Baldur's Gate 3: Advanced Dual Wielder Build (30 AC & 8 Attacks!)

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hello and welcome to a Baldur's Gate 3 character creation video um everybody seems to be doing these things and since I have about a dozen different character builds I've been messing with and I'm about to beat the game I think I have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't so here's the dilemma I have a lot of character classes that I see people post on YouTube and I see a lot of good ideas some of the ideas I've actually stolen for myself but one thing I don't see a lot of is a dual wielding characters from what I've been hearing of 5th edition DND and I'm kind of new to fifth edition I've been playing 3.5 for like a decade or more so I'm really getting acclimated to fifth edition and apparently dual wielding pretty much sucks in fifth edition and it does the way they have the attacks done it actually does kind of suck so my mission with this game after I beat it was like okay I need to find a way to make a dual wielder because I always love dual wielding Fighters it's always been like a uh I don't know what you call it it's just always been an exciting thing to me I've always loved the idea maybe it's because I read too many uh uh Drizzy D Jordan books or maybe I just like playing Rangers in second edition but I always loved dual wielding don't mind minskin's underwear back there we're stealing his armor for this little video so I came up with the idea okay why don't we make something called the blender now feel free to screenshot this or you know take a look at what I wrote here this uh blender you have to run this in a much higher resolution you have to run it at least 1080p to be able to see the text on this document so the blender is my idea of a dual wielder now when I was thinking of this I thought okay what are the two what are the things that we have to do to make a competent dual wielder in this game so that we need a high Armor class because he's not going to be using Shields so we have to compensate for the loss of Shield okay and we also have to have someone who's specked and criticals so he needs to equip items that increases critical rate as well as a race that would also increase his critical rate so for that I went with orc because the orc gets what's called uh Savage criticals I think it's Savage critical it's not Savage attacks but anyway they have a racial ability that lets you roll um another damage die to determine your damage for criticals so that's pretty good that's kind of what we're going for here and the starting attributes are 10 strength because we're not using strength I wouldn't take it below 10 because then it's going to be hard to carry anything so we want 10 strength 17 dexterity 15 con eight intelligence ten wisdom and 14 Charisma now I only go with the 14 Charisma because I assume this is going to be your main character this is going to be what they call the face or the main party character so you're going to want someone who has some Charisma to be able to intimidate and persuade because usually that's what you're going to be doing in this game is doing a lot of intimidation and persuasion so if not if this is just going to be a hireling that you make then you can take the Charisma down and move the con up to 16. and I'm I'm just imagining that you didn't get the hag hair so I'm not going to make any allowances for the hag hair or the potion you get in the moonrise Towers because that potion increases your strength by two and we don't need it there's also the necromancy of thay book where if you turn turn knowledge into the mirror in the sharus temple in act three it's supposed to give you some bonus points I don't know how many because I missed that Quest but I'm not factoring any of these things in I'm just doing this build exactly as you see right here okay so here's the cool thing your character will look sort of like this which is pretty dope really and this is going to be your um you know your ending stats which are pretty decent because even my circuit and uh he has one attack at plus 13 plus 14 bonus with the baldran's Giant Slayer so that's not too bad so let's real quick um let me save this I like to test my builds out at the end of the game where I have all the equipment and all the levels it kind of makes sense so I've been testing out builds so let me show you how you're going to level this guy okay take a screenshot of that right there because that document tells you how to build it so what we're doing is we are going for a fighter 8 Rogue three Barbarian one and I know that sounds a little weird love and I know that sounds a little weird and you may be thinking why split your classes like that you're missing out on some uh you're missing out on some new Feats and and other things like we're gonna get to that okay so like I said you want your start starting stats to be 10 strength 17 dexterity 15 con 8 intelligence ten wisdom and 14 Charisma unless of course you're not playing as a face character which in that case you could probably move your Constitution up to 16 get that extra hit point and it doesn't really matter I mean it just depends right whatever you want to do and uh I can't control the uh the starting skills for this guy because it's a hireling and I'm just sort of showing you what to do but I would aim for persuasion and intimidation and also maybe Athletics so that you could um prevent from being pushed because a lot of the enemies in this game really love to push and shove you around the battlefield and knock you prone so Athletics will kind of mitigate that a little bit so these are your starting abilities and you're going to go with Barbarian as your first class it doesn't really matter if you go with Barbarian or fighter first I'm just picking Barbarian first because the only thing we want from Barbarian the only thing we want from it is um the con the unarmored con bonus that's it foreign that's that's the only thing we want from it so we're gonna confirm that now for level two we're gonna start our fighter levels now the great thing about this class is you won't have to respect a lot of these master classes that they they show on YouTube they want you to respect halfway through and there are some that I have that do require respecting but this class actually doesn't need it so you're going to go uh Fighter 2 next and you're gonna pick two weapon fighting what that's going to do is allow you to normally your offhand weapon is a little weaker and you do less damage with it but what two weapon fighting does is it makes it so that there's no penalty to your offhand weapon damage you'll do the same damage with an offhand weapon as you would with a main hand weapon you get no that's that's what two weapon fighting does essentially in level three we want to get fighter level two where we get our action surge which is very important and I'll show you why later at level four we get fighter three and this is gonna be a bit controversial because I know a lot of people don't like it but we're actually gonna go with champion I know I know you could go with Battle Master if you want and there's a there is a lot of good uh moves that you can use in battle Master like repost uh maneuvering attack uh disarming stuff like that it's real nice but Champion has that one nice ability where you decrease your uh chance you decrease your critical hit roll so instead of needing a 20 it's reduced by one and now you only need to roll a 19. there's some items we're gonna get here that'll show you that will lower even further but you get yeah we're going to be hitting essentially this class is going to be hitting uh eight times in a round so you're gonna get a lot of hits and that means a lot of dice rolls and that means a lot of chances for a critical so to me in my opinion it's better to take champion and get that better improved critical ring okay so level five we're gonna take a fighter level four to make our first feet and the first one we're gonna pick is dual wielder what this does is when we're dual wielding it gives us a plus one bonus to our armor class and it also allows us to wield uh weapons in our offhand that we normally wouldn't be able to so you don't have to you don't have to sit here and equip daggers in your offhand that being said because you are a dexterity based dual wielder you are not going to be able to equip a long sword unless it's a finesse long sword so you mainly are going to be equipping light weapons but still dual wielder is nice to have if just for the bonus Point armor class so I picked and at level six we're taking fighter level five where we finally get our extra attack and keep in mind that at fighter level five or excuse me character level six this should be at the end of act one because if you do every quest in act one you're gonna end up level six before the end of it so just think end of act one when you finally start to get into the really tough enemies that's when you're finally gonna start to see this character blossom partial anyway okay so at level seven we're actually gonna get away from Fighter for a bit and we're gonna go and take Rogue and for abilities uh this is really up to you but I would actually uh stick with either persuasion and intimidation maybe get them double them up a little bit and then um you can even do deception too and then move Athletics up so that's that's really up to you what you want to do I mean keep in mind that this is your main face character that you're going to be communicating with NPCs with the most uh the skills you're going to use the most would be persuasion intimidation and deception maybe percent maybe a perception for finding traps but you can always have a Starion do that so those are your three main abilities plus Athletics is nice because like I said enemies are going to constantly try to knock you prone and Athletics does help with that quite a bit and at level eight we're gonna go Rogue level two and then at level nine this will put us at the end of act two because level nine is right when you should be fighting the boss of act two you'll hit Level Nine at least I hit level nine right before I fought them so keep that in mind so level nine we get Rogue three and we're gonna pick the thief subclass and we're gonna pick it just for one thing and one thing on Fast hands because what fast hands does is it gives us two bonus actions at level five fighter we learned a second attack and at level three Thief level three Rogue fee we learn a second bonus attack do you follow what I'm saying here so now we have a sword in each hand and now we can attack twice with both of them for four full attacks that's pretty good so now that we got level three in Rogue we're done with Rogue and we're gonna go back to fighter which gives us another fee and for this feat we're gonna do ability Improvement and build our our put our dexterity up and our constitution up which I'm going to tell you right now I did tell you to start with 15 con and 14 charisma that's probably what you should do if you're a face character if this is your main character so just keep that in mind it's also possible that if you bribe the hag in act one you get the hag hair and you could have already moved your dexterity up to 18. so that's up to you let's let's put it that way that's completely up to you so we'll just say the dexterity is you know 18 whatever it doesn't than a level 11 your fighter 7. you don't really get anything important here you're just getting hit points basically and then you hit your final level which will be fighter level eight and uh if you followed the the original instructions and your your uh dexterity was 17. this would be the moment where you would improve your ability score and get your dexterity to 20. oh okay now at this point your build is completely finished and you can think about the gear that you have so for gear uh I like the mask of Soul perception you get this in act three uh it's a very nice piece of gear because what it does it just gives you a flat two bonus to attack rolls which is good for this character because uh unfortunately the game does not give you any plus three one-handed swords or daggers there is none in the game the only single one-handed plus three weapon in the entire actually there's only two of them and that's the Spear of Noel roona that speared which kind of sucks and uh the the mace that one-handed blood of lathander Mace both those items don't work with this build because neither of those items are finesse so you're out of luck so your only options are plus two weapons and there's quite there's quite a lot of plus two one hand and weapons a short swords daggers rapiers whatever but the best thing I like sort of Life stealing which I believe you get at the last Light in in um chapter two it's very early in act two so you can pick that up I like this because on a critical the target takes an extra 10 points of necrotic damage since you do have the thief's ability of sneak attack this means that on top of that 13 to 31 sneak attack damage you're also going to pile on another 10 points of necrotic so it's going to be 23 to 41 damage that's not too shabby that's some end game damage right there I also like the bloodthirst dagger which I use in my offhand this is a must-have for this build because not only does it give you uh plus one to your armor class if you use it in your offhand but if you notice at the top it has an improved critical and the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one keep in mind our critical uh attack has already been reduced by 19 now we only need an 18. to get a critical hit you see how this is going it's we're all about the critical hits and piling on damage here right now for uh ranged weapons uh just get any magical hand crossbow there's plenty of them you can buy a whole bunch of plus one hand crossbows right in the beginning of the game at the Druid encampment if you really want them um game doesn't really have any super awesome hand crossbows the only one I ever found was the Hellfire hand crossbow I can't remember where I found it but it's I think it might have been somewhere in act two I think it might have been one of those final uh boss fights in act two but anyway it's uh not really important because you're not going to be doing much ranged attacking you're going to be getting up in the enemy's face and attacking them with your dual weapons it's also a good idea to use uh Alchemy a lot Alchemy is very important in this game and it's a pretty good idea to have all of your characters carry around anywhere from five to maybe like a dozen potions of speed potions of speed are actually very easy to buy easy to come by and easy to create so there's really no excuse to you know have at least half a dozen to a dozen potion of speeds in your character's backpack at all time and when you're in a very tough spot you just uncork a bottle drink it and you've got you know what is it 10 rounds of haste it's not too bad you get a plus two to your armor class and you double your movement speed get an extra action and you get uh advantage on dexterity saving throws win-win I get the I also get the cloak of protection pretty easy right there you get a free armor class I use the enraging heart Garb because if you notice uh it doesn't count as armor and uh it gives you plus two to your Constitution which will uh bump it up to 20. which is another five to your armor class so you're basically giving yourself another 12 hit points and another one to your armor class just by using this armor and I use the bracers of Defense which you get pretty early in the game they give you a plus two tier armor class as long as you're not wearing armor and holding a shield and we're not and I also get the evasive shoes because it's free Armor class points and you can pick up some acrobatics which also helps preventing enemies from pushing shoving you or knocking your prune the only uh jewelry that I would bother to hunt down and equip would be the caustic band although the game doesn't show it here on the tool tip it will Factor there's two points of acid damage in every attack so instead of doing 8 to 13 we're actually doing 10 to 15. on our weapon attack now I'm going to show you what this build is capable of this build is at its peak capable of doing eight attacks around yeah not too shabby eight attacks pretty high damage pretty high critical chance you're gonna critical on a roll of 18. so yeah not bad so what you're going to do is when you get into battle or before you go into battle you're going to uncork a potion of speed drink that bad boy and I'll show you what happens your first attack your attacks when you attack keep in mind it's going to combine both your main hand attack and you're all fan attack if you just want to do an all fan attack you're gonna have to actually select the offhand attack icon in your action bar but if you select main hand it's going to attack with both of them and use up one of your bonus actions so there you go there's two attacks right there and you get two more now keep in mind Lazelle has an armor class of 26. so very few enemies in the game are going to have an armor class like that out of those four attacks we just hit her with what three of them so that's pretty good so because we have the haste we get a fifth attack in the sixth attack so that's six attacks that we have and now if I was in combat it would let me use action surge an ax action surge would give us another two attacks bringing our total to eight attacks per round with those High critical daggers so that that does add up I mean believe me it it adds up and it's a very good build I think if you want a dual wield character this is pretty much your best option at least the best that I found you get a decent Armor class um you can actually increase that Armor class even more for instance I could have my Paladin come over here or really any clear or healer and I can cast Shield of faith and now his armor class is 29. so you're looking at a guy who can enter combat with an armor class of 29. dual wielding can do about 15 damage per hit and eight hits with a a critical on a roll of 18. that's about the best you can get in this game at least now before any DLC or expansions overflowed I think this character is pretty good and if you want to make a dual wielding psychopath you can't get any better than this now admittedly it is a little boring because you took the champion you took the champion class instead of Battle Master now if you want to and and I I leave this option to you because it's your game you could instead of picking Champion go with Battle Master and pick a bunch of a Battle Master moves if you want right but you're gonna miss out on that extra damage critical the champion gives you so it's really up to you if you want to do more damage on criticals go with champion if you want to uh just do more damage period and have a lot of different moves that you can do in combat and you want combat to be a little bit more exciting then go ahead and pick Battle Master to me I just like the fact that I'm getting eight hits around making uh eight hits on the enemy and having a high critical chance too so it's up to you I think this is a really good build and if you're into dual wielding Fighters and you wonder like man how come all the dual wielding Fighters stink in uh in Baldur's Gate well there you go and two one thing I should also mention is keep in mind you also have the hand crossbows as an option and they do pretty much exactly the same damage with almost exactly the same bonus attack so you could do this and we just killed Lazelle so you know that's an option this is actually a really good build and that was against a heavily armored character my Lazelle has 26 armor class so she's um she's pretty beefy so this character can can cut through just about anything in the game you could also probably hit 30 armor class if you have a ring of protection here but I never got it in the first act because I didn't steal the uh the idol for mole if you do steal the idol in the Druid encampment Mall gives you a ring of protection plus one so you know that way you can hit 30 Armor class and uh like I said make sure to hit your Alchemy because uh Alchemy see where it is Alchemy it's easy to really make a lot of potions of speed hyena ears there's a like a ton and a half of them in the game so especially in the first uh act so try to pick up every single one you get and then buy potions of speed are in most of your uh there's always like one Alchemist or one magic Merchant in each Act just go there and buy them all up and then do a long rest and go back and they restock so what you can do is you can actually just buy them all up do a long rest go back buy the ones that restock do another long rest buy some so that way you just have a bunch of potions of speed and you can always have them on hand so there you go that's my uh dual wielding psychopath uh fighter it's a very good class and I hope it gave you some ideas and maybe you know might improve your your gameplay and Baldur's game three because Boulders gave threes difficulties actually pretty low even on tactician but that difficulty is dependent on how well your builds are built and this is a pretty good build so I hope you enjoyed it uh go ahead and give this build a try let me know in the comments if it worked for you or if it didn't or if you have uh suggestions maybe you have items that work better with this build I don't know anyway peace out and have a good night
Channel: Paladin Larec
Views: 31,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t-wqaS1hPks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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