Asmongold on Blizzard Now Blaming Players for Being Too Toxic

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uh jeff hamilton literally said no work is being done at the moment on wow yes um i i will make a joke it might be uh it might be in poor taste but uh that's nothing new uh that's it's not uh that's been obvious for a long time and uh i will say this i think that they need to focus on this like harassment stuff and if they need to take time off of the game if they need to say listen we're going to take two weeks or three weeks off of development of the game to really just take a step back it's like kfc does this every once in a while right and like you'll see this you ever have like your kfc close and then it opens back up and they actually clean the floor well the reason for that is because corporate comes in and they say to this kfc uh there's too many homeless people with syringes sticking out of their arms that are passed out in the corner of the lobby and we need you to clean that up and to make it to where normal people want to come inside this uh this restaurant and eat our chicken and uh they do this and they come back and everything's okay the problem really and i talked to my dad about this and my dad was explaining to me about the anti-harassment seminars and things like that that they had to deal with whenever he was at work here's what they had to do they had to go through these uh basically like quizzes there were these little modules that's what he called them and these are like little throwaway quizzes about the same amount of effort went into this quiz that goes into the buzzfeed quiz for telling you what school and harry potter your dog belongs to so anyway um it's like questions like uh bill puts his hand on stacy's breast is bill wrong you know what i mean and it's like okay thank god thank god we have somebody who's able to impart this knowledge upon us you know no shut up [ __ ] uh listen if you're in the office and and stacy's not your goddamn wife or your girlfriend yeah you're not supposed to do that okay especially not without asking so listen here's the point that i'm making right is that the only reason these companies are doing any of these like anti-sexual harassment stuff is just for plausible deniability inside of lawsuits do you really think they care about it do you really think they care about this whenever they go with the cheapest possible solution apps are [ __ ] lutely not they don't give a [ __ ] about it they're just looking for a way to write these things off and not have to worry about them but we have had we have had a little bit of a problem here and i want to talk about that problem that we've had so this is a tweet that was made uh this is by an individual um if your reaction to everything going on right now is to complain that the next patch is going to take longer to release then you need to step back and realize that you are part of the problem you value video game content more than human decency and respect most people do because they're paying for a video game and not human decency and respect they're paying you guys to make a game not touch each other inappropriately and get sued by the state of california that's not what people are paying for no nobody nobody wanted this just get back to making the game that's the goal now obviously i care because i'm personally invested but the idea to guilt trip the consumer to guilt trip the customer and tell them you are the problem because you are not happy with a service that is not being provided that you paid for apps are [ __ ] literally not you're paying a monthly fee for this and so it makes sense that people are going to be frustrated because they're not getting what they paid for like for example if something bad happens at walmart and then the walmart closes people don't give a [ __ ] about what the manager's relationship is they don't care they want to go in there and buy a three dollar shirt they want to go in there and buy the meat that is probably not even meat you know they want to go in there and get their stuff and so it's it's very disappointing to see uh to see the blizzard developers take this approach and this has been something that i feel has been happening i've got to talk about this is that i have never seen a company if you take the collective of all the blizzard employees i have never seen a company that has vilified and said negative things about their community and about their customers more than blizzard and what i mean by i have never seen this i mean if you combine all of the gaming companies in the entire world and you compare them to just blizzard blizzard is still winning in that category they're still winning and that's how much it is like it it's [ __ ] crazy and i understand that like yes you want to respond to things i i get it right and i think that these things are okay in like an individual vacuum but the thing is this isn't a vacuum this is an entire ecosystem and it makes me wonder like what the [ __ ] is going on devil's advocate here do you think parvo is trying to say as toxic players yelling at devs is part of the problem with things in the team causing issues if uh players that are uh being mean to you uh cause you to inappropriately touch your co-workers then i think you should find another job yeah let's be honest this is nobody's fault except for their own now this is completely their responsibility this is not toxic players this is not anything like that i think that there are toxic players and there are things that should be called out but as i said there has never been like there's no company that vilifies its its consumers more than blizzard and it and has people on social media that work for the company that are saying these things regularly uh it's extremely worrying because it's like what is that really how do they feel about people behind closed doors the blizzard activision stock is in free fall i saw that on my uh on my during my intro right i read that somebody said that in my chat and then [Music] it's not looking good uh niagara falls yes exactly uh it's a very sharp drop and uh as you guys can see this is um this is not good this is a this is a bad trajectory to have and what you have to remember with this thing right here is that this is activision blizzard this is not just blizzard so you have to assume that if you just look at blizzard i i mean bro that's like a dude like that that's down that's down into the ocean man because you're you're having this offset by like call of duty you're having this offset by like king the entire market is down you're right i'm sure this has nothing to do with the sexual harassment lawsuit in case that they're literally being sued by one of the largest states in the entire country you're right no you're you're very right it has nothing to do with it thank you so much for that input thank you thank you i'm i'm glad that you know that are you really going to say that a national news story about a company having year after year a decade plus of sexual harassment claims people that are literally might face criminal charges and the games itself being stopped the development on these games stopping and everything like this will have no impact on the stock we really is this really the hill we're going to die on come on shut up let's see here let's read the rest of these preach will not be covering world of warcraft anymore look we're not covering world of warcraft anymore i'm telling you now that's not happening that's brutal about yesterday we're not doing it it's not happening but it's it's not happening yeah um i have a lot more detailed things to talk about about that because it's it's not as simple as like all that kind of stuff it's not as simple as it sounds let's put it that way because i've got other people to look after in our business but um this is kind of the tip of the iceberg on this stuff like it's awful it's horrendous like everybody who in our team is completely done with this [ __ ] from start to finish especially me yeah and like that's what he said it says the tip of the iceberg right which is what i was saying too which is like yeah yeah abso [ __ ] lutely that that's what it is it's like this is the tip of the iceberg it's like yes the game is bad yes this other thing is wrong yes this thing after that is wrong there are so many other things that are wrong at the same time so many people are leaving dude i know jibu i want to make a comment here gmod and mechagon gebu quit wow he posted a twit longer i read a pretty good bit of it and i'm not gonna i'm now i'm never gonna get my mail right but like it's just it's sad man it's definitely [ __ ] sad this is what a lot of people have said is that this is like this is the tip of the iceberg right this is the straw that broke the camel's back it's not a surprise like i don't want to quit wow like i i don't like i haven't been playing well i'll be honest i really haven't but i can log on right now i'll log on to like an alt or something like that and i'll see the last time that i was online and wow i was last online eight days ago eight days ago so i haven't been playing for over a week i haven't logged on for a whole week and eventually i will uh i'll get back into it eventually i will i will play again but i just like honestly it's the same as a lot of people it's like it doesn't have anything to do with the harassment stuff it's just like [ __ ] like what is going on would you make more sword runs one day i will i'm sure i'll come back to wow soon but uh it's just i feel bad about doing it with all this drama that's been going on man i'll be honest i really am let's see here devil's advocate potential one popular opinion do you think sending a bad message you're so against what's going on blizzard but still continue to say you support the game's content no i think i don't think that's a bad message at all i i think that it's very uh it's very measured and very intelligent uh blizzard is comprised of thousands of people that all work there and the bad things are probably shouldered by a dozen yeah i i don't want to put a thousands of people out of a job just so i can virtue signal and tell everybody how good of a person i am like there are thousands of people there working there look i'll show you just so you can see this i'll show you how many people are working there who don't agree with this [ __ ] over 2 500 current and past blizzard employees have now signed an open letter over 800 it was only 800 yesterday uh have signed an open under leadership criticizing the official statement on the lawsuit and demanding one that reflects the seriousness of the allegations so no i i don't believe i i don't believe that it's a bad message to uh to continue supporting all of those people to continue supporting thousands literally a people because of the actions of a few that's why sam walton's kind of five head um there's only one boss the customer he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down simply by spending his money somewhere else sam walton that's the guy by the way who uh made walmart okay this guy [ __ ] knows what's going on pro gamer by the way game developers just attacked this programmer yeah it's happened to me before uh russell brauer this is another person this guy made a lot of the wow music look at look at this header right there world of warcraft diablo 2 starcraft 2 wish i could get those 12 years of my life back that's so [ __ ] sad man that that's absolutely so [ __ ] sad look at that guy's hairline man he's like 50 years old he's got a better hairline than i do man [ __ ] this [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 678,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, blizzard, asmongold insult, blizzard insult, blizzard asmongold, asmongold harassment, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard california lawsuit, wow quit, blizzard., blizzard entertainment, lawsuit
Id: PFqbfdcnNf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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