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This is literally the vehicle equivalent of "Kanye plays basketball against disabled children, wins 106-0"

-Yellow text guy speaking about helicopters

These guys are natural born killers....These guys do not fuck around.

-Russian Badger regarding tier 6 players

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/iguanicus-rex 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like how it took him like two seconds to realise how absolutely broken heli ATGM's are.

Goes to show how blinded some people get by the grind that they think this kind of thing is okay.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hey if he can get a free Abrams...

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Tankninja1 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IS-2-OP 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
sir you are starting a gofundme page for a 1.8 million dollar tomahawk cruise missile under the second amendment i'm allowed to organize myself in a row in a well-regulated militia you have an a-10 award that must protect against government tyranny my medicinal m1a1 april medicinal medicine not even recreational just medicinal my recreational acr with a heartbeat sensor just [ __ ] it's like a ds with the screen broken off tape to the side valkyries the newest update to war thunder that has everybody feeling like it's nod before we get into deep thank you to goshen entertainment for sponsoring this video so if you'd like to try out war thunder for free on pc ps4 xbox one mac and linux wait really linux are you wow there's a link below me that will land you a free premium tank or aircraft and three days of premium time as a bonus and once again i'm gonna need a mulligan on this video just like the last video because a bunch of you are die hard war thunder fans that are insanely skilled at the game and i'm probably gonna say an aircraft or armament or acronym wrong so i'd appreciate just a little bit of slack high explosive fragmentation incendiary tracer shell which is like this is as much death as we could stick inside of a casing all right so i got all this death right and i want to stick it inside of a shell casing what do i call it the name of the game with this new update helicopters we've got cobras we've got huey's we've got heinz we've even got a russian magic school bus that may have actually been stolen from school children excuse me sir why are you taking our school bus yeah foreign field trip the door opens up immediately just jumps on pulls out a macaron and a badge and then forces the bus driver off these helicopters are only playable in tank modes and currently in closed beta but access is also possible to active players via in-game tasks or the purchase of a pack in the game store and keep in mind there's over a thousand playable vehicles in war thunder so if you're not into hilos it's no big deal i know you may be asking yourself helicopters how can that possibly be balanced aren't they [ __ ] designed to be tank killers what do you mean armored targets i have 900 millimeters of penetration well yes but the way it works is you can immediately spawn into a helicopter once the round starts but you're limited to using machine guns and rockets cause i'm just a teenage dirtbag baby listen to uh how many hydras does it take to take down a tank ma okay we got him we gotta film which are obviously all unguided munitions requiring you to have solid aim and get significantly closer to your target to engage which in a nutshell means you're going to get lit up like a christmas tree almost every time holy [ __ ] jesus christ rip the homie not died yet russian ingenuity oh there we go donnie get the fire extinguisher die i'm dropping him i got two times hit no i can't balance out i stalled i stole we're going down phil but alternatively if you spawn in a tank first do work so to speak by capping flags and killing tanks fire again i'm gonna fire again sir i got him destroyed where is your free room superiority now boy you then gain spawn points and can bring in a helicopter with guided munitions like a tow missile which compared to the hydra rockets is like upgrading from a glock to an a10 warthog all right here we go boys missile away let's see if they can actually just tear a tank in half come on buddy come on buddy come on don't move don't i think i'm watching your rocket go in for that bullseye that's a one shot baby don't move guy don't move there's one he doesn't even know he i don't even think you can tell that's two that's a second t64 i'm just watching you do this you just literally just hovering there pressing like three buttons that was almost three for three too but i hit too high on his tank this should probably get him come on god that's a third t-64 this is literally the vehicle equivalent of kanye plays basketball against disabled children wins 106 to nothing played kanye in basketball though fourth guy next even though i changed targets next line up boys because you can actively change it while it's going to somebody that's an easier target that might be easier to hit in the right spot that copper wire that's five my guy that is five this is the definition of there's no such thing as a friendly predator missile even though it's that is six that i guess it was a t54 so that's a little bit of a different he's probably lighter in terms of armor but my god these guys are just getting clobbered okay we did it i got six all right targets destroyed hell yes brother i like your use of the term clobbered because that wasn't graceful it wasn't like elliott it was literally just smashing the [ __ ] out of somebody so now that you have a preview of what's possible let's take it from the top two countries currently have access to helicopters usa and ussr both have one attack and one heavily armed transport chopper as in american cobra russian hind and american huey russian school bus the helicopters from each country kind of mirror the other country but there's all kinds of nuances like american tow missiles have deeper penetration than russian attackers but atakas zip through the air nearly twice as fast so both choppers are the same yet both choppers are different cobra it's slim it's sleeking it's maneuverable it's got a nice little payload it's like a it's like a well-trained well-fitted boxer and then the hind is like a boat that you gave rotors like it's literally just a boat same goes for huey versus school bus the running theme here is american equals agile because they're so damn fast and russian equals ruthless because the payload they can carry and unleash really makes you feel like you're flying a tank this [ __ ] flies like a garbage bag in the wind it's just like yeah no this is close it's like that kid who got blown across the country in that [ __ ] bouncy castle or whatever it was my buddies and i started out by running hydras and flying as much as possible to get the hang of things which for some of us happened rather quickly the whole i got to balance my position versus the targets there i got one that wasn't so bad and for others happened not so quickly [Laughter] and he looks like he's actively reading the user manual just dump them just dump them i'm looking through the manual but all i see is fuses oh my god down he goes down he go rip the homie is that the eject button self-destruct initiated [ __ ] this is on mcdonald's menu [Applause] [Music] now because all the helicopters are tier five or tier six vehicles it not only meant that we had press accounts with goofy names to access them oh badgers boy all right that's what this account name is really oh my god how do you do fellow content creations but it also meant that we were playing against tier 5 and tier 6 players which to put it bluntly in honor of adding a huey to the game are natural born killers talking about wearing a flight suit with an oxygen tank and actively doing breathing exercises in your chair while squeezing your thighs and abdominals you're not tactical enough like these guys these guys do not [ __ ] around so we decided that since using machine guns and rockets on choppers is basically a suicide mission we would stick the tanks on spawn and always go for the guided missiles once we had enough points and because we got to use the us or the soviets at this highest tier of play it was all about the t80 slash t64 and the abrams or i'm sorry muffy brooms he protect he attacked but most importantly he has blowout ammo right my medicinal m1a1 my legally obtained m1 abrams it was prescribed to me you have a concealed carry permit for a huey much like the whole cobra versus hind dynamic t80 vs abrams is more of the same like americans have nuances in their tactics bro time to get this medal of honor call the artillery right on top of him like there's actually a youthful strategy that isn't just going to blow up you and you alone god wow soviets have nuances in their tactics we keep throwing enough people at the bullets eventually they'll run out of bullets that's such a bad way to think about it but it's so [ __ ] true dude just throw just keep throwing bodies out of them but in the end they occupy the same role for the same goal terminate anything on the ground that isn't friendly and maybe a chopper or two though if i'm being honest my squad had quite the abrams preference and that's probably just a matter of birth place what is your problem that's like the sound that you make when you're forced you're forced to use a t-80b instead of an abrams it goes against grouse's very genetics especially when you just cut off your mic just when you asked me to be a communist i mean we tried out all kinds of other vehicles before the t-80 and the abrams you're damn right brother that looks like crap isn't it the best that you see though heavenly look at the two dudes that are just sitting on the bench oh [ __ ] they just vaporize like you don't have enough money for armor to protect both of your gunners so you just have two backup gunners sitting on a bench waiting for them to die but it rapidly became obvious that driving trucks into battle was not it literally a stray 762 punched through my radiator punched through my co-driver and then took out my [ __ ] gun like like it came out in nowhere the dude that fired it was rotating his tank turret the opposite direction of where i was once we stuck with the top tier tanks it was a natural progression in development like you learn how to consistently win in shorter distance engagements yeah yeah yeah i see him i see him i see him boom baby god pretty soon you can demolish somebody halfway across the map and kobe fades back he nails it there you go after playing it all week there were instances where i almost did too well like i would terminate so many baddies on the ground that i wouldn't have enough time or targets to engage in helicopters i believe in you you got this shoe come on come on come on come on hit him hit him i got him i got him oh my god i actually hit him i did not think i was gonna do that bullseye that just happened got an enemy to your left yeah that's an enemy oh sorry i had the i had the guided whoops i gotta i gotta switch i gotta switch i'm gonna hit his ammo cash ready and baby got him two guys there's actually exposed dudes right there oh no this guy's just gonna tear me in half hopefully he misses hopefully he misses hopefully he misses i got him i got him i got him all right all right no way can he can he actually damage me a little bit i gotta go for the dudes i gotta go for the dudes okay we got the dudes i think you can oh [ __ ] i think i'm in the respawn i gotta get out of here all right all right i'm gonna i'm gonna hit him okay we got him that's a triple kill baby that's a triple kill baby all right time for it's chopper time i'm going hind i'm going the whole team's in their spawn right now hostile team has lost all of its vehicles of course just when i get my chopper of course mission accomplished kill me kill me it was a whole different ball game once i could consistently gain shoppers with missiles and my basic rule of thumb was always buy the best you can if you did really well on the ground and can afford a hind or a cobra don't bother with a huey or a school bus because the attack choppers carry way more missiles are way faster and trump them in nearly every way does hein even see me oh yeah he does he does he does no nevermind oh i'm dead now oh i got good hits on him i got good yes enemy kill assistant we got him we got him double me down don't let me down my hands are shaking oh still got him but if you barely did anything on the ground it can only afford missiles on one of the transport choppers you can still be a nightmare for the enemy team even if you're flying a russian school bus that looks like it was designed by jimmy neutron yeah it's like the it's like the russian school bus and it's not even a good school bus it's like a shitty school bus that you just put a bunch of atg's on jimmy neutron was a domestic terrorist but i really shouldn't be alive this close i don't know how i'm still alive there's number two i've been discovered i've been spotted i've been spoiled this is gonna be wobbly still got him please let this be a normal field trip with the friends with miss frizzle on [ __ ] likely oh [ __ ] rule of thumb for the huey versus school bus is that the huey flies like a dream and allows you to tell stories about being back and nom yeah don't you ever killed a deathclaw with a tire iron let me tell you something about nam and the school bus flies like a school bus getting this russian squad is the hardest thing in the world it's like i suddenly just get epilepsy hover hover why why are you spamming this like you're playing tekken just ease up on the throttle guy oh these russian pilots please all right i i don't think hovering's an option my guy i just rock around like i'm in a boat but please don't think that the missiles in the helicopters make them op because they are extremely fragile so if somebody spawns a jet you're toast yeah yeah i have enough for a toe i have enough for a toe i'm gonna bring in the toe oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that that jet just came around and just destroyed me yeah you got [ __ ] can big man all right i'm out of here i'm out of here hopefully i don't hit the blades on the way out i think i did hey i'm really glad i got the toe not every time because you can occasionally capitalize on their mistakes there's a jab below you by the way yeah i'm trying to hit it oh i got a critical hit on him he's going to go down fork is pulling him again i hit him again going down no he's going down i'm going to get him here come on go down go down go down you fat man hold on i gotta really pull up here to not die okay i'm good i'm good okay we did it we did it but most of the time just like the abrams and anti-air dumping rounds at you from the ground they're gonna tear you in half like a movie ticket you're basically just driving a ground a10 yes a ground a10 is a good way to label it instead of a warthog it's a groundhog get it that's actually that's actually a good one let's see wow compression although oh see that see that i got hit by like a single 762 and now all of my rotors are gone hold on how the [ __ ] i can salvage this i can still fight oh no my to note is that they have announced that more nations will be receiving helicopters beyond the us and russia i'm still extremely bad at flying the deutschland dorito i'm sorry oh god we gotta get each other dorito down phyllis dorito down this is not gonna end well i still don't understand why all russian tanks have logs on the back of them is this a russian spoiler i feel like this is a russian spoiler it's either a ruski spoiler or that's like a bench for unit transport the metal the metal mountings make this look definitely like a spoiler and i still feel like they should give you a small when you bail out of a helicopter siege of shanghai style you're jumping out of a transport helicopter you immediately small your back blast kills your entire crew but you hit the f-80 so it doesn't matter and that's about it i would like to thank you very much for watching one final thank you to gaijin for sponsoring this video so don't forget you can play the game below me for free via that link and be sure to tune in next time when i beg them on my hands and knees to add an a10 warthog [Music] [Applause] tv [Music] um foreign
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 5,777,842
Rating: 4.9403224 out of 5
Keywords: war thunder, rainbow six siege, war thunder valkyries, war thunder tanks, war thunder funny moments, war thunder tanks gameplay, war thunder huey, war thunder cobra, war thunder hind, war thunder helicopters, helicopter, helicopters, war thunder gameplay, war thunder planes, war thunder trailer, wt, war thunder 1.81, warthunder, gameplay, war thunder helicopter, mi-35, uh-1, free to play, f2p, mmo, war thunder guide, war thunder helicopter gameplay, simulator, wwii, ww2, gaijin, heli, guide
Id: ObSt2GkWcBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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