SMii7Y's BEST OF 2019!

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[Music] there's a toll around these parts boys settle down no when I was a kid we used to play cowboys and you gotta kill the Pirates okay you just have to just come in to steal your diamonds and gold you're just a little baby boy I already remember how to play don't worry about it watch [ __ ] Oh Oh trick shot oh it's gonna come back I only did zero damage though pretty much they're coming in they just open the door Anthony how'd you miss that I saw that I saw that too oh the boys are here from last game okay the one guy that was like Eddie I love you just decided to leave even though I said he could like you know stick around and play if you wanted sometimes I just come on too strong I feel like I try to be nice but I end up being too nice you know what I mean it's like holding a door for someone that's like 50 feet away from that door I've always wanted to do that to someone but I'd and then like at the last second just shut the door in front of them or like let it go and walk through but I never have the balls to do yeah we should meet you look so different thank you I've lost weight I think you just you like not even really because you're still fat that could be near [Laughter] thinking you're gonna survive next to that just like your parents better time to get run over grab this back put that in the basket nope in the basket you stupid goose there you go perfect you [ __ ] I swear boom oh yeah yeah don't worry about where that is nope don't go over there that's not where it is that is definitely not where that orange you're thinking of is I'm just saying where'd you go there he is come here cover your little [ __ ] stick wait what are you doing hey hey he hits me and then runs away that's it you little [ __ ] come here hi look at that leave that [ __ ] sir do you need something no I'm just asking I'm just one no no no don't do it you stay inside it's dangerous out there you don't want I don't want you getting hurt don't do I feel more safe around him oh he's gone what do you go he farted disappeared yeah I guess usually [Music] it's got 2 million views wow this is much lower than all those YouTube thumbnails I see whoever gets to make the right choice that's the right choice hey hey guys full circle hey John shoot [ __ ] yes is that a dog never this is the most important part of this right here look at this a dog can I pet it of course I can Game of the Year ladies and gentlemen all right this is we're gonna do you're gonna make some big boy plays where are you gonna go with that door and just kill everybody okay [ __ ] hold on what the [ __ ] whoa I'm stuck in the basket helped what the [ __ ] what is what are people nowadays man honestly [Music] [Applause] have an idea watch and learn I like your idea but just watch and learn take your chair walk out leave him a parting gift all right ready baseball sucks so just go from such a serious game I feel like this the the least serious thing they've done on this game is give like lesion is anyone else seen this oh yeah all right I am the gatekeeper [Laughter] my moment will come all concentration all smiles we have to wait for the right moment to strike now oh there's no one else okay that guy that guy was just oh god I feel bad now were you even an enemy I don't even know yes you are okay we're good I just kind of shot the first person that lined up with my comedic timing self what every single bullet twofer have you seen my phone it's the new iPhone check it out man look at the iPhone look it's my parents bought it for me check out the iPhone hey how was it done with you look at the iPhone password my name is yang very well hey ow ow ow alright six-shooters only then fine we'll play it your way idiots oh hello you know what you're right hold on I just gotta make it a little bit better [Laughter] do it like this do it like this you're so sweetie why don't you just play with your friends well I hate my friends first of all second of all I have to get to know the AI universe in the AI just in general because I feel like that's where the world's going I feel more comfortable to be honest jumping into the AI standard world we're moving towards you know I want to make friends with them I don't want to be walking down the alley one night somewhere in butt [ __ ] nowhere and and get jumped by Alexa Google's Google home [ __ ] Tesla automated I don't want a car to hit me randomly in the middle road and then just have like you know Google home Alexa hop out and just jump me you know what I mean like I want to be friends with them so this is what I'm gonna do I just realized how my Alexa is talking it maybe I should shut my door for this video this oh god I don't want to ignore ignore that I didn't mean to call ya [ __ ] Jesus she's gonna hate me later oh oh okay pudding Oh yeah sorry but uh um just this once okay maybe you could double it up maybe you could dump mop boy yeah [ __ ] you dusty stupid [ __ ] oh I'm getting excited over an AI game wicked I'm just stocking up on [ __ ] I hate this guy wait plus two plus two perfect thank you easy that's what I thought [ __ ] [ __ ] you dusty hey let's do that again do that again jump in again Thatta boy DeLuna I can't believe these a eyes are working with me right now what are you idiots doing you know stuff I think the best example is for you to turn around and look at this trees next to Scotts castle these ones well those ones and the spruce trees these ones with the wooden planks yeah and the the ones over to the left of that big spruce use of anyone's time the same exact time one sink it's like I was stabilized it's like the barely camera on you you're barefoot [ __ ] sorry you have bare fists no it's not gonna happen John I did it with my bare fists you have bare fists you have bare you have bare fists you don't know because on my end it wasn't at the same time you have bare fists breaks you have Apple I'm ready for war oh my God he's back guys if you look at dhoka be my headgear upside down it says law you're lying seven or seven upside down really wait y'all get my you're lying I'm not lying I'm dope oh my god hey J you got somewhere I can - my cigarettes anybody know where I could get some new glasses you know I went hunting one time and I killed the buck and I'm the only one that is dying internally I really wanted to grow bleep a beard but I want it to be a black beard is there way I have perps to kick this house is discord correct my ear no more okay I'm sorry no I'm sorry I'll stop I'll stop I'll be careful he's pick another one stay frosty I figured that was a funny joke they say I'm lighting the fuse when I work on my home I use a sledgehammer screaming we're gonna crash this party [ __ ] these people dude [Music] oh my god but this guy's a John wick maniac oh he's got the play right here yup god bless you god bless you [Music] oh hey we cool yeah we cool we cool for show just don't come back up here while fighting these guys you'll probably end up in my line of sight and that's not intentional I promise like we are 100% cool I promise like we are good I have no qualms with you mr. andleman demon get the shield up okay walk it perfect all right Wow hey an opening I got her this is I me yeah I want to try my well strata I have to succeed I have to succeed if I'm gonna be the stealthiest stealth master I need to do this no problems perfect look at that never gonna see it come all right let's grab a spot and let's wait this is my chance they're gonna start spawning over here here we go here we go here them close we always went blue and yellow cuz on this map you can do this cuz that's where we spawn so if you've seen my stick fight videos before you know that John and I really like this particular map for a good reason okay we just always managed to hide in this little these these corners of the map it's a good time trust me and the other guys don't like that too much don't do it playboy I'm safe this sorta big boy lets me eliminate competition not again punch for punch wait I thought it was sorry sorry okay so this is where it takes a really evil turn i I decided to turn off all other maps except for this one and as you can imagine their reaction was exactly as you would expect [Laughter] how about this how about this I will release both of you fantastic just leave me alone all right you'll kill each other oh and then you get one then we could start a play together all right ready go all right I'm gonna die here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh spider spawner alright we're gonna deal with in this episode we're gonna deal with it we're gonna face our fears as scared as we are of it it's more scared of us than it is of its more scared of us than we are of a me - done with me - yeah you ain't you wanna [ __ ] you want in on this action a man oh that sucks it would be a shame if I was to do this to you you little [ __ ] oh wait it would be shameful no no get back here get back in that hole I command you get back in that hole no bad why do they keep doing that come here get in No you you will die in there you will die in there happy now dying why is why is there water flowing under there stop I'm literally just trying to torture this baby zombie and y'all are making it very hard for me I'm not gonna lie it like I have to I know I can't do that oh no no no no I'm getting out of your bed I'm going back in my goddamn hole I've had it okay so like picture this right this is great school there's my desk Gators desk there's there's me there's my new legs I'm hanging over behind a desk it's my eyeballs wait what these my nostrils nostrils are those are important really yeah I had a big nose boy you look like my face comes in a little bottle foot roller like it's got a little orange cap right of course the guy local to you understands this one classic Matt there's a little bottle there so what do you mean why is it a black page yes black page okay there's glue is [ __ ] glue that's the they call me are you [ __ ] my ass are you you got +4 in there boss did you really just top deck a +4 No [Laughter] yeah okay okay I'm sure you got one in there or maybe even three none of my business Oh none of my business play outside dragon no the wall nice call out Simon Says walk forward Simon Says stop okay Simon Says kill the person to your left once you get five kills ya do it [Applause] wait what so [ __ ] is this does anybody feel like some finest food right now all right that's clogged no no - you got a wing man you got a man you got a wing wing wing wing man wingman wing man he got a wing Mindy gonna wing man I got a wing man he got a wing man I don't have a wing man where is my wing man could I get a wing man devotion are you [ __ ] me who do we have a grenade I got a Molotov brother I have nothing for this come here boys give me a [ __ ] give me something to autograph right now should we start recording these like they record sitcoms where something said and then we wait like five seconds in between our sayings so there's time for a laugh track I'm gonna do that on let's do it I'm okay with that hey Jay did you get groceries today no I I forgot because I got my haircut at the grocery store you got your hair cut at a grocery store as I could hear the laugh track inside my head okay next next next I was so close to falling off god dammit sorry John Oh John just Matt just not getting it today he's getting it maybe get lots of attacks now I'm gonna get it okay good I don't like you silent right now yeah he's not very happy about start a trend here that's gotta be a world record your jaw stupid crows Ravens whatever you are I don't know Birds dumbass birds birds actually smart unlike me I'm stupid When in Rome laughs thank you Jesus goodbye shotgun hello goodbye Georgia they only have two one two Oh perfect I'm just trying to jump my snack so we can start chug your snacks hey hold on let me choke this fruit roll-up real quick these blended potato chips go chug um real quick god I can't wait I can't wait till my team sees my epic skin on T side that I spent nearly a hundred I didn't nearly I spent like $170 for it that's pretty much almost exactly what I spent for it hey boys let me see if I can contact them again do you like my outfit I actually don't like it can I come back from that hey guys I'm back I don't know what happened I think it's because you insulted me let's try that again your costumes terrible I can't that can't go back wait wait wait join Yelp we got one yep and now we honk at him yes yes yes you are so dumb I am a goose and I am way smarter than you have you there we go No oh I thought you were doing what I think you're doing but you're probably still gonna find a way to do it I [ __ ] hate you I hate everything about this see you suckers by the word no it's go God will handle it hey God has acted jump we're there baby five thousand holy [ __ ] this is actually uh this is impressive for me at least I know it's just hitting space but I am personally impressed by how I'm doing right now god I hope I'm recording this [Applause] 360 watch about to do one of those right now you ready wicked I'm sorry I'm really aggressive when it comes to skee-ball but goddamn look at this you okay it's chaos this video radiates chaos keep it Yello Yello yep hmm he hasn't read do not play a one you big dumb don't even need any sort of introduction for this mission hopefully you guys can still hear me this is very loud actually up holy [ __ ] we're gonna play mile-high club on veteran and try and beat it okay that's the plan veteran oh boy I'm getting flashbacks i watch this I know exactly what's gonna happen when it's gonna happen this guy's gonna come out of here full dead he's dead I'm gonna move on over here take this guy out fantastic welcome to the playful [ __ ] why are you so close to a [ __ ] door you [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm just getting mad nineties crank on me buddy [ __ ] NPCs right now and it's really irritating why are there so many of you pinkie got once you're literally three of you like [ __ ] groundhogs six more weeks later what how this my knife fly through that I've commando Pro on and that's what's happening get a hit to stay with a [ __ ] flashbang [ __ ] it [ __ ] you idiot what the [ __ ] whose turn is it marcelles alright it's not that great dude oh oh oh do you take mine I don't beat women all about equality on this channel I mean we are on fire now so that's new [Laughter] [Music] goodbye ninja I always do ours better than hey about that bug that better than your thing huh what the flu what's happening look how in depth this is ladies and gentlemen did you see that what was that what the [ __ ] I don't even know how I did that that wasn't even like a part of my bit I just oh oh I figured it out okay so if you spin around when you're holding like stopping with the board just start to freak out there I go whoa look at that trick never seen before look at me go I'm like floating I'm levitating nice don't push me okay enemy thank you I'll get them I told you [ __ ] wait I need to scan this area with my hacks all right where are we going wherever this lands that's where we're going it's not an option we'll try that again I'm all for it baby things I'm all for it what help help me help I've been crushed I've been crushed by your window did I help did I yeah random font why has a breakfast company not made a breakfast special called freaky fried egg in hell as roads are really down week your address ah that's me again hey how's it going what'd you say to me [ __ ] I'll have you know I got nothing just kidding I got another self oh what a great me why Nolan get that crap off ladies and gentlemen of the bar we're here to party all right look at my buddy here oh okay I got a surprise for him when he comes around this corner watch this watch this watch this watch let's get down let's get down Oh what the [ __ ] I'm a steal a drink you ready sorry diamonds where are you all right what's behind door number one door number two three four hello a big big benefit of this for sure is that you know you don't have to rely on other people on your team granted this is a team heavy get that [ __ ] oh hey what I was miles behind cover excuse me what the [ __ ] Oh long neck style is that Instagram guy what the [ __ ] is sap necklace cage I don't know one down there we go two down look at that natural natural born these things aren't even fighting me they're just I'm pretty sure I'm just killing innocent creatures here okay never mind hello hello hello hello hello get on with it oh you're so nice oh my god you want to wrap up the video right now say an outro I Love You Man whoever you are thank elk hey little buddy how's it going you want to talk Oh Mike he just actually just killed me okay well son of a [ __ ] we don't stop run there's gonna be it get ready for the next one Tucker talking about his chips he's current leading her to his mouth does anyone else what is this does this thing oh my god did I cut off his tail and didn't even realize oh my god you poor thing I'm so sorry I'm aiming for the leg next Adam boys do with girlfriends let me draw the non girlfriend one farming creepers for music discs get it this thing has a banger [Music] oh okay okay okay all right all right all right give me the thing I'll be at the bottom of the ocean [ __ ] I dropped it [ __ ] Oh anywhere bro where is it Oh due tomorrow oh my god it went down the ravine what do you mean you have to go dude hey piss he's pissed I got Chad I gotta go I gotta go I gotta take the subway I gotta get it I get it I can change my name identity everything um dude I'm foot dead ass get your ass back here and find my [ __ ] thing [Music] um I'm burning your house down okay I'm gonna call tails all right ok Google ok Google flip a coin you got tails [ __ ] well what you want you go in heads okay flip a coin okay it's heads all right me not that not too hard this time let me just Tim it look look look wonderful now I have a shotgun I assume I'm gonna be over there so I'm just gonna oh yes 36 settle down I'm almost done my monologue that was really cool thank you Oh drinks that's an ashtray don't want to drink out of that has a +4 it wouldn't even matter yes I know right now let's reverse it yeah yeah oh oh the foot shot of the century oh [ __ ] [Laughter] [Applause] get back in the fight I choose you I think John's dead no John dead would look like this so my job he's like okay let's make it look like they already busted in so when he gets back it doesn't look like a murder scene yeah all right got it all right boys let's get our story straight let's get our story straight okay so what did happen see what had happened was they came through and they tossed the c-4 killing John even though they don't have c4 we'll just make them try and believe it yeah why'd you guys start one Ivan here you got blown up by c4 yeah some enemy blew up dude how does that answer a question that I asked I don't know I'm really nervous I don't even see what happen yet I don't know a cos you're panicking don't worry about it I think honestly you should just delete that footage nah no no I think you definitely should there's a virus in there a taxidermist you like do my taxes my [ __ ] [ __ ] joke I jumped up to that second-story window it got blasted out like straight up just go up to that window see what happens alright y'all good luck split up Oh God we're set up oh we're good so where we got my heart is beating so fast I'm out bro I'm out oh I have one never mind but I can it's too risky I have a plan no don't worry you got to use it just if you stay still will happen Paul boo hey can you give us some tunes hey oh oh he's not friendly okay oh okay nope are we cool nope how about now nope are you sure you don't want to talk about it 100% final offer are you sure you're cute oh my god what am i doing stop I'm an idiot look down well you're just you while you're not sprinting just walking you let go stupid it described it it's just like it's like a 50s cartoon character I guess I can't describe it well now we're gonna have real success now he like [Music] I'm gonna be completely honest if I'm a traitor or not ready innocent well if I was to be a pedophile you gone or not party drink responsibly I might actually have to sit here for two to three hours to actually do this which is insane to me because I didn't think I'd ever be back committed but [ __ ] hell here we are maybe I won't yeah I probably will that's Pat damnit oh holy [ __ ] are you really that tall huh are you really that tall I'm like 511 510 she just hide in that pipe to left in the water and I can just grapple out it for this pocket yeah you just gotta now panic when you crap away don't worry if there's one thing you know about me what is that is that an m-80 for oh there it is hello oh look it's got a graphics Internet graphics but like cloth texture movement physics that's the word what is this I want that no [ __ ] that'll I don't get mother okay that's it [ __ ] Oh sweetie the darts the darts the dark cigars what am I done whatever the Ducks use the boy you're a magic oh [ __ ] my hand hey guys and welcome back to my top 10 minecraft ghost images this is a Pinocchio Oh [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] my legs alright I need a straight shot this little monkey you wanna you under peanuts you want a peanut knocked up be nice give me another peanut I'm bored over here look I'm playing with a stick I wasn't ready for that monkey I wasn't ready for that one either you ready ready all right I'm ready I told you I was ready hey monkey I'm gonna put it in your mouth you let me stop get away it's not eat the peanut I'm too scared I can't look what I have [ __ ] Nana all alright then beautiful sound design might add did you hear the water that's beautiful oh hey hey you ok yes I'm good good yes a good shirt you're making a lot of weird noise yes [Music] [ __ ] wallbang somebody in this game hello hey take a revive anytime real quick real quick I'm scared up those stairs Marcell you may 2nd is a gun I need to revive him too you know but I'm safe I'm covering it hey I need another res I'm just you know I'm clearing other claymores up for y'all what what what what why what what what I don't have anything watch this one tap I'm changing the single just for this [ __ ] so close dude all right fine I'll do it with a pistol there we go here we go all this is perfect right in the reset yes are you [ __ ] kidding are you underneath me I hear you walking or I can hear you from there what that guy is so far what is he wearing [ __ ] cinder blocks incredible footsteps sound effects in this game and the fact that it is escape video I have to bring it in with something special as it has been a while that's it but you have no idea how long it [ __ ] took me to [ __ ] land that jeez it took so many takes I want to die I have to do something necessary for the video I have to do something in lieu of this being a skate video I have to [ __ ] my life as this is a skate video I must ring it in with a special welcome back to skate 3 the game you guys seem to love watching you [ __ ] peace welcome back to skate 3 the game you guys seem to love watching me play watch I [ __ ] up I said it [ __ ] I have to do something spit welcome back to skate I must ring it in life welcome back to skate 3 the game you guys seem to love watching me play hey welcome back to skate 3 the game that you [ __ ] my ass I am work you got a funtage for this game by the way I'm still gathering footage for it like I said then taking breaks here and there cuz I'm a little bit bored of it but I'll get through it that's what I got to do as a youtuber I have to stick through the [ __ ] and keep playing the games that you guys want to see not that I want to play that you want to see and I have to deal with it because it [ __ ] sucks thanks for watching the videos by the way I love you guys what's the most fucked-up thing you ever jacked off to my parents you just turned me into a high hat with the book my wife has brought home to see their wives outside right I counted every while you read blows they're definitely older [Music] oh wait [ __ ] why do they do that no time Thank You Anthony oh wait oh okay try again try again try again come on get that plus two yeah yeah I'll keep looking for oh yeah I found this all right wait wait hold on I got this what color do you have Anthony it's purple okay let's make it yes wait a minute perfect you read my mind and then grip to prime it and right trigger okay you primed it now throw it throw it [ __ ] throw your trigger trip some madman sir get out of the car you know I guess you got that's gonna be the funniest thing tonight that happens that's the unfortunate part we ready peak they're only come on you got this improvise adapt overcome succeed fail recover bah oh my God look how fast what is this I put down one of my gadgets for you over there if you need it okay you're welcome stay beautiful hey say you're doing great listen to me okay I need you I need you to take this into town and sell it I know you can't speak English but you'll figure it out I promise okay all right ready get out of here go on [ __ ] who are you I didn't know he had a [ __ ] bomb you're strapped death must be over there ready [ __ ] that maybe too high we could try it come to be quick quick I don't have much time oh that was gonna be really epic and then it ruined that he's crawling towards the water see the water in the distance little turtle but to get to the water first you have to walk that's what they're called wait why his head like that wait why his shell upside down here should I make it this color yes some people smoke this [ __ ] that's what they called it like the 90s the Great Barrier Reef the Barrier Reef er Barrier Reef ur [ __ ] sick brown so it needs to grow a strain of weed and Colin you're welcome I'll take five percent thank you not of the weed I just want profits so much about that sea pearl and the burial [Laughter] come on over to the barrier reef [ __ ] see we're gonna have a great barrier reef or we have ten minutes yet hey we all look the same I'm sure we could all be friends can you hear me is there push-to-talk I don't know all I know is I'm gonna kick everyone's ass look at this I don't even I don't even know what's going on and I'm doing great [Music] well hey you know what do it again go ahead no reversing reverse it I'm hoping you can reverse it the ghosts reverse this is the worst car I could did you know I got a skip I'm up late anyways let's have what should I keep it and hope we just play okay I'm gonna keep it just happened that's what we call strategy it's my point I need it now his life flash before oh my god this is never gonna end this my daughter Patricia yeah bright very talented its school work yep okay yeah she thought we get away with with with pushing terrible awful absolutely yeah I'm not busy what's up yeah no I'm just talking I gotta call you back he's talking to me again hold on hey sorry continue go ahead who's dead is it's my wife what you have a wife yeah happily married I thought you divorced no no no we're still good going strong 20 years actually 20 years really Nez is that all that about weird like she cheated on you with the with the receptionist at her gym but what was what was all that about ciao Sara you [ __ ] you [ __ ] hey is everything all right be honest with me was it you no no I don't even work there take it take it I can't trust myself we'll do that we'll do that again give me that back we'll do it again take it I can't can't trust myself okay you know what that's fine we'll just we'll run with it it's fine well edit it out and post okay if she wants to be that way I'm gonna walk away and over here you [ __ ] prick give me the gun toss it give me that [ __ ] gun give it a [ __ ] get it we're the [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] Cheryl you [ __ ] did you cheat on me did you cheat on me wasn't with him calm down what's the gutter way let's have a conversation this is my coworker his name is Jordan okay that was the guy that was the guy oh that works out [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 9,114,959
Rating: 4.9139857 out of 5
Keywords: SMii7Y, Funtage, Funny Moments, Gaming, Best of, gameplay, 2019, rewind
Id: Fbc7nr3ePk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 14sec (4754 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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