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greetings sir anserat and welcome back to from the depths with me alathrix and of course welcome back to the sandbox mode where today we're going to be doing something very simple and very lovely today we are going to be testing out the brand new cluster missiles now so far i've not been able to really successfully use them as they are surprisingly complex despite the fact i just called them simple so perhaps they're complex for someone like me and simple for the vast majority of humankind either way though now we have the ability to put missiles inside of missiles inside of missiles you can have a large missile which has medium missiles inside those medium missiles can have small missiles and they all get released while going towards the target now i'm not quite sure why you would really want to do this other than the sheer fun factor the only real why i can really see this being super useful is perhaps something like you use the larger missile with its extreme health to survive an enemy anti-missile system and then when it gets close enough it releases the swarm in which case it's too light for the anti-missile system to deal with them and then the face of the enemy just gets wrecked or perhaps something like mines mine seems really cool i've always loved mine lovers i've built several in the past and this seems like a good way if the missile's fast enough to throw the mines at the target saying that though i actually don't know if the mines would get the speed of the missile it's fro it's thrown from or would they instantly start off at zero meters per second i can only assume they get the speed from the missile they're being thrown from otherwise they'll be far less useful so let's get this set up let's see how good these really are and that's all we're doing today we're just messing around with missiles i will be making a missile build in the future but today i just want to make sure i know what on earth i'm doing also i built a new little test fortress it's kind of boring but it has everything i need even potatoes but before we get going and at the risk of sounding repetitive i just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been supporting this series so far the first two videos have ended up breaking records on this channel in terms of viewership and in terms of likes and i just want to say thank you so much for that it is really lovely to see how much everyone is enjoying the return of from the depths and very soon the campaign will be started as well although there are a lot of updates just around the corner so i'm thinking perhaps a smaller campaign like ash of the empire rather than the anita campaign or perhaps we'll just keep on building either way once the update comes out at very lightest we'll be starting that campaign so now back to the fun stuff missiles so onto the missile itself here we are with the two new items we have the cluster container controller and the cluster container extension we also have the cluster munition ejector but i believe that only goes on the munitions we're firing from the missile it all seems way more complex than i think it actually is it's just one of those things when you understand it it's really simple but it takes a little understanding to get there at least with me slow brain now with the cluster container controller we have all these different settings we can show when we fire the munitions or the smaller missiles we can have it so that our missile only holds certain sizes of other missiles so we can have it so only holds large we have it so it holds large and medium and then just small and everything else i believe oh you can still hold the large ones as well so you can't specifically say only small okay and that makes sense but for now that's how we want it we want it so the larger missile cannot hold small missiles the reason is i want the medium missiles to grab all the small missiles i don't want this one grabbing those as well and for every cluster container extension we had we can add more missiles and we can have those missiles be longer here we are the cluster launching container length and container volume i probably explain this quite badly once again i am learning this as i go i know that several people have now made videos on this probably explaining it far better than me but as i've said before i don't like watching guides i don't learn from them very well people who do guides fantastic work it's just not for me i prefer butting my head against something making myself cry a little bit but eventually learning and then that tends to stick with me a lot better it's just the more painful route it's like saying yep so it's all the usual stuff there then all this is just for the components so for now we'll leave all of this as it is until we figure out what we're going to be adding to the missile which will of course be medium missiles so right now then we have one meter per module six mod okay so we have one two three four five and it also counts the controller so our other missiles can be six meters long or six modules long yes okay so each gantry then will be two on six that's two modules unless no okay it's saying one meter per large module okay now i understand what it means now i get it okay so i believe this should now work we have a missile with six gantries which means it's six meters as you can see down here the cluster munition requires a container length of six meters we then have the cluster munition ejector which apparently you can have the speed inheritance all the way down to zero with which means once the missile is fired from the parrot missile it starts off at zero meters per second then speeds up by itself that i think would look really cool don't quite know when i would use that though except for now what i'm testing because it'll make it more obvious if it has split from the parents we can have it set all the way to one though which of course is what we're going to use for the most part especially if we use magnet weapons which by the way is the end goal of this episode what i want to see is a large missile just rain down magnet bombs all over a target because it would look absolutely amazing and i guess against ships that would be even better because explosive weapons at least with missiles get a bonus to their damage if they are underwater so fire magnets they rain down on targets some hit them on the top some go underneath and then probably just destroy them at least some of their hull that's the end goal of today to make that missile and to make a missile which has both medium and small with the medium throwing the small but for now let's just see if this works because if this works then i've got the very basics down so fire okay the parrot missile's going off and there we go split with the baby missile and that's pretty much it now of course that was just one missile let's see how many of those we can put into the larger missile if you have a look at the volume okay so we can have i believe three of these currently is that it no four we have four of them i believe okay so let's add four of them in fact let's just make five of them and see what happens if it can't carry all of them okay let's see what happens this time the parent fires these are all still there which is interesting oh there it goes though and we have four of them yep oh that was cool okay i'm gonna fire that again but this time i'm going to watch the weapon oh now they've vanished so i guess that's just a visual thing so they were taken by the parent it wasn't just they were somehow duplicated remove the enemy put down luke and cobra stop him from shooting us not that really matters because both i and my thoughts are currently immortal and i'll fire again this time follow along or i'll forget to turn it off causing it to fire anyway back in a second that is so freaking cool i'm so glad i'm working with missiles again and here we go goodbye yep i absolutely love that so then what we need to do is convert these so that they can also hold missiles so i suppose we just remove the warheads have them as cluster containers like so this is going to be so weird i've got to be honest there with the medium with the controller i'm going to set it so that our distance isn't 400 but instead is 300 that makes sense to me this way when the large missile throws out the mediums the mediums are instantly thrown out the smaller which then would look just weird it'd be very hard to tell if it actually worked properly yes i think this should work i also think i've added enough of these i didn't really do the math i just put down loads of them because doing the math is boring right now i want to see things explode i don't quite know what happened there let's ignore that there we go the mediums are out and the small were definitely out utterly obliterating the target they were so quick okay um the camera was terrible there so i expected it to go this way but it went that way um yeah there's still some missiles left in fact there are loads left so we definitely added more than enough so what i'm going to do is have this the speed inheritance zero similar to the mediums that was so silly sporting something again i'll give that a second go this time we'll make sure to watch it correctly hey okay there we are the mediums are now out and there are all the smalls fantastic small medium large oh i love how fast the small missiles are wow now here's something i didn't know until some moments ago what you can do is set it so you don't throw them all out at the exact same time now of course this goes against some of the theme of it being a cluster missile but it might be more effective because some of those missiles are definitely getting in each other's way in terms of what they were damaging so controller where are you drop stagger okay so i'm guessing yeah per second so we don't really want one per second they'll be too slow so one per 0.25 let's go with that and let's set the distance to target to 400 so it starts as soon as they are released let's see how that goes why did it go off the other way that one time okay the mediums are out there's the first volley of small second third oh my god that is amazingly more effective yes that is wonderful didn't kill the target still darn at scrap works but that was just fantastic it's like guns it'd be interesting to have the large gantry of only the small and constantly release it like that but we're going to go with the mayan one very soon then test out against some ships because obviously this is not really going to be as good versus the ground stuff i imagine with the magnets oh that is so freaking cool yep love it love it love it okay that definitely works let's see if it looks versus a flyer will someone in the gotha or something in a second from the depths team thank you just thank you okay the mediums are out the small have began it turns the missile into a fighter jet i love it so much i am way too happy about this i think wow just wow is it more efficient than just having them fire probably not but is it more fun undoubtedly it is okay one more test then we'll do the whole mine thing how about building let's bomb a building a large house what oh a house why do you occasionally do that oh it's cause you're oh i actually understand why it's happening okay one thing to note though i've just thought about this as i was saying about them catching is all of this can be built into the ship itself or into the fortress or into the walking potato none of this needs to be on the outside unlike with regular missiles where at very least the tip of the gantry needs to be on the edge of the vehicle so there is a defensive argument okay i'll admit i'm try i'm just trying to make it i'm just trying to make it so it's efficient or a good choice i'm finding it a little bit difficult i got to admit one other thing to note at least i think this will be a bigger issue for this than a normal missile system is the connectors themselves because this requires so many different elements if one of the connectors is severed or at least one section of connectors which connect one to the other then the whole system won't work whereas a normal missile system let's say it has missiles all the way along a series of connectors if the connectors are severed only the missiles furthest away will be affected all of these will still work but now if these are removed these don't really have a warhead and neither does that unless you have some more heads to these and these are only secondary and i guess you could protect them by having just more connectors you can have connectors on the top just around them because you don't actually need a line of sides it just seems to me like this is more vulnerable to being sniped off early on maybe i'm just thinking worst case scenario but something to think about maybe [Music] that's so cool didn't do that much damage though do i care no okay enough of that let's see just how many mines we can put in that large missile i'll test it out here then we'll go back over to the irregular sea world and then destroy some fish oh and some ships now testing out the mines okay fired a little bit too early there bud however they're very bouncy and very magnetic i have such a grin on my face right now they're like ants highly explosive very angry ants they did so little and yet i care so little uh we are the good guys okay fire again i wanna see how many of these are actually taken up once again didn't actually do the math come on hope and go away okay but you definitely need to fire them later also the magnet delay might need to be a little bit shorter though it does seem amazing how something went past so it's hitting everywhere but even so okay let's take this over to the oceans and let's destroy some ships it's a wonderful game this ain't it oh look a traitor playing guard oh it's anti-missiles but good enough to stop it playing guard bud um could you not okay this time only two didn't reload in time there they go oh a lot of them going past one of the turrets is down magic's activated oh my god it's not actually sinking is it no it's causing a bit of a rock though because it has now removed one of the sections so the magnets got underneath and that's what caused the damage let's see if it happens again and plop there's the swarm yeah the magnet needs to be turned on a little bit faster because well i mean someone still got stuck underneath anyway then magnets turn on and just explosions everywhere okay turn off for a second but let's change the magnet setting shall we just fire one darn it anyway um where's the magnet delay there we are start time that's half it let's see what that it's like there we are not quite half sorry people that is such a cool weapon ah blood for the blood god in the most fascinating of ways i think five seconds no five seconds is much better none of them got past the magnet range i would like more of them to hit underneath but you can actually have cluster torpedoes so torpedo gets close and then releases all these mines just before hitting the target we need to test that out don't we yes we do so play guard love your bud but yep we're gonna be testing out this and i'm lazy what i'm gonna do is just drag this all the way over that way we can steal the missiles from the main section and we'll fire the torpedo from like here also i've just realized the missiles are removed when they're actually released from the parent missile at least that's how it seems like that's working by the way so peter let's go ah should have added a ballast tank so we go way further down that's a bit silly yep and releasing them way too early that wasn't very fun you live and learn oh look at all the little babies they explode so fast yeah that worked better than i thought it would honestly bit mean of the player guard okay try two ballast tanks release the mines way later okay this time we should go wire lower and i've set the magnets to activate pretty much instantly well as fast as they are allowed to still a bit too early on the release though i'm sure to set that way way later but apparently not controller distance to target 100 meters yeah so why did that just drop them so so early because that was definitely not 100 meters from target turns out what actually happened is i accidentally added two controllers not an extender so one control had one setting one controller had the other so one controller through half of them at one point than the other at the other point that's why it's so confusing okay we're slowly getting towards the target very slowly in fact hello just look at that that is terrifying hello play god wow just wow knocked out a turret did ridiculous damage around it just so much and if anything has a weakened keel or just a weak underbelly anyway that's gonna punish them so much again though is it better just have a torpedo with loads of explosive warheads so it can definitely do damage in one area so drastically or just fire loads of smaller torpedoes i think with the torpedo maybe it's better to have the cluster because you're allowed to have so many more warheads since it's if each of these small torpedoes were independent that have to have fuel that have to have a torpedo propeller so overall and of course fins so it have to be larger and more expensive you get less of them per warhead less warhead per shot layers ammo per potato maybe should even lower down but for now though i'm afraid i am all out of time for today's episode this was a little bit of a rushed one i had very little time today sadly but my god that was so much fun so thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching thank you so much for the support and soon we'll be taking something like this into the campaign just bear in mind how expensive this is it is insane sadly missiles right now in my opinion are not worth the cost they're very ammo hungry and they are expensive per part oh that's so lovely thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 203,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1YiGxlQX1i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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