This Is Probably Getting Nerfed | Baldur's Gate 3 - 11 Attacks per Turn Thief Monk Build

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ladies and gents this is how insane monks can be in Baldur's Gate 3. you can deal hundreds of damage easily every turn get a ton of actions move over the battlefield with absolute ease and not just that have a ton of survivability with the proper multi-class setup now because having a lot of actions every turn is so op in this game we're going to try to create a build that absolutely abuses that to the maximum and give us up to 9 attacks every single turn so this is going to include two main actions plus a bonus attack and then three bonus actions which are gonna be used to cast abilities that perform two attacks per each bonus action so that's 9 in total or at least 200 250 damage for a very unoptimized version of the build we're up to like 300 plus if you really go in and get all the extra points from the story and other bonus attacks that you can get depending on your choices so let's go over the setup we're primarily using Monk and Rogue here but also adding two more levels for the fighter now if you're freshly starting out a character and want to be more AC from the starting levels and like just have a bit more survivability you can have your first level in The Fighter class so that you can gain that heavy armor and shield proficiency this is useful early on because you don't have the items from act 3 which bypass that and give you a ton more AC without needing to use heavy armor so until then use that as your first investment however for us we're going to start with the monk since we are already in act 3. for the starting abilities these are the most important including strength and wisdom which we're gonna try to buff as much as possible reason we're going strength is because of a very special feat called Tavern brawler this feat right here is absolutely insane right now because it adds your strength modifier twice to the damage and attack rolls that you do with any unarmed attacks improvised weapons or Throne attacks which is going to Skyrocket that damage and let you reach these really crazy levels and since you have so many attacks as an unarmed monk you're going to benefit from this on each and every single one of them the second important stat here is going to be wisdom and specifically because there is a certain pair of feet items at the start of act 3 which is going to further add a wisdom modifier to your attack rolls we're gonna try to reach at least 20 with this in the end game now for the remaining couple of points we have Constitution and dexterity most people would completely dump dexterity for this build because well it's no longer needed and would just invest the points into Constitution to get a bit more on that survivability however if you're in act 3 you no longer need Constitution because there is an item that just raises that to 23 so because I don't really want to sacrifice my initiative I will still put some points into dexterity I think initiative is still very important in general used gameplay so this is my setup early on you can go the other way around now from this point on we're gonna have level two and we're gonna just continue up until we reach level six with the Monk class in this case at around the level three is when we're gonna choose our subclass and this is going to be way over the Open Hand this is what's going to provide us the Flurry of Blows which is essentially two attacks and it's also on a bonus action so this is going to be important to deal that high damage on the multitude of bonus actions that we have at monk level 4 we're gonna pick the tavern brawler feet this is also going to let us invest one more point in the strength so this is going to reach 18 right away if we started with 17 like how I just told you plus the double strength modifier over there for our attacks at level 5 we also get the very useful extra attack and finally level 6 is where we kinda cap out with everything we need from the Monk class including the manifestations for the extra damage like psychic necrotic or radiant depending which one we toggle and even more important the wholeness of body which is going to be another way to add another action on top for about three turns from here is when we switch to the Rogue class and we're gonna go with up to four levels in it essentially at level three we get the thief subclass which is going to give us the fast hands perk for an additional bonus action this is going to be very important to cast another instance of Flurry of Blows and at level four with this we're gonna get access to the second feed in this case it depends a bit what you picked prior in the story so if you already reach 20 with strength which in this case could be from the mirror of loss the hag Hair Plus the potion the blood potion that you get in act two you are already at 22 so that should be enough and you can go with the wisdom otherwise you can just pump those points into strength and just leave it at that and maybe do that in the next playthrough the last couple of points are going to be in the fighter class again if you're just starting out and then reach act 3 just yet you should start with fighter as the first level so that you can get that heavy armor proficiency where if you're just going to equip heavy armors anyway and continue with that you also gain another AC from the defensive perk at the first level and can more easily reach 21 HC but with heavy armor so you are making a small compromise over there however for me I'm just gonna keep it like that most important level 2 we're gonna get action Surge and this provides us another action for one turn but it is going to be only long rest it doesn't matter however because this build is going to still make Rounds Around the enemies before they even get to touch you if they survive that begin with now going over the items for the mask we're going with the sole perception you get this on the second level in the House of Hope in one of those ornate chests on a small table so this gives you plus two bonus to attack rolls and also to initiative roles and perception checks which I think is pretty good there is an alternative to this but I don't really like it it's called the helmet of Gray it and this would provide you another bonus action so you would have four in total but you have to be under 50 HP I found that's a bit too risky it could work with the AC I have but I just don't want to play like that I'm not in Fight Club or anything so I just want to go like normal gameplay and that's it the second one is the cloak of displacement this is from offender in Act 2 and this forces this advantage on Attack rules that enemies make against you at the start of every turn so this synergizes very well with the best of Soul Rejuvenation and especially that second passive over there which gives you a reaction to make an unarmed strike against the Target that misses you so the cloak forces the maze this provides the reaction and your unarmed attack of course benefits from everything that makes this build work so you can easily deal like 30 40 50 damage just as a reaction every single turn so that's actually quite insane however this would mean sacrificing some of your HC and only being capable to reach a ball about 18 or 19 depending on your choices so you can sacrifice that and instead go with the hell dusk armor this is what my build currently looks like and that's because this lets me push 25 AC the next piece is the gloves of Soul catching this as well as the legendary held us you get from the House of Hope and I already covered that in a previous video but this is what adds another one to ten points of bludgeoning damage to all our unarmed attacks and since we have a ton of those we're gonna heavily benefit from those extra damage points plus we get some healing Incorporated here even an advantage on attack rolls which I think is really nice then we have the boots of uninhibited kushigo this is what makes our damage to also for the benefit or scale with our wisdom modifier so we benefit both from strength and the wisdom buff the damage of our unarmed attacks this is what it gets at I believe end of Act 2 start of act 3 when certain monks will attack you so just keep that in mind now in terms of our weapons we're not going to use anything as our melee weapon because we're gonna use unarmed attacks with this one however I did add a shield for the plus 2 into AC making me reach easy 25 I could even reach 26 if I got the plus 3 that I placed on Shadow heart but it is good for now nothing can touch me or if they do they rarely do so as far as a ranged weapon we do use that but only because it gives us the haste so we can go with a dark fire short ball which is acquired in act 1 and this gives you a haste as a spell that you can use which I think is really awesome it just consumes an action so no spell slots in there and this is going to add that extra action every single turn you will always use this before the fight and have it for 10 whole turns which I think is really awesome and of course in terms of the jewelry we have the one that gives us 23 Constitution this is why we dumped that with having 23 Constitution means we get a ton of HP essentially double from about 75 to 130 plus we could even combine this with one level of Barbarian and essentially get that bonus from Constitution into AC that it already starts with at level one outside of that I'm just using ring of protection this is also from act one gives plus one AC so total 25 I think this is extremely extremely good you have tankiness very good damage lots of actions lots of movement and you're not really sacrificing much we can take down the shield by the way if you do want to not lose on movement speed during turns so just to show you how this works we're gonna Precast haste and then wholeness of body which one gives us an extra action and then the second one is going to give us an extra bonus action so this is going to be three plus six equals nine attacks and then we're gonna get that action surge for the 10th attack and action surge also gives us another extra attack on top so that's going to be 11 attacks in total in one single turn so that's what I call balance but going over this enemy let me show you exactly what I mean by 11 attacks so we go against this one do one attack this is going to use one of our actions the next one is going to be using our actual attack that we got from the level 5 of the monk so we're gonna consume that instead then we're gonna still have one action that we can use just with the unarmed strike we're gonna do that once more and this already lets us do one more before we move over to the next one so in this case we can just switch up to maybe like the flurry of attacks and take down the enemy so that's one two three plus the two that's already five attacks right from these so we can now move to the other ones because we haven't even consumed our movement so the next enemy we're gonna continue doing a flurry that's going to go down and once we're done we're gonna just use another action surge we get another action bam with the strike and because we gain an extra attack from that too we're gonna use that again that's a lot of attacks I kind of lost count over there but you kind of get what I'm saying now because we have the highest movement speed in the entire game we can then just well take our speed car and go on to the other side of the map and just let everybody else consume their actions to dash towards you and well just stay there like sitting targets because the next turn you guessed it you have even more attacks so you can just jump back in do another like 9 10 11 attacks in a row take down a bunch of enemies then run on the other side of the map and just like make circles around them as they're losing their minds trying to reach you and if anything even touches you you have so much AC that you can survive through almost everything melee especially is not going to be a problem everything is going to miss almost all the time the only slight problem here might be the magic attacks that's about it but only assuming that it's a debuff and you kind of hit certain conditions now I'm obviously there are variations to this build as well you could go 8 4 for example just dump all the points from the fighter and instead put the remaining ones into monk go level 8 with it and gain a bunch of other abilities in there most importantly you're going to get those key points and this is going to help you to spam your flurry of attacks a bit more often so that they don't get consumed in the same fight otherwise you could also sacrifice the couple less points or maybe even just one of them for a barbarian class and just have those extra points in AC from the Constitution that you get this could be done maybe early in the game because you could use Constitution and funnel that into your AC somewhat though I'm not sure it's going to be better than just going unarmored and having the wisdom bumped up which is going to also benefit that I didn't test that yet I only went with these two setups right here the one that started with the fighter and the one that had it as the last one both of them work just fine and you're not sacrificing too much in terms of either damage or um yeah defenses though this one that we're using here with six four two is the best in my opinion because you have that super high AC that makes you survive for so long you really don't want to be a Sitting Duck at least that's my opinion anyway that is about it with the video totally let me know down below what you think about it in the meantime thanks much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 341,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk class, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 best monk build, best monk build, baldurs gate 3 guide, best monk build baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk, bg3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 update, baldurs gate 3 news, baldurs gate 3 builds, best build in baldurs gate 3, bg3 tips, bg3 monk, bg3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 fighter build
Id: cppqU327Oe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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