the encounter afterwards he will speak to us and we can get an explanation on what happened to the teelings in these shadow cursed lands around this time we should reach level 9 gaining access to level five spells on casters for a sorcerer I like to take greater invisibility as it will come in handy at least once in the near future we can learn flame strike on will which will be good for the battles to come for carlac we can actually multiclass at this point taking one level of Rogue we will need to take three levels of Rogue before we actually see it benefit her combat capabilities but in the meantime we will still benefit greatly from her new expertise in the slight of hand skill for l will stay the course as a fighter gaining the indomitable class feature moving on we can head out the South exit and return to the restoration device to gain back health and resources we will then want to backtrack and head south where another pretty large combat encounter will ensue that being said we can take advantage of twined haste and also get surprise on the enemies to make the encounter much easier [Music] Will's flame strike spell is also pretty nice here after clearing all of the enemies we can jump our way south to a large circular chamber with a console near the center and touching it will start an interactive miname of sorts what we need to do is make a path along the nodes connect connecting each of the four parts of the brain with their corresponding parts on the other side the trick is that each part cannot have an overlapping path with any other part if we mess up at any point we can interact with the console to reset everything and try again feel free to work out the puzzle on your own but I'll also just be showing the solution on screen [Music] once we fully connected the brain we can move further south to a newly open chamber we'll find a desecrated relief here which you may recognize from The Game's opening cinematic we will also find the blade of oppressed SES brain drain gloves and ciret of mental anguish along with a waking mind which we can make use of right now to do that we will first make our way back to the room that was full of zombies there is a small chamber in the southwest corner that we can jump over to the resonance Stone here has some cool properties so we can go ahead and send that back to Camp there are also two more brain jars to interact with the brain jars or mines insert one into the Mind archive interface then speak with the slack skinned head most of these Minds will offer purely lore and story- based dialogue the dark mind and fresh mind are both particularly unsettling that being said the waking mind actually offers a pretty nice permanent buff to get it we'll want to start with I'm listening what Aid are you offering followed by I'll do it and then finally we can reach out and erase her mind this will give us the gifts AR by mind barrier condition permanently granting us advantage on intelligent saving throws there is just one last task we will want to take care of here to the Northwest there we'll find the morg where an abnormal looking intellect Devourer is being held in a cage there is also the butchered mind here but it only offers a bit of dialogue back at the Mind archive interface in any case the abnormal intellect Devourer just so happens to be us from the start of our adventures we can either break us out of his cage and deal with a minor combat encounter or we can convince chop to give us us when he notices that we are trying to open the cage once the cage is open we can speak to us to get the summon us item which can be used once per short [Music] rest with that all taken care of we can make our way back to the eastmost room use the restoration device one last time then take the lift down to the final room we don't need to prepare for combat until after we enter through the door when we do go through the door it will just trigger a major cutscene this is where if we had Gail with us he would try to blow himself up along with everyone else and we could either let him or talk him out of it if he is not with us though then it won't be an option in the first place after the cut scene we can go ahead and prepare for combat at this point you probably know the routine enter turn-based mode use twin haste throw down potion of flying have the character with the dark fire short bow haste a third character and will can cast haste on the fourth we can even have carlac use wholeness of body once we are ready we can run forward to initiate the encounter the resulting dialogue will pull in all characters so we don't have to worry about temporary Buffs where ing off the first thing we need to do in this encounter is free Night song I had lelle do this using the boots of speed to give her enough movement to make it along the way we can stop at the Mind flare and either stun it with soulbreaker or otherwise kill it outright do keep in mind that we will need a whole action in order to free Night song thankfully we have action surge on lasel so that should not be a problem once Night song is free we can move over to Keck potentially tripping him if we have any attacks left on [Music] LEL also to get an achievement here we will need to prevent the boss from consuming any necrom mites we can get ahead of this problem by having will use flame strike on the group of necrom mites to the north if Will is hasted he can also cast a second flame strike on the intellect devourers to the South it can also be a good tactic to purposefully provoke an opportunity attack from kether there by using up his one reaction we can then clean up any stragglers with magic Missile from our main [Music] [Music] character that just leaves carlac to deal a load of hurt on [Music] cther if we can stun cther we are better off letting him survive a round of combat so that we can get back our actions on all of our characters also I recommend pausing the video here until you reduce cther to zero Health once cck is brought to zero Health there will be a cut scene followed by a second phase of the fight if we were sure to get back all of our actions before defeating kar's first phase we have a decent shot at being able to defeat the Apostle of Merkel before it gets to act that or at the very least stun it so that it cannot act on its turn even if we fail to do either it will most likely be fine and we can just finish the Apostle off on the very next turn either way the boss should not have a chance to consume any necrom mites and as a result we will earn the no- free lunches [Music] achievement looting KCK will trigger another cut scene in which we can learn a lot about the enemies we are up against afterwards we can loot [Music] kther before taking the portal back to the main floor of moonrise Towers we can actually backtrack to the restoration device and use it once more once we do return to the main floor of moonrise carlac will talk to us about gorach and this conversation has one of my favorite lines from carlac and I really want to show it here and now he use up the entire sword Coast he has to die and I'm going to be the one who kills him we can then speak to will about his father Duke ravengard and also about his pact with maora we should next speak with jira and eventually say I'll be glad to have you by my side in order to gain her as a permanent [Music] companion for now we can say I'll see you at Camp we'll make room in the party for jira once we get to act three but there are still some combat encounters to complete but before we get there Withers will want to speak with us briefly giving us more info about our enemies up the stairs we can speak with alira and the tling children if we so choose we can speak with ulla but regardless of what we say he won't be joining the camp we can also speak with hson and he should confirm that the shadow curse will be lifted it just so happens that the shadow curse will lift as soon as we leave act 2 to start act three next we'll need to speak with Night song and invite both her and Isabelle to join us at our camp out in the entrance hall we can find Quarter Master thally in case we wanted to do some trading more importantly we will need to find and speak with wbr to the Northwest after that we need to speak with barcas about wbr in any case we should agree to help Bargas deal with the ironhand Gnomes in balter's gate at this point we can send will back to camp and go get shadowart back in the party she's level 10 now and gains access to some new and Powerful spells let's take care of one more combat encounter before taking our remaining long rests for act two for this we will need to fast travel to moonrise Towers doing this will trigger a short exchange with the dream visitor and we can play it however we want moving on we'll head north from the Fast Travel point until we reach the Charon sanctuary from there we'll head West as we approach an overpass we should get a warning from the psionic detector that we are going to be ambushed when that happens we can stop and take a second to apply haste and cast other important spells before triggering the encounter do this should make the encounter relatively easy and we can get some nice magic items off of the Avatar of vth moving a little further west we will discover the road to balers gate fast travel point but before we move on to act three let's go ahead and complete a couple more long rests during the first of these we can speak with Dame aen in order to learn the truth of Shadow heart's past and we should say I'll help when given the option Dame aen will also give us a legendary weapon saluna Spear of night it's pretty cool but to be honest I haven't really found a good use for it at this stage in the game the next day we can speak with shadowart and agree to help her find her parents after taking a second long rest we will see that shadowart has changed her hair to proceed to act three we'll just need to leave Camp head a short distance Northwest and take the path to balder's gate there are a ton of important things to do in act 3 which will bring about the conclusion of all major story lines including the main one all of that will be covered in the third and final video of this series in the meantime we've done B basically everything important in Act 2 to the point where you can explore freely just avoid killing any friendly NPCs also I would recommend making a manual save before heading to Boulder's Gate as once we leave act two we will not be able to return if you have any questions you can reach out to me in the comments where I'll do my best to help if you want to watch part three you can find it over on my channel and if you're new consider subscribing you're helping me feed my cat her name's marshmallow have a great day if you're here today have a great Friday and a great weekend and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Its Shatter
Views: 33,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, rare, magic, legendary, items, item, npcs, choices, weapon, weapons, armor, amulet, ring, hidden, secret, its, where, find, get, how, do, unlock, open, class, cleric, level, npc, NPC, options, build, sub, ability, character, romance, quest, side, companion, miss, balders, epic, all, gold, the, approve, disapprove, system, explained, combat, tips, tricks, complete, full, walkthrough, entire, quests, in, order, 100%, trophies, achievements, BG3, act 1, act, glitch, exploit, early, of, act 2, shadowcursed, cursed, land
Id: 6UBfg_xxLiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.