Adum & Pals: Face/Off

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I just watched a John Travolta movie it was terrible oh my god he he's gonna make out with that boy - why isn't Nic Cage playing Freddie Mercury in the biopic what what don't do that to your son don't worry I don't think that it's his son did you think you just met a new boy oh it's a new boy so he's actually he's a guy who was sat he's a serial killer he kills pedophiles that's the premise also cage is the good guy yeah Kings a good guy that's a short movie they killed the pony they just make a horse whinny sound effect wait that wasn't you Oh tell me tell me it's been a long long time since I've seen this I haven't tell me we are starting this movie with a child death we are Charles oh I'm so happy it's got sticks getting a little hard right to child murder so anything that happens I get so excited this is true hold on did he set this for two hundred and sixty more hours oh this is this is prime cases on how I'm caged the same composer as happy feet what no so did he invent that dance in this movie yeah he's in yeah definitely oh that's a young girl Nick I want to say 97 97 so we've murdered a boy and molested a girl in yeah they've been like two minutes they kind of molested the boy too it's just you and I quality work this is not lay on the marble mansion by the bath that's just the only to them the bombs gonna go on they couldn't have wrangled up like another $50 to get in the cage better hair and was far more than 50 I guess yeah I know it's up there on the budget so like what airline is this hold on about the airline no I just heard an offer to suck a tongue yeah no that's that's not erotic I like it when people suck my tongue no you're yeah yeah oh I do I am committing this I will die on this hey I'm doubling down like a cultural thing well look who it was who broke the racist thing first that's how the Lebanese say hello suck each other like it's a bear handshake it's alright because so many of their hands have been cut off for stealing they have to do something I love how many quick cuts there are the more action time is cut cut and cut and one more time get cut but that perfect up phase oh my god winners Hey whoa there's no one like that from there as soon as the action picks up the cuts go crazy whoops yeah I think the plane ran over her hopes up which is cool but it's cool to get under there play weak oh he's dead man this is you know movie we've already killed Travolta babies I'm surprised how good of a shot he is he killed two people flying through the air like that see the wire that's very confusing right like I don't understand what he was what what just happened if you better hit me Sean cuz you only got one bullet left Eliza my brows he's nothing look at Nick Cage his eyebrows pretty good what's happening what's happening when you say if you told me this whole movie was improv every single line is pretty much just that like John Woo just goes there like tell you that you know guys have a good time yeah just I'm gonna give the cameras running there's not a chance in the world that hi I'm not I'm not a straight man so Scott can you help me out here is Joe and Helen hi yeah okay she's a mom she looks the same now like she's been a mom soon she was like 23 Wow a fine actress with lemon shoes and death rates come on you can't get any oh yeah fuck with me and we'll see who shits on the sidewalk that's great great line from death row I don't know how he fucking came up with that Paul WS Anderson you are the best director and named Paul Anderson we're suggesting for you aren't you using a permanent transplant like that sorry did this movie just invent 3d printing yeah pretty much that's really cool actually like listen to this but it's actually there's so much bullshit it's gonna be packed to the next few minutes wait I love when they try to explain things we'll do an abdominoplasty take care of those love handles thank you [Music] good I've been waiting for the real science thanks oxymoron in this movie yes I know why don't you get it like it it's only six only 11 months they would hire like a professional actor to do the face office yeah what actor be better yeah like why do they need him to do I should dead son Oh [Music] just murders them oh my god has a gun this guy in charge of anything he's just ready to blow someone's brains out guess I'm gonna have to take my face off like really like is that the most immediate thing you would think of like fuck it can't get you have to take my face off have they tried like this is like I haven't tried anything else this is the first idea why not like offer Pollux Troy a deal yeah I'm a million dollars you've tried nothing and we're out of ideas gotta go faceoff a gypsy curse I'm waiting for her to say huh be in there he's so much broader he's so much bigger than Nicolas Cage like they said like trim away the belly fat or whatever but the love handles like it's he's not gonna pick up becoming less bra they're gonna shave his shoulders also look at their eye colors look at their like eye pigments and shit it's like they look different so if you just cut around the whole thing yeah the whole eyes and everything just pops up like Legos I didn't know I was in this close to like having my face four minutes later completely healed this is outpatient surgery this isn't a surgery a new face they like implant something in their throat to make them sound different cuz like they have different voices like you can't make did they at least say something to cover that yeah I think they did it's the least they heard they either did earlier they're about to but it's like you know we put a voice and planter thing in your throat so it makes you sound like them just don't like hit it or something I've been planted a microchip your larynx a microchip yeah what a great nineties lines and I say belongs to me that mean exactly that hmm morally I am naked I'm going to magnet Birds see what waist it looks like a man imagining what the director told him magnet boots make them more magnet II so they could so they can't move yeah well also like aren't they more lethal can't you just like crush a skull with that I couldn't yeah just like decimates yeah with magnet boots you've really pretty much have weapons on your feet yes the point of the magnet boots if they can lift their foot up to get people or no I agree will they lock in like permanently if they try to read social cues yeah yeah that's that's what people say their name while they might of their own name yeah Nicolas Cage international super terrorists not one like police detail maybe outside the room may get you know maybe even inside the room yeah maybe just on just like standing there maybe have him handcuffed man maybe have them like slightly restrained nope I'm just spitballing here it's like Osama bin Laden you just like having there and then just leave them yeah hey is he just gonna slap it on with some second question yeah what is the first oh why is the face just sitting out there it's just sitting out there like the fucking Batsuit pop it in the fridge budget cuts that was a noise the only guy no smoke stationed with the International one guy one guy in the Walsh Institute where there's a super net oh there's not even a guy that's just Nicolas Cage way to see learning how to do it himself oh no he brought his friends it's empty the entire you think is that they just left him in an empty building what it's like some sort of face saw I remember when I first watched this movie the one thing I was disappointed in was the fact that like John Travolta is the one acting goofy the rest of the movie cuz it should be Nicolas Cage yeah exactly the one good thing about this time setting I'm pretty sure that John Travolta and Nic Cage don't like each other in real life so what they did in this movie was like they each try to do like the most offensive portrayal of the other they can and see who wins oh my god and I assume like wow like your heart you're a hard one to pull off you're a hard target I'm individual I'm unique I'm a snowflake ease of shit you're a nasally pinch my nose gonna go for Adam I'm putting my nose away just because it's a kids movie doesn't make the speed doesn't be that it's exempt from criticism guys it's just a kids movie oh fuck his daughter to get oh he actually is moaning I was like moaning he real don't you know if he really was an evil terrorist he'd just rape her right now destroy this man's life I think he's going for the long con yeah he wants her to whatever yeah fuck her Dan wants her to want it that's the game no you know what's so fucked up is you're the only person who would come up with that because that's what you would do look in that position who who among us has never been tricked into fucking someone who looks like they're straight I guess them oh ok so ok I'm understanding more about this movie now kiss okay yes yes kay Chaz Travolta didn't even think he was doing anything wrong going to fuck his daughter because he was already used to fucking his own way yeah no for real in fact if anything he's just like brings it back to Seattle do you take it back now because what for terrorists what is more tap fraternal incest every John Travolta scene I'm just wishing Nic Cage was doing it instead right I'm actually really enjoying watching him because he's an offensive because he's mad at kids gets all these rules fine boys shit sound fucking easy it is I can do it KJ's Travolta has like he's changed his plans though he doesn't want to blow up the Convention Center anymore I was he'd rather fuck the Travolta family face I actually don't know what is gaming what's his new plan I have no idea just like make basically make real Travolta sad is a priority-one like right now he's just bolstering real Travolta's yes acumen ahead oh no Sean you just you just seem so different how many candles do you need that many seriously how many candles oh my favorite big scream now let's go look our dead kid my favorite thing to do after sex it's like the cigarette after sex ha ha seeing our dead kids grave what a waste of money our beloved son though shits are expensive too yeah well here's some poetic justice sir castor Troy is dead is he we did advise in the water we didn't find a body we got a body for you know we didn't find a body for Osama either so like I want to see his body it hasn't been recovered yet it hasn't been recovered yet there's no bodies for JFK get the LAPD on this way what get the LA funny bunny really this is the FBI going get the La Trobe are never to be seen again you're Sean Archer I get some castor Troy what was that for just tell him you're still alive did you have an advantage but he didn't know you definitely just threw away his advantage you called me the gift we made it alright family's cops got a good left I'd like to take his face say it say it say it you know oh you know you say anything [Laughter] you almost oh and you've been this for a while now you should be a little bit used to it he just stopped at the mirror and immediately pulled the gun on himself that's some vampire's kiss face right there can't believe they film this like this made the cut here's the question this castor Troy know how to tie a tie this the same way that do they tie the same tie a good question you know like maybe maybe real trouble there's a double wins yeah exactly yeah maybe like choice only a single win circuit only if only anybody in John Travolta's life knew him well enough to know to notice one thing yeah it's a very sad commentary on his character what a loser I think it's just it's such a like in his Shawn archers character to just pull a gun on everything yeah every scene just he's instantly pulls a gun on someone his solution for everything how is this guy not the terrorist he plays a terrorist more believably than the guy who plays a caring father amazing that's like a social commentary from John Woo who's the real terrorist America kill that boy and you're even one-for-one looking close yeah of course they're yours oh I know I'm faster I have a good taste okay so John Travolta's character loves to touch boys Oh confirmed no it's not it's not cuz Michael Michael even without it being sexual it's the hell are you doing Michael Michael Michael it's almost better if it is just section yeah that's weird like I understand he's a pedophile that's way more fucked up physics see they didn't need to hide the wires I got a wire think you won Best Director for this did the boy win best boy grip I'd like to grip that best boy cut damn it there's already too much of that shit in this movie oh yeah Nicolas Cage won yeah best boy grip err yeah wink oh that's not okay oh is happening right now hey hey wait a minute wide shot no way yeah that's what happens when you get shot in the back you just go like a bit like it was mosquito bite yeah what just happened my karate holding now just kill each other this is like some symbol as always but it's me the smart it's you why does this weird two sided mirror wall what are they doing right now they both dodged a bullet FBI I'm gonna blow you up friends someone tell you face to face face to face face to face very clearly face to face best screenplay Oscar terrorists your war on terrorists hey they invented a heart attack Wow Derrida wait together heart attack didn't give him a heart attack oh my god he's this powers her increasing concerned about the constitutionality of your Gestapo tactics castor Troy looks great oh the magic is just killed the FBI directors death grip oh my god is that really how you want like they they can't have adjusted every part of your body just be like look at my show take your dick out already actually work the best unless they've only ever had sex with the lights off which is just more sad for his character Michael cursed your dead boy ah why would you do that I like how bad that looks like you just take it out normally no oh you see that minute I'm just gonna inside yeah I remember she's got a pen that's awesome [Music] dramatic music is so much pain later Matic Tamayo that's not what he told me but how why have I been taking him this whole time he's got a dick you know it'd be a really easy way to identify yourself dental records your teeth that's true your teeth would be the easiest way just a little nothing like your finger I wish they had switched all their teeth like putting your prints you know ya know I figure prints and also fuck so many things [Music] why are you performing a different faceoff distrust mixed messages is turning into real marriage I'm making fun of you why is everybody else guys Rio thank you movie Oh or telling me what you were referencing there I didn't understand it yeah show me the second shot I thought I was doing the YMCA dance but you took it so personally took it so personally I only murdered your son I got bored leh she's standing there like in between their guns Joan Allen just likes fucking bored oh I'd love this Sasha what the fuck are you doing here it's like it was his first time swearing and he was not confident about it no great things more tense you know as soon as it's a standoff yeah stop caring yeah I don't know why movies treat this as though it's more tense yeah oh yeah eyes cool what okay you know okay I'm accuracy you know if you just keep cutting and showing Wow it doesn't really matter what's actually happening okay music starts again really really necessary yeah I don't understand the strategic benefit of that flip fucking just go like he's out to flames instead where all these guns coming from I don't know it's America the plan you're just picking them off from the plants like another Lauer's don't listen to him don't shoot just just this guy Snow White so she knows nothing she knows badly why is there any conflict it shouldn't be any conflict she's like how could she even consider that a possibility from them no daughter of mine would shoot so why we don't know the universe this existed maybe a faceoff situation is just a regular yes maybe the Dalek are in for what are you doing right now she should be like dad you're my dad right she doesn't say anything okay okay I'm so glad I saw that I felt like I kind of overdo that one you ever got it on no no way I was perfect Oh John ISA perfect John really he sounds just like fucking that was John no I left the room for a minute than John Woo came in to tell you how much he liked Jones taken or no it was a fuck you go who's a great touch okay guys just the defensive impression hey to do it in front of John why don't you have a fuckin race it I can't believe it he would not have to be very difficult now that's easy to water-ski like this yeah notice he's wearing dress shoes that are shoes I want to chain on the side of the boat it's actually been doing it regular whatever cuts to a wide shot no I feel it like really obviously in the filming they've given up on hiding the stunt actors not the same people no at all who are they not even try what I thought I was off the mechanist kids hands that destroys I try to like ruin his face yeah that's the same incision mark I was gonna say that they made earlier pretty much trying to ruin it by going along the exact lines it was installed with oh that's some Cajun got him hey he's such a weird-looking actor I know he's got an unsettling face I think I think it's the borderline insanity behind the yeah does it you can tell that he's not right haha hold on he's my boy we got a new one we maybe want a fresh tadow fuck this over the other members of the household no that's it not - a new boy okay new boy okay oh my god we're gonna find out who fucking is fucking dog the doctor nobody said the doctor Oh goddamn fuck oh they they had a real priest play the priest though the priests are played by like father Michael Sonny that's why I like you save money on costumes he's already doing theater in the church he has 75 million dollar budget but we're gonna need our real breeze to bring his own clothes why wouldn't you make him do that they already fit they do what you know what they already fit he can bless the cent highlight of the film anybody I'm gonna say the face off I would say the boy touching yeah that was up there boy look child murder in first two minutes first 60 seconds that's a win that's good open any way you slice it a staple of the 90s something that can only exist in the 90s I mean you imagine pitching that today you couldn't you literally could not there's a lot of 90s movies like an inside thing we know in the future yeah that's it no has to be now has to be relatable Adam impression you got like you got seconds oh you're an impression go do your rugged eye a synecdoche Oh perfect you
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 1,162,225
Rating: 4.9486656 out of 5
Id: QoV_rkzKpW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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