From The Depths | S2 Ep 1 | Tanks Vs Drones!! | Ashes Of The Empire Campaign

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breathing's sir ants rats and welcome back to from the depths with me laughs three and of course welcome for the very first time to the brand-new season of ashes of the Empire now this is a game mode I applied a very long time ago and absolutely loved but simply never finished it's the ground campaign of from the depths which has a very strict volume limit of only 2000 which is incredibly low but does make you build in very different ways at least different ways than I'm normally used to I'm definitely better at building larger craft that I am at building smaller craft so it is certainly a good experience a lot of people did suggest I go ahead and use a mod to remove the volume limit but since the enemies are still going to be so small and I do want to finish this vanilla we are going to be leaving it as it is a so a brand new game here we are a new campaign and you can read that if you like I've read it before okay let's have a read of it I did just change my mind so this happened ten years before the quest for nice a main campaign this is the great civil war in which the Empire was torn apart into the fighting factions we know and love from the main campaign Ash drifting fluttering driven by the wind the ashes fall the ashes drift uncertain of their final resting place this is the fate of the Empire torn apart in the fire of Civil War burned and turned to ash where will the winds of fate blow it where will it land the betrayal of the white fliers was the spark that lit the fires and nothing could stop it the steel Empire has fractured the flayed ones and the 13 sage is now known as the lightning hoods on one side and the shadow of the empire now known as the steel Striders backed up by their artificial friends the twin Guardians are twin Guardians on the other the onyx watch preferring a stance of Independence refuses to stand with anyone and has holed up in their fortresses ready to crush anyone who comes near their lands and the infernal dust wind gypsies pushing outside of their territories are rioting and an Oshie anywhere they see opportunity feasting on the dying remains of the empire really lovely chaps now a new wind blows ashes swirl ashes full where will you drive the ashes of the Empire look it's the name so that's pretty much that the main enemy I remember being really scared of in this campaign is actually the twin guard and the white fliers the steel Striders didn't give me too much trouble but early on we are going to be harassed a lot and I have a plan for that either way let's customize we're going to be of custom and difficult to modify we're going to be keeping that as normal because I do not like moving this slider it's the only slide I never go away from simply times what I always find weapons act weirdly if you go below or above and then the grow factor maximum we want swarms and enemies to feast upon and resource given by destroying enemies we will minimize that because that can get really out of hand really quickly I don't like it being zero makes little sense to me but at the same time I don't want it particularly high now select whether you want to use localized material or not we are going to be using localized that is as you can see much more difficult as you can see by the experience game modifier but I think it's going to be a bit more fun in this particular campaign now as my usual honor rules during this campaign that the main two rules I have is I do not capture a vehicle unless it's already crippled and simply cannot win a fight this prevents me from having half of the video with me just jumping around trying to capture vehicles and also capturing can be very overpowered especially early on your character can really wreak some havoc since the enemy can't actually target you specifically it's not really the best the other honor rule is I am going to try and minimize or flat-out not use rapid fire advanced cannons with medium gauge that's between a hundred and three hundred and thirty three millimeters because they just outright reckless campaign and also lasers if I can avoid using those to the best of my ability I will be very happy we will still be using mini gun style advanced cannons but either very ones which take up the entire vehicle or very very small ones like on the turrets we will be using very early on which we made recently in the sandbox mode and thankfully with the whole missile nerf or at least everything changing and missiles being less meta not specifically a missile nerf but the game changing so they're not as great as they used to be I don't mind using them more they were also really a little bit too good in the old version of this anyway begin at the brand new campaign so let's pause time and take a look see what we have okay the main building look looks very similar to what we used to have we have a little turret here do we always have that I can't remember the cars changed a little bit I think though I might be wrong there but the tent is still there being honestly a little bit creepy so I have a plan and the plan is we're actually going to go ahead looks really cool we're going to go ahead and set down a wall of turrets near where we currently are oh yeah I forgot we have three positions to try and secure it's on pause there we go so each of these one second let's read this you are a humble junk trader isolated on your land amidst your collection of broken-down cars and refurbished military vehicles in times of beasts your centralized location went great profit as people from the empire nation came to buy scrap from you now your locations just means you're in two way essentially with the volume limit yep it's two thousand and we have this you will start at peace with all factions but after one hour the dust wind gypsies will declare war on you and there is a chance of each other faction also declaring warned you there is no diplomacy bribing in this campaign okay so what is gonna say is we're going to be pretty much leaving the dust wind gypsies alive which sounds weird but the idea is as we make better vehicles as we get more money we can put down more static defenses and then just obliterate them as they head towards us and so they simply feed a scrap that's the idea so we can then focus on whichever other faction happens to declare war on us how do I that's what I wanted to look at okay so they're the enemy we need to kill that's fine the part I'm apparently is one minute something tells me that's a little bit broken either way though I wanted to check this in terms of relationships so these are the lovely enemies we're going to have to deal with okay I wonder who's going to attack us first other than that just wind gypsies I really don't know so then let's get this started let's see what we can actually scrap then so we have the tent as much as all of these do look cool I would very much like their resources and I'm sorry dauntless you looked cool but you're going away as well same with you actually that's alright over there the mortar is it gold which apparently is a flat weight you're not a vehicle I mean I mean you're not a building you're an actual vehicle vehicle no yes you are okay heavy armor expensive somebody's not gonna follow that she'll then normally you can try again well that's got a long reload time yeah for some reason it's not working I simply can't follow the shots that is really really weird okay then let's have a look manually then what your shots actually are do you sort of see if this is worth keeping or is it worth scrapping and putting down some of our small turrets we've designed in the past where is your ammo there it is hello oh is that it 500 you've only got a single time fusing warhead body which now by the way can be swapped out for the high-explosive head which is just better I mean you're not weak but you're not gonna be very good versus the swarms which you're heading our way we've got one hour to prepare although I am tempted just just to declare war you know what we're gonna just declare war because this will be boring otherwise so yep declare war I do not like you very much I mean to insult you once you smell of sand yeah take that now they're upset okay you're going to be removed so the enemy are going to be coming from down here however before they did attack here first if I recall correctly so we need to be a bit careful with that in fact I'm not even going to make turrets first the first thing we're going to make is one of our faster units something like the sand skimmer in fact that's exactly what we're going to put down first because it's cheap it has light weaponry and it's good versus swarms ok so here's something a little bit odd this is actually one of the versions of the skimmer which never saw the light of day and you may be wondering why am i using this over the finished version the one which worked actually better but it's quite simple this is far cheaper this is a full 2,500 less and it has a bit more armor on the front but actually seeing this as mine we think something we could have a wood armor only campaign go for a full or key theme full on scavengers of the wasteland and honestly I really like that the problem is I don't have any vehicles like that already ready to go other than the cornflake which well that's not exactly cheap in regards to this campaign so should I try and make a vehicle before the enemy get to me well this is gonna have to be really really really quick then okay let's see if we can actually do this we can do this I'll be proud for myself let's go for aerial I eye we're going to try and make a tiny tiny little helicopter that's gonna be the plan at least for the very very first design where are you okay just put that down there there like that for a second let's try not use metal armor I think if we do have a wooden only campaign in quotation marks I think we should still use a little bit of metal just not that much otherwise the builds will lack a bit of definition it's more for looks than for anything else how big you I want it honestly probably not much bigger than this then have the bulk of the armor here have missile pods maybe similar to the corn flake honestly but just on a much smaller scale okay center of mass I will put down the rotor blade the main rotor blade at the end and we probably want a very very very basic PID system just to make things easier so acts more like a helicopter and less like a plane quickly Latics is remembering that he's very bad at speed building and honestly any time he tries to build something quickly it ends up being an absolute hideous mess so we're going to go down the route of things I've actually built before at least heavy inspiration of them because I have no idea how long it's gonna be until we're attacked and right now we have nothing to defend ourselves so we're going to go with a dual rotor build so one rotor over here one rotor over here and actually a triple rotor bill gonna have a very small one here as well similar to the corn flag which will act as a stabilizer or an extra stabilizer which is what keeps the cornflake airborne when one of the two rotor blades is knocked out and still able to turn and such so that would be pretty good I do say so so all good approaches are a bit rushed now for there for a second this is gonna be here too yes I'm sorry afraid one who's offended by how bad this is gonna look because it's gonna be an absolute mess but hopefully an absolute mess that can at least hold its own for five seconds that's really it can it stay in the air for a little while if yes then you're doing it right lad sure I have no idea I'm doing here at this point it looks like I'm trying to make a drone so you know what we're gonna make a drone that's all you're making it's no longer a helicopter because I don't know it's going to have four sets of two rotor blades weaponized in the middle this will also help to defend it's cool really really heavily which is nice right now it has almost no functional components no engine or anything I'm just trying to figure out what I actually want to build right well because I haven't got a clue okay um [Music] let's see instead they'll make this a little bit easier I suppose okay continuing I'm not sure if I'm going to do a time lapse or not with this if the footage is stable enough you've probably just seen a bit of a time lapse with this bit over the top of it if it's not stable enough which I really really expect it not to be then you've just seen clips honestly time lapses only work if you're kind of aware that you're going to make one so you can do certain movements and not like this all the time because that just looks terrible or it's sped up as are for the power of copy and paste okay so that's that bit done what's the cost right now 778 the volume is 193 which is absolutely tiny it looks bigger than it is just because we're surrounded by very very small components and the centre is currently hollow which is where the engines about to go so what type of engine would we like honestly it sounds silly but because the RTG cast has been nerfed heavily I'm tempted to just go with RTG single battery single electric engine that will probably be enough since most of these blades will be on a very very small power level because honestly this is going to be a very very light craft this way we're not constantly burning through fuel and honestly a full fuel engine wouldn't be the cheapest thing in the world either this would also be far smaller which is definitely a very very large benefits now here's the question one or two RTGS if we do two it means we could have some redundancy and more batteries and more battery power and then we could be quicker considering I still think Artie Gees is this really a good option I don't think it is but oh we could put them like here as well like that and that actually looks really nice ups the cost though look at that the cost has just jumped so much then we can put a couple of batteries we've actually put those here but I'd be really vulnerable but saying that the ammo is going in the center so put those there than two electric engines which can just be hidden in the wooden armor here I also kind of just liked the idea of the drone being electric power that just seems right then do the same here as well once again lock that out put down the electric engine should have mirrors correctly that's been great that's 320 engine power that is why more than we're ever going to need for this craft which is good because it means we could have a very weak shield fine we'll go with this for now but I'm saying it right now this is not the right way to go for anyone trying to copy the design just make a small fuel engine bits of an odd question for a drone but Ariel I I versus land I I since we are most likely going to be using very small missile pods on this thing I think land AI might be a little bit better just constantly circling the enemy in a far more uniform manner would be pretty good it also means we can go very heavily into PID systems which don't impact land as much as they do the aerial stuff the problem is it'll be a lot more difficult to do attack runs essentially all we can do is go to the target and then sit on top of them whereas the aerial can constantly go over them and then pass that over them again which really messes with cannon controls okay we're going to go with what I know the most so we are going to go with land now thankfully since we're using missiles we don't even need to bother with the detection systems because missiles can be blind fired which is great and that's all we need to have so that we cut down on the cost quite heavily don't worry though the next bill they have will use other weapons this is just for a very early boost to ourselves and let's just add a transmitter here armed and iced up as much as possible with the wooden armor still pretty cheap here's a question where are we going to put the ammo we could put it this sounds weird but we could actually no it sounds great what we're going to do is we're going to hang some chains off several parts of this and literally hang the ammo underneath the drone that way when it explodes it won't hurt the drone itself and it also provides a target for the enemy which is nowhere near the mainframe ammo far less vulnerable the mainframe which is great oh dear I'm surprised the enemy haven't attacked us yet we've declared war and one times two reinforcements speed what on earth am i doing I've gone down such a weird route with this craft and it's too late to go back what the hell is this is that cool or is that just odd sometimes the line between those two things can be very very vague so yeah that and I was gonna blow up straight away a bit of a weird test but let's see if we can get it to detonate by crashing though we can't I just want to see if it will have any kind of chain reaction or hurt those blades so we are going to have to wise to be a resource here for a bit of testing no just about okay okay that's fine so we're gonna lose the ammo straight away from pretty much anything but at least don't hurt the sender because I've built the centre too small for everything which is fine so all I need now really is the PID system which will be tiny tiny tiny which is just two of you not the lure to you thank you lovely do we need one for pit nose I'll be fine one for altitude one for actually we will need as many as I thought I did so that's me making a mistake I know a huge surprise and you've role you are nothing actually you could just sit there and be replaced with something any moments so don't really have enough time to think about this too much so for altitude let's say a hundred let's just a hundred hundred sounds good to me just stay as you are for now all nice and default the default normally works honestly it's only when you start really wanting specific things and you've built in a weird way what you kind of have which you start messing around with all these settings which one day I will do a tutorial at least that's the goal but for now that's fine and then one for pitch and that will be it you testing this one that's fine in fact we don't even need to do that this early on because you haven't change anything but I just like doing that a slight change of plan for some really simple dodging what we're going to be doing is using control blocks rather than PID you can use both or one of the other but either way we're going to be using control blocks on really aggressive settings to keep the altitude a hundred this way it's going to overshoot every time it goes below and every time it goes above the desired altitude of course is a hundred this will make it bob up and down it's going to look awful but we've kind of just kept that now haven't we we've kind of just assumed that going to look terrible and you want - oh gods can be terrible okay go okay with absolutely no power this is not being powered in this light you can see in the bottom right we still have 320 or 320 what we can do is increase the motor drive now if we do with just one yep that's fine then I want to add a small rotor blade in the center which will have the always up option what's that called always a fraction right yep there was a fraction we could put here and that will act as the stabilizer you can actually have always up on all of these which would make it so it simply won't sync but it can cause issues down the line least I found it people do heavily disagree with me there though so maybe that's me being weird I am more than open to that I mean it flies yep take the Amazon we're making delivery drones first so next up we need the wrong mechanical so I'm realizing this is becoming way too much for a build video at this point oh I wanted it there but this blades in the way I mean I could just knock out that blind dude just look no it's far too weird nope nope no even for me I just can't stand that I am sorry it needs to be more uniform I wouldn't make a good orc really would I guess we could have two on each but that's gonna be annoying as well we could even have it in the center here blob see that's less effective the further or why are the better well we could have said on the bottom instead yeah I'll work that'll be fine I mean I'd rather have it on both but just having on the bottoms just fine so you're fine being a front thruster you need to become role left you need to be rolled right and you need to be thrust through it first now I'm going to remove the altitude PID which I forgot to remove a moment ago that's not a form of those for a second do I have two wrong set of bum stank when did I do that I mean you'll make absolutely no difference because the bow sets the same thing but I don't know I just don't like that there we go now you have one roll whop one pitch yeah we need to mess with those settings maybe not considering this thing was just flipping over a second ago I mean you can see the first is occasionally firing trying to keep the peace you know what maybe this will be okay especially with the internal rotor again the less the better because if we have a lot of spare power we can actually add shields to this which will be ridiculous here's something I really wish I checked a little bit earlier and that's these there we are the extra land rigs well it turns out these lovely little things aren't actually harvesting resources fast as the resource owned there in that the main one is these two aren't so let's do this there we go there we are the materials actually going down now so that's have far more material here we'll just use these as basically spawn points once the enemy comes for us which I'm surprised they haven't still honestly and I'm happy to haven't but I'm also surprised some reason losing some frames here as well probably because we just spawn these hidden and now having to load all this land there we go lovely material now back to building that drone well this will do for now so we don't actually have long left before the first hour strikes which I believe is when other factions might also declare war on us we're already at war with the just wind gypsies I'm just curious whether we'll get any others if we do then we do if we don't then we don't here's hoping we don't honestly let's do it like this just to protect that a bit looks a little bit on the odd side now though to be perfectly honest because before it looks so normal also gave us a little bit of material storage as well so that we can use these as transport drones sooner rather than later looks hideous nope no no no let's change this but yeah really basic weapons and how I've got them set up is that I have them on a very slight delay fire very very slight they do drop for a second before then flying off we should have enough ammo for a couple of volleys before we run out completely and then it's going to be very low DPS but that bursts fire of a couple of these very cheap drones should be enough to kill maybe even small tanks you know though oh wait no I was gonna say I don't like how they balance on the floor but they do have a want earner elements they should face the target then go off right now they're just firing into the ground well in terms of raw functionality we are definitely there it it works I mean it can go into combat mode it has very basic armor its ammo is all nicely tucked away underneath it so I mean its vulnerable but hopefully what hurt the rest of the vehicle it's fast enough and it just works under 4000 resources stupidly cheap ugly-ass in all definitely they're really hate how this angle is there the funny thing is they're watching the PID it looks like it thinks it's flat which is definitely the case because if the if you turn off everything it still angles out a little bit maybe I'll need to work on the PID a bit I think I do and here we are lovely okay so what should happen is once we get close enough very very soon you should steal from this you both on one yep you should be on keep zero yet you should be keep on all fantastic so the drone just grab the resources but while I'm here I may as well just make the second drone and then we're going to do the same at the other location so we can make a couple of extra drones before the flight happens now any changes I make to the drones before the fight I can just retrofit so it's ok that we are making an outdated model I just really want the resources as soon as possible we have four drones at the main base and we have one and a half at the two smaller bases so soon we're going to have a grand total of eight already which is really good now I need to make some final changes I don't like the fact the missiles are firing down it's going to make them less reliable the only thing I can think of is if we're higher up they still have a chance to turn around a bit more so there's more chance than going towards the targets the other thing is we don't have enough ammo we really don't so I think ammo processors or a little bit of internal ammo is going to be needed I love the idea of these hooks and chains but it is just a bit silly isn't it I mean even for me is a bit on the derpy side it's quite a few things I'll change honestly but for now let's just change the easy stuff we don't actually have that long drones are now flying at 150 rather than 100 and I've changed it from just altitude to height above sea / ground so yeah we're why higher up now so they should give the missiles way more chance to activate properly oh dear and we're back [Music] yeah that's going to be fine that's gonna be just fine not the most graceful thing so with this very weird PID is that gonna mess up the missiles those definitely going to mess up the missiles we have less than five minutes though to fix this so I don't think we are going to be able to fix this so this is something we'll have to fix later because I can only assume that the dust wind gypsies are still whiting to the one hour mark I mean what else could they be doing we're at war but then they're not really attacked us that time it did work I think the missiles would be okay does the odd ones going to get trapped it needs to be more flat and less well less that the one-hour mark has now been hit your camp is in the way excuse us vagrant your little camp is right in the path of our Tank Battalion we are on our way to crush the dust wind gypsies beneath our treads and did not want to slow down to go around your little junkyard please relocate or we will have no choice but to roll over you you are now at war with the onyx watch shinies oh look at all your shinies no rust anima all you have so much and we have so little maybe you're wanting to give it to us no don't get up we'll come get it ourselves worst voice never really more what would you guys sound like okay so sadly the game just crashed as I was trying to set stuff up thankfully I saved and all the enemies are still the same enemies but I did manage to save something in terms of how i think the lightning hood should sound innovation requires sacrifice we the 13 saviors of the lightning hoods find your unique breakthroughs in science and technology intriguing we would like to study it but find no reason to offer you money in exchange some would say that great innovation requires sacrifice and in this case it will be your sacrifice so the dust wind gypsies are definitely waiting for the our mark even if you declare war that with them early so what are they sending to sand Vipers and to Sidewinders well we don't need all of our drones for that and we are now at war with three enemies the twin guard the onyx watch and the dust wind gypsies this isn't going to be easy especially with lightning hoods the likelihoods not only are they friends with the white fliers they also have lasers which will be very good versus a drones oh dear okay everyone turn around we have friends oh hello onyx watch how are you oh man this is gonna be bad so the enemy have to two wisps okay well that is certainly something make sure we put in all of the drones that would be fantastic if we could so we're going to win this if the initial volley is enough to the target if it isn't then I don't I don't know I really don't know thankfully the dust wind gypsies are moving very slowly so really we're only fighting off two attacks this one and the onyx watch the onyx watch are probably going to be easier just because of their reliance on crammed cannons makes them a little bit less good versus things like this oh I don't know how this is gonna go any more drones hiding that yet there's one more drone that is a lot of missiles they're very weak missiles mind you but that is a lot of missiles heading towards the enemy straight away and missiles have been nerfed so much the enemy still has the volume advantage really well it definitely has the cache advantage my god we have nine of these which means we're less than 40,000 the enemy of 40,000 each oh god please drones do your job I mean that looks pretty cool you can't really deny so what did the enemies have I heard a laser okay definitely have missiles about what strong as ours annoyingly Oh simple Liza's loads of oh god that's gonna crush us if it gets close enough let's make sure you're all in combat mode I think that probably helped I imagine they hold the drone shield come on knock off that turret damn it nope no turret destruction there Oh bit of destruction at the back I heard some internal damage of course the short-range laser is a really short range they're actually called simple lasers but I called a long thing behold the swarm yes say goodbye to your turret sir you dare face the scrappers we have wooden drones and now we're out of ammo how about that then son let's that come from well you're down it keeps on focusing on things too far away that's great you keep on doing that ladder you keep on doing that that's fantastic lad son no no no no no net drop drone stop stop no get away from the shiny think thank you take out that thing's torus already dude look so we were attacked the enemy oh just out of range okay here's a problem I haven't had a chance to set them two different settings like the Seekers so this is going to happen oh come on we've Madol after their allied damage is so low why hope you focusing on things oh oh he's a bit melting there we've lost on that rotors on that one God missiles are so weak now back the last time we played this campaign this thing will be dead long ago Oh looks like it's turrets offline can it no longer fight stop yeah it's offline it's missiles aren't firing either okay that's definitely a win for us so because we're going to be fighting three enemies at once in this campaign I think it's time to do a bit over sabotage hello welcome to the Legion ladder where's your I I goodbye brawler hello stormtrooper and just like the Nita campaign I will not be using any of the captain buffs or any of the faction buffs they're just way too overpowered I will however use personal buffs because it just makes things like this faster well we've lost the first land rig the least we can have a quick look see what the enemy is the enemy attacks us and Oh Lord I did nothing I was close enough to be hit by that okay so long-range mortars essentially is what it is I'm gonna die again okay so that needs to be rebuilt that's fine that's fine the drones are full health oh and they are now on the way so they've also distracted the raiding party from the gypsies so if we can kill these we can definitely kill the gypsies and then we can start working on some proper defenses we need turrets we need advanced cannons desperately there's a lot of stuff we need because these aren't going to cut it these are clearly their transport vessels of missiles to do a lot of them though now sentinel sentinel bison it's good jump off this and let's turn them all back on oh no please don't kill me on the way down so these are the Sentinels so one large cram can and then three small on the side too small advanced cannons I wanna say cram cannon cram cannon Grom gun okay yet crumb cannons everywhere then the bison has much more of the stronger weaponry that's another sin smell okay ooh that's best so now we actually see the combat or not link to anything not one gun blown up there darn it oh that was so close just watching that one then oh okay so it's a one-shot kill if they do hit we need well they're way fastened expected but we need to kill them now oh god their armor is so heavy so much a little damage but nuns got through the main weapons need to be taken out Oh Lord we're losing them so fast Oh well you aren't dead that's important thing you can still be distraction we do have enough for a couple more drones if we do lose this fight to defend ourselves but yeah the missiles aren't enough they're just not enough I love ground cannons but I don't to lose that I'm hit the main gun they're so weathered all over if we get lucky with one shot maybe we can turn them ok good your main cannons barrels gone so now only the side guns are really firing oh you got hit and a bit of an explosion as well just keep on wearing at them eventually you'll expose something vulnerable then the fragments all do their job that's perfect I think the main gun may have just gone up completely yet main gun on one the Sentinels is dead the Bison is still happily firing away but it's got so far back it's struggling to hit now watch it prove me wrong aha oh come on friendly fire darn it that'll be awesome one Sentinel down I'll come on wooden Legion I believe in you you terrible little but why should have spawned into some seekers there's the funny thing the seekers are ready I just wanted to build something different plus these are actually cheaper than the Seekers and they do technically have more firepower it's just missiles are so weak couple of injured drones still flying which is nice but yet what I need is similar to the Seekers drone a drone bee drone see all two have different altitudes and stuff I didn't have enough time to add that I know how to add it I'm not a terrible builder i profits slow death by a thousand cuts here how about you we'll focus on the Bison just to move out because right now you're so clumped up if one good shot gets near you it's just gonna kill all of you that was wilder than all the other noises in the game was with that sadly is oh one yep two damage one is actually officially dead sadly with the weapons these guys have you can't actually pick a target that's the problem why don't you stop targets you guys can swarm you're swarming right now swarm over there Alf of a love of self-harm stop miss I'll know I'll look they're dancing how sweet you know I still think gonna lose this because of how stupid they've been it's my fault I just didn't have enough time it sounded difficult all you need to do is change the two control blocks so the minimum and the maximum are different to every other ones minimum and maximum by at least ten and then this doesn't happen on the upside the really random movement they've now got is proving really difficult eight of cram cannons can you just die please at least I think the drones have proved themselves it's just they're not finished a tiny amount of damage they do against the bison is so funny the Bison is way more expensive than our entire group and although it looks like the Bison is going to win here with only two drones still firing we did well for ad cast we did well look at it try what what damaged in enemy territory we're going to wit all that seems cheesy I don't like well that happened faster than expected I was actually going to surrender then I was thinking about all to surrender that seems dumb well there we go still the enemy's left though if you recall so drones let's heal up what you've got left and grab as much as you can as well let's see if we continue now it looks like we're not harvesting as fast as this thing's growing but the fact it's stable on 999 means that it's perfectly getting just as much as its tanking if we jump on here we can showcase this well maybe not maybe I am wrong actually hoping I'm wrong so it means we we've got a little bit more resource we can steal now let's have a look I mean look it's know yeah clearly is perfectly balanced well let's give it extra resource shall we because we saw didn't need it we managed to defend against that little attack just and now we need some resource [Music] just grab everything you can hopefully have some resource still to spare not enough over there to make a drone the enemy's coming already I think I've got a good lose both land rigs anti how expensive is the land reg 2600 I don't know the best way to deal with this okay we're just going to lose the land rig and use this time to get the drones back then we'll rebuild the land rig sorry land rig take all the resource yep okay so we have at least three drones currently online that's wonderful don't have time to do the whole separate settings thing but hopefully we have enough time to get back to defend against the enemy the enemy aren't particularly strong so it shouldn't be too bad I don't think we need the full group to beat them because that initial burst damage should be enough hopefully well we've managed to get quite a few of them back up in fact three four five six seven eight we've got eight of nine back up now as our for cheap units hello there dust wind if we beat you though I'm happy enough even with the loss of our resource harvesters because we're versus three enemies this is going to be a difficult campaign and I think building in the campaign was fun but let's never do that again because the game isn't balanced around that and it's really sodding stressful but we really do need is some advanced cannon fire very soon so what I think I think I need to design in the editor which I think will be the next thing is a light vehicle maybe five six thousand similar to these with a very small advanced cannon may be again some missiles I'm not too sure we'll see I don't want to rely too much on missiles because that can get boring as well obviously sir oh that's what's up oh no please don't sighs couldn't do that thing where everything falls through the ground it kind of did that one bounced goodbye just wind gypsies everyone the actual starter faction two enemies down before we could even see what's going on and then yeah I think we're gonna be just fine versus the dust wind honestly bowing aha dolphin missiles they hold the swarm okay that was better I only saw one thing even take damage I think I was friendly fire that was better still lost but land rig though I did just equip one of our drones with a healer so if we've run over here quickly come on come on come on swarm since since I can remember which one of you is there we go land ring is coming back online and the land rig is back online and we took some resources which it had harvested because thankfully then they apparently didn't steal that yay oh why are you not why are you not running what's going on what's wrong what is wrong with my friend yeah why aren't you harvest it have you moved you can't move your a building well that's um well this is gonna look a bit stupid but stretch there we go sure that's fine this looks really really bad in so many ways does it really matter though we ever gonna see this thing again probably not but still there we go what do you feel as well these things don't want to fuel which is really annoying why did you not steal you guys I meant to steal the land Riggs resources you know not all of you not all of you need to go back just one of you the good thing is now as well they are fast enough that we can do things like this we can quite easily have just one going back and forth resource and the others can stay here ready to help okay with that though I'm afraid I really am all out of time for today's video that was a ridiculous start and now we are fighting a war on three fronts what I think we need to do is just focus on one faction and just go for them just as fast as possible either that the gypsies or one of the other two honestly I think the biggest threat is going to come in the form of the lightning hoods so I feel like that should be the main target just defend against the dust wind and the Onyx and try to push east as soon as possible just add some laser defense make some quick vehicles and just hope we can kill them fast enough so with that if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths it's a series you wish to see continued in the future we're back in the ashes of the empire oh my god [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 227,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: from the depths, from the depths gameplay, gameplay, lets play, part 1, episode 1, season 2, ashes of the empire, sandbox game, survival game, simulation game, sim game, building game, tank, tanks, tank gameplay, drone gameplay, drone, drones
Id: HvmnVW_CC5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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