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I'm just saying if physical energy can be turned into thermal energy how hard would I have to punch a chicken throwing haymakers at like a a raw chicken yeah I can't believe it's not butter World of Tanks the game that I've been playing for so long that I can basically hear the Xbox voice compression for 2010 why did you down the bitrate so it sounds like Xbox Live but in the nine years since then the game has become one of the most bau-t full free to plays around with redesigned maps remastered music and tanks from 11 countries including Italy and Poland so there's never been a better time to give it a shot and if you're new using the invite code tantastic at the link below will land you a premium tank 500 gold 7 premium days and boosters / consumables to snack up don't forget that it's free-to-play so there's no harm in trying it out and thank you to wargaming for sponsoring this video things started out as they usually do with us poking fun at a branch the military in the pregame lobby like the United States Marine Corps and their addiction to crayon I can picture that gross you're just surrounded by MREs which are out of crayons - Sarge said if we're gonna [ __ ] starve to death approaches quartermaster what do you got for me I don't have any crayons and god damnit you're useless and after you guys kept commenting that American tanks now have mandatory deep fryers for making Fried Chicken on the frontlines in the last video we couldn't get the image of wet grease and chicken out of our head wet ammo rack class 1 just keeping all your big-ass shells wet so that they're easy they're easier to rack that's great can you elaborate on what a wet Amal rack means well we got the last dude to have a bucket his hands are still wet just loading them sumbitches in there about 50% faster so we figured if we're gonna make it wet then why not go with the most badass sounding tier 5 available the Wolverine which we fondly called the Wolverine three minutes later I love Robert a Sir Richard resorption good actually comes from one Colonel Sanders was bullseye in crowds with he's going down one more Eddie's out a better way wet wet wet holding up double triples with your fingers trips you already know who's a way enemy spotted enemy spawn the three point way over look at that from a performance perspective it was amazing but I still kind of hate you guys for the deep-fryer comments because our conversations slowly descended into arguing if you should be able to use a bucket of chicken as a fountain drink container the only thing more noble than eating chicken out of a bucket I mean I bought a large bucket does that not mean I get a large soda the bucket is your drink sir free refills right gob was somewhere I want you to know that you saying that I can feel my heart like it's a possibility that I haven't thought of my local strip mall I'm feeling a mild cardiac arrest right after we didn't come up with a definitive answer we were locked and ready for another round some of us more than others ready knowing knowing where you live in the United States you have particular state goose I know that's a real fire I got a strap right here with how to use that goose you keep loading it like you're just ejecting you're distracting live rounds I can hear them [Music] my family's idea of silverware is a sig 226 of the dinner table and at this point we were just beyond saving like you know how people call them rose-colored glasses where you only see the world pleasantly well we were like that but Rose did chicken colored glasses because all we could think about was food amx ELC on my right looks like you got squashed oh look at you look at the end piece of bread the heel of tanks it's always depressing when you pull up the the loaf of bread in the bag but it only has like the end pieces left and you just like damn why you know it's called the heel meal stop [ __ ] excuse me as you said I literally live in poverty I don't even eat that trash I know for a fact given your family Bajor you've not had a sugar sand with please tell me you have have you ever had frosted flakes with water you ever had you're gonna make me miss my target if you keep saying [ __ ] like that gross please tell me there's more than two ingredients in a sugar sandwich is there at least butter no money right sugar safe which is an eel a losing streak led us to beef up our tank choices and the su-100y was a logical place to start because that thing is built like a bunker t-34 fine I nail these down knees down bullets money way my boy heavily why the [ __ ] you felt like kingpin from Spyder jury I feel like two fridges roped together all show they know Nick jello how the [ __ ] you built like and one basketball shorts that is such a vivid image of my mind given like high school in junior high PE I know exactly what I know nobody's gonna get describing a tank is built like basketball shorts from 2006 but I totally get it see all the talk was the S you wanted her why and that just wins you the game all that cheeto against an SPG you need and since it had been a while since I've used artillery I wanted to give it a shot because heavenly and jello crushed there W keys into the enemy's so hard they were at least useful for spotting targets the big chunky boy over here what wait till i zoom in I'm gonna hit the Hellcat here watch straight I see from the three-point line hold on me what L know watched his drive but it wasn't always perfect because for every time that I was straight wet there were five other times road miss a shot that another artillery Ally would hit a few seconds later almost like I was getting known in horse it's coming down come on buddy yes 229 he's gonna go to it no in 5 seconds this guy's better get smashed on alright you ready [Music] when you hit a brick in the same dude pulls up and is just ice ice after heavenly learned how to upgrade the reload on his tank lubed up my tank with butter when you were looking and after jello learned what a reload timer is yellow reload we finally swap to the German tier 5 tank destroyer the Shoob 3 or - noob dry at least I assume that's how you pronounce it correctly ghost ugh ghost ugh drama Snuggie III aka Stuckey my boyos still the guy in the shed are two spoons heavenly on our Tillery was the final piece of the puzzle because with jello and I constantly engaging and keeping target spotted he was buckets in more ways than one helping the right flank with that Panzer the Panzer 3 pins are for get them to scoot a little bit to the right this do hit so hard I don't think it's supposed to hit this hard but it oh wow oh my that TV thing is done to steamroll they only have an arty left I'm gonna find him - oh I see you better launch one having better launch one right now oh we gonna beat we getting the beads alright I saw he has just broken his headset and broken into his drywall we're gonna get an entire maintenance like the phrase you come at me you best not miss we didn't miss once Oh who had to fill up my protractor for those like uh yeah we got it we got a bogey in c7 and then just you you had a bogey in c7 it took us to the end of the play session to realize that wet rack had nothing to do with reloading and everything to do with the safety of your ammunition wet ammo rack class one I was wrong it doesn't make you reload Iraq rounds faster it just gives you 50% increase in ammo rack durability me your ammo racks so it doesn't explode but you know what we really didn't care given how many games we were winning with fun coming out of our eyeballs e1 himmelsdorf what the [ __ ] goddamn we're not we are unstoppable straight-up unstoppable is like my thing I had no idea I would have much fun playing a clean up party and that is about it thanks so much for you know watching my video Thank You wargaming for sponsoring this video so don't forget that you can play World of Tanks for free as in zero dollars via the link below and be sure to tune in next time when growl shows us how to make a goddamn sugar sandwich [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 5,047,847
Rating: 4.954515 out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, wot, free 2 play, guide, gameplay, let’s play, strategy, polish, french, british, mmo, wot replays, wargaming, let's play, multiplayer, free to play, world of tanks gameplay, best replays world of tanks, update, tank destroyer, light tank, wargaming.net, world of tanks funny, free to play games, wot 1.0, world of tanks best replays, wot gameplay, wot funny moments, world of tanks pc gameplay, world of tanks arty, world of tanks artillery, world of tanks pc, arty, rng, tanks
Id: G-rMPc8JUnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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