Playing on a Dead Server - Asmongold Interviews Player That Won't Quit WoW

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that the only data that's been uh recorded for rating on your server is a nine-man karazhan for reliance i think that was us last uh last tuesday it's our main takeover slip so we went and did maiden with nine people so let's look at holy [ __ ] yeah these servers are so this is so bad this is actually so bad uh check our alliance arcanite reaper they do karazhan with only nine people no i i don't believe that i i i don't believe that that is that is insane there's no way they do it with only nine dude that's actually sad man what the [ __ ] that's depressing arcanite reaper oh oh man that sucks dude look at this wow so the alliance is literally unable to raid on this server it's a us west server can i make a character on there or can i oh i already have one okay great unbreakable okay we can make a new character here and i've got to see if any of these people are online uh raid slot okay so let's see what this is going to be not raid [ __ ] what the hell no absolutely not so this is the most dead wow realm in the game so let's see slash who seventy oh my god three people are online there are only 470s on the entire server and this isn't like a dead classic server this is like a vanilla wow or not this is an actual tbc live server right now let me ask this person uh hey can i ask you some questions uh hey i'm gonna ask do you rate karazhan do you raid karazhan this is incredible check the auction house yeah i was gonna go over there and do that actually there's only two thousand items on the auction house i've been on the server since launch i saw so many guilds transfer here and then they all left because aq never got unlocked i'm pretty sure it defaulted open same as next was never cleared uh did anyone wait even get enough people to raid knacks at all so apparently people did try to reroll here to like bring the server back to life but it just didn't matter uh like a year ago the last guild transferred off and there was no rating here for months and then they did a reroll and a couple of guilds formed but they all left and new guilds formed but there's only like two raiding guilds here you know what this reminds me of this is like whenever people discover like a lost tribe that hasn't discovered electricity make a hog or raid yeah we can kill hogger in a minute oh my gosh this is actually just like a third world country you have people with a lot of money that come from better countries that [ __ ] transfer over and steal all of their resources oh my god this is amazing so they kill the auction house then transfer away he says yeah i wanted that months ago it's called free trade it's called free trade brother yeah come on man uh yeah or buy up stuff and put it to prices because that's what the prices are on their server wait wait so they price fix all of the items to force people into buying them capitalism andes bro this is this is big capitalism bobby would be proud people also used to farm stuff here and transfer off so they were literally stealing their resources and then taking them back to their homeland bro i literally i i literally just made a character on africa should i should i try to interview one of these people get them on discord i'm kind of feeling like i maybe i should let me see i'm gonna ask i do a stream and i'm live right now would you be willing to come on and talk about your experience on the server he says i'm pretty baked and i have to go to work soon but i could another time okay let me see if i can just ask somebody else 270 okay i remember yeah no i said i run a stream i didn't say anything wrong like what the hell do you mean i like listen i i barely a chick don't tell me you don't have a mic i swear to god don't tell me you have a [ __ ] don't tell me you don't have a mic like i i i've had too much nostalgia for one day i don't need to go that far hey man can you hear me that's my problem oh yeah yeah i do that probably about three times a day so uh anyway you're playing on the server arcanite reaper and um how long have you played on the server i was part of the march reroll community so i've been playing since march so you went to actually reroll on this server and uh ever since you re-rolled how many of the people that you re-rolled with are still playing on here low fraction probably five or ten percent so ninety percent quit the game yeah like i said it's necessary but yeah wow and so on reddit the march reroll uh and obviously it was really tight for like the first two weeks and then people start dropping like flies what why do you think they stopped they stopped playing i don't i just think most most of the people who start playing wow don't ever make it to 60 at that time which was the next level and of course when tbc came out uh it got a little bit of a revival um but then of course the grinder 70 probably burned out a lot of people too most people who even had a 60 probably didn't make it to 70. yeah it's not really too big of a surprise and i was actually looking on ironforge pro i'm not really sure if you've been on that website before but it basically shows like what the populations for each realm is and i saw on it that the only data that's been uh recorded for rating on your server is a nine-man karazhan for alliance i think that was us last uh last tuesday it's our main tank overslept so we went and did maiden with nine people so could i ask why you named the guild rock bottom i didn't name the guild rock bottom i'm not the killed master officer okay i was just wondering if it had anything to do with the uh the situation around surrounding so i've heard some some rumors some information about uh about the way that your auction house is run and i've heard that people come over to your auction house and they transfer over with a lot of gold and they try to basically price fix on the auction house i wasn't aware the auction house runs at all frankly the server is a subsistence economy yes we make our quilt pack doing quests at level 70. so is it kind of like uh you know in those movies those post-apocalyptic movies where they have to like grow their own seeds and stuff yeah that's exactly okay our entire economy is basically inside the guild people donate their stuff and then we send it out to people who need it wow uh so why do you think well let me ask you a question do you think that this problem is going to get worse or get better uh after um after this i'm hopeful that blizzard is going to merge us with another low pop realm like they did for the the realms the copies of the realms that saving classic yeah um some people think that like it's kind of it's a source of cash for them because people more or less constantly transfer off the server but the problem is there's like such a low population on the server that they can't be making more than like 90 bucks a week there's just there's just nobody here yeah tap the server right exactly um so i'm i'm hopeful that we're going to get a merge and that things will uh liven up um if that doesn't happen i mean in rock bottom we don't have any formal plans to transfer yet but filling 25 man raids becomes an issue uh i don't think we'll stay on the server for much longer do you think that uh if it becomes an issue with like 25 bands because obviously right now kara is like a big source of great gear and maybe gruel isn't really that challenging etc but you know obviously you're going to have a lot of those people that are more serious about the game looking to go to another guild and and raid more often and it creates this kind of self-perpetuating thing where you have the better players that leave and the people that aren't as invested stay and do you feel like it will continue to get worse as the expansion goes on i don't know better versus worse in terms of players but uh certainly we have that problem already where people hit uh 70 and then they're frustrated that it's like difficult to find a uh a dungeon group or heroic group on demand yeah and they're like well you know i didn't want to raid log this soon into the expansion but here i am there's it's hard to get anything going on this server um so we already have that problem yeah um and we've certainly already had our guild in particular keeps struggling with tanks like we have a really great karazhan knight and then tanks like well this server sucks i'm gonna [ __ ] right off and go somewhere else well if it makes you feel any better um the tanks [ __ ] right off out of all raids on all servers it happens to us even on fairlene i've had to respect the deal with it myself yeah we have our guild leadership is also respecting into technical so we can make sure that we have that uh that need met it's sad but you gotta do it but so far we've got some pretty successful karazhan runs going we got prince on our last uh reset which was our second night running prince we're running running cars and sorry um that's impressive okay great yeah yeah it's an ongoing problem with people leaving the server for greener pastures i think it's like i said it's i don't think it's about good players or bad players just people who want to play this game a lot it's just people who are okay you know logging in for their evening they just raid log and that's it because there's like no other activities that there's a population to support well i mean there are other activities it's just that it's not consistent yeah if you go on fabulous or something and you're looking for group it just like flies by oh yeah here you actually have to be patient and assemble a group together and you have to network with people you have to know people have a friends list where you can whisper hey do you want to come take this right now hey do you want to come heal this so with having such a very intimate community do you guys have [ __ ] in the community or are there just so few people that you can't afford to be a dick you know i haven't had very many bad experiences with people on the server uh you'd have to interview someone else i'm sure they're out there uh i wouldn't say [ __ ] but we do have some weirdos okay most of whom i've muted so i can't really speak to um exactly the nature of their weirdoness at this point anymore but yeah we have some real weirdos looking for group chat looking for groups like baron's chat of old yeah that's uh i i think that's pretty much the same any time that you give anybody an audience that's what they're going to do put put a guy in front of a microphone or a camera and he's going to turn into a jackass yeah and give him some substances too sometimes these guys are on some stuff i would not be surprised i actually just talked to somebody who was on some stuff on your server about five minutes ago so uh yeah it's quite accurate and what about pvp is your this is a pvp server isn't it um technically i'm dog [ __ ] at pvp so i could yeah okay so like back in classic wow were you able to raid at all like do uh like molten core or anything on the server um so so archon's been here it's this arcanite reaper has been the subject of at least two rupauls there was the reinforcements one last year and there might have been a second one and then there was the one in march that i was part of and arkhan is the the biggest guild on the server right now because the lines go i can't speak to horde there are a couple of hard kills i see but like you said it's a pvp server but it's so tiny that there's hardly any interaction so you just don't even see anybody out in the world anyway yeah barely anyways um during the during the classic wow period archon was hosting pug raids so we were filling 40s we were i mean we cleared molten core but that was about it molten core aq20 cg20 so that's what i was doing to enjoy the game well that's pretty good okay and i heard that nobody in on in this entire server has cleared next is that right um probably wow what about um so i i'm not sure if you're familiar but there are world bosses and burning crusaders like kazakh and doomwalker do you know if those have been attempted by anybody on your guild um we certainly haven't attempted that we need we need to get a tank geared up before i would think about doing either of them and i don't think archon has the stuff to do either no no not to talk bad about him but i just don't think we have the tanks on the server who can tank them right now uh well i it hits for about 10 000 damage so i i think yeah you might need some might need some good gear it's incredible for me to hear that because uh coming from a super like overpopulated server i kind of have the inverse problem where if we want to go do kha'zik or something like that there's literally 400 people there and like you just can't even play the game at all and it's just crazy for me to think that on your server he's just sitting there just enjoying his day yeah i mean he's sitting there all the mana thistle nodes in outland are just sitting there right for the picking up uh i'm sure there are a lot of other you know things that would otherwise i'd have to compete for yeah that are not that stressful together so have you ever thought about leaving the server like a lot of the other people that have transferred off personally no uh as the as like as a representative of the guild um it's something that we talk about we're not quite ready to hit that emergency button yet but like i was saying earlier if we can't feel 25 minutes then we will start to get transferred off the server pretty quickly jeez that sucks and so uh yeah if you if you had to ask blizzard to do anything you'd probably say for them to merge the realms is that right yeah that's that's what i hope that they'll do yeah i mean i think it's definitely a problem that i mean this has happened i don't know if you played retail wow before classic but this is something that happened with retail wow as well and we spent a number of years just kind of playing on graveyard servers the same kind of as this one here and even worse in some cases that nobody was playing on at all and it took a long time for blizzard to finally actually go and make new servers so we'll see what happens here because it does seem like it's it's pretty bad yeah well i mean we know they have the uh we only have the infrastructure for it because they did it when they launched tbc classic and they forked the realms over the ones that stayed in the classic air and the ones that moved on to tbc and they merged a bunch of the tiny realms in the classic era so i know they can do it it's just a question of whether they will yeah unfortunately nobody knows that why do you think that um uh it's a mixture of reasons i think there there may be some truth to the fact that blizzard is making money off of people transferring off the server i don't think there are enough people for that to be a significant amount of revenue and also i think blizzard just doesn't pay that much attention to classic anyways so so they just don't give a [ __ ] to begin with yeah that would be my probably my number one guess that's what i would assume yeah i i unfortunately would have to agree with you there uh it's sad but there it is well i was gonna ask you uh before you go i wanted to ask if you had to tell anybody why should they roll an arcanite reaper could you would you would you tell them to roll on the server and why um i think i would have to figure out what they want out of the game first things that i like out of this are the the kind of intimacy of the community i always thought wow as much of a social game as it does anything else so i like you know building up a network getting to know people running groups of people and making relationships yeah and the smaller the server the easier that is and that's a lot of the enjoyment that i get out of it there's also the uh availability of harvesting notes uh world bosses like you were saying um i don't know that i would invite someone to roll here individually but if there were guilds out there that wanted some place that was a little bit less competitive this would be a great place to come and make a splash uh just because there's not a lot going on here yeah you got free world boss kills whenever you want apparently right yeah yeah that's huge does anybody on your realm have epic flying yeah we have several oh okay all right that's i was wondering because i just didn't even know like what the level of gold in the economy was or people telling me that like other people would come over and make characters on the server and farm resources and then transfer the resources away it just that doesn't make a lot of sense to me because if you transfer a character you have like a 30 or 60 day cooldown and if you boost a character you only get one boost and then you have to level from 58 to 70 which is like a week of hardcore playing maybe a little bit less if you really know what you're doing yeah um so i find that hard to believe that someone would transfer a character just to accumulate resources and go somewhere else who knows maybe the other guy was full of [ __ ] uh i i thought it was kind of interesting because you know you have things like that happen in real life too and so it's it's interesting to see like kind of the same different parallels happen in game and in real life but this has definitely been really really eye-opening to see what happens with servers whenever blizzard just kind of lets them languish whenever blizzard just forgets about them i think we're alive and kicking yeah yeah i mean we're not clearing gruel and mag and kara every single week yeah we're getting there we also didn't start with uh full tier three after you know farming knacks for six months very true actually yeah very true like i think everybody well we have no tier three on the server but yeah everybody who is here started as a ungeared 70 and then we're working our way up that's and that's kind of why the reroll chose the server in the first place the goal of the reroll was for a fresh experience right fresh experience so it's kind of funny that in a weird way this server is more to the original burning crusade experience than a lot of other servers are now in burning crusade classic because what you're saying is true like people aren't going into heroics with full tier three with like 18 different flasks on and you know everybody's super uber prepared with all the best enchants it's people kind of just going and trying to survive on their own doing it i would say a lot closer to the way that at least i did it back 15 years ago yeah yeah exactly we just did our uh we cleared what two heroics last night and i think they may have been server first heroic full clears wow we've tried it before and we just kept getting slapped because the bosses are not the bosses but the trash hits so hard it is disgusting but we finally got a tank to stick around uh and got him some necks here what class was he and uh a warrior oh i play a warrior two uh and i know what that's like we did it we got ramparts and slate pen ah ramparts is actually pretty challenging that's not too bad okay yeah it's good so do you guys think do you have like a time frame a timeline on how long it will take for you guys to clear mac theradon um i have no idea we'll see how it goes on monday yeah um if we can get mulguar mulgar is clearly the hardest part of that instance if we get mulgar down i think we'll go down pretty easy um and if we do those in a timely fashion i will suggest that we go put attempts in on mac but see what happens yeah well that's uh it's been really interesting talking to you about the whole situation and just kind of how this realm has evolved and you know at least from launch has devolved to some ways too and uh if do you have anything else to say before before you go about like your experience in a server something that makes it special or unique or uh different i mean for me personally i'm having a blast i i understand the the frustrations people have with this kind of uh ghost town yeah but uh i personally am having a lot of fun and as always with wow it's it's more about the people and about the specific activities you just have a lot of cool people uh in the guild and on the server too um and it's a it's always a good time well that's great i mean i think that's the that's the best mindset to have man it really is and uh it's good to see people that are able to uh you know find the uh find the joy in things that other people might consider awful and i think that's really cool especially you could say that definitely your burning crusade experience is going to be a lot different than many other people's and i think that's something that's unique in itself yeah and i guess finally if anybody out there who's listening right now wants a place to come and make a splash to move your guild to our connect reaper is right for the picket arcanite reaper right for the picking well again man i wanted to say thank you so much for coming on and talking about this and uh it's really eye-opening i think for a lot of my viewers and everything uh they do really appreciate people coming on and giving their experiences in the game in a way that i think by nature of them being dead servers are kind of un uncommon and so thank you very much man i appreciate it yeah right have a good day all right you too talk to you later bye wow what an experience what a [ __ ] experience man great interview i do what i can man i do what i can and so that is so crazy for me to think that like that's actually the way that people uh people have the game right interview yeah i try to talk to people and do the right thing and uh of course the thing is with me dude i wish i transferred over to this server get goes kha'zix shoulders and then leave like i'm gonna be honest i transferred with this surfer i say [ __ ] it dude let me get them rip fiend shoulder pads and then i'm outie man i'm done i'm a peace out [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 946,862
Rating: 4.9304147 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic wow, asmongold classic, classic wow dead, tbc classic, classic, classic wow end, tbc, dead wow, wow dead, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, dead servers, wow dying, world of warcraft dead, mmorpg, dead mmo, dead mmorpg, classic wow server, wow dead server, asmongold interview, interview, mmo interview, wow interview, dead server, asmongold dead server
Id: IH3ZtyyQJuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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