From The Depths | April First Update + 24 Ship Tournament! | Marauder MADNESS!!

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greetings sir and sûreté and welcome back to from the depths with me are 3x and of course welcome to a very special update welcome to the April Fool's update 2020 which is well off to a very colorful start the great Alan's themselves in this update have been changed to be a lot more vibrance and are now even called the pink talons so their fleet colors have been altered and this applies to every single one of their vehicles a little bit painful on the eyes but at least they look a bit more cheery than usual but this really isn't the main thing the main thing this year is that apparently the theme was Marauders Marauders being in my opinion one of the most famous of all the vehicles in from the depths it is simple it is a great test vehicle and apparently everything is now Marauders I've had a very quick look at some of these but what we're going to be doing to make this a bit more interesting is rather than to spawning them in having a quick look we are going to be fighting them against each other in order to find out which Marauder is the best Marauder now we do even have a sub Mirada we have the Marauder ravager which is an airship we have the heli R order you get the idea there are a lot of them to go through so we're going to make very quick look at each of them fight them against each other and then see which is the best just taking a look at the regular actually note is that a particle car so apparently even the regular Marauder has been altered yep that is very expensive so apparently the regular Marauder has a particle cannon and this will be fighting against the RAM Marauder the rammer order which has a well it has a ram on the front and it has jets on the back so be right back with the very first fight here we go with the first fight I feel like I'm gonna have to edit these down quite a bit depending on how fast the code towards each other an explosive shot there from the parcel cannon not doing all that much though but it seems like the turning of the RAM Marauder is not the best though if this does make contact it is likely just outright going to win never mind Wow did not see that coming so apparently the regular Marauder also has very very deadly lasers which is completely too taken out the drill of the front of the rammer order and most of its engine so I'm gonna decide the clear winner here is the regular more order may take a while to finish off though okay I've got to see inside this thing this must be just one giant engine oh my god yep just engine analyzer that is the entire see if this oh okay yes using the new short-range version of the laser combiners very cool indeed okay the Marauder goes through so next it'll be the way to much more diverse is the small order this is gonna be a silly fight and you'll see why in just a few seconds the way to much broader is quite literally three Marauders just attach to each other and then there's this little thing how did they get one of these so small I don't even know can I even turn I think so this'll be an interesting fight it's good little simple cannon it can definitely turn and may even get the first shot if it could aim really this is a bit of a cruel fight all missing though perhaps it will be political and a single shot there it goes I didn't even see the shell let's assume it hit because we probably wouldn't see it anyway in terms of the damage well that's how we saw the shell and yep there is the corpse the scattered corpse of the small order the way too much Marauder goes on through next up we have the baffle R order which looks honestly terrifying loads of strong simple weapons and then some proper guns to this thing that looks more like a proper deadly ship then we have the og Marauder this is the original designer at least I believe this was the very original design it's definitely sparking a memory of mine although perhaps I'm just going mad again I think this is definitely heavily favoring one side I mean it's trying just an utter bombardment there from the baffle now he Mangum's himself yep they're not doing what much damage per hit but why too many hits the og has been completely obliterated its main weapon is already damaged beyond repair and most of its sight is gone it's AI though very safe at the moment I believe it's like right in the core there but still a clear victory here from the battle and too damaged 100% health a perfect victory next up is the hot water and the neck or order well I definitely didn't check out early and I would think about it well that's the hot water and well yeah that is phenomenal oh that's the supercharger isn't it's just being used in a mimic so it's huge it is really amazing the mecha order they're being very very happy and not quite sure what is difference of this than the regular version I guess I'll find out during combat some of the changes are definitely more noticeable as soon as combat arrives not noticing too much different on the inside I was like maybe I'm blind oh well that makes sense of its name so the battles just started and the Necker order is absolutely beautiful oh my god that is terrifying and then it flipped onto its back is this intentional I think it might be it's really quite hard to tell no but that's well that was hard cuz I believe this is gonna be quite a close fight but Lisa's main weapons on a turret so it is likely to hit so what I think is trying to do is aim all of its guns at once but it is a really struggling to keep balance oh god that even well that is amazing definitely some of the more interesting designs I've seen so far well I think the mecca order will be the victor here I'm tempted to try and spawn missing again because that was just amazing to watch but with the with this one completely flipped and not able to fight I think we're going to give the victory before I'm here for why too long watching this well done to the mecca order also on its back a fitting fight there oh that's what's causing the damage it was shooting itself now he's something the Necker order was doing in the regular fight as well I just thought the damage was coming from the hot rod but apparently not it is curving itself don't think the flipping was intentional but still so many spin blocks on spin blocks that is just insanity to me next up we have the buret order and the stubby R order now this is either gonna be ice or a machine gun so here's the stubby I actually love how that looks so it looks like the center has just been completely removed and they're more simple weapons added yeah I really like that and then what is going to be special about you I'm thinking yep that's gonna be a rapid-fire gun isn't it it's just oh yeah it is oh my god oh my god well that's gonna be a little bit insane for those wondering how I'm spawning Luzerne essentially on just using the East and West spawn location and setting them to different factions now there is also the lost our watches which is obviously a change from the Onyx watches but I haven't seen a difference in any of their designs I might be missing something there so if there is a difference someone tell me I am really looking for this I've gotta be honest oh no don't you dare shoe off those barrels before it fires a bit of favoritism here by me but still yeah there we go wonderful just loads explosions and now it's name makes sense I just read it as burr like cold nothing gold about them that was fantastic next up the glass cannon Andy mouth now this may look mostly normal but hopefully this will get to showcase why it's called the mouth Marauder in the combat to come and then that we have the glass cannon which unsurprisingly is a Marauder made primarily of glass which is so weird glass can be so see-through in this game and I think that's just what yet that is just one massive cram cannon all the way down the spine why did I go inside to look when I can see through it I don't know it's instinct I think this one will win unless this one gets close enough well let's have the fight this first shot is gonna do so much damage well the broader is getting a bit stuck there with some controls not quite sure what's going on there and here's the shot oh that was painful not sure it's going wrong there seems like pitch is a serious issue at the moment well I think this fight is already over sadly I see oh my god the amount of damage okay I'm gonna look away now because that'd be a bit of a spoiler so what we're going to do is we're going to allow revenge for the mouth water by spawning the second one but of course this doesn't mean that the glass has gone through this time allowing the mouth water to sporting a lot closer and yet there it is definitely one of the most creative designs I've seen the while and absolutely freakin horrifying but it gets worse of course it has a tongue of death so there we go breaking itself on the rounds of the glass water anybody looks phenomenal I've got it keeps on going looks phenomenal and absolutely nightmare fuel wish but sadly not going through even now I think isn't perhaps lost still though I truly fantastic design and looks absolutely wonderful to the Creator well done I love the April first updates okay this one needs to be spawned by itself the disco water I don't know how loud that is for you but I am now deaf yep my ears are gone I don't know how well this is gonna do in combat but my god it is really living up to its name and that is fantastic gonna turn down the volume now and this will be versus the twin Marauder quite a simple idea actually really well done actually well they could have done this a lot lazier to sticking them together I'll please stop fighting but here we are we have cannons more cannons to look really nice in my opinion all strapped to two holes which are of course more orders disco order go away for a second thank you very much and now I'll get ready for the fight twin versus disco the disco slowly turning will it survive long enough I want to see if this will do any damage I really doubt it first of all the accuracy surrender secondly I can't imagine that's running on too much power oh never mind it might take out on the weapons straight away what did you do you've turned off like half of this vehicle of sheer annoyance though he's actually doing a little bit of damage but yeah the lack of accuracy I have no idea what's happened there just half of the ship has turned off but I think the main weapon has been yet taken out now and it has no other ways really to fight back it's just it's going out in a blaze of glory no idea what happened there but yep the victory goes to the twin and I'm never sporting in the disco one again fantastic design done and fantastically however I'd never want to see it or hear it next up the Marauder home and the cargo Marauder I'm assuming this is the cargo yes indeed it is as you can probably tell by the cargo that should have been more of a hint for me I mean it's what you'd expect from a cargo ship does it actually have weapons not that I can say oh dear and then we have the Marauder home which I absolutely love the look of I love this asymmetrical style like a proper construction vehicle Wow yeah I really like that it's not as extreme as some of the other designs but yeah just really really love how that looks one day I'll be able to build semi decently and actually make things look like how I wanted to look but until then I can just be amazed at everyone else lots of multicolored shots they're hitting at the cargo which it seems I was correct doesn't actually have weapons also I think this had one the engines overheat the accuracy of these Marauders has a lot to be desired even the missiles don't wanna hit at the moment a slow victory but a victory nonetheless oh it's a shame the cargo is not set to try and RAM the enemy because that would have gave it a small chance but no eventually the cargo will lose it'll just take a very very long time but looks of things once again though absolutely adore this design and so the mother moves on the mother the home mummy next up the jet Marauder and the amphibious Marauder whoa okay so okay thanks for the points there game first of all the jet Marauder is covered in spikes please say this is a true ramming vehicle it very well could be otherwise that's good just be weird does it ever go in the water yes it does okay so I think it's hydrofoil yes it is love that and then we have the amphibious Marauder all this little children oh it's the Marauder from the ashes of the Empire campaign which is normally called the land Marauder so they've brought it back to the war so calling it amphibious and keeping it looking like the land Marauder version that is genius and once again I love it and this field of love today you know absolutely adore that and lots of little children to help it out we'll see how effectively ramming is on this but I really think the amphibious Marauder is going to take this even if it does get destroyed all of the angry children will seek vengeance well perhaps I'll be completely wrong that happens sometimes like 90% of time the fight begins lots and lots of missed shots there the jet being very difficult to track down and apparently it's turning is a little bit all over the place I might need to bring this one into the normal arena rather than a sporting on how I've been sporting them because this thing clearly needs to be pointing the enemy to function because that turning is well not quite enough although these are the rules here so I just want to see hits something to be perfectly honest you'd think these turrets are got to turn more a perhaps is a range problem yet their de circling each other slowly dealing damage to the jet I have seen yet there we go the odd block be destroyed so by looks of things eventually the amphibious will be viewed will be victorious here and one day I'll be able to talk like a normal human that day is not today likely not next week either oh I think the fuel may have gone or some damage was dealt to the Jets but now it's a sitting target and yet all the little babies are also being able to hit and now the amphibious just to rub it in is trying to ram the ramming vehicle oh yeah it's a running vehicle itself like you for getting them although now I think it might be going to spice it's people need it how it's a weird image that's yeah it does look quite interesting doesn't it that's all I'm gonna say let's sort of see it crash back into the water this just simply flights again once again I adore the April first designs well the victory goes to the amphibious they'll be right back I am going to have a little revenge match just cuz I do want to see it effectively hit the enemy after that we do have an interesting design which is well I'm tempted to exclude it from these fights because all my gonna actually hit something and it died to the ramps the point was my is the next one is so powerful it might not be fun to bring into the championship I might have it at the end just to show its power level be right back with the grudge match I'm not what you're hoping should damage the back there but yep that was it the eye eyes melted a lot of fun but I think this is a very bad matchup considering the front of this is just Rams and spikes and pain so apparently there's an inside joke here some of this is a ship from the steel Striders it is one of their most terrifying ships and if you try and summon it in at the moment you summon this fellow I love this I don't know the joke behind it but I do come on the door is I do know however that this thing does have a nuke attached to it somewhere right there so the reason I wanted to someone in is because the final version of the Marauders is basically that craft but with Marauders attached to it it's a 1 million material 50,000 volume ship so I'm going to exclude this from the Marauder battles purely because well it's just one of these steel Striders most terrifying vehicles now I'm not very familiar with this to be perfectly honest so I don't know how much has been changed if anything outside of the board is attached all I know is Wow that thing scares me so I'm gonna remove that from existence and let's pretend we didn't see that until the end so then next we have the submarine and we have a few of the others so the next two will be the sub versus the ravaged M oh this is not gonna fare ok so the sub is a my life vehicle didn't think about that um I might just have this fight one of them from the original set because yeah that's a bit unfair well originally that would have fought that huge ship so we can also perhaps a classify as a lost cause and just give it a regular fight perhaps verse is one of the original Marauders just to see in action actually that's exactly what we'll do we'll fight it against the original winner which was the regular Marauder and we'll see which one of those goes through that's all I'm gonna do it because apparently I'm just not a very fair person and didn't think ahead mostly the latter and so here we go is that just a drill it's all very matter of if this one can hit it in time it seems confused about its existent what just happened oh it just thought the cannon okay at index pitted slapper captain for some reason that really confused me have you finished contemplating your existence yet the answer is No so it looks like the Supper is gonna go through in place of the original Marauder who decided it just didn't want to aim at the enemy today possibly because it's a Serb although our detection systems are off during these tests so everything can see everything else that was more effective than I expected it's that its force pushing it if I just perfectly synced some of these fights have been very very weird just changing of the original order for the Serb in my notes there we go since the originals lost its weapon it's definitely lost eventually I assume the Serb will win this and I'd want to say the least let's try this again the ravager will be versus the hell ear order so quit let's see at the hell ear order before we send it into combat yep those are definitely hella blades on Pistons which are more thing through the hot wait what I assume they activate in combat then oh okay he's also got the main ones inside as well which are probably gonna give it its main altitude okay then so the heli water on the west heli order rather versus in the East the ravager which I have to say looks awesome Oh Oh yep there it goes straight into the air well it's definitely looking like the original one I love the fact it looks like it's being fluent just those two doing a bit of an odd long turn there oh that was actually surprisingly close side weapons firing main weapons firing again that's what the hell your order has lost some armor but not much else there goes the end firing away will the heli manage to get hits oh and things back in the water already and once again so very close but yet the victory goes to the ravager I'll officially say that as soon as the weapons offline you'd never know maybe we'll get one hit a huge chain reaction will occur and the underdog will take it maybe this might be the very last chance and a dodge sadly not them yet the weapon is now offline I love how silly that looks but sadly it was knocked out we have the singular order and the arrow Marauder next I believe is it yep that is it these are the last two now if this is what I think it is based on the name it's gonna be based on the singularity and if it doesn't teleport I'm gonna be so so disappointed I've got to be perfectly honest for those who don't know the singularity is a ship which is able to teleport around well it's a thruster craft I believe and it is an absolute nightmare it stays away from you it bounces around to dodge your shells and missiles and everything else and ultimately is a really bad time to try and deal with this is a singular order which is very expensive so I can only assume but it's gonna be something similar okay so straight away what I'm seeing is lots of railgun stuff for the weapon so this is gonna be a very nasty weapon indeed it's taking up a lot of the space it definitely has Liza's of some kind it looks like perhaps just an T munition Wiser's I don't know if it can teleport but it's definitely got a nasty weapon there and a lot of munition defense the other Marauder the Aero Marauder has a dashing chap there the dashing hat being dashing a regular cram cannon and clearly the ability to fly fairly quickly we'll have enough firepower to take out the singular order slowly flies well okay so it turns out so the error water does have some side weapons which are causing some problems and I've noticed a problem as well the singular order can't aim up oh dear a terrible matchup from the look of it oh and there we go it can indeed teleport with some weird looks coming from the spin block at the back I don't think it's fast enough to get far enough away this is ever going to work in fact I don't think that would work even get further away what a shame oh dear a huge chunk could have been taken out there some heavy armor in the core but it does seem like it's not going to be able to fire well maybe it will now it's rocking around unintentional side effect might end up helping it out quite a lot if it can't fire at all we will send it against one of the ground forces just to see in action because this is very very unfair but this is an April 1st tournament it's not exactly meant to be taken that seriously no even at that distance been moving around seems like the victory will be you and now it's reconverts ignatow normal Marauder a less buoyant one because of all the heavy armor I suppose a potential problem with mean not completely looking all of them before so I have my first reactions is sometimes things like this might happen in the matchups I will consider bringing it in to fight something else Bert's yeah the matchups are random well from just their positioning and that can happen let's have a fight with it versus one of the ground forces by ground I mean water the original Marauder all that is nasty yet that is a nasty railgun on the front there and so that was the damage potential then of the singularity it's really far away yeah what a shame that matchup was just so not in his favor I do kind of want to see the point defense in action I've got to be honest so then let's summon in the way too much water since I've got to fire lots of grams Oh can you please stop firing on that that would be fantastic actually never mind you can keep on firing will he be able to stop three cram shells I imagine it probably can now it's facing it more directly oh it dodged and took out a couple that was wonderful yep this would have definitely taken out this particular enemy at least I assume so f---ing keep that up for long enough because the damage although fantastic per shot is not dealing with them very quickly so it's gonna have to be able to stay in the air for this amount of time still I really really fantastic design the singularity is just an amazing thing which is far beyond me and apparently so is this more order kind of glad it's not in the rice now because now I feel this bad said I have to see it again for a while any of them which use the cram shells are definitely going to lose this however those of lots of smaller weapons which seem to get through might have one anyway so that is something to note well I can't fight them based on preference or anything so it just happened how it happened I do apologize for that it is a really fantastic design and probably would have been much higher up on that list if I fought them in a different order mech versus the battle roar derp oh look this time we didn't go flying backwards well definitely showing a better side of itself this time I think it's because it lost some of its propulsion straightaway so it didn't go flying into the air that is so much better now we can see exactly how it should have been fighting well what its last fight and now it's doing this in this fight so that is fantastic sadly though despite it being a much better position this time and doing some jazz hands there it looks like the battle is going to win this one again I think this is my favorite to win the entire thing it is definitely the more combat savvy and all of them outside of the final one which we've disqualified I was close to disqualifying this one because it is just so combating but there we go the machine gun versus the glass Marauder the glass cannon don't throw stones in a glass house versus throwing many many bullets well shooting oh my word the glass cannon managed to destroy the weapon as oh no it's let's say the glass cannons weapon was also it turned off but that is not the case what a perfect first shot I did not expect that and yet there we go it managed to disable the weapon before it took critical damage itself and ultimately was the victor the cram cannon is definitely damaged but somehow functional look at that the wear is for local weapon the problems be underneath like right here yet there it is it's damaged as well that was ridiculously close to being a first draw but no the glass cannon is the victor didn't expect that well done this is why best two out three might be best since sometimes luck will happen but I don't have time for that this is really taking actually hours fun hours but hours nonetheless twin versus home first cram shots they're narrowly missing the multicolored shots are hitting the target but not doing all that much damage as are the missiles Oh looks like a lot of the innards just went away then although one of their major cram shots has hit the twins sadly not doing all that much missiles again this time doing a great deal more than they have done in the past but he still seems like the twin it's going to be the victim of these two this time with half it not randomly turning up at the restart of the fight a slow fight potentially the home could still win this with its cram shots you think it's very lucky it could take out one of the sides similar to what we've seen in the previous fight and then just slowly weather it away it's all about how fast the twin is going to break down the most defense is the mother ice it again the homes defenses and its main weapons a really long delay there because my brain is still loading it's been loading for many years and crashed several times Oh one shell going right inside there yet I think that is pretty much it the main weapon is disabled the missiles are disabled and it's not even firing anymore so I assume it's ammo has also been destroyed the home has lost the Twinner takes it yep to damage there we go ravager versus the amphibious Marauder and it's children some MTF I have etched right away which is great sadly though the children can't seem to get in range to help the fight it seems like the ravager really likes turning your way every time the fight starts is it trying to get to a certain range or I'm not quite sure what the eye is trying to do there is doing in the previous fight as well oh it's jet is still online though just think it seemed to be slowing down a somewhat what are you doing don't just keep on running direct hits and the back side is mostly gone yet it seems like it's trying to get to a certain range before it tries to turn and attack the problem is the amphibious is basically keeping up and it's quickly removing the ability for the ravager to run away or very least it's removing everything the children optically being useful there I was trying to I am will it be able to fire Oh at the children yes it will be able to doing a little bit of damage to one of them but a lot of missed shots they're finally turning and firing on the amphibious making it bounce of it but not doing that much damage it is definitely range as now it's going back to try to run this is gonna be a long fight leaning heavily at this point taking out some of the advance cannons at least one of them has been quickly damaged not sure about the next looks like it's fine actually I mean it's getting lighter so maybe we'll get faster even though it is losing some of its propulsion actually he hasn't lost any of its propulsion yeah it's lost some of its propellers there the deadly blades I should say I really do believe that if we were to fight them head-on though facing each other and a further distance the Ravager would have had a much better chance but these are the rules I set at the beginning and so those are the rules who stuck with the only time we broke that of course is with the melee submarine because I just wanted to see actually fight something and if you fought the aircraft it would have instantly lost maybe I shouldn't have done that now I'm thinking back since the singularity couldn't fire down either but I think it was more of an extreme that there was a melee vehicle versus an aircraft finally turning around if it's somehow wins now that would be amazing nope it's trying to run away again it's K if you so many chances taking so long to take this thing out of the sky it is durable if nothing else that's its own cram shell I was so close to being amazing I'll know it's after the children again this is taking so long from the sky it falls finally getting some hits on the Marauder I should say the amphibious more lessons they are all Marauders however I think it's gonna be able to attack now there is a very distinct possibility let's somehow the ravager wins this despite everything if it hits the III with those shells it will win and we've seen it is very sturdy yeah Phoebus Marauder seemingly has lost its main weapon never mind it still has one of his final efforts so it lost both felt to damage there we go almost so close there at the end the amphibious goes forward well from that round since we no longer have any more left except for the arrow Marauder I'm just gonna put the arrow Marauder forward and that way we have six left which are the arrow Marauder the amphibian Marauder the twin per order with so many weird ones the glass Marauder the battle Marauder and the too much Marauder the battle roar derp versus the too much Marauder since it's a broadside and crafter is getting an advantage here as well since that's how they are spawning and naturally but even then it does still have the main weapon the front as long with the main advanced cannons along the back which are still able to fire forwards and a Miss along with a bounce and one pretty good hit there from the too much Marauder taking out at least one of the main weapons however the unrelenting attack from the battle Marauder continues it's really gonna come down to candy too much more to get a critical hit a critical hit even with one of these cannons another fantastic hit taking out the middle gun there and taking out the AI oh did not see that coming although there are some chain reactions happening here as well not completely d weaponed either one of the weapons is still technically online yep it is a clear victory amazingly by the way too much more order showing off the power of redundancy I guess with the battle more order its weakness was just so much of everything crammed into so little space Wow okay did not see that well done though I doubt you're gonna be very good versus the aircraft so here's hoping they get taken out for your sake still some chain reactions going on the looks of things what is going on there I've never seen such to live chain reactions before the glass now versus of the twin looking for the glass they're the cram cannons missing however the advance Karen's destroying the back half as much as it is difficult to see considering of the debris is well see-through glass the shot layer from the glass cannon doing a substantial amount of damage but not really hitting anything critical I think now is this one chance a year as the shots are now hitting the front the glass can technically fire again but now with the barrels so small it could potentially hurt itself okay a second shot once again quite a bit of damage being dealt but nothing critical the glass cannon shattering and so the twin moves forwards the amphibious and it's children versus the arrow Marauder we haven't really seen the arrow Marauder in its full power yet since versus a singularity the singularity simply couldn't shoot at it it seems like now we're getting a reversal of fortune can this not fire much further down seems like no well that is a pretty major weakness something's gonna fire up some things can fire down I'll give it another few minutes but if it can't fire us all then I will say the victor is the amphibious purely because it's not fighting oh it seems like the arrow can fight back since it does have bombs while looks of things it's just going after the children and that is not a winning strategy since they're so hard to hit and they are seemingly destroying themselves now the amphibious is getting a few hits here and there you can see them bouncing off the target I've seen a couple of Lux being destroyed but this is truly going to take so so long and it seems like with their current AI with them both trying to circle each other like this it's just not possible for this to get above at the amphibious so very very slowly weave tiny little bits of damage the amphibious will likely win this unless something drastically changes soon I'll give it another 5 minutes I'll just watch and see what happens Oh will these actually land yes one of them did that took about six minutes by the way it's now changed its behavior for some reason it now seems to go much further away and not as circling the targets I think it got stuck in its initial run that's the only thought I can possibly have here so I think it will end up winning here which will mean it will be it versus the twin versus the two much if it does indeed win if I ran out of fuel soon it's using a lot of jets got to use his main weapon there I mean he missed but at least you got to use it I'll waste a couple of it shots they're trying to hit the children third one landing a direct hit sadly though on the front which is mostly just armor that was twisting more than I expected then oh so he's gonna horribly wrong not quite sure what for some reason it's just spinning out of control oh we've lost one the Jets but nothing I expected to see last by the way though there it is in the water finally and so the victor once again goes to the amphibious Marauder which I think I may have called amphibian a little while back by the way a valiant effort but just not sharp enough on those turns and Whittle down with tiny tiny little hits yeah seems like this one's definitely destroyed that one's definitely destroyed oh that one doesn't have the exhaust so yep we lost on that side as well so it definitely couldn't write itself well that is that oh there we have it that shot was directly at the weapon of the third Marauder no the third murder is gonna still Samoa live it just took a cram shot these two though have completely lost it and it seems like for some reason the amphibious let go it's cram shell bouncing there which is a critical problem there is a very small chance at you too much Marauder will get a critical strike now it is aiming at where the amphibious his main weapon is once again the bounces not hit the back I thought he's aiming here but clearly not oh there it goes too damaged the amphibious moves forward the finale the twin versus the amphibious before the fight starts I'd like everyone's go to the comment section and tell me which one you think is going to win so I personally can't quite decide the twin has more weapons and has the potential of doing more critical damage but this one does have the children which do a little bit of damage and it has time and time again one where I thought it was going to lose also if it Rams the target it's gonna have some serious problems do you know what would have been good if I set them to the correct sides clearly they are both currently on the same side let's try that again try number two this time it's just right into the fight cram Shell's doing nothing that's the amphibious the amphibious following up with doing the things the enemy although some of its smaller weapons seem to have taken out one of the turrets and once again completely off lined one of the enemy sides what is going on there I don't know how this gun being taken out is so consistently causing so many problems I really don't understand at all must be a chain reaction or something I'm just amazed it's taking out all those without taking out an actual AI maybe it's damaging a receiver or something I don't really know and there we go my game crawling to a halt ow as the amphibious Rams the enemy even the kids getting in on the action doing some damage well done is that ever going to fire or is there a problem here okay seems that the problem is though the amphibious can't fire its main gun right now this may take a while yes again I've said that way too much today yeah both the amphibious oh I always are online it just fired I saw a few bounces not all that much really happened just lots of fire and smoke there's like the twin and may have this it all depends on if the amphibious guy should do some damage with those shells the shells seem to be outright bouncing or missing every time the little gun is slowly wearing this down though it might take out that main turret I still have no idea what keeps happening over here oh that should not be aiming there what's going on there I roll a chain reaction on the back there one of the turrets has been taken out I think potentially by the children what are you doing I am so confused right now yet still has both Lehigh's um just shaking its head and confusion that's what's going on right now the healing that's happening by the way is just the all the amphibious healing the children when they get close enough well this is weird Oh looks like the Rams from the twin are now doing a lot of damage to the amphibious using a tone weapon against it all to damage the amphibious is about to go away one last shot actually doing damage this time doing a critical amount damage to the center which sadly doesn't seem to house anything actually important I got really excited but absolutely nothing I believe in you little sea viper well that belief was misplaced and so the winner is the twin now of course we have this versus the insanity and I expect my game to just outright die at this point well done one major gun left just wish I knew what happened to that one side every single fight well for what I think well maybe two maybe all of them except for two I'm tired the twin they're having a well reserved rest yep yeah just yep well there went most of it straight away rapidfire absolutely devastating the enemy well it lasted longer than expected but now too damaged the TWiT is defeated so technically speaking this is the winner but that's not a surprise the winner of our hearts is the twin Marauder this was a ridiculous amount of fun to record and I really do hope you've enjoyed as well so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths as a series you wish to see continue in the future the campaign will be coming very soon once the dev test reaches a stable branch and I'm tempted to start an adventure run very soon so here's to our victor the twin Marauder which I really really like thank you again for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 146,392
Rating: 4.9394197 out of 5
Id: OAsueH4Ljaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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