Baldurs Gate 3 Rogue / Gloomstalker S Tier Build! Stealth Is Absurdely Powerful!

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foreign I love ranged Rose who doesn't everybody loves them they are always powerful they are always amazing they're always overpowered if you play the Skyrim then you most likely most certainly at one point in your life you build a sniper broke because they are amazing they are a amazing thing to have now little disclaimers before we get into this builds the gameplay footage that you are going to be seeing in background is mostly going to be for party play because I have already a different video showcasing you how I feel like this could most certainly clear entire camps of enemies so low by using the stealth mechanic on Raw characters so I'm not going to explain completely the style mechanic on itself for that I'll have the video the link in the video description for that one different video that I have on how to exploit the stealth mechanic and take advantage for that and kill entire entire enemy camps that being said this field is going to be an amazing thing it's still going to be able to do that but this is going to Showcase how it works on body play and basically what a little about this video is that you're never ever ever going to be seen by the enemy you're always going to be a force of Shadows I love that seconds I always like to make my early game be also be a level 6 because level 6 is something attainable in the first chapter of the game that is not going to be the case in here we're going to be building this guy for level 7 with the itemization that we are going to get uh as far as level 7 as well because while still is this still is still going to be still still this is still going to be quite effective prior to level seven but at level 7 is when the build is going to be fully established for you just to get better beyond that point but that is when the build is going to shine the most because that is when it's going to receive the highest Spike power hour and that is because we're going to be multi-classing this build so it's going to take a little bit longer for it to shine but it's going to shine brighter in the darkness than any other different deal that you would have because of the multi-classing potentialing capabilities that we are going to have that being said let's begin with the levels let's begin a level one with our Rogue the Rogue is going to give you sneak attack range this is going to be our main means of damage at all times now it's also going to give us proficiency with light armor simple weapons hand crossbows long Source wrap ears short swords and whatnot if on the other hand you choose the high L raise the the thing that you aren't going to receive it's going to be a proficiency with Longbow which I can stress enough how amazing it is for you to to increase the damage a little bit better I think that overall longbows are all in all kids better but you can also have short balls in one each of your hands which is it actually looks flashy and amazing it's something nice as a rogue where those are going to get a sleep of hand right here and as you can see it has plus two as well as steel plus two what that means is that we are receiving expertise on these two right here so that is why they appear as double now the ability scores that we are going to be using with our Rogue they are going to be quite interesting the most important thing is going to be just dexterity and wisdom wisdom because we are going to be swapping our class into our Gloom stalker and our Gloom stalker is going to take advantage of the ability modifiers for his spells from wisdom that leads us to two choices in here if you want to for example make a road that is just going to be a side crew member if you if you choose for example a Starion to be your main wrong as I am doing right here you're going to dump all of your points into Constitution but just have in mind that asterion is never ever ever going to be seen at least your Rogue is never going to be seen if on the other hand your Rogue is going to be the main phase of your body if your main character is the Rogue it's always amazing to have 50 increase map for you to be able to bypass all of the social skills and to have in mind this is hugely important Constitution it's a nice thing to have as a side crew member but you're not need it because you're never going to be seen with this character level 2 will say Rogue is basically going to give us the bonus action for hiding and this is amazing because you can attack and hide attack and hide attack and hide that is basically what you're going to get at level two a level three on the other hand this is where the thing cycle which started getting spicy you are going to get the bonus for the past head meaning you're going to be able to do to do two beautiful precious bonus actions we're gonna talk about them on the gameplay section of the game but basically what this thing is going to allow you to do is always perform the anxiety of your roster of actions like the spells that you have the Misty step that you're going to have the dash that you are going to desperately need with this build and still be able to attack twice because we're going to be able to attack twice with this character and still be able to enter and still it's just going to be amazing and delightful but then again this is only true if you choose the subclass for the fifth unfortunately I know that a lot of people like Assassin that is not going to be able to do to be possible we're not going to be able to make this work with assassin you can make this thing work but I wouldn't advise that it's too much of a hassle and you get too much exposure if you really want to be in the shadows 100 of the time then fifth is the right path to take now at level four we are going to get our first sub class for our first multi-class which is going to be into Ranger we are going to receive our fine familiar to be able to summon a companion as for the favorite enemy I should always advise for you to take Bounty Hunter because this is going to basically increase the efficiency of our engineering strike and the rest of them that you just focus on one specific enemy whereas this thing is always going to be affecting other things which is always amazing the choice that you are going to take on the natural on the natural Explorer thing this is very important you should never ever take the urban tracker because you already have provision Agency on sleet of hands so this is basically just negating itself because you're not going to get anything proficiencies date not stuck in this game so this is going to do nothing for you I either advise the USB stamer although I never use companions with this VL because I like for this guy to be a lone wolf it's always a nice thing to have it this is going to allow you to cast the the Beast to find a companion without wasting a spell slot and then the rest of them they are just amazing things because you are going to resist to gain resistances to different types of damage but then again you're never going to be damaged with this character so yeah the ideal thing would be to take the Beast Tamer the ability is you can change things around here and there but they are not going to be important at level 5 we are going to get our second level of Ranger and we're going to get new spells the spells that I always advise for you to have it's going to be engineering strike and snare strike is basically going to allow you to have more heat chance against the enemy bottle near attack spells and then the enemy is going to have a more difficult time being able to land their hits and whatnot it costs an action and a bonus action but thanks to our Rogue we do have lots of bonus actions to spare and still be able to remain in the shadow so this is going to be amazing we're also going to have hunters Mark which is going to cost you a bonus action if you want to Mark someone a specific enemy and do remember as well that we have more than enough bonus actions to keep uh keep our marks on the enemy that we want to have the enemy and still be able to go back to the Shadows the fighting style this is going to be spicy this is what I like the archery the archery is going to help us to diminish one specific field that we are going to take archery basically increases your heat chance with your bows at level 6 we are going to get our level 3 of Ranger at this point we are going to receive a new spell and I always advise for you to take speak with animals because you are going to be missing out lots of things if you do not have have this thing with your characters it's always nice to be able to be speaking to animals in this game and here is where we're going to be choosing our subclass for our multi multi-class character which is going to be basically a fib that is also going to be a Gloom stalker the Gloom stalker is going to give you a bonus action into hide but then again we don't care about this thing we already received two not only one but two from the thief so this is not important but it is going to be important is going to be thread ambusher thread ambusher is going to allow you to hit the enemy once but it's just even though that well is still in action it's going to allow you to use a second sneak attack at least on the first turn of the combats it's also going to yield you Superior dark vision to be able to hit the enemies at a longer distance even when they are hiding in Dark Places without having to suffer disadvantages so we're always going to be able to use our sneak attacks and then replace Bell that is not really important you can disregard this thing completely at level 7 and at level 4 of our Gloom stalker this is where our BL is going to be fully established in this world we're going to be getting the most damage out of our BL because here we are going to be able to replace the replace spell if this is really not going to be that important as a matter of fact I always advise for you to have those things right here you cannot if you want to you can change just don't change anything right here there's just little things but on the other hand we are going to be able to select our feet which is going to be sharp shooter this thing is going to increase your damage by 10 which is amazing it's huge although you are going to receive a plus a minus five penalty to your attack rules what in what this means essentially is that you're going to receive a penalty on your hip chance but to have in mind that we have archery from our previous levels on our Ranger so that is going to be it's not going to matter that much you are still going to be able to use your feature right here for shop shooter and also this is going to this is not going to receive penalty when attacking from High Ground rules so you can attack enemies that are on High Ground even even though that you are not on High Ground although you are still going to take advantage of that High Ground do have in mind that this is a feature that you can turn on and off without any cost at your leisure this is something that the game doesn't tell you so take advantage of this thing when you feel that you do not have enough heat chance you turn this up but thanks to the hiding the the repositioning the mobility of this character were always always going to have most likely 99 chance of being able to hear the enemy which is going to be huge damage it's going to be huge damage it's it's just amazing I love this Rogue it's deadly it's amazing it's more one let's talk about the itemization of the character this is very important because most of those things you are going to be able to get them on the First Act of the game and there's going to be a link in the video description to each and every single one of these items for you to be able to find a nail sale the first thing that we are going to have is going to be the Spy the silk Island this is going to give you a plus one to your stealth checks which is going to grant for the enemy never to be able to find you we're going to be stacking this thing with this modeler's ring which is going to give you a plus two into South and plus two into his lead up hand I won't make a quick clarification in here the stealth is not going to Showcase right here on the proficiencies so do not be scared about that if you unequip the ring it's it's going to diminish your ability to be able to perform stealth if you remove your armor is not going to happen anything because this is not native stealth on itself it's just going to trigger when the enemy is looking for you although there are many light armors in the game that are going to give you plus one instance so you can choose whichever one you like but this two things are a must and then we have the gloves of thievery the glows of theory are going to give you advantage on your Sleek of hand checks and thanks to this thing you are going to ensure that you're never ever ever going to miss opening a log with your Rogue which is one thing that we have this guy in the party as well and then we are going to have the Amulet of Mystic step I can't stress enough how important this thing is what we're going to be using this thing for is that every time that we use the last known location mechanic we can use this thing to cast last known location and then use Misty step move to a completely different location when the enemy manages to finally be in that place there's no one going to be that and the enemy is going to be wasting one turn trying to look for something that is never going to be there so that is amazing also this thing is amazing for repositioning all in all in different places and you're going to be able to cast this thing once per short rest and finally we are going to have the springs that puts which is going to allow us to have more movement speed I can't stress enough how important it is for a rogue to have movement speed because you are going to be moving to lots of places the ideal thing that you want to do is just cast that last known location deal damage come foreign and then move to a different place for the enemy to go to that last known location just to find out that there's no one there as for the bow you can use whatever you feel comfortable with is really not going to matter but since you aren't choosing a elf you are going to have proficiencies with long bows and ideally you won't be choosing Lambos the Longbow that you choose is not going to be that much of relevance but still I advise for you to use longbows just to get that little extra nip depth of damage let's move on shall we let's talk about how is this build going to be working like I said the footage that you are going to have in the background is always going to be in the party and the first advice that I am going to give you is that the Rogue should always always going to be hiding you should never exit out of stealth with your Rogue even while you're doing exploration because if you're doing Exploration with your main character and they enter combat chances are that the Rogue is always going to be into stealth and he's never going to be seen so he's never going to immediately enter into combat that leads you to the possibility of being able to sneak behind the enemy and deal the first damage and like I said this Rogue right here as we have it built it has the potential it has the capability of killing enemies in just one single turn and also one thing that we are going to be taking advantage of this with this Rogue and I cannot stress how important it is to take advantage of the last known location mechanic usually two things can happen right here you can use your last known location mechanic and tank through the stealth uh text as you are seeing right here since you have so much stealth it's usually hard for the enemy to be able to find you what's happening in here the enemy is wasting an action when they go investigate the last known location and you're never going to be found that means that that enemy is not going to be attacking on that turn meaning the rest of your party can be safe from the damage of the enemy because they are looking for you on a place where they are not going to find anything the second thing is that since you have Dash you have missed this step I can't stress enough how important it is for you to use Misty step on certain situations usually what you want to do is just like I showed you on my video on how to abuse stealth in this game you place the last known location with your Ranger and once you have the last known location with your Ranger you move away from that position because you do not want to be found by the enemy so you get your last known location you get away and you keep dealing damage from a distance now you have enough more than enough bonus actions to be using snaring strike to be using Hunter's Mark to to use the first two attacks that you are going to be able to do with the Rogue because of the red ambusher red ambusher is going to be a independent action it's still going to be an action but it's going to be an independent action when you use red ambusher at the start of combat then you get to attack 3 again so you can use this range attack to deal that more damage and when you do this since you have the plus 10 damage that we receive from our level 7 feature you're most likely always going to be killing anyone and I can stress enough how important it is for this to always be in the shadows the enemy is never ever ever going to see this character and it's not only going to be a deadly force of Shadows because it's on this character mostly most likely is going to be able to kill enemies many enemies in just one single turn but it's also going to be granting utility for the party because of the last known location and that is basically how this build is going to work stealth is very powerful and this game is very overpowered I can't stress enough how this amazing is how amazing this is May the force be with you yeah it sounded like Yoda a little bit right anyways if you like the content so like in the producer appreciated subscribe to the channel before you close the door no one else told you today that you go just a beautiful person you are indigo just a beautiful beautiful person you got them gorgeous and beautiful people next one a beautiful day thank you goodbye [Music]
Channel: RPJames
Views: 440,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPJames, Baldurs Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, Baldurs Gate 3, Beginners Guide, Tips And Tricks, Wish I Knew Before I Buy, Build, Character Builds Open World Games, RPG, Role Playing Games, ARPG, Action Role Playing Game, Tactical Games, Turn Based Games, Action Adventure Games, RPG Games, Xbox, Microsoft, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Sony, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Playstation, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, PC, Steam, News, Gaming, Gaming News
Id: 30eSbdQxArw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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