Asmongold BLOWN AWAY By Final Fantasy XIV | First Time Playing

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all right [Music] well i never thought this day would come even as it is happening i am still god damn it piece of [ __ ] alright guys a lot of people have asked me to play this game people have been asking and begging me to play this for months now and i have been against it day and day and day and day over again and the reason for that is just purely because of the fact that the theme of the game has always been slightly off-putting for me i'll be honest however i'm willing to give it a chance what's going on wait what what is this what the [ __ ] it's just randomly placed what the [ __ ] is this oh this is whenever all the dinosaurs went extinct i remember that that dude that sucked man it's a death star oh my god oh [ __ ] getting your bomb shelter man going about to get to [ __ ] get in the house get the [ __ ] out of here what are you doing oh [ __ ] who's that [ __ ] like what is this i can't turn up the volume right now [Applause] i'll re-equalize everything after this [Applause] that's gonna be me right there you like that yeah see that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude look at that wait how do you bring a gun how do you bring an axe to a gun fight it just sounds like a bad time [Music] the [ __ ] was that [Applause] yeah i'll i'll play this one this is badass [Music] what the [ __ ] even is that oh [ __ ] it's sargeras's sword what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my god it's deathwing jesus christ so they actually wait so they straight up did a cataclysm that's so badass jesus oh like everybody just stops and just watch the dragon just like deleting everybody bro this sucks what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's so badass [Music] [Music] what's this like gandalf there's no way you're gonna be able to kill that [ __ ] dragon this guy's huge oh wait oh they put him in jail dude what the [ __ ] saved apparently not dude this dragon is massive [Music] see this is why i always played mages and games look at the warriors they're just standing there they're at a range yeah this is why you play a mage damn that's [ __ ] badass so he killed he killed all of them the dragon did wow so that's how the world got unmade so that's where you start the so this is wait wait so one of these guys is me wait no way no i was about to say dude okay this is nice so these are the cat girls okay great this is exactly what i was expecting dragon happened five years ago damn so it's actually exactly like the cataclysm that's crazy so all of these guys in the story like these all have like these are all like characters in the story right these aren't just like random npcs oh is this the nas ghoul oh never mind actually kind of is that guy's badass how do i how do i play that how do i play that right there what what class is that what classes i don't wanna play that oh it's a raid boss ah [ __ ] oh that thing was a mount oh this is where the lich king is [ __ ] dude [Music] i like the forest areas oh great damn where are they gonna go they're teleported to oh wait wait wait so he was the one that teleported them away [Music] oh so bro he's so the the gandalf teleported them away and this is just like i was wondering if it's okay okay i see it i see it i i got it now yeah gandalf saved them [Applause] damn [Music] he teleported him five years in the future okay [Music] music's good i like this it's cool realm reborn damn this so that's that's a good way to remake the game they should have done that actually with cataclysm just [ __ ] delete everything man redo the whole thing that was [ __ ] cool dude that was actually dude that was [ __ ] badass all right boys let's make the character here we go all right where do i have how do i make a new character okay all right we're making a new character now this is my first character here but i just i made a character just so i could have it on like the server and that was it okay so we've got humans we've got elves we have cat boys we have uh hulks we have um uh spicy elves and we have uh let's see oh wait oh it's the expansion race okay i get it i get it you're on free trial i didn't know i pre-ordered the end walkers thing and i thought that would give me shadow bringers i don't really know how it works i'm probably i'm going to go with a human anyway right because i know vieira are the [ __ ] cat i know that's the cat girls right i'm fully aware of that so let's try this first okay this is the first thing i want to see for uh how do you do the boob slider bust size that was easy okay all right all right now i think it could go a little i think we could go up to like 200 or so here if they ever want to change it but this is great this is the first thing i wanted to check all right now let's actually let's actually play the game so i'm going to be i know i want to change things up i want to do something different i'm going to go with a human male okay so confirming this and all right his clan is midlander or highland oh wait what the [ __ ] damn bro this guy looks badass what the [ __ ] oh he looks straight off like he's he'll take his straight off a viking ship oh bro we're going with this hundred percent we're going with this 100 percent dude highlanders were the first of the higher to race origin their name derives from your long tradition of building strongholds in the mountains yep that's right the highlanders are noticeably larger in dick size of late highlanders have become increasingly rare sight in euresia their numbers have represented almost exclusively by those who have fled i don't know how to say that uh after its fall and now work in the desert city state of uldura as mercenaries and sell swords i think this is great yeah we're gonna go with this hundred [ __ ] percent okay and then appearance all right let's look at appearance height wait wait the shortest you could be is six feet tall damn bro this is a chad race man this is 100 the chad race yeah this is great all right six five i like that that's good muscle tone let's talk about his muscles this is smooth skin or chiseled we're gonna go 95 90 90 chisel this guy is going to be so [ __ ] ripped he knows what he do this he's got a small clothes wait what small clothes oh ice okay oh brock guy looks like a loser man all right all right we're gonna go yeah let's go 90. all right there's 70 90. yeah oh [ __ ] yeah dude oh [ __ ] yeah dude now look at skin color how about that right there guys like this is close enough yeah this is good all right all right let's go with that and now hairstyle okay here we go guys don't start before we even start don't start that's weird as hell okay yep there's bald what a surprise [Music] okay let's look at the other ones uh so you've got that one there okay this is long hair that looks pretty cool all right we got some braids in the hair too that's badass well this kid did dude this is bad look at look at that dude this guy's got a full head of hair what a badass i like that a lot wait what the hell bro what the [ __ ] is this oh my god johnny bravo yeah look at that what the [ __ ] is this bro like can you actually do this in the game you're really gonna give him bangs and a ponytail there's just some other random [ __ ] there's um i don't even okay all right so we've got all these it's between this one right here and this one right here i think this hair it's it this is exactly this is pretty much like what my hair looks like look look it's literally the same [ __ ] thing wait what's this wait how are you guys capping it it's literally true now hair color honestly i feel like this one looks good yeah i think actually a darker color brown would look good is it the hair makes sense for for me right all right highlights with highlights wait oh [ __ ] that's like if your hair is going gray yeah with a little bit of gray yeah actually that looks badass like straight up we're gonna go with that okay so let's see here change the fourth environment yeah that looks really good yeah this is what it's all about all right face what up bro it's not even a question the other ones are so dumb dude like look at this look at that dude it looks like he's like a [ __ ] he's like a the french antagonist of a movie from 50 years ago well i don't even know what this is all right let's go to the other ones eye shape uh i have big eyes so we're just gonna go with that that's fine eye color okay brown eyes all right okay and now we'll go with eyebrows okay this is very important i think one is i think one is better because like four it just looks like you it's like this like i i like that's not that's how i look man all right let me just look at nose [Music] okay i think i have a small i definitely have a smaller nose so we're gonna go with a smaller nose for sure okay mouth uh where's always open oh they don't have that one okay so we'll just go with number one then facial features okay so i've got that oh [ __ ] okay oh damn wait look at my what the [ __ ] wait what's this matt what oh my god all right all right yo this is so all right we're putting that back on yeah y'all never gonna see that that's that's some weird ad it looks like a clown dude yeah it looks like an idiot this looks [ __ ] badass no tattoos i feel like no yeah like i don't have tattoos not gonna happen all right face paint okay oh this is gonna be badass okay let's go with face paint what the [ __ ] okay all right we gotta see if there's anything cool here we'll get wait what are those whoa wait could i can i make those eyebrows no bro that looks like bro we used to have like these girls at my school that would put on their eyebrows with sharpies man this is exactly what it looks like uh actually yeah that actually looks good what the [ __ ] okay and voice let's see what the voice is [Music] i think four is good [Music] that's dumb [Music] that's dumb nine is good [Music] all right we're gonna go with four all right we're going with four everything's good we're totally ready to go gentlemen i think we have a character all right it is safe wait i have to have his birthday who cares when his birthday is first astro it's for rp okay well i'm going to be i'll just pretend like it's a porn site i'm born on january 1st okay um first son of the first astral moon okay yeah it sounds great let's go with that okay your character's patron deity howie own mover of glaciers is the goddess of war she commands the element of ice and is associated with the first moon miffinia is the keeper of the moon where's the goddess of love what is this [ __ ] raugar the breaker of [Music] the breaker of worlds is the god of destruction and guardian deity of the now fallen nation of al amigo yeah we're going with rogar 100 dude like it's not even a question all right what is this here disciples of war disciplines of magic this is for losers right okay yeah this is all loser stuff let's talk about gladiator all right gladiators specialized in handling all manner of one-handed okay uh pugilist uh is the is one of incessant training aimed at mastering traditional techniques of hand-to-hand combat i like that okay that's good uh command for mortable power when unarmed why would i use that they won't use metal leather that's stupid marauder what's this here marauder is a combat specialist whose weapon of choice is the great axe okay all right job attire what is job attire oh wait what the [ __ ] wait bro that's from the cinematic bro that's the guy from the cinematic this is that's that's the stormland guard what the [ __ ] is this this is like the mr pandaria five man dungeon gear [Music] okay we're not going archer this is really really hard to choose these are both really good so marauder is a combat specialist whose weapon of choice is the great axe a fearsome arm emblematic of irizia's pirates their approach to battle is one of brute force relying on strength and steel to crush enemies and sunder weapons it's under armour i think this might be it they might they are highly sought after for their ferocity and intimidating presence and are often employed to hunt down monsters plaguing the land or to turn the tide of battle between warring nations this is [ __ ] badass lancer the strategy of lancers is to outrange and fluster opponents with their long two-handed pole arms pepperoni them with a barrage of thrusting attacks they are trained with a number of weapons giving diversity to their attacks and making them extremely versatile combatants in former times the long spear saw the most widespread use due to the due in part to its influence the proud lancer allegiance in al amigo oh man this is really hard to say oh brought so [ __ ] badass it's so long man oh it's so long man oh dude tank is marauder okay so marauders are tanks and lancers are dps it's the same you play lancer and wow tanks do damage here tank q will be faster everybody's saying marauder dude like let me see what the disciples have oh god look at that [Music] what an idiot what a [ __ ] idiot okay yeah we're gonna probably go with marauder oh my god so let's go with marauder i like marauder we're gonna stick with that you have selected uh what's cactar the oh this is my server okay select another gilgamesh sounds really cool add a men toys why why adam and toys rich is playing on gilgamesh is hardcore rating well then i should go on yoga match dude like gilgamesh sounds better like we have a guide there all right i'm gonna go on and man toys then for name okay can i change this later on yes okay [Music] um let's see if this is gonna work [Music] okay let's return all right we're gonna have to change to another world let's go to cactar [Music] okay guys here we go gentlemen it's been a long time as i said before i fully intend to play through the game as much as i can and enjoy it for as much as i possibly can let's go [Music] now loading okay guys okay okay okay all right guys log out can you just log out so i can get in the game uh these people oh [ __ ] okay here we go yeah thank you guys dodged them all okay very funny yeah thank you guys for all the gifted subs into twitch primes thank you everybody uh i would say how many that's been but i genuinely do not even know because like all my shit's frozen [Music] oh [ __ ] look who it is [Music] [Music] who's this [Music] thank you very much crusoe thank you so much thank you so much man holy [ __ ] [Music] wait what the [Music] who the [ __ ] is that friends list is massive i see that what is this ball is this it's the sun [Music] i'm leveling up already [ __ ] yeah damn this was easy i'm already done bro i'm level 50. what a joke slash busy i don't think i can do that until i can type in a chat i'm on a cinematic right now i'll deal with that in a minute oh this is this is what's going to happen in the future with me like winning every fight and [ __ ] you're right all right yeah i'm all right what is this what is this press enter don't like seasickness now that i look at you i'll be in the aether then i reckon okay some are more sensitive to stuff than others and we ain't too far from builder brand now which is chock full of aetherites no need to fret though you'll soon get used to it okay might as well have been blooming seasickness ships leaking around like a demented chocobo today what the [ __ ] i might head out on deck get myself a brush of fresh air lisa lomiso is a fair way off in case you're wondering seeing as you're awake and all how about you keep me company wait what is going on this is the first cinematic and they're already doing this these youngins don't care much for conversation yeah they're stupid little elves [ __ ] them who cares anywhere brennan's the name pat owns me trade so he's a paddler that's great oh wait is this me in the game holy [ __ ] [Music] so i'm sailing on a ship that's cool so we're going over to like laurissa some [ __ ] that salty sea breeze now uh judging by your usual garments i guess you're one of the new adventurers that's right i sure am going wherever the wind blows seeking fortune and glory now that's what i call living true very true as long as you can avoid dying i remember no one's seeking adventuring is a risky business i don't die it's okay man it's fine what was it first that attracted you to it uh to win glory okay gore you're going to take on tas other folks can't an adventurer such as yourself can win fame and what coin can't buy when you arrive in town you want to report to the adventurer's guild okay so i have to go to the adventurers guild you can find out everything you need to know about adventuring business there just remember though there are more important things than fortune and glory such as breathing ain't no prophet being dead and that's a fact that's not true because you can be a death knight that's totally okay also um uh for my editors you guys that are watching this whenever you put this on youtube just click like black this out yeah black this out entirely wait this is the same as exiles reach wait it's the exact same thing shipped on the starboard pirate colors oh [ __ ] oh this is good we got to be we have to fight the pirates let's go okay bloody hells [ __ ] yeah dude let's do it well how we're gonna be okay get below yeah no i wanna fight [ __ ] this let's fight let's go to work okay wait is this gameplay no okay another cinematic the little elves are in there too what's this world coming from pirates flying on firing on a ship flying or may see in colors bastards either have a boatload of balls or bugger all for brains okay pirate hulk what do we have to do rest easy we've made it at a canada range wait that was easy we already beat him damn bro that was a joke that was so easy that was bleeding close i'm glad one of us kept his head on his shoulders i'd reckon i'd lost mine otherwise if then pirates get up the chase we'd be co-support let's head up on deck and we'll have a look okay here we go they're playing music i bet it's game play oh no not yet all right [Music] so we're sailing on the on the sea okay is this your first trip to limisa lamassa yeah it is let's get this journey internet tell you the in and outs of your destination lisa lamassa prides itself on being auresia's foremost naval power weren't long ago the place was ruled by pirates but thanks to the current admiral's civilian influence the city-state could almost pass for a respectable nation you'd almost never guess that she was once a rum swillen buccaneer herself damn damn she used to be a savage okay most full thing quick to change with a town full of liberty loving ruffians you can imagine how many naysayers and troublemakers she's got deal wait this is like america wait i'm sailing to america this is badass all right let's go that weren't bad enough our decision raiden the coast just as bold as as you please see throwing beast men the locals call fish backs oh do i have to kill them that's good at long last land hope oh can i talk to her behold misa lamasa a nation blessed by ocean's bounty of beloved uh le man goddess of navigation isn't that just called a compass let's see the city on a windswept aisle in the southwestern corner of the realm amidst damn there it is okay wow do this haven for bandits and brigands cutthroats and curse seekers of both freedom and fortune comes alone adventurer this is america all right i love it [ __ ] yeah dude [Music] yet not alone for the hero's arrival has drawn the gaze of the nation's patron deity lim lane i'm the hero by the way that's me just in in case anybody was confused what realm shaking fate has she described in the churning waters of this mortal's future okay [Music] now what oh there's a cat girl that's great damn dude i look like a badass you're a hero you're a hero everyone's a hero well yeah everybody's a hero but especially especially me this is where it part weighs sun wait sun often markets to deliver me where's it's on the high road for me i want you to have this oh you're gonna give me the cat girl thanks for saving my arse earlier what did i get never tell me your name well here's an idea become part of the story percentage i can brag about haven't met and i'll consider a square okay cool all right now through what and hardship discovery and triumph may then navigate to guide this brave soul on his life's voyage that's true till see swallows all okay so i've just arrived at this massive like random ass city final oh final fantasy 14. there it is [Music] okay now what okay now this is gonna show me the whole city oh there's the guy from the thing right or is it just a different guy that looks the exact same damn bro i look awesome does everybody land on the same place or is it different for each race i'm assuming it's probably like different right bro i look so cool man yellow jacket in freezer man yo that's a wasp oh that's even worse than the wasp this is my disc grip i make it my business to know all the scum that washes up on it okay so all right this is my first duel let's go yeah [ __ ] him well is it that yeah i'm right off the boat that's right allow one of lisa lamassa's finest to set you on the right path hop to it lad i haven't gone all day man shut up [ __ ] oh wait oh there it is oh basic controls all right turn character and then i move with my right okay this is simple all right good and jump oh i can jump okay all right can i jump off here oh i can't i can't kill myself let me oh i thought i fell off okay good turn character okay does slash dance work in in the same way oh geez wow that's great okay i'm ready for river dance guys we're totally good to go azmon gold bald so so begins the adventure of asman gold bald let's go do i talk to him initiating quests once you've initiated a quest the prompt will appear detailing its objectives and rewards click on the accept button lower left to add the quest to your list of current duties recognize an adventurer you must first register yourself with the adventurers guild okay now what now that i'm sure you're itching to explore but adventurers are required to register in the presence of their city okay got it go over to the adventures guild got it who's this it's not far just head straight down the street and speak with this guy okay i'll show you how to work the big moving platform we call the crow's lift and it'll take you up to the pub once you're there look for a fellow by the name of bataron he's a proprietor of the winch he might curse like an aladdin sailor but the man's got a soft spot for wide-eyed newcomers like yourself okay let's go quest oh [ __ ] bro they make a big deal out of this okay the jumping feels good okay this is fine can i jump on like what can i jump on i'm trying to see what i can jump on so far what are my attacks heavy swing all right so we're let's do the quest all right let's go ahead and take the crows lift let's do it oh that was all right great we got lifted right the [ __ ] up oh it's my mini map okay there's baldur on who's this guy what do i have to do here don't use legacy no i'm fine dude everything's fine everything's okay press m to open up bigger map i'll look at it later greetings to ye lad wanna be in for a drink try adventuring i'm not even gonna try to read the pirate [ __ ] man i'm not gonna do it name's balderon venturers have a knack for finding trouble true very true not what they need at this park see it kind of they're being trouble wherever ye look where it's wherever ye look bro i feel like i'm talking to magni again if ye managed to steer clear oh fishbacks and the kobolds out oh [ __ ] so we gotta kill kobolds all right let's go it's always a garnet empire to finish the job no one knows what they're planning this town seems peaceful to glance but look again and you'll see people living in fear of what tomorrow may bring [ __ ] dude that's not good who can blame him after everything that happened eurezia took a mighty blow during the calamity the calamity i like that so the calamity was the cataclysm right with the dragon yeah we're just putting two and two together it took our bleeding memories too no one's been able to explain it in a way that it makes an ounce of sense yeah okay so they basically reset the whole game and see this is what wow needs to do you just need to wake up in a tavern and be like uh yeah you were drunk and yeah everything in the games changed and it's been 30 years you've been drunk asleep upstairs for 30 years and now the whole game's different there's one thing i can remember group of adventurers what laid down their lives to drag ariza back from the brink whenever she was found for the abyss i can sorry remember truth is we haven't forgotten what they did goddamn calamity spewed memory loss robbed us of their names oh damn so like all the good players got their [ __ ] deleted man that's the way it goes that's life it won't even let us picture their faces i like how they really sell it through you know put the darkness behind it it's going to need ventures to help banish the fear bro i'm here to do work bro like let's go maybe one day you'll be one of them wait what do you mean one day i mean right now uh yo i'm ready right now let's go willing to lend us your strength that's right thanks to navigator i know she stealed your i cannot [ __ ] read this [ __ ] it's so like oh god put your scroll right here okay do i have to have to fill something out i wrote a dick on the page asmon gold bald is it a fine name it is it sure is it sure is a great name congratulations you're now an upstanding member of the venturers guild you there adventure sailed on the last ferry did you not wait am i going to jail catherine reported being attacked by a pirate vessel wait what the [ __ ] and several witnesses have testified testified independently the past passenger matching your description without on deck mere moments where the incident took place sending your friends signals were you bro what hold on just a moment there yeah what the [ __ ] this fine upstanding young gin is my dear departed grandmas sisters nieces cousins closest companion true the lad wouldn't be caught dead fraternizing with such unsavory elements that is so true yo thank you pirate khabib that this is absolutely is that right of course it is a hundred percent you're surely aware of the recent kidnappings respectfully then we cannot be too trusting of outsiders at a time when the loyalty of even our dearest friends is in doubt make a good point there officer a very good point very wise don't need to worry i got my eye open at all times two more often than not okay so he get he offers them drinks not a watered down cup of piss like last time i should oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay damn yeah he's getting roasted man dude my man thank you uh speedy kidnapping okay naturally been clapping they've been clapping irons wait they're clapping irons what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean uh anyone who looks vaguely suspicious which means venturers visitors and pretty much every bugger else there is okay don't take it personal though us lomasians can be ed strong bro i'm it's i cannot read this bro like this is i can never i we have this in school whenever you'd have to like like each each person in class would have to read a different part of the book and they would have like a quote from some person or like a dialogue part of the book and it's some like [ __ ] random dumbass that can't speak right and like it was like me that would have to read out this [ __ ] old english dog [ __ ] take a minute to gather your wits and we'll get started with learning ye the ways of the city okay all right got him there we go thank you balderon this concludes the introductory game tutorial wait there's no what did i learn okay oh i leveled up uh do i have like talent points or something or all right balderon what do i have to do next balderon proprietor of drawing wrench drowning winch wants you to perform three tasks that will help you learn the fundamentals of adventuring got him quest accepted oh no no no no no you must accept the quest making a name by speaking it with ninja oh no no no [Music] ninja a veteran adventurer might have some information that interests you look at this a shiny new adventure or listen close you don't need to do it oh i thought i have to okay well i i have the quest now one way or another i have the quest all right let's go outside i don't mean to be rude but i know a green adventurer when i see one trust me when i say you'd be better off having a chat with the folk here before you start wandering the city like some wide-eyed farmer gets oh i have to talk to this guy oh nice you wish to you wish to visit the bulwark hall below yes okay let's do it here we go your destination is currently congested okay should i just keep spamming it oh there we go the lower deck look at them all wait these are all just new players because they have the green thing next to their name isn't it wait look at them all oh my god look at these guys what the [ __ ] is going on i'm gonna run over here uh wait can i bro they're running after me zephyr gate wait can i go over here uh did i do something wrong mapping the realm oh i got an achievement oh thank god what bro what is this oh my god what the [ __ ] look at these mounts this guy's got dragon what is this dude okay all right all right let's go let's go back inside guys wait i thought i went down to do it destination is currently congested wait what i can't even zone in i i can't even zone in i i'm genuinely stuck in game hopefully this is going to work all right nice we got it holy [ __ ] oh my god look at all these people so who do i need to talk to now i guess i'll go down this way yeah let's go down this way making a name a tuning okay oh i got it bro it's like this is what i would imagine it's like it's like imagine if you live in like a [ __ ] single bedroom apartment and you have seven kids all right another novice adventurers hey brandon sent more a few more of you your way okay wait who's that oh it's beefy boy okay soon niall tasked with keeping the peace in the city it's also my charge to provide guidance and use of this device fear not it could be brief okay i'd rather take the kids yeah um athletes are crystalline structures to tap into ethereal energies they're primarily used to travel swiftly from one place to another okay so these are it's like flight paths basically return and teleport the most common transportation spells make direct use of the aethrites and their connection to the flow of aether okay got it as these devices are found in almost every corner of eurezia any adventurer worthy of the name will wish to seek out and attune himself to each one all right once you've expanded your horizons beyond the walls of the city you will soon find yourself performing the act of attunement as a matter of course okay there is a no need for unseemingly haste the athletes found in the city will be sufficient for the present i assure you okay return learned you can now attune with etherite you are now able to use the return spell okay so this is like your hearthstone so now where do i go close to home visit the marauders guild all right so where the [ __ ] is the marauders guild it's upper up upper decks okay oh upper decks yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i go up here so i talked to this guy drowning wench okay got it yes it's working where is the marauders guild oh i found it i found it i found it okay all right we're good let's go that way yeah yeah i found it i found it we're good let's make this happen yeah it was a little bit annoying but uh it's okay all right so now what click the sprint i mean what clicked or sprint um how do i do that okay let's talk to this guy here guild receptionist hello there curious about marauders guild any axe worth swinging needs two hand and a half all right all right so we have visited the marauders guild and now i have to go back to balderron this is a nice little wait if it's the marauders guild then how are all these other idiots here these guys aren't all marauders okay let's talk to ball to run again yeah it won't it won't matter uh you already enjoy your jaunt around the city uh if you mean to base yourself in la misa la masa it won't be the last time you'll visit three places start exploring the rest of town okay good and now what sean for good listening oh nice all right [ __ ] yeah okay so sleigh wharf rats so this is the actual combat this is what i've been waiting on for so [ __ ] long all right let's do it actual [ __ ] combat now where are the little ads there there it is way of the marauder oh my oh my god oh my [ __ ] god this is incredible oh it's a it's a parking lot man look at this that's pretty [ __ ] cool let's be honest that is pretty [ __ ] cool so where are they though thank you guys thank you for all the warm welcomes i appreciate it thank you so much it's very nice i do i would like to play the game though let's be honest let me try to play the game all right here we go oh there's the zeus guy oh i saw this one that was so badass look at that okay so where's the ads where's the outside oh there it is the little ladybug okay can i kill that one a lost slam okay i got wait did i get credit oh i didn't get oh i did okay nice all right i got credit for that one [ __ ] yeah and then oh oh here we go here we go all right damn wait was that that had to be somebody else that killed it right like there's no way i killed that on my own i leveled up too [ __ ] yeah okay wow by some [ __ ] miracle i was actually able to complete the quest okay there we go nice now i guess i should go turn this back in right yeah return to axe master oh this is nice wow it's like a totally different experience holy [ __ ] so so you can fly everywhere here right no okay no oh you can't fly in the cities okay i understand all right so oh and let me so i attuned to this thing right i see okay and there we go attunements done perfect you now have access to the ethernet okay got it now let's turn this in return to be a different man already your face shows a harder cast a realization of the slaughter of which you are bro this [ __ ] is so ridiculous like the slaughter in which you are capable all right and what level am i right now i'm level three right oh right there level three marauder yeah i thought so so so now what do i do wait is this what i thought it was [Music] oh my god wow that's pretty [ __ ] cool so i need to go and kill three ladybugs i can do that all right all right now all right now now we're getting into the real content i can kill three ladybugs like i kill these really fast like i'm gonna be level four and like in like a second oh wait i'm already leveled up wait what holy [ __ ] bro oh my god all right let me see here okay so let's go back over here and we'll try to pick up the next part of the main main story quest because the next marauder quest is only at level five so i don't need to do that one yet all right baldur on what do i have to do now baller arm proprietor of the drowning ranch wants you to lend a hand at summer ford farms still in lamassa are you asthma gold audi fancy a trip outside the city walls well i actually did that okay so it's mostly a crew of reformed pirate types if you can believe that and it's been trying to get a bit of life back in the fields after the calamity ruined the soil i gave you a glowing recommendation so make sure ye work hard and impress the old bastard ye need directions okay we're gonna go right outside the zephyr gate that's where we were just at so i should be able to just go right back to there okay let's sprint here we go we're going fast boys we're going very fast this area is very nice it's relaxing could you fly up to the top of that mountain no [ __ ] [ __ ] dude why not why the [ __ ] not dude okay yeah let me get this one right here okay i'm setting my hearthstone here the only thing i remember about the video for the mounts is this mount is a whale mount and you get it from literally buying it from the store okay let's go turn this next question uh lower the amount of people on the screen system settings okay maximum we're going to go to minimum oh wow that makes it slightly less annoying all right you must be the adventurer oh [ __ ] okay i didn't mean to click through that honored his word it's a good start i'm steroin the old bastard okay that's great good number of lads and lass is working here once terrorized the high seas if you're wondering why i employed these scrags well they used to crew my pirate ship wait so these guys were former pirates that just go and do whatever they want now okay great they're uh they're retired and uh reformed pirates who are they looking at damn dude i look good bro i look really good look up dude look how good i look damn i look good you can take a pirate out of the sea but you can't take the sea out of the pirate a lot of my bugs just never took tendon in the soil yeah i bet they [ __ ] didn't okay onward to summer ford so i want to go with thigh boots or leather thigh boots strength plus one intelligence plus one okay we're obviously gonna go with strength that's easy that's the easiest decision i've ever made my whole life okay got it all right now i turn this in owner of server farms wishes you to inspect the equipment and thereby gauge your readiness for the tasks that he has in mind okay present yourself to stay warm for inspection change gear equip gear okay c it's penis inspection day no it it's not let's have a look at you shall we as long as you're this wall covered i won't feel any guilt throwing you out to the sharks first while buccaneers are an ornery lot they rage and love for the seas and they care little for the laws of the land okay and now i have to decide what i want to get bronze axe oh [ __ ] well i obviously want to get the axe right i mean like it's it's easy decision okay [ __ ] yeah we got him boys okay so let's go try and turn this in ah bald really ah bald awesome that that's great ah bald that aura of confidence tells me that you've not yet been idle since we last met i hope you're all right from the task that requires the attention of a cable adventurer okay got it has a comp a task for a competent venture oh good to hear then i shall lay before you the sorry tale uh you will have heard rumors of abductions citizens have been disappearing from every corner of lima lamassa as it plucked from the face of hidalan boots and all by unseen hand what's this got to do with stormford farms unsavory phil has been creepy up on the edges of the fields that's what they say would you be willing to investigate the tattooed thugs for me yes i would absolutely good let's go okay so let's move down this way and see what this is okay let's go down in here hopefully we'll be able to go in here and do the grotto all right oh there it is wow that's nice look at that dude look at that dude all right let's talk to this here you're about to enter an instance battle incense battles can only occur during certain quests and missions take a moment to read all the information displayed in the oh i'm [ __ ] ready dude all right let's go i am the waves that bear i am the winds that guide oh [ __ ] please be a cat girl i am the evening stars i am the morning sky i am born of the sea and there shall i die please be a cat girl thus reads the sailor's requiem carved into yonder stone there it is dude there it is okay so i have to i have to fight her yeah let's go boys okay which words will describe the manner in which the citizens of limsa luminsa live their lives yeah i wasn't really paying attention to the litany against misfortune for those out on the waves uh-huh and a prayer that the souls of those who perish on land might find their way back to the sea oh like vikings okay ah you are the adventurer i've seen around summerfoot farm i've been getting stalked i thought myself on the trail of the kidnappers but it would seem i have missed my mark [Music] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god i suspected the etheric disturbance here that's a big boy let's go nor is it a coincidence that the two of us should come here in search of those responsible for the disappearances only to be attacked yeah it sucks okay but who stands to benefit from the keeping of the secret uh ragnaros such thoughts must wait let us attend to the task at hand unpleasant though it be i want to equip my other acts oh [ __ ] okay this is the fight all right let's go this is me okay all right all right all right how do i put on the other axe okay got the other axe on all right good okay frenzied [ __ ] back so what does this do [Music] okay big dick big dick big dick big dick big dick damage big dick damage on him big dick damage on him let's go huge damage let's go tank it cat girl high-end gameplay right here let's go wait i do two of these at a time okay it only hits for nine okay so i do have to go one and then okay oh i see it's got the orange around it okay i understand wait oh what the [ __ ] [Music] okay fighting these guys all right we killed foggy right there we got him easy [ __ ] easy [ __ ] easy there we go got him keep your focus on the battle of course keep the tending in wounds to me of course nice damn this is easy wait oh [ __ ] okay i [ __ ] up i [ __ ] up i hit the lumbar bottom okay that one's dead good moving away got him got him okay how's my health my health is good we're we're killing the bogeys right here all right nice now i pop my cd on the boss oh he's almost dead this is it gg g [ __ ] g there it is damn that was easy i beat his [ __ ] ass dude look at that fall over [ __ ] there it is got him we got his ass we got his [ __ ] ass we got his [ __ ] ass okay now what what's this what the [ __ ] this is supposed to be dude what's he even trying to do oh my god it's a memory crystal is it i don't even know is it before the calamity wait bro it's meth oh [ __ ] i'm gonna get addicted to math at level five jesus it's shungite i see that is that why i got banned from the mortal realm fear think okay now what oh [ __ ] oh this is the calamity isn't it get an umbrella so he's safe [Music] wow crystal bearer yes that's me oh wow that's crystal methylene okay this is like a goddess [Music] so have darkness risen up instead pressuring the end to life for the sake of all i beseech thee deliver us from this fate i love the unnecessary vocabulary it reminds me a lot of dark souls the power to banish the darkness this is good journey forth [Music] i have to collect all the crystal meth and then i will be the one true crackhead this is a good game you know they could probably make an mmo of being a drug dealer that's a really good idea one true crackhead [Music] gta that's not really the same thing i'm thinking about it right now it's so that's such a good idea wait who's that oh is that my wife never mind i don't know what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what is this oh my god does the cat girl know this shit's happening to me right now like on all creation okay okay wait i'm in a different place am i awake again are we oh i'm the same place yes i'm here again aha the poor creature's fury was kindled with cruel forethought what the [ __ ] does that mean so he's a mad ass [ __ ] blade i found it in the gubu's back gubu that's his name is a goo boo a goo boo boo i have seen knives of this kind before they are most commonly used for the cutting of rope oh [ __ ] like sailors it would appear our culprits are seafaring men of some perspective yep piratical being the most probable that's crazy in any event you see me i knew it covered from your sudden affliction yeah i confess i was rather taken aback when you collapsed at the very moment of our victory may happen of ether what way is she like i don't even know what this even means like is she saying that i got like she molested me is she asking me for a crack rock i don't know it means you have a good sleep yeah i think it means that she molested me while i was in my crystal vision uh obviously it's what it means yeah exactly that's what i was thinking too a towering crystal i'm sure i don't oh wash hands no i'll wash my hands man okay now what well this has been a day of unexpected revelations yes it sure has i must continue my investigation in the meantime i suggest you deliver this knife to your patron along with a warning concerning the pirate's probable involvement in this i knew it was the pirates why not because i got a clean dick why would i do that do you marry her later in the story do do i get married to her in the story yes nice dude nice she has a boyfriend but she could use another one ryan okay that's good so i already beat it [ __ ] yeah all right let's go turn this [ __ ] in oh this looks really nice at night look at that how do you how do you remove your ui so you can just see like the world the world entirely how do you remove your ui scroll walk what the [ __ ] is scroll walk oh there it is oh wow wow that's really nice that's very it's just so good dude look at that i like the little lights and everything too i think like some of the textures are pretty dog [ __ ] to be honest but like there are other parts of the game that do look really good like the scope of the game looks great i like that okay so let's go turn this back in all right here we go i'm glad to see you safely returned they're all gabbing and hearing about what's down seven hells okay so i need to give him the sword there you go i'm gonna give him a knife [Music] a blade pulled from the back of a creature you sew it a cave i agree it's such a knife part of the seafaring man's kit the i'm starting to think these ruffians are pirates what the [ __ ] dude can you believe that his hairline man shut up yeah he's trying he's trying to cover it man he's embarrassed y'all are making fun of them have been adding to their numbers as late that's not good we got to kill them all dude my guy looks like such a [ __ ] chad look at him look at his arms bro i looks well i look so good dude i look so [ __ ] good so her presence at the grotto oh it's a girl right it's hardly unusual she's an odd-looking glass yeah with the ears but she's not the kind to associate with kidnappers you take my word for it where you should be lacking trust is those yield men of mine who have yet to wholly relinquish their pirate pasts oh so it's the uh i see okay potion okay do i want to go oh i go with health points okay let's go with that big dick now what oh yo i'm level seven [ __ ] yeah dude so what's the verdict on final fantasy i mean i don't know i've played it for like an hour right i mean the thing is that like my experience is gonna be kind of uh uh let's let's say the word is unique uh the war is definitely unique i i am enjoying the game though it's been fun like if it was me just like playing off stream like i'd be uh i'd be having a blast i'm gonna be honest like like even tonight i'm probably gonna look forward to just playing this by myself just sitting in there in my room playing the game like i want to make sure that i don't do anything crazy without the stream watching it because i do want you guys to see pretty much the entire thing oh am i gonna get to fight a boss [ __ ] yeah dude we ready to get to work boys let's do it proceeding now it's kratos a true knave you betray even yourself severin hit him again hit him again man overlook the matter of your desertion okay damn okay now what cowering behind your protector will only delay the inevitable honorless wretch your life is all you have left he's so happy look at him he's got he's in such a good look at his face dude and all worthless though it be we shall take it oh they're gonna kill him good oh [ __ ] mask the mage oh mournful voice of creation send me unto a creature of the abyss my thrall to command that i may smite mine enemies it's a golem oh my god wait i'm gonna fight the golem okay let's go got him got him got him should i even be moving in and out like this okay moving out of that big dick damage big dick damage here we go here we go here we go big numbers no okay it doesn't matter okay got it big numbers aren't right there there we go there we go damn this is easy well this guy's a joke this guy's a joke the goal has been that sorely tested get the [ __ ] out of here this is easy all right jumping attack right there easy watch this watch this i cleave them over power get the [ __ ] out of here what a joke bro am i over leveled that golem could be vanquished that man is no ordinary adventurer very true yeah did you see that huh yeah you like that you schlatter oh that's her name the snake slithered away i'm only glad that he did not have the chance to sink his fangs more deeply into you yeah that's because she's in love with me let's see oh [ __ ] open shot these pirates do not belong to any of the lost man factions who do they serve the beast tribes surely not but the timing of their appearance coincides too neatly with all the recent surge and sagging in cold bold activity something is a foot the question is what could the tribes could it be that the tribes are planning to summon their primals 12 helps us uh if it should prove so lamassa would be hard-pressed to keep a single primal at bay let alone two okay now what the seas continue to rise wait what i thought we i thought we dealt with that what the hell is oh it's a flash oh [ __ ] okay i get it known by them the world become more unlike itself it says sue sucks foretold coming of chaos has rendered the laws of nature immutable blurring the boundary between the material and ethereal planes little now stands between us and the primals is the dragon one of the primals never did the creed of xiaoren rang more true it is oh [ __ ] okay never did i dreamed that i would possess oh she has engineering goggles uh to possess the scenes to see aether yet now i do uh what's this what she want here's a flower for you is it flower like a bomb or is it just a normal flower okay it seems like it's just like a normal flower that's nice it's a bomb okay wait a disturbance in the etheric flow but but wince does it in bro this is a [ __ ] dark souls [ __ ] conversation from winds does it emanate oh my god sison grotto yes now what i want i want to find another boss man i'm ready for another dude i'm ready for a boss okay now what what have we here can you walk no i ain't got no legs oh it's that guy push no please please just kill him wait what regret we know he alluded to me understood i will form commodore what you collapse from your exertions are you suitably recovered yeah yes seven heroes appraised me of all it transpired his account shed some light and how you became attacked by a golem of all things a golem is a mindless automaton common pirates could not hope to control such a thing so arcane or its workings she's got 5g yeah no wonder it's summoning the [ __ ] calamity yeah no wonder this [ __ ] they've got 5g my name is yashwada i am a naturalist of sorts surveying the aether in the hope that it might offer some clue as to our predicament i'd say i owe you my life but that don't cover it if i weren't for you my friends would all be dead no yeah it's a death i can never repay all right severn for reasons i cannot fathom you seem to forgive me for mayhap we have a chance to speak again whenever i had marshalled my thoughts yeah she likes me yeah i can tell i i can tell 100 it's the coat that's why it's 100 the coat bro this is a gucci coat like if you bought this at the mall this would be like at least five hundred and eighty dollars minimum five hundred and eighty dollars all right let's go turn this [ __ ] back in here we go oh this is cinematic severin you stupid ass [ __ ] i knew you'd return it's me who's to blame for that that in the r damn wait severan's taking responsibility i was once a serpent reaver i kryptonite got myself a new name and i found a new home so people are finding out about this dude the penalty for desertion is death but the reavers offered me a way out instead my freedom in exchange for my mates oh my god wait this guy was [ __ ] he was trying to sell people's souls but you got there on the end didn't you when the time came you made the right decision the men say little to me but i hear him talk about how you stood up to the reavers at last and how you tried to give your life to save theirs be as it be no deed however good comment tone for the crime of betraying your brethren true you little [ __ ] i know that that's why i'm gonna hand myself over the yellow jackets and i'll bring shame to the farm no more hear no arguments for me each man will sail according to his own moral compass damn wow speak with sauer and his cr is checked and now what speak oh we have to talk to balderon okay i guess i can just teleport over to uh to this right let's go over there return spell yeah we got it bloody elves life on the farm ain't quite how i pictured it that's true dude okay um done everything seven asked me to generous much obliged absolutely who is it oh great what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be in rooms now available oh we'll have time for such talk when you're arrested until then enjoy the winches hospitality okay great that's done big dick let's do it thank you very much fate joined okay this is a level sync one i don't really need to do that oh should i though megalo crab nest oh this is it okay so i have to uh i have to do this here interact with the megalo crab nest damn those are some big ass [ __ ] toads wait what looks as though nobody's home mayhap they knew we were coming i need aid wait what the [ __ ] is this it's some old ass man gear weapon ready we need to move now oh [ __ ] okay all right let's go oh [ __ ] i'm gonna rescue this kid let's do it it's an instance baby yeah let's go a bugger of shite get away from me you great bloody bastard holy [ __ ] that's right dude it's okay billy i'll save you i'll take care of this problem it's completely fine don't worry about it okay now what now what those are important quests you should do okay don't worry about it i'll take care of this here we go okay one two got him got him i will soothe your wounds wait this guy's a joke bro like what is this what the wait it missed bro this is rigged what the [ __ ] how does it miss okay got it um i'm not even going to attack i'm literally just going to kill this guy oh can i overpower oh i can't because i'm scaled down okay got him moving out i'm taking damage bro these krabby patties are dangerous got him i'm gonna just hit him in there stop i can have my big attack for this guy nice okay oh i should have used my defense huh got room for one more wait what the [ __ ] um what is this what the [ __ ] is this okay let's kill this guy next got him he's dead all right we're trying to last hit him man we're trying to last hit him got it dude this guy's carrying bronbar is just carrying the [ __ ] out of us wait there's even more oh my god [Music] jesus i need to reroll i think i'm playing the wrong class guys i can't even play outside anymore with all these scary monsters and about imagine if every time that you went to play outside there were giant [ __ ] crabs that came to kill you i would never leave the house bro like there was a time there was a wasp nest at my house and i didn't want to go outside okay take it easier as whole guildford strapping lads glasses like asthma gold will do just that exactly i'll take good care of you you're completely okay enjoying the game yes i'm enjoying the game considering your first day of success hasn't gone this time you headed back before wires and begins to worry dive left your corpse for the crabs okay now what it's south i just keep going south oh oh i see i see i see now i guess so you can turn performance off oh i can you're right i should probably do that soon and from okay what is this here let me turn in the letter there we go oh oh [ __ ] blast and botheration another delay i am well aware of the shortage of skilled artisans but this is insufferable i apologize messenger is not the deserve to bear the brunt of my frustration might you have a name it's your boy sup y'all it's me asmingold is it yes true uh well as well this proud maine that you're seeing shape before you is victory the first new vessel to grace the docks since the calamity okay so this is all about like rebuilding the world after the calamity striving in completing construction as swiftly as possible even as going forward higher veteran ship rights from outside the the last screen cool some unprecedented measures there are never enough hands to handle the abundance of tasks okay well [ __ ] yeah let's do that and i get better boots too awesome equip those boots oh yeah dude all right let me see the boots okay uh those are my boots right there oh my god that looks good wait what the hell it's like i'm wearing thigh high leggings for a girl what the [ __ ] dude okay let's see here grim oh we are proceeding yeah that's true uh trouble at the shipyard who is it what are these stupid little hats they're wearing okay let's see here pirates out of nowhere they struck me good gods below we are not prepared for this the pirate soldier how many did they number not sure more than i could quickly count they seem to be carrying explosives bro what the [ __ ] you heard the situation make a real shipyard and engage them make haste now okay let's make haste oh oh [ __ ] oh this is like a little scenario i guess i'll just go towards the shipyard i'll do what they tell me to do okay let's kill these guys [Music] there it is big dick big dick big dick there it is that guy's dead easy easy easy look at that boom get the [ __ ] out of here all right next [ __ ] see i'm hitting him here and that way since this guy's almost dead i can hit him with the overpower right here oh [ __ ] he's healing him i don't think i can stop a heal [Music] oh give me a [ __ ] break dude give me a [ __ ] break there we go you're dead all right now we go to this guy i'm gonna zoom in a little bit so you guys can see what's going on there we go now we can actually play the game all right now what they can't stop me dude they can't [ __ ] stop me who is it okay oh [ __ ] cinematic ha ha ha ha ha never reckon did it be this easy still don't trust those slimy bastards but their plan worked like a charm what are you doing you great bloody fool shut your trap boy this will all be over soon they're gonna blow up they're gonna blow up the ship why would you do such a thing do you have any idea how important this ship is what it represents that's what makes it all the sweeter whatever it takes to knock some sense into me treacherous backstab and oh [ __ ] that's his son imagine a boy of mine giving up the pirate life to become a shipwright building the believe in maelstrom vessel at that wonder women's wide green ocean made you take up this self-righteous shite yeah what's this man this kid's this kid's disrespecting his dad this kid's supposed to be stealing [ __ ] he's supposed to be stealing [ __ ] and being a criminal man what the [ __ ] you're the one with no bloody sins don't you see the pirates had their glory days but that era is over oh no i wonder why he never spoke of his dad oh my god this ships a symbol are right of everything that went wrong with the world and i mean to shatter it into a hundred different pieces we'll blow it up beat the tar out of this bloated sea slug and make sure no harm comes to victory and i like how he looks at his son after he says that all right all right here we go got him got him big numbers boys big numbers is somebody shooting me okay yeah let's go over here let's kill these guys got him oh i think maybe the uh do the females heal i feel like this one's healing let me kill this one first okay got it moving out i got it okay yes six six for stun oh that's a stun i haven't seen that yet okay i'll use that next time i've got to set up my key bindings [Music] okay got him that one's dead all right and what's this here do i even want to deal with these [ __ ] i'm going to kill this guy who cares big dick on boss big dick on boss ignore the ads got him okay and i'll use the sun if i need to i'll even put up my uh my aura there nice i i have to move around them sometimes defiance and enmity generation adventurer amton has a crazy glint in his eye wait is he gonna blow himself up wait he he's gonna blow himself up bro you can't let him win i'm not we got him damn damn bro he's dead and he should be dead got him easy easy [ __ ] game what happened to the guy's dad though is he dead i must be getting old letting some green ventura get the best of me that's right old man damn well he died oh my god damn that's [ __ ] up my thanks as well i swear sure to thank what may have become of the victory without your intervention the pirates have made the right mess of things america's sorting it out and my thoughts could use some sorting out as well ever did my father have a way of turning my life upside down pray convey my thanks and my apologies to grim that all right um where is he where's his ass there it is okay all right yeah we're talking to the khabib again pirate khabib gramatho's right want this message deciphered we've got some trouble brewing ain't no mistake get ready for action and i'll explain oh [ __ ] okay it gets worse though the plan to blow up the victory is all there right in the fine details why does everybody want to blow up the ship just leave it alone just leave it alone oh my god tattooed face bastard say there was planning anderim's old man and there are the serpent reavers but none of the crew was there were they did they have something better to do or what maybe they would say cinnamon there is a distraction they got all backwards semester victory that was meant to be bro what oh my god oh my god look at that what the [ __ ] dude i knew it the fish facts ain't interested in the maelstrom's baby they're after men just like they've always been they're sending their pirate lackeys after a civilian target oh my god this is not good take it to commoner raynor in the collar uh the coral tower and tell them times are a busy day okay and give them uh nope yeah yeah sure whatever i'm gonna play the game the way i want that was cool see that's gonna be me dude right there i don't know if that's actually gonna be me or not but it's cool you bear an urgent message from the baldur on why do i get the feeling that my hopes for a quiet afternoon are about to be cruelly dashed tell me what is a foot here's what's a foot this game good yeah it's all right damn look at her face dude you see that should change an assault on swift perch but we see nothing to suggest the serpent reavers are massing for an attack that's what they didn't want you to see even so be foolish to discount the possibility balderon is rarely wrong about such matters that's right i will marshall the yellow jackets and battle immediately you know my question is where to send them commodore sir who is it report it's sagging sir they've mounted a large-scale assault on south tide gate and threatened to overwhelm our defenses within a day the garrison requests immediately reinforcements by the navigator it seems my decision has been made for me muster the troops and give the order to march looks like we're going to war boys with that gear dude i think i look cool what do you mean the serpent reavers are in league with the ska going which means that there is every chance that the assault for tide gate may prove to be another feign uh the fact remains however that we can afford to ignore it all right let's go it's such these times that we wish to use the warriors of light this is important this is about me um is important in such times that i wish the warriors of light yet walked among us but wishes will avail us not bald you must serve in the absence of the warriors of light [Music] make for swift perch with all haste and lend your strength to the squads i can spare for the settlement's defense let's go here they come who is it [Applause] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this dude you know i thought look at all these big old beefy boys just walk in dude they're just walking in it's all a little jaguar's meant to be busy all right let's go now what pull back no we're not gonna pull out boys we're not turning back empty-handed you're right no killing the small folk it'll be your blood on the stains damn okay wow honor amongst the pirates yellow boys can butcher them at will okay let's do it seems swiss perch was the main target after all it's like five guys who cares let's do it here we go meet our charge where we stand let us bear the commodore ward of our victory or no word at all for lisa lamassa all right let's go oh that's me in the cinematic [ __ ] yeah all right we gotta fight this guy i think we're gonna kill uh let's see i'm gonna go to the side i'm gonna kill everybody all right let's go okay um i kill this guy first i'll kill the boss kill boss big numbers here oh damn this boss got a lot of health god damn okay should i try to kill all these i'm just i'm cleaving everybody down i'm sweeping everybody down wait what the [ __ ] bernardo we have to fight a bernard wait he's got like no health move out of that real quick no it's no it's not a big deal you just kill him oh i'm almost dead okay let me move away here killed this guy first all right he's dead all right that one's dead good moving back in now we're going to kill bernard no we're fine we're fine we're fine i was a little bit low there you're right i should have used my defenses got him moving out back in got him all right now i have to finish these other guys off okay oh did i win that one was kind of hard i almost died well fought the reavers are beaten and scattered true i'll take some men and hunt down the stragglers oh but there are many more of them working about so don't let your guard down just yet good work hulk good work i like how they have this yeah focusing right in on his face he's like yeah this guy's ready to kill what the [ __ ] is oh [ __ ] the source of his strength becomes clear you may have bested the golem but you will not fare so well on this day oh wait we're getting sent to the shadow realm oh mournful voice of creation send unto me a creature from the abyss my thrall the command that i may smite mine enemies is it a succubus wait are you kidding me i have to kill this myself i can't beat this your very being imperils the plan you cannot be suffered to live man up all right let's go i'm ready this is an easy boss defeat the masked mage okay i think i'm gonna die it's a gar okay it's a gargoolie okay what should i do here should i fight him or should i fight the guard ghoulie i think i fight him and then i fight the gargouli afterwards okay let's go all right i'm not really taking that much damage yeah i'm gonna see if he heals them right in the venom as it eats away through your veins all right i'm gonna pop cds here because the faster i kill this guy the faster he's dead the faster is dead then he's dead okay stunning him right there okay good that's big numbers you love to see it okay i'll use this too just to reduce damage no reason not to okay here's an opponent oh okay all right here we fight the mage watch this boom right there nice okay let me watch i've got to see his cast so i know when to stun him is that whenever i sure stunned okay i'm not really sure exactly when to sign or not oh wait oh man i've got my girlfriend here wait what well this guy's a joke look at this he's stunned right there get the [ __ ] out of here got his ass got his ass dude look at that that was a 100 dude i soloed him can you believe that wait what the wisdom of the paragon should be brought that the that the wisdom of paragon should be brought low by mere mortals paragons did he say then is it as i feared who the [ __ ] the paragons they are known as the bringers of chaos or askations to give them their proper name it would seem that suspicions are correct it is they who have been manipulating the beast tribes it's the yes it's the bringers of chaos that's true pardon you would know if the charlotte's if the charlenes have encountered the askians before i have never spoken to you at my homeland how do you know of windside hail i looked it up on the internet wait i do begin to see you have been blessed with a special gift that's right the special gift of being able to look things up on youtube oh great are you right lad i'd known there's a mean bugger like you that was hiding in the bushes i would have uh left a squad of six to keep you company at least now we can call this kidnapping investigation a close though reavers were the spiriting away folk dead of knight and this bastard here was pulling all the strings a trifle simplistic but not inaccurate that's right [Music] heroic is the word i don't want to think about what would have happened if you hadn't been here friend true very true very very true and your assistance is much appreciated too yada yada uh please give our regards to the scions i'm glad he played a role in bringing in what i hope is the end of this disturbing spate of abductions okay the thread of your fate forms a part of the most intriguing tapestry tapestry may hap we be afforded the chance to speak more in the near future for now you must see this particular tale though its conclusion pray send my greetings to commodore raynor okay he's in yeah i know i am oh [ __ ] pick up the rock oh boys we're about to get another cut scene we're about to get another cut scene boys wait what oh was that the same rock that he had at the beginning too i'm not sure okay so what do i need to do here okay we need to go back to raynor my troops and i owe you a great debt of gratitude for your timely assistance absolutely thank you i have a little doubt that one day you shall join the ranks of euresia's greatest adventurers but it is all a matter of time balderon's eye okay good now what do i do now oh cinematic that's funny your slot has been working with us for some time now you see she was only too willing to assist the yellow jackets in the kidnapping investigation needless to say after your part in the thwarting sabotage with victory small matter of your jesus sweatshirts you two have proven yourself a valid valued friend of the thalassacra thalassacarro carreray good admiral who is it uh oh who is it oh they're playing music this isn't good okay may i present to you admiral this is the adventure i've been reading about yes [Music] yeah i'm not even going to try on behalf of my people i bid you thanks for the deeds you have done this day you're welcome it was easy it's all in a day's work oh we've got professor hulk okay gratitude wow nothing amazing just reward after all are you gonna give me a high five or a handshake that's great yeah nothing since you first set foot in our city my good friend badaran and commodore raynor have taken turns at regaling me with tales of your exploits wow damn i'm very important safe to say they left an impression join me at the coming banquet okay a seat of honor at the celebratory feast is the least i can offer the man all right all right dude wow oh and don't be late oh [ __ ] your fellow guests will be eager to take the measure of their newest hero and some do not take kindly to being kept waiting till then may you walk in the light of the crystal okay that's easy that's easy that's easy thank you for not skipping all the cutscenes well yeah people gonna want to see the game right no let's see what this is now what true very true very very very true now what he's gonna debrief you no it's okay oh this is the girl yeah there it is that's the admiral now what brothers and sisters i'll turn it up join me now in honoring this man for his services to our great nation may the navigator guide and protect him on his journey till he swallows all yep absolutely thank you these pirates you encountered with the tattooed faces they call themselves the serpent that's correct their ranks are formed of cutthroats and madmen who have pledged themselves body and soul to the primal leviathan that sounds like a mistake from what we have gathered they sought to swell their numbers by spiriting away any soul unfortunate enough to cross their paths that's what we that's where i came in and i stopped that [ __ ] from happening not tell you the depth of the animosity between us and the sahagin how any seaman worth his salt could devote himself to the fishback's god is a question for a more temperate mind than mine but thanks to you our citizens may once more go about their daily lives safe in the knowledge that they will not be dragged into the darkness by those executable curves that's because of me obviously it's obviously because of me i'm the literal semen god true such an extraordinary glow what the hell what is oh yeah it's my crack rocks is one of the crystals of light wow by the navigator after our encounter with the gubu you had a vision did you not of a towering crystal oh my god they know all about it oh my god they know all about my [ __ ] jupiter thanks for five subs i appreciate it man bathed in her light what the ashtola's conclusion is clear and i see no reason to doubt it you are the vessel of a higher power i'm god no i'm jesus thank you being from your vision was the mother crystal yes your description matches what little we know of her and if she has chosen you then your deeds may yet shape the fate of nation shouldn't i have told people about that earlier though about the crystal like it's crazy that like this is just coming to light now like we should have had a meeting about this like right afterwards you know what i mean as once did the deeds of the warriors of light oh that's me that's gonna be me know you the tale like you they were not of these lands yet they fought to protect us all against the corruption of the primals that's not good when the guardian empire began its conquest of the realm these heroes joined the grand companies those are guilds right we forged the aosian alliance aorzian okay that's how you say it aorzia okay and at the battle of cardinal they took the field beneath our banners to fight for everything we hold dear damn oh wait that that was in the cinematic wasn't it that was the field yeah that must be it on that day in the midst of that hell yeah yeah yeah every soul who survived that battle will never forget how it was to fight beside them we are proud to call them our comrades yet whenever we try to shout their names the sound dies in our throats okay let's let's go let's get pat can we get the cabbage patch kids off the screen please shadows appear to us set against a blinding light these are these are shittier versions of hobbits and everybody knows it ask any true aorzian who knew them disgusting and the story will be the same it is for this reason their potatoes the warriors of light yeah i can see that when i look upon you i cannot help but be reminded of them really thank you keep that crystal safe i'll put it in the bank in time i believe the mother crystal will make clear her reasons for bestowing it upon you yeah that would be a good idea he'd well how would it's probably because i pre-ordered the game herself who speaks oh yeah that was the person that said they were talking to me that's right man i look like what the [ __ ] are we going to the moon again what bro they need to do something about this death star man it's like i would just give up at that point like you see this giant death star coming into the planet so this is a flashback to that day he belongs to the bold show those imperial [ __ ] sons what we're made of yeah [ __ ] them the left flank buckles divert the barracudas be them hold that position though it costs them their lies yeah that's right the yellow serpents are in need of sucker praise put on my camera to their aid the adventurers risk life and limb for our cause we must not fail them we will not fail them it's okay oh no who's in the distance who's that oh no what is this no it is nothing okay how's it nothing it's literally oh it's the blue guy it's gandalf who's saving mary i won't go down so easily eyes forward damn that guy just doesn't give a [ __ ] okay we are being watched we're being who's watching you might turn it off oh [ __ ] he's dead calling bloodthorn bloodthorn respond pick up your cell phone man chill what the [ __ ] what does he want look at his nose you don't even have a nose it's just goes directly down how do they have cell phones man oh they did it through magic oh bro i wouldn't i should have known that yeah i should have known that man this is raging bull what news how's his name raging surrounded by a blaze there is no way out god's preserved oh it's a that's a dragon what's going on speak to me god damn it we cannot hold much longer oh [ __ ] that's the dragon coming in dude oh my god mad snake mad snake answer me damn he's mad no damn it damn it all to the seventh hell damn this guy's pissed what of the barracudas can they not be reached sorry admiral shell's not working they should have gone with verizon what of our town i cannot say my lady that monstrosity appears to be disrupting our communications hashtag it's a good idea i should get i should get responsible yes paul so they respond admiral general we can do no more we must give the order to withdraw damn i will not forsake luis suarez general please victory may belong to the bold but there will be no victor this day oh [ __ ] you know this to be true let us not sacrifice lives in vain damn the adventurers fight bravely but to no avail let them withdraw and let us be the ones to stand with luis suarez all right they're going to go get there and go with that guy that's gandalf i'm pretty sure it is effective immediately give the foreign levy priority let the main host cover their retreat and bring up the rear damn it relay the order all flames are to withdraw i don't care if our leg cells are useless you still have a working pair of legs don't you damn this guy's an [ __ ] i like him yeah this guy he's probably my haircut that's probably my favorite character in the whole story so far it's like you have a giant death star that there's a dragon in the middle of it oh wow okay so she just knows what's going on oh [ __ ] time to get the [ __ ] out this dark stifling presence who or what it's too late it's the guy up there there's gotta be the guy up there we go to take our place beside archon luis to your positions okay oh [ __ ] there's more of those mages that i should live to behold the helmet baphomet once more oh [ __ ] the aeons of imprisonment have only made him hungrier that's the dragon bro that's the dragon i am aware of them pay them no mind they are powerless stacked yeah it's a giant [ __ ] dragon what are they gonna do soon the planet will regain its true form it's the same dude as the mage that we fought isn't he worried about getting hit i would be so stressed out about that man oh [ __ ] [Music] damn morning sunshine was a bit i was hoping it would be the admiral walking in or like the cat girl not not you khabib what is this dude uh-huh good morning what happened to you yeah i don't remember then keeled over in the middle of the banquet caused the right stir caused you to carry back to the winch myself when i say carriage was more of a matter of dragon rolling too much cake oh he's calls me i'm fat all right [ __ ] you too khabib anywhere don't don't fret this little wonder was exhausted after anything you've been through lately so yeah he actually did so khabib had to tuck me in bed isn't that cute is is that that bro that's so cute man i almost forgot the admiral wants to have a ward with you yeah exactly you have to talk to xerathel okay wait man everybody wants to talk to me now man wait so is khabib my secretary now this is great okay i have a pen letter to each of my counterparts in the erusian alliance okay cool the battle of cantaru and the calamity that followed claimed countless lives it has been five years since those of us who were spared dragged ourselves from the ashes to look upon eurasia that we scarcely knew five years and yet the people still suffer their lives are fraught with worry and hardship and the warriors of light who might once have given them hope are gone yet we must press on regardless we will never truly do so however we will have faced our past to that end i am proposing that a memorial service be held in each of the city-states on the fifth anniversary of the battle of cartenu these these letters contain the details of said proposal so we're planning a party i would have you deliver them to my allies as my personal envoy oh great so this is before they so we have cell phones but we don't have email is this right i knew you would not disappoint me of course not the task will take you far from our borders of nature in the city states of grandilla and yulia a grueling journey where you travel by sea and land i mean you have to take the skies oh [ __ ] okay we're going on an adventure an airship pass oh i see it that's great airships bound for the nation of our eyes leaving the landing connected to the bridge before your departure suggests you trouble balderon for a few pearls of wisdom regarding each of your destination the old bastard is nothing if not well traveled man [ __ ] balderon i'm done with him i'm ready to go normally one of his other parties would like to see you granted the privilege of air travel hey has been gold your deeds do not go unnoticed i know that i know that full many see great promise in you but i have flattered to you enough are you sure about that i don't really know if we have or not on behalf of lisa lamassa and her people i bid you go forth adventurer discover the realm for which many have fought and died wonder and danger await you in equal measure but not turn away from either only by braving the unknown will you achieve the greatness of which you are surely capable of the light of the crystal guides you and i wager that your destiny will be no small thing damn okay wow all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here board the airship yep let's board this [ __ ] [Music] that's right please make your way to the boarding gate that's right oh look at that it is realistic somebody arguing with the guy attention all passengers the airship bound for gardenia is about to depart please make your way to the bounding gate see that little smile i did that's great let's go all right we're on our way i like how this guy's just trying to do go for the jump man oh he didn't make it that's too bad the pounding gate no [Music] can i get one of those oh wow wow oh look at my hair in the wind oh that's great we got khabib there cat girl wow there we go she's just randomly looking at me good fortune to ye asmin gold thank you the day will come where your means the same as ero to the folks in our realm [Music] may ye walk in the light of the crystal so this whole thing has just been set aside because i found the magic rock wow what a come up man baldur on really wait what though what the [ __ ] is this this looks nothing like my original ship this isn't me coming out of here yeah i didn't think so i was so confused who's this guy oh [ __ ] it's darth vade oh my god it is darth vader look at the guy in the back he's so beefy it has been 15 years but the bitter taste of defeat lingers still it is darth vader since the imperial fleet said course what led by the or so we believed but an innumerable host of dragons met us that day at the heart of which flew the great meat guards armor though we succeeded in slaying that lord among worms the dread serpent's defeat was bought at too hot damn they shut down the ship our invincible flagship was lost in all hope of dude that dragon [ __ ] him up all right a blighted realm riddled with false gods this is the bad guy right [Music] twice now it has eluded the empire the empire are you kidding me they're not even trying to hide it for all the destruction it wrought even meteor they're not not even trying fail to yield us control over it and for this failure the realm has sunk deeper into depravity uh-oh they're probably watching porn now it is twisted beyond all reckoning rotten nigh to the core maybe you should make a death star to destroy the world yet it must be saved oh that's nice he's a good guy after all only guardian rule can bring order to aorzia yeah it falls to us to deliver the misguided masses that's right ignorance very true damn no wonder they can't figure everything out they can't even talk at the same speed these guys are stupid look they look like morons yeah for real we've got more oh yeah they're like scuffed power rangers wait who's this the [ __ ] is this okay okay hey is legatus really planning to take another tilt at the orsia uh yeah he is hey what hole have you been hiding in we're in the midst of preparing for a new campaign and a huge one at that oh [ __ ] but i thought the emperor had given up the western lands for lost at the cartenar what could the legatus possibly hope to gain by acting alone wait there's an emperor too i sense you oh my god it's over the wisdom of the legatus's plan wow okay [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my my lord well who's that please call me nero tell me where were you born well this doesn't bode well didn't nero [ __ ] up rome oh my lord al amigo my lord ah code name humming way i presume why is the other thing in his head i i don't know what you what's going on here humming way silence your denials will not change your fate oh [ __ ] it's the eye i assure you frumantarium sees all oh that might that might be the thing in his eye please kill him damn clean up this mess and do this or i shall be most displeased that's crazy there's like no blood at all either what the hell at once the lord yeah [Music] oh [ __ ] garland soon you will be made to know the true power of magitek oh [ __ ] are we gonna go to the moon [ __ ] yeah bro we get to go to the moon yes dude okay this is the area okay so these are real players i i never know if they're real players or it's just like some [ __ ] okay so let's talk to this guy you must be the envoy from lisa lamassa welcome to gradonia sir the elder sincere sees you leave the landing area yes let's leave the landing area all right we're on our way now um okay so now let's move ahead here serpent honor guard greetings good sir you're the lamasian envoy are you not i have received instructions to assist you please make your way um to the proper city and identify yourself to the conjurer at nafika's altar okay let's go over there oh it's the girl of the th like from the thing so you are the lamensin envoy yes and an adventurer besides the realm owes much to you and yours thank you on behalf of our fair nation i bid you welcome please please what and leader of the order of the twin adder our nation's grand company yeah that's real cute i understand you bear a message from the admiral yeah she said send nudes oh that's it oh [ __ ] i was i remember in service for the fallen of cartnell to think that five years have already come and gone seems like going yesterday the garland empire attempted to seize all that we hold dear rising in resistance to sustained serizia formed the grand companies and joined hands in alliance but unbeknownst to us the garlands the guardians is darth vader right yeah okay uh sought to not bestos in battle but we moved to enact the terrible plot the meteor project by which the lesser moon dalmund will be torn down into the heavens to annihilate all life below so like a death star all right that's great in a desperate bid to save the realm for certain destruction our forces marched for church now falls and are met with villeth imperial legion more bloody a battle that i've ever seen i would never wish to see again yet the carnage was a prelude to the atrocity which followed despite our best efforts dalman continued its descent and from it emerged the elder primal belmont oh [ __ ] who proceeded to rain fire upon eurasia the the seventh legion was consumed in the blinking of an eye while our own forces fared little better that any among us where sparrow defies explanation well the the company wanted to make more money uh all all seemed to sure to perish as flames converged upon us i prepared myself for death only for a brilliant light to envelop me relieving me of my senses when i last awoke but baum it was gone and the land which had but moments before of it aflame now seemed to place unknown not simply ruined but changed arkhan luizo louise i don't know how to say his [ __ ] name again uh may may well have been able to shed light upon these mysteries but he like so many never returned from the condo [ __ ] that's the guy that probably got killed by the dragon um and yet so we were left with countless questions and no prospect of an answer yet such matters did not occupy our thoughts for we had far greater concerns the calamity as the devastation wrought by bamit was come to be known laid our nation's night of waste and to this day we struggle to rebuild our lives and homes to compound matters the beast tribes continue continue to summon their primals while the empire that's darth vader um encroaches upon our borders consolidating its foothold in eurasia the outlook in short is bleak in the wake of the calamity it has been all each nation could do to nurse its own wounds yet if we were to weather the coming storm we must need we we must need stand united once more our remembrance service may well present an opportunity to rekindle the spirit of unity which first gave rise to the alliance i wholeheartedly approve of the admiral's proposal the necessary provisions shall be made for service here in gridania great problem salt for the alliance yeah of course i mean it goes without saying oh great another message you need me to deliver even though the story has already added in cell phones yes that's great of course yeah there's already our cell phones have already introduced into the story and now i have to keep [ __ ] delivering letters you've done a people reason to find services this day i would not have any further trouble i shall see that my reply reaches the admiral aynon wait anon oh [ __ ] uh you meanwhile we're bound next for udula are you not uh yes please send the flame general my regards and if you would be so kind i should appreciate if you inform him that a pet of mine has been ill-behaved of late my wolf to be precise yeah that's because it's a wolf needless to say he must be brought to heal and i would very much welcome the general's counsel on how this might be achieved thank you for coming may the 12th see you safe to udallah and beyond okay speak with oh i have to oh i take this back right yeah yeah yeah okay so i go back and i should be good so this is like a whole zone right like this is like the equivalent of like what i just did basically like my own area but for other classes yeah okay so this is like basically like me going from uh like like to tell drastical like if i'm a human in wow yes okay all right now we're gonna go to the airship okay yes let's go to the landing area okay stormland yeah yeah storm onto uh the other place it's not stormline yeah i get it i hate how you can't jump over areas man that [ __ ] triggers the [ __ ] out of me all right let's go we're on a magic and beautiful adventure once again to the fire lands oh we actually went to fire lands we are right oh no it's just this other area the steps of knull i thought his name was like fire or something like that so i assumed it was going to be like a volcano or some [ __ ] i have arrived bearing news okay now what i have to go down this way imagine if if plane rides were that fast in real life sometimes i would actually leave the house flame honor guard welcome to udalla sir we have been expecting you yes i'm sure you have we'll receive you in the fragrant chamber take the lift down to the hustling script and speak with bartholome speak with bart all right so let's go over here oh wait it's this guy oh [ __ ] i thought i smelled stale ale all right i won't hold it against you if you're half the warrior mervyn says tis a wonder you don't wreak of dead sahagan i don't know what that is welcome to the sultanate of ulda i am rauban aldin general of the immortal flames that's [ __ ] badass but you did not come all this way to trade formalities primary body cart now yep do you know what happened that day adventurer when he took the field against the guardians yep so my counterparts have educated you true kenny's pet is giving her trouble is it well she should already know my mind on that subject wolves are beyond taming see i basically she could ask me that i said the same [ __ ] thing just a matter of time until they bare their teeth exactly yeah it's a [ __ ] wolf bro what do you mean obviously so with the gar so so it was with the garlands 50 years ago no sooner had they learned how to use the magitek before they started seizing territory from their maid from their neighbors is the magitek the force led by legolas uh legolas solas galvantus they swiftly brought the other nations of israel to heal no okay i didn't think all right that's good and the legolas uh became the emperor and his republic and empire okay great uh an empire which then set its sights upon euresia oh it's the girl too all right but the conquering emperor is now an old man of four score winters his health is failing and he has no clear successor like is not this is why the guardians have been quiet as of late but the 14th legion imperial legion is still entrenched within our borders and their commander legless gaius van balsar has long harbored ambitions of conquest were he to strike now i fear he would fall like so many others before us and not only udallah but gridania and limsa lamassa would as well for the calamity brought a lot of us to our knees and we've yet to get up we barely have the strength to stand against the beast tribes never mind the primals they mean to summon we are realm divided i thought it was a realm were born oh that's why i have to finish the quest line adventurer an alliance in name only yes i know that all too well but the wolf cares not for the plight of its prey the garlian stir and the elder seed seer would not let it go unnoticed all other concerns pale in comparison to the empire even the beast tribes and their bloody primals we must stand united once more that much is clear and if we're to do so we must remember the cause which brought us together merliby will have her memorial we will honor the memory of the fallen we will remind the people what their brothers and sisters fought and died for i like this guy he just talks like a normal [ __ ] guy all right this guy's great i don't have to like think about like oh what the [ __ ] he trying to say it's just simple okay now what shall i inform the slotonian syndicate yes i will speak with her grace myself very good sir the admiral will have my reply ainon my thanks to you adventurer [Music] so now i get to take all these back to the admiral right oh i get my spaceship airship routes connecting free nations before you board an airship you must pay the requisite fair and gill okay so what's this here call of the sea okay and let me just make sure i know what i'm doing here oh oh right okay i have to talk to this guy again come on bart okay barnardo has information that may be of interest to you okay my ward invite i trust your stay at sencha has been pleasant now do you not mind you're asking do you want to go to lisa lamassa again yes i want the company to flame general on official visit so where now he has a job for a capable adventurer can't think of anybody better than you okay at the drowning winch oh wait what oh this is the whole map holy [ __ ] look at this damn so anyway um i've really enjoyed the game a lot for my first day i think that's been a very fun and enjoyable game the community and the people that were following me around did uh do their best to make it not fun but they did not succeed i did have fun it was enjoyable and i plan to play it tomorrow as well i'm going to continue playing this game uh until i get pretty much throughout the entire thing tomorrow i'm going to log on in the morning the same as i did uh we've got a few other things that i want to do first uh like a few like different videos and things like that that i want to watch and then we're pretty much going to go straight back into this now i'm probably not going to play as long as i did today tomorrow because i have a party i need to be at for fourth of july but um it doesn't really matter that much uh tuesday is going to be wow i'm going to be doing the new raid and some other stuff for that and then afterwards after that we're going to probably go back to this game and keep playing it more and more and more i'm very excited for it i will probably not be playing that much of it off stream because i know a lot of you guys want to continue and see me kind of do all the other stuff so i will probably just like acclimate myself to like the different like menus and just like the way the game works and all and then that way you guys can actually because i don't know whenever i'm going to go into like a brand new like cinematic or something like that and i know you guys will want to see me play that you know what i mean yeah you guys want to do a blue quest soft stream yeah maybe i'll do something like that but i'll wait until i figure the rest of that out tomorrow and i'll understand a little bit more of it so yeah i want to make sure that you guys get the chance to uh to watch all of that etc and i have really enjoyed the game i think that it's been very fun for me to go through everything and uh honestly it's been uh it's been great i plan on making a guild maybe or joining somebody else's guild uh tomorrow i'm gonna get my mounts i'm gonna do the other dungeons uh it's gonna be great man it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome rar thank you very much the five get the community subs i appreciate that a lot so yeah thank you guys all so much for the support today it's been absolutely [ __ ] incredible and uh i will begin oh follow my twitter apparently my uh i trended on twitter today which is kind of special i felt like i played minecraft or something like that uh that's about it like i'm happy uh it's great yeah the game's been fun it's been enjoyable yeah follow the twitter and uh follow the stream follow me everywhere except for in real life i'm probably gonna go get some food and then relax for a while man uh it's been quite a [ __ ] day i didn't expect this at all i didn't expect it either i was actually quite amazed uh this has been probably my most like the highest viewership stream i've ever had so uh that's incredible uh pop benji thanks for 20 gifted subs as well thank you thank you so much so yeah i'll be back on 10 hour stream it's always great to see uh it's always great to see people come out to watch new games right it makes me uh it gives me more confidence to play other games like this in the future and kind of go through them i think that like whenever i'm in the right state of mind i can really do a playthrough of a game in a great way that a lot of people really like to watch so hopefully this will give me more confidence to continue doing more of the same things so thanks a lot for watching guys i do really appreciate it i'm going to go ahead and run some minutes of ads and then after that we're going to call it a [ __ ] day so boys follow the twitter follow me everywhere except for in real life so until next time boys so until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 2,983,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, asmongold cat girl, ffxiv trailer, ffxiv cinematic, ffxiv first time, ffxiv first, ff xiv, ff 14, asmongold first time ffxiv, Asmongold ffxiv day 1, day 1
Id: qvvUm26pF1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 33sec (8853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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