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2019 a year that could not have ended on a better note because i finally have my very own charm it's not in rainbow six for obvious reasons because goobysoft hates me and i'm canonically an edgelord in the ubisoft cinematic universe so the guys over youtube's bailed me out and crafted me an ass-tier crying seal sipping on some boomer juice and the quality is outstanding damn does it ever feel good to succeed like ubisoft won't give me my own charm in rainbow six because i say the word [ __ ] [ __ ] too often i'll make my own charm with blackjack and hookers i don't know why i said that because none of you were old enough to watch futurama to even get it so like why the only thing that i love more than the figure itself is the box like with each purchase i grow stronger you cowards will never stop me you cowards will never stop this product appeals to both liberals and conservatives liberal how how do they let me get away with this [ __ ] pause the video right now and snag yourself one it's available for pre-order starting today at down below and if you do pre-order international shipping is free after that you got to pay for it yourself shout out to the homies at youtubes for immortalizing me in this little guy i could not be more excited and i'm so happy i can't feel my arms but more importantly shout out to you for an incredible year i never forget that each one of you out there individually are the reason that i have the freedom to do what i love every day which is [ __ ] posting on this monitor and this monitor more specifically but giving someone the ability to do what they love is the greatest privilege that you can give anyone so to celebrate 2019 i went back and watched every single one of my videos here not only to make this montage but to also track my progress from the beginning of the year to the end of the year to see how i'm doing and i'm gonna keep it a book i'm trying to keep this video as positive as possible but i'll i'm a little disappointed in myself i'm gonna need a heavy player for this like after watching all this back my face was kind of just like it's it's the best you got there bad you did a really mediocre job friend just be serious for a second with demonetization and ad race getting worse and worse on youtube like ah your video is monetized but you made like four dollars i started doing sponsored videos more and more often this year and then all of a sudden all of my videos are sponsored and i hate myself and i want to [ __ ] scream alright [Music] sponsor videos are not a bad thing though they give you so much cash for one video that you don't have to worry about the financial pressure you don't have to worry about demonetization and getting all of that pressure off of your shoulders so that you can be creative and make what you want is a big deal but i made the mistake of riding that train way too long and way too hard like i could have done so many bangers this year that i didn't that's what you get for doing so many sponsored videos [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah well you're right not saying i didn't have any because there's three that you should check out like heavy flammer heresy banger t-pain liliotti showdown banger gauntlet fried chicken banger but that's like three videos out of like 48 49 videos the downside to doing so many sponsored videos was that i bogged myself down with deadlines and i didn't give myself the chance to make as many bangers as i potentially could have marvel vs capcom 3 could have been a banger gears of war 5 could have been a banger halo reach could have been a banger modern warfare payday 2 dawn of war 2 and on and on and on still planning on doing those but just not till next year so my resolution for 2020 is fewer sponsored videos so that i can always play the games i want to play create the content that i think is my best and not worry about [ __ ] deadlines remember that spider-man video from last year that's what happens when there's no deadline when you adopt the habit of it's done when it's done that is so much better content that's where magic happens as opposed to [ __ ] i gotta get this done by friday i better hurry up i better cut corners [ __ ] man so glad we're on the same page now i don't think i'll ever stop doing sponsor videos because they're such a critical part of the business side of youtube especially if you're in really [ __ ] posty type content you gotta be kind of careful with the financial side but to be clear on that i'm being much more selective next year so that i can make as many bangers as possible and that's it that's my whole my heart my soul monologue for 2019. thanks so much for the wonderful year just you giving me your attention is the greatest honor that i could ever ask for i have the greatest job in the world and you allow it to be so thank you so very much and before the montage starts if you're gonna leave some dumbass comment like this is your best work it's not even funny shut the [ __ ] up you're not funny that's just a joke by the way i'm i kind of like lost track of who's bullying who is it my turn to bully you are you still bullying me please enjoy [ __ ] monsters inc 3 randall [ __ ] die fan favorite character randall gets shot in the jungle by teddy roosevelt [Music] what is that it's my ex-wife karen i'm good i already gave you the alimony burn the custody paper the kids are coming forever [ __ ] wheat chicago gamers be like cover me i'm going to walmart [Laughter] some mf in chicago just stole my damn porch [Laughter] just clear view on him do i aim for the head or the foot care package on the way what the [ __ ] was that leaked audio of thanos dying in the next adventure i used the stones what'd you do with your tax returns reduce them dad when you're smoker playing world of tanks like it's a [ __ ] dart board like oh wait for my teammate to spot the object i'll just click on it oh my god i'm gonna ruin this for you t-pain i'm so sorry as soon as i saw you it just i could put you in a mansion way out in wisconsin god damn it mr obama please help i'm drowning why did she leave you goose oh probably because i'm a balding racist but i don't know probably her american by birth balding racist by choice that has to be the sound effect of random crits that's just too good oh now he's got the sound that's the sound of a heat round hitting literally anything right there our expectations were low but what the [ __ ] i can't open my girlfriend oh [ __ ] problems rageful problems require rageful solutions heavenly why you look like a thumb from spy kids where's your neck your chest continues into your chin if you could call it a chin you know we're gonna start you can't say that when you look like you were born with black lung that's not fair i got arthur drunk by drinking like 15 bottles of whiskey and i've had a knife fight with an alligator i think you can guess who won the fight arthur morgan i would assume nature took over i got a few stabs in but then arthur drunkenly fell over and then i got the death rolling for my throat purple why you know he's giving a [ __ ] alligator run for its money you know maybe if arthur was so also using a gun grouse is getting flashbacks fighting this dragon it was a rough time for all parties involved imagine like a six foot tall burly dude and like a jacket with a knife drunkenly stumbling towards an alligator as a swamp trying to fight it's like you i choose you i'm just thankful that honey supports my videos on an ongoing basis because i was gonna promise them a fancy promotion where we spelled out join honey with a sound board but we honestly couldn't even get through the alphabet correctly let alone the letter h all right abcdefg [Laughter] damn sup pro sonic thanks for the gifted sub to the tingo sprawl fbi open up literally kim taehyung john doug demidone and soulja boy thank you what's the phrase grass there's nothing stronger than love except that 32 grenade launcher there's nothing stronger than love except an m32 rotary grenade launcher yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just like that chick and like the driver's sides or the passenger side seat yeah there's nothing stronger than love except an m32 rotary grenade launcher because [ __ ] you and everyone near you no my other favorite one mirror is patterson fire warning shot sir this is an m32 grenade launcher i have potato potato just fire it patterson spoilers for gears of war 3 a game that came out in 2012 dom [ __ ] died dumb you're gonna make me spit my water all over my mom spoiler alert for gears of war 3 dom [ __ ] died jello just really wants to piss people off so all that he does is just oh you want to hear about gears 3. oh my god i'm just saying a physical energy can be turned into thermal energy how hard would i have to punch a chicken to cook just with his forearms what would the subtitles be would it just be meaty whack and then a chuckle well i hope that i mean that hurts [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that's great did you hear the some of the things these guys are shouting they just run up [ __ ] the division enjoy your last breath before i puncture your lungs yeah i think you had that the wrong way around two minutes earlier yeah [ __ ] all the avengers when casper story shoots you oh there is no point in resistance you cowers will never stop with each bullet i grow adventures of stronger and mandy when uh [ __ ] grim is in the desert with dracula who happens to be black and then they eat us scorpions like larva and then the mother scorpion comes home and i was like oh you ate my kids and then dragon's like maybe you should make your kids so goddamn tasty the [ __ ] communists are invading grouse just pulled out his m9 not on my [ __ ] watch loads of snickers bar into it runs to his front door don't you love it when you shoot with a 38 spatula and send them straight to hell oh my god it is the green goblin god [ __ ] bongo cat look at that it's bongo cat what the [ __ ] is this the title just like me please five anti-tank mines is a lot of g's that's gotta be like not good for you number of g's look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] oh he is out of here we've got a new world record your stairs those stairs yeah i'm watching it watching it i can see him watch me hit his head oh my god the call out what are you gonna shoot him in the store shots boys call your shots what they gotta worry about they over there in canada blocked by ocean bro they good you didn't pass geography did you have them bro they blocked my nose i know the way to the doughnut shop i know that's all i hate the green water in dc bro this shit's grody can't believe they drink that he knows too much camera pans around to heavenly slurping it up with his friends ready knowing knowing where you live in the united states your particular state goose i know that's a real firearm you bit your goddamn ass i got a strap right here with me big man it is ready to [ __ ] don't worry it's like safety you know how to use that goose you keep loading it like you're just ejecting you're just ejecting live rounds i can hear them getting just the way daddy told me uber charging shotgun jesus christ the more you pumps the harder it hits right you know this deer that this deer that's posted up on the table right up like it's not gonna work if you want to support a creator you know buy some pro league skins buy it to chunk a headgear you know use code chungus my guy hey here's heavenly aka lord head ass aka king aka big chungus the junkiest the man formerly known as mouse cop if young chungus don't trust you i'ma shoot you you can't mix and match heavenly you choose one or the other you can't do more headaches and big chunkis in the lord jungle [Laughter] brother get the flamer the heavy flavor i would like to file a complaint i love how indiscriminate you are with your flame you don't need to whip it like a noodle at a swimming pool like what a very nice birthday she is turning 56 and she's a great woman i bet she plays aaron black bro i'm picturing birth in iowa as they just rub a bunch of carhartt jackets together and blow a vape cloud in the middle and then a baby spawns out of it no i i know the entire check can hear me too if i'm not seeing happy birthdays in that chat right now it's gonna be a wrap for y'all the stream is like you're just sitting there in like world of tanks launching stunts for people why do you have your shield like 50 speed like you're dyslexic there's french hold on there's a french language [Laughter] probably my favorite moment of the whole match simply because the commentator saw me about to peek bikini with tachenki kang and we're basically like you can't just spawn peek with shanka's pistol to which i responded observe followed by bang bang degree of difficulty putting down this turret and i think the spawn peak with the pistol is not exactly the wisest of ideas oh my goodness absolute embarrassment that's got to hurt oh [ __ ] we're actually nuking mars elegant plan general silence corporal oh yeah we see okay we see a vip only this is classes oh my god look at that guy look at this [ __ ] i'm sorry what 65 000 a year what this is what he grinded for years years of effort for this moment not to go through the vip only metal detector shut that [ __ ] up i hate you i'm not naming the video mumbo fuse shut the [ __ ] up chat silence casual please dude please bro come on mumbo bro shout out to the wmata metro of dc for always keeping me on track shut up [ __ ] i found legion right it's like saying shout out to the sidewalk for helping me stay off these streets go wipe the decoration that's a screenshot oh god i was right you killed it that was looking different right now i don't know about you guys told you we were still in a declaration break your xbox controller what was that noise that was a monster fan i guarantee oh my god everybody tanks until seeker racks a darp around that is lights out look at this just click on his head just no wind no bullet drop no nothing i'm just gonna give you a billion dollars to make me a bullet where physics do not apply look at the velocity of this thing the future is now old man the future is now old man shout out to my twitch chat for tolerating my dumb ass while recording this video you guys are the best but also [ __ ] how much longer before a mixer grabs me mixer's not gonna grab me i pose like no value i never stream consistently and when i do i'm out once i have enough footage i'm like literally [ __ ] every viewer in this stream i'm going to make a video for the crowd that matters my youtube channel [ __ ] you i'm making a video i don't care didn't ask plus you're on twitch i don't care didn't ass plus [ __ ] we met [Laughter] damn damn back that's youtube i guess please don't just show my move jammer it's the only thing i have in life yeah that's an indestructible floor that's why don't [ __ ] do it i will take both of us down no no all right don't press g press do not press g don't get people here boys i've had enough this [Music] this is okay put it down i'll shoot another one mickey why does there have to be such a feud with caden mute what have we done your dumb ass jammers that are clearly inferior getting me banned for three years the [ __ ] wingman does it all bro it cooks dinner that down enemies in a second it makes spaghetti and [ __ ] those are taxes drives the kid to soccer practice y'all got any more of them rotaries [Music] this is the worst what is this charm that is that supposed to be rudolph oh with the strap yeah really shitty rudolph rudolph with the strap oh trust me i ain't gonna be playing any reindeer games [Music] i domino's pizza if your pizza is 5.99 and i get two pies with you get 36 dollars from it where the [ __ ] is jello jello you can't just say his name like that's how i summon jell-o no no that's what i do i just lean back anytime i need jello i just jello jello pick up the phone and then you hear a little what's poppin yup yup this is this is why i bring you in so you can have the quality content of local man paralyzed after eating 413 chicken nuggets thanks jello we found the limit [Music] [Laughter] so all you got to do is eat 412 you gained everything i have ascended ain't nobody gonna hear me they're probably gonna hear you not on this flank not with my lasers you're a three armored thickest lap watching on the camera up above it's kind of skulking around in the garage [Music] oh oh my god do you know there's a drone in the middle that always want to break it never going to work dudes are you okay bro i'm all right all right bro what's wrong i expected this it's fine i expected what [Applause] [Laughter] eating yo this is right up big dick maverick cucks all the siege [ __ ] you overwatch excuse me sir do you have a moment to speak about back black okay okay who's the funny guy [Music] what i was trying to say these are the dumbest memes i've ever heard but they're somehow still funny maybe just because i'm at my standing desk i find things extra funny while standing at my standing desk yes it is you rat bastard don't worry bro i gotta you choose laughing for someone in court-martialing distance we can rule this city spider-man somebody just made a parrot m-107 car you can [Applause] if you've done your homework nice well what the [ __ ] you got a triple kill including jello are your sneakers exploding what the you immediately down the enemy looked at me hesitated okay i have a solution for owls is it called fists it's frag grenade oh i could [ __ ] this owl up right now come here what do you mean endangered i'm not gonna not use these frag grenades what do you mean endangered it's right there i still i still what i really want challenger is i want to be able to put my deployable shield into somebody's belt line and just divide them into like a burger patty with a spatula that's what i really want junk i want to know what like a 40 mil in an m32 with a rubber bullet form would be like oh man imagine getting rubber bulleted by it that might actually that might actually respond imagine imagine like a monster can but it's going at terminal velocity into your chest yo look you're drunk get that [ __ ] out of my face gross how do you see mr bear bro i'm about to flick my safety off so quickly yo look at my eyes bro look into my eyes you're cold dead liberal what noise was that by the way did you just fart with your mouth no that's called why the [ __ ] are monster can so hard to slurp out of [ __ ] that noise the only thing more noble than eating chicken out of a bucket is mean i bought a large bucket does that not mean i get a large soda the bucket is your drink sir free refills right god bless america we may get burns yeah the first thing that you do of course the space book says this is bad there's no need to do that it says we can't do that in the codex well i can't read everybody gangster until lolly rick pull out the heavy flamer the end is here oh it's you you got it oh my god that [ __ ] is great [Music] dad please don't leave her milk again you've already done this before please don't do it it's expired part of your squad going quiet and part of your squad going loud is not a winning combination hey guys do you want to take this stealthily did you mean fully automatic unsuppressed assault talking a lot of [ __ ] for some very solid looking grid coordinator talking a lot of [ __ ] for a man 1.3 miles away from chris kyle wait a minute wait a minute oh my god because it does appear that with the first vega boost russian badger is already at the finish line just inside i'm out here i'm playing games like a real gamer here we go fellas here we go cab kill number one yeah baby robo recall say it again [Music] the game where the robots are red the drones are blue and every single one of them is out to kill your legs are red your torso is blue don't interrupt me to ruin the poem activating clown world [ __ ] activity if you want to try again shut up that was all right it would have been funnier earlier but wait deliberately shut the [ __ ] up clue consider the following shut your [ __ ] mouth stop welcome back to rainbow six seeds the easiest game in the world if you pick the french i'm gonna make it out of gold this season lord x and doc eyes glowing mp5 is fully loaded i'm gonna stop you right there allow us to introduce ourselves expert 20 area of effect 20 explosive damage and 40 throw range sign my ass up brother i have something to say about it i'm gonna say the f word frag out i'm gonna pop up and blast his ass with a small i hope you're ready self revive bring myself back to life who's laughing now big boy who's laughing now i hope your insurance covers this why are you not giving those subs to me my man bro shout out to benny though he passed his a plus dog shout out benny is everyone really shouting out benny after he gives 10 subs i see how it is shout out bitty bro he really cool guy i could use some money god roses are red violets are blue i'm wanted in four states for 13 accounts of home invasion between [Laughter] chug chug chug chug chug chug chug [Applause] i want to see the arming distance on it because some grenade launchers they have a minimum arming distance so if you fire it too close to yourself it doesn't explode i'm not sure if this is gonna wow it's definitely more of a romantic restaurant than a family it's a [ __ ] spot of cheese please i need male calcium swamp right now bro i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna say the game but don't act like you didn't hit the church in that ac 130 mission i know you did make sure to hit all targets that do not have a flare church does not have a flare on it loads 105. no y'all got extra metro patrons act like i won't air out this whole settlement here [Laughter] preach brother firstly i'm sorry that operation win bastion was so unfun for so many of you out there because with a crouch lean spam and team killing that was just incessant oh no there's not worth it what is up and i cannot stress this enough my gamers [Laughter] i want you to do this thing robot no detroit because if you died that [ __ ] purple tell me that's not thanos what hail storm you should have aimed for my ball my big ball my gargantuan my titanic testicles my massive mammoth mountain oyster my nuts my fat [ __ ] nut oh what are we just looking at exactly that asmr thanos explains his plan but he's on his lunch break eating a kfc family meal [Laughter] my plan no i want to hear i want to hear how the smack your lips changes when he gets onto the biscuit i need to hear with that sound effect this is like water oh [ __ ] it run from it the family meal always arrives did bald eagles attack children in alaska jackal i'm trying to read the strategy god the bald eagles grab children i he doesn't find this a lot funnier this is hilarious to me because i actually watched an eagle attack a child that [ __ ] wasn't funny story short so i don't waste your time godzilla crushed to my apartment in the 2014 godzilla movie which to avoid a copyright claim i will reenact with my own recreation and you guys supported my point of view that he's a self-centered lagoon creature that needs to keep his larger-than-life ego in check so for that i thank you yeah quit crushing buildings [ __ ] do you know how expensive my insurance is now but tooth and claw i took this island and by tooth and claw i will rule it not if i have anything to say about it and i do i'm gonna [ __ ] did you hear that earlier heavenly where skulkers sound skulker sounded like an uncooked turkey running down a hallway i'm waiting [Laughter] i told you but i'm gonna see it has been so much fun i basically can't put this thing down how tall are you cosmo bubbles okay you're good get back in there there's 18 boards above you be careful mickey it's gonna be all right god oh damn mickey is such a wall right he's gonna give you like three consecutive life sentences what's the very best thing that you could do in that situation what you heard the sound of was a reverse uno card this is all you hear have you ever seen the uno card that's just pick up the whole [ __ ] deck gamer did you know that you know that one gamer that is my favorite one by far that's my favorite we have a deck at my house that we put some words on one of the cards and no [ __ ] one of the words on the cards is trade hands you dumb [ __ ] so if you play it and they got two cards and you got sixty well too bad okay just so you know if if any of you lock me in and ruin my plan i will ddos and orphanage what are they gonna do tell their parents heavenly okay that's a little far [Laughter] what are you gonna do things that definitely violate terms of service i'm sorry twitch that just came out the time for talk has passed the lord's work must be done by all accounts it was no more than a hulking mass of iron oh my god oh my god bro you're nuts you're actually not bro you're actually psychotic please seek mental health where where did he get a picture where did he get a picture of me talking to my mother like look daddy's where are these cameras in my house like yeah well i mean i'm five foot he's tight you know the number one thing at twitchcon is you don't wanna you don't want to atrophy you don't want to spend too much time on one place you want to keep flossing all right you just got to keep walking it's the number one roll actually can we can we save one guy so i can just overkill him at point blank yeah all right ready ready [Laughter] this round can literally blow up the tank in one shot i'm so glad you used it from point blank the range use of this ground is to violate the geneva convention committing war crimes increasingly so right now it only corrects to the note g so no matter what i say it's going to try to correct it to g so it just sounds super scott i'm trying to read [Laughter] no british people are just are just australians that haven't gone far enough into the skill tree yet oh i found you legion i feel your legion oh i busted him into that room i found him yes not expecting that what the hell you think i don't got the toe on me bro i'm throwing the hail mary over the mountain go skulker go there's your countdown send it brother right hard oh my god he got blasted away with a shotgun pretty good at that pre-fired yeah brother oh god yup i tried it i tried to kill him before he ran away god he's got such a devious look on his face look at that jesus he was great oh my god the best facial expression god dude and he's gripping the phone like i get this picture wow imagine having marpad and not [ __ ] something yeah i got this new batch of uh m27s or even you cran eaters can figure out how to use them isn't it hard to use nvgs while wearing like goggles at the same time i think that would not be easy grass yeah shut the [ __ ] up i've i've been playing world of tanks since like 2013. hear that boomer [Laughter] time in battle like actually playing battles i probably have about five thousand right there's a boomer around here oh i'm hearing reloads yeah very tactical of you to scream out when you're reloading he's by himself we need to reach oh i feel so bad for that guy i i swear i could see moo's eyes start to glow i'm reloading everyone i am reloading everyone my mag is empty my pants are down i cannot shoot you right now i am unable to do anything in order to prevent you from killing me you [ __ ] yourself yet didn't your mother ever teach you any manner and with 45 operators now in the game you're talking about there's 22 attackers and 22 defenders that's not 45. don't forget about recruit you [ __ ] i've been killing german since i got my first xbox correction 22 attackers 21 defenders one demigod and one recruit that's 45. we're coming for you asshat oh my god no way no way wow without cover is without victory brother oh my that t50 is done too what a steamroll they only have an already left i'm gonna find him too oh i see him you better launch one heavenly you better launch one right now oh we getting the beats up we getting the beats all right i stopped on the bob send them heavenly has just broken his headset and broken into his drywall we're gonna need an entire maintenance so was i on the way to get my doughnuts approaching i saw the sign said evacuation evacuation [ __ ] i already did my taxes [Laughter] i'll make my way to get my fried chicken for the day grass give me one heavenly reasons to play ranked god i wish i could [ __ ] read blood ravens be like me an intellectual decision you got this people both look at him look at that zero easy for somebody with the [ __ ] a10 warthog strapped to their arm to say run to me brother they'll all get [ __ ] if they run into it just watch done all right buddy let's see your dismount let's see your dismount solid 8 out of 10. what about you little guy you have got them on distance not on technique hold on a second hold on a second they're not dead yet now they're dead you might think flying coach is bad but this is definitely worse the avengers drop with an m16 and a shotgun and yes you can in fact murder thanos with a plain old m16 oh god i see it i got him i got him with the f-16 that's all it took to take down thanos was a [ __ ] common military equipment let's go because the dumber it is the deadlier it is detected oh my god it is overkill no way that's a wrap for you ever max goose there's no [ __ ] way you just pulled that off bro i can't counter with stan i want to see a buff for caviar or for uh zofia where if she was stan's when being interrogated she just [ __ ] stuplex's cat that's a [ __ ] face there's like a fatal blow that is the most depth to uh i've ever heard no no in two seconds t-pain it's it's a wrap it's a wrap for this dude on the red stairs it's about to be over it's about to be over yes see what did i say damn son that's like two versus five i was trying to do percentages and midway through it was like abort abort their [ __ ] do not do not continue do not pass go do not collect two hundred dollars you can tell that much about chinese history i know enough though like during mao's reign it's basically a game of don't starve when everybody loses oh hit me again hit me again heal up heal up heal up hello all right here we go [Applause] yes yes man literally too angry to die jesus christ hey angel [ __ ] dia i feel like i am in danger it's good only black man in the whole community that's so good this footage is so good i'm already sweaty dog who is this junk cook heating spiders around check now we're gonna add a diffuser to the mix pretty simple and two-time rainbow six world champion captain of g2 esports fabian he certainly couldn't hurt i sense great danger you know i'm from sweden like everyone here is a socialist so i can't really call anyone else any stuff hey is it true that sweden looks like minecraft [Laughter] i'm one block wide and i'm two blocks tall i really want to lick the sweat off of gridlock's abs i'm not the only one right what about the cavalier skin have you guys not seen that yet yes mom i mean you were in sso oh my god i'm really glad that chicken shake is slugged to the face oh my god now that's maybe how you do it in morocco but that's not how you keep a hostage safe bro here kill my son as a sacrifice [Laughter] it's always depressing when you pull up the the loaf of bread in the bag but it only has like the end pieces left and you're just like damn why do you exist no no it's called it's called the heel mule stop [ __ ] excuse you as goose says i literally live in poverty i don't even eat that trash i know for a fact giving your family badge that you've not had a sugar sandwich please tell me you have have you ever had frosted flakes with water you ever had onions you're gonna make me miss my target if you keep saying [ __ ] like that gross please tell me there's more than two ingredients in a sugar sandwich is there at least butter no butter implies money it's literally sugar on top of white bread i feel bad i'm declining this lady's projects like yeah this is how you can help out the community i'm like ah i'm gonna sell guns i'm busy fio's guarded whatever he needs do it i'm guarding you i'll guard him oh my goodness why are they killing me yes i got oh my god this guy is in chain oh my goodness i was a distraction i did the last one where's the last one i'm checking cams checking cams checking cams i swear to god i swear to god i'm gonna overheal it's worth it do it do it again yes the headshot there it is baby there it is and you passed me and killed you can't take down the ferocious forearms we did it fellas we didn't there's a bomb on me there's a bomb literally blow it up i got it i got it did you die off of that the sacrifices must be made he actually shot the doctors yeah you need a snack no need a snack okay heavenly you need a snack oh what is this what is this thing right here you can't eat it it's not a churro that's gross you have to put like nondescript gargling sounds like a grizzly bear choking on a soccer ball why why do you don't let that sound because i have life experience jello i really want to get a kill with my boss it's a wrap for y'all once i got two spitfires off my bloodhound that's a wrap for y'all you have no idea how good it feels just to dump a full box mag into a wraith from the hip like not even bothering for the respect of aiming down sight just dumping around raith is hiding behind a rock the bullet stopped i think he's out of ammo hey yo man you got some spare ammo for that spitfire no no and then i'm going to casually sneak up the stairs all right casual i'm casually sneaking up the stairs don't disturb casuals casually casual what the [ __ ] he's making [ __ ] mac and cheese somebody in my chair said make the pizza play around wait heavenly why are you ordering pizza you're live housing tyler hey don't make fun of my [ __ ] flatbread bro are you gonna die i can trick my stomach right if i drink before i eat the cheese my stomach's too busy digesting the alcohol that the cheese just slides right through so you're gonna be drunkenly playing random operators while eating a pizza and see welcome to twitch rivals baby objective updated survive survived i got one good night oh no no no no no don't don't come after me please please he knows yes oh my god i got this this game is in the bag i have this under control all right yes there's one now now now uh oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] no you when you when you win [ __ ] yes i got a ball yes i think i think oh my god the big brain plays a double kill oh double kill there it is the mastermind of this game mode bow down i'm not gonna just browse doge memes while i'm launching one other thing it's very important very important no this is an avant-garde doge meme please no no you haven't it's very avant-garde [Laughter] what layer of irony are we on but i'm here for it i am totally here for it i can only access this kind of doge memes on my deep web burner phone hey bro i need a sip oh you drank the last of it you [ __ ] rat you did it again that [ __ ] tastes good when we were in twitch conference i was in the room i could use some water bro all right come down come get some i'm all right boy don't talk to me i can't hear you up here don't come to me unless you in my tax record bro oh wait none of that [ __ ] done duck walked up to eliminate here comes [Music] [Applause] that's how you get viewers [Laughter] that's that [ __ ] squirrel from ice age what the [ __ ] it's the scratch drinking i see him wait wait wait wait wait push me push me okay push me yes yes yes yes yes i got him yeah it worked it worked i can't believe it we did it it actually worked i'm not trapped yes just the best tagline does he have a grenade no you have a grenade the corn worshiping heretics known as the forces of chaos that make the civilian casualties of world war ii look like a picnic it goes for the skull of thrones list of coordinate massacres this list is incomplete you can [Music] like my buddy heavenly literally left clicks with his middle finger crab claw style and still frags out of his mind if that's not the pinnacle of casual play i don't know what it is oh my middle finger is on my left mouse button middle finger on the with your middle left do you have that kind of retribution built up in your body you've got to have one seven fingers or so wow what do you mean you like an octopus hand or something i will take a fingerprints picture see these big meaty claws he got on the side oh my god [ __ ] you heavenly that's gross that's great this is like this is like that's gross right click save target what the [ __ ] is this the middle finger grip added again what trimmers we're turning don't ever try me again bro i'm lord except heavily do you rock claw on controller i actually do rock claw and control [ __ ] yeah and i don't make that statement lightly because as an ambassador to the [ __ ] casual community i know what bad operators look like just kill him he's in that car no the other corner the other corner oh my god oh my god you guys are literally like machine learning bots that just do not know how to play [ __ ] video games i just activated my weapon mod it's an eyes glow oh my god look at both of us look at my eyes [ __ ] yeah every time i put the video up i read the comments any [ __ ] like damn this made my day better i [ __ ] with that notion you know all we do is make somebody laugh that's all right shut your [ __ ] ass up all right it doesn't matter how much bread i pull in or not if somebody says heavenly you made my day better that's all i give a [ __ ] about just falling a [ __ ] i open our dms [ __ ] this man this man it's blue remember prone gets you home and there's a reason nothing rhymes with rushing in like an [ __ ] it's the exact same [ __ ] you big stupid yeah baby oh my god that recruit that recruit is stuck up there like what what is he doing he's gonna get out of there ricky please please ricky's dough you're not helping mickey you're not he looks like a man he needs to spread his wings oh my god what is that he needs his wings oh can you knock him out there can i let me try something no get back do it do it oh he's up top he's just hanging on jaw on jaw oh yes got him yes i'm going into turtles i'm out of here fellas don't die don't die oh my god we did it but that recruit was so incredible wow what a kill damn he masterful from e-cad oh my god number two thank you for your feedback about your 5v5 pickup basketball dream team in the last video the four best teams that i arbitrarily picked were team sands with deadpool batman jaeger and shrek team tiger woods with spider-man xxx tentacion tom brady and the it clown team jason bourne with abraham lincoln t-pain black michael jackson and lord farquaad and team corn with hannibal lecter mr freeze the red power ranger and doom guy who would win this match up of the final four i have no idea team corn but thanks for the 10 000 plus submission this was genuinely fun and man do you guys ever love call me carson and master chief tell goose the street sweeper was the failed civilian model striker that got banned because the ads for it and its name were heinous yeah i figured it would get made just because it's called the [ __ ] street sweeper oh oh i was thinking striker's a pretty cool name oh street sweeper oh what's it for protest civilian casualty we call it the convict muncher dad they're making fun of the marines again you talk about your dad one more time private pass the crayola there he is flank he's flanking he's flanking yup see him bullseye i got it yes i didn't know that you could flick shot in a tank that was perfect career ending literally badges take on the objective hey watch this off down mid bro just seriously the classic strength versus dexterity i only have to hit you once dexter if you want i can show you how to make a bomb out of a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite it talks there's a penguin in the intro sequence oh my god no no no you welcome back to another top ten today we're going to be counting down the top 10 dumbest animals in the animal kingdom number one penguins can't even fly call themselves birds oh i step i see why you play artillery that [ __ ] is great oh bro i had to pull out my protractor for those i'm no [ __ ] collar other than don't peek bro bro only call us is peak log and save off i want to create a smurf account where that's just me that's my only call out just bro don't peek don't peek michelle get my strap here we go there it is [ __ ] you oklahoma you're next i'm coming for you just something that one image yeah chuckle [ __ ] big mickey's able to do this because he spends hours like organizing his meme folders i have and i'm kind of proud but at least we got my main man e cash and his identical laugh that sounds like he's trying to clean a dirty glass window [ __ ] some pop of pepperoni spaghetti no they don't xenophobia increases you know you're in a 40k game when instead of saying waiting for players just waiting for brothers i'm getting too loyal for this [ __ ] brother brother brother brother look at psycho he's ready to smack a hair down three exploders down and i don't even feel bad cause the fault's probably gonna kill him anyways so why not channel my inner dick cheney am i right fellas presenting the tal series 9. every bolt every component has been meticulously designed are your legs expensive because they look pretty expensive tal will obey any command it lives to serve tell me the three elves on the front of the rice crispy box snap crackle and towel features convenient transport handles please keep your temper i don't have a temper and is built from impact resistant materials what are the five fingers say to the face slap trouble free service is guaranteed by our robo recall programs because i don't think they have safety making your life better one robot at a time i'm running i'm running i'm running as fast as i can as fast as i can i think i got him don't die don't die contested i'm still flanking don't die you're too thick get back pure unadulterated angry right there oh they're not even gonna give me a kill cam i hit so hard look at that did you look at that trade kill you're unadulterated angry no i got down i got downed oh okay okay oh my god obama get down that was chaos oh my god is this shaft the video game watch me slap his [ __ ] you ready what the hell get out of my air space big fella i'm gonna kill the stragglers too we're crashing oh wait wait wait wait wait i don't think we got stragglers after that damn the river got mother them really be a cold [ __ ] out here all right all right ben in the knees i would like to play your game back it up [ __ ] i was about to say could have gone pro if i didn't join the name i like how they gave the skin to the 870 but i don't like it because it looks really nice but it's on the 870. yeah nobody uses that anybody that wants pro league skins which are the absolute sweat lords of this game actually use the 870. no i know it absolutely is it absolutely i'm not looking at you when i'm saying that challenger i'm not saying the bumbling [ __ ] sweat lords of this game and i'm just like i have my mouse cursor just highlighted over your name the bumbling [ __ ] sweat lord follow the man who gives a [ __ ] you're not here for them don't care [ __ ] out my ideas plus your elite preferred species you ain't funny wait wait wait wait what do you mean what do you mean oh in halo and halo reach they prefer elites dude so you can so when you play like multiplayer you need to be a spartan or an elite and if you play as elite you're actually like you could literally just shut people down and reach by calling them okay elite preferred yeah that's a slur based on somebody's loadout that's so good here right here in general bro we got you it's like it's like what if you hear on the intercom just badger you wanna know what the most memorable one-liner in this game was apart from [ __ ] the division no it is [ __ ] the division coco and i were straight bowling with blitz and monty to start off i'm in here i'm in here mirror oh coconut if you don't slap this frost in the mouth good one yo if you don't mute the [ __ ] out of this boy i swear to god coconut you got this probably idiot bet we get to go to chinatown let's go yes why are you so excited yeah no no the real reason i'm going to turn it down in dc during rush hour chinatown is like the most used metro station so all the homeless people all the dudes with nothing better to do go there and harass people and that's all i'm going to do no it's not a deflector shield it's uh oh okay good i thought it was just grouse pulls up with the deflector shield that bounces bullets back he fires what's good hope he pulls up with a deflection i've seen into the wormhole bro i know how this [ __ ] works delete that [ __ ] delete it delete it i want to see that [ __ ] deleted i don't want that in my discord okay jesus oh my god what the [ __ ] was that now i screamed bro [Laughter] because hey what could possibly be better than you and 15 buddies [ __ ] posting with transparent pngs of doom guy that i had left over from the rage 2 video oh no [Laughter] no there we go this is it acting like i won't air out this whole temple heavily this entire monster fight has literally been what the [ __ ] is this allowed what the [ __ ] is this blood for the blood god blood for the blood god damn 40k for st jude play live [Applause] the biggest check in the world anything i'll be more accurate if i fire it like this [Laughter] i've never seen such height go to such depth so quickly i can't believe skulker turned into a [ __ ] poltergeist right in front of me oxygen kills us but it takes around 80 years to do so well uh ketamine takes only three hours topical horse tranquilizer joke of the night thanks julio let's talk about being in a k hole in paralysis when some viewers are 14 great great a master sergeant in the marine corps he's got three tours under his belt along with a career defining attack on the secretary of state where he was instrumental in thwarting a barrage of flashbangs they grabbed a hostage i wish i could just yoink all of the other stat points and everything else just put it all into quick hands my arm just wiggles and bullets go in that's so bad over here playing guitar hero with his [ __ ] arm badgers actually playing a [ __ ] banjo on his loading bridge is that a guitar so that's a repeater i'm reloading my repeater holding up i gotta go [Music] [Music] like you were playing a damn fiddle played us like a damn fiddle yo you could have anybody for a 4v4 pickup game in basketball who would you put on your obama alexis that's not a bad answer he's good at basketball oh jimmy john's ceo like you wouldn't pick up the jimmy john ceo for your team have him face off against papa john that would be a showdown for the ages ryan erlacker i want brian erlacker to just hit me and i cannot stress this enough in the [ __ ] face with a can of chunky noodle soup now you know it's a really fun one go to a mexican restaurant instead of asking for sour cream ask for mayonnaise to see see i love doing that trying to like brokenly speak the things that are on the menu a pico de gallo uh let me get can i get no no jalapenos poor favor yeah let me get one of them tor pilla's my man [Laughter] is that you defuse bombs for modern warfare 2. oh i guess that's accurate exactly any other backpack would be nicer to carry i've been looking for literally the shittiest backpack possible what can i do for you oh the piece though [ __ ] backpack just what i needed peace oh [ __ ] little camera that i got it sucks thank you tux for getting that yeah your drum mag is very indicative of that thank you three arm reward and there it is baby there it is oh my goodness that alt key is saving the right little 400 pound ned flanders really just sneak behind three operatives rolled right in well don't mind if i diddly do let's go service seriously but one thing there are more chemical extraction complexes on this island than you could count if you try counting with your shoes off yeah that's funny [ __ ] see how funny you are if you fall into one of those cisterns that happened to a guy last month he never found it yeah i don't think they're gonna find you either now that you're a meat slushy oh god that is beefy that's what you get for using foul language he said [ __ ] dude i can't tolerate that the only b word you should ever call a woman is bionicle alright beautiful [Applause] [Music] oh my god it happened again i see your foot though nerd nerd nerd oh my god those magnets are so pesky look at the spam on this there's so much spam oh my god why does glass look so fat what the [ __ ] oh my god oh my god what is this now that's the best pass bro right there they buffed them a little too oh he's out that hard he's out the south door yep i'll cover you there there keep it guys dodging keep dodging keep dodging keep dodging oh i hit it oh my god i almost took off your head by about a millimeter look at this oh baby wow this is so close let me get a good look at you mira you cheap [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is mira a better monty than monty no way they did me dirty how it ain't here how far away are you these dudes two [ __ ] blocks play gibby you [ __ ] they're good yeah yeah uh snapple fact number 1469 gibraltar is actually three hamsters in a suit of armor oh you didn't do it oh no there you go oh my god what the [ __ ] you actually become papaya you do tell me that isn't accurate oh [ __ ] i came back at the right time jesus [ __ ] good peralta right there just the face off doesn't give a [ __ ] he has the biggest hitbox in the game so you gotta get in this home oh no you gotta get in the zone i don't know oh my god wow come back here oh my goodness oh my god oh [ __ ] he's gonna taste zombie jesus i'm not afraid right all right i gotta use my i gotta use yes thank god yellow i wasn't recording you [ __ ] it up geez boys do i ever love the sound of a fresh cold water water carbonated water i love water don't you love sparkling water that is not branded me personally i love caffeinated water that's not branded i try to drink water out of a ditch i tell you to stop using your flamer so that i can see first of all this is a heavy flavor why are you flaming me i'm right my flame does not discriminate i'm an equal opportunity blamer equal opportunity perching hey hey hey hey no you're like a disciplining mother with like a spray bottle but instead it's a heavy flavor no no captain america is on me cab no cab i pay my taxes i'm not a cop bullets can penetrate thin weak materials such as wood plaster and sheet metal nice the watermelon that's a war crime in finland you're being arrested keep it going keep it going did you notice that matt on your videos now for monetization you have to you have to go buy lists like so annoying me self reviewing my monetization is impossible i'll be like uh uh did i say the word [ __ ] [ __ ] in this video uh well is that a mild language or is that strong language [ __ ] i could be sexual don't worry about that as much but uh yeah goddamn far cry new dawn hook me on a new swear word which scene the the one staircase yeah oh i hit him right in the face don't even worry the main one i got this [ __ ] homie don't even bat me oh wow oh baby hitting lardex and hitting goo man to boot are you just trying to sell random things to random people just so you can jack up your currency is that not how the europeans do it it's not backwoods and swishers it's like iron three minutes into the game jello heavenly already wants to know how to grind currency from the corner bodega like wow hey hey hey yo let me get a chopped cheese a pack of swishers and put the rest on pump four where you handed stealing your galvanized iron [ __ ] you going to do about it nothing [Music] oh speak of the devil galvanized iron up here we're not killing people for money we're killing people for iron that's different did someone here did someone here say iron yo i found i [ __ ] found it grouse oh my god grouse grouse this is so [ __ ] cursed oh my god that was oh my god my size hurt yeah that's pathfinder the robot his old hitbox is such a curse oh my god what do you think of being now that you've seen bang in real life you look like if eminem didn't do harrowing you should try it was still alive all right i got a question for you guys yeah it's kind of bothering me yeah yeah you guys pee in the shower i don't know 100 i just let it fly it's like a it's like a fire hose yo i would be willing to pay it's at least 200 pounds per square inch in the shower i need to make sure i don't dent my glass [Music] heavenly father you probably [ __ ] put one shoe on and then the sock don't you baby all i draw the right as [ __ ] in the shower and waffle stomping it down the drain i do not condone but everything else beyond that totally a-okay am i filling my tanks with co2 is this good advice if you want to make yourself into a bomb no no no no it's an unflammable gas oh [ __ ] am i that dumb dustin maybe see it's not playable check this bick out get over here oh you actually look up derek [Laughter] i gotta put this on my stream this is the funniest [ __ ] he's hockey enforcers are like you know what the best part part is heavenly he would hit hits leading up to his knockout it would be just like marvel vs capcom it would be like danger down ultra combo ko it's almost like he was building up his combo meter before he would just knock somebody's lights out his autism is not that strong that he could make that [ __ ] that possible the 80s is just looking at your grenade launcher [ __ ] that jagerradis was like guess again [ __ ] [Laughter] what does that mouth do what does your mouth get thank you seems so curious man what does your mouth do we start talking about these things his mouth is still wiggling his mouth is still wiggling even when he's dead his jiggle physics remain seeing you guys with your shotguns is so scary like every time that moo fires both shells it's just reload shotgun with malicious intent all i'm hearing is just muffled screaming and then buckshot being blasted at people's faces no wow god no i have a family yeah that sort of thing beat him in the pit beat somebody find a target right over here i hit him once yes and yeah oh my god yes yes this is so graphic dude come here oh yeah this reconstruction i always love these reconstructions grouse because it's like last known location deceased oh thank you last known location yo be [ __ ] look at this look what this looks like look at me probably unfolds like paper mache bro bro skinny john ain't so skinny anymore look at this occupation unemployed current status disease it sounds like a rubber chicken that's just inhaled a bunch of secondhand smoke for like 30 years in a nursing home and then you just made it laugh it's just wheezy from toy container story it going woody my speaker that's what it sounds like when definitely gets punched in the chat okay okay what the [ __ ] just happened he was just like walking past me i don't know what that round just was get this off me bro you know i got the gucci louie yes yes you should have wheezed when you hit your chest [Music] [Laughter] we're playing a 5v5 pickup game it's nba street rules i'm starting with dr phil ray rice obama kurt cobain and fuyu let's go all right autumn who you're five who you're five i want george bush post wheelchair you want genghis khan i can't get mothra if he's not a power forward i'm shutting down the studio hey is it allowed can i have arbiter uh chris brown we have alex jones oh chris brown i think i want to go for stonewall jackson for the last wow you really know how to pick jeffrey epstein like that jackson ran dick first into a 12-gauge sniper rifle wow yeah that is that is most definitely worse than prostate cancer that is straight up you ask the doc doc how bad is it it's not good just a strong sip of coffee [Applause] get the [ __ ] out of here what's your opinion on the hit movie face-off it's way too 90s like the idea that any swat team would just light up a [ __ ] building with empty fives not knowing who's on the inside is it's almost just like every member of that swat team and face off is just doc and rook just doc and rook lighting [ __ ] up every single action sequence is just so anyways i started blasting that's like everything anyways boats explode people explode propane explodes it's just [ __ ] ridiculous so i stacked him instead of spreading them out to see if his trajectory changes oh my god that man is a football he was designed to fly he made it to the water as tooth me light varun what i always speak democracy bro oh echoes just watching that angle down that's crazy last one's echo pulling him into a corner bullying oh i got i got something for this for this gamer right now she's not going to land around she's not going to make it she's not going oh my god i can't believe kobe bryant is a korean woman with an ipad that's nuts that's nuts that's gonna make more money off this twitch stream that he will actually playing store wow yeah probably true the truth is the game was rigged from the start looks like you ran into a 13 character on a bad luck but then you said earlier that i was incorrect you dumb [ __ ] oh you iced him wow you wanna reset uh i'm literally too healthy i'm gonna hit you with a slug in the chest come over here go you [ __ ] no i don't have a line of sight just i'm out in the hallway how are you still alive what the [ __ ] and then i think they nerfed there how did you survive that first one you're such a meaty individual i'm about to own this booby bro about he immediately left the game too this is some real high class bullying oh baby oh baby all because you got that reset swag can i have my controller unbroken heavenly walks up y'all got a spare declaration of independence y'all got the bill of rights yo uh i think i got sriracha on the constitution my man the [ __ ] up i don't understand why obama does the stream though imagine cooking with obama that'd be lit oh my god oh my binging with obama and we're just going to add some uh corey that sounds so good in the chat shut the [ __ ] up this is so sad can we punt a popeye's chicken sandwich into the ocean no jello tell me that there's a more heroic moment than riding a bomb as like a mode of transportation like that yeah i can tell you a more heroic moment giving the coveted best classic literally thousands of planets you could also get the 105 octane gasoline image imagine you mix those up why does my coffee wow this is some strong coffee why is my why is my coffee 105 octane gasoline this is some serious gourmet [ __ ] you pour the [ __ ] french coffee in your engine and it works better can i get a large coke did you just say that this [ __ ] is indeed empty now you absorb his soul and you can use a new shell [Laughter] i am calm what sorcery is this oh [ __ ] there's like 30 of them over here oh my god they've got super long arms some pans labyrinth [ __ ] right now reloading and reloading oh is the definition heavenly of how about i slap your [ __ ] that's the definition of like you're in your living room and your mom's like you don't shut up i'm gonna slap your ass do it and then just this long ass off get out of here stalker get on the beers big dick marty stalks all the texans [ __ ] you ghost you're next smoke i know where you live young man right here yeah come here come here all right get his ass you're existing a quick tutorial on doors these are the most important things pirates could get through that [ __ ] that's how you go through this is going to keep them out right yes oh let's close this door behind us oh wait we can't oh this is where i'd lock the door if there was one all right this isn't what we're actually supposed to do now come here don't speak our language yes he does default stop being so nice to the other team okay where is your bow and arrow now how do you have that many attachments on a goddamn pistol i got the extended mag i got the suppressor i got the laser sight i got the top acog i got quad rail key mod hyper fire i can fry an egg on that [ __ ] it takes snapshots right before i shoot like we got a hot tub attachment look at my little crocodile look at that little little little crocodile down there he's going to get you guys maybe the only robot that i ever felt bad about killing and hijacking is kevin there was just something about this one voice line he had that reminded me of what the dreadnought says upon death and it was just too much i had a good life oh my god what have i done robots are malicious they're just being controlled by a militia saying i beat the game or did the game be i'll miss you forever i'm so sorry i'll never forget you kevin honorably [Music] [ __ ] off you dumbass crab spiders hey champ you might want to watch [Music] ramirez ramirez protect the burger time eating a pop-tart is faster than reloading so what you're saying is we can always win assuming we have the right amount of oil is even gonna work for science we're gonna see if we can shoot it to blow it up what was that bounce what my second rodeo this isn't my first road this ain't my first rodeo nah this is what i got what the [ __ ] because [ __ ] you and your extended family i'm just gonna bring you a doctor's note legally i am allergic to that [ __ ] [ __ ] growls come here grass come here when you bring that [ __ ] [ __ ] in my direction prepare to stop show me your war face good job gentlemen the time for talk has passed the lord's work must be done [Laughter] one of us tells the truth the other tells lies this is the last image you see before oh [ __ ] apparently if you join this mode midway through you get a [ __ ] mp5 yeah you're getting recruit with an mp3 it's like randomly glitches out or something that sounds like the best glitch that i've heard for a special event ever do you think that you're all hot [ __ ] and that recruit gets a gag who posts these memes that's just clearly master chief at mcdonald's that just says when look at my screen i'm freezing my ass off that's such a good solution brother brother are you cold brother i when someone says some dumb [ __ ] so the whole squad is the boy can we please have a video without [ __ ] food in it for the love of god no i don't need to make this episode about food again please when you bring [ __ ] up like that can you provide some context i don't want my viewers just to say i just watched your video what the hell is mumbo sauce excuse me did he shoot me with a gun where did he get a gun i thought for a second you said that thanos got a hold of a gun like he's firing a glock 18 at a deep level this is in captain america has a [ __ ] m16 yes he's running around with a kimbo that's more american oh my god nice one way to go get out of here excuse me while i floss real quick everybody's using the shotgun on the same one you call exterminators because of insects in your house three guys pull up with remington 870 expresses [Music] [Laughter] in time you will know what it's like to lose [Laughter] oh my goodness no no no no no no no you have the irons on a pistol and you interlock two of them and you see you rack you you rack them both the same time and hope that you don't shoot yourself in both of your forearms like if you goof that one up you are definitely blowing open both of your forearms but it looks so sick i know it may be heresy to [ __ ] talk fellow terminators old words for someone in assault cannon range delete this heresy heresy we heard you were talking [ __ ] brother capitalism yeah contracts yeah my toxic babes are in position this dude pulls up to two division age with a glock 18. this is my town and then instantly gets a laid out okay buddy sure whatever you say it sounds like a bunch of nerds that's clearly some heresy my face when i see a hive tyrant and i'm reloading securing the ladder where will we go [Music] why am i afraid to be alone sinking in petals looking for the bottom where will we go [Music] cried on the phone again [Music] looking for guidance but there's no advice to give cause i'm the only one who can figure it out [Music] where will we go why am i afraid to be
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 11,597,940
Rating: 4.9095073 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege tips, best of 2019, rainbow six siege gameplay, siege, operation shifting tides, shifting tides, new operators, ubisoft, rainbow six siege funny moments, update, fails, elite skin, rainbow six siege montage, r6s, rainbow six, rainbow six siege epic, rainbow six siege best moments, warhammer 40k, warhammer, the division, rainbow six funny, rainbow 6, r6 siege, rainbow six siege operation shifting tides, thanos, thanos fortnite, avengers, endgame
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 51sec (6291 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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