Baldur's Gate 3 - Best Build Become Even Stronger after Patch 1! Updated Monk Druid Build

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so if you thought that monks were already strong in Baldur's Gate 3 while you don't even know the half of it ladies and gents let me present you a very cool ability that we didn't use before it's called the symbiotic entity a druid skill that recently got faked so now it finally applies that extra necrotic damage properly to unarmed attacks as well which literally makes an already very strong build the monk build into an even more busted one we can literally pull off skills that deal all the way up to 100 damage per hit pretty much one shot entire bosses in one single row and not just that even extends to other enemies and take them down as well if you want to so we're gonna Dive Right In with all the details and as always a thumbs up on the video would be greatly appreciated but there is going to be a slight difference compared to the previous monk built than before so we're not gonna use the fighter class anymore to multi-class it instead we're going to focus a bit more on the Druid and kind of create a Synergy for the symbiotic entity so once we couple this with our other action damage sources we have three of them in total or six in total for the Flurry of Blows so besides the bludgeoning we already have we have extra Force extra necrotic and depending on the mindfulness pick you have radiant more necrotic or maybe extra psychic this is going to let you reach at least 90 extra damage with the Flurry of Blows for even up to 100 if you really scale up that strength modifier and get a ton of strength with this build but yes it's going to continue to abuse that Tavern brawler which is still one of the best perks to have for this build so going quickly over the character creation a couple of things do change here because now we no longer access the fighter class which means we no longer have access to martial weapons so this means short bows plus we also don't get access to well heavy armor so we kind of have to rely either on no armor and use the unarmored defense or go with medium armor and get some of the other options that fully scale up with your dexterity so for this one purely for the end game build we're going to go with the wood elf reason being is because they already start with proficiency with the longbows and short bows you also get the extra movement speed it's already a great class for the monks anyway plus you're not going to have to worry too much about seeing in the darkness and not just that we're going to compensate your lack of medium armor and shield proficiency by while just taking the Druid class this is going to provide us those two proficiencies now from this point on we're obviously going to invest around the similar amount of points as we did before at the starting stages so strength and wisdom are going to be the primary sources strength for our modifier from The Tavern brawler this is going to be the one that gives us the most amount of damage increase all while still taking into account with them because of a pair of boots at the start of act 3 that further scales up our damage from the wisdom modifier from that point on if you're just leveling up as always I suggest getting a bit of constitution in there too so that you have a bit more tankiness but don't fall off too much on dexterity I would put 10 points in dexterity now later in the game in act 3 you can completely dump Constitution as well and just put all the remaining points into dexterity so that you don't fall too much behind on initiative and you also make up for the Constitution with a special amulet so that's what I'm going to go with right now as I am already in act 3. now from this point on we're just going to continue leveling up the monk as usual we're gonna try to push all the way to level six in the meantime at level 3 is when we pick the multi-class and way of the open hand is again going to be our choice specifically the Flurry of Blows it's going to give us two attacks basically for one bonus action so it essentially is one of the best abilities in the entire game and what's making this build so damn op at level 4 we can pick a feat and we're gonna go with the tavern brawler again even after the update this is still absolutely insane one point we're gonna dedicate to strength so we can just jump to 18 and this is going to further scale or improve our unarmed damage and our Throne damage that it takes into account our strength modifier so this is why we're gonna go with the strength stat if you were wondering once we reach level 5 we also get extra attack and also one of these stunning strikes it's very useful if you do want to like just block an enemy for a turn you can just stun it and they're gonna skip that turn so you don't get any damage on you once we get to level 6 this is when we get the mindfulness it's going to let us have some extra sources of damage like radiant necrotic and psychic plus we get the wholeness of body which if we Precast before a fight or even during a fight it gives us an extra bonus action so we can have up to three in total bonus actions with this build alone now from this point on normally you would go with the Rogue class and kind of go with the thief because you also have that extra bonus action so you would bring that to a total of two but now I kind of want to show you the Druid and what it does for you one of which is the fact that it gives you that Medium armor and shield proficiency this build still uses Shields because because it just gives you that free extra AC and it doesn't hinder anything in the build essentially you can still use unarmed attacks plus you have some really interesting can trips here you have the thorn whip to pull enemies in we have the Chile or whatever this is called basically if you run with a weapon like a staff you can add some extra bludgeoning damage to it and you also have a bunch of other cool stuff in there to help you a bit however we're gonna stop at level 2 because this is when we get access to the subclass and specifically the circle of spores that recently got its symbiotic entity fixed so this is going to gain us a temporary 8 hit points and also lets us deal one to six extra necrotic damage but this only works while you have those extra temporary hit points if you lose those temporary hit points you kind of also lose this effect which is why you're going to want to not get hit and I'm going to show you that in just a little bit but this lasts until long rest it doesn't involve any concentration besides not getting it attack you don't have to do anything to get a benefit from this really amazing skill right here you could even like combine this with an evolved version of a stereo and kind of get another necrotic damage on top but um yeah this is going to be a story option at some point outside of that the last three points are again going to be in the Rogue class we're gonna go with the thief at level 3 so that we have that extra fast hands or the bonus action from it plus at level 4 once we reach it with the Rogue subclass here we can pick the final couple of points either strength or wish them now this is going to depend if you use the hill giant Elixir which is going to bump your strength to 27 there is a way to abuse that and get like an infinite number of them so if you do have a chance to do that you can just invest the extra points into wisdom otherwise strength it is now this is the build right here and what you achieve with it basically before any flight you're going to do a couple of things one of them is that you're going to pop off that symbiote Synergy right there to get the extra necrotic damage you also have to pay attention to activate one of the mindfulness effects so that you do get either the extra radiant damage or psychic or whatever which one of them you pick for extra actions and bonus actions you would have haste as well as wholeness of body which each provide one extra action and one extra bonus section but you'd have to do it before the fight so that you can start the fight with all of them intact it's still possible to do it in combat it's just that you're going to have to wait until the next turn before you can fully make use of all of your available slots and once you get all of that ready you have about 10 or so absolutely devastating attacks because you have three bonus sections and your Flurry of Blows deal two attacks per bonus action so that's 6 attacks in total and then you have two attacks which each is going to provide an extra attack from the action so that's four more attacks that's 10 in total which is going to be more than enough to come completely take out any boss in this game assuming that they don't prevent any damage or don't use any Shield but even then you can bypass those and essentially take them down easily this is like 500 damage give or take depending how you build your character how you use elixirs and if you can really bump up that damage if you use that giant strength Elixir you can pull your strength to 27 and this is going to buff up your damage on the Flurry of Blows to about 58 to 100 for every single hit which I mean it's just insane it's higher significantly even than my Smite Paladin that we covered a couple of days ago now in terms of the items not much has changed compared to before we're still going with the mask of Soul perception we're getting some extra bonus to attack rolls plus initiative there helps quite a bit because this build is isn't going to have that much initiative because of the low dexterity we could in theory also use the grid helmets but this is going to only work if you have HP or lower so you kind of have to find a way to bring your character before the fight to have HP and then activate that symbiotic Synergy so that you can also benefit from the extra damage with the necrotic otherwise you're just going to lose the symbiotic Synergy and you'll have to reactivate it in the next turn for the cloak it's still the same the displacement cloak and this is going to just help you a bit to evade attacks once enemies attack you it's not going to guarantee it but we're going to have pretty high AC to further help with that now at maximum level the armor of choice is going to be the hell does which is going to give you the highest AC possible until then you can have a couple of options if you invest a bit more points into dexterity you can obviously go with one of these medium armors that fully scale with your um dexterity so you want T skill armor and there's a higher version of this later on in act 3 but you can also choose an armed defense just not go with any light medium or heavy armor and instead let your AC skill off your already high with them if you want that you can totally do so and it's totally viable up until act 3. for the gloves and game we're gonna go with the soul catching these are by far the best for the additional one to ten Force damage there are other options until that point the hell Gloom gloves even the hell does before that and there are I believe some options even in act one that adds some extra fire maybe even like electricity bonus damage for unarmed attacks you can probably find quite a few around for the boats it's always going to be the uninhibited kushigo this is going to scale up your attacks and that gives you a wisdom modifier basically for your unarmed strikes it's very important to have this it's at the start of act 3 by the way but you do have to yeah just loot a bunch of corpses from some monks from this point on we're gonna use any Shield it doesn't really matter we just need the extra AC you can get a plus three one if you um defeat a certain enemy in act three um also dark fire short bow is going to be quite important if you want to be self-sufficient because this gives you the haste you can preemptively can best haste before a fight or otherwise just have another class another companion cast haste on you during battle and not waste your own slots it doesn't really matter if you have this or not I just got it for the purpose of this video finally we also have the amulets of the greater Health this is what is going to buff our HP and double our health pool basically I'm also going with that ring of defense that we got in act 1 from stealing that Druid Relic in the Druid Grove there is a mission for an NPC over there and what I'm using here is the shadow cloaked ring some random drop from one of the corpses in Act 2 but it does give me some extra damage if I fight against enemies that are lightly or heavily obscured and in some of these shots these enemies were lightly and even heavily obscured now the only possible downside I can think of is in case enemies hate you and they do deal more than 8 damage are going to lose those temporary hit points and as such also lose that symbiotic Synergy you you can of course still cast it as a bonus action the next turn or you can just use your already massive movement bonus to just move around the battlefield and get out of line of sight you can literally cast a fly preemptively before a fight because you have it from the Druid class and then just fly around the map reposition yourself and nothing is going to ever touch you in fact you should play this class in such a way that no enemy should ever be able to reach you and if anything they should waste all of their movements their actions and bonus actions to cast Dash and jumps to try to reach you in the first place so that they don't have anything left to hit you so what this means is that you're going to have a more prolonged and more sustained burst of damage compared to the variant that use the fire there because you no longer just have an action surge in the first turn but in fact you have this symbiotic Synergy for the entire duration of the fight as long as you don't get hit by more than 8 points this is going to let you destroy enemies before even get a chance to lift the finger anyway this is it with the video thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 492,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 monk build, best monk build, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tier list, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips for beginners, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 best spells, baldurs gate 3 best mods, baldurs gate 3 best weapons, bg3 symbiotic entity, baldurs gate 3 symbiotic entity, baldurs gate 3 tavern brawler, baldurs gate 3 update
Id: b1kfz0ctGtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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