Are You Being Served German Week 3

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good an organ mine hearing hey on it have a load of crap shivers that's 100 hats with shaving brushes on the side you know captain pick up it's not for us to reason why mr. Humphries young mr. Grayson his wisdom has seen fit to mount a sales campaign to push German goods I haven't sold one of these for 15 years that disturbance is a dress stick for evening wear this is all the thing one one carries to the Opera yes apparently quite an you to fight your way to the bar at you count poppycock be getting your hands off my schnitzel put that away mr. Humphries it's for display purposes only yeah listen to this you'll never guess what the German for cufflinks is mah man and cannot I don't expect on so many with a name like there are 12 pairs of leather swimming trunks lederhosen Oh have you been to Germany estándares yes I was there a few summers ago camping very hard wearing these you know but you must never have them dry-cleaned my friend used to just rub is over with Roenick this is a funny name for a sweater mitt their hand and gouache and that means wash by hand - good job you parlay the Deutsch captain please distribute during the war house thought what's that meaning the way out mr. bash what suggest you take that one as we open in a few moments you're not to be in the common market I don't trust that a dinar limey were years ago I'm not surprised very shifty looking fella this sex under hosen Oh Watson here well they'll get carried away mrs. Slocombe on to hers and literally translated means under trousers I'm two trousers Jimmy Vickers I'm not selling German sex knickers possess mrs. Slocombe is the word they use in Germany for six Oh what do they use for sex same as I use everywhere else all right I'm going no worry be Amish you Slocombe 12 Ross yeah I wonder what the German is for that busting holter Boston does it sound crew yes come on let's see what they look like no people carry a lot of coal in need whatever size is it says he a clean line this runs that means small the well-built those German girls oh oh just imagine seven old days of trying to knock this Lots out it'll be a disaster like that Russian cosmetic week it would've gone very well if you hadn't mixed up the hair like it with the underarm deodorant that was very embarrassing it was my wife got out of the bath gave a couple of squirts under the arm went to pulled a blind down and was stuck in front of the window for well couldn't you have pulled the blind down I was too busy outside setting up deck chairs and taking the money stash house fart wine pleases everyone stand by to the mad rush guten morgen meine hair the common soothing grace / University's to have it phrases by clicking his heels in a minute good mom ah good involve in my hair if you're coming today in grace brothers are dispersing dodge is mr. environment mint among the sweater here is they're so afraid you've got a little beyond me there we wanna just started our German week and what were you looking for I am fine I caught looking I wish ever caught because it is cold very methodical the Germans yes so certainly that hair Granger routes Snell dislike holes it's the gentleman wants a coat to keep out the cold oh yes through the weather has been rather chilly isn't it BB that will absolutely bitter now we have a range here made in Bavarian world not Bavarian we are here for spying of the highest feed but they don't make had a street in Germany satisfy via here but I'm afraid that this week we are only selling German goats why are the British selling German goats are you not proud to be British oh yes we are very proud to be British aren't we mr. Humphrey bursting with pride oh it's coming out all over the place with no way yeah aren't you proud to be German of course yeah proud to be German weather why won't you buy a German coat not a German hat with plenty my husband would not wear a hat like this that is for the tourists you are a tourist they are industries are you so stupid to think I will return to Germany from a holiday Lincoln bear your stupid German head thank you for your posture German we got off to a good start we could hardly expect to sell to the Germans themselves I'm sure we shall have no difficulty at all in tracking the British customers you know there's only two things I like about Germany Curt Jurgens and gorgonzola gokhan salaries in German oh well there's only one thing I like that no I tell a lie I like Irving Berlin cook Morgan mine and Canadians push to hello good morning madam how you been sir just having a look so see we've imported some very interesting German merchandise perhaps I can show you to the ladies cabinet this felicity I have more one of those four years and you really I don't agree with them I see hmm well I I take it you agree with these I'll take care of this customer thank you captain people now have you're under no obligation of course but may I draw your attention to this rather nice line in Westphalian tights that have just come in we have them in two shades have we not miss bronze yes wastes and swathes way back from the look of it black and white and then we have these pigskin handbags from the Black Forest not to mention a line in plastic max from Amburg the handbags are quite nice but not really what I'm looking for what is madam looking for the ladies turn left at the asphalt zinc has considerably been here since the crack of dawn this morning the management would have had more consideration and keep us sitting on our Jaxx's for the post north well I can't wait for 10 minutes because I'm having a bath tonight it streets well I can't get the old boiler working having a bath with mrs. Grainger I I don't find that amusing come to think of it neither would I yeah this sort of thing just isn't fair on my she has a good furniture if I'm not there plum oh my on switches itself on at 7 o'clock you're alright they're not show oh no Miss Lee put her in there I mean I usually give them five minutes on regular - and then it's just like when the rice cooking but Shirley and I had go to the pictures I haven't said yes yet I wasn't gonna ask you that question till after we came out I don't know where you bother going out with him at all we resided that or taking me mum's washing to the laundry yet I'm not doing there again I'd see more of your mother's underwear than I have of yours leaving everybody that says very good if you all stay I don't mind a bit sir no course not you all have the good of the firm at heart let's get down to it sorry have you got a chair peacock get a chair Lucas I've got one here chairman I hope this isn't going to take long mr. Rumbold because it's very unfair on mrs. Slocum's these beef as I can thank you mr. Lu it's always a pleasure mr. Ramon has asked us to stay behind and report on the success of the first day of our German week yes well now how did you find it mr. Grainger a complete disaster I sold one pair of strokes I see what exactly are strewth it's a damn silly name they use for salt that's not very good no I will have to pull our strums on did you fare any better mrs. Slocombe no everything's still on there Clyde uh bugles I'm not sure whether that's good or bad what are they can't hang it encouraging to see you're getting a grasp of the lingo yes I even know the German for corsets excellent what is it course it spoke with a key we're coming along with I thought we were here to push goods not pick up Jerry worms what is the departmental TOEFL I have a summary here ah 32 pounds 32 pence those were my strong is that all good heavens that's a disaster I told you it was well is that all mr. Lumm boon no no please sit down mrs. Slocombe to work out where we went wrong it's the fault of who's ever stupid idea it was good mr. Rundberg idea there's nothing wrong with the idea could be the way you're carrying it out I've already noted during this meeting that the word Jerri has been used do I detect an anti-german feeling yes some others have long memories you know I am forgotten being slow flat on me back on Cuban camembert and the German air force was responsible all the other time she was flat on about the American Air Force's it was just a joke I was a joke very poor taste that's a sort of thing I have to put up with all day long you want to tell me not you're reprimanded mr. Lucas and that's official I'm sorry mr. Rundberg I didn't realize it was gonna be taken quite as seriously as that now oh where are we in our conference mrs. Slocombe was remembering being flat on her back on clapping can we knock it off please she remembers what she said I could just bring us back to the points oh please do now I feel as a certain amount of resistance on the part of our customers two German goons I hit up with lay the papers keep on about how hard the Germans work and how well they're doing they don't get damn cocky in my opinion is there anything wrong with our display well I think we've gone far too far I mean those signs for instance when a customer sees exit and entrance he knows where he is what goes through is my money sees I'm far enough yay we're trying to create an atmosphere son dear lady customer of mine got a terrible shock she was caught short and walked straight through the door marked Herron this is a direct hit of the doll not darlin I didn't have time she saw the word hurt and was off and I'm here to tell you that she won't make the same mistake again nothing wrong with the goods they're all first-class hand-picked by myself with respect mr. Rumbold and I think I'm unanimous in this you've laid your hands on some very coarse busting altars perhaps we need to make the German brand immature a happier jolly repair to counteract memories of the past and how we're going to do that well that's a little music and a wine bar with German serving wenches in traditional costume trust him to come up with that I like what I'm hearing I think we're on the right track as we could turn the old apartment into wine or scene and have Captain peacock dressed up as a student Prince yes I like what I'm hearing I think yes indeed I think mr. Rumbold ought to dress up for something yes wasn't Frankenstein a journey you know I'm sure we're absolutely on the right track I should put all these ideas that I've had in front of young mr. Grayson and see what he thinks mr. Gray's rumbled here rub oh yes we used to have a grub boat in charge of the third floor I am rumbled in charge of the third floor oh good I'm glad you're back with us it's about the German week sir oh yes sir how's it going well the yep figures our little better today sir sixty-four pence another pair of stumps yes well of course I realize there is room for improvement and I have put into force that proposals I put to the board meeting yesterday what were they to make the German brand image a happier jollier affair and to that end I've arranged for my staff to stay behind and do demonstrate the sort of thing I suggested what's that well perhaps you could come down and have a look well lad I hope you won't take long I always go to the club on Tuesday evening oh yes the bridge club no no no the strip club I of course oh by the way I've arranged for my secretary to hand out the drinks at the wine bar oh where that's the one within a nice leg and as soon as I can I thought you would I brought your glass of the German why to try this remote hmm excellent how do you find the costume comfortable I think the blouse should be a bit lower oh yeah I doubt it don't don't don't lean over too much I'm sure the bodice could be a bit tighter you know you could put your finger on the knot for me Kings people just put it about there that's it could you push hard otherwise it'll all fall apart I seem to be caught later I I mean miss Thorpe wasn't tight enough and I was just helping her does he do it again sir no I'll come back later I have one more go oh damn well I know it's after hours ever touch if you've quite finished I like I have a word with you yes yeah they're going to attend to your stand now what is it pick up pick up there's a duty our discussion you didn't tell me the time my costume would give me the appropriate air and authority I'm getting a lot of air but it also when you have my permission to wear a bigger brush in your hat thank you now a young mr. grace would be coming down soon to give us the go-ahead on the project mmm well the sooner the better mrs. Slocombe spent the last 35 minutes in her fitting room sampling the German wild you better get back there there's a quarter hmm what's that strange creaking noise my trousers they're not running yet you're loading loading loading loading loading can't see why I'm at my eyes of Audrey come on Rumplestiltskin there's nothing here no IIM warned knickerbockers since I was 11 you forgot to put your shoes on my feet have been giving me hell after all that dancing I'm putting my foot down the dances up I can't see the big dressed up like this is going to attract customers holy will as you live in their own song and that might attract some customers I don't know 20 braces should they be like that or like that you've got a problem there oh you're not supposed to be men you should know we haven't got the same problem why don't you leave them off altogether if I dig that me trousers had fold down that could be the gimmick we're looking for don't feel right Ferry aren't you the lucky one you know I think this hats too tight it's making me feel quite Oh Oh these out you look absolutely ridiculous this is this wine is very innocuous you want to watch it creeps up on you think it's over take nur miss Brahms commit commit you want to wear your brace is that kinda it's more feminine yeah you haven't been the line have you cuz u s-- waving about a lot gonna throw hydrophilic in for a pond we might as well all ever yeah drink drink drink two eyes right there's the profit on the strum guess who mr. Romm or whatever look at you Oh magnificent you all look quite authentic especially the ladies twiddle is knob somebody is out of focus I see what you mean I think I'd better go and wait at the lift to young mr. Grayson yeah this is everyone you Captain peacock are you three well of course I'm free we're shut well I wish to tell you on behalf of my colleagues and myself that we could not do this stops yes well in view of this is smokings condition I am inclined to agree with you I knew it was a waste of time rehearse in it whoa whoa whoa somebody she'll do a sell for mischief once that light starts wobbling you'll never stop it he's coming places everybody oh damn Germans in the list excuse me mouthing peacock I wonder where with you yes sir pull all these damn Germans in the lift the German band that you are the play for the German does oh yes good it's a German band so you agreed to it while you were having your nap of the meeting then we thought we'd start by offering our customers a glass of wine would you like to try - oh how very kind yeah nice to see you mr. gage even Sally I miss my dear I welcome to mr. rumba are you doing very well I'm sure I hope he likes it all I think I should tell you now it's here that we're not doing the dogs but you've got to do the dance the answer is no I've paid for the band it's more than my Jobs worth I'm sorry sir if I topple peacock I'll drag you down with me and you'll get nowhere without a reference the man never hired me sir true let me put it like this if you don't do the dance I shall stop the money for the band out of your wages well do the gas yes this is Slocum Oh I only just remember I've done a half of it already happening pink hell was it this is the general atmosphere that the customers will encounter and then from time to time to attract attention we shall break into a good-natured German folk dance but they don't suppose you wanna bother with that now well I might as well let my money's worth yes well I'm told it is your money please everybody vintage John and Ben we're ready when you are mate you don't do it like that the little boat to be gentle I was gentle I just went like that take not you're not you don't go like that you're like that a great eye opener to me yes well I said apart from that loss unfortunate incident what did you think of it well then I'd like to thank you all for making up my mind for me and grace brothers is coming out of the common box oh no no we just enjoy ourselves as well all together you
Channel: Kris
Views: 785,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, German, Week
Id: _0i6UgVjp1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2012
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