Asmongold Reacts to "Why I Betrayed my WoW guild." | Pint (Classic WoW)

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i would you know what i will unsubscribe from them just so i can subscribe again these are the kinds of videos that you remember after a year like these are the videos that are timeless to tell a story and i think we should promote that and we should uh give that some support you know what i mean that's what it's about man why i betrayed my wow guild thank god for that a few months ago i decided to declare war on my world of warcraft guild now you might be thinking but why pint i thought you were a good boy well i'm gonna tell you the arduous sin they committed he's not wrong what they did to incite my divine wrath they didn't give him an item they didn't give me this sword and i want it back and forth what can i say i mean if it's classic wow you know what it's going to be it's always the same after items in modern core well you know after after toep and man are igniting yeah and wearing a spell found choco but mageblade is clearly the best because look it's a sword it sparkles now i know i know it's a reasonable drop rate and even warriors are getting it now yes somehow after a whole year in classic this item has still evaded my poor little gnome so who is to blame is it just unlucky it's how do you have that is this video just an elaborate presentation for why i feel entitled to loot yes so here's my guild history yes at the launch of classic i joined homicide skills while i was leveling and was very set on my end game goals pump big numbers pump big damage and you know once i got to 60 i was pumping just fine and i had already made plenty of real homies now the first mage blade that dropped went to a giga pumping chad warlock this guy was trying to stack as many world buffs as he could by like week four and he watched anime so he was probably the main character of the raid that's uh that's the guy in my guilds this is his all uh his alt is actually in this guild and um that's why he doesn't get world buffs and get ready in r raids is because he's just too busy doing it on this all me so no complaints there right well that was until you know someone got made officer and decided oh i'm gonna leak the loot priority and you know it's a good thing they leaked it because the top two people on prio for mageblade were paladins okay well that's fine let's see where i am pint [ __ ] this guy i'm never gonna give him any loot he's like gnome hitler i [ __ ] hate pineapple oh my god it turns out my gm [ __ ] hated me epic youtube gaming channel or maybe he hated the fact that i'd tell people to subscribe to pint in in raids dude like classic wow dude it's only the only game that you would ever have somebody that gets that stupid like imagine getting mad over somebody having a youtube channel this is like that is peak classic andy and that is peak phase one classic andy like getting mad about that holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you have to be a complete [ __ ] to think like that it's like every every server was like this too it's insane this p classic this is like a this is the pristine classic andy he believed that my behavior was egotistical and virgin-like which i can't disagree with constantly the 2-hour mc clear times and the numerous eagle scandals me and the boys figured it was time to jump [ __ ] to a new guild by now i had gone are there a lot of e-girls that play classic i feel like it's all a bunch of like balding 30 year old men yes really there's no way no i don't know like because like any time like in my guild for example i think we might have one girl but she never talks and everybody else is just a 30 year old man four months without me my first girl disbanded later that week yeah but i am an optimistic noman can look at the future with a positive eye i'm sure in my new guild serenity there will be no problems and things will be completely different and i will definitely get the items i want absolutely credit where it's due their leadership and serenity was pretty good but at the time they operated on a rolling system that you know i figured what could be more fair than lady luck it seems pretty unlikely super long without getting anything yep three months twelve more weeks without getting my guiding moonlight i saw freshly capped 60s get it on their first mountain core i wonder if he's ever seen a freshly capped level 51 get it on their first molten core i wonder if he saw that dude i remember that remember that [ __ ] dude that was [ __ ] funny man that was so dude whenever i got that mage blade people got so [ __ ] furious it was hilarious free hong kong yes exactly uh i did a i did an mc raid on a level 51 warlock where i funneled myself all the loot and i looted myself talisman of ephemeral power and mage blade in the same raid on level 51 warlock but was it 55 okay whatever it's just unlucky no it was 51. after all they did change dilute rules after but it didn't hurt any less yeah to them it was just an unlucky hot streak of not getting any limits without getting a very specific item that i'd been pumping very hard to try and earn the psychological iceberg of pent-up entitlement was about absolutely you need that sir you decided i wasn't going to take it anymore quit the game to play that video game made for children where you grind every day hopes for some arbitrary random mostly cosmetic improvement animal crossing new horizons which i'll admit was kind of just like the gaming equivalent of rebound sex so i [ __ ] stopped kidding myself and came back to azeroth and i decided to come back to classic and give serenity one final chance okay give the guild another shot if i don't get mageblade right now i am going to make a whole tune and gank you all good i left it up to lord's will and when that's loot from the boss drop that i needed the lord said pint my son don't let them hoes treat you bad ride up on them [ __ ] and stomp them the [ __ ] out is that jesus i ain't no [ __ ] holy [ __ ] maybe i'm kind of a [ __ ] but i'm not a [ __ ] when it comes to lulu oh my god fate is sealed when did he say that in the bible well boys let me tell you there's only a few things more sweet than mageblade okay and revenge is one of them what is it you get what you [ __ ] deserve bang he was not gay oh no hunt my second mage in my little side projects for the past few weeks look at how sad she is it's because she doesn't have mage blade i'd sit on this tune getting boosted through dungeons by my absolutely new chad of a guild who actually love and respect me after taking about two weeks to get to level 40 i decided to go [ __ ] sicko mode on them okay good this is my full power mage be nimble mage be quick mage level fast and suck your dick i started off in zolfarak doing a newfound zombie farm and was getting about 140 000 xp per hour no no no this is this isn't cheating this is completely fine what are you talking about whilst my friend was leveling like a normal [ __ ] person getting about 25 000 per hour what a loser casual oh yeah [ __ ] them dude wait why am i shaped hello what hi oh my god in only about 10 hours of gameplay i had gone from 40 to level 55. but oh [ __ ] my guild's doing a molten core and i'm looking at 55. why not so i need to get a tuned and put this puppy into full gear yeah so with the help of a demigod warlock who is unfazed by solid matter i managed to get my molten core attainment just in the neck of time raised by solid matter yeah so with the help of a demigod warlock who's unfazed by solid matter i managed to get my molten core just in the nick of time now in this molten core my guild actually let me roll on loot under the pretense that i would hit 60 within the next week i received a mediocre belt a comfortable pair of mittens and one of the best most sought-after rings a mage can get in the whole game wow and i couldn't even equip any of it yeah yeah i don't know what it's like all right from there i made my way to zuul guru where i opted to beat my head against a brick wall for [ __ ] hours on end because i'm too stubborn i will get this eventually [ __ ] until my skill prevailed and i was getting about 300 000 xp per hour which is quite literally the fastest leveling method in the entire game bringing me from level 58 to 60 in about 90 minutes if my last video didn't convince you to play mage these [ __ ] leveling speeds should now i could finally equip my epic items so that's that's insane that's absolutely [ __ ] insane man how is it that op holy [ __ ] wow i look the exact [ __ ] same unfortunately i couldn't make it to raid the next week so one of my friends gave me some extremely wise advice okay what are they saying hi you should start a gdkp also uh you are cool now if you don't know what a gdkp is essentially everyone bids on items for gold and then all of that gold is divided amongst all the raid members at the end of the raid not really though because then you have to pay into the pot and then after the pot you have to get consumables for the main people that come next week so that means that you actually split the pot 42 ways and then so if you have 40 000 gold that actually goes to like 950 gold but then somehow whenever all the trades go out just to make it easier to trade people it actually somehow goes down to 900 so whenever you do the math the number of times and then you also divide out the extra cuts that are going in towards the pot it turns out that people don't actually get the amount of gold that they were supposed to get but actually about only 85 of that and the new shave off the top an extra i don't know three to four shares i don't know who would do that i really don't uh oh and then also if people leave uh you take their cuts too because you're dividing it among 25 even though there's not 25 people i'm sorry 40 40 people there i don't know why i said 25. now seeing as i'm playing on an american server i figured i'd embrace the culture a little bit and indulge in one of the country's oldest traditions using a god violent capitalism so i got some of my friends together and i made a nifty little discord and i started spamming trade chat mode i'm on the same page as this guy man i'm a villain i am anytime a mage would whisper me i'd go to their warcraft logs and check if they needed any of the gear that i needed good and if they did well don't invite them we'd be conveniently full on mages yep how convenient that is and somehow by the time raid came around we had multiple thunder fury wielders a scarab lord and a high warlord all in the raid ready to go what a bunch of losers after a home run from gara shinobi damn that's actually really good we defeated ragnaros the fire lord and it was time to let the vultures feast i got a nice pair of yeezys for pretty cheap i got some sweet new gloves to finish up my three set and won the tier two pants at a hearty 75 gold after the rogues had finished bidding on their their second eagle pants you are not a chad oh damn we decided it was time to start auctioning the most coveted of items hold on you just looked at my feet wait wait do you feel that it's the cold unblinking eyes of your isp hackers and the queen of england but worry not my dear viewer because with expressvpn you can keep all of your activity hidden and encrypted so that neither her majesty nor anyone else can see what you're doing online now you can watch all of those felix makeup tutorials you've been wanting to watch without anyone knowing see i thought it was gonna be the secret safe was me but that's not all i know you have plenty of time to catch all those you can change your location with just one click and watch any show from is this basically just nordvpn but it's a different name where i'm in the world look at how easy i'm not sure even a mage could do it let's see what do you guys like yes okay all right i thought so i decided to rename the vpn japan anime movie marion the witch's flower which is only available in the us but with expressvpn i was able to change my location and watch the whole thing without a problem no i gotta say that's crazy i liked it wait a minute this is copyright infringement expect to be hearing from my lawyer find out how you can get three months free by clicking the link in the description box below it expresses back to the video so you can use this to you you can install this vpn and then use it to look at porn at school that's awesome holy [ __ ] that's awesome man thanks to my asman golding which is yes now a verb i have been no it's not no it's not oh thank god it's not i was so worried that it was oh my god i was so [ __ ] i was so terrified holy [ __ ] like no because like you never know whenever they're gonna put something like that into the into the dictionary like i gotta be careful guys receiving hefty stimulus packages from sims and eagles alike this allowed me to purchase the talisman of ephemeral power for only 700 gold very smart guys i could have spent on at least 1400 night elf lap dances oh my god that's a lot uh maybe it was a waste of money that is a lot of song mage blade i laid down hard with a fat 100 100 g i know none of these other [ __ ] need this [ __ ] that's right i made sure of it and that's how i got my azure song wait wait no what the [ __ ] dude you're a warrior what i know what this is this guy's trying to beat me up so i end up paying more gold wait what i can't afford this man a warrior i give up why wait oh oh four hundred twenty anything what i won't oh oh my god socialism has its merits 400 g and he got it oh that's cute that's real cute don't do it arthas as the righteous upstanding obviously good guy alliance known that i once was i must admit the dark side had clearly wormed its way into my heart absolutely no longer was i the small gnome you've all come to know and love now what now i had become a [ __ ] a big fat stinky zug zog and since [ __ ] are clearly the bad guys in world of warcraft it was time they are thank you like it was it's obvious that they're the bad guys by quarter always the aggressors like horde bomb theramore horde burned down teldrassil like every terrorist attack is being committed by the horde think about that they always are wrong they always are doing bad [ __ ] the horde are the aggressors and that it was a preemptive strike yeah i was a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] bunch of [ __ ] okay arthas was a terrorist arthas was mind controlled okay like yeah yeah right he was [ __ ] mind control by by the lich king it's not gonna happen stormheim who gives a [ __ ] about that hoarder the bad guys in the story everybody knows that you know what i know what everybody knows it for me to claim my vengeance yay justice no dude i figured serenity would be my perfect target so what dastardly plan could i conjure he's gonna go back and kill his own guild hit him with the oldest trick in the book oh no goblin sapper charge and some aoe damage from a few mages can wipe an entire raid in seconds oh no first of all set up a shadow discord and get all of your mage friends in there set up a certain time and place to meet get an alliance tune to kill us in a very specific spot so that our bodies are hidden but we can still res right where serenity would be but let's not forget the most important piece of the puzzle oh my god my good friend bradshaw bradshaw is still raided with serenity and thus would be my man on the inside wait so he sold out his own guild wait and this guild gave him the [ __ ] belt bro this dude got the [ __ ] belt and he's selling all he's selling out his own guild that's a warrior listen warriors don't do this this this guy's a [ __ ] well i guess there's something wrong with him you can tell there's obviously something wrong with this guy because he's wearing ranking gear okay so it's not really his fault he would tell me what layer they were on because back then layers were still a thing but you know they've since removed them but you know they were they were back then it's old footage uh so then it came and half the mages on the roster didn't [ __ ] show up but that's okay because we were all there at the gates of aq okay ready to um dunk on them hoes holy sh oh no we see them on the horizon and suddenly all of my hardships my pain my suffering is this his own character that he re-leveled on the horde i shot at redemption oh my i shot at justice killing his own guild so yeah we only killed like three people but one of those people was kitiara who was usually serenity's top pumping warrior but he died on the first boss so the fact that i killed him doesn't man the next day i finished up a gdkp and i'm going to turn in my items when i see serenity is summoning people on the roof to get that cg buff oh no well i still have a couple sappers in my inventory what if i just after getting my ass promptly beat my guild talks about needing some backup at the gates i figured serenity's right time would be soon so i head over to help out my guild zoned into aq and shortly after serenity arrived at the gates which i proudly defended to my extremely dying breath i love how everybody in the entire guild that he's in is all just like waiting to kill him wait the kinatara guy this is this is the top warrior in your guild no wonder your guild sucks he's using quel's syrah this guy's trash oh this guy's terrible look at him he's using walls what a [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] a lie boys felt kind of humiliated at this point despite my later run-ins with serenity being pretty conscious i presume they took it as an act of further aggression yeah they've been so i decided to embrace my meme even further all shall kneel beneath my my foot witness me oh oh they kicked me i don't blame them man so they kicked me from the guild discord yeah you live like a [ __ ] you die like a [ __ ] it wasn't worth it yeah of the character crying about not getting given [ __ ] nah [ __ ] that this is the only fun i can have in this [ __ ] game anymore creating my own role play pvp experience is really fun i'd recommend it whether your character is orcman mczuggy zug who terrorizes the lobbies of duskwood or sir chad the guy that pvp is without a chest plate and flexes after every kill good i like that making a name for yourself yeah that's a good pvp gimmick and a bit of a story is in my opinion one of the most fun things you can do in classic because the only thing better than killing strangers online is killing your friends i don't hate serenity i just i just want bloodshed if you think mine i always kind of wanted to do that is like level up a whole new character and then kill my own guild but then i got to level two and i got bored i was like this is taking too long like oh my god like i don't want to do this [ __ ] man it's gonna take hours dude so i just gave up a conquest would be so easily thwarted by feelings my friend if i was going to give up so easily i'd have already done it by now this was only the beginning are you kidding me soon i would begin my training with some of the most are you [ __ ] kidding me oh god such as woo cool and i gained some mad clout in the white main pvp community amazing i would make my faction proud this guy didn't start he killed a few at the gates of aq oh my god all i had to do was hunt down the rest of them and drive them into the ground like the dog he's killing his own guilt oh wait uh i mean for the alliance this is yeah number one kitiara again because he was online so i head over to booty i mean the guy sucks to be fair like let's be honest like he's using kwelser like holy [ __ ] age pal to pump some frostbolts into him oh come on unfortunately that's not enough to save him from the fact that warriors upon entering combat with a mage are clinically diagnosed with a [ __ ] you [ __ ] you actually it's not me that's not me erectile dysfunction swiftly followed by deleting your character i even managed to get a few bytes in before we made that great escape i'm passing bm right now my dude kill number two and zelia i track him down to eastern plaguelands and i start hunting i find him and clap his human female cheeks at times we have an epic chase scene which ends in him unfortunately dead yet again followed by him taking breast sickness and porting what a surprise i decide to call it at night and i snuggle into bed yeah great about me isn't that cute and sleep without an ounce of remorse i log on the next day and who do i oh find he's afk i i couldn't kill him look what he has on him dude look he's got the [ __ ] sword oh it's [ __ ] amazing he's got the [ __ ] sword over his health so that when he comes back he can see my face before he eats the dirt it feels pretty good to camp someone who has better gear than you but eventually i got bored and moved on when i was told by bradfield that enzela didn't know who i was and also didn't really speak english so he couldn't understand my incessant [ __ ] talking now i already knew this was gonna take a while i didn't even know what the [ __ ] going on to my training and remembering just some random ass [ __ ] technique passed out young pint today i teach you the art of having more people on your team so i began recruiting a valiant that works really well in pvp i would be the twitch eagle streamer and they my humble chat oh boy i'd reward them with 10 gold per kill shout out in my next video so now the whole world knows that you guys are [ __ ] cheap clout chasers and of course serenity saw the bounty that i'd placed on them some would say it lacks subtlety but i'd say it's an alpha gamer move so one wait so this is like actual drama that happened and he's paying people to kill his own guild holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] [ __ ] see i told you guys i should have played on a pve server man like this is so [ __ ] ridic this is this is what classic candies do see they run out of they run out of game content there's nothing else going on in the game and so this is what they have to do instead they invent these problems and uh these issues they have with each other man uh this is crazy this is nuts late night in hindsight absolutely my first pupil chill bra head out to scoop up a couple kills on china and he even cannibalized after god he makes me so proud but he didn't get the kill on the thunder fury tank so i'm gonna have to bump him down to an a minus still that's okay two kills also he killed laser chicken but i don't know i don't know who that is so next up melandra after getting a sloppily screenshotted kill on angel's ore that's nice she did manage to get a tasteful one-shot on marty mcfarty and finally oh no it was at the darkmoon faire too that guy was trying to get buffs managed to get a taste look out he's just just trying to get buffs man dude he's just trying to get buffs what the hell shot on marty mcfarty finally this count my right hand man and my tier three sub this guy levelled a horde tune just to help kill serenity the camp syllabus all day and night and this guy had more kills than serenity than me wow dude he's dangerous so i head over to celsius to help him camp one night okay i see tilo this guy this guy who laughed at me we hit him with some pyroblasts until eventually he flies out of town never to be seen again until this gant pulls a 400 iq move of predicting that he was going to sinarus we landed in gadget sand and see who other than t lol who of course runs to the inn to use his hidden technique of logging off and [ __ ] talking in discord once again we waited in the end for him to log back on for a whole 50 minutes before we decided to pack it in for the night bro this is some stalker [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] oh my god 50 minutes you're sitting there well i can't wait for him to come back whenever he come back we go to get him i know it dude i've had people back in the beginning of classic dude i had people that waited for like three hours just for me to zone out of a raid so they could auto attack me once and hopefully get their name read on screen like this is this is nuts man these people are [ __ ] nuts [ __ ] neckbeards these are beyond neckbeards these are like these are these are like wizards that's what it is they're like [ __ ] these are super wizards like mega wizards because they're beyond neckbeards and this is all they do is they just play like their whole life and everything is just about this it's crazy uh arc mages yeah probably almost yeah arc mages that would be good and unfortunately this was the beginning of a pattern with serenity the next day i tracked down another member to blackrock depths and i waited outside for 40 minutes but he never came out even melandra in hopes to get some extra credit and some boys from the guild camp the portal room to catch serenity as they ported in and while we spilled plenty of alliance blood none of it was serenity i even took my massacre to ironforge still no serenity every day online in serenity dwindled i knew my time was limited and in my desperation i put up all the money that i had left 1 000 gold to anyone who wiped serenity chill brown risk out decided to plan the final assault they get wait so this guy's wait he was breaking he was breaking the entire guild by doing this so much holy [ __ ] this guy destroyed a guild oh my god so he deletes his own guild because they didn't give him the sword should have played on a pve server man that's all it comes down to should have played on a pve server all i've got to say holy [ __ ] [ __ ] wow gathered a much larger kill squad than last time oh my god are you ready to kill serenity once and for all to claim the ones that actually was kind of a goal but there they were outside of aq okay but nobody came i know what that's like it's been three weeks since serenity has not been seen raiding why the raid leader left the guild amongst some others was it unrelated does having an angry larping gnome biting at your guild's ankles cause some damage over time or am i giving myself too much credit who knows this probably had nothing to do with that to be fair probably was like like you think about a guild that like it's like there's like numerous apparently numerous e-girl drama sagas they're leaking the loot council stuff let's be honest one mage is the least of their problems like this guild was [ __ ] from the very beginning like let's be honest so there's some [ __ ] yeah i mean this is a it seems like a [ __ ] up guild the past few weeks have been somewhat the most fun i've had in classic the role playing the companionship the enemies serenity may have died but not in the way i'd hoped when the ranking system and the raid buff culture offered no entertainment serenity was there to keep me playing to give me a reason to log on a reason to go out in the world but here i stand with everything i ever wanted and yet at what cost oh [ __ ] i have mageblade and although my slaughter was shorter than i'd hoped here i am missing serenity [ __ ] man because after all what is the hunter without the hunt what no it's me pint from dancing now most of you people aren't subscribed so if you like this content please do it also uh patreon patreon previews tutorials blah blah blah and i'm probably going to stream so uh follow my twitch please anyways i'd like to thank all of serenity and especially marvie the gm for being a good sport throughout this whole thing yes sure i'd also like to thank you i'm sure they really appreciate what you've seen in this video this is twitter it's really mean also my hard drive failed and i moved out of my parents house my life's stilling pop by you moved out of your parents house that's a mistake that's a [ __ ] mistake he should not have done that at all so there's the video this guy makes great videos he deserves our support i would you know what i will unsubscribe from him just so i can subscribe again okay uh this guy's great we'll give him a like on his video make sure to give him some support these are the kinds of videos that you remember after a year like these are the videos for example like you will remember this video probably way longer than you know bill's update on shadowlands you know what i mean like these are the videos that are timeless to tell a story and i think we should promote that and we should uh give that some support you know what i mean that's what it's about man bill tell yeah bill bill's update on shadow lines [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,653,337
Rating: 4.8624773 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold classic, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold pint, classic experience, wow funny, pint wow, pint classic wow, pint asmongold, classic wow memes, zackrawrr, classic wow guild, pint betrayed, pint guild, classic wow drama, classic wow ninja, asmongold ninja, asmongold ninja looting, asmongold drama, wow ninja, wow drama, pint
Id: 6e2_IztmcQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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