Are You Being Served The Clock 2

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yes would you show me some sports jackets please I won't person later but I'll summon our senior assistant to attend to your wishes mr. grams are you free oh yes I'm free that is a guards tower you're wearing solid no it's the Tesco Table Tennis Club actually the table tennis yes the stripe is a little narrow came from peacock something in the sports jacket lied for this customer with plenty of room under the arms yes a I would think of you for mr. Hamby is happening mr. Grainger 244 don't you think so mr. Lucas I hope so I've got anything bigger I wouldn't don't recommend a chick so no it is apt to make the figures little more portly don't you agree mr. Andrews we've only got checks in 44 well of course answer you have got the height to carry it all more changes to look black 40 fortune coming up mr. yes the this range of easing push cognate mr. Huntley right first time mr. Grainger 35 percent wool 35 percent pushkar well that only makes 70 percent yes well there's a lot of air between the fibers allows the fabric to breathe does mr. quite right mr. Humphreys if you listen quietly you can hear it you know mr. looker we've got old cupboard full over there panting for breath the mirror mr. Luger I'm never coming out mr. Granger all right what do you think mr. hum blaze it's a nice and snug in the front it's the daily snogging be why don't you have a look at as I'm sure the back is snug as well yeah does feel a little tight try breathing in and out in isn't it yes that feels much better is it hard wearing oh baby hard wearing they discovered Pushkin while they were developing the concorde if you're thinking of going through the sound barrier you couldn't have chosen better how much is it it's 30 pounds including V 80 and does seem rather a lot well when you consider it costs 500 million to develop I think it's quite reasonable 70 still seems an awful lot of money actually third it has been reduced from 42 pounds oh is that so so you're saving 12 pounds now think about it I'll take it mr. Honoka well done mr. Grainger Miss Brahms the bridal veil with the blue orange blossom yes mrs. lad where is Ned of going for her honeymoon well we're torn between easeful and right it is difficult to make up one's mind isn't it it is why not compromise and try beat your head how's that it's a bit thick isn't it well it looks lovely from our side see we have someone holding your arm well recognize me we'll loo your voice won't you surprise is gonna get when he lifts it up thank you Miss Brown the orange blossom is detachable shouldn't Adam wish to use it for decorative purposes afterwards I suppose I'd better take it package up miss Brown's pack the veil up girl boy is that the way you usually attract a lady's attention mr. Nash no usually I'll go up the Arnim ago Hey you got old Rangers farewell dinner tonight i it is not.this farewell dinner mitts nests just because he's 65 it doesn't mean he's retiring if I give him a couple cloudy does that's what I did well Frederick's down in Hardware 44 years Ethan would affirm they had the dinner and when they got to the coffee they gave him the clock one chorus of fries a jolly good fellow and shoved him in the lift yeah six pairs of tights and six pairs of ones six thousand plots boots first slippers and we got a new sales gimmick as well for me on their Evers that one electric how could anyone do that to a cat you want to thank your lucky stars make you eat sailing elephant I'd luggage learn to write the RSPCA we have it light it's dead captain peacock just look what they sent me it's disgusting would you like to see it working captain very well professor minute sir it's an old engine sir - let's leave it to the vet very amusing catchy very music mrs. Logan mr. Granger has gone to his coffee break so this will seem to be a good opportunity to discuss his birthday dinner oh yes miss Mars this time please are you free yes I'm free captain pick up Lucas you free I guess I think I am free just at this precise moment captain gather on now I've had a word with the canteen manager and it would seem that the most economical way of staging this function is to hold the dinner down here oh poor mr. Granger can't we give him a proper doing the restaurant upstairs no that would cost us an extra one pound per head let's have you down here let's have it at the scene of his triumph now the menu would be as follows the vegetable soup or hors d'oeuvre as a sardine on Avatar lettuce and the Russian salad mr. mr. I forgotten the Russian salad Captain peacock I shall never forget the Russian self yeah a main course which I shall bring up later cabinet pudding with custard or simulated cream okay ad-lib and one after 8 min she's that Lots the cost miss Brahms depends upon what we choose as a main course now a roast pheasant would be 2 pounds per head full a haughty ah roast chicken one pound 50 steak pie 1 pound 25 or macaroni cheese 1 pound I vote for macaroni cheese give the poor old soul a dinner with macaroni cheese will he prefer it once he gets those teeth of his stuck into a pheasant you be here all night at the canteen steak pie we'll all be here now for the macaroni cheese myself well I think we should give him the chicken any other votes for chicken yes Alfred for chicken it goes so well with the cabinet pudding and simulated cream well I I favourite chicken myself so that's three votes for chicken and two for a corona chi and the steak pie loses its deposit so that means we have chicken that'll be a one pound fifty per head the March early you're making share the wishbone mm-hmm I know why you're going to wish for and even if he wins he won't get see the one pound fifty of course does include mr. Granger and his good lady wife is anybody else bringing any guests no no I think it's better to keep it intimate we're not in first - a little intimacy now - no mr. Allen we could invite the galloping gourmet he took one look at that menu we'd gallop the other way mr. Lucas now that as regards dress I think black-tie but nothing else be like a funeral I think it's morbid these farewell dinner miss Brown's we do not know that it is a farewell dinner that is up to our manager mr. rumba it's only a farewell dinner if you get a cuckoo clock then you drag yourself home for the last time stick it on the mantelpiece and watch the rest of your life tick away the way old Ranger was staggering around this morning they could save money and give him an egg timer have I missed anything no no no mr. Granger we were just discussing the menu for your dinner oh yes I do hope we're not going to have steak pie I am traveling home on a long corridor trained chicken naturally oh good yes I remember mr. Frederick's had the chicken but unfortunately he also had the cuckoo well I'm sure the grace brothers will require your services for many years to come is that official Stephen no I just knew it's not in my hands that's up to our manager mr. humble men's well I'm free mr. Grainger yep yeah yes I had free y'all wanted to disturb Amber's office well I wonder what that's about oh it's probably not nothing to do that at all is well whatever will be will be I've had very many very happy years yeah you know very well that if grace brothers were going to announce your retirement young mister grace would attend the dinner personally isn't he coming off the record I have not been so involved oh good answer understood that you wanted to see me sir did I the ayat it's about young mr. Chris but oh yes he won't be attending your dinner tonight oh good unfortunately he has a very bad cold who you mean if he hadn't got a cold he would be there okay when someone has been here as long as you have mr. Grainger how long is it now hey I joined grace brothers in 1937 on the day that mr. Baldwin resigned resigned from grace brothers no no he he handed over to mr. Chamberlain ah Chamberlain of China and glass the Prime Minister if he wasn't at grace brothers was the mr. Chamberlain who went to Munich oh I didn't know we had a branch there we haven't he went to see it black what was the trigger in the China glass I have been a grace from those for 37 years yes and I'm looking forward to your dinner yeah I mean the chicken oh good good mr. Frederick's had the steak pie no he had the chicken too but unfortunately he headed the cuckoo clock as well yes he yes the cuckoo clock well that will be all mr. Grainger thank you Thank You mr. ramble did I hear something ticking ticking no no no no I do think so um it must have been that the pipes of the central heating system expanding good mr. Grigg whatever the net you look mister you seen a ghost yeah I heard the cuckoo in mr. Rumbold office well third of March you better write a letter to The Times it was a cuckoo clock glass water for mr. Granger NASA water can be hundred times hope someone turns up Sony's bubbles is all drying up now remember mr. mash only one glass each yeah we don't want to losing control do we i mister James Lucas Oh mr. Wilberforce Claybourne up freeze here Wilberforce hello G to do mr. Mann sooo sorry Renee choke grace but we stopped off at the Oklahoma pancake house for a cup of cocoa and a Danish pastry citement was all too much it was a lovely bit of Danish crumpet in there as well but once here that we were going to our anniversary dinner she went off me champagne don't here in yon no Japanese tinned extra dry the bubbles don't rub your nose they give you karate chops miss Shirley Brahms and the Duchess of Slocombe drinks ladies why not I think you're bad enough I were suggesting runs the core vodka martinis are beyond my capacity one of these days that escalator is going to do somebody a mystery you know what they say about vodka mrs. Slocombe ones all right twos the most three under the table for under the hosts Oh mr. Humphries what will you say next mr. rambles the hearse panting Steven peacock are a ACCME hero and a bat'leth Catterick Neffe already across Vallon bar take it easy we ain't got no reserves the group are coming up in the other lift Oh go jiff without the new seekers I don't think it's the new seekers love more like the old knockers I am madam Trixie and this is the pixie trio welcome to grace brothers Oh champagne beer for the fans beyond a piano where do you want the orchestra uh well over here ladies I think by the pianoforte well Captain peacock it looks as though we're going to be able to trip the title investor she wants you to rip her tight elastic perhaps you better sit down mr. Slocum we're starting in less than an hour mr. remoten since it will affect my speech is mr. Granger going to get the clock yes I'm afraid so and owing to young mr. gray sees in disposition I'm going to have to present it oh what a pity he's going such a useful member of the department well we still have to carry on Humphries will have to move up and we shall have to get another mr. Lucas what a terrible thought mr. Granger a poor old devil Granger for the chop Oh it'll break his heart is there anything particular you wish us to play uh yes um when mr. Granger comes down I should like you to play something suitable certain how about goodbye it's a bit sudden isn't it what about we don't want to lose you but we think you are to go have something cheerful like the Rolling Stones oh yeah but this will be the last duck might I suggest our final English gentleman a splendid choice sir Oh stand by the mr. Granger is coming off the lift up places everybody it is snow come Jiggs can't see make peace in doris Poland Joris it must be this is your line here is our passion we cut through the floor but you can't do them now hit go away that's how you feel Do It Yourself you're here for mr. Arrington about this didn't you speak to headington about this peacock it's not my problems large replan says right mister missus brains were coming up him in me this is everybody mr. and mrs. Hearst Ranger mr. and mrs. Granger in the name of grace brothers welcome to your anniversary TONIGHT thank you they got an orchestra mr. Fredrick's didn't have an orchestra pets will be able to do the gay Gordons that should round evening off night Oh ladies and gentlemen take your parts for the tinned vegetable soup shall we go in mr. night to save it on your feet my dear well if something is a lot to remember they certainly have I really glad it's half the state know you're gonna dance from your hand out there in a safe town are you go funny to sit on my face strange how potent cheap news again your life nvme to not dancing we're all right if your family stuff to need the speeches my compliments to the trio and when you ask them to take an interval certainly so jagiya says bail out for five minutes all right I'm here on the path I think it's just as well that I'm going to put my feet up there pray be seated I'll surely I think the judge is gonna pronounce sentence over the circles whoa this job's I would ask all those present to ensure that their glasses are fully charged oh man seriously I'll take oh no me Missy serve them you got all our legs of you I now call upon Captain peacock to propose the toaster um mrs. Grainger there ladies and gentlemen yeah we got to that bit yet this is look Oh one how can one sum up a career like mr. green turns quickly I'll he started literally on the ground floor in haberdashery and after two short years was given his own counter in station already the writing was on the wall spell success is his amazing Drive and enthusiasm soon came to the notice of the Board of Management and he was transferred to bathroom furniture where he remained for five triumphant years before moving on flushed with success before moving on to gentleman shoes but already one might say his foot was on the ladder thank you from there fortunately for us and grace brothers he finally found his niche in gentleman's trousers what's a nice I would like to now to raise your glasses as I close on these words from Pope oh happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound content to breathe his native air in his own ground very nice very nice pity lives in a flat in Eltham should always by my window bow I I ask you all to be upstanding I give you mr. Grainger coupled with mrs. Grainger mr. Grainger coupled with mrs. name mr. drainie speech speech mr. yeah dear friends my heart is very full my glasses very a great honour which you have done mrs. Grainger and myself in giving us this wonderful banquet tonight with a chicken and all these magnificent presents it especially this combined shoehorn and backscratcher you know as I look back over the years they all seemed to have passed very quickly but I shall always have very happy recollections of you all and all that I really can say now is that you sob please keep it price honest miss Rambo yes thank you mr. Messer ladies and gentlemen mr. and mrs. Granger as you know it has always been accustomed for young mr. grace to announce whether or not he wishes employees who achieve the age of 65 to take advantage of the pension scheme or to remain in the saddle however as you also know young mr. grace is indisposed therefore falls to my lot to perform the ceremony and it shows to Greece is that young mr. graves old mr. grace doesn't get about much good evening mr. grace I hope burned up too late there you go not too late mr. grace there's still plenty a cabinet putting a left mr. Geiss okay I suppose he's come to hand over the clock yes just in time shall I continue mr. grace oh please do mr. blunt already well I was about to remark how very much we appreciate the long years of devoted service the great consideration that you've always shown for all those with whom you have worked and thank you we feel we definitely feel that after all these long years you have truly earned a rest and therefore all the travails is for this to be presented here wasn't oh thank you this is a surprise very nice of you oh and give it a lot of these worried I've never got that well my doctor says I should be on service so I'm now going another five years if you'll be getting by the dozer well well that is it it looks as if you're staying on yeah it does because I'm very happy about it like I should have liked to beat the more leisure I could I have Monday off certainly not well he's not leaving he won't be needing this presence Willie oh he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly orys I'm sorry as I say you
Channel: Kris
Views: 723,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, The, Clock, 1360p, 264, AAC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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