I LOVE This MOD! Huge update! | Part 1 | Stonehearth ACE Mod

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back after a very long time to stonehearth with mia lathrix and of course welcome to something i've been really looking forward to but kept on putting off today we are finally taking a look at the approved community expansion that is a mod currently available over on the steam workshop it is absolutely insane how much stuff this is added and i've stayed weirdly mostly spoiler three only things like the fact that crops can now be irrigated there are now some crops which do better in different seasons and the fact that your soldiers can dual wield like the true warriors they are outside of that i've stayed mostly spoiler free apparently there is loads of stuff added which just makes the game way more full of things to do and this is already a game i absolutely adore don't know why it's taking me so long to start this so let's just get started so single player we are going to be you know what we're gonna be the ascendant six i never choose these anymore these are the basic boys they are earnest and hard-working loyal well-rounded citizens of the ascendancy chop oh citizens of the ascendancy chop build and farm not citizens of the ascendancy shop which is actually one of their nightclubs and we're going to go with oh highlands i've never seen the highlands before i have gone with these three never with that one so we're going with somewhere new uneven valleys and tall cliffs with many lakes and rivers default home of the mountain folk well that's where we're going to be and we're going to be playing this on hard difficulty enemies will be stronger and the progression of challenges will be quicker and less merciful always be on your guard wounds and other effects can be very dangerous or even lethal oh yeah we're probably gonna kill the entire village so now it's time to keep on re-rolling until we have the most perfect group since we are playing on hard i am going to mim max this a little bit so essentially what i want is at least one character with very high spirit which is oh you want to be a soldier actually no you can be a healer but yeah i want a really high spirit to be a cleric i want at least one very high mind that will be one of our first crafters probably carpenters to begin with there's lots to go with so and those who haven't played or seen hearthstone before i will be covering the basics as we go but sorry if i do skip a few things i have played this a lot in the past this cultist shall be one of our first soldiers admittedly not six and six which i wanted there body and spirit but she's a cultist it makes me laugh you're in okay not quite as min max as i originally wanted this is what we're going with right now and yes i have literally named them my current goal for their roles and the names by the way are completely up for grabs so if you want to name any of these then of course the comment section is where you need to go we have the cultist who is empathic over here and that will be our first soldier of five body and five spirits we have the healer who is courageous but a sleepyhead we have the mason who has the heart of a crafter and is charismatic we have gareth over here who is i can't pronounce that but essentially they like a bit of rain and once again they are empathic and then we have the carpenter who once again is a cultist and a glutton so this is our roster we could have min max this more but you know what that's good enough that is good enough i don't really have the heart of a min max or sometimes ooh starting off the archery item and mead oh i love mead i forgot yeah there is alcohol now that is a thing in the game you can brew things like ale and mead or just have juice so what do we really want to begin with then having the blacksmith would be really cool a noble entourage money solves all problems a military expedition a merchant caravan or food for days oh actually a merchant karen straight away getting the herbalist that's really nice and straight away again the footman ooh and trapper i'm thinking maybe the merchant caravan trapper for food footman for an instant soldier herbalist can instantly start leveling up i will have to get the carpenter quickly though at the same time i wouldn't mind having the having the food problem solved with juice okay i don't know how to make juice and everything i guess that's in the cook job unless there's a specific role like a brewer i was almost a brewer in real life on a side note random fact about lathrix my first year at university was doing biotech and it focused heavily on brewery i changed my mind when i preferred plague and then i became a microbiologist oh we can start any season now let's start in spring uh i'd like more rivers i'd like a river going all the way through the territory that might be a bit difficult i'll be rolling for a while aren't i yeah sadly after rolling for like a good 10 minutes now it really does seem like you're not really gonna get an area which will have a river going all the way through i kind of wanted like a spindly river going all the way through the territory but that's that's fine let's find a nice looking like them oh that is actually really nice huge like there in the middle nice greenery is only one part enemies are probably coming from after it's all settled yeah i want to settle all this section okay i do want like maximum size i've go way here i'm not really going to get much space to play with but that would be nice to go to this like and then maybe knock down this and go into that like yeah i actually really like that let's go with that let's go with that in which case i'll put it down to here then we can just have our starting location moved upwards settle here it's a brand new world okay so this is all space we have oh i love these cliffs ooh ruins well that's nice isn't it and these weird trees like the normal trees i'm used to therefore they're weird it's a little pink tree or mushroom must be trick probably straight so here's the no that's what i'll knock into here's our starting location then oh look at the cute little plants oh i love that look at this little area to start in yeah sold sold sold also sold possibly sold welcome to our little village i thought the game was paused then but nope uh just no one needing to do anything so some cotton there oh that's good so we can get thread nice and quickly small hazel tree well to begin with then what we're going to do is knock those down oh we're doing a new thing gather and replant oh that's cool well i don't really want to replant these since i'm going to need the spice record please just get to that oh little cherry bush oh they're adorable and i love them and move them closer to me or you're liking the mod because it has pretty cherry bushes i'm a simple person you know and sometimes happiness is a cherry bush okay let's get some jobs then so you don't have to have the carpentry oh we do you have the item for it oh i guess that always um arrives of us okay scott carpenter up and running nice and quickly gas sold you nice and quickly as well so i want them to level up nice and quickly ta-da there's no herbs around is it there's daisies oh good these counts herbs and then there's the roses and everything else the arabs will definitely help us out a lot there the mason can't be mason just yet the healer then will have to be a herbalist for a while then they can upgrade to a cleric oh actually no let me have a look at that then there's something new there brewer lovely simple drinks like juices wine making wine making okay advanced brewing strong spirit very cool very cool indeed our people are gonna be off their heads constantly [Laughter] i'm a wholesome person okay so the usual they know once our oh you need to make a carpenter a carpenter don't get to work oh we need a new person to be a trapper we need just a regular job for a while since we need to cut down things um sure so food's gonna be a bit of an issue for a while okay let's craft a workbench um i would like we need a bone now for weavers that's new i'd like some crates i don't like the uh normal storage so crates would be better uh yes so maintain 20 crates first we need the bench then we can make the crates and then we can level them up a bird with a message oh also yeah food won't be a problem we have little cherry bushes an odd bird arrives with a letter and speak stamped with the official seal of the ascendancy the bird also carries a name tag which reads harold dear expedition 71 i hope the letter finds you well by my guess you've likely set up camp by now as your capital liaison if you can read this word it is my honor to preside remotely over the official founding of your outpost i trust that you had the ample time to choose a name for your journey ooh yeah i need to name this village as you know every new settlement must use a banner this banner reflects your spirit and vision the uniting factor which brought the expedition together what future did you foresee when you embarked on your quest for township breweries ooh pretty blue plant sorry converge structured moon bells hold in your mind a vision of what your town will one day be your banner will set that course but it is up to you to finish it choose well my friends i eagerly await your reply yours mer burly hands okay so which one will make us more brewery the lathrixian brewers vlathroxium brewery that's what machine learning called the village i think the settlement we can randomize it great comfort well ah but now let's look at these banner of vitality this settlement shall be one with the environment trees produce more wood plants and crops grow faster oh that would be useful for us and plants have two times their normal appeal yeah we're probably gonna go heavy into farming if we go to a brewery banner of strength this settlement will grow strong through earth and steel mining gives fifty percent more orest oh that's really good halflings no longer minecraft oh no that's such a good one though banner of cunning the settlement will be a bustling hub of trade roads give three times their normal speed boost your item sell for fifty percent more uh gonna be selling so much booze traders will bring two times the good no matter of vitality you really sound like the one i want but i've gotta be honest cunning sounds better but vitality fits more well i'm already stuck for a choice that took me all of two minutes after a long bit of thought i've decided we're going to go with the banner of cunning the road speed boost is actually what sold it to me more than anything else i remember being really annoyed at how slow half things can be sometimes and that's just three times the normal speed boost then also selling things some more we are going to be quite merchant-y because of the whole probably over-producing every resource i can when it comes to food and drink so yep lathroxin brewery is a cunning place [Music] so there we are i think it makes someone happy oh there's the birdie bird hello birdie bird oh harold's adorable we're now praying to the campfire oh there we go and we're done fantastic so now we have the banner of cunning's up let's get to work sorting things out we also need to have a farmer as well i mean we are going to be able to have the trapper soon so i'm hoping tomorrow uh what's the goal net worth needs to be 275 edibles need to be up to 50. we don't have either we really need more people as soon as possible so let's move all the berry bushes over put down our carpenter workbench just here for now we'll of course eventually have a proper place for it and everything should be okay oh the tiny bird is wearing a tiny backpack two carrot juice two mead four roast sausage one cornbread one moo moo milk can we have cows and two peasant bread look we have cows well thank you very much birdie bird a lovely start uh let's harvest everything around here there's loads of stuff on the floor and it's kind of annoying me already now we have a little bit of storage currently oh no do not do not know do not do what you're about to do cancel task yeah do not destroy that that's gorgeous i'd love the wooden wagon i think it's just really pretty and cute do not break it please it's currently out only storage until we get some of these uh little mini crates up and running and then could you also harvest these tree stumps that'd be great and then move all the berries i know i'm putting them all like the wrong way around everything but i'm gonna be moving them in a second anyway for now i just want them close to our storage so we can get all that food sorted so it doesn't matter if they're perfectly placed you know what destroy all this destroy all of this i want to be able to see easier oh that looks better just up the um shadow quality now it's not blurry it's not hurting my eyes anymore that's good okay making those already so it's not really much else to do right now i just need to clear the space get as many items as possible and place down those little chests the people are going to be really happy for a few days because we just founded this place yeah we have three days of basically they're just going to be happy with no issues after that we're gonna have to really get things sorted just pop these down for now we could put down the stockpile but again i prefer these also lags out the game a bit less which is nice i'm gonna build a house and then set up some roads so we're probably gonna have all this area kind of used up how about the corner house here that would be nice i now remember i'm not naturally very good at this type of things this took me ages you know i quite like that i think that's gonna be quite striking and i think it's going to work let's just uh clean up some of the other areas we don't have problems like that we could on the bottom as well because then i can add pots and stuff to this a lot easier so we'll be doing lighter i was looking at some of the herbalist stuff and apparently when you collect herbs like this rose here you don't get it to grow back instantly um unlike it used to be so you have to have very specific things for that so yeah definitely gonna have pots and stuff everywhere build one of you build on here i want them the pots once everything's down and then where's rose seeds i was having a quick look at some of this stuff so how i understand is you get the rose seeds from the rose flowers then you can plant them in the herbalist part and then it becomes renewable not bad for a first build i think we can always demolish it and make something prettier later if we so desire oh i just realized that doesn't quite go all the way no it does i'll go inside and clean up as well we could have some more stuff up here but i don't think i'm going to do that uh we could have like a extra room but it'll be a bit small this is oversized isn't it this is really oversized for any four beds don't care building it that should put all the things i need instantly into the queue and it has okay this goes at the bottom now so with the lab we now have improved tomes of healing for when the uh herbalist becomes a cleric like improved weapons and apparently you can keep bees i mean oh of course mead oh yeah we definitely want that we're gonna have beekeepers and everything that's gonna be fantastic they'll notice you can also now have equippable healing so i'm guessing our soldiers will be able to keep those so that's really good but that's what we need right now just the small healing tonics uh so i'm gonna do is also ask people to dig a little bit here so we can get a bit of clay so i can get those pots sorted so i can start making healing potions everything else and then everything will be nice one two three four one three four lovely i don't think i've made it no not enough net worth i looked earlier and thought i had enough so either we've lost some doing some of this stuff or i just misread it one of the two yeah it looks like when you um when you collect these now you do actually destroy them so make the seeds if possible please ooh farming regional seeds oh wow ooh says cotton that'll be for fibre moon bell they're the very glowy ones i got distracted by earlier that's cool but where's the one i'm actually after uh tumbleweed winter blah blah where's rose did i go oh this is shrubs and trees maybe because i'm looking in the wrong thing rose seeds yeah that's natural enough for those i mean this will help me level as well so make four of those i soldiers to just go shield courtesy of our craftsman oh now we have enough net worth yeah the building's also increasing as it gets built okay it's fine tomorrow we'll get a person well well well building work is continuing also there's wells now that's a thing and suitable for many puns i'm sorry we have a new settler welcome leafy oh wow you're going to be a soldier and you're courageous okay yes we have a new soldier who named it for now just get to work being a standard worker we need this building so silly for me to build this building so big straight away uh what's the like size of the default buildings cottage for two oh look at the size difference that's so much more space efficient you can easily build two of these in the time building all of this or too bad i'm determined to do it now okay fish traps oh i didn't even look at the water wouldn't i look at the water there are ducks an algae don't see any fish though okay i've got a maze just because normally in stone half this is just like dead uh i might just you know what uh gareth uh you're gonna change jobs now to a trap but we do need some food so you're gonna do that now we have the other two working on this there we are so we can set down some trapping fields for small critters uh should probably put over here oh yeah there's rabbits over here so sorry lads wow you can make this really big uh how about 40 by 40. this is all nice and round oh big game exotic wow there's some wilderness here but it won't attract many animals a few more or larger plants could help a normal amount of travel animals we found it oh wow that's actually affecting it now that didn't used to be the case okay yeah love this mod so far i think i've seen that now somewhat wild so if i just put it like here for instance you probably say just no wilderness very few travel animals how about like this there's some flowers there as well getting wilder that's miles away okay for now then i'll just give it that area somewhat wild yeah sure let's go somewhat well just gets closer eventually i'll have roads and everything since roads are kind of the thing with our um our flag so i'll try and dedicate an area to i mean i guess i can move plants there as well i wonder what made it swap over perhaps stuff like there's mushrooms there and the bushes i guess the trees themselves probably count so i'll have a dedicated area for that for now though we're just gonna set up the traps here so happy to be doing his work we really need some food hello tippy tippy wants to be a footman and he's a meat lover well you'll be happy since all our food i'm getting currently from the trapper which by the way i accidentally put down both of them um you though are going to be a farmer for now just because i am starting to run out of food because i didn't think about that did i disorder you to make a farmer thing i did but it's not lasting okay the second you'll be a farmer i also realize i'm getting people faster than i'm building beds for them a bit too ambitious for that first build bit silly really though we do also need we need a second footman soon as well because we haven't been attacked yet which is quite lucky i think that's gonna end soon oh did you get any items oh yep there we go no that's not food captive bees oh the skunk did not fall for it oh yeah there we go this this gun couldn't be the hand did this is skunk jerky stringy but nutritious so at least we've got someone making us food i guess i could just leave you as a worker for now let's get this sorted okay i'll leave you for worker until the building is finally finished then you'll become a farmer because i do need cooks as well so leveling up some farmers would be good a farmer becomes a cook right yes he can also become a shepherd but i wanted to be a cook although there is the other job over here the actual brewer so we need that as well so we are gonna need oh no the herbalist becomes a brewer there is so much for us to do in this game now hello baxter four of mine two of body one of spirits and you're a sleepyhead you are gonna stay as a worker actually you might be a good farmer i don't want the farmer to level up decently quickly and you're definitely not going to do any fighting with those stats though you do other things as well there are a lot of stats here so muscle is weapon damage speed okay you're actually pretty slow moving then as well oh yeah the shepard happiness that's kind of bad i guess you could be a cook uh be definitely not gonna be a shepherd because spirit influences compassion and compassion goes to animal happiness so you them you all baxter all pal are gonna become a farmer then yeah farmer then a cook what's that trapper like in terms of their spirit because you might become a shepherd eventually pretty good actually yeah and you're already level about to be level two already so that's good okay it's up some farms so ooh new things decorative flower field orchard timber okay is definitely new timber farm that's not new under farm field interesting the bush farm okay i'm gonna put this down so i'm not seeing this one um i am assuming it's gonna be quite pretty it's on right next to the house oh it's gorgeous yeah i wonder what's the most efficient way of doing this there needs to be at least two because with the farms i know annoyingly the most efficient way is doing it like this because you can see each row gets a set of crops because if you do this there's spices between them it's very annoying cause it's not very elegant to put down and in my opinion it's not very pretty so i'm probably not going to do that not only going for efficiency here i just want a pretty little patch of bushes berry bushes lovely you know what let's go yeah let's grow two sets of that oh okay so this is new stuff no preferred seasons that's good sunlight needs 70 to 96 daytime growth four days but i guess once it's fully grown you just eat it the crop currently experiences 50 daylight oh daytime sunlight shade oh no did not expect that okay i'll keep that one the reason is i like that one that's 69 you're such a terrible place then yeah the shade of the building shade of that so for normal crops then really we're looking for more open fields okay i don't need to i do want you to be busy though so for now it's kind of gonna be just in the middle of nowhere but i'm just gonna put down two max eyes one carrot and one turnip okay so looks like 69 is just the current diet okay i guess it's spring no preferred seasons 70 to all right it's really close then and growth time is one day you no preferred seasons sunlight is okay so i guess the more complex crops are gonna have preferred seasons then interesting really close it's also the weather though normal sunlight levels okay oh it looks like the building's actually finished the uh the items are being placed now so now there's actually beds so i should give them to people because they're happier when they have their own bed dedicated to them you can oh look at that it's like an upgrading system now that's neat okay first one goes to healer second one goes i'm going down the list honestly no preference you guys are gareth and i might feel this be placed i know i can actually look inside properly if i'm gonna use the windows carpenter gets one and the second that one goes to soldier okay so to be four happier half wings turning mason into a mason now so far i think we've just got limestone i haven't got any clay yet so i think i'm gonna have to dig down instead so it's gonna be look a bit weird but we're gonna do this i'm hoping that i'll produce clay because i need that for the herbalist okay now i've got a mason i'm determined to get an offhand weapon for our soldiers before the end of this the carpenter doesn't make that it makes the shield but then everything else is for the boat whoa simple crossbow that's going to say for the archer said boba mistake but that's pretty cool let's have a chat these trees are cool trees trees trees yeah trees trees you know oh this is so pretty i'm loving this i love it being back at this game again ah okay let's put the mason down here for now let's focus on getting all the jobs sorted i know people aren't gonna be very happy because i'm not gonna have any seats or anything but i really want to get the cook and the mason everything else going there we go some clay gonna have to uh mine minor way out of this though afterwards guess i could just build some ladders right ladders are still a thing you can build right yes good was that completely stuck in the bit have no real game yeah you sound a little weird chicken is that chicken i think it's a chicken i'm gonna say it's a chicken okay so mason what can you make so for tools okay the cook spoon potter's cutter the blacksmith's hammer and the trapper's knife off hand there we go and also make the stone mall which is a two-handed weapon but no i want this like where's level two well much rather have the stone coffers than what we're currently making so make 20 of those and that'll level us up so what new stuff have we got okay so i can already see a few things oh animal door can only be closed by a shepherd oh neat marble oh very pretty very pretty indeed look at that look at that yes okay so there's a lot of things i want a lot of things how are people doing okay they're still happy i guess they still got the no oh good this one doesn't have the um the starter bonus that's really good so we are just happy yep that's just just continuing on but once they're that deep we can just uh stop mining horizontally completely so i'm just gonna let them continue they'll be fine supply cask wooden barrels production interesting oh yes please i'd love to upgrade our um oh well archery target training dummy we're going to need the weaver for that though water well roof huh market stalls you need a weaver as well uh please so we can get another person yes just about our food's whining a little bit but that's fine we have our crops which are all growing we have the trapper and every new person helps speed along everything so we'll get that in a second i was considering having a new soldier and you look like you fit the bill as well uh what's that thing you have night owl oh then you're like me it's currently 3am while i'm recording this so i understand that are you guys done oh you are okay uh probably left you trapped a bit longer than necessary then there we go oh you can't find food you can now you can now look there you go everything's fine i wish you could also harvest these little auto harvest button gathered and replant is just well replanted things like the trees oh bone oh guess i'm getting that from all the traps aren't i is doing really well single-handedly supplying us to food at the moment two-handed okay that's really nice as well basically letting them basically letting you choose the weapons they have i guess it's time for you to be a soldier though we have two workers still so yep that she keeps nice and safe oh you're sad oh you know you're tired ugly yeah you slept on the ground over there sorry the bird returns the messenger bird returns where i reply from the burly hands the letter has bite marks on it and he slowly drooled on harold is doing his best congratulations on your founding your outpost has been entered into the registry consider yourselves official her majesty's outpost of la threxion and breweries it has nice rings to it i think an inspirational banner design as well all of us here are eager to hear of your success as your outpost grows towards settlement status you will start to attract new immigrants your heart now is only a spark of what it will one day become i have faith that it will be a beacon scene all across the ascendancy inclusion take the time to consider what you consider most important what do you wish that beacon to stand for prosperity happiness strength each is a noble pursuit wishing you the best of luck yours in the capital mer burly hands a small gift to you from my personal garden oh frost nap seeds yes level two on the mason which means you can make you can make the axe leafy can be an axeman once that's made there's where's our mason build the thing you're the mason right right no you're healer where's the mason where is mr mason i want mr mason to make the stabby axe slashy axe the hacky axe i don't know the axe yes oh let me see it yes look at that i love that so oh oh that was that being used cool oh yeah the welcome upgraded uh wooden well i did ask you to build the stuff right i'm missing some no i'm gonna fiber uh that's a cotton everything isn't it so two cotton bundles there uh i don't know where else to get fiber from already stumped eventually we can grow cotton i saw that but that's not yet surprisingly attacked yet normally attacked this early and we are in hard mode so i am honestly surprised so next up then we need to build more houses right so we need to do a lot of stuff okay you should be able to build these pots now so we should put those down as well before i forget just for now just pop them next to here so we can have our little roses growing there for our healing potions uh so we need to grow it we need to grow we need to build another house oh fantastic so for seven practice swords they're going to give us two autonomous cricket golems yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes build me all the oh yeah i was already building swords to him level you up let's just make sure okay you need seven let's maintain 10 just in case there we are so the trappist trap graph so how do you do these then empty choose resource so rose rose rose and then you two can be frost nap see none of these then need water i noticed because the tool tip i just read i was talking about water again and apparently i should have put down some more farms because our farmers had nothing to do for ages now so there we go level two herbalist what level do you need to be to be a cleric oh we could already have a cleric i think for now you should die as a herbalist but the next person i get with decent spirits i will probably turn to purpose oh no don't have food um harvest everything anything with food in i think some food over here isn't this some more berries yes grab you grab you i want one more person before we end the episode oh little rabbit can i harvest you i don't really want to but no okay oh we didn't like it i guess oh no the goal is 120. we're just about made it i think we collected a little bit extra fantastic one more person hunterton well i kind of want you to be the trapper just because your name traits loner you don't really care about being with people that's fine basically me so i was about to say though is this so with dual wielding our fan weapons have lower damage but can put enemies out of balance lowering their inflicted damage it's very good for support sword and shield is balanced okay and then the two hand is gonna be yeah more fragile but the highest damage i like that you can choose because i have had problems in the past where i ended up with all the soldiers like two-handers and they ended up getting absolutely obliterated before we ended up getting uh knights need to build a training dummy they're still level one though and you've got an okay amount of spirit i'm tempted to make cc i mean yeah you could be a cleric as well our current healer could upgrade now to cleric then you could become the new herbalist but i'm afraid though that we are going to do in the next video i've just looked at the time i've been having so much fun i wasn't paying attention and i've gone way past when i should really be trying to get some sleep i had so much fun today playing this there is so much to do there's apparently bees we can get there's the whole brewery system there is so much complexity i'm amazed we haven't been attacked yet i'm sure it's gonna happen soon so if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stone half is a series you wish to see continued in the future remember all of these people are for grabs please if you do put down a comment asking to be someone tell me the name of who you want to replace it makes it easier for me to find all the difference all the different um suggestions and it just makes it all flow a lot better higher chance you'll be selected so with that just thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time do take care we'll build some smaller houses for people to actually have beds goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 66,138
Rating: 4.9827833 out of 5
Keywords: stonehearth, mod, gameplay, update, part 1, episode 1, playthrough, hearth, hearthlings, city builder, city sim, sim, simulator
Id: 6trGVFIcvlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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