Asmongold Becomes a Dark Knight in FFXIV & LOVES IT!

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today gentlemen today we begin a new but similar adventure something different but something the same today we are going to be unlocking the dark knight gentlemen today we begin to wait for the loading screen dude look at them all oh and i also want to show you guys longer uh i cannot tell you how long i've waited for this day allow me to present to you my family home for tim's banner come my friends introductions must be made 96 dude i love ho ho-ho all right i get experience again i have returned with the scions i thought he was the lord i hope your journey was really taxing edward it says oh it's his dad oh wow i count edmonton for tom to bid you welcome what up dude as wards of house for tom you shall be afforded every courtesy my home is your home okay the narrator i can my companions and i are deeply honored count forton the honor is mine master alfino consider it an expression of our gratitude for your service to ishgard damn that's a nice guy oh he's this guy's dripped out look at him man well he's got like a he's got that v-neck thing going on he's got this big-ass coat he's got his pimp cane bro look at that he's got look at that he's got like three belts on forgive me my lord but are you not concerned to accept foreign guests at such a juncture especially ones with our reputation true yeah it's a little bit uh a little bit interesting do not worry yourself on my account it is true that ishgard's first thought has ever been the war effort hence the closing of our borders yeah i guess so because you're getting attacked by dragons that men should seek allies don't you think about that how about that granted my decision will have raised eyebrows in the vault and in the halls of the other high houses yeah but so long as you continue with your altruistic endeavors i doubt my honored peers will feel moved to voice their concerns okay so they're just going to shut the [ __ ] up and deal with it and there is not to fear though our numbers are much reduced we are no less determined to carry on our work so is this is this horse fart's dad okay it is count drip you uh i mean it is though i mean it it [ __ ] is full glad am i to hear it but before you return to your labors why not take a tour of the city okay you would do well i think to acquaint yourselves with your new surroundings after all you may be here for some time i would assume so especially with how fast i did the realm reborn holy damn did the warrior quest for falco i'm doing a dark knight one yeah i'm about to do the dark knight quest the [ __ ] do you mean uh tataru the city awaits let's go no i'd like to tell you guys i've actually been prepared for this moment people might not know this but i have actually been very prepared for this moment and i want to show you guys how exactly i've been prepared take a look at this i went uh whenever i was playing before and i farmed out and i saved up enough of the marks in order to buy the dark knight sword i have it ready now i do start at level 30 i know that i do but whenever i hit level 50 i'll be ready to go so is this where i go to talk and get the dark knight oh wow look at this wow [Music] damn i think they had planned on me coming in from another direction alrighty boys let's [ __ ] see it i am so ready to see this [ __ ] i am so [ __ ] ready to see this [ __ ] alrighty guys let's go where's my dark knight where is my dark knight ish guardian citizen after witnessing a spectacle like that every day live seems rather dull and companion in comparison ah so you didn't see a trial earlier huh you're lost fury take me the way that heretic swung the slab of iron he called a sword was a sight to behold he couldn't have carried a shield if he wanted to the blade was so big had to keep it up with two hands at all times i was amazed that he managed to keep up with that temple knight for as long as he did thought like a demon in the deepest pits of the seventh hell bellowing threats and working his arts i wasn't sure what to make of it at first but then i heard what someone say that he must be a dark knight well you didn't hear that from me in fact i'm sure i don't know anything about it you know what let's press the man for some details fine fine but keep quiet now listen well because i'm only going to say this once oh here sigil of the dark knight the people of ish guards are in high spirits for another heretic has answered for his crimes so as i was saying the heretic was fighting like a man possessed even after he took several wounds he took he showed no sign of pain even though there was no mistaking the blood as the fight wore on it began to soak through his armor spreading through every limb of his body but whenever it began to rise and envelop him in a mist i realized that it wasn't blood but something dark and twisted but the righteous are not so easily cowed how long be praised i screamed myself hoarse and when the temple knight slept past his guard and ran him through good riddance i say man was not meant to wield such arts yet i wonder was he truly one of those well it matters not i heard the temple knight's talking of dumping his corpse on broom by sunrise he'll be stripped bare and tossed over the walls it will be as if he never was and as though we never had this conversation okay well let's get his [ __ ] body oh my look at dude look at everybody man this is crazy oh my god wow this guy dude i really want that big guy that axe is so big man i think i need to get that one okay give me one second our end okay so we have to go over to here and i'll just pour it over to foundation right now all righty boys are you ready to see the ascension is it time i've waited on this for a long time and i'll be honest if it wasn't for this class in the game i might not have ever wanted to play let's do it uh that's farther enough for charity they'll take care of the rest and mayhap sooner rather than later come on wait am i just gonna get the stuff right off of them then oh there he is wow there's the armor it looks just like my [ __ ] armor already what the [ __ ] wait what is this it is this is it all that awaits no no more enough what the [ __ ] aspen gold aspen gold oh [ __ ] wait what wait what what yeah exactly i've been waiting for you to open your eyes you're all right you're moaning in your sleep and sweating buckets besides name's frey by the way and no i'm not a heretic try convincing a temple knight drunk on authority that huh shame the pompozar's got the better of me how about you you touched it yes that couldn't have felt good well that's my boy all right there it is a voice a very distressed one besides please someone anyone oh my what the [ __ ] dude not so fast we need to talk about what's happening to you what's growing within you before you get carried away there's a darkness within us all nothing dangerous mind in fact it's quite healthy but the crystal changes you it gives you the power to channel it do it without proper training however and well it might get hurt oh my what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude so go ahead ask me to teach you ask me to instruct you in the ways of dark knights and i will that that was easy all right guys here we go i know you're still worried about that screaming woman so i'll keep this brief we dark knights don't care one wit for prestige or pedigree we are free to follow our hearts and defend the weak and punish the guilty as we see fit i like this the law of the land the authority of a name these are tools cowards use to escape harm we have no needs of shields of figurative or literal true here my blade is your blade my soul crystal your crystal go on take them you'll need them soon enough is it time gentlemen is it time okay you must first change your class to dark knight and i changed my class by equipping the claymore is that oh wow oh [ __ ] dude god damn i look [ __ ] good i look so [ __ ] good it's insane let me talk to him right now fray is ready to teach you you need only ask well well you don't look the part ready to harness the darkness uh within to set the wrong things right now bear in mind that while the darkness gives you strength that strength comes at a cost that is but one sacrifices though and justice demands many demands many say a man a venerable untouched man harms a child in unspeakable ways he strides through hopland securing the knowledge that he is beyond punishment but for one who cuts down that vile beast as he flaunts his freedom who knows of how many others will suffer such was the dilemma faced by a goodly night not long ago he knew that would be stripped of his titles and denounced his uh for the deed that threshold we refuse to cross is a line that we draw for ourselves we fear the consequences and people suffer for our indecision everyone who held the crystal came to conquer that fear and became who they wanted to be that knight was the first will you be the next think on that boy look into the commotion down below [Music] oh [ __ ] so you do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do man oh it's so good look at that that's so badass oh it's so [ __ ] badass okay let's go talk to her then please i don't know what to do it's my granddaughter i didn't see him standing there and i know it's no excuse i should have been more careful but my granddaughter she started yelling at the temple night and i tried to stop her i did but then he said he had to come she had to come with him and if i could just tell him how sorry i am maybe he would he'd take you too is what he'd do even if he went and begged the blue bastard to intervene it'd be too late by then ain't the first time they've taken a girl her age if she doesn't fight back they might let her go afterwards no no there has to be another way ah scardy and justice oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're gonna we're about to pop off on somebody here i see uh they might spare the girl you know leave her with a few scars and a lifelong lesson this is [ __ ] up dude this is some [ __ ] up [ __ ] oh my god or we could beat every last one of them within a limb of their lives and rescue the girl you'd like that wouldn't you uh yeah i would that sounds great let's do that i knew you would everything's gonna be all right man whenever i'm through it those nights they'll dare not trouble you ever again oh thank you thank you all right let's go uh assuming they didn't just drag her into an ally ally they'd taken her to either the congregation or the tribunal the honorable ceramic would not serve for such a reprehensible behavior under his roof the inquisition on the other hand well so that leaves a tribunal if the girl's still alive i imagine they'll make all matter of threats come any closer and she dies and so forth if so we'll need to make something perfectly clear to them we're not here for her we're here for you once they understand that she means nothing to us they'll attack us or flee i don't know about you but i'm eager to find out which one damn yo this guy's a [ __ ] pam oh my god who's this dick sucking dick sucker let me see what this guy is [Music] ish guardian justice level 34 sync is in place all right let's do this damn it girl you're only making it worse for yourself the hell's with you i've done nothing wrong ah why are the pretty ones always so daft if i had a gill for every time i had to kill an unrepentant bastard like you oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] are you threatening a temple knight yes i am oh you're very clever yes i am now let her go enough of this with me girl now one more war to protest and i'll toss your grandmother and sell the rot you three seize this imbecile god damn okay let's beat the [ __ ] out of them man all right so i have no idea what i'm doing at all i have no idea that looks so cool man i guess i'll put this one over there 408 we put that one over there there we go okay nice apparently that's like a three combo thing that's so [ __ ] cool dude oh my god oh my god dude i'm doing all kinds of sword [ __ ] look at that man god damn yeah look at that your gears trash it's okay it doesn't matter like i'll get better gear it's not a big deal like yeah it's fine [ __ ] yeah okay now they're all dead i feel like um you know after they just entered like they just invited me into the house and they're like oh don't cause any trouble and like i'm immediately killing the [ __ ] templar that seems like a problem yeah i mean i i did kind of [ __ ] that up huh do you see asmr gold the flames beckon is that right immerse yourself in the flames and ignite the darkness within [Music] what the [ __ ] darkness who the [ __ ] is darkness okay rescue your oh wow i've been taking a lot of damage i warned you not to drink too deep oh uh oops okay wait i've gotta fight four guys at a time oh [ __ ] okay uh let's kill this guy here i'll use my cooldown okay you use aoe i don't know what my aoe abilities are does it escalate damage to all nearby enemies okay here we go let's oh wow wait i can cast that as much as i want [Music] wait dude that's badass what the [ __ ] okay it costs mana uh my mana hasn't gone down at all yeah so i'm not sure about that man your pain manifests into a new flame of darkness oh so i have to go hit this one okay got him [Music] okay there's one right there do i have to click all of these i have to run through all these is that right no just two okay let's go [Music] damn dude oh [ __ ] there's a lot of these guys what the [ __ ] okay so i just wait i can literally just aoe everything down this is awesome [ __ ] yeah i'm a god quicker i don't have everything ready okay you're gonna have to be patient with me it's gonna take me a little bit of time to do it and as soon as i can i'll be able to uh i'll figure out all the uh the abilities and everything i need to do this is actually [ __ ] cool man watch your hp i'll be fine yeah i'll be fine don't worry about it okay so this guy's dead holy [ __ ] there we go all right let's pick up two more of these and wait am i gonna go inside of here um oh i don't know i mean i just go inside the [ __ ] wait i'm going inside of the temple to bust that [ __ ] down okay i'm ready let's do it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait he's now he's talking [ __ ] too oh my god all right let's kill this guy i'm pretty sure this is the healer so we'll kill him first moving out of that immediately [ __ ] dead dude immediately [ __ ] dead this does look really really cool wow called you a sim actually you know what he did call me a sim that's okay though we're gonna kill him anyway it doesn't matter dude i'm already hitting 300s at level 30 bro whenever i hit dude whenever i hit level 55 or whatever i am on a warrior i am going to be unstoppable man unfucking stoppable got it and let's go talk to her next i do bear steal i'm not only going to kill him but i'm going to kill his wife as his friends and burn his goddamn house down yeah this is yeah this is my uh this is my class oh thank you those of you who yet live remember this horror and know and know that should you speak of it it shall be visited upon you again a hundred fold oh [ __ ] yeah this guy's great oh my god dude oh my zero chill yeah this guy does not [ __ ] around i don't know what to say sir thank you thank you i got a little carried away earlier it's just whenever somebody saw how they were treating my grandmother i had to say something and i what no one screamed your name my grandmother called out just the once but that was it speaking of which i should hurry back i suppose i ought to say that i'm sorry for what i did but i'm not those nights had it coming how long bless you for what you did your goddamn right they did your goddamn [ __ ] right they did [ __ ] him okay let's talk to frey now feels good doesn't it strange maybe but a good strange i'll wager you tapped into something primal a power nestled within you yearning to be free as your understanding of this power grows so too will your skill as a dark knight you have done well far better than i could have hoped in fact but there is still so much more to learn so much further to go i won't lie asthman gold the risks will only increase so if you want to keep going you'll have to trust me can you do that honestly this guy is a stone cold killer he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's talking about killing people's families and stuff i feel like he basically i mean what would he have to hide like yeah he's not he's not he's just talking he's saying what he thinks good it's a promise circumstances being what they are uh it might be best to be part of ways for a while think of it as an opportunity to hone your skills in my absence but don't worry we will meet again when the time is right i'll be waiting where we first met flood of darkness deals unaspected damage the potency of 250 to all enemies in a straight line before you oh that's [ __ ] badass the next dark night quest will be available from fray upon reaching level 35 requirements for undertaking subsequent quests can be reviewed in your journal it's an off gcd ability oh okay okay you're going to control the darkness within wow so i have to get up to level i feel like i could get to level 50 in a day like i'm not even kidding i think i could get to level 50 in a [ __ ] day dark knight level [ __ ] 50. i leveled this character all the way up to 50 off stream just so i could [ __ ] play today and show you guys all the new different uh uh the new different fights man i have saved every single job quest for me to do with you guys today where hibiya made it up to eisenguard man i made it all the way over here fray fray has been waiting for you for a long time okay i had a feeling you'd come today asmingle then sure enough there you are eager to pick up where we left off let's start with a question then you must be burning with several after that last affair uh why are you detained by inquisition uh what was the voice i heard um what became of the woman and her granddaughter oh for the love of oh they're fine both of them you solved all their problems happy this sounds like mcconnell now then are you ready to stop dancing around and around the real question and just ask uh why were you detained by the inquisition why do you think i was detained by zealous temple knights who who see heretics around every corner there was a girl and innocent they wanted her and i objected now then are you ready to stop dancing around the real question and just ask what became of the old woman and her granddaughter what was the voice i heard ah yes the voice the one you heard whenever you first touched a crystal an excellent question but a difficult one to answer some sway it's some say it's a beacon a guiding the dark knight to his true calling whose is it you asked only you can discover that for each night must hearken to a different voice as you grow more contempt accustomed to drawing upon your dark side you will come to hear it more clearly communion will hasten this process but we dare not conduct the rights here under the watchful eye of the holy see we will make for southern thou land for little al amigo all right let's go over there so they had the expansion content take part in like the old game that's really cool i like that a lot dude that's actually lit oh my god punctual was ever i see communion less you worry is rather simple it's a ritual in which no one nurtures the darkness within so he may channel it more effectively in battle do not however presume the wrists or be any less than before should you partake in it in excess you will die or worse so before we begin i want you to do me a favor i want you to kill something for me [Music] okay something feral something fearsome that will push you to your limits i want to see you thrive in that moment that way i will know you already ask gundo baldo he should know of a suitable creature all right where's gundo baldo wait isn't gundopal the guy it is i know him a pleasure to see you again asthma gold do you require assistance yes training well if you seek dangerous beasts for that purpose then the red labyrinth is honed to pisces notorious for its size and vigor our trappers take great pains to avoid their nests and those who do bear scars for their folly i pity the man who dies without scars but these pesties sound promising tell me more they attacked caravans loaded with adult cars kisses before this smell drives them into a frenzy they should serve to draw them out of hiding okay asmingle i'll always be grateful for what you did those young ones were on the verge of making a terrible mistake so consumed with anger they were i hesitated to act even though i saw it burning within them as i see it burning within you now he has a dick chin you seek the darkness within yes i do you will not i will not claim to understand your meaning but i wish you well when you're training let's go i like how he doesn't have the sword anymore like i could give him his sword back now it's not that big of a deal okay yeah let me just uh let me just play the game okay guys let me just play the game okay ah they're close we can feel it in our eyes well while we're here show me who you are asmingle show me what you can do i'm waiting stop vaccinating guys just chill just just try to enjoy the stream and watch the stream don't spam to do x or wise do you think just let me just just [ __ ] enjoy the stream guys please just just enjoy the stream i promise it'll be better that way yeah just chill okay that was easy damn what what a really hard challenge that was okay now what that wasn't so hard now was it no it wasn't to mend out our justice to protect the weak from the strong and so forth you must you must yourself be strong strength is pain strength is suffering strength is sacrifice we must prepare for a communion but not here come before more peskys are drawn by the smell okay so we've got to go over to uh we're gonna do communion i've already done this before actually you look ready good now listen well close your eyes and hold out your hand towards me breathe deep through your nose and let the air fill your lungs and let it pass from your lips slower slower wait what the [ __ ] listen to your heartbeat listen to the other [Music] what the [ __ ] what the hell is going on oh what the with every breath you grow lighter and slip further into the abyss what the [ __ ] one foot in front of the other over and over again to the ends of the world and back again and if time has no end still forward and onward over and over again so what did you hear interesting but not terribly informative but do not lose heart that you're able to hear it once more is progress enough i believe that you will come to understand its words its will and due time i should mention that in some circumstances the voice is said to be that of another one who uh whom the dark knight is fated to seek out if that's the case you may have a long journey ahead of you okay so you would welcome such a journey there is something to be said for it and for travel for that matter to roam free and to help those in need yet no good deed goes unpunished does it i knew a man once wanting to be a hero did great things and do great things and he did the song always ends there but life doesn't does it wait what the [ __ ] this is serious there are temptations more deadly than the dark side asthma gold you should have learned this by now but you haven't you will the community has ended and with it our time together but we shall meet again as we did before that actually that is deep what the [ __ ] restores mana upon landing weapons goals or spells effect does not stack whenever hitting multiple targets with a single attack okay so this is just like a basic default like damage ability okay that's simple yeah that's really simple the dark side grants you visions of power unhinged what the [ __ ] well let me go back over to him again heroic respite you work well asthma gold more determined you have not heard the voice since we last spoke but do not worry if your affinity with the dark side is as strong as i believe then communion is all you require come with me to the burning wall you know what you must do oh [ __ ] it begins as always with blood a confirmation of your destiny there are axe speaks here which have grown ferocious beyond reckoning vile creatures eager to prey on man and beast alike offer yourself to them they will come they will make an offering then make an offering of them to me oh [ __ ] okay um let's see we have to go slay axe beaks okay we're the axe peaks oh they're right there okay i'll just click on this where to get that nice sword this sword is from baphomet uh i got it it's actually uh 135 which is the highest item level in the game right now okay there we go big [ __ ] these guys there we go he's dead and this guy's dead too [ __ ] him all alright that's easy i feel more comfortable playing dark knight than i do warrior i don't know why but i just like the off gcd abilities a lot more aha that's the asthma goal i've longed to see you resent this don't you this pointless trial oh perhaps you even resent me for subjecting you to it remember this feeling treasure it i want it smoldering within you whenever we commune to camp dry bone all right close your eyes and hold out your hands towards me breathe deep through your nose let the air fill your lungs and let it pass from your lips slower and slower listen to my voice listen to your heartbeat listen for the other thank the 12. it is you asthman goal what the [ __ ] is this who though is bo it oh my god yeah i did a quest for this guy at like level 30 to think that you were to end up slaying the word of the inferno whenever you first came through looking for a missing comic full yeah this is the guy that came in there and he got captured but this isn't the time to reminisce i sought you out because i need your help do tell not long ago an almond jala rating party attacked a caravan on the road abducting several pilgrims we reported the incident both to the brass blades and the immortal flames but it seems like neither is in a position to muster forces at present you know what lies in store should they not be rescued soon please asthma gold there is no one else really charging the enemy encampment filled with amanjala warriors and free some fools who should have armed themselves risk life and limb to do the work of a dozen men all because you bloody asked is that it that's what we do that's what we do [ __ ] them every god goddamn time fine we'll bring him back thank you for uh they were bound to the encampment of the southeast and so were we okay who's this stupid [ __ ] who's this stupid ass [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here i don't want to look at you [Music] pull this guy too pull that guy pull all of these guys aoe all these guys down hit them hit him with the f right there i [ __ ] that one up i didn't hit the other target easy easy easy okay we're done for oh no oh no we're done for shut up [ __ ] i'm saving your ass god bless you adventurer yes i know god's not real but i am let's keep moving now what oh i have to run with them okay i'll stay oh oh we got some dick boys coming in here okay i see how it is got some dick boys causing trouble that's what happens to dick boys they get [ __ ] deleted the [ __ ] out of here not time for you keep running all right let's keep running okay we're good we saved them you will pay for your insolence wait who the [ __ ] is this oh jesus another dick boy is causing trouble for me the [ __ ] out of here okay let's kill him there we go and i guess this is supposed to be like some sort of a boss or something but apparently not there we go he's dead mad max reference um that's mad max i don't know about that you just don't know when to leave off do they neither uh neither did you ah i mean look at yourself most of that's not even your blood you had to pop off dude you have to do what you need to do believe it you've got nothing to be ashamed of let's go and give ismarta the good news all right let's go do that okay let's help this guy out welcome back asthma gold i heard you really gave those amazo what for good show i'm sure you're gonna be on your way so i won't waste any more of your time but thank you come back whenever you like great awesome there's not like five other things that i need to do for this those who have never faced death do not scruple to condemn others to it they know nothing of true sacrifice and they're weak for their uh insolence ignorance and sacrifice there is strength and sacrifice there is liberation close your eyes and hand out your okay all right we're gonna go through that one again with every breath you grow lighter and slip further into the abyss am i gonna fall down again oh i am on a throne of bone he waits serve save slave slay they come to entreat his judgment one by one in solemn procession what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude so what did you hear this time uh there's some bad [ __ ] man i was thinking you're on the verge of discerning the truth your affinity with your dark side goes stronger by the day and yet there is a hesitation listen to me asmingle you performed great deeds and saved countless people you are a hero to the realm but you are no dark knight i'm gonna have to respect again dude i thought i had it this sucks a dark knight accepts that he cannot save everyone and sometimes he is fortunate to just save himself sacrifice as my goal is to renounce that which binds you to recognize that which matters and to forsake all that does not at the very least you must realize that you cannot continue to carry all of these burdens unless you wish to die a slave true i'm fine just a little just a little tired the communion has ended and with it our time together but we shall meet again as we did before [ __ ] man [ __ ] man all right there we go so now i want to make sure i have that ability that's gonna be number four let me test out my new ability i want to try it on like a random mob yay the dark sign grants you visions of power unclaimed okay let's try it on this guy right here let's try it on billy okay i've been waiting on this one boys yeah i've been waiting on this one this is nice okay now let's go back over and talk to him again frey has been watching you and he is not pleased with your progress what did i do i'm beginning to question your commitment asman gulp you haven't heard the voices since our last communion which means that you haven't taken my lessons to heart you know that i'm trying to help you don't you this is all for your benefit you listen but you don't understand you're the stubborn type i know that we just have to keep it that way until you open your eyes more be dry docs that's where we're held next okay let's go to the dry dicks oh never cared much for the ocean myself that friend of mine the one i told you about after our first communion we came here together once long story short we ended up doing something ridiculously foolish and we were lucky to make it out alive i tried to talk him out of it but he just had to get on that damn boat don't be like that friend is it the maelstrom supposed to be aid for small folk whenever they're in a spot of trouble so far as it's possible yes but such matters fall within a purview of the yellow jackets and and they told me to bugger off can you believe that i'm begging you sergeant oh wait is that you asmingle yeah it is me what up it is the legend himself forgive me sir i never thanked you properly for your service uh to lisa lamassa whenever i first heard leviathan have been summoned i feared that why if it isn't a famous adventurer who's been killing primals left and right truly the twelve must be watching over me because you're just the man i need well i didn't sign up for this [ __ ] no i'm the victim of a terrible heinous crime i have waylaid by quaran bandits from the sea strand who left me with not more than clothes on my back and what makes you think i give a corn arms ass about your troubles go and bother yellow jackets like the sergeant said i seek worthy prey not a gang of rats how can you say such a thing sir without your help i'm ruined all right fine wait just listen you wanted the worthy pray yes the leader was a mean looking bastard at least two or three times the size of the others it'll probably take a dozen men to bring him down if it's a challenge you want then there it is it's just you against him and his cronies what do you say sir shut your mouth and wait here we'll be back damn damn this guy's a dick okay let's go back over there and uh we're going to talk to him again if this corn arm isn't everything that he promised i'll take out his hide uh let's make the most out of this as we go no style no guile just chaos mark your limits and push yourself beyond let the darkness guide you and set you free okay this is level 49 this is serious damn look at them all dude look at all these little dick boys oh these little dick boys the [ __ ] out of here i aoe everything down it's not a big deal to me look at that a little bit of aoe damage there a little bit of aoe damage there too another one oh man dude look at that plus ultra phrase like fight club i can see that yo he's helping me out a lot bro like this guy's really doing it for me wow okay so i use this here and now i can get my mana back too and then i'll get my mana back there and i can hit him again oh this is good this is really really good i'm learning how to use my abilities now as much as i can at least obviously i've got a much much longer way to go figure everything out okay we're good rip mana i don't need mana what do i need my mana for i'll just kill the boss yeah it doesn't matter what's this let me guess it's gonna be some [ __ ] isn't it oh i guess not wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah you did well that's all that's left is to return the goods to their owner finish finish where we started okay let's go looks like he's dying man overbearing traitor let's talk to him ah to you were you able to catch up with those bandits shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] you what million take me i can't sell this everything's soaked with corn on blood what did you do carve one open and leaving the bleed all over my wares i'm ruined utterly ruined i demand recompense for your reckless destruction of my property i'm a reasonable man so i will acknowledge that you are not wholly responsible fifty percent of what the value should suffice fifty percent fifty percent uh oh i slaughter a gang of corn arm bandits for your precious goods and this is the thanks that i receive you spineless sack of [ __ ] i kill your enemies i fetch your things i do what you and your people won't do yourselves you're helpless weak all you want is all you do is want and need i should have left you to drown in leviathan's tidal wave at least then i would have spared your constant bloody whining do not speak to me of this ever again oh my god pray forgive me my insulin sir as well sir you have every right to be upset but i think he understands her damn this guy's great serious okay found him we can't keep doing this asthma gold you must now see what what it's doing to us what they're doing to us these these people um never mind then the voice is all that matters we don't need them to become a dark knight he deserved every word he deserved every word yep i'm going to say that one yeah right you are asman gold right you are true felt good didn't it seeing that sniveling wretch tremble i think he nearly pissed himself you're finally starting to see them for what they are now aren't you good good all that remains is to hearken to the voice to grasp its words and discover your true calling all right with every breath you grow lighter and slip further into the abyss [Music] a chorus of voices cries out for a hero and he comes he smiles he nods and he remains silent that's me but he too has a voice i will be heard asmin goldbald yes you stand the precipice but do not fear the fall cast yourself into the abyss and you shall soar above all free at last there are other lands and knees asthma gold lands which we are not known ask and we shall quit this place forever damn only whenever you have announced everything are you free to do anything when we meet again you will give us your answer damn okay fight club you're true true very true and also real true and real real and true this is i think my favorite character yeah this is this is my favorite character i think so far i knew that you would come to your sense of jasmine gold now let us let us go if i never see snow again it'll be too soon if we should go somewhere warm at least for a little while away from me near the gates of judgement when you're alone call out and i shall join you okay moment later frey departs through what one director should not seem to recall with the chat mode in slash say use your keyboard or the software keyboard enter any phrase which includes fray to attract his attention [Music] okay frey where are you he's not here oh i have to do it over there okay yeah yeah it's it's over yeah it's over there okay i didn't know that okay i had no idea so we gotta go over here and we have to type frey with exclamation point okay got it that's really cool i've never seen a game do that before wait i know that voice of jasmine goldbald the hero of the scions allow me to say what an honor it is to meet you sir i mean by the fury the man who bested shiva every night under ward dromon's command knows the tail i could go on but well i'll just say it if i may sir we need your help oh what surprise what a surprise we have a giant problem sir a band of them is taken to raiding caravans passing through denver and pass we think that they might be planning to expand their territory or drama wants them gone but you know how it is too much work for too few hands we need at least two dozen knights to clear them out safely but now that you're here sir we have nothing to fear ah while we here while we create a distraction you can slip past and put their leader down without him they're sure to cut and run so will you help us sir we beg of you we beg of you [Applause] [Music] all right thank you so much sir we won't forget this pray accompany me to the past sir we can discuss the finer details of the plan there oh [ __ ] no no more enough what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the leader should be somewhere in the tunnel sir once you're in position we'll launch our attack if all goes to plan we should only have to contend with the leader and his guards may the fury and the guide protect us okay i just have to kill the giants that's pretty [ __ ] easy i can do that i just kill him that's how it's done what though there's three of them holy [ __ ] are you kidding me okay let's get these guys and then there's this guy too let's kill him all right there we go and he's dead perfect okay now what i just have to go back over and turn this into him damn what a hard problem man it's a good thing that i'm here by the fury you really did it and you made it look so easy as for us there were some injuries but nothing serious it was starting to look rather grim actually but the moment that he fell they sounded the retreat it was an honor to fight with you sir you really are everything the bards say truth be told i've been following your deeds for some time now ever since that you came to white brim front your martial prowess is widely known of course but what i found truly inspirational was your compassion for the common man let's kill him how would you how you would risk your life without thought of fame or fortune how the lowest among us could find a friend in you sir sir [Music] something wrong it's lord drummond sir he heard that we were in the field of asmr gold and he's demanding that he come to white for in front at once demanding what's the meaning of this certain allegations have been made sir it would seem that he was observed conversing with a corpse in the broom what not that anyone would believe such slander of course the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude i should warn you sir these are some of the allegations were made by temple knights you may be asked to surrender your weapon uh-uh nope nope not gonna happen nope nope nope nope that's the [ __ ] that's some fake ass [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there it is surrender your weapon after what happened in denali they must be mad pay attention asthma and gold this could be the greatest moment of our life that is if you could stop denying the truth that's been staring you in the face since the moment that we met what the [ __ ] say my name say it my real name our real name are they about to pull a fight club on me come on you knew frey was dead from the beginning but you didn't care you had a sword and a soul crystal but you wanted was a mentor a mentor with the gifts and the knowledge a dark knight who could guide you on the path who you could aspire to become a man who was free to say and do the things that you would not even now you continue to deny it well deny me all you want you cannot deny what we have done wait what the [ __ ] have i not been good to you have i not been everything that i promised did i not help you hear the whispers of our very soul open your eyes look do you see now do you see what the [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh yes dude everything up to now has been your story and everything after now will be mine what the [ __ ] [Music] darth bald [Music] what the [ __ ] dude i don't even know what to say holy [ __ ] okay all right all right let's kill this guy um wow he's already almost halfway dead though like i'll definitely say that i'm doing pretty well pulling these guys here there we go drawmont oh let's kill drawmont too why not i mean if i want to be a dark knight i might as well just go all the way right yeah i'll just kill everybody this is i've been waiting on this yeah this is great you're over a year and of course i'm over geared absolutely it makes it easier that way this is a it's a story quest it's not hard okay like let's be honest so i killed my self-esteem oh wait oh drill marth the honest is there wait what the [ __ ] do i kill dramat now i can't believe they fight club to me man they [ __ ] fight clubbed me oh my god it's asmun gold versus zach rawr it would seem i underestimated myself but no matter they have borne witness to the darkness within us to what lies beneath the mask how do i get this armor i need this armor i absolutely need this armor aspen gold asmond gold listen to us the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do what the [ __ ] do is this dude what the [ __ ] we will never forsake you no matter what we know who you are asthma gold we know and so do you yay asmond gold wow yay oh i'm smiling now [Music] a fantastic display of willful ignorance wipe the slate clean forgive and forget convince yourselves that he can be controlled the warrior of light our weapon of light it's too late asthma gold we can still be free uh oh what the [ __ ] is this dude asmingle yes so this is your answer listen to my voice listen to our heartbeat listen [Music] we're gonna hold hands what the [ __ ] is going on oh my god if this is how it must be then so be it but know that when you're tired of this charade i shall be here waiting to take the reins damn you need only ask so i get that gear at level 60 is that right because i need to i need to get that gear okay yeah i need to get that gear i'm gonna get i'm gonna get that whole set i have to i have to get the gear holy [ __ ] praise hello and you're all right for a moment we feared we'd lost you forever lord jerome made it clear that we will speak with no more of what happened not that he had to ask mind you as for your friend i'm told that he will uh he will be interred with full rights may his soul rest in peace what the [ __ ] you subdue your dark side for now it would seem so that my comrades have misjudged you i realize this now having witnessed the lengths of which lord dramat will go for your sake ah there can be no doubt that you're a true friend to ishgard which is fortunate as we are urgent need of one of your skills pray accompany me to uh behemoths dominion at once okay let us pray accompany him there's a demon among us sir a fiend which cannot be suffered to live or drama may be willing to let a dangerous vigilante run free but we are not so foolish what sort of hero maims and murders knight sworn to the holy see none that i know a heretic you are and a heritage what are they [ __ ] with me they're really gonna try to [ __ ] on me like that they're really gonna try to [ __ ] on me are you kidding me get the [ __ ] out of here okay let's kill this guy oh never mind okay speak with the unfunctioning uh temple knight apparently i was killing the wrong ones let me just kill this one too so i'm still in combat all right what do you want oh vile fiend do not think you can steal your controversial from from them forever we will expose you for the abomination that you are i swear it wielder of dark arts consort of dragons i will bring you to justice even if it costs me my life shall we oblige him then [Music] oh [ __ ] well are you gonna kill him or shall i no you're one of them too aren't you this is the part where you beg for your life now leave these lands if you value your lives we will not show you mercy again what i pray you don't make a habit of following men plotting to kill you into secluded areas or did you earn nothing from frey so you do know of him i thought of him falling at the trial but then i heard whispers of a man seen wielding his sword in battle so tell me what became of him how did you learn the arts ah that's kind of a complicated answer isn't it one that i don't even really know the answer to a little bit confusing by the gods though now that i think on it it's not the first time that i've heard such a tale we who consort with the darkness are never truly whole there will ever be a part of us yearning to be free we trained together frey and i his was a strength beyond reckoning but alas it was not enough it warms my heart to see that you carry on his legacy that you have learned as much as you have with only his soul crystal to guide you bespeaks of your potential he just walks off and that's it there is a matter i would like to discuss with you but not here my name is siddurgur sedurker pray look for me at the forgotten night uh in ishgard okay sir durger sid uh yeah sid yeah i think sid is a little bit better no we already have a sid so it it is it does have to be seduger but where is he but where'd he go oh he's over there okay never mind so frey is dead damn man that's sad that's my favorite character dude again man again they i i i have a favorite character and then they just kill it they kill it in like a day or two man it's awful this is sad you never knew for right i just did man okay the forgotten knight oh [ __ ] oh wow there he is there's a durger frey was wow asthma true given the circumstances under which you embarked upon this path i fear that you do not understand what it means to be a dark knight the first of us buried steel against one of the clergy this is true he sacrificed everything he once held dear in the name of justice so must all who would walk in his footsteps mayhap you think this is to earn the love of the common man you're wrong to many you will find you will be forever a criminal a fiend who sews chaos and discord those people will listen to the lies of our enemies they will do their utmost to cast you out or worse as they did with fray if you are not prepared to deal with these consequences then surrender your sword and soul crystal to me now i say no you claim conviction but your actions speak otherwise the [ __ ] i don't want that one that's i don't want that one at all you spared a man who tried to murder you mercy some would call it idiocy i name it that's right i followed him and gave him the mercy that he truly deserved look at me asmin gold tell me what do you see the firstish guardians to counter uh owl raw um uh saw dravinians we had fled garland maul's armies only to come to a land where we were able to meet where we were mistaken for another nation's mortal enemy they barred steel to come and kill us and we did not die so easily we spared them and sent them on their way how do you think they repaid our kindness with fire and blood asthma and gold with death for every man woman and child [Music] make no mistake these are the wages of mercy if you would walk the path then you must accept this truth for your enemies already have [Music] quest will be available from suguru upon reaching level 52. oh [ __ ] yeah bro i'm almost i'm 51. all right let me try to do one of these and then we're gonna get ready we're gonna do uh leviathan okay i'm gonna just try to do i'm gonna random my trial okay i'm gonna random a trial hopefully it won't be there oh this one's a joke oh this is a joke i'm pretty sure it is at least okay all right let's take him out all right let's kill the hydra [Music] big dick on boss big dick on boss big dick on boss look at this damage man i'm out of control mana who gives a [ __ ] i just use the man as fast as i can and that way i can use it again okay if i get other people killed it doesn't really matter uh as long as i'm not dead that's what makes a difference okay we have that cast there we go there we go i'm about to have my buffs up too oh this is gonna be big dick damage here okay all right ready guys watch this [Music] massive [ __ ] damage massive [ __ ] damage look at that look at that right there have to move out of that okay we're gonna stand in the fire actually the fire does a lot of damage we're not gonna stand in okay let's move out of the fire okay good here we go here we go i'm gonna get one more w right there there it is holy [ __ ] my damage is insane dude i am killing it oh my god [Music] what the [ __ ] jesus [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 568,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, dark knight, ffxiv dark knight, final fantasy xiv dark knight, asmongold dark knight, ffxiv day 12, heavensward, ffxiv heavensward, asmongold day 12, ffxiv jobs, dark knight quest reaction, day 12
Id: 1Ti0T1h-nfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 27sec (3687 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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