From The Depths | Ep 17 | Adventure Mode | Godly Designs Galore!

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greetings sir am syrettes and welcome back to from the day eps with me laughs 3x and of course welcome back to adventure mode where today we have one very simple goal the same goal is the previous video to find the most elite that the adventure mode can throw at us and either be destroyed by or simply destroy them but first we are going to have to do something I've decided as many people in the comments that we're going to get rid of our little Ally here despite the fact I absolutely adore this craft it just doesn't work in the way I want it to work in terms of the engagements I'm sure in a normal fight in the campaign this thing is deadly but at the moment I am really struggling to find a use for it but before we completely remove it I noticed something I swear I didn't do this but apparently we have a prison with a camera attached at the back of this thing I accidentally captured something completely evil which I kind of adore now I sort of feel bad for I'm about to do Oh fair craft you've served us somewhat decently but today you are removed that's kind of beautiful its own weird way I may have added nukes I forgot I had an X okay well there we are we've got all the resources from that which is great we're gonna use that purely for repair resources because we really need them now of course what we could do is replace that with another craft probably something really subtle and just generally useless just for the fun of it but really that would be just weird so what I'm going to do is likely hold it off for repairs although I have to spend a little bit in armoring everything up and yeah ultimately I think things looking okay for the future now the one enemy which I really really want to find is something like the Megalodon that is the really big new Steel Strider ship it will likely really hurt us potentially even destroy us but that's really the fun in that now before we continue though I do apologize my voice is a little bit weird in the last video I had the audio all over the place come speaking really quietly at the moment it's hard to tell in video since I put all the sensitivity and everything but I am still recovering and I am really short on breath and I'm trying to talk don't worry I have had everything checked out and okay everything's fine and yes 99% chance this is the very obvious thing which is going around at the moment because laughter excuse everything so with that out the way let's go and find some enemies so I'm gonna do is just the usual it's gonna go around in circle what are you doing okay we're just gonna go around in circles just in a small area and hopefully this will force something to spawn him I'm really hoping is it's not the Titan again for the hundredth time I'm fairly certain in the last video after looking back at the footage at least one of them wasn't the Titan oh hello okay we instantly have something spawning in something over there that looks suspiciously Titan like why always there Titans I might go stop going in circles for this I've just seen you so many times now I will be using third person a bit more today since pretty much everyone voted for that in the comments in the previous video but right now I'm just gonna fire at the silhouette of the thing we've been firing at for a very very long well that's one tightened down already so it turns out yeah we are getting resource from just damaging enemies which is really nice because it means if I don't really want to go after the resource just yet I can just continue to go in circles so one thing I have changed although it won't take effect straight like sit on the waist the ammo is that I've changed my shells back to purely kinetic impact shells so I'm still using the hollow-point because I really really like those but I've removed the high explosive which means they're less detectable by the enemy land system and ultimately it should just be a bit better versus some of the other high-end designs I did notice the Titans taking out a lot of our shells this should counter that it's less detectable and it has more health per shell the damage is about the same actually so ultimately not much is really lost just less boom more thump now you may notice our resources going down all by themselves and the reason for that is just I've installed a couple of boilers just really basic boilers just with the energy turbine attached so we're getting a little bit more energy they'll kick in when we're below 80% energy and then turn off above that and they'll use up alot of our resources but we've got so much battery power the RTGS weren't cutting any more oh hello please don't say another Titan [Music] you're one of my all-time favorite craft above got a saying kinda get insecure there we go the main body is now dead that is everything next time we fight one I'll just go in third-person so once again we go in circles added some more recoil absorption on all the weapons no it's much better ok so it's gonna be able to fire accurately for a little bit longer before he starts going more than that Wow I long for a fact ok that is significantly better now I would like to add more to them but the problem is we just have the space how I've built it I was introduced to build the space in the area for the railgun charges and I can't reattach anything else since I didn't consider the fact I would need recall suppression since I was going for the whole reign of death with the explosives in the first place so yeah next time I know better I don't really use rail guns much until now of course getting a bit lonely now just alone with my thoughts and the whispers ok I've also changed the password kind of now to use piercing shots it's a bit more expensive so the damage is still okay it's currently doing it's currently doing around about 25,000 damage per one of those beams it's still firing all five of them so actually no four of them are doing about 25 one of them's doing only what nine thousands it's much smaller but still the reason why I've changed it's just because I've noticed a lot of the larger enemies we thanks so far EMP didn't really do all that much because well a lot of the godly designs are simply very well protected versus EMP so I think it's adding more to the bulk damage were doing is probably for the best I would change the missiles well either to being explosive or fragments more like that but I still want some EMP if there's a chance we could capture something I want EMP weapons which I can just instantly activate as we slowly spin round and round those are like the fact I'm spending more time up here than in the actual safe room how have I not been shot in the head yet we're destroyed another Titan and I was paying so little attention I didn't even record the footage because I turned off to check the audio levels yep can I have something which isn't the Titan please just once anything at all the enemy is so insanely far away so yet this is the fourth Titan so far since entering the game hello oh wow the lag from the lights is insane the game is just coming to a halt I have fired my weapons there they are so as you can see what happens is a shell hits and then a chunk of armor simply vanishes but look how fast it's healing so yet clearly oh I've got two amulet also strong thing to do but apparently we did so much damage it just erased it from existence the inaccuracy does return pretty fast yeah it's we can pretty fire accurately in bursts but remember this is insanely far away this is at least four to five thousand kilometers well looks of things four to five thousand kilometers four to five kilometers for another four to five thousand meters we could try and capture you but you are way too far away yeah try firing underwater is pretty difficult for our weapon but there we go the impact shells could be better if we were using a higher gauge on the sleeve I think the advanced cannon could it be better in general these are pretty basic advanced cannons in terms of how they've been built just because I am a novice building them I will endeavor to get better okay I'm about to try something right now if I'm going to shot in the back it means it didn't work good okay so the reason why that turret there was able to shoot through this before is because it turns out I forgot to flip the firing restraints so we're still going off the original so it literally couldn't fire directly backwards but it could fire directly forwards into my face once again how I have not been killed so far is honestly just a mystery now please give me something other than a Titan I've now lost count of how many Titans I've killed there is an enemy in the distance and for once it's not a Titan although that lag is really concerning is second thing spawning excel be really annoying of course it is and it's a time yep so there's a Titan behind us and an interesting enemy in front of us which I believe is the thunderclap based on what I've already seen since I have seen this thing a lot in the campaign yep it's basically just cram cannons on cram Callens with an extra cram cannons and by the way here's a cram cannon so let's try and not cheat too much so not gonna aim all the way from there let's unpause try and stay on forwards as well I'm losing the binoculars I'm gonna go for dead sense and let's see if we can take out some of its movement capabilities now one thing to note is that our lovely friend over there the thunderclap also why am i flying I did not mean stop flying that's interesting one thing to note is that the thunderclap is a little bit vulnerable to being flipped so if I can just take out some stuff around the edges like this by the way our shells have been changed again they are now back to just pure armor penetrating shells so no longer are they impact I think they are actually just better in a few tests I did put some Titans they just did way better honestly I think impact is really good versus specific targets especially if you're able to hit the turret caps very reliably but at long range like this these are definitely better at least I think they are oh well good night to you looks like most your things are currently offline which is great we are however being hit by the United used to firing or you offline completely you might sink you know what I'm gonna focus on you just need to make sure it's below 90% health and as it sinks oh my god it's actually identical have captured that seriously okay turn as fast you can and as soon as you're able to broadside we'll kill a Titan don't worry guys he's armless I don't want to get ahead of myself but I feel like I'm gonna win this fight I have to remind myself although my shells aren't the most accurate ever this is the distance so here is us and this is at full speed yep it's just now in the distance so there's the problem I want to face off against enemies closer because I we're gonna do more down we can be they're gonna do more damage but they're just so far away and if I go towards them that firing they're gonna be firing at me the whole time and I'm gonna take unnecessary damage these shells now go 1,600 meters per second I just fire them there they are whoa once again wasn't paying attention hello laser thing what are you laser thing with Graham cannons and bottle cannons you like you can answer why am I not firing all nice shields definitely scarlet dawn okay there goes our large missiles they are set to explode well they set to EMV I can't remember it seems like a mV the bouncing around so much you're being rude well you certainly took a beating and you hurt us a lot as well I repairs are costing a fortune already but what are you you are they can't pronounce up either way skal the dog I think I can pronounce that I'm not gonna try that on this night mood to ill looks like you're fairly resistant to EMP good try and capture it but also want to see if I take out one of the wings there we go oh that was mean nope lagging out there's a good chance something else too spawned in what could be lag from its death Thunder - oh good it's a tire so I got a little bit bored waiting around and I've made a manual version of the dart turns out really difficult to fly these things and the eye eye does not have an easy time though I'm still getting the hang of it which is nice maybe I should have kept on at least some of the auto balancing we how does this look in third person probably really ungraceful I'm also using nowhere near all of them down down down these controls are so annoying using almost none of the max thrust occurs I am terrified of just crashing into something yep that's just how it looks spin yet I don't trust me to fly anything I really should try and make a proper manual plane this one is just not forgiving enough the loop sight I have just found out to do this activated the tractor beam and we're now returning back home so it turns out the problem is the old PID system this thing had was almost completely to do with the eye eye and since it no longer has the eye eye well that's a problem but yeah definitely need to just build a manual plane at some point this is the fun of it something small like the dart just not so difficult to control that oh I'm spinning ah take that me out pretty cool yep I think this now I'm starting to feel a little bit nauseous spinning out so much it just needs to gently try to get back to a neutral position if you had end you know something it'll be really easy to use like a proper engine with thrusters and everything it only uses wings for its controls and the PID doesn't like using that if you've got manual control that's the problem Leeson what I can notice again I've not even spend a lot of five minutes making this thing [Music] yeah under scrap it we into the water we go splits follow I lasted activating the crossbones oh that is lovely I mean doesn't stand a chance versus right now I'm being brutally honest there we're just honestly we're just too big but you know let's give it a fair chance let's get it nice and close oh yeah forgot I made you a second ago be free well apparently the updates have been kind to you and you are completely broke good to know boom well apparently the test nooks controls are being completely inverted for reasons I don't know about ahem that was gonna be way more fun than it was okay it's firing can I shoot those down with these they are doubted that I kind of want to just randomly try okay now I can't see a thing that's lovely courage it was 9:00 time nope a weightless day time before he stopped firing I do want to see if we can actually capture this thing which would be insane Oh a physic absurd I'm staring it feels like I'm steering into this place shouldn't they if I was moving that way how did you know what's gonna try and dodge I mean make sense but how okay you mostly goodbye you this is the power of manual fire and why I think I stand a small chance versus that really large steel Strider enemy knocks a ship is better Oh God oh that's gonna of course some damage but purely because manual fire is so good now the endpoint isn't a thing well it is but it can't target things with the eye eye or ammunition anymore so we have the advantage to be able to do things like this like Angus Tai reversing now so if we dodge I'm a little bit worried because right now I'm only firing with two of my cannons and the third one should definitely be able to fire which means I think this naughty fellow is taking out one of my very very expensive rail guns that's gonna take an agent just an age to reload and an absolute fortune to even rearm you know we could have just destroyed you right now and the problem is the crossbones has multiple eye eyes oh can decide whether inspiring so try actually capture this is going to be a nightmare but I want to capture it nonetheless just moving backwards or forwards since we're doing okay I say the shell comes across the bow we've done nope one more oh it did take out the weapon after all Oh though thankfully it didn't take out the banks it would be repairing from the bank's first so all it did was take out the turret cap so what I've done is I've actually got quite a long neck on these things so that essentially all the explosive parts are really really below deck on top it's just the turret cap it's a few gauge increases a few a bit of the recoil and stuff but that's it none of the exploding exploding parts or the same no we're not using explosive ammo at the moment but still you get the point all the expensive really annoying stuff is down below still cost a there we are I should keep you in the right orientation to us ideally we want to kind of stay behind it or to the right of it because that seems to be where everything's been disabled okay now I can make these a bit stronger uh you know what let's just reduce that a little bit more that's more too much about there oh this is gonna be painful this is I'm moving forward still isn't it yep by then now I actually don't know where the IIE are located on this thing I know is well in the center I know that much the outside of that yeah so it was just cuz we were far too close and by that I mean because we were moving oh nice yep that's problem large missiles pretending EMP whoa look how much EMP damage that's doing it was 200 K and it's still completely fine and we've lost that harpoon lock okay oh no no no no no no no you're not fired you're not fire by taking out this one I I am must have that fire me I need to do just put a fire-control down here so I can fly along right next to it eventually I will break your brain and you will learn to love me naturally we start getting attacked by tide commencing surgery so I know one of the mainframes in there problem is I don't know where the other two are anything which I keep on thinking as an diaphragm is actually a weapon this thing has way too many weapons oh I did oh my god actually worked I did not see that coming from that small shop but there we go we got three seconds it close enough how are we not close enough there we go okay that really caught me off guard I was just really refreshing the harpoons then but apparently that worked I think the EMP must have been like they're so EMP the AI must have been somewhere Oh yep I can see much general-purpose cards oh yeah heavy armor oh I've just realized I should aspire to wherever I saw heavy armor what do we do with the crossbones here's a question these harpoons are they actually pulling me up because I'm holding this using the tractor beam also those terrifying now in floaty form I love the crossbones I really do it's definitely my favorite the deepwater guard ships and perhaps one of my favorite ships of all time for now I'm gonna scrap it but I'm gonna save the design and if I ever want to respawn it perhaps in the next video or whatever I can but for now it's just a load of resource I should have added nukes everything's better with nukes that's so creepy just how it falls away block-by-block being fed to our main ship okay I'm actually running out of time now my throat's just giving out any way I can hot I can hardly talk right now I think just a few more fights then I'm gonna cool it but I definitely want to fight some of the other scarier larger vehicles I'm glad to see that we have the largest Godley of one of the factions but I want to see the bulwark which actually is in the God'll anymore but I want to see the onyx watches larger vehicles I wanna see the great Allen's I want to see well honestly I want to see the Megalodon because that thing is gonna be absolutely terrifying one more tightened down also the game crashed like three times for some reason so a little bit on edge about that the Lazarus oh I remember you already like the Lazarus okay we're actually facing in the complete wrong direction right now which is not the best the Lazarus itself where you wouldn't get in range to be damaging for a while but I'm not sure about its aircraft they're definitely not the same aircraft I fought against a long time ago so as soon as they're within range just knock them out the sky if possible as we imagine from an enemy looks like I've stalled a bit there okay where's the other one wasn't that sir oh yeah there's one right there okay yet that is broken did I mention that we need more recoil suppression there out because right now the inaccuracy isn't actually that bad even with the recoil it's less than one degree of accuracy but such long ranges it's kind of horrendous I do kind of want to allow the Lazarus to lead to use its main weapons so I will try get closer even though we are being bombarded so why need to do is jump down I really expected that's do the job well they're close enough yet the Lazarus is now using its crams and it means our main weapon are gonna be a little bit more accurate as well let's see if we can get this thing into the water Don shields more vulnerable shields less vulnerable to ante munition systems oh can we tip it just firing a short burst here Oh almost there we go well that worked one last shot although I'm descending so unlikely to hit plop and we discredit scoffs the good try and capture it but once again I am running out of time still good to see anything which isn't a Titan honestly now what I am actually scared of seeing is some of the scarlet dawn designs some of them are absolutely horrendous as in absolutely terrifying trying to fire up things underwater quite difficult perhaps sending it into the water was not the best of ideas who would have thought cam aren't already up and go below Apes and health and sinking or breaking heart all of it simple there we go two damaged good enough that's for you you are very annoyingly placed what I'm gonna do is something silly that is release my little friend there would you hopefully now work nope you're still going after the two damaged thing aren't you please die quicker so this innocence is plop into the water there we go good boy the test nuke I never improved it don't know why it's really really slow very cheap though which is nice hello there we go three nukes all ready to go press a button that will be released and they'll just go to way of a target there I I sighs to go towards basically the biggest first ein on Titan enemy has approached the retaliate err oh I do love the white Flyers oh they are so close to being the blood God's chosen is that like a chef it wasn't chefs out what are you killing your chefs for okay so that's a lot of guns really far away but they are clearly more than capable of hitting us so get a load of all the weapons I have and hopefully it's gonna be okay Oh ignore the random scaffolding I was just trying to test out an idea just looking at different sizes and stuff and well it's a bit of a mess at the moment so okay we need to get into the safe room as soon as we can I did release the nukes but for some reason they're not activating which is always really good and then fire weapons trying to stay as far away as I can this where I'm normally going to fire so I'm going to just keep on locked on like that that way I'm not cheating and aiming at things we normally can't see turns out the nukes just being spawned way too low so ending up in the water each time which is a little bit on the annoying side serious bit of lag there which means either we just took a lot of damage or the enemy did doesn't like us so I'm hoping and may have taken out one of their weapons or something okay they do have torpedoes by the looks of things very fast ones we're hitting here so we aim there also knocked out something good shielding on this thing which is really only for us and naturally a Titan spawns because every time I'm trying to get a good one on one a Titan spawns [Music] okay I've ended up kind of pointing at the enemy which isn't really what I wanted turn around a bit okay now railguns in firing looks kind of lit they weren't then nope that was only uh okay huge explosion there a lot of our shells are going through and they are doing a lot of work we're about to hit two million damage total also just realize I know what we're turning so much because I forgot to turn off the control block there we are all fixed we've definitely lost more damage and more damage would have we lost more materials of gained so far I've also reduced the amount of repair bots on the craft I'm starting to think it's just way too weird I kind of dislike the fact we get materials from the damage we do to perfectly honest because it kind of gives us sort of leech effect which I really don't like because it's difficult to manage healing and everything during combat because well I do need all those healing parts they can't ability to give them remaking them and removing them I think there's a way of turning them off and I might just need to do that during combat so just I don't find it's fun okay there we go unreal thing now is a couple of turrets and at this point that is close enough I'm sure we would be firing at them they're not exactly very well hidden as I mentioned our accuracies at least Rochas part of the problem is because we're so rapid-fire it's difficult to get that much recoil suppression I also might need to use the stabilizer fins on the shelves which will improve accuracy but not sure how that's affected by other things yeah I just need to learn advance cannons honestly and clearly novice so it's really showing at this point well lots of lag there okay that's all but defeated sand now little degraded mode first time I've seen that in ages I'm good now I swap targets to take a look how far away of Titan is what does the Titan always spawn so far away as well okay finally the Titans gone because it was just so far away as hard to hitting it so what's left is you so let's go back to broadsiding let in factoring the backwards get a closer did one of my test nukes has reached a target yes it did the others on the other hand are a bit too damaged well that's new commander killed it's so well done I suppose at the same time with the pears as well yeah I am stop waffling on about this I do apologize my mind at the moment is a bit fuzzy so I can't go any circles but one thing in terms of repairs during combat of course we are still using up the resource and survival mode is well so adventure mode is all about survival that's kind of the whole point it's the long haul that's not just well you wanna fight versus an enemy it's really you should be taking every advantage you can so that you can survive at no point am I really saying this craft is better than any others cuz my god is not I'm actually going to loathe this craft it's really weird to say I kind of love it but the same time I kind of absolutely hate it there are so many flaws in it which I don't really want to bother removing so it takes so long now and it will remove the idea of it being built up over time but I am also craving just building a new build a new vehicle from scratch honestly one which doesn't have so many design flaws especially on the weapons I think you've heard me say recoil about a million times this video so with that I'm afraid I really am all out of time for today's video I feel like today's been a really weird one in terms of just my mood and everything else I feel like I've been way more down on myself than usual ultimately I think my moods just going all over the place as the last of the illness slowly fades away but I did enjoy today it's been very interesting seeing all the other designs and I'm really hoping we see more things other than Titans as we continue I feel like perhaps we have one or two more episodes left really before hopefully the campaign is out so we can start the campaign properly because well I'm really looking forward to it looking forward to just normal ship fights which I can't watch properly without having to control things of course I could give this an AI but that's kind of the whole fun of adventure mode so I do want to play it through like that to the fullest because then knowing me in about a month's time I'll be absolutely sick of not being able to control things because doing that campaign get a bit weird especially when you won't want cinematic shots as you probably tell my speech is just going away right now and is that an enemy or just general lag just general lag so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows up from the depths as a series you wish to see continue in the future hopefully soon we'll see some of these scarlet dawn designs the really endgame stuff because I am completely certain that could kill us just very easily as long as they can take out a weapon or two quickly we can't really repair that that's just far too expensive so it's all about that initial burst things spawning so far away is really a problem as well so hopefully next time closer fights with more deadly enemies thank you for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 87,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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