Asmongold Reacts to "The Death of Athene"

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the death of athene he didn't actually did he die he has been called the best gamer in the world hands down he's raised more than 15 million dollars he works very closely with save the children oh that's done deleted finish today athene got his youtube channel banned everybody in the comments of every section is going in there saying the theme scam charity money athene is running a cult etc i think we'll do anything to get popularity or to fake having popularity scam people with [ __ ] crypto he's made some weird [ __ ] cult [ __ ] he's released some crazy i forgot about the crypto do you think it's like been worse recently i don't know why i think so hated he literally brainwashes people athene was also banned from twitch what he did was the most scumbaggish piece of [ __ ] thing you could ever do maybe it's because he used to be a huge troll and he actually pissed off a lot of people due to the fact that he said insane [ __ ] and is also trying i think a theme like people were mad about a theme because of the uh though like like ever since he made like that one science video and then there's a bunch of like other like metaphysics stuff that he started doing like i think that's whenever people started getting mad about him like there's only a small handful of people that were mad about like his wow videos to basically scam people there has been some backlash from the community i don't believe in any of the numbers that he's that he's giving i just it's not possible that he could raise that much money and i don't know if like when he does [ __ ] for charity if it it how much of it is actually for charity and how much of it uh goes into the pocket you know this is the face of a successful cult leader running a very successful scam like it's a [ __ ] cult worse than the forces nothing's good ever come from strange fringe cult movements led by charismatic and ambitious cult leaders in germany jesus wow that's a lot isn't it no like really if all of that stuff is big against charity money but people think that and the reason they think that is because other people have made videos and they've talked about that stuff and they've made this guy look like a jackass more than he already is that's true i never i thought i always thought that cryptocurrency [ __ ] was uh that was really sketchy man i always really thought that cryptocurrency [ __ ] was was it's not not for me but like uh the other [ __ ] yeah 100 yeah like the the cryptocurrency was i i can't i can't see how that wasn't some sort of a [ __ ] scam especially the way they were selling it i remember watching it by far i was the most intelligent person on the planet more intelligent than einstein than anyone yeah that's the thing right is like well he thinks he literally thinks he's like the smartest person in the world he actually thinks that he literally thinks that he's this generation's einstein but that's because you play the act that you have he actually is really not that say bad because now they will think that i may be brainwashing you i almost think he like might be mentally ill like in a really scary like self-deluded sense one could definitely argue that it is partially a theme's own fault like self-deluded sense of dude these days right here these days right here you have no idea wow at this time was like fortnight was two years ago wow was at the [ __ ] pinnacle it was what everybody was talking about it was what a dude those were the good old days a hundred percent it was amazing man definitely argue that it is partially athene's own fault that it has for many often been unclear when he is in character i am the one i'm not a nutcase i'm one and when he's being serious sometimes he deliberately aims for this to create controversy and draw more attention to his activism and charity endeavors what was however not deliberate or intended was the escalation of extreme accusations against him leading to the ban of his youtube and twitch channels while all these claims are actually easy to verify as being false or at the very least be shown to lack evidence many companies that operate in the current social media climate adapt to negativity by removing the content or firing over platforming who or what may make them lose potential advertisers we were live streaming and right as we were getting into it youtube in their infinite wisdom not good removed our live stream and gave us a strike when you get a strike you can't live stream anymore it also means that anyone who knows how to create a well-directed shitstorm on the internet has a lot of power just convince a certain platform that a certain individual is trouble for them and you might be able to get them banned or fired james scott was just fired after offensive tweets dating from 2008. athena is no more a fraud or cult leader than pewdiepie is a nazi or this man was responsible for the boss i don't know i mean like didn't athene have like didn't he have like a compound it wasn't in like germany or something like that where people would come and live in in the compound because if that's what happened see like to me i'm a very open-minded person but i also have to have like an opinion on [ __ ] too so here's the thing with me whenever he's talking about like him doing his charity work and him saying he's smarter than einstein or you know bill gates or whatever he's clearly not speaking in the tone of voice and in the context that he was using whenever he was doing the best paladin in the world thing and like yeah you could say that was on purpose or not but whenever you have like all these other corroborating things with like the cryptocurrency stuff some random guy making his own cryptocurrency and telling people they're gonna make their money back off of it i don't know man like that seems really bad and on top of that you uh you had this compound and never like there's this girl i think that left the compound and she was crying about it all the time and then i think she made like a video correcting what she said but like i can't imagine that that wasn't made under some degree of thread or something like that right that's what's really confusing to me and like what's the problem with me is that i don't really know what's real because i wasn't there but there have been a number of like weird clips and like weird things that have happened that absolutely do have some impact logical clicking call yeah yeah the logical clicking stuff and like i think that was kind of like yeah the logic cult and stuff like that that's really what i believe kind of turned public opinion against him much more so than the videos themselves the the negative videos [Music] there was a lot of speculation about certain suspects who turned out not to be suspected well they were swearing and saying reddit screwed up you can't be talking like this but it seems deliberate blurring of the line between reality and fiction has made him a very suitable target in a climate where exposing popular personalities gets the most clicks tricks communities with a strong tendency towards tabloid-like sensationalism such as reddit's livestream fail my whole opinion livestream fails i'm literally scared to even give that because i'm scared i'll get hate for it that's my opinion it's it's [ __ ] brutal i was just scared to check it so scared to open it i was like i don't know what's going to be there that's how i get every time i turn my stream off like who knows if i checked right now is there a hate threat about me am i getting hate but it's like if i said or did something bad it's like i've always known he was a scumbag i'm only subbing from this loser and i'm never watching him again i suggest all of you do the same and it's always the top voted comment and you know so yeah it's always negative [ __ ] like that it happens to me too i uh i i get that i mean i used to really care a lot more and like it sounds kind of bad but like i've just gotten so much hate over the years especially in the past like year and a half i'd say i just i don't care about it as much now it doesn't matter as much like if i see a bad thread about me or something like that it is what it is comment like well hey guys you know it wasn't that bad it's just whatever down voted get out of here that doesn't fit our agenda [ __ ] idiot lsf used to be a lot worse this is why the old athene persona had to die because you guys tried to do character assassination i'm gonna have my lawyer talk to you guys because maybe you guys don't think that i'm too credible before making a name for himself in gaming athene was a political activist in belgium as early as from the age of 16 and in 2000 became one of the youngest close elected of the green party a year later he managed to become part of belgium's big brother tv show and used this as a platform to raise awareness of racism which also led to a tv talk show confrontation with the country's most notorious right-wing nationalists in 2005 that's crazy political protest wow by name of nay despite not having any budget or resources to speak of our extreme dedication and work ethic landed us tons of media attention while seemingly physically almost impossible athene and ian personally visited every single house and apartment block in all of antwerp inspired by how far we were able to take things nationally we wanted to go global youtube had only just become a thing and a theme was determined to find a way for us to establish a massive global audience on it i had a genius plan world of warcraft most popular game nine million people play it i just played the game that's a long time ago as you guys could see yeah not remember back whenever nine million people played the game dude that was crazy remember that those are the days she was always exceptionally good at video games and was one of the most feared players of ultima online the first mmo of its size and kind i never thought idea to capitalize on what was becoming insanely popular at a time the world of warcraft and so the idea for the athene youtube series was born hi everyone this is team best budgeting of the server i think this is a bad strategy by the way i want to say this is a bad strategy the reason why i think it's a bad strategy is that it's the same thing it's like basically you're using uh entertainment content as a trojan horse to push an ideology and like this is the same stuff that people complain about with like game developers and like uh p people like that so it's it's no surprise that people are gonna get be frustrated or get or get mad at athene for doing this kind of stuff because if if he literally made the channel and one of the intents of the channel is to establish an online presence to further whatever his ideology is of course people are going to resent that because they're not there to be a vehicle to further his ideology does that make sense of course people are going to feel like they're they're tricked in a way but also the world videos featuring an extravagant bizarre character who sort of became the borat of world of warcraft and while clever viewers would be aware that it was all a show his in-game rankings and achievements were verifiably real today we're featuring a fella from belgium who thinks he's the finest paladin in all the world belgium is a 28 year old internet star known to millions on youtube and to international mmo gamers as a theme he plays world of warcraft religiously even breaking the world record for speed power leveling of a character to level 60 from four days to just one the internet's going nuts about me more episodes were released introducing his shirtless friend furious and a gorgeous and apparently mute girlfriend known only as my [ __ ] those are the good days on the internet man let me tell you that dude new meta from 2007 yeah um so yeah i think i think the best thing so this is why everybody liked the theme i think one of the big reasons why everybody liked the theme is that a theme was all of the worst stereotypes about being a gamer he lived with his mother and all he did was play world of warcraft all day but he was still obviously about like he still had you know his really cool best friend furious he still had a a cool like charismatic personality he had a hot girlfriend and even his mom was cool too so athene was like he was what every guy that played world of warcraft including myself wanted to be i i think that's what was so what was so compelling is that the fact that like it the fact that it wasn't that he had like the he was weird or anything like that but he actually was rank one now at that time like people didn't know like people say nowadays oh he got carried or bought the account or whatever it doesn't really matter right but back then people believe that he was and so he was all of these negative stereotypes while simultaneously having all the positive things that people wanted in life and he had the bona fides to back it up like it was the perfect character they come to me you see the paparazzi they just come they saw the clip on the internet they saw my [ __ ] you shooting jimmy's gonna start in one minute i thought a long time the athene wins youtube channel was in the top three most subscribed worldwide yeah and we were the first popular youtubers to focus on gaming yeah in those first few years there was literally no money to be made live streaming and donation platforms didn't exist yet and youtube did not have an international partner program either you don't have to pay you don't have to send me gold in mail yeah that's the difference between me and athene right there yeah back in the day like there was no real money to be had like the videos just existed on their own i don't think i can really explain and express like how how impactful this was for like players especially wow players back then because like athene was like the thing that was happening on the internet everybody would watch the new athene videos etc they were [ __ ] amazing for those tips i just keep them for free while we continued to push the limits with the athene series even going as far to make a full-length feature film and much later a belgian television series around the character the first glimpses that our audience got into the real intentions behind it all was through our net neutrality activism something we were heavily focused on well i think people were pretty much okay with this because it had to do with gaming so i i think this people are all like on board with this definitely a lot of websites and communities are focused on fighting dangerous new internet legislation back then we were pretty much alone in this which grand as it may sound sometimes made us feel like the future of the internet somewhat depended on us especially as we personally often successfully lobbied to raise awareness among members of parliament and significantly impacted the outcome of votes on laws in both the eu and us that's really cool yeah i think that's really also started a weekly series called ipower discussion videos on important topics that we want to talk about yeah just i want to say like all that stuff that he was doing was really cool like i love this awareness about but even as we became more and more known as really being activists not everyone liked how we were sometimes gaming the system fans are trying to tell me if he cares about people he is getting [ __ ] views for this type of [ __ ] nothing has changed nowadays i guess tanya would have to get in the [ __ ] hot tub it's been the same [ __ ] the same [ __ ] back in 2006 and 2007 the same [ __ ] in the middle of his videos as we were trying to figure out how to fund what we were doing and depend less on our parents athene began to dedicate his game-breaking mindset fully to online poker confident that he could dominate it just as much as he did with online games turned out he was right and literally managed to turn five dollars into three hundred thousand in less than one year which became our main source of funding for years to come we even did a range of theme videos sorry uh did that happen because like yeah it did because like with all this stuff like you never really know and so that's why i wanted to ask you of course it did happen that's crazy that's nuts man that's absolutely [ __ ] nuts even became poker star's partner okay just on his poker career come on give me some hands give me some hands so i can only think i remember watching some of these streams you want to go to the river go to the river you want to calm me down shipping the door that's how i roll i'm 24 table and onion i made my own program building that table ninja crap i made my own with my own table ninjas [Music] little [ __ ] trying to block me out oh are you trying to look look what we're starting to do trying to fit [Music] as ian and my brother dean aka furious parted ways and we spent a very long time working on a documentary that we always forgot that reese and uh and furious were brothers what could inspire many others into a more activism-oriented lifestyle this one right here like this video i think glink said this too whenever he did his video about athene this video i think was a turning point where everybody was like okay you know like what's going on with the theme and this is where things i think started to go like kind of more downhill for a and he took like this more you know i guess like scientific or like world world-minded like approach this somewhat scattered and confused our fan base which was still deeply rooted in gaming and more particularly world of warcraft so as we had disappeared from the top youtubers landscape we decided it was time for a comeback many people go viral because they're lucky or because they're already connected with other popular phenomena in some ways most of the time in everything we did we had neither the luck nor the connections and a lot more trial and failure was involved than most people are aware of but we did have the absolutely insane work ethic that we had built up years before as idealistic political activists he's embarked on a very ambitious project he's helping us all you know together to the top right getting under youtube oh my god and they recommend dude i forgot all about this dude ttt it was like remember it was like 40s and and he would he would do videos where he would watch other people's together to the top videos oh man it was so good fred yeah those were the uh i would say those are the good old days but those were those were the old days the box on their own channel was a popular strategy at a time so naturally athene had to break that game as well it was smart yeah hi iron in real life france619 video an hour he's very dedicated to what he does i do every single personal video he embarked on a journey of making a private personal video for each and every person who would list him on their channel even if you're not really a youtuber and you didn't have any videos [Music] holy [ __ ] instead of spending an inhuman amount of hours every day playing poker he now spent them that's pretty cool personally thanking and inspiring yeah that is really cool man one by one many of which ended up uploading their personal theme video on their own channel as our channel once again skyrocketed in popularity see this is like back like nowadays all you have to do is you want to play you want to get in a lobby with pokemane but back in the day oh you just had to you had to follow a theme and the theme would make a video about you right like this is this is what it used to be this used to be networking back before people had like the idea networking nowadays it was like yeah a cop yeah you're capitalizing on it and it was so organic like nobody ever thought i remember whenever this happened very clearly i remember whenever this happened nobody ever thought that it was a uh it was like anything other than just like athene trying to help people out and he did he did help people out like even if there were even if there were selfish goals he people did get helped out indirectly we focused hard on lifting up small youtubers who are doing great stuff but just not getting a lot of views at the moment he's promoting my videos on his channel i just want to show my appreciation because he's helped me out enormously i just gotta thank the man you know in one of the videos we made about this athene uttered the phrase together to the top that's how we go together to the top i used to watch all of this man i do it together we're a [ __ ] team this became a sort of mantra for you stars on the platform and who still sometimes mention they'll never forget how a theme helped them grow oh man for many people when they talk about old school theme they actually refer to this era of athene videos rather than the real early days because from 2010 to 2012 these were the days of all our crazy travel videos yeah we for example did e3 dreamhack blizzcon and gamescom and was also the athene era of great collaborations such as those with the oaks cast meows and the legendary videos with swifty they were so good like i'm telling you guys like they were yeah dude total biscuit it was these videos were amazing and it was so cool to see especially like back then like the reason why like me and cody and jeff would make videos that were like the athene videos back in the day man the only problem is that we didn't have the hot girlfriend we had all the other boxes locked down but we didn't have the hot girlfriend [Music] there was so much more that we did in these years that it is challenging to summarize this time period yeah starcraft stunts the half a million dollar product sponsorship with razer which all went to insane community giveaways i'm gonna hook you up and further internet activism in the form of an all-out assault on the sopa and pipa legislations where rather than having people post hashtags we took a more effective approach and we heard back from senators saying our efforts to have people personally contact them really made a difference talk to them we took together to the top far beyond just promoting great smaller youtubers we worked hard to lobby behind the scenes to try to fix the broken youtube partner landscape because countless youtubers were fun tricked into wrong oh bro dude like i remember do you guys remember back if you played i remember i think it was brain deadly a hunter he posted a video how he was gonna quit making content because of some [ __ ] uh yeah because of [ __ ] machinima and i don't remember like back then like i didn't even know this was a thing okay like i just you know back then like i was like the thing i was like i might just scam them man just scam them bro i didn't realize it was like a whole contract and [ __ ] i didn't know you couldn't do that online i had no idea so it was completely [ __ ] out of nowhere man deals with networks such as machinima that would hold exclusive rights to their channel in perpetuity we eventually consulted for curse which is now part of twitch free of charge we help them set up the terms for what we advise them to call union for gamers a new youtube partner network that was the first to offer high cpms without strings attached back then youtube partners were locked in with their networks and often even technically unable to leave when they wanted we changed it for gamers look at that and as if all of this isn't enough of a showcase of our over-the-top dedication we were only just getting started because in 2012 we launched operation sharecraft see i don't remember this what was we realized that making videos about leading a more proactive lifestyle oh this is this is for the kids in terms of inspiring people and since actions speak louder than words athene came up with the most ambitious idea we had considered in years to live stream for 100 days straight and attempt to fundraise a million dollars for the most effective charity program we could find all donations would go directly to these specific safety children programs because when it comes to charity we agreed we should never receive any benefits from it ourselves financial or otherwise it became easily one of the most difficult and demanding but also one of the most groundbreaking projects like yeah this was like back in the day um like there weren't really a lot of charity initiatives like what we have now like it was a big [ __ ] deal that this happened and on top of that like he was able to raise a huge amount of [ __ ] money like it was crazy [Applause] athene's sharecraft project is the most ambitious charity event in the history of esports yeah it was huge man wow was so popular dude it was oh it's so um you guys have no idea you have no idea it was [ __ ] beautiful it was the best the best [ __ ] time ever 18 days and clear every single day it was going to be a challenge you're unlikely to make around live streaming with how things have been evolving yeah basically almost all donations have been coming from you guys this entire event has been carried by the shoulders of our community i've just been thinking like what can we do in order to spread awareness around this matter what can i do i've done research and it's going to be done in very responsible ways [Music] hunger strike for 10 years international media with my hunger strike with all the people also joining contacting press i want to do a big shout out to everyone that's been helping out really makes me smile to see everybody coming wow oh man dude i remember watching this didn't this have like 200 000 viewers i remember watching oh it was so good like it had imagined it had 200 000 viewers something like that 250 viewers in 2012 in 2012 like nowadays like people like still nobody really like nobody hits 200 000 viewers like that's like a huge big [ __ ] some minecraft youtubers do now actually yeah that's true some minecraft users do now but like back then this was like the thing yeah this was the [ __ ] thing man oh yeah the world first 60 diablo this is what you guys have raised the past 80 days almost 1 million dollars for children facing the worst hunger prices in 60 years if we hit the one million dollars i want you guys to go crazy we did it we did it one million dollars that's so badass [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah thank you so much guys thank you that's so much nostalgic riot games updated league of legends with the items of the holy grail an in-game item named after athene because of the amount of referrals he brought to the game sharecraft had taken its toll and we were exhausted but now we had a strong sense of direction and continued our efforts to not only raise funds but also to give insight into the issues and what can be done by documenting our visits to the programs in the field yeah i remember i thought it would be a cool idea to give them the possibility to do a reddit arma this takes like the satellite connection all right we got it live guys second there i thought the guy was trying to take a picture of of how much hair he lost on the back of his head man yeah yeah it was the thing is like you say it was cringe as [ __ ] or whatever but like at that time like athene probably had more like he had more records and like crazy [ __ ] that he had done in gaming than like really any other notable person whenever you think about it right i mean because this is at this time he had gotten like multiple world firsts with like getting level uh level 60 or like all remember he got level 80 well they stopped them at like 79 and a half i remember this this video very clearly and it was not grandeur's epic back then yeah it was it was so [ __ ] badass like there was no cringe at all about this we moved our live stream to twitch as own 3d was shutting down and we set up a unique agreement we would never make one cent from our twitch ads or even subscribers and with full transparency twitch coordinated with save the children directly that's crazy make sure all subscriber revenue is donated to them and specifically goes to the highly effective programs that we agree upon we also launched the first version of gaming for good a simple and sort of never-ending humble bundle-like website where developers can allow us to distribute keys to their games in return for donations directly to charity with no cut going to anyone else with this additional tool at our disposal we continued to hit milestone after milestone as we pulled off one crazy stunt after another i do want to say also i wanted to pause this real quick and say another thing is that a lot of people do these things like there are a lot of people that raise money for charity and do these things and they do get something out of it even though you're not getting money out of it directly you're getting exposure and you're getting good will and and you're getting you're getting something out of it even though that something isn't tangible whenever i do a charity stream i don't make a lot of money but i do get certain degree of goodwill out of it or something like that right but like of course even if you're not making any money off of it you still do gain by raising money through charity and things like this so of course this is a selfless act to a degree but there are advantages that you get out of it too that's all i'm really trying to get at we did several events in collaboration with game developers such as blizzard and high res studios the main driver of donations remained our wacky live stream rather than game keys but some of the events we did involved an entire lineup of additional streamers and personalities to help fundraise of which in 2000 i wasn't around that by far the most yeah by the end of 2013. wait who is this hd dude that's wait and there's no way that's sieve dude we had we had sieve on all craft what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i didn't even know he's around then by far the most by the end of 2013 we were mind blown at the fact that we were about to hit a total of 10 million dollars a lot of [ __ ] money leading to the story of gaming for good going mainstream that's big money you have raised in concert with razer nine points 1 million dollars save the children that is a lot of money aiming for good it's called you're literally helping save children in malawi also indonesia bangladesh it is pretty well known that on the internet nasty things can happen when you stop making the content that your audience loves all of the content that he's involved in is [ __ ] garbage he's literally just runs around fundraising in our case the repercussions became very serious over time based on a review spam scams rather malicious and it started with some people making posts about our charity efforts being a scam there's a chance that he just got to scrape off like a percent off the top or something of the millions of dollars right i feel like there's some scraping going on but i feel kind of bad saying that cause i'm saying that with no evidence it seemed to have no effect to repeatedly show evidence or go to extreme lengths to ensure transparency nor did it seem to matter that there was never any hint of proof of us actually getting any benefits from our charity work whatsoever slowly but surely once people make up their mind about something it doesn't matter what's true anymore it only matters what they believe so like for example whenever i was dating izzy everybody thought that she was dating me for like clout or something like that even whenever i wasn't even streaming right or like you know she was never really on my stream or anything i remember there was a comment that i mean this is this is one i remember very clearly that she was coughing for attention on the other side of my room so people would know that she was there whenever she was sick she was coughing for attention so here's here's what happens right is that the the idea of it becomes more powerful than the reality now i don't remember like was the theme shaving money off the top or not i don't know right i i kind of assume not because there's a lot of controls and checks and things like that with charity but you can never be 100 sure if i was to bet on it i'd say probably not but um all i'm really getting at is that there's a point where people's opinion on something and how people feel about something is it is resilient to reality it doesn't matter what's what what the truth is it doesn't matter what the facts are because people know what the truth is regardless of the facts among some people so it's happening to me it was being constructed yeah it's happening it's a toxic scumbag who ruins games for everyone and tricks people into donating to his fundraising scams never mind that a theme to this day barely ever did anything in games that would even affect other players at all and never portrayed his in-game achievements most of which are real and some obvious jokes as anything to be taken serious none of this seemed to matter because athene had stopped making funny videos and his charity work was boring this laid the groundwork for false allegations that one day reached a tipping point where they convinced even youtube and twitch to be that definitely happens like now regardless of like what happened with him and like if there's anything else behind the scenes like i know there's like some other random [ __ ] that happened back then i'm really what it was but like what i'm saying is like i don't really want to just like say he didn't do anything wrong or i'd also want to say he did do something wrong because i don't really remember very well but like i'm not going to be convinced either way from somebody in chat so don't bother um what i'm saying is that it does happen once somebody stopped making content that people like people learn and they begin hating that person because they don't like the person they don't like you they like a theme so whenever you stop being athene then they don't like you so this is what happened with the theme is that athens stopped making the content that people liked and then he started making this other content and there's also a certain degree of um there are people who do charities all the time and because a person does charities all the time that person is regarded or revered as some degree of uh moral paragon or some sort of great person or something similar to this and then after that person stops doing it and people there's a certain degree of resentment that that creates in certain types of people that they see a person out there getting a lot of recognition for being this good person and they're looking and waiting for that one thing that makes that person not who they really say they are because and the reason for that is because i think those people feel like no person could be uh you know selfless in that way and so they're waiting to find out the way to rationalize their world view by learning something about this person that turns out to change you know how they feel it's the same thing as like whenever ludwig did the subathon and people got really angry at him because uh he was only he was only donating 50 of the money to charity and they're like well he's still gonna make a lot of money there's no way that you can uh you can win with these people because they want you to lose but back in 2013 we thought these accusations were too ridiculous to ever have any significant consequences yeah and we had bigger fish to fry we were making a real difference and none of this was going to stop us you coming talking [ __ ] about me [ __ ] smack hey right next to the kids dude hey dude this [ __ ] is legit you got [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] smack them kids got something to say to you we're changing lives you ain't changing [ __ ] we we saving them lives you you ain't changing [ __ ] [ __ ] this is for them kids yo what you saying though you i love him just [ __ ] using profanity and getting the kids to [ __ ] stay along with him man it's so [ __ ] funny i love it it's like i see uh you know parents like have their kids watching my stream i'm like you know here it is this ain't legit this is a kid this is legit coming here hating talking [ __ ] about me saying i'm stealing your money i got someone here from save the children i ain't taking anything doesn't take anything [Music] where you at where are you at on the wall forums where am i in the jungle [Music] they're laughing at you [Music] we continued to fundraise with live streams from ethiopia and videos from indonesia other i think this is like that was kind of the issue right is that people perceive that like whenever you bore the lines between it like a character that you use and the who you really are it's like people don't know if this is irony or self-aggrandizement and i think people thought that was and and i i think to some degree people believed that it was both and i think that actually created a lot of uh a lot of resentment does that make sense it's kind of like what happened from 2013 to 2015 include athene's ted talk our massive and unique minecraft experiment mcnext and the first documentary but during this period one humanitarian crisis shocked the world the ebola outbreak in west africa and while it dominated the news a lot of it was focused on sensational headlines that mainly sparked fear is the us really prepared for an outbreak no they're not biological agents to shut down the flights and secure the borders little was being done to raise awareness in ways that inspired empathy and support we decided to do our part liberia was one of the areas where the death toll was highest this is where we would go to document the crisis with very elaborate security measures and careful preparation that's crazy wow the only areas where ebola is still really present right now in liberia is actually where we are in monrovia i thought that they shoot people that try to cross the border yeah because we have a lot of movement still of refugees and a lot of gangs in the area we have anti-government groups operating in the area obviously ebola outbreak has been significantly affecting operations so let's say someone goes to the bathroom and has ebola you go to the bathroom afterwards like do you have a chance of of catching ebola then yeah small chance you would have a small chance it is important we don't want dirt and ebola in our office facilities this has been all right disease that's good same major impact on the same people living in these three most affected countries the result was a full-length documentary it was widely reported on and enabled us to raise a hundred thousand dollars for save the children's efforts that's good um right now there is a patient coming in and we're not allowed to shoot anything but we will uh shoot like the way they are taking precautions and putting their suits on see i think like the whole like the the [ __ ] the macro idea behind this and like why people were like angry about athene and this kind of you know the negativity was it's a shift in content it's like if tomorrow i decided that i wanted to make political content there would be a lot of people who would be [ __ ] pissed off about that now i talk about politics regularly on my stream and i never really am afraid to talk about it but um it's not the the primary content that i do but if i moved over and i started doing that and like this is even the case with um like working out or something like let's say politics is much more divisive let's just use something that's much more uh you know universally accepted like working out or exercising let's say i wanted to be a fitness channel there would be a lot of negativity behind that because i changed the content that i was doing does that make sense it's just what it's what happens with everybody because again people don't care about the person they care about the content because of the stigmatization we're not allowed to shoot even the car that comes in and drives him in by people i don't mean everybody if you're not like that great thanks we have all right there are a lot of people we wear three pairs of gloves one nitrile and two surgical we wear a mask we wear an apron and we wear a hood and goggles so no skin is exposed as protocols and we don't know what is going to be exposed just in case of any splash almost all the gear that we use for ppe will be incinerated afterwards only a few things are washed oh they're going to burn it out such as aprons goggles our boots and scraps so then when i gotta take a pistol right back boys that's crazy whenever we are ready when we are completely dressed we have our safety monitors uh making sure that we're doing and following the right steps we'll go in and maybe in like 15 20 minutes we'll come out just going to admit the patient or assess him when we came back from all the u.s media appearances for the documentary that's when our group started to grow [Music] a team's new podcast resonated with a lot of people who wanted to help out and thus we added a volunteer application process we began work on a massive new version of gaming for good and with a growing team of now around 10 people our little apartment was no longer sufficient as a makeshift headquarters once in our new location in germany the team continued to expand i basically quit my banking job and then came here before i came over here i studied nanostructure science we've grown so much i mean we come from belgium with like a really small room a year ago i was in a tiny apartment with only rhys a teen tanya and then ricardo my skepticism washed away when i was there the feeling you have is when you want to make a difference and work together with those guys i mean you just make a difference there's no [ __ ] gaming for good was reborn as a hybrid donation platform for streamers as well dude people used to use this i forgot all about this holy [ __ ] they only bring up the good stuff at one angle of course they're gonna bring up the good stuff like what do you think he's gonna make his own video talking [ __ ] about himself like of course yeah wow athene made a video and athene said that athene didn't do anything wrong wow i would have never expected that no no [ __ ] no [ __ ] he did always take into account the source its first big milestone was our avengers event where this time by far the star of the show was zeratur and his team gaming for good was taking the live streaming landscape by a storm and our fundraising events remained a success even when we fundraised not for charity but for ourselves so that we could pay for our new location we were on a course of becoming an ever larger and more capable team of activists what about like the cult stuff our philanthropy even landed athene an invitation to speak at the united nations wow holy [ __ ] so how does a philanthropist who gets invited to talk at the un get banned on twitch and youtube without any specific instance of clear wrongdoing this shady he guy is streaming constantly to promote this pyramid scheme ponzi i'm not saying athene is going to end up like a suicide cult talk about athene i love shutting out a theater so much fun okay go ahead here's a massive piece of [ __ ] sorry all right [ __ ] jesus at this point i wouldn't be surprised if they did that's always how it is human nature people always want to you know up the ante more more more so if somebody gets wind of somebody doing something absolutely terrible they're probably just going to make a video about it and potentially damage this person's entire [ __ ] reputation on something that could have been a lie there are tons of exposed videos that go out i do want to say that i was taught i was not talking about athene and this context was not about athene but yeah everybody knows this right like people there's no accountability online for publishing false information especially about like other content creators so yeah there was a there's no real accountability it's a very it's very bad i i don't know like what the what the wait same shirt no it wasn't no it's no it's not what do you what do you know it what it wasn't on something that could have been a lie there are tons of exposed videos that go out and they're [ __ ] lies it's not even true clickbait has existed for about as long as the internet has been around but in the past years every corner of the web from reddit to facebook and from nbc to buzzfeed has been affected by an escalation in these regards with results like the boston bomber witch hunt and pizzagate yeah that sometimes have serious real-life consequences i was so disappointed whenever i found out the main one i think is that it creates a monetary incentive to create more [ __ ] exposed content you guys ever noticed if you go and you look at these exposed videos they all have ads on them what do you think this guy's doing it because he's the some noble [ __ ] batman no he wants money and credit that is so true recognition that's what they want they don't care about the person they don't care about the true that's why these clowns are making videos on youtube and not talking to the [ __ ] police yeah the last thing that they're doing it for is because they're trying to be a good person absolutely these videos and the success of this so true needs more of them even with our relevance fading that's definitely i i i think it's it's not as much of an issue like i made that video in like 2018 i think 2019 i don't remember exactly and exposed videos were worse then than they are now i think that now there's a little bit more accountability in it because you have like a lot more traditional uh you know like protections that people have with like you know being able to sue each other and and different [ __ ] like that but um even now you see exposed videos that go out and these videos are made and it's very clear that this video has an intent to damage a person's character and because videos here's what the problem with it is right is that exposed videos are more popular the more extravagant or the more controversial the thing that happens is so for example somebody calling somebody else a [ __ ] is not going to be as controversial as somebody calling somebody else the n word right because they're they're just worse so what does that trend to controversial content makes people uh controversial content makes people want to click on it so the more controversial it is the more money it's going to make because the more people click on it the more people see the ads the more people see the ads the more money it makes and that creates a profit incentive for people to embellish content and whenever you're talking about embellishing negative stories about other people that can affect they can impact their real life that's really scary making controversial statements about athene and what he's been up to continue to be something that draws a lot of viewers and attention i watched the video that our transparency and factual responses don't tend to make much difference most of our reactions to these kinds of occurrences were satirical which made it simultaneously hilarious and shocking when our over-the-top satirical responses then got used as evidence of us really being an evil cult with nefarious schemes and in 2019 it got us banned from fundraising for saved children jesus that's christian we had faced many obstacles before and were well aware of how controversial a theme was we had never imagined that our unconditional efforts would become the target the relationship we had actively built with saved children over the past decade had made us highly efficient at having the biggest impact we possibly could we were able to raise funds for the most effective child and newborn survival programs and by doing so unlock matching grants for these programs from governments and corporations it was heartbreaking to see safety children be forced to shut all of this down due to the pressure that was put on them after another viral athene hit piece i mean like yeah that definitely is true but like there was also the whole thing with the girl that was crying and she said that like that she was like abused like it's like they didn't talk about like the compound [ __ ] they didn't they didn't talk about like the logic cult there's a lot of these things that like the cryptocurrency thing a lot of these things that just kind of didn't really get talked about that were the real reasons why people didn't like athene or people were mad or didn't trust athene i think it was mostly the the logic cult and the cryptocurrency the the girl like and she apologized later on that that's a wash like i i don't know if she was compelled to do that or what but ultimately it's the other two that you can just see directly there it's like what what the [ __ ] is going on and um that's because he made the video yeah it's because he made the video right of course and and again like any time this is this is i think it's a really good lesson for a lot of people out there especially if you're younger every time that you read something about information always remember where it's coming from and who gains from you believing it and if the person that's giving it to you gains from you believing that information hold that information to a higher degree of scrutiny than you normally would they received tweets and emails from viewers who were planning to urge their biggest partners such as disney sony and starbucks to stop supporting save your children that's wild it left them little choice but to cut ties and even tell us we were no longer allowed to fundraise for them yeah just bad we would come to understand that it is wildly profitable for influencers to capitalize on youtuber drama be it real or fabricated oh yeah but for those who followed it closely it was hard seeing that instead of fighting it we were taking the punches as we had already realized we could only accept the cancellation of our charity efforts the damage was done and any response from our end could not i don't see why they why didn't they just get together like this maybe it's a complicated reason but like why didn't they just get together with like a vice president or somebody like that of save the children and just have that person talk to the audience because i bet they probably would have done that you're watching propaganda and i feel like you're not realizing that what do you mean i'm not realizing it well wait a second so do you really think that i'm so dumb that i don't realize that athene making a video about athene is not going to paint him in a positive light do you really think that i don't know that do you think i i i don't i have oh wait what of course i [ __ ] know that pete with the virality of these sensational videos we had learned and grown immensely throughout our journey and we realized that while this was the end of this chapter it was also the start of a new one one where our efforts would extend to getting involved on the ground ourselves starting our own programs and inventing new ways in which we could be as effective as possible but now independently of large donors or matching corporations and governments our projects have always been focused on raising awareness challenging individuals to think for themselves and inspiring a more proactive lifestyle this has largely been why over the past few years more than 250 volunteers have been a part of the group and we are now a highly competent core team with more than 40 people with such a large and capable operation it was only natural we would start working on a new project that would drastically amplify the impact we had had thus far but the internet had changed and the time where great ted talks went viral and charity projects would often galvanize massive communities had kind of passed i don't think so everything including gaming i remember whenever i did my charity thing it was like maybe a month like two months ago or something like that i don't remember when but i did my charity thing and it was incredibly popular i mean like tons of people watched it we raised just by ourselves i think it was 370 thousand dollars and then i i contributed 10 000 of my own dollars so yeah we raised a lot of money on our own and i think that was just universally positive everybody was happy about it also became more mobile oriented and whether you liked them or hated them casual games with in-app purchases began to crush even the biggest aaa releases in terms of revenue that is why a year and a half ago the team started working on athene's next ambitious project that would aim to become a top-earning mobile game as well as establish a new and much more high-profile platform for our charity fundraising and reinvent gaming for good that project became a strange little game called clash of streamers rather than collecting for example final fantasy heroes did they finish actually twitch streamers there is even blockchain integration that allows players to export their progress and trade these characters independently of our servers this makes use of our own custom blockchain tokens which were distributed but never sold and despite some claims that they were going to get a scam are actually fully operational and integrated as a core feature in the game yeah this is why people don't like a theme this is exactly it like this is the exact reason like i don't know why this this is this is it right here like taking a video and then you know making it all about uh you know how you were unfairly uh [ __ ] you know treated and how people gave you uh the wrong idea and everything like that it's for charity i'm sure that i'm sure there's something that like they'll get something out of it right but like what i'm what i'm getting at here is that this is just the wrong way to market a product because if you do that you're what you're going to end up doing is you're going to end up alienating people because it's a different message it's like whenever you raise a but it's like at the very end of some video to make you feel sorry for somebody and then they they put their gofundme underneath you ever you ever see like a tweet or something like that somebody makes a tweet to make people feel sorry for them and then the tweet gets a lot of traction and then they put their gofundme or their paypal link down below and it just completely invalidates everything that they said like this happens the same thing like this it's a bad it's a bad strategy that's the truth it's finish the video yeah we'll finish the video it's fine first glance this may also mean overly complicated or technical we watched a half of an hour of this concept and so has our next project which is even far more ambitious because when it comes to how our game integrates crypto it is merely a proof of concept for an endeavor of a much larger scope our dubi blockchain token or decentralized universal basic income technology will serve as the foundation for basic income pilot programs in developing regions this year through all the blowback and obstacles that we've had to face we have learned that the world is a [ __ ] in a state of demented late-stage capitalism which we will exploit with a shameless cash grab that we will use to build and fund stuff that actually matters so go ahead and download this trash already [Music] so i think that's probably the best way you can market it uh you know in terms of their like that i think that the putting it in this video was a bad idea but overall like yeah [Music] yeah i'm a little bit confused placer being honest about their camping a cash crack yeah it's hard to say uh 40-minute ad well the thing is like it's not just a it's a 40-minute ad or whatever like that that doesn't really matter a whole lot to me it was a good video i would say i mean of course he didn't touch on a lot of the topics that i think if i was a theme like this is what i would do and i don't know maybe he did do this and it didn't work i can't really say for sure i haven't paid attention to every video was ever released but what i would do is i would do like even almost a post on reddit or something like that and i would say come at me with the main accusations that you guys have of like things that we did or anything like that and then go through and try to disprove as many of those as possible like with actual analytical evidence not you jelly or anything like that but with [ __ ] financial reports and analytical evidence and things like that because those are the ways that people are really going to stop believing it that's what it is [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 957,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, athene, wow athene, where is athene, world of warcraft athene, asmongold athene, athene original, athene video, athene furious, athene girlfriend, athene mom, athene cult, athene scam, athene scammer, athene crypto, athene 2021, athene death, athene massive scam, athene religion, athene paladin, swifty athene, athenewins, wow
Id: cj5d7gP0r5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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