Asmongold Comments on Blizzard's Horrifying Scandal

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Please don't make my day worse by asking me to watch an asmongold video.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Asthaloth 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing. This is a good perspective.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/rawhidekid 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

We don't need this guy to tell us that this situation is bad.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Muscle_Squad 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
activision blizzard has is getting sued and i want to make this very clear this is not a twit longer this is not a disgruntled e-girl this is the state of california has done a two year investigation on activision blizzard and now they're suing them there's no [ __ ] this isn't some oh well you know uh you know it's he said she said nah man i understand everybody deserves their day in court everybody should have the presumption of innocence but i'm not a court if i had to guess i'd say they're [ __ ] guilty however they do deserve their day in court they deserve their chance they deserve their opportunity and they deserve their rights to defend themselves even though i think it happened it's been confirmed by like what [ __ ] a dozen employees man video game giant activision blizzard maker of games including world of warcraft and diablo fosters a frat boy culture in which female employees are subjected to constant sexual harassment unequal pay and retaliation according to a lawsuit filed by the california department of fair employment and housing so um i find myself i find myself quite vindicated because after a year and year and year of being told that things like go big dick is misogynistic or bad or they don't want to deal with me because of these things i feel pretty i feel pretty [ __ ] vindicated whenever i see this the hypocrisy it's more than that it's the sanctimoniousness of it hypocrisy i'm fine with it i'm fine with hypocrisy but if you're sanctimonious about it you can eat [ __ ] that's what i'm [ __ ] done with man i hate that [ __ ] so much anyway let's go back over here two-year investigation by the state agency founded the company discriminated against female employees in terms and conditions of employment including compensation assignment promotion and termination company leadership consistently failed to take steps to prevent discrimination harassment and retaliation the agency said according to the complaint filed tuesday female employees make up around 20 of the activision workforce and are subject uh subjected to pervasive frat boy workplace culture including cube crawls in which male employees drink copious amounts of alcohol as they crawl their way through various cubicles and often engage in inappropriate behavior through female and towards female employees drinking copious amounts of alcohol as they crawl their way through various cubicles in the office is not that bad i don't care about this this could be a fun place to work this is not this is where i draw the line one of these things is bad and the other thing like sends you to jail okay like you know me like this is like you have to keep this in mind whenever i'm making the statement keep in mind that i do not drink i never drink i don't want to drink and i don't like it i don't drink i don't do drugs i don't smoke i don't do anything like that okay this is not me defending it because it's something that i like to do or anything like that i just think that one of them is like yes this is ridiculous it's ridiculous but being ridiculous and immature and bad is much much [ __ ] different and i want to make this very clear there is a huge difference between doing that and harassing the female employees that that's where this part right here inappropriate behavior towards final points this part is where it's over the [ __ ] line okay this combination of both is even worse exactly and here's the reality is if drinking copious amounts of alcohol results in inappropriate behavior towards female employees two things should happen number one the people that are doing that should be [ __ ] fired and number two maybe you shouldn't be drinking copious amounts of alcohol the agency alleges that male employees play video games during the work day while delegating responsibilities to female employees engage in sexual banter and joke openly about rape among other things so they're making the girls do all the work while they talk about rape and harassing them now i just want to ask a very very simple question here do you think this makes world of warcraft a better game very simple question because in my opinion i will give you a very very personal anecdote that i think many of you all have experienced have you ever been to a party and have you ever had somebody that made everybody else at that party uncomfortable by the way they acted let's say maybe they talk too loud whenever they're drunk and it completely kills the vibe of a party or a get-together or anything like that let's say it's a drunk uncle let's say it's something like that what do you think happens whenever those people are your boss what do you think happens to productivity whenever those people are in charge of you what do you think happens to the product when those people are in charge of you i'll tell you what happens shadow ends happens to the product these other terrible things happen to the product the product suffers you suffer whenever these [ __ ] can't keep their hands to themselves and can't stop [ __ ] with female employees because they're creepy [ __ ] weirdos you are the loser here your product is being decreased in quality because these people are creating an environment where they are afraid and getting ptsd from going to work you are the loser here you lose whenever this happens so i think this is not something this is something that affects every single one of us it's very simple if you read all these things that are being said do you think this helped or hurt the production of our games that we know and love i think it's a very very clear case if it hurt it ironic that you were called an [ __ ] when it was them all along i i think that specific event could be probably different however i do think as a general rule yes i am very vindicated as i said before i am extremely vindicated at the fact that blizzard who has spent years vilifying me and alienating me in many ways is now facing a lawsuit over the very things that they accused me of yes i find i find it very vindicating nobody's perfect no i'm not perfect but i'm pretty sure this is a pretty far away from perfect female employees allege being held back from promotions because the possibility that they may become pregnant being criticized for leaving to pick up their children from daycare and being kicked out of lactation rooms so male colleagues could use the rooms for meetings the complaint says female employees working for the world of warcraft team noted that male employees and supervisors would hit on them making derogatory comments about rape and otherwise engage in demeaning behavior the agency alleges i don't understa like the rape stuff is like holy [ __ ] man like that's like the worst thing that's like the worst [ __ ] thing man that's the worst [ __ ] thing i it's not like a you know a awkward joke or whatever man this is [ __ ] bad the suit also points to a female activision employee who took her own life while on a company trip with her male supervisor the employee had been subjected to intense sexual harassment prior to her death including having her nude photos passed around at a company holiday phot uh party like i i was originally like whenever i read this i was like well you know is it necessarily correlation does not necessarily mean causation but whenever i i went back and i read a little bit more about it apparently and i think that like can i find i think somebody linked this on my reddit is this it here yeah in a tragic example this is the real like so obviously the um the bloomberg law article is not going to be as graphic as the actual court documents but i'm just going to i'm going to read this out word for word in a tragic example of harassment that defendants allowed to fester in their offices a female employee committed suicide while on a company trip due to a sexual relationship that she had been having with her male supervisor the male supervisor was found by police to have brought a butt plug and lubricant on this business grip another employee confirmed that the deceased female employee may have been suffering from other sexual harassment at work prior to her death specifically at a company party before her death male co-workers were alleged to be passing around a picture of the deceased vagina for word word for [ __ ] word this is not i want you guys to understand this this is not awkward flirting that was interpreted in the wrong way this was not carson talking to a 17 year old whenever he's 19. this is disgusting this is this is actually [ __ ] bad it's vile it's awful this is police report yeah this is a completely different [ __ ] level and the reason why i continuously repeat that is because i know there are people out there there's some guys out there a lot of you guys out there are worried about the idea of having false accusations i think that's to a certain degree it's reasonable to worry about that but let me give you a little bit of advice treat women like people and it probably won't happen i never worry about that there's never a point where i go and i think to myself oh my god i really hope i ca i don't want to be alone and interact with this female because oh my god what if she makes a twit longer about me do you know why because i'm completely confident in the way that i interact with women and i do it respectfully and with a certain degree of reservation because i respect their personal space these people are not on your side trying to play devil's advocate for this this is devil's advocate on a twit longer is one thing but devil's advocate on a two-year state investigation is something else so just try to keep that in mind these people are not on your side these people going down these people going to jail these people being fired these people being excommunicated from the gaming and hopefully the professional space at large this is not a loss for you they do it to your [ __ ] mother keep that in mind we value diversity and strive to foster a workplace that offers inclusivity for everyone there is no place in our company or industry or any industry for sexual misconduct or harassment of any kind a spokesperson for activision blizzard said in a statement we take every allegation seriously and investigate all claims in cases related to misconduct action was taken to address the issue look at this this is blizzard's approach to different people that they can throw in the [ __ ] garbage the second that anything comes up swifty gets accused of sexual misconduct that does not result in somebody killing themselves or anything even remotely close even in the accusation that was for all intents and purposes considered untrue by most people blizzard immediately exit communicates him without even investigating it shoot first never ask questions this guy right here i'm assuming is the voice actor of kale thus the voice actor of kale thoth was accused of a number of things and was immediately fired and had his voice lines immediately removed from the entire game including in burning crusade it was never proven and it was in fact disproven his voice lines are still not in the game but now whenever they're accusing blizzard oh wait a minute oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute oh now that that this is different this is all not it couldn't be us it couldn't be hold up wait a minute what is this the reality is like this ruined his life like he's gonna have you understand like getting fired and having the [ __ ] news article come out that you got fired for sexual assault allegations even if they're untrue is extremely damaging for your [ __ ] for your career it doesn't matter what happens after that yeah here it is i'm removing my blizzard credits from my bio i boycotted blizzard games over a year ago whenever they revealed themselves to be tools for the ccp censorship by banning blitzchim the latest news was the last draw for me time to look forward that's [ __ ] sad man because i know how proud he was to to have worked on wow you know he was the one you have to remember he was the one that took the [ __ ] uh the wheelbarrow of papers with all of our names on it directly to mike moriheim himself and told mike morheim we want classic wow he was our standard bearer for that and he's the one doing this i witnessed all this happen to many more of my female employees when i was at blizzard numerous cases of discrimination and harassment were swept under the rug we were told that we're problematic people were too senior to do anything about some things never change i've always tried to shoulder an ally where i could and i know there's still great people working at the company who are fighting hard for change i wish all of them are best working through what's likely to be a tough time blizzard seems to be in the middle of a reckoning uh one of their core mottos is loren grow and i think it's about time they start taking that seriously this guy right here uh brett forbus he was bashiuk i believe he was one of the old community managers he even had a special toy added into the game in warlords of draenor for him and uh he was very always very polite to me i think i interacted with him like twice and i've had nothing but good interactions with him now he's working at riot which was assumed it's probably with their new mmo with uh greg street uh going to talk about blizzard because this nightmare isn't u.s only so here's the thing about things that i saw on the eu side and some things that were shared with me for context i worked there uh for about a year in 2006-2007 propositioning harassing employees and did so on several occasions not just at events this person watched him get so wasted at one christmas party in paris he couldn't make his end of the night speech what the [ __ ] third uh i know of someone who was assaulted by a different [ __ ] on a work trip to california when she tried to report it to the eu the issue was deemed complicated and said hr informed the attacker of the report to which he replied i only go for thin women finally death threats aimed at employees were to my knowledge not taken seriously at the least in one case the report led to legal asking the person if they were sure uh it wasn't from a pissed off ex or someone that you forwarded with this right here is really bothersome to me and the reason why this one and the death threats is so bothersome to me is because the fact that the blizzard will not take this seriously how much do you want to [ __ ] bet that this probably has something to do with the reason why devs don't communicate with us do you understand how this complete lack of [ __ ] uh accountability and lack of professionalism has led to the negative effects of our game this has been something that has affected us personally on an indirect level it's like a domino effect it's like a one domino is you know uh people getting death threats and then the next domino is legal not taking it seriously and then the next domino is the game not going well because people are being sexual harassed and stressed out at work and then the next domino after that is devs don't want to speak about publicly because whenever they do they get death threats and then domino after that is then whenever they report the death threats to legal they get blamed for them so guess what happens here's the final [ __ ] domino is we get to talk to [ __ ] nobody so this is the alex aversabi thing we're gonna read this one here now okay in a blatant example of defendant's refusal to deal with the harasser because of the seniority position alex afrosabi the former senior creative director of world of warcraft at blizzard entertainment was permitted to engage in blatant sexual harassment with little to no repercussions during a company event an annual convention called blizzcon afrosabi would hit on female employees telling him he wanted to marry them attempting to kiss them and putting his arms around them this was in plain view of other male employees including supervisors who had to intervene and pull him off female employees afrosappy is so well known to engage in harassment of females that his suite was nicknamed the crosby suite after alleged rapist bill crosby after saab we'd also call females derogatory names at company events afrosabi's conduct was known to blizzard entertainment's executives who took no effective remedial measures j allen brac president president of blizzard entertainment allegedly had multiple conversations with that for sabi about his drinking and that he had been too friendly towards female employees but gave afrosabi a slap on their wrist verbal counseling in response to these incidents subsequently after sabi continued to make unwanted advances towards female employees including grabbing a female employee's hand and inviting her to his hotel room and groping another woman it's just oh man this is why you don't drink excessively guys like obviously the guy's a piece of [ __ ] but like if you're a little bit of a piece of [ __ ] getting drunk like this like this is what happens man yeah obviously he's a [ __ ] creep but it's like the the drinking element of it it's like having world buffs okay if we want to use classic wow it's like it's like he just gave himself the [ __ ] rallying cry of the dragon slayer i left blizzard after my boss got gaslipped me so bad that my hair started falling out my profit sharing which i relied on to make ends meet was docked due to underperforming and when i went to hr to fight it with proof against his claims i was told maybe you are underperforming the [ __ ] up part i hated leaving but blizzard was my dream job and i loved to work there uh and the people that i worked with to the point to almost returning but the amount of people who still remain in management positions even after multiple accusations have kept me away years later during a studio visit with some friends i saw him and we made eye contact i spent the next 10 minutes locked in a bathroom crying i was blizzard i truly did but they employ predators in every sense to anyone else who has ever been unfairly treated to may feel lesser in the workplace because they're a gender age race of sexuality i know how you feel my dms are always open in 2014 my team manager boss's boss harassed me daily while pregnant he would write me up for using the restroom to pee at eight to nine months pregnant claiming that i was outside my allotted breaks for an adherence metric every day i'd come to work being told that it might be the day that i got fired at that time i was a top stack ranked gm for productivity number of completed tickets and top 5 to 10 for customer satisfaction and survey results i'd waiver between being number one and number two ranked gm they had half the time i had at the time um i ended up just never drinking at work and landed in the er due to dehydration my direct supervisor used to sneak up behind me and grab my sides or shoulders and yell to scare me i'm very jumpy and would always scream he'd laugh at me and tell me to chill out whenever i begged him to stop when i complained to my team manager he gave me an essay written by some harvard business school professor about being too sensitive to criticism i was made to read it at home then sit in a room alone with the two men explaining what i had learned in front from it and how i'd stop complaining about the touching going forward so like let's be like this is this that's crazy man that's absolutely [ __ ] crazy i still can't drive by the austin building uh without almost throwing up uh if low-level cs management behave this way i can't imagine what the bigwigs in california act like [ __ ] you miles i hope you rot in hell that's so [ __ ] awful man let me read the blizzard statement okay uh let's see uh includes distorted oh okay this is the california includes distorted and in many cases false descriptions of blizzard's past we have been extremely cooperative with the state of california throughout their investigation including providing them with extensive data and ample documentation but they refused to inform us on what issues they perceived they were required by law to adequately investigate and to have good face discussions with us to better understand and resolve any claims or concerns before going to litigation but failed to do so this is like here's what it's like i'm thinking of a way to put this it's like if you're at work and you [ __ ] on the floor and your boss comes in and he sees that you just [ __ ] on the floor and he says get the [ __ ] out of the building and they're like why what did i do well i never got told why i got removed they never they never told me i don't know what happened yeah i i've got no idea like what's this that wasn't in the rules like the rules say that you have to tell me what i'm supposed to did wrong it's [ __ ] crazy man instead they rush to file an inaccurate complaint as we will demonstrate in court we are sickened by the reprehensible conduct of uh the department of uh the california uh to drag the complaint of tragic suicide of an employee who's passing has has no bearing whatsoever on this case and with no regard to her grieving family so they're going for the emotional point they're saying how could you possibly bring her family into this i wonder what her family wants more i i wonder if her family wants to have justice for the people that cause their uh their daughter or their mother or sister to kill herself or they wanted to be swept under the rug yes how absolutely reprehensible to not sweep this under the rug when she's getting her nudes passed around when she's getting invited to these company [ __ ] parties and her boss or other employees are bringing butt plugs and lube and then other people on top of that are also sexually harassing her [Music] oh i don't know oh that wasn't all that wasn't the whole reason oh yeah it was percent of it it's just crazy man it comes like and it's like it's a holiday party right it's not even like oh yeah it's a private party no it's like [ __ ] merry christmas look at this naked [ __ ] employee it's christmas probably thanksgiving uh while we find this behavior to be disgraceful and unprofessional unprofessional well they are the experts uh it is unfortunately an example of how they have conducted themselves throughout the course of this investigation uh it is this type of irresponsible behavior from unexpected unaccountable state bureaucrats that are driving many of the state's best businesses out of california [Music] that's not true they're not unaccountable because we can vote them out just like 30 percent of your [ __ ] user base has voted you out in the last year talk about unaccountability how about these executives that are nameless that just get slaps on their wrist for abusing employees and then the employees get bullied into not talking about it that's really unaccountable uh the picture uh paints is not the blizzard workplace of today over the past several years and continuing since the initial invention investigation started we've made significant changes to address company culture and reflect more diversity within our leadership teams why would the diversity matter like that's not the problem it doesn't matter what color a person is whenever they make somebody lose their hair because they're not meeting arbitrary production goals they're deflecting by talking about something that's not the problem we've updated our code of conduct you don't even hold the players okay you don't even hold players accountable for code of conduct there's people that have been [ __ ] account sharing for years you can't even cut you don't even go get the bots look at the bots and wow and you want me to take your code of conduct seriously for your employees you can't even deal with bots we've updated our code of conduct to emphasize a strict non-retaliation focus amplified internal programs and channels for employees to report violations including the ask list with a confidential integrity hotline introduced as an employee relations team dedicated to investigating employee concerns we have strengthened our commitment to diversity equality and inclusion combined with our employee networks on a global level to provide additional support employees also must also go regular anti-harassment training and have done so for many years see they're using these words like the diversity inclusion thing right like obviously it's important to include people obviously it's important to have like people that are diverse right yeah yeah that's nice but this is they're they're misdirecting here this is a huge misdirection because the real [ __ ] issue is that it doesn't like this is these are actions like these are actions that are happening yeah they're using buzzwords to try to get out of the accountability for it we put tremendous effort in creating fair and rewarding compensation packages and policies that reflect our culture and business and we strive to pay all employees fairly for equal and substantially similar work like i don't even know why you write that like why do you even write that it doesn't make any sense like why like because everybody like look at this so this is the compensation package i want to read this real quick fair and rewarding compensation packages i'd like to say very nice work on your efforts on providing super high quality to our players also you guys doing have really stepped up and being flexible with your schedules putting in some extra time and submitting solid feedback while working on the project 100 honor points have been deposited into your account to redeem your honor points visit the program website it has to be fake it's not fake this image was received by me and i was the person that made it public and the person that i got it from is an employee from blizzard that i personally verified fair and rewarding compensation packages that's where we're at they don't even get conquest points they only get honor points they don't even give them the good points in game it's embarrassing we take a variety of proactive steps to ensure that pay is driven by non-discriminatory factors for example we reward and compensate employees based on their performance we conduct extensive anti-discrimination trainings including those for those for those who are part of the compensation process what does that mean part of the compensation process do you mean everybody who works there for a salary do you mean people that receive compensation in other ways with profit sharing do what does that mean oh that's right it doesn't mean anything giving people training is nice nobody is denying whether you're giving people training or not this has never had anything to do with training you don't need to tell somebody that [ __ ] spreading their nudes in a company public uh a company [ __ ] holiday party is bad you don't need to do that you don't need a training exercise for this they know it's bad well you never told me to sh i wasn't supposed to shoot on the floor it wasn't an orientation nobody said i couldn't [ __ ] on the floor we are confident in our ability to demonstrate our practices as an equal opportunity employer that fosters a supportive diverse and inclusive inclusive workplace for our people and we are committed to continuing this effort for years to come it's a shame that the dfeh did not want to engage with us on what they thought they were seeing in their investigation how is it that every single employee knows this but not the leadership how is it that everybody knows what the problem is except for the people in charge what a quinky dink what a cute little coincidence that is you know what pisses me off about this is the fact that they think people are stupid enough to believe it insulting my intelligence by feeding me this [ __ ] thinking that it's something that i'll believe uh let's go ahead i'm gonna pull up the uh the wow post too uh let me see if i can find that uh something of the lawsuit i know it needs to be done you know exactly what this is the best thing about this is like you you're gonna click on it but you know what it's gonna say every voice matters uh no regrets uh hong kong yeah this is blizzard is very good at performative uh performative diversity now they're very good at uh wearing a little sticker that says that they care about women or minorities or gay people or something like that and then whenever it actually comes down to taking uh taking a hit for them actually taking a a chance for them then they're they're nowhere to be found it's virtue signaling it's literally virtue signaling i will look at their stock prices why not not looking good and this is only the beginning i think this is just going to get worse it's my opinion on it i think this is just going to get worse because there's a lot of people who um they're just uh they're frustrated they're they're caught up they're tired of it man people on sub realize how boring uh aharel is and recent quietly i i think there will be some people that will but there will be a lot of people who doesn't okay like and that's the thing is every single time that something like this happens so basically like here it's it's like this and so blizzard's reputation bar used to be okay and then you had things like warlords of draenor and now it's like this and then you had things like the [ __ ] hong kong thing now it's like this then you had things like bfa then you had other various uh you know problems that blizzard has had like different types of like little drama right where they remember how they weren't they fired a bunch of people and then like they were giving them honor points and stuff like that and this is just the last straw but the point that i'm making here is that a lot of these things you don't really feel the effect of losing uh give me a second of losing this until you get to this reputation does matter absolutely it does matter especially in something reputation see here's basically reputation has a certain type of elasticity to it right if you know in economics right but the more that your product is a creative entertainment product the more your reputation matters here we go literally baltimore guess who that is [ __ ] it i'm not done the problem isn't just employees or management at blizzard it's also the toxic element of the community that empower that kind of behavior the [ __ ] who send death threats over sylvanas or who briefly bullied madeleine rowe off of twitter do better that's the person who made all the negative tweets about white people as if it in any way is acceptable but it's our fault do better convenient choice of words convenient timing and that douchebag whose name people have to censor so his fans don't lynch them imagine being so privileged that you think something that literally killed thousands of black people is the same thing as you getting a couple of mean tweets on twitter imagine thinking those are the same [ __ ] things man starts with an a ends with an oh god does this ever end misogynistic [ __ ] who are ruining gaming a pastime i'd quite like my daughter to be able to grow up and enjoy without harassment well don't have her work at blizzard then [Music] simple here's the facts here's the [ __ ] facts here is that people act like yeah i'm baltimore right i'm the bad guy because i say go big dick and i like having girls in video games that have chainmail bikinis with huge tits yeah that's right that's not the same thing as harassing people in real life it's not and to even draw any sort of comparison or equivalency to that is such a massive disrespect to anybody who's actually endured any real harassment it's unreal you want the game to fail no no here's what i want to happen here's what i want to happen i want the people who had control over the situation and the outcome of the situation like let's say you're a gm let's say you're like a low-level developer and you heard about something about this and you didn't quit the job over it i don't think that you should have a moral responsibility to quit the job over it especially whenever it's just hearsay but if you were one of the people that were at an executive role and you were in the position to make decisions for this company and you let this happen then i absolutely think that you should be held accountable and on top of that i think that the people who actually did these actions should be charged criminally because they're breaking the law that's what happens whenever you break the laws you get charged that's what happens straight to jail no they have a trial and then they go to jail that's that's how we do things uh job's gonna know a hell of a pen a t-shirt combo to get out of this one yeah it's like can you imagine like what is this year's blizzcon gonna be like you know what i mean like what what exactly is what what what he comes on there and he's like uh well uh um all right oh well they canceled it dude oh did they already cancel blizzcon again i don't know if they did or not yeah maybe oh they'll hire a celebrity to apologize for them that's a good idea yeah maybe they could get bill cosby to do it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,274,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, final fantasy asmongold, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold blizzard, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard harassment, blizzard sued, blizzard investigation, blizzard exposed, wow lawsuit, blizzard asmongold, blizzard drama, activision blizzard
Id: p3Ek2AStH20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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