Are You Being Served Take Over 5

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I've told the staff that they're required in here and they waiting outside oh good Sherman yeah right oh by the way I haven't told them anything about what you're going to tell her about how do you know what I'm going to tell them well I do empty the waste paper basket Oh mr. gray kind of a bit of a nasty shock for me that is absolutely top secret we don't want this to link to the outside world mum's the word why don't you look coming now your fear good morning everybody nice man shut the door peacock yes now what I have to say is of the utmost importance to gather close because I don't want to have to raise my voice this is absolutely top secret last night I was summoned to a meeting at a boardroom level and we discussed matters that will have a far-reaching effect on us all I know what it is we're gonna declare war on marshland snow rose if you are facetious mr. Lucas you can leave the room now I cannot emphasize too strongly the need for complete security and I cannot emphasize too strongly that if we hold this position much longer I'll need an osteopath to put me back you get used to it with practice I'm just going down we are on the third floor so who from the outside could possibly hear us someone very tall from lily-white when I tell you what I'm going to tell you you will all realize the reason for my concern we'll get on with it then right this may come as a great shock to all know Blair I wish I didn't have to all right then I'll tell him there's been a takeover bid for grace brothers from lollies and Willits how dare you that information was absolutely confidential you said you didn't want to tell him I didn't want to but I was going to rally in Willets that's a Bristol family never mind where they are now no secret there that pay structure is the worst in the trade when they took ever krembos there they in the wholesale staff left within a month well given those who would be now 30 yeah they were the first to go is always happening I don't know but there's to be a shareholders meeting in a dare to meanwhile mums the word well that's all carry on everybody keep smiling he got yeah it'll tear my heart out to see them go what makes you think that you'll be staying you heard something Harmon well now just a little bits that I pick up in that place paper box have you seen a list well no no not exactly but you now mr. grace love to doodle on the block what a day before yesterday draw demand before a firing squad could you see who it was no he's blindfolded what makes you think it was me the blindfold saw a stuck out who here's a job for you surely adaptable girl wanted to assist jet-setting director of cosmetics firm must have a little German I don't think I'm not adaptable nothing people to fuss it others will ear for me glamorous personal assistant required by director of film company much travel 5,000 a year save 5,000 a year no typing or shorthand necessary must be under 30 oh dear just too late anyone fancy being a barbers assistant with fringe benefits listen to this organ demonstrator wanted you need job for which I seem to be qualified as that of a chairman company chairman no get him oh here's a job is well for you Captain peacock wanted ex-army officer of imposing appearance used to rugged outdoor life must be able to get on well with Arab Realty Oh a diplomatic post where in a way doorman at the Dorchester yeah we really wants one of them millionaires is looking for a young girl Friday hmm horrid missus Slocum's case an old girl Saturday because there is one they consider requires to be filled between mr. Lucas's ears then I mrs. Slocombe you can always fall back on your hobby mr. Hafiz - what are you inferring you could open a pet shop you've got a flashing light outside saying if your pussy's in the mood and it clipped and then shampoo trait I shall never get another job at my II remember Churchill didn't come into his own until he was your age no but he had the whole country behind you I've only got mrs. Grainger and she hates having me in the kitchen all day she she says that I make the milk goes sour so it all being too pessimistic apparently they have to put the bid to the show so they might not agree uh sorry to interrupt this jolly little gathering but mr. Rambo wants to see you all in the boardroom well he can wait we finished our coffee yeah what does he want anyway some scheme he's got to save your jobs excuse me sir the ladies and gents Department is here with a top-secret meeting good to show them in yeah it's like the top secret meeting and good morning everybody I do sit down everybody Thanks you've got your pencil and notebook ready yes mr. Gracey well throw them away this is top secret and now that does bring me to my first point now I want you all to listen very carefully what I'm about to tell you is absolutely confidential what was that I was just I was just telling him that what I'm about to say is absolutely confidential oh you want me to leave the room listen you told me you'd have some tea well await you will all be pleased to hear that young mr. grace is in a position to defeat the takeover bid by Lally in Willets I haven't finished enough votes have been sent in to defeat the motion by post let's say that comes as a great relief to us all unfortunately personal votes do not count the actual shareholders have to be present in person that is a pity it is indeed a pity because those that can attend are in favor of the takeover and they will out vote mr. grace who will as a result lose his shares in grace brothers what percent you will lose your shower I haven't been getting it for you the balance could be swayed by the attendance of just four more persons can we get them here they're abroad organ demonstrating here I come well you will all agree that mr. grace has always been absolutely straightforward in all his business dealings and he has come up with several straightforward businesslike solutions to all our problems mr. grace oh yes yeah but one burned down the store in shorts and start up somewhere else when it worked in 1928 to get the Mafia to rub out the opposition that one Rijo jak3 hijacked mrs. Willis Locker in the safe throw away the combination a y5o photograph most secretary in bed with mr. Willett oh they did that in Calamba five the ultimate weapon the photograph mr. hunter is in bed with mr. Winn nice no I have advised mr. Grayson these are rather extreme measures but he got carried away by reading Howard Hughes life story I've never heard anything so outrageous in my life who would don't you do something simple like put a ringer in how do you mean mr. Harmon well you know like the officers I mean if one ain't gonna run that they substitute it with another see you got for shareholders missing so in person I am you've got a criminal mind you have I got a criminal one I mean I've already voted they just can't get here it does sound more feasible than the other plan sir I see well well kid about what hands up all those who are willing to have a go rise you guys speak for everybody present but I say that we want nothing to do with it and I am unanimous in that as well there's a hundred pounds in it for anybody who takes part now before I start I want to emphasize that what I'm about to say is absolutely top-secret after he's done it you think he's going to self-destruct in a puff of smoke now if we have obtains a background material on the absent shareholders now the object is to choose which shareholders we can best impersonate for which we get 100 quid if chosen have any of you ever done any impersonations before mr. Humphreys has but the case was dismissed for lack of evidence I can do Winston Churchill he wasn't to share Herbert I was once mistaken for a film star male or female well I was wearing my hair down and from the back I look just like the ronica lake front Windermere Lake which is one of the world's great beauty spots mrs. Slocombe well let's see what we have there's a Jeffrey long map he is 28 broad shouldered six foot two blond hair blue eyes wealthy yacht oh I like the sound of that not tall enough no no I just like the sound of andrew mcmahon from aberdeen 45 landowner ex-captain scots guards moustache dark hair Scots wha hey we Wallis Blair Scott's run blue stirs often led welcome to your gory bed or T victory he has one ear missing not 400 poon Oh Sir Richard Ryan 65 five-foot-six landowner Somerset oh you could do that mr. Granger Somerset oh yeah yeah educated at Eton Oh oh well let you know I think that's very good unfortunately he has rather a lot of hair we'll fix him up with something from the weak voting right mr. Granger you are Sir Richard oh ha ha well jolly good sow all right calm down you've got the part now oh this chats by the large shareholder professional dancer Oh mr. humphreys does a bit of dancing don't you mr. humphreys yes the word versatile has been applied to me before I must stop you I must stop you he only has one leg yes from like Ginny they a one-legged Nigerian tap dancer not with any degree of sincerity I mean don't we have any shares well oh there is a stable fourth family lady stable fourth is described as 40-ish stoutish not very tallish played hockey former dean well I've done hockey her daughter Lavinia has an equal number fair she is the 26 jet-setting play girl known to her friends as Bucky yeah when asked why well the judge from the photograph it's because she has prominent buck teeth well we sell those in the joke Department I'm not wearing joke teeth that's not the problem miss brands the point is are you young enough to pass off as no daughter one letter doesn't wish to bring class into this but Miss Brahms has got a very definite cockney accent which in itself is most charming but could she pass herself off as a lady of quality may background might be ever so humble but a can talk just as hoity-toity as what you can when required so to do especially friend red mica and whom is going to simulate my husband 'lord stable fourth is about 55 a self-made man from the East End of London salvage merchants made a life peer for his services to the scrap metal industry the vicinity of 10 Downing Street cor blimey governor you're a tough my god once know what some as big as you read give him a twist think of the risk I got some people I hate to bring class into this but you wouldn't last five minutes in Docklands hmm very few of us would I'm afraid we still need middle-aged cockney to play mrs. Logan's husband Rosalie mr. Rumbold off spilt a drop in a saucer straight mind you don't get drops down your whistles perfect what's perfectly right the age the voice exactly what mrs. Slocombe is looking for what in no I'd never marry him I'd rather have Captain peacock even if he isn't good at it I could improve my performance if Miss Brahms gave me some lesson oh no it's something you have to pick up with your ear you've lost me come here okay it's really quite simple let me explain now what I'm about to tell you is absolutely top secret I'm sorry I'm taking so long take as long as you like not easy should I answer it yes yes do I could do with the break thanks paper Chuck tell him right away oh it's the ship in the way to Sarah they were doing the lunch at the Brighton branch and their fans broken down oh dear well you better get me mr. Rumbold yes can you cook well no sir what can you do well yes mr. great I'll get onto it right away yes sir that's one chef and two waiters those are the stores just closing I don't know who I'm gonna find at this time at night but you can rely on me sir somebody will be there don't blame me captain peacock even too small for me you look ridiculous in it wouldn't you it is quite absurd that you should be the head waiter while I have to be a commie I mean I have the dignity of the bearing the personality but you can't get into the suit it just looks to it well I don't see why I mean in the best restaurants you often see elderly men in a servile position left at life starting gate while the young ones with the ambition and the drive get to the top and your pennies crooked sounds like the chef what's happen Fanny Cradock I have just seen this many ways absolutely impossible for me to do in the time allotted to me the menus have been specially printed for the occasion this one in that case get the people that's printed the menus to cook the meal listen to this bisque devoured or gross patchy Oh or smoked eel and that's just for starters smoked eel isn't difficult isn't it it is when it's been in the deep freeze get a blow laughter that it be ready for Christmas that's not all soon Veronique followed by duck a l'orange followed by birth on croute followed by syllabus all cores are Baglioni followed by my resignation because I'm not doing none of it mr. humphreys it is too late to get another cook now and the whole future of grace brothers is at stake I'm sure you can do something we're all in this together you're nothing I enjoy being just like this to you don't you think not indeed you finish cooking I keep telling you about that Stephen in spite of our assumed position mr. notice I will not have you addressing me in that familiar fashion don't worry I won't be familiar with you anymore in fact when we get into the other room in there I won't even address you at all I shall just go and you'll jump to it like you never jump before I think we must be very careful to Lucas if we do save the firm some of our lives are not going to be worth living that's not worth a thing now the trousers are too tight and with potatoes are boiling over I can't find a - no there is going to be a nail and a hammer and tools in a can of vegetable soup with straws for everybody to suck it up with oh we better see if everything's ready in the directors dining room there you are that's done it it's much easier from the back oh excuse me these are the waiters sir well it was very short notice only somebody will have to announce the guests I'll do that with pleasure sorry you can't do that hide the edge wage around here we can't have a common commie with introducing the guests with a crooked penny yeah straighten you finish your trousers are too short if I know them to the correct length sir it might lead to complaints of a rather more serious don't worry they'll ride down with wear what get ready everybody Jean I'll be over there by the door Stephen the Chevy one morning stuff from that manner these clothes are coming off don't start distracting me now I'm very busy but three empty sherry glasses yes lumps in the trifle and tore in me my Lords ladies and my Lords ladies and gentlemen mr. Ehnle grown-up king Oh Oh your name madam Navy we believe all Smith's Oh Lady we blable Smith needs me names Thank You button the name so I can introduce you and stranger you're supposed to be impersonating your book Oh yeah Richard Ryan chef Richard Ryan this is lady we will able Smith not have a lot in common with Henry grant Hopkins yeah you both went to me Oh Sir Richard Richard you you don't have a class Stephen Lord and Lady stable for we got your message and we come from Monte Carlo before you could say nave no Lord stable form a habit icon on in is your daughter not with you oh you mean a Lavinia is she just taught herself up in a father the Honorable Nvidia stable did you go to Monte Carlo as well but of course around 5000 moon mr. Andres no talk to me I put the regular on number nine I beat down tonight the pine at night and push gets away with my knife they're not ready for the soup they're gonna just start with the sherry go and tell them that dinner's ready they just started the sherry I have been slaving over that HA stove for an hour now I am not having mag in a ruined by a lot of drunken men now you finish up this soup boy jump to it any soup into the basin down their throats micron souffles ahead of itself in two minutes it'll be ready she said greenie is our lovey Lane colors I can tell you oh yeah me and the old Oxford ed Tolliver when we totally nice coffee knows now but she's like a wild animal when she's rough if your daddy does that again I still have to give him a belt round of mush do be careful waiter you've spilt so I can't be sorry I'm I'm deep I'm I'm terrible that's a hungry one on earth you're doing a suitcase got out of control just stop it as soon we swept out to be on the table waiters to play Hey then from belowstairs is jolly nifty I haven't even finished my bride wingzza these are not spoiled is it had caused it spoil me arches Oh what do we do now give the suit back did we better tell the dinners later mission start the speeches right you go Channel you're the head waiter yeah any conclusion ladies and gentlemen I would like to draw your attention to the difference between myself and all the other speakers hi I'm a self-made man and I got where I caught through hard graft as like dude mr. Gracey er he's been on for 10 minutes if it doesn't carry up my bond surprise is doomed go be spirit I say stay with age and experience and keep mr. grace here edge of this great company and tell Lilian Willits to go and take a running chopper themselves yeah let us keep this spirit to spirit what he has got here what was the spirit of dream and Darley and it made England the great place it was as it will be again are you with me brothers and we will not be taking over will we oh yeah right well they are in that's it well done mr. du plessis man was not stable for huh well well done yeah yeah well now all we'd like to put what firmer people to vote and that is our mood that young mr. grace here takes us out for a decent night's at the brits restaurant in a time would you believe it it all coming out to dinner no that's typical of men the minute the dinner's ready they want to go on someone go on ask him if we're invited you're the head waiter you're the shop steward so I said to Harold at Number ten I don't want the other to think that just as I've seen you rock with the dustbins I'm gonna get a peerage excuse me that I hope that your invitation extends to those who've worked so hard for you behind the scenes yes of course Stephen thank you you're very kind your lordship yes well all I've got to do is to put a phone call in and I'll let you eat with the staff in the kitchen I'm not eating in the kitchen they won't even let you in unless you straighten your pity you
Channel: Kris
Views: 1,974,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Take, Over, 5360p, 264, AAC
Id: jVqcswbke1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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