REJECT CLOAKER. RETURN TO MONKE. | Payday 2 Sociopath Perk Deck

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Eventually, as you get better at the game in general and individual heists, the difficulties blur together a little, but the higher difficulties remain rather distinct.

In my opinion (coming from a reasonably experienced, but not particularly good player) , the difficulties go something like this:

Normal: You want this really specific achievement, so you contracted Mallcrasher. Downs on this difficulty are exclusively due to fall damage.

Hard: You want to screw around, but your weapon is incapable of killing Bulldozers. Alternatively, you're learning a stealth heist. The only time you go down on this difficulty is due to tasers you can't seem to find in time.

Very Hard: You're introducing a friend to the game, playing a mission for the first time, or fiddling with builds and guns to see how they play. Cloakers, Dozers, and suprisingly bulky Shields cause downs aplenty, but full party wipes are rare. Don't be ashamed to play on this difficulty, as newer or lower level players might run into consistent trouble on OVERKILL without the experience.

Overkill: The highest difficulty you can do while keeping your brain firmly switched off. Stealth heists start to become tricky, and the occasional heist's design flaws start to crack through. [e.g monstrous amounts of enemies in Big Oil, lack of cover in Goat Sim, snipers on Big Bank and Slaughterhouse] Lack of game or heist knowledge will have started to become detrimental to your team, but any decent player will be more than able to compensate. You will be employing tricks here and there to make your ride smoother. This is the quintessential PAYDAY 2 difficulty.

Mayhem: Good players will still find this difficulty relatively easy, but underpowered builds and weapons will start tripping up underprepared players. General gamesense should still help you in the long run, but tougher enemies and overhauled objectives starting at Mayhem will mean more consistent failures. This is the difficulty for when you want to challenge yourself a little. If you host randoms, you may want to consider asking for specific roles or equipment to help the process along.

Death Wish: The second hardest difficulty isn't quite as significant a step up as Mayhem is from Overkill, but Minigun Dozers will shatter the comfortable atmosphere immediately. This is the last difficulty you can expect to be able to do with random team members, and even good communication, map knowledge, and decent builds will only save you so much trouble. Some heists will be particularly brutal, but never once will you get the feeling that they're impossible. Until...

Death Sentence: The most drastic increase in difficulty, and it really shows. Near-instant death at every turn and a crushing lack of breathing room will turn Payday from a mass-murder simulator into a survival horror game. Success is not impossible, but your build and the heist you choose are critical. Lab Rats will make you cry and give you PTSD trying to watch Honey, I Shrunk The Kids. Goat Simulator will never let you within five miles of a petting zoo. Stealth heists will be done once for the mask and never again. Some builds will not work. Some guns will not succeed. Some players will not survive. Death is not a release, it is a contract. Bring friends and antidepressants.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/MajorScootaloo 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Depends on your point of view. Some things are more difficult for others. I suck at DSOD but I know there are people out there who eat it for breakfast and consider it too easy. But I also know that there are people out there who would tell me I'm wrong when saying that Deathwish is easy.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/BlitzerBlitz88 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mayhem feels like a challenge when you take the game as seriously as Badger does. Nothing is actually hard up until DSOD, maybe DW if you're like me and shit at this game.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/KingishKing 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

As a inexperienced sociopath-player, like Badger, that could be true. I had problems on Mayhem while getting into the game.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/rowaali 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's accurate since he's an entertainer who isn't 100% focused on the game most likely.

For me, mayhem is where you have to try a little to make things stay good but still have plenty of variety with some pressure on you. Past mayhem though, the worse decks/loadouts struggle much more and most likely just fade away unless you start making actually good builds.

Like I would run my tag team, ICTV, minigun/Commando with bulletstorm aced loadout pretty fine. But I do not see that bullshit working above mayhem.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Vividtoaster 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Here are my ratings:

Normal = Baby's First FPS

Hard = Very Easy

Very Hard = Easy

Overkill = Normal

Mayhem = Hard

Death Wish = Very Hard

Death Sentence = Overkill

Death Sentence One Down = OVERKILL 145+

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MaineGameBoy 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

< Overkill -> People inexperienced in fps or casual players, new people learning game mechanics

Overkill -> When you have a decent build and a decent gun and two brain cells you can relax and play a fun shooting gallery game with your friends.

Mayhem -> Like overkill, except bullets hurt you and if you act like a jackass you'll get punished.. it's basically the first time that you may need to thin out mobs instead of running straight into them.

Deathwish -> Like mayhem except enemies bullets hurt you even more and you hurt them less, dozers are now scary instead of a joke. Solo no down runs are a decent challenge... but if you're an experienced fps player and willing to learn/metagame it'll get manageable pretty fast.

Death Sentence -> A single cop that you don't react to in time can down you, you will need to move from cover to cover and have reliable methods for dealing with every situation. This is really the difficulty where your fps skills and map knowledge come into play - if you can kill cops before they kill you then great. If you step out of line you will get downed, and sometimes you'll get downed regardless.

One Down -> Why not do this if you're doing death sentence anyway? In most heists you usually can avoid getting downed that much. If you can get good kills on DS then do one down, believe in yourself.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ok_Molasses_7037 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you are not posted on top of a security camera i am in teams like yeah i want to get my tim's on the camera you know they're gonna be like whoa we're getting roped but damn he's fresh mario i'm pretty sure this is the most paid hate you thing i've ever seen that's why he doesn't even phase me like did you cast a spell you're still slowly walking while you're on top of that really what if i hit you there is no cause for alarm please be at ease welcome back to payday 2 the game where you come for the music and stay because you're getting curb stuff right here now that i've made that [ __ ] of a general video covering everything it's time to get specific which means it's time and i know sociopath sounds a little cryptic but in reality i just turned the whole [ __ ] game into minecraft like grouse wanted to in the last video this is just cruel and unusual and kind of satisfying not to mention the grilling fork the nail gun and even a kitchen knife that may not be effective against dozers but it's not going to stop me this grilling fork is just a weapon of mass destruction oh can i take a dozer i don't know and if you stick around long enough you'll eventually see me devolve into the ultimate form of melee combat aka return to monkey but you should know by now that heist and payday 2 the development of payday 2 and even my videos don't happen without proper funding they were like all right swan song for payday 2. the game will not have any paid dlc anymore it's over a month later all right boys we may be paid and we got some thanks to the sponsor of this video state of survival the survival strategy mobile game that's 50 world builder 50 tower defense and 100 zombies survival is all about resources but mainly food represented by tomatoes build tomato farms to maximize tomato production upgrade your tomato farms to put production into overdrive tomatoes are great fortify your settlement to defend the tomatoes train an orient mercenaries to rescue survivors and force them into tomato labor kick your tomato gathering into a frenzy by unlocking innovative heroes like candy to run scavenger missions exterminating zombie scum and hoarding resources to build your empire upgrade candy so you can not only throw noxious gas to burn zombies alive but stab your entire team with adrenaline stims and jack up your attack speed to eliminate the boomers download state of survival yourself for free via the link below using my code basher sos for a free settlement starter pack of speed ups resources and a rare hero rusty with an all-american pump shotgun that kicks like a mule first come first serve you'll even be automatically entered to receive one of the 50 amazon gift cards that sos is giving away to 30 random users so be sure to check it out thanks for the support and thanks for sponsoring this video with that out of the way sociopath the perk deck introduced with a jacket character pack from hotline miami 2 and as you may have guessed feelings are not on the menu you will be happy to know you are victims of a robbery and neither is talking because jacket may be a man of many talents but speaking isn't one of them so why not use a tape recorder exercise melee is the name of the game and sociopath sets you up for success because of oh i don't know you take your while surrounded your melee can hit for 10 times normal damage killing regenerates armor killing regenerates health and you're faster in a mech suit you got all that right please pay attention the skills i run are basically just a bunch of [ __ ] that makes me hit like a sledgehammer and the more i get hit the harder i hit back with frenzy berserker bloodthirst pumping iron and martial arts all ace ooh baby you are one scary [ __ ] we insist that you surrender notions of bravery these two are the real kickers because berserker makes it so the lower your health the more damage you do and frenzy permanently keeps you at low health while also negating a big chunk of damage this is what nightmares are made of hello and i threw in a bunch of goofy [ __ ] like iron man for tankiness and kickstarter you know that one where you can just smack the drill and it has a 50 chance to fix itself so before you stream my skill point allocation i'm only here for the fun you [ __ ] i don't think that's supposed to go there out of my way [ __ ] no [ __ ] this journey into sociopathy started with the kitchen knife on mayhem difficulty to level up the perk deck as quickly as possible which grouse didn't tell me in advance but at least my kitchen knife makes the psycho noise what a lovely day right you know me stabbing open windows with a kitchen knife stay down stay down while you're on fire really shut the [ __ ] up no no no no no no no no no yes what the [ __ ] are you wearing you're wearing a whole ass goat on your back here have a go what the [ __ ] hold f to grab the goat can this be a weapon come here bulldozer oh i missed i can do this it's working it's oh please you're okay yes yes i got the achievement are you kidding me oh wait are you cheating no come back i can't beat the [ __ ] out of you without getting closer i mean stab whatever and god damn bumping up a single difficulty in payday 2 is no joke like we call this a difficulty overkill virtually everything is good i had a great time mayhem virtually everything is bad i hope you brought your meta hugging stoic kingpin dodge crit with two and a half consume a cheese dip i made a mistake but at least i lucked out with gross picking bank heist i can't even begin to tell you how much i love the simplicity while i was adjusting to the chaos of playing sociopaths for fun hey i'd like to make a withdrawal all of the blood from your body oh [ __ ] [Music] yes i'll help you out thank you teamwork flute teamwork i like when the cops like put the gas in the bank and actually like gather the civilians but they're fine they're just holding their breath for a really long time wow i'm a god i am such a god 50 of the time it works every time oh i'll give it a slot three times in a row no way you really like the uh the comically large boxing gloves they're comically locked food not like i want that oh no i swear to god almira listo will definitely add that if we believe i would use that so much hey ben can i have some money only a spoof stop needing a medic bag i've died i really need one i'm not just this medic is so [ __ ] tanky you guys are going down like the dalton six stabs later is holding it worth it chad oh knock back yo i may not be a force now but you wait in like 27 hours once i level up sociopaths it's over for you hysteresis oh oh i i'll help you out beating you up from afar what the [ __ ] is happening how was he not dead yet that cloaker was taking work from home way too seriously he was beating you up remotely then came the syringe which sounds neat oh you can laugh while you stab medics a resident dr dick aka mario in a top hat told me it has poison that does damage over time and you can finally call yourself a harmonicist these guys are [ __ ] hey let me show you some real medicine [ __ ] yes we did it i feel like this needle ain't [ __ ] to be honest it is kind of funny to stab sap sad but i don't know if it's all that effective turns out in application syringe ain't [ __ ] so why not try the comically large boxing gloves while raiding the doj it's the closest we've got to a spoon and they're technically weapons right weapon is any device used with intent to inflict damage or harm to living beings or structures you killed the shaman that we needed that was my dad we'll get you a new one should have been running 800 pound gorilla dad dr dick is living up to his name right what what did i do i don't know i saw some dude's arm just fly through a wall how [ __ ] tanky are you one two three chain kills friendly do you want to give me my jab back i want it back god it's sticking out of the back of his head too no he just absorbed another one i thought it would kill him god now he has all you can make a pen give me my javelins back you piece of [ __ ] you thank you i got all of them back oh you chose the wrong office hey baker so boxing gloves ain't it either and i was starting to see the wisdom in bringing the right guns in a melee build oddly enough so i added an additional objective to the pain train of leveling up sociopath by unlocking the m1 garand that started with getting 10 push dagger kills at the museum which as a sociopath back on overkill difficulty i thought i could manage and brought along a snub-nosed 1887 in case they suck some off let's bring our shotguns let's have some fun oh you can't all just copy my swag you stole my whole [ __ ] phone oh god no i refuse look at this long ass boy bro [Applause] the way that you were looking at it looks so [ __ ] staring at your timbs oh my god that's a that's a that's a long ass boy right there that's oh my god oh that taser just came up and i showed him what's good also i'm pretty sure i just saw a single frame of a t-pose morphing through the map [Music] i finally get the oh i'mma keep it real flute whatever you just did that turned into spaghetti don't you dare touch that goddamn drill drill broken drill fix almeir just hit me up with a 100 stack oh [ __ ] up who knew that a snub nose 1887 could be so damn good oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it mate that's it man i see him heavenly everywhere i go i see his face next up was 50 kills with the luger that hits so hard it feels like cheating complimented by a chainsaw to smack a broken drill it's technically a 50 50 coin toss in the code but i feel like that stat has got to be wrong heads or tails a tossed coin a metaphor for the uncertainties of life of course the wise player always cheats are we turning the luger into the logger with the big ass big boy reinforced barrel we are not turning the logger into the pogger that's not an evolution that's taking place we're stopping at the logger fine that's the poger it's what you get i should have put a laser on it but i don't think you can put a laser on it oh my god it's so good the pogger is so good you just crawled out of a sewer grate oh [ __ ] do it with a chainsaw this is right so payday 2 it's not even funny start your drill with the chainsaw okay okay i got it he's got the whole block running yes floop i love your head gear that is such good head gear when you point at me i just spat all over my monitor i'm so excited from pogba to pounder aka the nail gun and although it may have been punishing i forgot to equip the mp40 so i could continue unlocking the m1 garand like a dumb ass please don't do that again my specialty is roofing what if you charge it up does that make any difference oh it will go oh that was very good you look like such an innocent kid and you shot a flashbang like it was nothing near cloaker i want to staple you to the ground yes cloak and dagger and mario was even nice enough to show me the virtues of the pre-planning menu whole lot of useful communication going on there shall we proceed with the plan oh there it is yes the tactical plan that mario i'm so glad i discovered the pre-planning menus really great stuff going on [Music] this is such a great [ __ ] post who the [ __ ] is drawing bart you didn't even ride homer like you wrote barm you just wrote [ __ ] like i didn't i didn't know right that was not me that was me that was me i swear to god if one of you stick bugs me i'm actually going to firebomb your house [ __ ] get stick bug [ __ ] back on track unlocking the garand with the final task 100 mp40 kills which i would love to call a cakewalk but the ammo economy on it is a joke like how is nine millimeter hard to find give me a [ __ ] break maintain an air of calm control damn you're so damn fast [Music] what is it what's wrong this mp40 is very satisfying fire it's got a certain vibration to it yeah it's like a chunk chunk when the person says stupid how many s c's are you stupid are you stupid this is a bit stupid [ __ ] murder mic where i could talk [ __ ] to the people i killed i meant that literally by the way following a [ __ ] break a tuna melt entering my mouth and a minor tirade against babies and orphans which let's be honest is basically par for the course on my stream babies are pretty [ __ ] stupid chad they're like really dumb babies need like eight years of firmware updates before they're even usable looking firmware that's what they are julius you can't tell me otherwise childhood and being raised is just downloading firmware updates that your parents think are vital for your survival and every family is different yeah that's the problem with being an orphan you get like no firmware updates you kind of just get like random ones from random homes what that's what that's the issue that's facts that's just facts and one time the grand grind is finally over and combined with the surefire skill that gives me 23 rounds per clip don't ask me how it works along with a grilling fork primary i've never killed so many cops so fast it's all looking like hank hill saving private poger yes look at this 23 round m1 garand in all of its glory so worth it so worth the grind grind grind and it's actually good like it's not a meme actually good oh yeah hey [ __ ] it puts people down i cannot be stopped i cannot be stopped this grilling fork is just a weapon of mass destruction short ribs long rooms wings the flesh of federal officers everything gets grilled if you want it it's on the menu this summer the griller you can't run you can't run quickly even shields just get so staggered they just can't do anything i'm just an unstoppable grill tacular i'm about to hear grillionaire really grilling spree federal agents took my barbecue sauce but your blood will substitute nicely oh cloaker don't worry i got his ass i got his ass you fell for the whole string in the book it's the most intense got it gameplay downtown the jab the jab what's up my pizza another pizza all that [ __ ] hopefully i'm gonna [ __ ] spit my gamer subs everywhere it could have been anything wrap my pizza and a pizza call it [ __ ] little caesars yo it's hot and it's ready big is it good i said it and it is ready pizza feel so sorry for this guy actually i don't kind of revel in his pain red ruski wrap my pizza in a pound of butter call that [ __ ] paula deen [Laughter] i just want europeans to understand paula deem just like delicious food incredible racism in everybody but we ended up failing it because three out of the four of us not named floop are complete [ __ ] at payday oh i almost feel sorry for you you failed no money will be paid out all assets have been locked and any valuables you held have been confiscated so i figured it was time to bust out the pickaxe because if there's anything that's truly immortal it's minecraft you are the angel of death [Music] oh my god that will never not be a good headgear fluke mining for diamonds but you will do instead all these weapons all these game modes all these heists and all i did was play minecraft okay i'm here i watched the guy this is true oh my god oh i was just not expecting it to be that good it's [ __ ] solid what's uh what's the grenade three three fantastic yeah oh that's a lot of dudes because they got 23 round and one grand i can run their [ __ ] you all ever just pre-fire with an m1 garand damn it's so satisfying to just one smack somebody oh right in the ass and it was only a matter of time before i devolved into my final form by rejecting modernity and returning to monkey it sounds strange but i suppressed my garand and threw a laser on it which only a literal ape would do so you know i'm the real deal danger do not feed the animals who is it heavenly it's [ __ ] train right no yes the monkey fists rule technology pales in comparison to the monkey fish so basically a monkey [Laughter] project modernity embrace literally a random chimp encounter all right fancy meeting so basically return is it 100 no it's 50. it's 50. the hell it is 50. you haven't missed one yet i've watched it all day [ __ ] out oh my wow just two shots two shot monkey fits the dozer god sydney shut your [ __ ] mouth i kind of love it but kind of hate it at the same time i love nate relationship because you gotta also remember i also hear them probably twice as i am not giving up monkey fists do not capitulate this is stupid you can't just sit here healing each other this is against monkey regular regulations the council will hear about this all right fine time to go time to go ham with the m1 garand just spraying out the alleyway god the m1 haran supress is actually pretty neat i need it oh oh god please please hello oh no i rounded things out by trying out jackets hammer and counter strike which automatically rejects the melee attacks of enemies if you're holding down the melee key i've never felt so much power over cloakers in my entire life do you know what time it is all right let's see it it does work i was just holding it down that's neat round two [ __ ] up oh come on buddy hit me hit me three times in a row this actually does work holy [ __ ] i call this a difficulty tweet this is so great why the [ __ ] did i not run this earlier all right all right cloaker in the bank what will he do this is a [ __ ] riot i don't hear you laughing now i don't hear you laughing now i saw you i saw you under that damn car you dumb piece of [ __ ] [Music] and a quick shout out to the legend mario in a top hat for stopping by he really is the best but he hates i will give you my all 2017 so he can actually go [ __ ] himself [Music] i will give you the recipe he's talking about like making a cake and that's about it after 20 some minutes you finally know what time it is obviously i mean that in the jacket way not the fred durst way but half of you zoomers don't even know who fred durst is so it doesn't matter and now that i'm getting more and more into payday i really want to know what your favorite perk decks are because i imagine that comment section is going to be a [ __ ] bloodbath stoic mains hate kingpin mains who hates sociopath mains who hate and or kiss me i think i'm just glad i can play payday now and just say to myself i know some of these words i'm gonna shut the hell up now and leave so what's that saying again i'd like to thank you so very much for watching and be sure to tune in next time when we get ourselves a goddamn comically large spoon payday 2 john twitter account man please [Music] you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 7,639,388
Rating: 4.9502025 out of 5
Keywords: payday 2, payday 2 gameplay, payday 2 funny moments, payday, payday 2 game, payday 2 funny, payday 2 cloaker, dlc, walkthrough, shenanigans, update, death wish, pd2, cloaker, bulldozer, cloaker quotes, payday 2 2020, payday 2 bulldozer, hotline miami, hotline miami jacket, payday 2 jacket, payday 2 sociopath, sociopath buff, sociopath, payday 2 glitch, best skills payday 2, best payday 2 builds, payday 2 lets play, payday 2 money, payday 2 voice lines, payday2, payday 2020, tactic
Id: WmsFBjQxED4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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