HOW TO BEAT HONOR MODE & Advanced Tips in Baldur's Gate 3

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this video is sponsored by like a dragon infinite  wealth the new difficulty honor mode added to   balers Gate 3 offers one of the most challenging  modes possible in the base game and if you're   newer to the series this can be a particularly  poignant challenge in this video today I want to   go over some quick tips to help break down the  difficulty of on REM mode so that you can get   your coveted golden D20 dice skin the prize for  beating an honor mode playthrough if you don't   know how that mode works basically it's an Iron  Man single save game mode you can't save scum and   if your entire party dies then the game reverts to  a custom rule set and you have failed your honor   mode playthrough you can keep playing but you  just can't get your dice skip if this is your   first time on my channel the way I do things is  by upfront the knowledge of my videos so you can   decide if it's the right one for you so with  that being said you can find the entire list   of what I'll be covering in the timeline in the  description take a look at those chapters and   simply navigate to what interests you the most or  maybe you know everything I'm going to bring up in   which case just simply shut the video down what I  will say though is that the biggest takeaway from   this video is that all all you need to do to beat  honor or tactician mode is have a proper action   economy meaning you line up your primary and  bonus actions to maximize the amount of damage   each character can do do you have a monk that can  knock things prone as their bonus action well if   you do that first then every other character's  primary action that monk included will benefit   towards the damage of the target you've just  knocked prone assuming they're within 10 ft and   that's really the entire gist of what we'll be  covering so if you are heading out please don't   forget to like comment subscribe each one of those  things does help me out in a huge way I've gone   from 89% to 80% unsubscribed viewership because  of your help but that's a number I'd still like   to get lower and every little bit helps if you  need help with any other subject in balers Gate   3 check out my playlist linked below and at the  end of the video but let's get started here on how   to beat honor mode in balers Gate 3 now before  we get started with our video we have a brief   advertisement for the next exciting installment in  the Yakuza series only this time we're headed over   to Hawaii like a dragon infinite wealth delivers  a lot of hard-hitting features that any RPG fan   would be enthralled with if you've played any of  the more recent RPGs to date you're familiar with   a freedom of movement and life combat system like  a dragon runs wild with Ling in a fun AOE attacks   as well as a bevy of other features linked to  the new combat system stays tuned for the full   ad with dusi in it but like a dragon infinite  wealth launches January 26th 2024 on Playstation   Xbox Windows and steam pre-order now and get the  heroes booster pack and special job set before   too late for more information visit infinite  wealth. Linked In the description below ah Welcome To Paradise [Music]  hello all right I can show you around   now there's a few things you need to learn before   we have a good time it's y you can  have a little fun with some friends you even pick up a new skill whatever you do be careful  even Paradise can have his secrets you trying to tell me there are Yakuza  in Hawaii not exactly something you'd find in a   guide book is it keep your friends close and your  enemies closer names dght nice to meet you take cover switching over to the game let's talk  about the first thing and it's discounts at   specific vendors so the way vendors work is that  you can get discounts from them based off of your   charisma your persuasion and their attitude  towards you the big thing here is we want to   kind of game this system because in honor mode it  can be kind of risky to just steal everything that   you see in front of you to maximize your profit  because you might accidentally cause a big fight   that ends your playthrough so what we're going to  do here is we've gone to Withers and we've resped   our character down to level one that's a crucial  part of this and we're taking our character with   their highest Charisma and a character that is  proficient in Persuasion like I said so we're   going to come over here now to Damon and this  works on vendors that are going to be present   throughout the majority of the game or vendors  that you have specific items that you need for   maybe a build um Damon would be a good example if  you don't attack the Umble Grove Darth in the mut   Colony would be another really good example of a  character that is just present throughout a lot   of the game now you don't need to buy things from  them but really what they can do is be a character   that you sell stuff to now you don't need to do  this with gold you can do this with um items but   you basically just want to donate to them 400  gold worth of items or actual gold and you'll   see right now we have a 25% discount because of  persuasion plus 5 so I'm just going to do this   as is it'll say hey do you want to donate this  and we'll press yes so this puts their attitude   at 100 and a discount of 67% and it's not a  straight flat 67% off the the price of uh an   item but basically it's off like the market value  so take for example this hand crossbow now with   will it is valued at 98 Gold and I can swap to  other characters and it'll be valued at the same   amount but if I restart this conversation with  say my main character and we go ahead and press   trade now you see that discount drops to zero and  this went from 98 Gold to 163 so you would just   pretty much use that same character to initiate  these trades and everything but this is a really   great way to get good discounts on items and have  your items sell for a little bit more when you're   dealing with stuff in honor mode as a big point  of clarification this character that I'm using is   not an honor mode save but this will work on honor  mode uh because of the nature of content creation   it's hard to do this on an honor mode character  where I cannot save scum and re-shoot if I mess   up something so just want to be transparent  about that but this is a really good thing that   you should be doing here with just all all the  uh ADV that you're initially going to come into   in the game maybe you go into moonrise towers  and you see the same thing it's really really   crucial little bit of information sticking with  our theme of vendors we're going to talk about   vendor inventory now in this exact example we  don't have a really cool vendor to show off   because you killed the crap at an anti effel but  every time you long rest or every time you level   up a vendor all the vendor inventories will rotate  they'll swap they'll put new items in stuff like   that so why this is important it's going to get  to another item we're going to talk about it is   doing all this stuff all these items here that you  get for crafting potions is really crucial because   you can basically game the system by resetting one  of your characters to level one or using a hling   and just leveling them up so now you know what I'm  going I just need a bunch of potion materials the   big thing here is looking for um fingers of cloud  giant or Hill giant strength uh because you can   make those respective elixirs for say a throwing  Barbarian a uh Tavern brawling monk anyone that   would use strength as their primary damage you'd  be able to really pull a lot of benefit from this   by getting those Elixir but since we won't be  able to get those fingers from this character   let me just show you so we'll take balsom here  because that's going to give us um we'll just   buy all this for the sake of the video and now  this character is out of all their materials this   button shows ingredients and now we'll end this  we'll level up and I'm just going to skip right   through this and press accept and we'll skip this  come back to the vendor need anything else and for   cook ingredients again we can see that they've  now recycled all their ingredients so if you're   looking for those uh fingers of cloud giant or  Hill giant strength this is just a really great   way to do this you can do this with anti eel who  sells both the actual potions and occasionally   fingers after level six Darth and the mut Colony  as well as the uh bug bear whatever the the the   guy of of extreme the league of extreme Brilliance  and Excellence whatever it's called the M Colony   as well will all sell fingers that you can do this  for in act one so you can stock yourself up with   plenty of those potions coming into the later  acts until you can actually buy them directly   in act three but what do you do with all these  ingredients how do you make this work now that   we know how to reset that inventory how can we  really gain that now I've gone through this before   in its own video but using High Lings especially  ones that are dedicated herbalists is absolutely   crucial so go ahead and come over to wither go  I would like to talk about hirelings and recruit   one now for our herbalist is is going to be a  transmutation wizard that also has levels into   Rogue that will help us with I'm sorry uh Bard  or Rogue doesn't matter uh with proficiency into   herbalism so we're going to go with Bren bright  song because she is a Lightfoot halfling which   will give us access to the halfling capability  to roll ones this is crucial because this ensures   that you will get our Alchemy to kick off so  let me show you how this works we're going to   press Venture forth and we're going to click on  this character mind we're going to go back to   Withers and we're going to say can you help me  change my class and we're going to change this   character to a wizard and their abilities we don't  care about any ability on this character we just   want as much wisdom as possible because wisdom is  going to give us an increase to the skill that we   need which is medicine so basically whenever  we go to do a um Alchemy concoction creation   on Elixir a potion anything like that it'll  do a medicine check it's dc15 medicine check   and if we pass the medicine check then we don't  make one of the potions or whatever we make two   we double it which is a really awesome feat and  it's crucial for this type of character so once   we've done this I'm just going to put another  Point somewhere else it doesn't really matter   and spells uh doesn't really matter here either so  we'll confirm this we're going to level up again   and we need to get to transmutation this is what  allows us to do the dc15 medicine check sorry I   a little bit ago I made it sound like it's the  actual medicine skill it's experimental Alchemy   from the transmutation subass of the wizard that's  the crucial part so we do this and again doesn't   really matter on these spells just choose whatever  and press accept and now we're going to switch   off of of wizard you could do rogue we'll just  do rogue because it's probably pretty easy and   we're going to get a skill proficiency um and  then we'll get a skill expertise so what we're   going to do is press this little box now we have  a plus seven to our medicine checks um and you can   after that click whatever you want it doesn't  really matter we just wanted that medicine and   you can jump this over to uh b as well to further  increase a lot of this action but now if you kind   of look over here we've got this experimental  Alchemy with the dc15 medicine check and that   halfling luck when you roll a one-on attack roll  ability check or saving throw you can roll the die   and must use the new roll and with proficiency and  Medicine we're going to get our proficiency bonus   remember that starts as starts at two then becomes  three then becomes plus four we're just going to   I'm just going to press accept on some of these  to push our character level up which will thusly   increase our um uh proficiency bonus so I'm just  going to do this a couple more times all the way   up to level time and again I know that there's  probably more minmax ways to do this but we're   just going ahead and doing this for the sake of  the video to push you through to show you this   really quick we're getting to level 9 which can  show you see right now our medicine's at a plus six and there we go now since we're at a character  level of nine our proficiency bonus will be um uh   plus four let's go ahead and show that off go  ahead and press I and we come over here and we   can see that if we look at medicine it's A+ 11  because our proficiency bonus is a plus four but   how do we game this further because we can and  what we're going to do here is we're going to go   all the way over to Shadow heart our cleric and  we're going to have Shadow heart AF cast enhance   ability now I if you have the guidance necklace  you would cast that as well but we're going to do   enhance ability wisdom advantage on wisdom checks  which these are all wisdom checks we're about to   do and she has that we can't unfortunately cast  guidance cuz we've casted one we we've already   casted an enhanced ability we come back to Bren  we press h on the PC to bring up our Alchemy tab   we go to extract all ingredients go to Elixir  let's go ahead and choose Hill giant or Cloud   giant that's that's a famous one right bring up  the dialogue box over here and we'll press craft   item so we succeeded our Med medicine check and we  not only did we make one but we made two elixir of   cloud giant strength so that's why this is such  an important poor uh uh thing in the game because   we can do this with the elixir of viciousness uh  the blood lust do I have it on here there it is   elixir of blood lust and we're succeeding all  these medicine checks with not a whole ton of   investment of Min maxing this character you can do  even more things to make sure they almost always   kick off and with that we now have two for the  price of one set of ingredients elixir of cloud   giant strength increasing your strength to 27  elixir of viciousness crit hits is reduced by   one as far as the number that needs to be rolled  or blood lust gain temp five hit points and an   additional action on honor mode you only get one  additional attack not a whole additional action   when it comes to attacks so be careful on that  but this is a really crucial character you need   to have in your camp that you leverage every  so often when you're playing honor mode with   all that hling all that resp in all those things  that we're going to be doing through Withers and   how I've talked about vendoring in honor mode is  difficult right because there things are just so   much more expensive things have increased uh  Rarity from maybe it was a green before to now   being a blue or a purple whatever it is and you  don't really want to throw that money away so   as long as you haven't done a long rest any money  that you spend at Withers you can just freely get   back what you'll need to do is you come up behind  him go into Crouch and pickpocket so this is this   is all the money that we've stolen from Withers  we can just go ahead and just keep doing it I'm   going to do this infinitely he's not going to get  mad it's not going to matter even on honor mode   Explorer mode it won't matter this is a this  is a trick that you can use forever now this   is a huge stack of gold so this is going to be a  little tedious it's going to take me time to do   it but you just have to Simply do this until you  actually get it now of course you could probably   do it on a character that actually has slight of  hand and it would be way quicker but I don't have   one in this little instance here so just to show  you that you don't even need side of hand and you   can still get all of your gold back from Withers  with all the little tricks that we've talked about   here today now when it comes to the actual combat  of the game one of the biggest things that you're   going to deal with is the boss fights legendary  actions add a whole level of difficulty into the   game and what you should be doing is before  you jump into these larger boss fights taking   time to prepare look into what Elixir you can  bring for your characters look into maybe what   that legendary action is by looking online first  you can usually see what the legendary action is   by um seeing the boss ahead of time or if if  it's a boss that needs a conversation before   the boss fight starts you can inspect and see them  stuff like that but preparation is really big in   honor mode the more time you spend prepping the  probably the easier the fight's going to be but   the more guarantee that you are not going to end  up screwing yourself over and losing the the play   through because you just ran into a boss fight so  um this is all from a stream obviously but uh and   sped up but this boss fight took a good amount of  prep beforehand and and it's going to come down to   just a handful of rounds of me throwing Spears  over at Grim skull here but honestly it really   came down to probably like a 30 minute segment  of me prepping every single Elixir make sure I   had the right items making sure that I had the  right things lined up or doing the right type   of damage to the character or the the boss to  ensure that I actually did damage and not just   hitting into some resistance or immunity that's  the big thing with honoro is prepping and making   sure that that action economy we talked about  at the beginning of the video really comes to   fruition now with all that prep there does come  situations where you just maybe you're in a bad   spot and you need to get out of it what matters in  an honor mode is a total party kill or a tpk as it   is commonly known so what you need to do is have  some sort of Escape Plan have a character that can   use Misty step have a character that can get out  of a hard bind or a series of them so that when   things really start to not look good maybe your  main damage character here like Lazelle is in a   hold person scenario and your other two characters  are really beat up and you're like man one wrong   turn and this is really not going to go well and  there's just the odds are stacked against me in   this scenario the odds are not stacked against me  but what we've done here with my one character is   that we've gotten them just about 90 ft away and  this is what you should really do you probably   never used this in the previous difficulties cuz  you probably never encountered anything like this   but using flea combat is a huge way to get a lot  of value out of getting out of a bad situation   because you don't want to end your honor mode  playthrough even further if you jump into like   say a boss fight you could just straight up keep  one of your characters in the camp at all times   breaking the party up like this and have one of  these characters in the camp and if the other   three die that that one's there and just goes  to Withers and resurrects them all you're fine   so what we would need to do with this character  is we need to move it four more feet away right   so all we got to do is move over here and we  can press this so now this character is out of   the fight it doesn't matter what happens now back  at the fight because one characters at home that   they can go to Withers and resurrect them they  can go back to where the fight location was and   resurrect them if it's safe whatever the scenario  is but having an Escape Plan again either by a   character that has a bunch of cutting action here  we we'll do this we'll cutting action run we'll   run all the way over here we get a really good  distance away and we'll do it again I think we   can yeah we're still further away we'll do another  Dash and we're out of this boom so now we've got   two characters that are safe Shadow heart I don't  think has any Shadow step movement right now but   it completely pulls them out of combat you can  get this character now as far out as they can   and again you know we don't have Shadow step but  my point uh Misty step I can't say shadow step   like five times my point remains here though  that just getting out of fights in honor mode   ones you're going to lose is the better play than  seeing if you can stick it out yeah sure maybe you   be able to pull out a an Ace in the Hole but  you're better off not relying on it and just   keeping your playthrough alive after a big fight  one of the important things is healing outside of   combat of course you can rest you can use healing  spells but really it comes down to healing potions   and if you have got that herbalist in your camp  like we've talked about before you should have   tons of healing potions available to you you can  see all the healing I have on this character I've   got plenty of chances to go back and make even  more but what you can do to maximize this are a   number of things for one in the mountain pass is  the parott of wound closure maximize the number   of hit points restored so basically what I  would do is transfer this to any character   that needs to restore a little bit of health so  let's look at my main one I'm going to go ahead   and Swap this there we go and I'm just going to  qua a healing potions now healing says it does   four to 10 well it's going to do 10 because we  have that up right from um 40 to Now 50 out of   59 Total Health and maybe you know you skipped  out on this and you don't have it or you didn't   do the mountain pass yet whatever it is another  really good thing to do is get everyone nice and   tight close together do a little hug Circle over  over here get a character press throw and throw   any number of the junk in your backpack this is  my actual honor save so I got be kind of careful   here so we'll go ahead and do we'll throw H we'll  drink it on accident and ruing the whole video   but we'll throw this and you can see that it's  going to hit pretty much everyone if I get it   actually done right here pressing oh if you're  on PC can help out to really kind of make this really work you just got to kind of make everyone  get into a nice little tight Circle and we will go   with right click throw that's going to hit just  about everyone maybe miss someone here or there   but you get the point you throw it we SPL spread  as much healing as we can by throwing that that   um healing potion at a group rather than simply  just saying hey one person's going to use healing   potions into they're at Max this will allow you  to use that one healing potion to heal everyone   a different amount but still nonetheless you'll be  able to get more value out of one healing potion   than just simply doing that um doing individuals  and that's a really big portion of this because   one hit point might be the difference between  that character being out of the fight and not   out of the fight and in honor mode I just don't  mess around everything needs to be at Max Health   when I'm jumping into hard to fight fights another  big thing to have in mind when it comes to your   build builds for Honor mode is trying to choose  builds that aren't reliant on maybe specific   items or are not reliant on specific things  occurring within the game take The Hags hair   for example not making your build around that is  pretty crucial because you don't know if you're   going to actually successfully go through that  situation or the mirror of loss in act three   don't make a build relying upon it because you  don't know if it's actually going to occur I think   minor item ification is that a word itemization  is okay to do right like the returning Pike is a   pretty reliable thing to get anything that jumps  off drops off of um vendors is a pretty reliable   thing to do with your build but by and large these  characters I mean this is a Bard lock and yeah I   happen to have the potent robe but this character  would also be very strong without the potent robe   in fact it's very strong with it and without it  an open hand monk is super strong with all of   the items that increase their damage with say the  wisdom modifier boots or unarmed attack items that   are littered throughout the game but there isn't  one set item that really can uh that you need to   have in this build there are some that are really  nice to have or right over here we have a Gloom   stalker Rogue um or Gloom stalker assassin this is  a build that is really amazing on its own and you   could just simply use two hand crossbows for the  entirety of it there are items that simply make   it better and another one here is our throwing  Barbarian so these are examples of four builds   that are extremely strong items make them far  better of course but really the only Reliance I   need out outside of those um uh about the build  itself is maybe like a potion for uh this open   hand monk because that's taken a very specific  route with their stats right The Elixir Cloud   giant strength sets my strength to 27 so Tavern  brother now does six plus 16 to my unarmed weapon   attacks so keep these things in mind when it comes  to builds try to choose builds that make sense but   also ones that are not going to fall flat because  you didn't you weren't able to itemize them out a   certain way because you took a very specific path  through the game forced upon you by the lack of   ability to save scum certain roles just think of  your builds a little bit just like we talked about   preparing for Boss Battles prepare for the actual  game mode by looking at builds that are going to   be strong on their own not strong through a ton of  itemization one of my closing points here though   is to try to exploit as many little things as you  can try to kind of forsake the RP of the game if   this is your first honor mode to try and break  it the game is really stacked against you and   you cannot save scum so try to do every little  thing that you can so take aeran for example   here I'm going to come up to a character that's  one of my hirelings in the camp this could even   be my uh my herbalist I'm going to use his vampire  bite on this character okay so now he's happy he   gets his plus one to all attack R saving throws  the most ability checks and this character has   that uh penalty against them perfect works just  fine for me or take for example the potion that   you can get in act two moonrise Towers permanently  increases your strength by two so I can now put   this on one of my throwing characters in lie  of the elixir of uh Cloud giant strength and   then that character can now use an elixir of blood  lust so think of these things as super effective   exploited ways to to play the game because maybe  aerion hates when you do this and I want to kind   of build the character out like that or not like  that I want to do his storyline but at the same   time I want to win honor mode so try these little  tiny things that kind of you overlap them and yeah   maybe that that works there that doesn't work  there but you're trying to get the most out of   every little single thing to maximize what you do  so now you know if I put this this PO this um this   thing on carlac I don't have to use cloud giant  strength now I can use blood uh blood lust because   I have 20 strength so all these little things are  going to kind of be the thing that helps you tip   over over in honor mode the last thing I want to  bring up now is your action economy we've talked   about it so many times but really it's making  sure that your primary actions and your bonus   actions fall in a way that makes the most sense  for what you're doing so take for example now I've   got all four of these characters that can go and  I should really kind of think about what I've got   going for me right um can I trip things okay well  I can right here and that knocks them prone right   which we talked about and prone attacks against a  prone creature have an advantage if they're made   within 10 ft of the creature or you know what  let's click on Shadow heart she's got blindness   blind a creature what does blind do attack RS  against it have advantage and the foe attacks with   disadvantage awesome or if I had hold person up  hold the humanoid enemy still they can't move or   act attacks one within 10 ft are always crit hits  so getting these kind of status effects down first   are really crucial ways to get most out of every  single action you're doing especially too if it's   like a bonus action right so let's take carlac  for example carlac I respect over here to a monk   and all the characters I talked about with all  their really great abilities are primary actions   well you know what she has topple which knocks  things prone kill this guy out right actually   we're going to find out right now let's see if we  can knock this guy prone well we knocked him prone   and just what happens we missed all of our attacks  which is kind of cool for the sake of this video   and we did that with just our bonus action so now  with our primary action we can go ahead and go to   go to town everything else has advantage against  this target boom that there we go got a big hit   right there I can take my other character now and  swing his sword all right we got a really big hit   it critted them but it's just really a matter of  layering these things and not looking at every   single character you go at you use in sequence  of the sense that okay I've got Shadow heart   I'm going to use her action and her bonus action  and then click the next character no just use an   action at a time per character as it fits to line  up your other characters that is the crucial thing   here right um let me see here that's the blast one  let me see if I can get another cool one off get a   stun stun though just kind of prevents them from  doing anything but still all right we just punch   the back of her head super hard right um but  maybe I go ahead and use carlac or I'm sorry   Shadow heart here and we'll use blindness on  this character saved unfortunately right well   well maybe switch to another one this character  can knock things prone by doing a lunging bite oh   cool we knocked it prone now I can really leverage  anyone who's within 10 ft of this to do some fun   additional damage so right now you know we get  this guy over here have him go attack do damage to   a creature that is prone so just have these little  things in mind don't think again sequentially   it's got to go one character all their actions  bonus actions everything they can do no use your   characters to line up your other characters for  the most damage possible the more survivability   possible whatever it is another good example too  would have been hey you know what colock in a   bind or I know this character I don't want them  to get attacked I'm going to throw this summon   haphazardly over here to force opportunity attacks  and lock that creature down use your characters   your summons your whatever it is to keep other  things from going across the battlefield so you   can maximize every single movement Point action  bonus action whatever ever the hell it is and   honor mode because it is going to be crucial and  at that it brings our video here to a close so   hopefully this helps you out in cracking into  the difficulty of Honor mode I think honor   mode is scary you know because you can't reave  resave you can't save scum and that's something   that's kind of spooky if you're not really 100%  comfortable with balers Gate 3 its rule set of d   and d and all that action but I think that it's an  extremely rewarding play style because everything   is so intense even just general conversations  you're not sure how they're going to go because   you maybe want a certain item from it or certain  whatever from it I strongly encourage you to do   it and I think too just like playing maybe a Dark  Souls game the journey is in losing is in dying   is in failing where you kind of learn okay that's  how I'm really supposed to approach things this   is what's GNA I'm going to do stuff I mean Dark  Souls is a very challenging game series right but   it makes you a better gamer because you learn  how to economize what you're doing or how you   approach certain stuff and that is the same thing  here of H our motor from balers Gate 3 Once you   learn how to get the most out of everything you're  doing you start to trivialize a lot of the harder   stuff because you spent so much time prepping for  it or you understand how those actions are going   to play out or what a status effect that you  can throw onto something that is going to make   the rest of your characters do all the damage  whatever it is if you have any other tips for   Honor mode let it be known in the comment section  below there is some other cheesier stuff I didn't   go into like you know crashing the game if you  do mess up um I figure it's not honorable to go   over that uh maybe may or may not have done it in  my stream once twice who knows I can't confirm NE   here or there but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 137,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO BEAT HONOR MODE & Advanced Tips in Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 honor mode, bg3 honour mode, bng3 honor mode tips, bg3 honor mode build, bg3 advanced tips and tricks, bg3 advanced combat tips, bg3 advanced guide, bg3 honor mode bosses, bg3 how to beat honor mode, bg3 honor mode help, bg3 how to beat honour mode, bg3 honour mode tips, bg3 honour mode guide, bg3 honour mode bosses, bg3 best honour mode guide, bg3 best honor mode guide
Id: wd-GsAMW4YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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