Asmongold on Blizzard's President QUITTING | J. Allen Brack is OUT!

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Okey so J.A Brack leaves and 2 new Co-Op leaders are assigned, 1 man 1 woman. Hmmm wonder why?...Public image?
Now lets see what those 2 really can do within 12 months. Till then I would not start cheering and praising the lord till we see real changes made within the game and outside the game.

Myself I'm not playing WOW for months now. Will I get back to the game? Most likely not, only if a miracle happens. Lets see if those 2 CO-OP leaders can get back to good fun gamedesign that is not gated BS with unnecessary complicated systems to keep me grinding just to keep me around to pay sub. I already have a Job, a second one in game = hard pass for me.

Don't get me wrong, I mean I would not mind if the grind was fun and worth my time to really have some accomplishment reaching the end of the grind. But as it stand now it is worthless and for nothing to spend your time in game because next patch/next expansion everything will be worthless.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Amon-x 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
well well well pretty interesting day already i uh woke up this morning and i uh was like i don't know if i'm gonna stream today you know i could just sit on my room and jerk off all day i could do whatever i wanted but i went and i looked on the internet i went and i looked on that internet thing and i saw the news i saw what's been happening jay allen breck jab the previous president a blizzard entertainment is stepping down as president if you guys can [ __ ] believe that now i i i want to say guys i i told you so i i [ __ ] told you guys this [ __ ] was gonna happen i i said for sure i'm like this [ __ ] is gonna happen a hundred [ __ ] percent because like listen here's here's the way i've always looked at jl and brack i don't think like i know that like the thing you do you think you do but you don't like statement there it was like really really bad everybody got mad about it but i don't really care about that like that's the truth i don't give a [ __ ] about that it doesn't matter to me what i really cared about way more was the game afterwards right even the hong kong thing like the hong kong thing in my opinion is it was stupid in a way but the reality is like every other company uh [ __ ] cucks out for china too because they want to make a lot of money the only thing that i didn't like about the jay on brac stuff is that they didn't just that they addressed it in the first place right if you're gonna make a whole lot of [ __ ] money and you're gonna say hey listen we don't really care about human rights that much because this is a lot of money and we just you know we want the money and we don't care about the people like just just [ __ ] say that you know or just imply that with your actions but don't go and [ __ ] make these statements and make all these you know all these [ __ ] grandstanding uh you know high and mighty opinions and then go and turn around and do something different right like that's what i didn't like about it the point that i'm making here is that i don't think j allen brack is a bad guy i i don't think he's the terrible person that everybody might imagine him i honestly think that jay allen breck is probably just a guy that worked on wow for a long time and they put him in a position where he didn't know what the [ __ ] he was doing he couldn't solve the problems he was probably too nice of a guy and it didn't work because like you look at bobby man bobby's a [ __ ] shark like you just you look at bobby and you know that motherfucker's a shark and j.r brack you look at j.r brack like nah this is the guy that runs the card shop like you look at this guy right like this is not what you look at when you think of like this guy's a president so i do think that jaylen brat got really a whole lot of [ __ ] hate for a lot of things that he probably didn't have a lot to do with and things that he mismanaged by a by the nature of him just like not knowing how to be like a like a very strong leader and and i think this is very important to [ __ ] i don't know i don't know how that got there the the reality is that like as soon as this stuff broke i think any reasonable person would have known that jay allen brack was not going to be coming out of this uh he's not coming out of this a winner let me just go back over here and i'm going to read the actual uh the tweet itself uh blizzard president uh j allen brack is leaving the company so it's not like he's stepping down to another position it's not like he's doing anything else like that he is leaving the company he is gone he is yeted and deleted activision blizzard just told steph uh jen o'neal and mike yabara will take over as co-leaders of blizzard filed for bloomberg terminal story will be live shortly this culture comes cultural reckoning at blizzard wake of california lawsuit two weeks ago alleging discrimination at the company now activision blizzard president uh daniel uh agree algae um said in an email that brac was leaving the company to pursue new opportunities until 2018 mike moorheim was ceo when jabac took over he was president now o'neil and yabara are described as co-leaders i think this is kind of a uh i think that co-leaders usually works whenever there's three people and not two like just because like that way you can create majorities for things but uh sometimes i guess it might work with two but i do think that generally yeah it's it's co-op yeah co-leader is no leader well i think that it was very obvious that um you know they wanted to do something and they needed to because here's the thing right is that today is the activision blizzard earnings report and this is something that they have to disclose publicly to the to the people they have to disclose this to the people and tell them basically like okay this is how the company is doing et cetera yes it's today it is today gentlemen i don't know what they're going to say i really have no idea but what i do know is that it's going to be very very uh it's going to be very important let's just say that check stocks i will check the stock so check it right now yep um so uh this is not uh it's not good uh let's just say that it's certainly not good uh i mean obviously this is a really bad time for blizzard and i think this is going to be continuing to be the case for a number of a number of months here at the minimum so anyway let's go back we're going to read the uh the article here we're going to see what it is uh boys of president jalen bracks leaving the company cultural reckoning a lawsuit alleging sexual discrimination and harassment brac's departure was closed disclosed in an email to staff on tuesday which was reviewed by bloomberg brac will be replaced by jen o'neill and mike ibarra both the new co-leaders of blizzard their shares were down more than four percent in the first hour of trading on tuesday that's a lot uh blizzard maker of warcraft and diablo games is the main subject of accusations contained in the lawsuit uh still brac came over intense scrutiny after the complaint was filed over his leadership style a video of brac and company event in 2010 resurfaced on social media showing him on a panel of colleagues often questioning women sexualization female characters yeah i always thought this was stupid and it didn't matter i'm going to be completely honest like i i saw this clip i thought it was i i think this is like it's to me it's just in my opinion i think that like yes it was rude for them to do that they should not have done that etc but i just i find it to just be a is so incredibly [ __ ] disingenuous to act like chainmail bikinis or victorious secret models wearing you know like skimpy clothes and video games is even in the same universe as actually touching and harassing a real person like it's just it's crazy to me to even create the correlation there i think it's [ __ ] ridiculous let's see here o'neill ran activision game studio called vicarious visions before joining blizzard as an executive in january yabara worked at microsoft court for nearly 20 years and managed xbox services before going to blizzard in 2019. in the statement brac said his successors can be trusted to lead with the highest levels of integrity and commitment to the components of our culture to make blizzard so special i think this is probably bad language why would he say that these people can lead their culture whenever they've only been there for uh two years i think that's just a that's stupid to say so i want to talk a little bit about the two guys the two people is a girl and a guy uh that are being put in charge here and what i think this is going to be at least one of the guys mike yabara actually plays the game including the ones he's supposed to be in charge of what's this here this is fun even though i was half asleep at the white hour uh yeah that's [ __ ] crazy take a look at this all eight mythic plus 20 is done that's [ __ ] impressive i mean imagine a imagine a person that works at blizzard who actually tweets about playing the game like i i i cannot even like really an actual player of the game an actual player of the game like when do we ever see any of the other devs or any of their designers tweeting or talking about the game do you see what i'm saying let's see yeah he does play a warrior i mean yes guys great i mean everything's gonna be fine okay but like listen like yeah remember whenever jeff kaplan was [ __ ] remember whenever he was in charge of wow he was in charge like man warriors were [ __ ] great man this is looking good it plus 20 let's say he's playing with people that are like and he's the worst player on the team you still have to be pretty good to be able to get all your plus 20s done this early in the expansion and also it's not even about being good at the game as much as it is about being enthusiastic about it he's enthusiastic about playing the game enough to where he's talking about it that's what really [ __ ] matters yoshi p is level 80 on all jobs black mage is his main yeah so it that's the thing and so like if you play final fantasy you should probably play black mage because black mage is gonna be really good like and that's the thing right if you can find out what the lead dev does like what their class is that's gonna be good that's gonna be a good one okay always just play that one it's totally [ __ ] fine but i also want to talk about the idea that these people are not experienced they do not have a lot of experience at blizzard or or you know whatever good we've had people that got promoted up because they had experience for a long time who gives a [ __ ] if they need to do their own if if they have good ideas i don't care how much time they've spent doing it beforehand like i would rather have somebody i'll be honest i would rather take a random person that got [ __ ] hired that just graduated game school at like you know just like the top half of their class i would rather take that person and put them in charge of wow than a lot of the designers that are currently working on the team because it's very obvious that they don't know what they're doing i i actually think this is good because this is and this is something that i've heard a lot internally from blizzard okay and i might not probably be supposed to say this i'm just gonna say it anyway blizzard has had a big problem for many years of people being promoted up because of seniority and seniority only and if these people know what they're doing and these people can actually make the company better i don't care how long they were working there like for example the everquest devs had tons of experience and jeff kaplan didn't have any but he came on the wow team and he made a better game than they could ever make so just keep that in mind i don't i don't take experience very seriously whenever somebody has experience and failure okay timeline that'll help clarify some things 2007-2008 activision and vivindi games blizzard merch uh blizzard largely felt autonomous 2013 bobby kodak buys out vivendi and sees his total control okay so it's it's in 2013. so let's look at it in 2013 okay so bobby kodak buys them right here and now it's right here right i mean before the thing i mean like let's be honest but i mean this is that's pretty [ __ ] big that is really really really [ __ ] big like they're not getting rid of bobby bobby's here to stay and whether you like them or not that doesn't matter because the investors they love them uh 2018 2017 with blizzard revenues tanking activision starts pushing the company to cut costs produce more games at a faster pace moreheims sick of kodak resigns brac takes over 2018 2020 blizzard's reputation smacked by diablo immortal blitzchang and warcraft 3 reforged 2019 present activision begins eliminating and consolidating many of the blizzard non-game dev roles closing offices in france and the netherlands huawei reveals blizzard has had problems with sexual discrimination for years today uh kodak outs brac which also both shows he's taking action and gives him an opportunity to exert even more control over blizzard's operations it sounds like like this dude this timeline reminds me of like [ __ ] emperor palpatine's rise to power in star wars like that's what it really reminds me of yeah the [ __ ] emperor yeah the emperor is taking over he's ousting all the other people and he's taking over and doing this [ __ ] it's really funny for me to see this unlimited power exactly and uh to be determined whether blizzard will become healthier workplace for women but it will definitely become a very different company well i think that's a good thing in my opinion it used to be that blizzard never misses and recently blizzard's never hit like they've just gotten everything wrong like they've gotten everything wrong like from like pr from like the game content from [ __ ] everything like warzone warzone you're right but that was not blizzard like that was [ __ ] activision 100 i'm gonna go ahead and just kind of wrap everything up then we're gonna move on talk about some other stuff too um jay allen brack to a pretty large degree i think is kind of to a certain level of fall guy for this uh i think it's partially his fault but ultimately um you know it's his responsibility not necessarily his fault i don't think he necessarily did a lot of these things unless i could be wrong um but you know he is the president it is his responsibility uh the company has been going downhill in multiple ways for years and at a certain point whenever you're the president and your company continues going downhill for so many years uh it's time to get a new president and that's just the reality i don't think he's this terrible awful person i think it at worst he's an [ __ ] and at best he's incompetent like that's basically it he's in he's a nice guy who just gets rolled over by bobby kodick and you know like doesn't do what he needs to do kind of worried ian might get canned um i don't think ian should get canned but i think somebody new should be the game director i don't think ian is a good game director i think ian knows about raids and he knows a lot about raids he's very good at making raids and everything outside of the raids has languished and died the reason is like yes ian is a god of [ __ ] raid raid design but he is awful at doing anything else besides that needs to say while firing is definitely arguable with pr move its very least i'm hopeful the person in charge now is actually invested in the game maybe over the coming years we'll see improvement with the game yeah i mean for a while for a while player this is in my opinion the best news that you could possibly get the person that thought classic wow is gonna fail is gone and a person that replaces him is somebody who actively plays the game at extremely high level like this is the best news that you could possibly get [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 744,170
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy xiv, blizzard, blizzard asmongold, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard., lawsuit, asmongold blizzard, activision blizzard, j. allen brack, blizzard quit, blizzard fired, blizzard president quits, j allen brack, j allen brack quits, j allen brack steps down, j allen brack blizzard, blizzard steps down
Id: MrOoFMEYs40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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