Are You Being Served Again: Episode 2.3 Mr Slocombe

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[Applause] [Music] you may be very good right come on mr. Humphries it's your turn to wash and I'll Drive we got any gloves I don't want to get washed a red hand their dads I can't imagine him doing any washing out now he uses them to deliver the calves now cricket match millstone Manor triumphs over tender bottom does it mention me you're the star the winning stroke was scored by B Slocum 86 listen 86 was the score that millstone needed to beat tender bottom the formidable mrs. Slocombe thundered down the pitch seven times to carry her team to victory and number of attempts were made to carry her shoulder high and this was finally achieved using a forklift trap those cheeky young cub reporters wow look there's you there's me there's mr. Humphreys in the slip and there's Captain peacock out but it's bales in midair mr. Rumbold without his glasses oh that's a winning turnip in the vegetable and flower shop Oh oh yeah sorry ah that's probably the postman auger oh no kids Captain peacock miss Lovelock coming back where have they been mr. love locks been taking him for his first ride yeah the towel rail doing knee bends for our for now this moaning oh that's what the crackling noise whoa I thought some realtor bonfire [Music] make much to hold I beg your pardon Pat it oh I see that's well done old chap that's not now Judas pouch you simply take your feet out of the stirrups throw your leg over the horse's head and slide down like this well I can remove my feet from the stirrups all right buddy sit down then it's like a circus horse it's a hunter stand still I could get a letter what have you walk him under a tree hang on to a low branch get it to gia and then when he's gone you drop down and we'll catch him oh the feeling seems to be returning to my lower regions I could help you to get your leg over captain PJ I should leave that to his lap lock mrs. Slocombe she's had more experience he's got a natural rhythm when walking unfortunately a rabbit popped out of her head and the horse bolted must have been quite a sight by the time I caught up with him the eyes were rolling nostrils flaring foam was coming from the mouth on top of that he lost his hat sweating a bit you're right perhaps I better give him a rubdown it's all the same to you I I think I'll have a shower [Music] [Applause] Oh Jim do ya what's that was his slogan poor mrs. actual day though she was still in Spain she's joined a terrorist group which is not enjoying it a big sappy shape she's known as a sleeper they're going to activate her when the revolution starts what's she doing in the meantime she's shacked up with a clerk in the Attorney General's Office she has to go through his briefs when it's a furnace yes well she always wanted adventure you're looking rather distraught they want to suspend me at the daffodil Club sounds very painful it's a gambling debt I was playing strip poker I owe them two pairs of y-fronts and a cardigan there's a registered letter file it feels like coins sir anything else in the mail oh it's quite good we've had one or two inquiries for bookings well no I own certain medals during the war I never bothered to claim the work I haven't much use for that sort of thing as you know but seeing the Guns of Navarone a few weeks ago brought it all back to me so I wrote to the Ministry of Defence giving him the various theatres of war do which I saw service and what did they sent you and the Africa star the defence medal new pajamas it's ridiculous and he titled Oh much more than that course you are what about that time you was parachuted into Yugoslavia with the chipmunks the Chetniks with browns where there's still a D note is snapped on that little adventure I'm forbidden to speak about it even now well the guest booked in for next Thursday is called Slocum no it's not an uncommon name in the Dales sessile G Slocum what all right mrs. Slocombe you've gone quite pale under your pancake what's the matter is he a relation I was married to a a sessile G Slocum oh that's right I don't know is it now since he walked out on you it didn't walk out on me just disappear in Sainsbury's it was quite a shock I can tell you he'd just gone out one morning at 10 to 9 to buy a pound of slightly salted butter they used to cut it off a big slab and then bang it into shape with wooden bats oh yes they had little grooves in and used to keep them in water I didn't know he left you as long ago is there well it got to be up plus 12 and the thought of myself that's funny yeah what did you do I have Marge on me toes anyway at 1 o'clock I went out to look for him well I scoured every pub in the area until I'd used up all the housekeeping but there wasn't a sign off him that was 42 years ago this used to be a very sad mrs. Slocombe you don't nobody could understand it I mean he was devoted to me and to the yada it's a funny thing you know how these things go in waves well there were quite a few people disappear about that time I mean the work of the man next door vanished into thin air it's thanks grace cool it is here's the letter Oh No is it him I know that signature anywhere many's the time I've traced it onto one of his checks until it closed his account what you gonna do mrs. Slocombe don't worry mrs. Slocombe he probably won't recognize you after 40 years expensive paper and raised rights in and all Slocombe leisure industries Chairman and Managing Director Cecil G Slocum he's obviously done well for himself oh how Edna bonus he's gone up in the world gambizzi's Duggar you you've always held a good position I was a showgirl nonsense pianos mrs. snow can mean even though you've both come with me while he's here I'll move out I'll go back to the room with the leaky roof of all the don't be hasty mrs. hokum look we can I hide you in the cellar Telly's gone and long as he's staying a week a week soon passes you'll be all right gonna have lots of blankets and a Primus stove and we'll bring it down sandwiches and cups of cocoa and you can have the telly and your own poo where what's it matter if he's done well and she hasn't as long as she was happy she's very Klaus conscious mrs. snow she always gets into the first-class compartment and then walks down to the second I think we're happier when they know their place in life when I was a little girl there were all the servants in the big house and then there was lots and lots of workers running the farm well either y'all are look that's Madge ed the young cow man he fell out of a hayloft onto his head he was happy then there's mr. Ratchett the gamekeeper you drunk too much but he was happy then there was Rosie bell she was the dairy maid she had a vision it made her a or stand on end what did she have a vision of well we couldn't find out but she could never get it to lie down again but she was that oh that's me a dad you don't look happy neither would you be if you had old potato sacks from nappies where's your mother oh she ran off with the blacksmith I bet she was that big oh look at that old copper old standing on my dad made arable beer crates well same as the bed he's putting in the cellar for mrs. Slocombe mrs. snow c'mon never sleep on a home-made bed she's definitely Kendall Milne interior sprung his missus why don't we give a round room and we'll camp out down there it's only a small bed but we'll manage if we turn over together let's not complicate things I might turn at the wrong time and we'll be up [Music] yes brick I fail to see why you have to hide you've got nothing to be ashamed of I try to Draycott and peacock just cuz you started off on bow and finished up on bull who's to say he's gonna recognize you anyway well I didn't at first and nobody knows you better I did I'm sorry but I can't stay here it's like being in cellblock H listen why don't you come and beg down in my cottage you I'll give you breakfast in bed and we can have a good laugh about old times mr. bolter please keep it down it's a job were you a boat I think I ought to tell you he's here Watch supposed to be here till tomorrow he got the dates wrong what does it look like has he got red hair well his hair is receding a bit like mine has a few ginger threads among the gold medium height medium everything it seems he's not just here as a guest his group is looking for property and land to develop as a conference center and leisure park he said he'd make a substantial offer if the place suits them but we can't sell it's a trust Oh trusts can be broken man there's a lot of cash at stake what's he doing now but I left him looking around the ground floor but he wants to inspect down here on the foundation oh we mustn't man me here tell you what come and I eat in this old great soul this is where they used our lead to get away from Oliver Cromwell oh they must have had some very small priests back in it I can't stay there it smells of old priests tell you what you can try in through this window yes you get up first mr. bolted and open the window for ya all right come on come on we'll give you a leg up maintenance crews fixing up a light for you downstairs mr. Humphrey is all free I'm free entertain mr. Slocum I'll go and try and speed up the maintenance crew well how can I entertain you that's a gin and tonic I never touched the stuff I had a wife who couldn't leave it alone when he gets to that stage shocking she got through the housekeeping bar Tuesday while waiting but it shone with the outside said miss her we'll start round the back walk this way and recall a similar scene in Winnie the Pooh he got stuck in rabbits oh no once it got banned from Brent library body gosh if he was a priest Rachel from well whatever Giovanni no rapping cult round yeah I see you have quite a large acreage we could introduce some game birds into the wooded area and the visitors could bang away when they're in season it's private this is mr. Mountford the farm manager oh dude and this is a wife Rachel say hello to the nice gentleman Rachel she's a bit showy with strangers but she's alright when she gets going do you work on the farm mrs. mole turned Oh are you any children no they didn't Rwanda try you live in the main house no I got a nice little cottage know what you see that later yeah you'll have to come round for a cup of tea honey Rachel oh you're making some buns won't you me darling Oh spike famous for her buns dinky he really believes that mrs. Slocombe is mrs. motored machine too poor mrs. Slocombe about to make tea for him so he can inspect the cotton if we must indeed be interested in the property oh you don't want to sell this place you're building out quite nicely and mr. Humphreys is just settling down aren't you mr. Humphreys no I'm sleeping better Tommy odd noises hardly disturb me at all that's right and he even sat through the early morning cup today do you know I must have done anyway as I see it according to the terms of the trust we're not allowed to serve know what a soldier write up the money well as I read the document if the trustees get an offer higher than the market price they're obliged to sell and distribute the capital amongst the beneficiaries namely us well what is the market value well in the present situation the present state of structural condition let's say three hundred and fifty thousand fifty thousand eight John say sell I don't hang on a minute miss Bronson even well invested never bring you in less than a hundred pounds a week well we did better than that with the tour party at the weekend well going to one of the provisions the staff have to be kept on we'd still have our job but we would not be our own bosses yeah and you know what rich people is like that have you work in your fingers to the bone mr. Romm frizz is not an early riser you know I never have been the thing I should warn you that I saw the figure 550 on this to Slocum's notes no c'mon she's only morning tea at ten to 6:00 hey you old woman you do realize this is private property it's made of paper I read you have got natives I see my ex-husband is here and I don't want him to know our hand come down in the world so you've disguised yourself as a millionaire we would look in the kitchen window and see if you can see a man with receding red hair a plain face and medium everything else there is quick hits mr. Rumbold come on he's upstairs having a siesta oh I've had such a time at mr. Moltres house do you know he's got to photograph he says it's me pulling up radishes as a land girl well it was taken from behind it could have been anybody taking notice of him he's got lots of photos taken from behind a Lange girls pulling up radishes it were one of his weaknesses here Alang girl mad he was quite sorry when it lerp at it all in and they had to go home are you so earth he wanted me to make him some buns it gave me a sack of flour a bag of raisins and told me to get on with it and do you know he's got a cooking stove with 1886 on the door never you mind that I'll go and do it look we were just discussing what the implications will be if your husband buys the hotel special by this hotel yeah mr. Rumbold will say you'd have to keep us on a staff for yourself I kept keep going for 20 years then your magnetism lost his pull oh don't worry mrs. Slocombe I'm sure I'd let you take redundancy I don't think that was very tactful mr. Romberg wipe your eyes or something if he was to take on the number of staff that they had on the farm in the old days then he might find the proposition not really worthwhile did they have a lot look at that Oh blimey that's enough to put anyone off they're all happy I'm sure mr. motored could rustle up a few farming types from the village to make up the numbers half a dozen local yokels and the proposition would not seem cost-effective cheer up this is circum all is not yet lost except your magnetism right now let me get this straight if a head waiter and two assistant waiters your barman a hall Porter and two chamber maids your manager a ship and two kitchen hands and me I've seen the barman in the manager where are the others it's their day off top of all that there's the outside staff that's right not only met mr. and mrs. mole turd who else is there well I'm not sure there's quite a few well you've been a long time dad mrs. Letham uh be here in a minute where's mrs. Slocombe well she's upstairs has been looking out summer mums old clothes by gosh mrs. Slocombe you're my fine figure of a woman I think you've took your rightful place here at last mr. motored I'm only doing this the Millstone manner so don't get any fancy ideas and you're very late well I've been up the village to get the blokes like captain pink arcsec you got nobody they've all gone to the cattle show I don't know when they'll be back I left messages all round have you told Captain peacock hey didn't have take on he use words I ain't heard you since I run over the Vickers footwea tractor you can't possibly be my daughter we said we hadn't any children yeah he said she was barren like a parasite then oh no no no no if mr. moto didn't find anybody in the village well you better pretend to be one of the workers right I'll be back in a minute oh come in kind sir we be simple okay but we'd be very happy to share our humble grub but this is mr. Slocum from London this is mrs. mole turd yes I've already had the pleasure that makes two of us one from London before acqui Morris I bet you gonna find Ben outs and no doubt you got a fine young wife what are they bimbos do you mind if we sit down oh hey I see a vous as friends were sit down I learned that in school I waited 60 years to say that would you like a nice cup of tea thank you I expect you're used to fancy china add myself two buns and there's butter there slightly salted from Sainsbury's you know I haven't been to Sainsbury's for 40 years well where the bloody hell have you been in the main town this boat is always interested in people's travel stories well I'm Rosie Bell one of the dairymaids there's several of us how do you do what an unusually I do she had her patient oh that's why it stood on end but Mr P Ritchie buns Oh with slightly salted butter from strange bruise ah hello is this I'm the gamekeeper ratchets the name catch it's the game now do so your the fine gentleman from London who's gonna take care of us all a will be one big happy family I brung you a rabbit there's two baby go to your briefcase I'll chop it in our oh no that's fine you can give it to that bimbo to hardly describe my cook as a bimbo take no notice mrs. mole turd she reads the Sun a lot I couldn't tie my acne when I found it was on my dad we thought you were dead oh I made your clothes peg I forgot to do the middle base no oh it's very nice of you Jed oh I like that sometimes I'm like this most of the time I'm like it's been a fine gentleman who's gonna look at resolves to Ned and Ed and Fred no brothers you know my sisters but they're happy workers on the estate then I had allowed for missed an altered or a breed like rabbits down here they sent her she's barren I thought she was Rosie Bell twins you don't look alike well that's cause we was born at separate times anyway I'm sorry I'm late I just found out I'm pregnant by a nappy who's the father I'm flabbergasted I got some good news I found a few of the farm workers tell us a story about London well hardly know where to start how about Sainsbury's [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Sinan Akca
Views: 225,013
Rating: 4.8321676 out of 5
Keywords: Being, Served, Again:, Episode, Slocombe
Id: Ks5cwbrsUX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2016
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