Raging Monk (Tavern Brawler) Multiclass Baldur's Gate 3 Build Breakdown

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do you like explosions what about raging like a barbarian and beating someone up with your fist do you like being super mobile well then I have the perfect monk video for you today's video is all about the Raging monk a fun multi-class guide that was suggested in the comments below so let's break it down when it comes to playing the Raging Monk race literally doesn't matter for the most part as long as you pick something that doesn't have a spell because you can't use spells while raging but really with how versatile the Monk Is any race can be played at a high level and be perfectly fine I went half works just because I like having Relentless endurance for the extra survivability if you want a little bit more movement however go with wood elf the extra movement you get does stack with the extra movement from the Monk class so you will be super mobile once you decide your race I wouldn't have had Fork it's time for you to actually start the level up at level one you are going to choose Barbarian they gain unumored defense which adds Constitution modifier to their AC monks had the same thing you take a look at the monk they have it as well but they use their wisdom modifier we are not gonna have high enough wisdom for this to actually make a good effect and this does not stack so you want this one here because this will give you a ton more AC compared to the monk so that's why we're going with Barbarian first but Barbarian also is going to gain some other things as well you will gain proficiency bonuses that I really like specifically your saving throws your saving throws are going to be Constitution and strength and with the way this build plays out you're really going to want those in my opinion over the ones monk offers when it comes to skill perversion sees here you want Athletics at least level five definitely have that right there with the way the monk plays there are some skills that will do damage and shove at the same time so having the ability to make that improved is going to be just a benefit to yourself I'm a big fan of perception if you don't like perception you can put it in anything else when it comes to your stat spread this is exactly what you're going to do note you do have low dexterity so you will not have any initiative bonuses until later on however we are going to end up fixing that once we get a couple feet your wisdom is important because this is actually going to affect some of your damage once you level up a little bit more and we'll talk about that in a minute but this is what I want you to do for level one okay starting at character level two you are already gonna start multi-classing I want you to start putting points in the monk because we're going to level up monk or a little bit here as soon as you get one point in a month you gain Flurry of Blows which is really nice because this is gonna give you extra damage but this will really start to Skyrocket later on and we'll talk about the other class features in a minute first we're going to talk about leveling up [Music] so at monk level two you are level three you gain unarmored movement which is going to give you additional movement speed and this will continue to grow as you put more points in the Monk class which is really nice and you gain additional key every time you level up in monk you gain more key giving you access to more monk abilities of use in combat [Music] all right you are character level four and you are now monk level three this is really great because you get to pick a subclass and you are going the way of the Open Hand this gives you flurry of Blues and this attack is Gonna Give You amazing damage because now your flurry of Blues isn't modified so you have three of those push which not only will you do damage but you have the possibility of pushing your target away and this is going to be affected by your actual modifier and it's nice that we put the Proficiency in it that we talked about earlier you have stagger which is really great because you can stagger them making them unable to take reactions so if you need to get away you could stagger and then run away without opportunity attacks and you have flurry of Blues topple this has a chance to make the target go prone this one is really great to open with because it's a bonus action all three of these are bonus actions but when the target is prone you gain advantage on your attack rolls which is really huge okay you are character level five and you're going to be monk level four you gain the ability slow fall which is nice if you were to ever be pushed off an edge or something like that in combat you can use your reaction to lower the damage that you would take from Fall damage but the reason why this is important because this is when you get your first feet and we are going to be choosing The Good Old Tavern brawler we get a modifier to strength so we are at strength 18 now giving us plus four for our strength modifier but Tavern brawler is huge when you make an unarmed attack use the improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rules so now you are character level 5 no matter what you will have Plus 8 chance to hit with your unarmed attacks and they will do plus 8 damage it's really powerful okay you are now level six you're a monk level five you finally gain extra attack and this is really freaking good because this in combo with your flurry of lows for your bonus action it's fantastic it's really really fun the build's gonna really start to come together at one more level okay level six monk right here is really strong not only will your fist weapons count as magic and actually bypass resistances you have a toggle ability these three features you can see you can toggle your fist weapon to either do additional necrotic damage psychic damage or radiant damage and it is affected by your wisdom modifier in our case with 14 wisdom it'd be plus two you also gain a bonus skill that you can use once per long rest that will heal you give you fifty percent of your key points back and give you two bonus actions for the next three turns it is really really strong and Earnest three turns you gain one key back every turn okay you are now character level eight and you have some options you can go back to putting points into Barbarian or you can continue down the monk route if you continue putting points in the monk you want to go to monk level 9 and then go back to Barbarian my suggestion however is to go back to Barbarian so you can get the subclass for that you gain danger sense which is nice because you'll have advantage on dexterity saving throws against trap spells and surfaces you'll gain Reckless attack so if you do attack with a monk weapon you can use this as a reaction because if you were to normally miss this will pop up basically stating would you like to use Reckless attack because the other attack's gonna miss this does not affect fist weapons though so keep that in mind okay your next level I am going to say go back to putting points into Barbarian because this will allow you to get another subclass if you do continue to put points in the monk you are going to want to put three more points in the monk to get the monk level 9 and I'd rather have the second subclass first personally the subclass I prefer is actually going to be Berserker or Wild Heart depending on the situation and your actual game style if you prefer actually just having extra throws because you can use in Rage throw to throw enemies or items this is the route you want to go if you enjoy that gameplay but if you're all about using your fists and you don't care about throwing things in combat go wild hard so with wild heart you get to choose an animal aspect the default is going to be bare this is going to be the route you want to go if you're all about your fist if you don't use any monk weapons whatsoever bear heart is the only one you want to go because this is the only one that will allow you to use their ability which is a heel without a weapon so it's great though with the bear heart if you read you will actually gain resistances to all damage except psychic normally when you rage you gain plus two damage to your melee attacks and unarmed attacks with melee weapons as well but you also gain resistances to physical damage well as the bear it's all damage so magic damage as well except psychic so that's that's really big if you go Eagle this is going to give you a thing called diving strike so those at disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you and you can use Dash as a bonus action which is really really awesome because we talked about earlier how we get two bonus actions if we use that other ability well now you could Dash away and most likely not get hit from an opportunity attack or if you need to really dash just to get up to somebody because they're super far you all you'll have a second bonus action so you could easily attack but what makes it even better is it also gives you this cool skill diving streak you literally get the leak down on someone won't take any fall damage whatsoever and do a lot of damage and make them go prone it's really really fun but it does require a weapon so if you are using only fish you can't use that the elk is pretty cool because this is going to give you Primal Stampede which we'll talk about in a second but your movement speed is going to be increased by 4.5 meters when enraged well with how much movement you already have that's insane plus you'll have the Primal Stampede ability this is really great because this is going to give you the ability to charge at your enemy do some damage with your weapon and have a chance to knock them prune it's great because it's up to nine meters so it can hit all nine people at once if you happen to have nine enemies in a line like that the tiger heart is really great because this increases your jump Distance by 4.5 meters which is huge because you can already jump super far but you also gain Tiger's bloodlust again requires a melee weapon but you can lash out and hit three enemies at one time and make them bleed it's really cool and the final one if you want to be a little bit more supportive to your team you can have the wolf heart which is really useful so when you rage you get to actually howl like a wolf and this is going to be great because allies have advantage on melee attack roles against enemies within 2 meters of you so essentially if you're fighting a boss and you're up on the boss doing your damage everyone else will also have advantage on their melee attack rules against that enemy it's really big and what's even cool is you get inciting hell an ability you can use to actually increase your allies Movement by three meters personally I like going bare heart because I like using my fists a lot but if I do find some weapons later on which you will there will be weapons in late Act 2 and act 3 that are worth using you would want to move off a bear heart note if you would rather have the extra feed rather than going nine levels in the monk you might as well go Barbarian Level four now to get the extra feet right away if you prefer to go nine levels in a month to get the extra skills they gain then do it that path okay so we're gonna go back to monk now [Music] at level 7 monk you gain evasion which is nice because spells that make you take a deck saving throw now if you pass the throw you will take zero damage and if you fail it you only take half damage which is really nice and you get Stillness of mind so if you were ever Charmed or frightened you automatically cast that ability and you remove the condition okay monk level 8 is when you get your second feet so this is when you can choose if you would like to have ability Improvement to increase one of your abilities the reason we're not going to go strength to 20 is because there's an item you can buy early Act 2 that will give you plus two strength so we're not going to do that route or in my opinion one that's really great is going to be alert because this is going to give you plus five bonus to your initiative and you can't be a surprise really it's the plus five to initiative what that we want because our Dex is only at 10. okay so now you are level nine as a monk you have three points in a barbarian and you're level 12 you have a choice to make here do you want to get Advance on our unarmored movement meaning difficult terrain doesn't slow you down and you can jump an additional six meters while not wearing any armor or a shield which is huge you can jump super far if you do that you also gain these key punches that like do an explosion and you can actually attack multiple people and then use your key blast to explode it all so they all take extra Force damage it's really fun to use uh however that being said if you tend to find yourself not liking disability here go back to Barbarian and get another feat so the choice is up to you whatever you want to do if you want the extra feet go ahead and take that route if you would rather have the extra abilities to play around with you can do that as well it's whatever you want to do but these are a really big AOE and if you do have multiple people with this you can explode multiple people at once which is really fun let's actually go ahead and get some explosions on people what do you guys think [Music] that guys they're probably gonna die let's go ahead and do it on him [Music] now if he doesn't die somehow this would be really great he died unfortunately that's okay we're gonna go ahead and explode though because I want to show that even though he died take a look at these explosions [Music] yeah it's a lot of damage and even though they're dead because I hit him previously it's still exploded which is really nice which is why I personally like the key resonation punch abilities so I don't have a weapon equipped and I have my unarmed strength doesn't seem that impressive right well go to your passive and I want you to pick whichever one of these you want doesn't matter whichever one fits the situation is up to you go ahead and go with it we'll use manifestation to solve for the example so now if you go back to your character and go to do your actual arm strike you can see we'll do additional one D4 plus two radiant damage which is really cool I'm not gonna cause the autocorrect from Luck of the far Realms not yet so you can see that did in the combat log you have your attack roll and then you have your damage roll so it does show that you have that there and that's with the regular attack so it makes sense but what if we did flurry of Blues so let's go ahead and do it and we're going to go and knock her down I'm gonna go ahead and make this crit as well so now take a look at the damage you have your critical from your first hit shows 1d20 plus four for your proficiency and it does have the tavern brawler in there with your strength modifier and then you have your other attack which was the second one also shows that the tavern brawler was affected so even though they didn't actually show in the tooltip it does happen in combat and it doesn't show in the tool tip but the radiant damage also was applied as well which is pretty cool okay so let's take a look at some of the other skills that you have you have patient defense so you can use this if you want attack rolls to have disadvantage and you yourself to have advantage on dexterity saving throws so if you know you're gonna be in the action you have enemies surrounded you and you're not going to kill them all this would be a really good option to use that way more than likely they'll Miss step of the wind disengage is nice because it does exactly what it sounds like jump takes no bonus action and you basically can Retreat to safety it's a great way to get out and then you have step of the wind Dash so you're basically dashing with it it's really nice so this one uses disengage while you use it this one will use Dash while you use it but this will also make your little jump not cost a bonus action or anything which is really cool so I'm getting attacked by a missile here because you have the ability to deflect missiles as a actual Monk I'm gonna go ahead and do it it reduces the damage plus your Dex modifier we don't have any Dex modifications here so it's only going to be our monk level added to that one d10 but because it did zero damage I can now throw it back at him okay let's go wherever items you can get early act one that I think are going to be useful to you let's start off with this staff the staff here is going to give you plus one bonus to unarmed attack rolls and damage and while we are not wearing any armor they receive plus two bonus to saving throughs this is really useful because you're not going to be wearing armor for the most part so why not use it and this is where you can find it [Music] bracers of the fence this is great because you gain plus two AC when you're not wearing armor or holding a shield just free AC for your class this is where you can find it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] of flinging is great because if you go the route for Berserker and you like throwing enemies or just throwing weapons and stuff at the enemies this is going to give you bonus damage on top of the already added bonus damage you would normally have and you can actually get it from a vendor early in Emerald Grove [Music]
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 286,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monk, barbarian, way of the fists, flurry of blows, fists, rage, wild heart, wolf aspect, bear, elk, tiger, Unarmoured Defense, martial arts, baldur's gate 3, multiclass, guide, build, Patient Defence, Step of the Wind: Dash, Step of the Wind: Disengage (, frenzy throw, Deflect Missiles, Ki-Empowered Strikes, Tavern Brawler, savage attack, alert
Id: lv1DYzFAjcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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