Best Tavern Brawler Monk Build Possible! | Late Game Act 3 Monk Guide | Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone P Tu here and welcome back to balers Gate 3 before we get into anything else thank you guys so much for all of the Love on the first part of our Tavern brawler Monk guide I asked you guys to smash that like button and boy did you so we are back with part two in today's video I'm going to show you where to get all of the best gear for a Tavern brawler monk here in the largest city in the game it's not exactly a secret that Tavern brawler is very strong but when you use it to its full Effectiveness on a monk you can absolutely demolish the entire game in front of you without barely lifting a finger I also tried to add in a decent amount of Defense but we also get to turn that defense into even more offense with this setup as well if all that sounds good sit back relax and enjoy part two of our Tavern brawler Monk guide before we are done no one will be left standing if you have any questions on how we got to this point right here please be sure to check out part one of our guide we're going to link it at the end of the video it's going to be linked in the video description and we might even drop down one of those cards right about now just in case you need to catch up we are a level seven monk level three Rogue we are using the thief subass from Rogue to get additional bonus actions so we can then use more Flurry of Blows per turn the rest of our monk levels are very straightforward evasion lets us Dodge out of certain spells I've seen Fireballs lobbed at me and I literally don't take any damage because we passed the dexterity saving throw it's beautiful and if you get Charmed or frightened your monk just snaps right out of it with Stillness of mind then at level 11 we become a monk level eight this is going to give us a new feat with this feet we want to take an ability Improvement and increase our wisdom up to 9 now it looks like this is an odd number but don't forget we took the ability improvement from the hag in act one so in reality this is 20 wisdom and we're going to need that wisdom to improve our damage I'll show you how soon and finally at level 12 we gain even more unarmored movement as well as these key resonation abilities this allows us to kind of set up aoe's and if you're using mindf flare powers like the black hole where you can group up a lot of enemies together this can be really fun AOE damage however my monk is designed to take down one Target and take them down extremely quickly so I found I didn't actually use these too much I never really even thought about them leveling up your character properly is only one part of the puzzle though there is some extremely strong monk equipment that we are going to be able to find here in act 3 and you don't have to wait long at all all in fact our first item is waiting on the transition from Act 2 to three our first item on the list is found inside of the astral plane you're going to go here as you're transitioning from Act 2 to act three I'm in turnbas mode to try and not spoil as much as possible here for any of you first timers that are watching and trying to learn how to make a really strong character in this area there is a conflict between the intellect devours and the Giani if we go ahead and loot pre late lric body here he was in possession of the boots of uninhibited kugo this is going to add our wisdom modifier onto our unarmed attacks if you followed part one of our guide you'll have 18 wisdom right now which is giving you a modifier of four as we hit act three and continue to level up it is very easy to max out your wisdom at 20 and get the full benefit of the extra damage that these boots can give as you arrive in Rivington I would highly recommend stopping in at the Temple of the open hand if you followed our part one guide there were two pairs of gloves that were that were options one more offense Focus the gloves of Cinder and Sizzle and then the bracers of protection to be more defense oriented if you have been using these since act one I think there is a decent upgrade if you want to stop in and get it the main problem with all that fire damage is it ignites the world around you if you hit any surface that's flammable you're going to take damage next pair of gloves solves that really easily there is a dormatory on the western side of the Open Hand Temple and I believe it's in the far left chest here inside of the dormatory you may find the cific pugilist gloves these do radiant damage instead of the fire from before which will not ignite surfaces this is more of a side grade than anything I wanted to mention it just so you could cut down some of self inli icted damage if that was a problem there is a much better pair of gloves for our monk later in the act and we'll be getting to that very soon our next stop is just further north down the bridge you will have to go past a security checkpoint to get here but once you do there is a vendor that potentially has two items that we could use in our run and I have an alternative just in case you don't like one of them we're looking for entharo inside of the dancing ax and he's actually going to sell two really good items the first of which is the cloak of displacement I would recommend swapping out the cloak of protection at this point because at the beginning of the wearer's turn this cloaked activates granting disadvantage to everyone on attack rolles against you that is up until the point that they land an attack against you and then everything continues as normal until it's your turn again and then you impose disadvantage on every single enemy combatant one more time this cloak is amazing highly recommended the helmet is the horns of the Berserker you gain a plus two bonus to attack roles when attacking creatures that have already taken damage unarmed and melee attacks will deal an additional to necrotic damage as long as you don't have full health so uh you can set this up by like having someone my estaran uses hand crossbows shoot with shoot with your offhand crossbow shot that brought my health down by five points which triggers the full effect of the horns of the Berserker if you don't attack on one of your turns you're going to take one D4 damage and that's just going to make it so you do have a reliable means of taking damage and proing the effect of this helmet I'll go ahead and show a demonstration of how that necrotic damage on the helmet actually gets applied to our attacks so if we just hit one time you can see we do two additional necrotic damage because of our helmet and because we're not at full health as we go in if I just swing one more time this guy will be taken down and you can see that necrotic damage is still being added in most effects in the game that add in damage like this do not work with monk there are very very few that actually work with unarmed attacks now if I were to do a Flurry of Blows this is multiple attacks so we will also see the necrotic damage being added in twice on this Flurry of Blows now two damage is not a lot and if you don't like the idea of having to be damaged to get these effects or take damage if you don't attack I have a good alternative for you further inside the city inside of the lower City on the North side kind of near sorcerer sundrees just Northwest of that there's a place called The Devil's fee this is a very important location and you'll be coming back here if you follow the rest of my guide but we can stop in early and get a look at that helmet really easy you can go here right as you get into the city there's really nothing stopping you in this back room which I'm going to pick the lock of just like a monk should there wait that wasn't the room in this back room I'm going to pick the lock just like a monk should and we will see on the nightstand a gilded chest that might be worth a look inside the Gilded chest nice we find the mask of Soul perception also some weird little coin I don't know what that is the mask of Soul perception is going to give our character plus two bonus to attack roles we don't have to do anything extra for it we don't have to attack an enemy that's already been hit or lower our health to get bonuses it's just always there it's going to give us a plus two to initiative roles and to perception checks as well something monks are already extremely good at with their wisdom score we can get even better at next we're going into sorcerer Sundries and once again you could get here right at the beginning of the actx you just have to walk over here inside behind the main counter there is an illusionary vendor this vendor finally sells us a chest piece that will be an upgrade from the graceful cloth that we got in Act One it has been a long time coming but they sell the vest of Soul rejuvenation when the wearer succeeds a saving throw against a spell they regain a little bit of HP sure that's nice but that's not why we're here the we can use a reaction to make an unarmed attack against any attacker that misses we are imposing disadvantage on every single attacker so if they miss we can then punch them for free and deal about 40 damage to the face then we also have a plus 2 AC so even though we're losing some dexterity by putting this on we actually gained AC by equipping it for part one of our guide I didn't mention a ranged weapon normally with my monk I was throwing javelins and I didn't really think about equipping anything however if you're following our guide Damon is still alive this is the blacksmith that eventually makes his way to the last Light in from the Druid Grove and then to balers gate proper if you talk to him he sells a bow that you can pick up in act two so you could actually get earlier this is the dark fire short bow the reason I would recommend you just have this equipped on your character is it gives you a free cast of haste so if you ever don't have one from your other party members you can do that on a whim but even if you're not using your bow or not using the additional spell this is still going to help you with mitigating fire and cold damage boosting your defenses from would be very long ranged attackers kind of a cool pickup and something I didn't think about when I was making making part one of this guide now funny enough in every single demonstration we've done for this build I was only using an elixir of Hill giant strength but you can find elixir of cloud giant strength that bring your strength even higher up to a Max of 27 all over the city of balder's gate popper here inside of the carnival is one of the potential vendors for the elixir of cloud giant strength the problem is that they don't sell them reliably every day so you need to get in the habit of checking each vendor I'll show you a few vendors that are clustered together but I'll have even more vendors listed down in the video description so you can hunt down these really good Elixir so popper doesn't have any for me so it's time to check the next vendor also in Rivington there is a merchant that can stand right here just across from the donations that can sell Elixir but in my game he's not here I'm heading to the bridge across from the ancient sigil Waypoint on the bridge in Rivington there is frigo's flop house if we go inside traveler grisa may sell us some of the Elixir we need hey she's got one thank you and once again still on the bridge danon's dancing axe our good friend in thorl inside has a chance of selling the Elixir as well hey lucky day and actually the next business on the floor of above the dancing axe could sell us the same Elixir as well but unfortunately today we were not lucky with him now there is no guarantee that these vendors restock every day unlike Act One however you can up your chances of finding these elixirs by simply resting without consuming food that will reset the vendor's inventory and have a chance of restocking those Elixir I'm just going to do a partial rest we'll go to sleep and then we'll refresh inventories all across the city hey there we go the Alchemy guy restocked thank you very much some of you may not like this fact but in order to get the best monk weapon you're going to need to make a deal with the devil I am at chess's caress back inside of Rivington this is back on the bridge and I'm going to show you the path to follow but unfortunately you're just going to have to take my word for it that Raphael is normally in this room I record this series by going back through my save files and unfortunately I have like a 6-hour gap here where I was just using quick saves to move through everything in this final room on the third floor you'll find the Devil's Den inside is Raphael and he'll be talking to someone else in here but as you approach he will offer you a chance to make a deal take the deal don't worry we're going to break it later once you sign the contract it's time to go break it I actually wouldn't recommend doing this until you're about level 12 although I'm sure plenty of you will get by no problem we're back in the devil's fee and in order to go break our contract we're going to need a way to get to Hell once you poke around upstairs and take a look at Hell six inventory you'll be able to tell her that curios don't interest me I'm interested in the hells themselves and I need to go to a place called The House of Hope she's going to give you all the tools and instructions necessary to get there there if you strike a deal with her once the portal is open this is where the fun begins immediately as you walk towards the door to the north of the first room you're going to encounter an NPC this is hope you she's in prison and you need to save her that is no easy task the western side of the House of Hope houses the archive this is where Raphael keeps all of his prized possessions his most prized possessions is locked away behind an impervious sphere this is the contract that you signed earlier if you want to get this back that requires getting a key from somewhere else inside of the House of Hope but if you look over on the other wall we have another item that we are planning on picking up in here this is one of the best amulets in the game and it's located just over there now if you steal this you can technically take it right now pardon the pun all hell is going to break loose I'd highly recommend talking to the archist who's been following you around this room making sure you don't do anything too despicable if you sweet talk him enough he'll give you a key to get into the next area and then you won't have to find another way around once you make your way into the northern chamber congratulations you're in Raphael's living quarters make sure you fully utilize the bath in here it allows your party to full rest over and over and over again with no limitation and considering you can't go back to Camp here that can be very valuable now if you did not get the key from the archist there is another way of getting in here if you travel along the rocks on the Eastern side of the House of Hope outside here now our main goal is to get behind this painting there is a safe here and inside the safe is the password we need to get our contract back if you push this button a fight breaks out there is a way to avoid that fight but I'm not trying to get demonetized today every single time we do that we don't make any money here on YouTube we're not doing that today get behind the safe get the password and get back to the archive now with Raphael's notes in hand and the password known to us we can open up the impervious sphere and get our contract back the magic blinks away at your words be ready the devil does not so readily give up his toys no he does not there's a reason the game is Saving right now tear the contract into suddenly runs cold Raphael knows what you've done oh we're not done yet Raphael you just wait before I leave this room I am going to grab our new Amulet the Amulet of Greater Health sets the wearer's Constitution score to 23 this means you could Respec all of your Constitution away just like you did with your strength if you really wanted to this is also going to give us a massive boost to our HP we're at 99 Health right now by equipping this we go up to 135 look at how healthy we are now don't forget your work is not done here we still have to rescue hope hope is being held inside of a prison located on the Southeast side side of the House of Hope This prison hatchway will lead you right to her be aware though that her guards are keeping an eye on her if you beat them up and then use the oric hammer to break the crystals binding her in position well you're at least one step closer to her Freedom now that hope has been freed there's only one thing left to do beat up Raphael in his very own home slows for a moment and the air becomes thicker the master of the house is coming you now I'm not going to show you too much of this fight because it's one of the best in the game and if you've never seen it you owe it to yourself to experience it you might be wondering this was a lot of work were all these steps really necessary to get this weapon I mean our monk is already doing pretty good damage spoiler alert yes they are look at these things they're absolutely incredible now it is important I believe hope has to stay alive during the fight in order for you to receive this reward make sure you keep her protected if you're getting overwhelmed hold on you can just bring her into this room and close the door as the fight is going on and that is a pretty big layer of protection for Hope if you need that now as for the gloves themselves your unarmed strikes deal an additional one d10 damage most other monk weapons in the game only add that 1 D4 of various elements already this thing is massive the soul catching bonus is also so good once per turn on an unarmed hit you regain 10 hit points we're unarmed hitting every turn great we have self- sustain if you don't want that healing you can foro it to receive advantage on every attack roll and saving throw until the end of our turn making us much more likely to hit our enemies the Constitution that this gives doesn't really benefit us because we already have that increased Health from The Amulet of Greater Health don't let that deter you though the gloves of Soul catching are by far the best monk weapons in the game and they better be after making you go through all of that to get them now what about our ring slots well lucky for us we kind of hit our stride really early in the game with rings I genuinely think that the risky ring and the Ring of protection that we picked up both in act two and covered how to get in our part one of this guide are going to be your best options if you don't like the downside of the risky ring I'd highly recommend picking up Crushers ring which you can find inside of the goblin camp in act one that would just give you more movement speed and allow your monk to move around fights even more effectively so you've made it all the way to the end of the video If you followed this guide so far you have a oneman killing machine your Monk's damage should have skyrocketed throughout act three and let me tell you it was already impressive in act one and two there is one more thing you can do to increase your damage and I'm adding it in here at the very end of the video number one because it's a controversial quest line not everybody agrees on the outcome not everybody enjoys the outcome and number two I didn't want you to think it was mandatory to do this you will have an incredibly strong monk even if you do not do this last step however if you want to do the most damage possible as a monk that means playing as a staran I swapped him out at one point did you notice this is all the exact same gear that we've been talking about the same Elixir that we've been talking about however we are a vampire ascended by following following asarian quest line This adds an additional 1 d10 necrotic damage onto each of our attacks look how ridiculous this can be this is the same demonstration we have done many times watch as we annihilate it this time deflecting a missile back at our wouldbe attacker let's see how much damage that does he's dead oh let's just go ahead our one punch did 54 damage to this poor man he had a family if we do a toppling blow at this point I don't think that they will be toppled I think they're going to explode now the vampire send it damage Stacks with these passive bonuses that we get as a monk it also Stacks with the bonuses on top of our gloves that we were going crazy about that extra 1 D1 of force damage there that's so good well we have a passive extra 1 d10 on on all of the time ready to go if you become an ascended vampire look with the Kudo strike oh he doesn't even have a chance bro come on now again if you're trying to minmax and get the most out of your character you will want to be an ascended vampire asaran for this build it is not required and you will have an excellent time on your monk by following this guide playing as literally any character of any race and I hope you guys do make the effort to do this it's such a fun way of playing through the game I have absolutely adored my time on monk so far it feels appropriate to close out our monk video on top of the Open Hand Temple I think thank you guys so much for watching if you made it to the end of the video You're an absolute Legend if you did enjoy today's video please be sure to hit that Thumbs Up Button as I'm sure you can imagine this kind of content takes a ton of time to make ton of research to make as well I genuinely believe this is one of the strongest mug setups that anyone can achieve but if you would like to change anything let me know why down in the comments I think that's one of the greatest things about this game one minor tweak to the build could have it playing differently and Fielding a different role out on the battlefield thank you guys so much for being here I hope you enjoyed more class guides are coming soon so stay tuned [Music] I
Channel: MFPallytime
Views: 67,241
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Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3 Build Guide, Baldurs Gate 3 Guide, Baldurs Gate 3 Lightning Charges, Baldurs Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build guide, bg3 rogue guide, bg3 fighter guide, baldurs gate 3 build, bg3 build guide, bg3 act 1 build, baldurs gate 3 act 1 build, build guide, MFPallytime, Build Guide, bg3 tavern brawler, tavern brawler monk, tavern brawler, brawler monk
Id: _Lr1tbKhe0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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