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I love badger

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Plex_the_robot ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thatโ€™s Vegas baby

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/codinboy1666 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Correction my bad 34:44

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WhiteTigerPower ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] i got a girl she looked it was fine always bring me whiskey and wine that was in the morning and dinner at night everything she do she do just right but when i say what you want to do she said just one thing that i want from you a little bit a little bit patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter spoiler warning new vegas has an incredible story and it's a shame to ruin it with spoilers so consider this a fair warning welcome to new vegas a wonderful place that makes you [ __ ] the ncr welcome to new vegas a wonderful place that makes you say that's vegas baby have you ever seen a man use nuclear weapons in close quarters combat that's vegas baby have you ever murdered somebody just so you can take a one-hour nap in their filthy [ __ ] that's vegas baby you ever seen someone covered in pitch set on fire and tossed into the grand canyon only to somehow crawl out and survive we can't expect god to do all the work jesus [ __ ] christ that's vegas baby but enough of the empty chatter how about we start getting somewhere the time for talk has passed the lord's work must be done fall in new vegas is the story of a courier delivering a mysterious package to the new vegas strip that's robbed by a charismatic gangster and left to die in the mojave wasteland truth is the game was rigged from the start fortunately a man by the name of doc mitchell digs the lead out of your brain picks up the pieces and puts you back together like humpty dumpty introducing you to character creation i hope you don't mind but i had to go rooting around there in your noggin to pull all the bits of lead out special stats come first in the form of strength perception endurance charisma intelligence agility and luck each making you good or bad at certain things on a scale from 1 to 10. you got 10 agility that makes you the deadliest gunslinger this side of the mississippi you got one charisma well negotiating with you has got to be the most awkward and infuriating interaction two human beings can have just give me some goddamn medics and [ __ ] off will you because i'm a bumbling [ __ ] and play video games like a [ __ ] ape i said to hell with the balance allocation they suggest and went straight up lord death of murder mountain tense ranked 7 endurance 10 agility and 10 luck god what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] all right let's take the obvious there's something wrong with me i am hercules bigger cousin strong with tough as nails endurance walks on water agility and two-headed coin flip lucky if i so much as breathe on an organism in the mojave you better believe it'll end in a critical hit with enough force to overthrow a small government side of your own blood i don't know do you however it also means that i have the perception of a deaf bat the charisma of a misanthrope and intelligence so low that calling me dumber than a [ __ ] brick is perfectly accurate that was probably pretty dumb huh these base stats are complemented by skills which are heavily influenced by where you put your special points like remember my tan agility that means jacked guns and jack sneak remember my one charisma that makes my speech and barter barely resemble that of a sentient human being i'm so terrifying yet so lacking in social skills even the most basic conversation probably feels like a hostage negotiation well good luck with that again lore death of murder mountain which means specking guns sneak and explosives so i can exterminate any life form i come into contact with from the tiniest praying mantis to the saltiest powder gang take this you stupid [ __ ] bug the powder gangers rule special points and skill points are routed out by traits which i just adore because on one hand you can pick something pragmatic like built to destroy which gives you a higher critical hit chance but your weapons wear out faster his arms fell off but on the other you can pick some [ __ ] like my favorite wild wasteland which enables bizarre events to occur like taking some dicey drugs and fighting a [ __ ] yao gwaii that's on fire have at it you stupid son of a [ __ ] take drugs kill a bear the what what there's an actual flaming yao guy what the [ __ ] am i even hitting the right one yeah that was the right one once you're done choosing who you want to be and enter the mojave vats is the next big one you got to learn because 90 of staying alive in the wasteland is making sure everything else around you is dead the vault-tec assisted targeting system or vats is the tightest [ __ ] ever i [ __ ] love that because it allows you to freeze time dio style and choose exactly where you want to shoot and the probability of hitting your target watch this center mass it's not mandatory you don't have to use it you can just blast things away like you would in any other shooter taunt me gekko personally i use it every chance i get just the combination of precise shots the slow motion and some of the hilarious outcomes i just can't help myself oh [ __ ] that hurts you can select multiple targets you can be choosy about body parts like hitting someone's right arm to knock a weapon out of their hand or someone's legs so they can't flee especially if that person just won the lottery who won the lottery i did i feel bad about using the 40 mil for this it's not perfect because even if you're extremely close to a target with near perfect accuracy sometimes you can accidentally vibe check the wrong person whoa nope nope not shooting cachino thank you very and other times vats is just too accurate i never thought it was possible to be too consistent but a snafu with dynamite proved me very wrong nice and shine captain parker oh [ __ ] that's okay i didn't bounce oh [ __ ] everybody's away now i'm not gonna die even though i may have blown my legs off with dynamite my heart was in the right place because what i was fighting for was totally worth it a bed just like vats beds are absolutely critical to your survival because the wasteland is full of scary [ __ ] that takes your health away and breaks down your lips especially if you use land mines as a primary weapon hey wake up frank wake up frank but if you sleep in a bed even for just an hour you regain all of your health and all of your broken limbs are magically fixed don't ask me how it works i don't know about you guys but i think that's worth cutting someone's head off with a switchblade ring-a-ding-ding baby oh they're critical final word of advice here is to always check if there's an open bed before you kill anybody because i've slaughtered entire tents of people and taking naps next to corpses only to realize there was an open bed right next to them i just want to take a nap let me take a nap you [ __ ] with those basics covered it's time to make our way to new vegas so we can find that bastard benny and figure out why some stupid platinum chip was worth blowing someone's head off now's a good time to remind you that i'm a complete [ __ ] oaf i'm glossing over a ton of stuff and probably leaving some important [ __ ] out so remember that my advice is meaningless and time is a flat circle there's more to it but we don't have the time by which i mean you don't on the road to new vegas i prefer to trust absolutely no one because the wasteland is never as it seems see that nice old lady running the motel with the giant dinosaur well she just sold someone's wife into slavery wow genie mae you negotiated the sale of a person and only got a thousand caps killing everyone that doesn't explicitly offer value to you is a wonderful policy because as far as i'm concerned this wasteland belongs to me and the weak should fear the strong it's a part of life out here best to accept it upside here looting is a dream because robbing a corpse is a far smoother experience than bartering with a living being and who knows you might just get lucky and find a mysterious big iron that has sound effects yeehaw chuckle [ __ ] downside here everyone that you haven't killed yet hates your guts oh man do people ever think you're an abomination so interacting with the various tribes the mojave is significantly more painful the ncr has declared you a terrorist wherever the ncr has jurisdiction you will be shot on site it's about [ __ ] time fellas i'll get to these various tribes in due time all i'm saying is you have choices be good be evil kill nobody kill everybody i don't give a [ __ ] make up your own destiny hear that we have options my destiny was to confront benny at the tops casino on the new vegas strip and figure out why the hell that platinum ship was so goddamn important but just before i did i was reminded of why my seemingly dumb ass build is so damn brilliant thanks to maxin out sneak you see none of these casinos on the strip want a bumbling wastelander walking into the joint with all kinds of dangerous weapons so they make you check them at the door to avoid any violence but if your sneak stat is high you can fit an arsenal in the door no problem i can get weapons past the guards no problem you might one fella i knew was able to slip a pistol past the guards you i'm guessing you could get a machine gun by them welcome to the top so telling casino i'm gonna have to ask you to hand over any weapons you might be carrying sure here you go smooth and easy just the way i like it okay so they didn't find two 357s a 44 magnum two ten millimeter pistols three nine millimeter pistols a combat knife eight six the dynamite a frag grenade three more six to dynamite a mysterious magnum of silence 22 spike knuckles a switchblade and a tire iron sneak is broken i'm gonna repair all this by the way don't have an aneurysm this allows you to kill benny any way you like i was surprised he didn't perish from a heart attack the moment he laid eyes on me still breathing what in the goddamn blow his guards up with a frac grenade and finish him off with dynamite hell you could even let him flee for the time being and kill him later over and over again when his hands are tied thanks to the joy of quick saving now you're talking that is the ring-a-ding move baby yeah you better believe that benny starts sweating when you hit the f5 key the truth is the game was raped i'm gonna hit him a few more times just so he doesn't come back like i did did i really just march halfway across the mojave to kill benny with a tire iron you're damn right a fair kill with a tire iron oh can you actually crucify him you sick vindictive [ __ ] happy now you twisted bombs i still feel like tire iron is the best it is always the best and if you think killing benny is the climax of your new vegas crusade ooh baby are you ever ring-a-ding wrong i'm not talking about maria the pistol that he shot you in the face with that you get to use however you like truth is remy the game was wrinkled i'm not talking about his ace checkered suit that i primarily use to get discounts and gun runners this robot is giving me a two percent discount just because i'm wearing a checkered suit i'm talking about that mysterious platinum chip that cracks the entire story wide open and i'm sure you're just itching to know why what the [ __ ] do you think [ __ ] apparently the man after this platinum chip you were carrying when benny blew your head off is mr house the mastermind running the new vegas strip and why am i still talking about him when his ego does such a better job by the time i was 30 years old i was a billionaire 30 times over i founded and ran a vast economic empire do you really think i'm going to let an upstart come into my home and ransom my property to me i spent two centuries searching for the platinum chip it's my invention my property mine now be a good courier and deliver it and he's angry for a reason because his position of power comes from his sakura tron you know those big blue robot guys that can either kill you on site or become your cowboy best friend howdy partner welcome to new vegas well that platinum ship you're carrying contains an update to their operating system that turns them from ordinary foot soldiers capable of small arms fire into missile blasting grenade launching behemoths ready to vaporize any adversary into dust behold for the first time securitrons running the mark ii os the m235 missile launcher gives the security intelligence air targets at significantly longer ranges and a rapid fire g28 grenade launcher ensures the securitron is deadly in close range engagements yeah benny basically blew her head off because the giant securitron army is currently running windows xp and you were carrying a licensed version of windows 10 and that's not even the juiciest part danny modified his own securatron appropriately named yes man to help him steal the platinum chip overthrow mr house commandeer his securatron army and shoot him out of the new vegas strip though i think benny would put it differently baby getting outplayed and getting cheated ain't the same thing yes man is willing to tell you all of this because he is unable to say no and i know this word doesn't mean anything anymore but he is literally a yes man but hey not my fault i can't say no i love this guy because he politely lays out your options for shaping the future of vegas and forces you to finally decide whose side you're on leading up to the final showdown for all the mojave marbles at hoover dam we shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of hoover dam your body facing west so you may watch your world die on one side you've got the new california republic or ncr representing old world values like democracy taxes and the rule of law but imma keep it a buck [ __ ] the ncr practical move oh my god the ncr is unbearable pun intended because even as the good guys they make it impossible to like them without condescending and pedantic they are especially when it comes to violence this is ncr property and we have guns so you can only do as we please here and it would please us if you got the hell off our lawn i honestly can't wait to sell you into slavery i'm not even kidding they are such chicken [ __ ] cowards like they are so terrified of the legion crushing them with hoover dam half of them are contemplating suicide the legion breaks through our defenses i got one bullet i'm saving just for me if the legion breaks through our defenses i got one bullet i'm saving just for me if the legion breaks through our defenses i got one bullet i'm saving just for me okay i get it you want to kill yourself shut the [ __ ] up they're dumber than i am and as a reminder i have sub brick intelligence like who should we put in charge of a vital solar power plant how about some bum off the street name fantastic with no experience whatsoever that scientist we hired has got to be the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever come across they asked me how well i understood theoretical physics i said i had a theoretical degree in physics they said welcome aboard got the whole ncr suckling my teats and it feels so good the legion on the other hand absolutely based and the shootouts you witness between these two rival factions tells you everything you need to know god damn does the legion ever crush the ncr they just get so you like that but wait don't they propagate slavery and crucify anyone that defies their will degenerates like you belong on a cross degenerates like you belong on a cross degenerates like you belong on a cross degenerates like you belong on a cross yes but if there's one thing that i hate more than slavery it's taxes the worst kind of slavery so when i say away you say true to kaiser as evil as they may be at least they're not pretending like the ncr is talking mad [ __ ] for having no real fighting prowess and kaisar's right hand man lanius can tell you what happens when words aren't backed by strength our roads into ncr are hung with the bodies of those who attempted to negotiate with us that's the kind of act the non-verbal ethos i can get behind sure the legion might be a little intense but at least they treat me like an equal and have conviction in what they're pursuing we will take hoover dam and move forward until our feet crush the setting sun beneath them the good of the ncr or the bad of the legion aren't your only choices either because mr house is always an option a very corporate tyrannical option to hand the keys to the mojave but i guess when your other choices are cowards or slavers it's not so bad my army will do what an army does best defend territory from invaders and maintain order but if you want a wild card option pick up where benny left off and side with yes man he'll help you take the keys in the mojave by stealing the securatrons for yourself an army like that should be enough to defend vegas from i'm gonna say anybody that way you get to murder the belittling mr house and conquer the wasteland with a friendly face and before you say you can't just kill mr house because a robot i told you to observe how did i lose karma for that he was already a vegetable i'm just making a mashed potato no matter which path you take you're forced to familiarize yourself with the smaller tribes of the mojave to determine whether you want their help in the battle of hoover dam or exterminated for their lack in cooperation if you like a tribe leave it alone or if a tribe is nasty or going to be a problem go ahead and exterminate it it's whatever you want to do you've got the appropriately named boomers because they're terrified of anything foreign to them labeling outsiders as savages and you gotta make it through an artillery barrage if you even wanna talk to them they must be a really nasty people i haven't heard a single good thing about them can i just say this is by far the most accurate artillery barrage that i've ever seen like this is not the way that how the hell did you survive that bombardment i didn't run through all that artillery to hear your stupid question they were savages with knives we blew them up with fragments and grenades burned them with flamethrowers it was neat yes young pete bernie with flamethrowers neat sure they're intolerant but they taught me this field trip to meet other tribes wasn't just so i could check a box of exterminate or don't exterminate because if you help them out they can have a big impact at hoover dam so fine boomers i'll fix your stupid plane and make your dreams come true to restore the bomber to fly the open skies and armored safety running high explosive ordnance upon ignorant savages can you dial it back on that word anytime he says savages he just savages the great cons are hilarious because everybody makes fun of them for being filthy drug traffickers that live in tents the cons are just they're a dirty people they live in tents like animals and they're very rude and i think you can deal with them diplomatically to win their favor but uh i've never tried that option 22 percent can i hit that oh i can hit that you know what's even better than killing drug traffickers killing drug traffickers on their own products i'm so high off a psycho right now diplomatic efforts are better spent on the brotherhood of steel because if you run their silly errands they can hook you up with special power armor training to wear this god-tier steel suit wake up everybody looking for that platinum chip when i got that platinum drip by the way if you think that t-51 is cooler than t-45 you are actually psychotic and i'm not gonna recommend that you pickpocket the heavy hitters and initiate their bunker self-destruct sequence once you've got the training in your hands [Music] i'll take that are you sure you would like to initiate itself yes you can kill me all you want i've already won i've already won it's already too late i bet you regret putting that explosive collar on me now [ __ ] good that's one less loose end consider them forgotten along with the projections that predict they'll be our biggest enemy forgotten not all the tribes are out in [ __ ] either you've also got to make contact with some of the families running other prominent casinos on the strip so even if you already know you want them exterminated you at least have to look at them in the face before you kill them benny style maybe cons kill people without looking them in the face but i ain't a fink dig the omertas that run a giant whorehouse called gamora deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth not just because they kill hookers not because they're stockpiling arms but because they're complete pieces of [ __ ] and it takes like three pickpockets to dismantle their whole operation what the [ __ ] are you looking at the [ __ ] are you looking at what the [ __ ] are you looking at i hear you've been asking questions about me dickweed what the [ __ ] do you want i don't give half a dick what you heard now get the [ __ ] out of my face before i burn your sorry ass and i will take that off your hands where the [ __ ] did you get that okay listen buddy that's some dangerous [ __ ] you got there that book can get me killed if the wrong people see it let's talk what do you want just like that all your guns are gone and as much as i'd love to tell you that i had an elaborate way of destroying cachino and his cronies you already saw how that ended i guess we are huge white glove society at the ultra luxe are by far the worst liars i have ever come across when people proactively scream at you you better believe they eat people for the last time the white glove society has never and will never consume human flesh for any reason you know once i end up reviewing this footage i feel like i can tell you exactly what she meant by saying those words the white glove society will consume human flesh for any reason we do not engage in cannibalism here under any circumstances oh no this is another one that's just too perfect to pass we engage in cannibalism here under any circumstances it gets even better once you press them on it like why do so many people disappear while staying at your hotel and they're like what do we hired a private investigator to solve that mystery go ask him about it and he's dead in his room i had our mater d mortimer offer him a complimentary room for as long as it took for him to be satisfied oh really yo holy [ __ ] he did and the white glove society sends a bunch of dudes and tuxedos to fight a man in power or a great idea their latest victim is the son of this rancher named heck gunderson and he is definitely worth rescuing in the basement not only because of the conversation you get to have with the chef who the [ __ ] do you think i am i'm the [ __ ] god of new vegas brahmin fusion cuisine that's who no no that doesn't even give me the credit i deserve i [ __ ] invented edible food do you like eating good you owe me your entire goddamn garbage existence keep talking [ __ ] felipe not only because you get to feel the adrenaline rush of fighting 15 cannibals at once no run away kid run away [ __ ] i got the kid not only because you can punch marjorie's stupid head off and even the mater d if you feel so inclined what the [ __ ] how does she have such a strong head oh [ __ ] degenerates like you belong but because once you do get him back to his dad he shoots up the whole casino in a fit of rage and cuts off the entire food supply to the new vegas strip oh [ __ ] you like that nailed them well that does it none of them maniacs will ever do business with heck gunderson long as they live they control the food well there ain't gonna be no food not for anybody in this whole damn town let them starve biggest favor anyone's ever done this hellhole that sounds like a fantastic idea hell there are even tinier tribes that aren't mandatory to meet with but worth exterminating anyways i'm looking at you fiends what the [ __ ] are you doing here you've got some kind of [ __ ] death wish [ __ ] final warning [ __ ] all right [ __ ] you just [ __ ] yourself the only annoying part about the fiends are their traps which they end up triggering themselves most of the time did he just trigger his own trap oh you oh god oh god she definitely tripped it it's even worse that these traps defy the laws of time and space like one time i triggered a trap and a second before it exploded i escaped outside and thought i was safe little did i know that the timeline inside this building freezes once you leave it so no matter how long i spent outside that grenade was still one second away from exploding on the inside on top of that new vegas saves anytime you enter a building so i was now auto saved right inside that building with a grenade about to explode which eventually formed an infinite loop of dimensional grenade loading the autosave and dying for that same grenade and over and over and over again for all of eternity going back inside all good oh god oh [ __ ] what happens if i load though wait what happens when i load [Music] the same shit's gonna happen forever now because it auto loads the auto save from the doorway man it's gonna go on forever speaking of explosions i don't hate the powder gangers but for some reason they hate me like their reliance on dynamite i really admire why can't we be friends i'm pretty sure all three of them just threw dynamite at me and they did okay so we got a dead caravanner we got a dead powder ganger and what's he gonna say damn running low on smokes again that's the most powder ganger answer i've ever heard the only group i didn't bulldoze on site were the kings because you can't do that to the king and if you don't know who the king is well you should take a trip to memphis and find out who's the king you believe this [ __ ] man thank you thank you very much no matter how you choose to handle the tribes or who you choose to back in the battle of hoover dam the presidential assassination quest will always be funny because if you're back in the ncr mr house or yes man you've got to prevent it from happening that [ __ ] scared me dude [Applause] did that ranger just get blasted off that tower um those rangers don't give a [ __ ] they're just standing there look at them um i'm not gonna get away with it this time you sneaky piece of [ __ ] oh what what mr president mr president get down what the [ __ ] i think his legs got stuck in the tower his torso just didn't want to be here uh should i should i call this in or just let it grow free i actually don't know if he's any any much of a threat any longer i think that was it just one guy he's on the murderer [Applause] oh you son of a [ __ ] the game was rigged from the start this dude is so strong he powers through save games like i just quick saved it quick loaded and he's still here it was around this time that i realized siding with the legion is so much more fun and sticking it to the dumbass ncr is just icing on the cake like if i bring a missile launcher to a presidential speech and you don't find it suspicious you deserve to have your president vaporized do they care don't even care that i'm whipping out a missile launcher right in front of my president you dispatched president kimball with real skill ah yes real skill missile launcher from point blank the sole fact that kaisar is suffering from a brain tumor and is prone to random fits of headache induced rage makes his cause worth backing you'll be talking about a quest and then out of nowhere god damn it i expect that information can be used to manipulate them go to oh god damn it [ __ ] this i'm going to lie down if you interfere with me getting some sleep again i'm going to have you killed we will talk later our way true to kaiser it's not a full strength chapter mind you the profligates yes the profligates but because the game ends once the battle of hoover dam is over it's a solid idea to explore all the wasteland has to offer before you finish the fight talk [ __ ] to the ncr hit squads that force you to improve your standing with the republic or suffer the consequences oh no since you haven't pissed yourself i'll assume that you don't know who we are next time i'll bring my sickle and wear my black cloak the ncr sends us when they want terrible things done to terrible people you've got three days to improve your reputation with the ncr or we come for you without all this pleasant conversation yeah sure you got it i'll stop working for kaiser man you're really scary running in the other direction the dlc is worth checking out and even though i only played honest hearts to avoid making this video two hours long boy was it ever worth it ah damn it ambush can i even forget this oh [ __ ] i don't think i can stop this yeah i don't think i can stop this i think it's designed to happen this way or i'm just hitting 20 somehow i don't know how i hit on 20 what the [ __ ] yeah they're all dead forget it forget it [ __ ] you i'd highly recommend the sneering imperialist trait if you head to zion which grants you a 15 damage buff and a bonus hit in vats against raiders junkies and tribals it's basically weaponized racism or at the very least a racism buff and i'm not racist but i do appreciate doing 15 percent extra damage and having a bonus hidden bat what is that damage outlander joshua graham if you're too dumb to speak my language you're too dumb to talk to me get lost speaking of joshua graham that's kizar's former right-hand man that lost the first battle of hoover dam which ended in him getting covered in pitch set on fire and tossed into the grand canyon i survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me i fell down into that dark chasm the flame burned on and on his crispy ass is the best character in all of new vegas and airing out an entire canyon with his pistol pack in 45 buff is some of the most fun i've ever had the time for talk has passed the lord's work must be done make no mistake about why we are here this is an extermination while joshua graham is in your party any 45 caliber on a pistol you use has less spread and is twice as likely to score critical hits we warned you at syracuse mad he killed all white legs you talk you stop whatever joshua will put a cap in general gobbly [ __ ] here and once i found my way out of zion it was time for the final phase of the plan you already know what the [ __ ] about a happy vegas will fall the fight for good damn is radically different depending on which side you're on like you can crush the ncr with something as simple as a hunting shotgun or a goran i can already tell this is easier so much easier than taking on the league apart from that little bit of friendly fire this honestly feels like a different difficulty like these rangers [ __ ] suck did i like drop down to very easy what is this i'm sorry ranger but it's it's a wrap for you i'ma keep it a stack trooper it's not safe for you right now that's right [ __ ] you and your fake power armor that [ __ ] is whack it doesn't block anything like what's the point what's going up against the legion is a whole different ball game that [ __ ] is tricky i mean not that tricky because if you slam enough medex jet and psycho while flat out abusing the anti-material rifle nothing in this game is that tricky riff the homie y'all ever get so high on a drug that your bullets start doing more damage i just love that best feature this game jesus but still fighting alongside the legion is so much more fun and so much more vindicating once you get to wipe that condescending smirk off general oliver's face i would sooner spit on the grave of my dead mother than let some courier walk the wasteland [ __ ] talk to me like that courier walk the wasteland [ __ ] would you like to rephrase i think you're cast out enough to know my chances are pretty good chances are pretty good just vaporize for rangers oh this should be good shut the [ __ ] up the highlight for me beyond boomers dropping high explosive ordnance upon ignorant savages you know what i stand corrected that little kid pete talking about raining high explosive ordnance upon ignorant savages i kind of get it now was the appearance of the mysterious stranger and misfortune basically there's these two traits where there's a random chance that a man or woman will show up in vats and blast away the enemy you're engaging and nothing against a mysterious stranger but misfortune cannot be tough and crippling someone will always be funny people never know well i guess miss foresh is just gonna steal the show frag rounds i'm missing i'm missing all of those all misfortune he goes so far when she hits them don't you run away from me where is he even going the closet what um okay it seems like a weird place um chuckle [ __ ] in the closet of all places in the [ __ ] closet i still feel like the 40 mil kind of sucks but i guess it's worth trying out every now and again oh miss fortune that's tight what where did that dude's [ __ ] body go there she is again and holy [ __ ] she is so much better than mysterious stranger it's not even funny she's like a walking artillery piece come on out oliver oh that's unfortunate that's so unfortunate sneak attack criticals are by far the best thing in this game like they just do so much [ __ ] damage dude look at this clown [ __ ] the ncr i don't know if the big boomer penetrates oh never mind miss force is just gonna do the work for me so it doesn't penetrate but it still has is that a misfortune hit on two consecutive vats is this [ __ ] broken is three in a row possible could they well never never mind degenerates like you belong on a cross i had to it's the last dude it's the last dude and that's the story of how he crushed the ncr and took hoover dam god willing kaiser does the same [ __ ] to california because lord knows it needs to happen perhaps in time i will be granted the honor of conquering the land known as california for now come we must see to the burning of the dead don't forget to take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen on the way out you don't want to get dehydrated in the mojave you sold a bunch of human flesh to gun runners you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen just slaughtered an elderly couple to take a nap in their bed sips from canteen god dude you take a sip from your trusty vault thirteen candy brotherhood of steel bunker takes sip for trusty father dick you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen i have been chugging out of this sink for the past 40 seconds to not waste a stim pack and what am i doing while i'm chucking out of a sink i'm taking a sip for my trusty fault thirteen kids and that's about it that's all i got to say now final [ __ ] the ncr for being pedantic pieces of [ __ ] trolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winner and may kaiser rule the mojave for all of eternity true to kaiser yes man is also a solid option but i'll stop now it's time for this video to end we accomplished a lot together it was fun take care [Music] [Applause] um and that's it that's fallout new vegas i'd like to give a quick shout out to cyberpunk 2077 because i originally was going to make a video on that but then i was like oh this is a broken [ __ ] piece of trash i should probably check out who did this the right way and fallout new vegas is something incredible i'm not gonna hit you with any of the game critic lines but the story is cash the characters are cash to the point that i almost cried at some of the voice lines like joshua graham's story is so damn inspiring for a [ __ ] fictional character oh my god please play this game you dumb son of a [ __ ] i'm gonna end it there i really am gonna cross my fingers and hope this video was not demonetized and age restricted like the last fallout video because i did so much [ __ ] psycho and psycho jet that it actually thought i was i don't know recommending the use of hard drugs and before i go if you think that deathclaws are scarier than kazadors degenerates like you belong on a cross the bright red cadillac with the taillights on the back man i'm telling you give me that cadillac i want that cadillac [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was a bright red cadillac sitting in the back want that cadillac
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 7,011,539
Rating: 4.953424 out of 5
Keywords: fallout new vegas, fallout new vegas gameplay, new vegas, fallout new vegas dlc, fallout new vegas review, let's play fallout new vegas, fallout new vegas facts, fallout new vegas game, fallout: new vegas, fallout new vegas strength build, fallout new vegas mods, fallout new vegas walkthrough, fallout new vegas playthrough, fallout new vegas endings, fallout new vegas lore, fallout new vegas pc, fallout new vegas trailer, bethesda, fallout new vegas memes, russian badger
Id: VKoki--fSvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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