APHE Railgun - Internal Explosive Fun! | Ep 4 | FtD Adventure 2021

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greetings sir anserats and welcome back to from the depths with mia lathrix and of course welcome back to the adventure mode where today our only real goal is to get into some serious fights today i want to collect at least 100 000 resources so that we can go through a blue portal once again increasing the difficulty substantially and then fighting some even larger opponents we are currently doing a bit of a cheesy run in the adventure mode in that we are still using the submarine and this is still mostly the five written terms of the whole sub versus spacecraft thing and honestly i am having an insane amount of fun building in this thing and making it so it's more of a home although we don't really need it since we can go in third person fairly easily we can even disable some of the adventure mode limitations if we wanted to i'm just having way too much fun making it feel a bit more alive we have our periscope so we can actually look around and everything is going according to plan we had that torpedoes we had our missiles and now we just need to wait until a new target arrives just collecting resources from the previous kill but i do want at least 100 000 resource because that means we can make some substantial changes to the craft if we go now there's just not all that much we're going to be able to do we're currently 58 000 let's see if we can get to 158 000 by the end of the episode and now we cut to a fight hopefully our first fight is versus a spiral and a sin-eater so the problem is our missiles are not interceptors by any means so as you can see they're having a real tough time trying to follow along thankfully neither of these targets i believe can actually even see us so wow okay i'm going to edit the missiles because this will never hit and we're not under any real threat oh the cineeta had a nuke well that fight ended pretty abruptly let's go to the resource zone so i don't know how necessary these will be since a lot of small craft won't be able to see us but we do not have these absolutely loads of little interceptor style missiles these are very agile they're very quick and they're very short-lived they have fragment warheads and do a minor amount of damage each but there's lots of them and the whole point is to destabilize an enemy essentially sinking it perhaps for capture so that doesn't mean though now that small targets won't be out of our scope of being destroyed because at the moment yeah there really wouldn't have been any chance i killed any of those smaller aircraft we saw a second ago now just waiting again for some more enemies which hopefully won't just explode [Music] we are under attack from something okay it's airborne and it can apparently see us first time in a while okay then let's see if our missiles can reach it from here maybe i should put the periscope on a turret so i can aim upwards of it for now [Music] it is the perseus okay i've never seen this thing before let's have a look see it's weapons are aimed at us but they're having real trouble finding exactly where we are so it knows we exist but getting a good bearing on us it's making something okay it has anti-missile lasers not what i want to see there what are you hello now we are taking damage oh yeah we're taking a lot of damage actually money to go a little bit further under the water i don't really want to but we can dive deeper if necessary i doubt he's actually gonna reach the target to be perfectly honest but uh very least maybe it will drain some of the enemies no not even close i'll say those are super short range spin blocks okay so it's breached one of our front pieces of hull and so we dive yes into the water you go mate lovely jazly went very british then and i'm okay with [Music] it when the missiles must have just took out something too important for it perfect you're not a sub silly well it's a goner there's no way that uh there's no way i'm gonna be able to reach it to capture and everything else but yeah i should have just dove earlier oh those are nukes it was making cheeky you make nukes we break your brain oh i don't know in fact some of the uh nukes are really close to us stop it is like right there isn't it yeah you can actually see it now uh do we go up higher we could go back up higher we could try and capture i just doubt it's gonna work honestly we'll give it a shot though oh that's so cool looking [Music] i had to just watch that oh 28k still i mean it's not as much as i'd like but it's something [Music] i shouldn't have let it go no i was about to say it occurs to me we could make our own nukes because i made these a while back and these things are actually pretty effective i use them in the campaign for now though would you mind just becoming a resource again thank you [Laughter] but that is something we could do we could spawning nukes as a weapon it'll be very cost inefficient but we could do it there's a ward in here and a small aircraft i have improved our interceptors they should be a lot more effective after looking at the last test i realized i actually messed up quite a few things okay our torso just hits that's a lot of emp and then the missiles hit okay broke into the main room at least one more go should be enough could try and capture with the emp if these missiles don't kill it this time i'm gonna try and capture it because we are gonna be able to get close enough and hopefully be able to turn off its brain oh those are my missiles this is from the small aircraft oh i've taken damage if some of those missiles actually hit me did not expect that oh no it's dead already yeah low health well we can collect its resource and is the other enemy nearby yep still nearby [Music] do so oh no well i just got an achievement at least um the enemy was apparently going out of control and then it died and that gave him an achievement apparently i've never done that before oh there are some enemies in the distance though so let's collect the resource and then onto the next fight i was hoping to capture it also its flares did really well versus our missiles most of them just completely missed because of it they have guidance they have enough fins they definitely should have been able to work but a lot of them just kept following the flares [Music] what a cool dive i kind of hope these don't hit because that that deserves to have dodged oh oh that was definitely a couple hits though our last one chasing what a cool craft [Music] i feel kind of bad about this it can't really fight back it's like stalking an injured animal a really cool one which is now in spice oh dear i'm it's also just fine in space i'm afraid well it's a beautiful death can i collect those resources from so high up i'm hoping again also almost enough resources now to go into the blue zone i might finally add weapons which aren't missiles but likes i'm sure people getting sick of seeing them i'm not because i love missiles but perhaps a railgun or something especially since we're only about 20 meters under the water generally a rail gonna be very effective here i think atlas okay with the atlas isn't too scary let's see if we get the resources first [Music] yay i can excellent as i think i can they vanished and there we are yeah not much resource actually i thought get a lot more than that so it turns out i was just out of space that's why i wasn't getting much resource did i collect the resource from the other fight i don't think i did don't like going this mode too much when it comes to resources quite literally anyway i can see what i'm doing trying to do a mix of third person first person just because first person i find it more immersive third person though gets better shots for the video still to make sure the craft can be steered completely in first person no major issues but still okay so i've decided something we're going to grab this resource which is about 11 000 and then we're going through the blue portal because these fights have been a bit too easy so far still i'm not encountering things which can see us at all and my plan now is to go through the blue portal add a rail gun to the craft probably not too much in terms of the structure maybe a little bit more armor here and there but add a railgun as a new secondary or primary weapon and that'll cost a lot and then some more engine backup probably just going to extend the craft again in terms of just making it longer because that's the easiest way to do this so just cut it here like i did before add a whole new section that will be dedicated to the railgun [Music] that is so satisfying made on the tops half explosive still half empty [Music] it's like an orbital bombardment oh even the smaller missiles can hit beautiful okay now to the blue bottle and i know there's easier ways to change the zoom on these things but just doing it manual manually like that makes me feel happier for some reason i'm a weird person so here we are in the designer mode just because i feel a little bit seasick when i'm building over in the adventure mode since i went through the blue portal it's perfectly safe anyway so it's not really cheating in any way and you can actually do this in the adventure mode you can build yourselves a new blueprint a fortress and then just hold the craft but the ocean still swells and everything else and like i said it starts making me feel a bit nauseous once i've been building for a few hours so it's here instead so we can float our craft so the idea is then i'm going to continue to expand this by simply elongating it for now so i'm going to cut here add another section about the same size as the periscope section and that will be our new weapon slot the question is what weapon should we use um advanced cannons are an obvious choice railguns can be very effective from underwater because they have a certain section if we go to the ammo controller which allows them to work underwater incredibly well i mean from this relatively high up altitude it fired i do love mortar shells but the fact is we'd have to be so close because the lack of velocity and apparently it didn't quite work out anyway so cram cannons probably aren't going to be a decent option even regular versions i'd imagine though i do love cram cannons and having a doom cram on a sub would be so interesting a doom cram being a cram can which fires once after a very very very long reload and tends to destroy things of one hit so from a very very shallow point they do kind of work and are kind of glorious to watch but what i've noticed is anything deeper than about here-ish when i've been doing the testing and the cram shells tend to just miss so they either don't fully understand the logistics going through water and the slow that's affecting them with or it's just a matter of not having enough velocity so i don't think ram cannons can be viable unless we're more keen to stay above the water or this altitude which in the increased difficulty i really don't want to do so what i'm thinking is since we've used advanced cannons before to use rapid fire weapons we instead use a rail gun which again we have used before but more for rapid and we have a slow reload maybe an eight millimeter shell just completely for long range devastation [Music] okay so nowhere near done yet i've literally just put down this which is in my sub objects just so i can look at this so about that much space it's a little bit larger than the periscope room and i think that'll be okay as long as we keep it quite small and contained it also means we can have multiple layers of armor on every side which is going to be necessary because we're going to be using explosive rounds if this thing gets hit the sub is probably going to be torn in half unless i use ejectors though how i want to build this i might not end up doing that it's probably the best idea probably impressive but not quite good enough wow still not classes good enough though since this is mostly light armor so that was a penetration depth fuse did a lot of damage went through then detonated this one we definitely need to test out against more heavy armor though okay that seemed to do what i wanted it to do it's gone through here it's gone in here somewhere and then you're detonated here destroying the boiler damaging the engine and that's it okay not as devastating as i'd have hoped but if that hit an eye or something else and that could have went further as well it's currently set to detonate after only three or four layers that could work then it's definitely going to be luck dependent on where it actually hits for instance yeah if i am a gun it's going to neutralize the gun because it went through the armor then detonated it's either completely turned off now or just very heavily damaged but the actual damage the shells are doing is not catastrophic it's specific we could go with frag instead of high explosive it could be something though this is a good start definitely working just needs a bit more oomph same concept this time using fragments instead with a maximum angle so they have maximum damage just fly everywhere once it detonates oh the show went through whoops okay clearly needs altered the detonation parameters there because i just went through the target okay so this time it has both a depth fuse set to one second also six liars so it should detonate regardless after hitting the target 50k damage and good night well obviously that did i wanted it so it went inside um exploded the fragments went everywhere so it went through here it's detonated somewhere here and the fragments have cut through the jets both jets have been cut through it's also gone through here and turned off whatever this is we'd like it to go a bit further and it can do i've just set it to only a few layers that's kind of the whole point of the weapon just cause critical damage to something specific for our bulk damage we're always gonna have the lovely missiles but the whole point of this weapon is to be able to turn off a specific thing a very very long distance the shells are currently going at 2 000 meters per second but if you get a lucky hit you can pretty much instantly kill an enemy i still don't know if it's strong enough though that's the problem also now i'm making it that uh detonate way too early so still need to do a little bit of testing so that time is just a pure hollow point shell and i meet a long hollow point shell but a hollow point challenge mean that's a good bit of damage but getting through the armor of some enemies is going to take a serious while but that is pretty impressive didn't even see the shell move that time oh an engine gone and now going out of control maybe just the boring options like that are probably better even if sometimes they just go to space so what that was was four of the shells in quick succession all using the hollow point the idea is hollow point's great at just removing chunks of armor wow so that's what's happened as the four of hit each attack is chunked out another section these shells are moving slower than before that's why we can fire four in quick succession and then there's going to be a 30 second reloading period before we fire another four but that four as we can see here has actually down the craft it is going down it's probably just lost a lot of engine power against a smaller target i'll probably just kill it and it's still decently long range they are still moving over a thousand meters per second after leaving the water it's just not as extreme as before be a super long reload period afterwards then i can fire another four oh no okay i clearly need to work on that but that's the idea anyway a short succession of shots we could make it way stronger but i don't want it to be too expensive look it's a tiny gun it's not a big gun at all and the good thing with this is it's not explosive it doesn't even have gun powder but it can kill decent-sized targets [Music] so those were the depth fuses in the same way as using the hollow points i mean that's not terrible uh it didn't manage to hit what i was actually aiming for there but that does look like it hurts oh there we go don't quite know why he managed to hit inside there but that one really didn't maybe that's the better idea just a cluster of um depth fuses just so i'm using something different again i don't want to use the hollow points i've used those to decent success before i'm just not a big fan of the 500 millimeter advanced cannons but i know they can be fantastic 500 millimeter 8 meter shell size i mean that showcased the best case scenario just three shots and there's the fourth yep uh if you hit the right place depth fuses can be devastating getting four shots in a row and then the fifth is quite a quick reload but after that it's basically every 15 to 20 seconds we get one more shot but we don't really have the energy to fire that often anyway that's the whole point of this weapon it's going to be long range not as a main weapon that's still going to be the missiles i mean it's not very big look it's only this little bit here that's all it takes ignore the weird placement the recoil absorbers by the way so i think that's it that's all gonna stick with for now because that showing then showcased it can work pretty well we can always tweak it later once we have the gun up and running the shells are still going very quick they go through the water just fine yes that's what we're going with depth fuse explosives oh some chain reaction there are those rtg no those are from his lizard system yeah okay i am kind of sold on this now after a few more tests almost every shot has done something and it's been super fun to watch as well though i still need to fix that sometimes if it clips the side like that and goes straight through it won't have gone through enough blocks to detonate i do need to set a proper timer on it i know i keep saying it but every time i set a timer i didn't like it so i just stopped it needs a timer as well so after first impact after x seconds detonate so like 0.1 or 0.2 seconds will probably be enough since it is still moving at about 1.1 1.2 000 meters per second which is pretty quick all things considered now that was a terrible shot managed to hit the corner there and just do nothing hollow points are definitely in my opinion a bit more reliable but these are as we saw earlier very brutal if they hit the right spot and my little mini fortress here which has a tiny little heart stone so i'm not dying whilst everything gets fixed up still going to take a while though and yes it is somehow holding the sub above it because that's what you can do in this game if you really want to move fast i suppose you could have a tiny craft holding a much larger one oh look at the storms there's gonna take a while isn't it well here we are now in difficulty 55 we're now past the halfway point to the maximum difficulty we're gonna start seeing some scary things now i've also added a camera to the gun itself i'm probably going to convert the periscope room next time and i'm probably just connected to one of the guns instead there's a lot of ways we can do that and it'll be very cool honestly i've also went ahead and added some more propulsion both inside the craft and at the back it looks a bit goofy admittedly but it means that now i'm 53 we're going at 25 meters per second and we can do a bit of a burst of speed it's not the fastest crafting existence but we can now get to 33 while still underwater this will start using the fuel engines though because the batteries can't quite keep up with that but it's it's there if we need it i've also improved turning again because i like crafting actually turn decently quickly especially ones big as this not that we're that big yet but turning is good and of course we have our new gun with super fast shells [Music] a resource zone has been reached now we can relax here until we find an enemy i want to test out against at least one live enemy before the end of the video still tempted to add more missiles though missiles will always be the main way the main weapon of this graph because i love missiles and this is my fun run um but i don't know what type of missiles to add next honestly just more of these might be the best option but i would like to add the largest size as well for fun and that's going to be a pretty extreme one have they increased how much resources in the higher level resource zones because if so i'm very happy oh i think it's finally running out now but that needs a lot more than i'm used to i'm used to maybe one or two thousand i might just go very unlucky in the past who knows with that done let's move on right finish off completely there we go no pudding till you finish your resource zone like my mum used to tell me [Music] one more resource zone to harvest still no enemies i've added some more armor and a couple more rtgs so we can go a bit faster more consistently but i need to keep at least about 50k just so i can do repairs if needed a cross bones i don't think that can actually see me right it's very far away though so now i'm actually going to hit it very well oh hit over here went through did some damage knocked out the oh goodbye torrence we killed an ai i mean didn't hit where i wanted it to but it hit somewhere it is miles away our shots are going about 1.5 k meters per second it's taking so long from fire to hit i am also using base bleeders at the moment which slightly decrease accuracy and i feel like at this distance that's actually gonna be a big problem but it's not like it's moving towards me it's a free kill so yeah no chance look at the distance so just for reference i i did hit it in the ai from over here but yeah this railgut is never going to be able to do that and the missiles might [Music] so [Music] there we go look that's how this weapon works hit there went through the armor went all the way into here and then detonated actually went through the heavy armor but looks a thing whoa yeah it went through the heavy armor i mean proof the weapon is good it's just this is not a fight where this weapon is particularly needed i'm just getting close to it to harvest this resource efficiently so the first shot missed what i was actually aiming at but if it was eight kilometers away and took out an ai the second shot which hit well technically a third i guess one kind of scraped it the third shot which hit went through heavy armor detonated its ammo store and i think took out its second ai it has three ai i mean it proves the weapon can work it's just not a fight to showcase it well there we go that's all i wanted to say so future lothrics here really annoyingly i lost the footage of the crossbones being destroyed thankfully it wasn't anything important literally just hit the store which is underneath the gram cannon it detonated it was then low in materials and it's self-destructed proving the weapon works and i don't have the footage of that proof but it did happen hence why now i have 20 000 more resources in the next clip i did figure out what the cause was for the problem it was to do my hard drive and that has now been fixed so annoyed but continuing that was a parcel kind of inspired me the andromeda oh that's my front gun that's unfortunate every weapon please okay two railgun hits uh some internal stuff gone but i don't know how much another railgun hits again some internal stuff some large missiles are hitting okay looks like we've taken out a jet lovely hit there look at that all that internal stuff was from the railgun oh it has torps and everything this thing is nasty moving won't really help here so i'm just going to put all my energy into the railgun just keep it going very glad i got the small missiles not only they're very good at point blank they're also taking a lot of its power i wanna hit there from the rail my bit too close for the main missiles maybe i should move away a bit oh lovely one hit on the top [Music] okay start moving okay two railgun hits and it's going down it definitely took out something important there and good night i think it's safe to say the railgun won that for me the missiles did a lot of damage to the back section but the rails took out loads of important stuff and good night it's gone oof my front [Music] now thankfully before that fight i did actually spend a little bit upgrading the rail gun it's now more accurate as a longer barrel that's actually one of the big problems it's no longer using the base bleeder so it's more accurate that way and it does have a slightly faster fire rate from four per minute all the way to seven i know it's not much but it clearly helped it's still a very small rail gun having multiple of these all fire at once would probably be deadly still just glad to see actually did help with a fight there against something which was honestly terrifying and we are done okay i've been having way too much fun today with this every time i play from the depths i question why i don't play it more it's one of those things but it does take a lot of time and it is now as usual in the i am and i do need to try and get some sleep even though it's far too hot for me to sleep i've spent most of the day trying to our pets who are also far too hot most people in the uk complain about the heat and pretty much any temperature i complain specifically because i have to move very heavy tanks from one room to the other because this country doesn't believe in air conditioning and some of my pets can't stand the heat i'm waffling now which as you can probably tell means i need to sleep so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths is a series you wish to see continued in the future i am surprisingly happy with this railgun it's not the most overwhelming thing it's not really all that showy but when it works it really works i looked back at the footage and it was definitely the railgun strikes which beat the last enemy 100 that's what saved us we need more of them i like this idea of things smaller outlines rather than really oversized ones i normally use even though it's eight meter it's more than usual it's weird i'm still waffling have a lovely day do take care and until next time goodbye have a seagull
Channel: Lathland
Views: 87,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 73VA-iWTvPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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