DOOM CRAM! 5 Million Damage CRAM Shells! | From The Depths Build

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[Laughter] wow yep that's that's two five million damage shells all right greetings sir anserats and welcome back to from the dare to me lathrix and of course welcome to a humble block of wood in today's video i am a little bit hungover at the moment i haven't drank any alcohol for the last month yay for me and then last night i finally got to go out with some friends and i am dying inside so because of that i am taking the words of my beloved aunt seriously the only true hangover cure is explosions so because of that we are going to be working today on building a doom cram now this is something i've never really built before because honestly i haven't done enough with crams lately just i kind of forgot they existed for a while because i'm a dum-dum and i absolutely love cram cannons i think they're fantastic they're oversized they're silly there's big explosions there's big explosions and there's big explosions so what exactly is a doom cram obviously this isn't a setup we're gonna stick with just to showcase how this all works let's put down some packers so here we are we have packed 16 out of 315 that's going to increase and increase so what we have is the payload packers over here attacked attached rather to the payload compactors the pilot compactors increase just how many of these pellets we can put into our shell so now i've added two more we're now at 375 and as you can see as i'm slowly packing in these tiny little explosive pellets it's going to get stronger and stronger and stronger right now it's at 1 300 damage and that's going to increase until it's fully packed so the idea of a doom cram is going with this system is to have a really slowly reloading cram cannon that you fire maybe once per fight and you pack it with as many of these pellets as possible so you get loads and loads of damage so the new maximum l is 625. let's make sure we're giving this thing resource there we go that's going to keep on increasing and i don't know if there's a limit because again i haven't really experimented with this so what we want is a max gauge cram cannon with as many of these pellets as possible and i'm gonna build a boat around it essentially the doom marauder so let's get to work trying to wrap my head around how i'm gonna do the tetris for this thing it should be quite simple essentially we have sections like this so i want them interlocking as much as possible and just going all the way down the craft right this really shows you how out of the loop i am with crams uh don't take anything i do as the best advice or as perfectly correct so yeah we should actually try and make as many payload packers attached to as many of these as possible right since now connected packers is three will that increase the capacity yes yes three three yellow three four oh okay that's a weird way of saying those numbers i just thought if we are only going to use this once per fight we don't really need all these explosive pellets because all they do is increase the speed of which this thing gets packed so realistically we could swap them all out for those instead and that will just increase our capacity i'm also thinking that maybe high explosive isn't the way to go uh maybe fragment and hardener that way goes into the craft explodes and the fragments gonna do ridiculous amount of damage if they're all stacked up like this ridiculous amounts of damage me can't talk brango melty milk i think i'm slowly getting there i do realize that looking up a guide right now would be very advantageous but essentially what we're trying to do is have the packers have all three of their active sides used and then these compactors have four packers attached to them compactors and packers are going to mess me up so much but that's the goal so each of these yeah attachments three out of three connected packers four ideally we're going to end up with a design which we can just copy and paste into itself and that way we can just go on forever at least that's the idea don't think i've got that just yet but at least i'm getting the concept don't take this is the right way of doing things because it ain't doesn't take a long time to load packed 200 out of 120 000. now this definitely isn't perfect but it will do for now we can make it a lot larger as well but i want to test out this because this to me is a feasible size that's the thing this could go in a craft which has other things attached to it it's also not very expensive it's like 30 000 which is surprising of course only fires once per fight but still uh if i just reload this will it finish off or am i actually gonna have to white around is there's a way to install this there's got to be a way to install this i mean i could just non-permanently attach loads of these to speed things up i guess yeah i've been looking at my tetris and realized i've done it completely wrong in the core which has spilled out and caused problems all the way through but you know again it's workable that's all i care about right now if i ever use this properly i will take some time to learn it properly but for now this will work so while it loads because i have completely forgotten if there is a way to insta load it i do need to build the rest of the craft anyway so it doesn't really matter that much just gave it a really basic pid so i can actually control this thing so now i can turn it on the spot gave it a little mainframe so we can aim at things and we're basically ready for our first test it's very easy to get things to fly in from the depths even when it's just a giant gun i love how much it throws the craft back at the moment since it's not really um a craft but just the guns it's actually quite light oh it's gonna go really not where i want it to but there we go it's gone inside and the second 1 million damage that's more like it [Laughter] okay let the smoke clear let's uh see what it actually did oh my god that is wonderful oh deary me you're missing your everything it was split in half i like that i rather like that but we can do better now testing fragments after this we can make a choice of how we're going to be building this gun as we make it bigger i do feel like fragment will probably scale better as we make this thing ridiculously big but it's gonna be hard to uh convince me not to use explosives okay went inside whoa wow just bits kind of falling off everywhere there a lot harder to see exactly what happened but uh let's have a look-see so it went in where did it go in um there i think there i can't remember either let's have a look whoa it's completely removed heavy armor near where the fragments were uh it's gone through here down there around there sadly not many in this direction so didn't take out any of the weapons i did set the uh the angle to max it's gone through there gone through heavy armor again took out the ammo gone through so imagine that in a important room and you can see well that's gonna scale really well as the damage increases it's completely removed of the ais and a lot of its um vital stuff wait no is it just about mr mainframe that's really annoying but it's removed everything else there drastically increased its size mess with the tetris a bit and now back to pure explosive only two mil that's actually surprisingly low oh though uh variety to me was enough according to the stats if that's all look at that in a second they should have done more than that but of course that doesn't factor in armor penetration whoa it's amazing that's only two million but that is kind of glorious need to try just need to try for something a bit more armor i guess see if it's ever going to be viable this stupid size so apparently it's capable of 6 million damage that's what it's actually reading out that but again that doesn't factor in armor value once again two mil oh my god that was a bull walk i love testing on the ball walk i think it's my favorite thing to test on oh that is wonderful maybe it's just capping out a certain explosion radius um whoa i mean yeah that's great i think it needs to um detonate a little bit earlier though i've got it set re i think it's set to seven meters penetration and it does something like three million kinetic damage so it's getting there i'm gonna lessen that a little bit and do one more test damn that is fantastic and that's a bit too early i love how much it throws the enemy around yeah it looks like it could just be the explosion radius it says 100 meters on the actual thing but i don't know if there's a secret cap or anything because a lot of the time from the depths of like secret caps on different things that is phenomenal though i think let's keep it that um we could make it bigger but i actually want this to be a it's not going to be usable all that much in like a proper sense but i want it to be a true craft i want wanted to have some side weapons and everything else so i'll start building that now probably not going to finish it this episode because it's going to be big but yeah whoa that did not go anywhere near far enough but uh i saw those fragments going at the other side need to redo that test and uh reset the depth oh wow so that just went yeah those fragments are now strong enough just to go through the entire craft this is a horrifying weapon really oversized again it'll be useless in the campaign because it's reload time but wow okay this time actually detonated inside it's already removed all the armor so it looks like it's on the outside but it's not as you can tell now oh uh i mean yeah clearly that's fantastic i'm actually tempted to uh rather than having it penetrate like that might be just detonate on the outside and that time it was a timer rather than how many liars it goes through that way it's a bit more reliable in my opinion but whoa but we could have it though i was about to say before it distracted them i was just looking at the damage is it hit the outside and then have a cone forwards basically going straight through a large area directly in front of it that might do better funnily enough but then if it misses the detonation uh let's see one more test with frag then probably back to explosive then actually building the craft so it doesn't just look like a floating tower of death i can't talk today my head hurts [Music] still maybe a bit too extreme but as you narrow the spread it actually weakens the fragments yeah in this case it didn't quite go all the way through did it did it actually it may have no explosions though so i think it missed like all the ammo stores and everything but these went okay let's try and find one which hit a bit more oh it's hard to tell stop moving i mean clearly some of them went all the way through there's damage being done there and that oh but it could have just went along the outside like this uh yeah so i do think some of them were stopped they stopped going down through the bottom over here so that's because they've been weakened but i mean that's a lot of armor it's gone through and if it hit anything important that would have been just game over for this craft if it was a bit more condensed the bulwark really isn't that would have been lethal still think i'm gonna stick with explosives but there's a lot of potential here for just insanity i like insanity trying to make it look intimidating honestly i think i'm only succeeding in making it look silly though to be fair that could be advantageous you don't expect a silly thing to only detonate half of your ship at long range oh look at that silly thing oh where did our butt go they all say oh how they will say it oh how my mind is fading into ether as i'm trying to focus i should just stop talking small seating area here plenty of space for engines or whatever just behind me i'm gonna have the top kind of um go over everything else since i want a structure on the top not sure what but something then we're going to have some side weapons maybe smaller cram cannons or advanced cannons something like that along the sides as well the idea being although it does have the doom cram taking almost almost all of its space after it fires it it still needs to be able to finish off the target it's not gonna always get a one-shot kill as we've seen very large targets will survive that attack if it even hits god it looks weird lights are blue enemy appears lights are red and back to blue literally severed the front of it okay oh yeah i've got to add more ammo barrels down i wanted to test out the little crams i just put in uh resource ammo barrel sure let's just do this yeah one of the engines i've also played strong uh i'll fix that eventually tiny little inertial explosives actually not too bad they reloaded out of sequence then because of the whole lack of ammo thing i mean these are super cheap little minigrams just about on the bottom because i thought it would look cool yeah they get the job done minor damage sure really though advanced cannons missiles stuff like that would go really well on this craft pretty easily of course then i gave it some propulsion so it moves an okay speed actually like 17 no above 20. oh moves like faster than i expected [Music] i am coming to the end of uh this recording now and honestly we're not too far finishing this i'll definitely be able to finish in one more episode and um with that i want to ask you a few questions so what type of weapon should this thing have i'd love to know in the comments and should i split the man weapon into two i am going to look into if there is any hidden limitations it does seem like we may have gone over something we're not really getting the most out of it so he could do is split the main gun into two it would not be difficult at all with how i've built it so we could have two barrels firing two shells um definitely set them to different ais that way they'll fire at different parts of the enemy when the bow fire and potentially just devastate everything but for now we are sticking with the single doom cram we have the smaller crams at the bottom and yeah like i said need other weapons missiles advanced cannons perhaps or just stick with purecram and only use maybe missiles for defense to take out other missiles just need to do the sides now and um at the bottom kind of make it look like a bit of a spire then we are done actually we're happy with this thing it's bloody weird also what we putting on the top maybe a castle i don't know or maybe the ai stuff we could have all the ai stuff up here all nice and well protected in its own separate little section this may shock some of you but i have no idea what i'm currently doing though i am starting to actually like how this thing's turning out um i really didn't think i would but yeah it kind of makes me think of the it looks like a bad version of the i want to call it extinction which is a faction ship just far worse but la threxion probably showed some more armor to this than what i'm actually going to but too bad [Music] they're only small cram cannons i don't really deserve that much protection honestly they're so cheap and almost useless they're mostly there just so i can have an excuse to have to add more armor so all of this is just a chunk of armor with the two cram cat well two sides of cram cannons crammed in there [Music] yeah sure just leave it light for now [Music] oh we could have lights down the center actually look quite nice and i think they're in range they should be affected by everything because i think the um the control block i set up should be just the entire ship lively blue is good for you red is dead [Laughter] well that's what two five million damage shells will do need to stagger them next time so obviously what i've done is just copy and paste the button to the top because i just wanted to see what happened with two of the shells now i've set them to different mainframes i'm not going to delay them very easy to do i'm not going to do that i want them both to fire at the same time but hopefully at different locations this time [Laughter] wow yep that's that's two five million damage shells all right we made one ship into three so with that i'm afraid i am all out of time for today's video my head is absolutely killing me i don't know if i'm going to leave the copy and pasted section i kind of like it gotta be honest it looks really dumb i like that but these have been insanely fun they're not real that practical uh maybe if you scale it down a bit and have all the side weapons but i will be finishing off this build in the next video so any suggestions very welcome for the name for anything else it is just a really fun build i have enjoined it immensely but now really need to get some sleep so if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out with me helps out the channel and most importantly shows it from the depths is a series you wish to see continued in the future now i nap to feel better look at his happy little face kinda looks like a gaming console gone wrong the lath box
Channel: Lathland
Views: 100,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cbUpsAJBZ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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