Adum & Pals: The 2018 Academy Awards

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Oh shit, was not expecting Ralph to be there. I like it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HFDC99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Am I racist?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/insane__knight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

12:34 BB8 is sexually assaulted in public #RTOO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DWW_ME_TGTBATU_PM_SO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

At first I loved "lockoftheweek" and then I hated it, and then I loved it, and then I hated it again.

Scott has given me a roller-coaster of emotions that I hope I'll get to experience again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bad shit:

  • Kinda done with the Black Panther hype/backlash. This video was made a few weeks ago, so it's understandable.

Good shit:

  • Adum on the Price is Right
  • Ralph is hilarious. I'm not usually a fan of his style, but in this video he's fire.
  • Celebs trying way to hard
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cashmustash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ralph predicting Lady Bird to win best picture when it hadn't won in any other category was slighty retarded

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Terceiro-Homem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

this is gold.

I'm talking about camel dick shaped latex dildo I received this morning.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/grenzor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was pretty funny, but what happened to the hilarious editing like in the other one (Mark behind bars, sheldon coming up when 'bazinga' is said, etc)?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI am locked in [on heroin] for the foreseeable future” fuckin killed me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Artoricle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
ah what year is he dead dead dead dead dead alive jury's out godless just cuz you're self-aware know just cuz you're self-aware it doesn't mean you're not godless Hollywood elitist I regretted Lee watch every Best Picture nominee I know I should just just left it at the seven I liked instead of watching the two I knew I wouldn't like and then didn't like hey it's Jimmy Kimmel Jemma crambles Hey oh so they brought him back I know [ __ ] up last year it is a great honor to be invited back for a second [ __ ] up already Jimmy came up this year this year's Oscars Oscars and next year's Oscars will be about Black Panthers because they're gonna talk about it next year too let's just talk about Black Panther every year from now on double while Black Panther age of Ultron isn't it the highest rated movie ever now wait he's got a goofy smile yes oh yeah Richard jenkum dick Jenkins Oh dick it's like the worst scene in the movie they never they never shared good scenes there's parts of the film you could show that would better illustrate their performing capabilities from the film without yeah they like some singers with him and Sally that would have made more sense there Kevin Spacey looks like [ __ ] Sam Rockwell did awesome I wouldn't be upset a few one I think he will win in fact this is Scott's lock of the week Sam Rockwell my dad is a bet going that it's not gonna be huh you guys Rock you inspire me but I win Nana I'm the best I'm better than you by the way Black Panther sucks mic drop Oh got a mole booted for they did ask for the award back people I want to thank you I want to say you guys rock good but I rock well like Oh God you like my fire baby I love you and fire is really dangerous so I have to extinguish it right now and prior bad I noted an elgato noted a good actor yoga gazelle Gale really I cannot hear him say bacon and eggs without thinking he's saying something wildly inappropriate that would hit me banned from twitch every time he says that bacon and Acuras that's what whoa NW dude why this year instead of music you will see and hear this oh that's so cringy [ __ ] yikes oh no oh get it cuz he was in the movie get out and he said get out oh now I get he was wearing the Hat remember when Ellen hosted the already let's take a selfie heard about selfies people are taking selfies now and you know what's the best part about that selfie Kevin Spacey's in it okay so it's ruined let's not let this pass us by his name is army a hammer hell yeah that's how you know he's a real man that's his name that's how he can kiss a dude and get away with you know like Arm and Hammer the baking soda brand that's him darkest hours got lost week and the Oscar goes to darkest hour black panther luck of the week baby oh god I think she was gonna like West Side Story her way up here Smeagol Spiegel's mom that's a weird clap you got going on it's a high clap regular it looks like it's about to murder something take it back you're making like the Wicked Witch laughs she was she was such a wonderful lady she goes on for like an hour it seems like she's gonna you can't touch me I'm an old woman I can do whatever I want and here's what I think about minorities they're great oh how refreshing yes yes it has to win it's a movie about the dresses I mean if you count if they consider the fish costume a costume then yeah they do and that's why shapeless water is winning it and it is Scots lock of the week because that could be considered visual impact shape water down and stupid that guy looks like best-case scenario Harvey Weinstein like if he had kept his [ __ ] together yeah I mean if he didn't sell his soul to the Illuminati to make people correct really a movie called abacus was boring I really want to see this I haven't seen it yet I think this one's gonna win just based off of how it's been received everywhere I haven't seen all these so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make a cool this might be Scott's lock of the week Icarus enjoyed it yeah you know everybody guess you're not a movie expert after all this one actually now that I think about it it kind of had to win because it's kind of anti Russia exactly oh yeah duh the second I saw Putin I'm like it's like it's this one we dedicate this you got quiet about it you baby you are you bottle that guy's shoes like me purple shoe boy let the red ones what's on them weird I think tassels maybe what the hell was on his shoe hashtag nuke Russia that little girl looks at what that was worried about what was just reading a book he just he just did it yeah now he can't run for president is Jennifer Aniston invited this year they finally let her go what movie did mary j blige get nominated for Supporting Actress for Suicide Squad I think of course [Music] why am i racist no one said that the chatty said a chat chat comments oh it's cuz you don't like black panther you [ __ ] bastards wasn't just a revelation I had while staring at Mary JP why I've been raising pity she's persuaded me with her beautiful voice why am i racist it's time to stop what if at the end they all just did the Hitler salute or they'll just down what's the difference there really it's the same dab is the new Sieg Heil you just you you put up an extra arm yeah it's it's just yeah it's an extra yeah it's an even fancier signal yeah it's James Cameron you still make an avatar - yeah like oh my life is avatar now avatar films lined up right now I've made a huge mistake they never really understand the person until you consider things from his point of view is there any am i missing a theme to these or is it just no clips just [ __ ] here's two movies right of excitement about movies God oh the [ __ ] Awards I want to go sleep Black Panther all a classic already the movies been out for three weeks it's already in the ostrich box yeah the hype is a little obnoxious you know what it's getting nominated for Best Picture next year this is Scots lock up next year who's this hot young number that's the girl from the movie oh no I meant she's 13 I met Anton she's 13 oh she oh god she's not 13 it's fine she's 14 everybody oh yeah totally fine come on please be baby driver it's Dunkirk and this is Scott's block of the week it's not gonna be done No she was [ __ ] pissed why is Bob Balaban accepting the award there we go there's an old man with a soul patch behind you get out of there thank you dog oh he got the award for sound ding Oh sounding that's a very different Austin that is a historic Oscar here are the nominees for achievement and sound mixing dunkirk again I think not it's Dunkirk again you know why it's Dunkirk again because the loudest movie wins the sound Awards and it was the loudest movie Dunkirk scotlock of the week I want to see this girl fight to not be me I can't believe she's she looks so upset the chat is exploding with Scotts luck of the week praise good job Scott Oh Scott's [ __ ] of the week that's a--that's a different one do you want to do you want to replace me on my channel is the critic an act to Best Picture yeah speaking of Donkey Dunkirk - that that was it uh that was its production code name is this the Oscars wow that's a product placement Wow I could really use it why is this Price is Right theme this year because they got your letters they do listen yeah just announced it was [ __ ] drew Carey so yeah we missed that shitty remember me song from Coco being performed live which is probably gonna win gallo Garcia Bernal did not do a good he was a real bad until you're in my arms Nikki [Music] a fantastic woman trans can't do it no one now that's probably it's probably is why it will win yeah Lovelace is nominated it's better than the fantabulous is the best film years which means it won't win all right my money is on a fantastic woman fantastic woman Scott's lock of the week the Oscar goes to fantastic here's some movies this seems to be learning oh my gosh sort of happy holy [ __ ] jack this should be an hour long just give out some awards whose Supporting Actress I don't know if I don't know if I have a lock for this one yet guys I might not do a lot just kidding of course I'm gonna do a lock I think she should learn Scott's lock of the week it was great and is that Leslie person Ville hmm Trudeau's gonna get you oh what a weird dress Barry oh it looks like uncomfortable and the Oscar goes Sally your luck of the week mine's like Jan listen Jane and I'm gonna pick different ones you know well Adams wrong again waiting's different with wrong and I'm trying to like think past what I think should win and try to think of like what what they they're like exactly farts and I will never understand what's going on in their head so sometimes I'm wrong as an old straight white man I do have an advantage here no but you actually try to watch all the movies these people don't yeah that is one difference whenever they get paid the most to see all right they gave me enough money I'll go watch it what the [ __ ] is this welcome to no he's got a shuttle war shirt it's children how cute all birds when he does it ever when he gives not fun ever when he did Lion King with the Apple kid kids are cute people will laugh at them even if they're not being funny if I stand near kids I'll be cute this is part of my bit oh my god can someone hit him guys hit him with this [ __ ] stick please someone throw acid in his face for the love of God Wow well don't say that about the hidden Christ I hate kids it's face but you are a kid I'm sure he's a nice I'm sure he's a nice boy you don't know that I think you don't know that kid kid could be all right yeah that's you know what I'm just gonna believe that so I don't have to I want to scratch the robot I'm going with Lou and that is Scott's lock of the week dear basketball Glenn King Wow you're wrong Kobe feel just like that girl in that hotel that you also funko Cleveland have to apologize and change your uniform number we got him we [ __ ] got and settle out of court about win an Oscar for Nolan hasn't won an Oscar a Kobe Bryant no letting zero Kobe won why hit man so short I want to thank everyone I am the first and certainly won't be the last accused rapist receiving an award tonight all right actress who plays Rose you're not a bad person but nobody likes you okay Oscar film Alex to see wonder what's gonna win guys hard to say could really go anywhere okay burden it took me months to figure out that Coco and the movie were John Cena plays a bull are two different movies that's funny months Koko's that's like a week [ __ ] we did it build that wall it's not like anything oh no one really the breadwinner wasn't good maybe Ferdinand was better but nobody saw it yeah yeah yeah Coco is the best animated movie out of everything okay Adam answer me this how many John Cena's were in Coco for Coco which is Spanish for Coco I don't want it to win best song though I'll throw a fit and poop my pants it's pronounced cacao what's leukemia Benjamin Bratt doing there is that Edie Helms's dad representation matter it I don't disagree with that you know other countries make movies too it's just nobody decides no they joking that's not for digital representation is even an issue because people just won't watch it's not made in America how come I haven't seen Kevin Spacey anywhere he's coming they're saving it for the end he's gonna be the in memoriam I saw one of his shows live oh nice when he released Carrie and lo it was so good that's the first time I heard the album to enjoy this moment he hardly enjoys anything yeah give him some lovely shirt very nice [ __ ] cool shirt we should the white shirt yeah it's pretty cool or do you mean the jacket he needs to win it's so much better than that remember me [ __ ] if they pick [ __ ] Coco I'm gonna throw a [ __ ] fit and [ __ ] my pants for the second time today well you know it's gonna win so why are you even trying to believe that was good but it wasn't Coco good Tom Holland is it my top four spider-man I'm hoping Bladerunner wins this category I'm really hoping this doesn't win even though this I mean what is it one before did like the last one win one everytime I mean it I think it went for dying star wars Scots lock of the week my luck is Blade Runner and if they don't good job Tom Hollands [ __ ] somebody rushes he's like Tom Bowen had the run hard no guys guys no no Star Wars one now Riverwood Emma Stone won Best Picture that was great Thank You denis villeneuve new wave eh he's Spanish yeah Denis Villanueva literally a magic trick still frames projected on the screen thank you think about it I don't think shape of water will win editing doubts I don't think three billboards will win editing I think it's between the other three hi Tonya my twin baby driver shape a water lock of the week really Dunkirk and Kirk wins the techies Dunkirk when they went into the editing room it was originally a romantic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon that wasn't funny Jimmy loved how the show comes to a grinding halt every time Jimmy Kimmel starts talking so they don't know the cameras there we lured them into the theater to see a sneak preview of the movie a wrinkle in time oh are you guys gonna be disappointed why are all these Disney properties being marketed so heavily it's the honest crazy oh this is the waste time portion of the monsters all some time so we can get more advertisers I love gehrman's this Christ how do you think of this [ __ ] so the celebrities in the same room with normal people would note the thing last year right this ends up more insufferable than last year everybody we're mingling with the peasants look these idiots isn't that crazy [ __ ] this is like like mad lads subreddit level [ __ ] it's like oh we just interacted with normal people isn't that crazy yeah I touched a poor person hahaha yeah where's my Purell hi hi peasants notice me we're all from LA we're trying to sell screenplays it's just a waste of time this this is like three years in a row where the gag has been like haha we're interacting with normies just a bunch of screaming idiots this content who was this guy it's an extra from Sons of Anarchy look man I just as an adult male with a large beard came to see a wrinkle and time by myself could you leave me alone is this the next wow thanks mine's a plant he's a crisis actor finally my category documentary short I hope stop presenting heroin Scott flock of the week the winner is me sheet and by the way heroin is always my lock of the week if you know what I mean I'm locked in I'm locked in for the foreseeable future Tiffany Haddish might be a cartoon gosh I have seen none of it alright my money is on what - what a sure that one Scouts lock of the week I literally wasn't even paying attention I was talking about Tiffany Haddish doing sign language you know she has a terrible nervous tic that's not sign language oh my god that's really thoughtful I guess it has to do with her movie though I forget I forget what it was but there was a guy literally just winging it who didn't know sign language yes I got busted what was that for oh it was yeah for something important Mandela's funeral it was for Mandela's food and Ellis funeral wow that's kind of what he died in prison and that's it evidence that we're in the Baron Smith hey Chappelle the guy we wanted to host you're allowed here did he not want to host I know we were just talking about like who would be a good host and were like they should be good hosts he told me today he was his stand-up special I loved his accommodation yeah both of them yeah it's good so good I would enjoy the Oscars a lot more if he was hosting instead of Jimmy Kimmel oh [ __ ] he's such is a very intelligent and thoughtful person but he's too honest and too much of a human being to host and be here he's saying about killing something once immigrants get the benefits what is that sign language language these backup singers are terrible this is feminist backup singing oh all right I hope Keanu Reeves comes out now in common and hims just have a knife fight that'd be [ __ ] awesome would it be weird if the people in the audience just took a knee instead of clapping great protesting you can do it but then we won't let you play football we also won't let you come back to the odds before to come back to the scripts why isn't good time nominated for anything cuz it is that because it's got that queer from Twilight in it he should have been nominated for Best Actor yeah he was he was great like honestly probably should have won that is easily the most snubbed film of the year they definitely haven't seen I'm not sure anyone in the Academy even knows it yes what do you even call that on a dress that just part of the dress the dress necklace address lists address list for language film dress like you know you shouldn't wear something that [ __ ] sparkly yeah it's pointed at it but I like the sparkles JJ Abrams designed that dress I want as many LEDs place as possible playing and watching Enter the Void 40 lens flares on screen at the same time so this is too many everyone is getting a voice to express something that has been happening except gay furries so this is basically a representation compilation you know this is the not like maybe not straight not male yeah category what is groundbreaking about the post it's all white people and one of them is a woman yeah a rich woman I think Meryl Streep probably just asked to be put it like I've said nice things before you should probably put me in this I think some one of the cats said that Kumail sucks and I disagree he's very funny stand-up and he's really good on silicon valley's isn't book of henry nominated for best screenplay oh yeah oh yeah that was such a unique and interesting screenplay oh stop showing Wonder Woman this is a nose this is it a 20-17 how come I can't see the Panthers bulge that's why you cuz you would have really gave it a 5 out of 10 otherwise it was an 8 right yeah it could have been I would have just seen the ball you saw the bulge that it would raise it three points yeah that PB what's this that Panther bulge I like that this is nominated it won't win yeah I think it deserves this nomination but it was all right I think that call me by your name is gonna win it you know what I think you might be right and in fact I'm so I think you're so right I'm making it Scott's lock of the week I think so too what a good movie man James Woods must be freaking out right now Oh James Woods is pissed he just didn't want to admit that he got a little James Wood watching the movie hmm man what an awesome soundtrack that's that's seriously the only category I'm super stressed out about is the Sufjan Stevens you should be stressed because I got some bad huh I don't care about even Best Picture it's gonna go to Coco I don't want to admit it to myself what a strange shirt this is an interesting oh I gotta get that shirt my next review I'm wearing it's like full-on full body pour and there's a big big if you unzip it you see his dick in a peach he's trapped the sole in that shirt he just gets up there and is like yeah I just copied and pasted it from the book I mean oh I already do anything here so get dumb goodbye he reminds me of the owl from rock-a-doodle maybe he played it jeepers Bowie quote Jeep Ralph 2018 I'm afraid I'm going to clip that boy I mean oh wow I'm afraid Ralph I'm a furry sepi that's an odd middle name but I like it oh yeah this is best real screenplay oh wait Sam riotous have the three billboards or ladybirds three billboards if it went to the shape of water would be weird yeah yeah the script is pretty I gotta pick something ladybirds or three billboards what is it gonna be I'm locking in three billboards Scott's lock of the week I'm walking in Lady Bird me too Jordan Peele and the Oscar goes to an empty bathing what the hell okay I don't really care that much about it but that was I don't know about that better than three billion I mean even I think Lady Bird is a better scripted in it I'm gonna script yeah I would have to say I don't think it was the best screenplay interesting Donna Ron at Universal everybody Harvey Weinstein get ki out there we want key not just peel if I was at the Oscars and I won an Oscar this year I would get up and say jet ski and leave like [ __ ] you I'm getting that jet skiing one that Jessica care stimulant laxative huh why not just drink some [ __ ] coffee you chumps with a a harsh counterpoint to dulcolax change one thing oranges and milk your hands thank you for using with your hands sign language relaxed a sign language Adam plays I just took a really good [ __ ] am i gay because it felt good if you sucked it back in and it felt freer than you just gave out the goddamn statue so I could go to sleep holy [ __ ] this is an endurance exercise I know if it wasn't Jimmy Kimmel it wouldn't be so [ __ ] boring please this is this is the one I really this has to be it Blade Runner Scott's locket look quite quite please Shaylee know people get it yeah Roger Deakins was this year's Leo DiCaprio mm-hmm I guess we got to give him one sometime I want to list this [ __ ] guy I'm so happy you want its piece of [ __ ] and Denny view and the pay pronounce his name right god we did why didn't just cinematography out that bald spot Roger yeah maybe you should have framed it I'm so happy ma'am excuse me ma'am you're you're wearing a drape she stole the curtain yeah that's ma'am you have to give that back by the end of the show that guy dancing looks like he's having fun this is very strange dance choreography calm down pretty okay do you need a talk this is I can't believe this is Dominic this is this is like the song at the end of like Bruno does anybody else want to [ __ ] the xenomorph from alien no you're weird yeah just checking what do you Harrelson looks uncomfortable what do Harrelson always looks uncomfortable what do girls that hasn't blinked since 1997 what's why why Dracula hair hey look it's Christopher Walken it's the WHA healin now it's Christopher not walking it's the walk-ins oh good Adam they're all applauding your joke what are you doing Timothy why do you do that he's trying to kiss him I got a fever and the only prescription it's more padding in this [ __ ] Oscars show I'm walking in this I want this too which is great I really want this to win it's an awesome amazing score oh my god star wars score I'm locking in phantom thread you know what I'm with you good and some thread this time unanimous Scots lock of the week and the Oscar goes to Suicide Squad Aleksandra this [ __ ] yeah she was there I know [ __ ] the water Chippewa okay fine whatever yeah fine kiss him on the lips Guillermo why don't you [ __ ] oh it's song time totally I have bad news about Scott's lock of the week even if this one I would be less upset because I just think that Coco winning is this is absolutely the worst bad things this is awful Scott's lock of the week joke is remember me remember me from cocoa magical Kristen anderson-lopez Adam is literally shitty [ __ ] his pants in rage right now now I'm fat my pants already what did you think was gonna happen that's different than mine what did I say earlier we're all done Oh Adam I'm kind of coming around on what you said I think we're all gonna die [ __ ] please show Kevin Spacey we show Kevin please show Kevin Spacey if if some rogue editor for the Miss clip just snuck it in there Roger it's so good yeah that's right I had no idea [ __ ] PTA would be nice be nice we'll get it either Nolan or here am i matter Geir mouth should probably win I think Guillermo should win and I'm hoping he does I'm locking it in Guillermo I'm doing my boy but I think what does I hate to say it's I agree with Adam that in Scotts walk of the week his glasses look like fish tanks [ __ ] those little lenses they use on the Hubble telescope it looks like that's how he made the move exactly that's where he got inspired he's seeing through water everything is a good man she looks bored is this just another of those assorted movies montage it's like commercials for Hollywood and best picture goes to Black Panthers I think Gary has to win this he is you know why cause he's got soccer that's they lock it in gary oldman really really best line delivery ever did anyone see this [ __ ] movie did it try anyone see this start my finish yeah that's what I thought about it no surprise no one's even excited everyone knows Gary Oldman's not excited yeah he's like yeah yeah yeah yeah this is frack trous okay I would not be upset with sally hawkins she didn't even talk at him don't be stupid she did great she's awesome yeah she did excellent but Leo DiCaprio didn't talk in [ __ ] the revenant that didn't stem talked a little bit she didn't talk at all but that will be her downfall this is like the first time where they showed a good quit an actual yeah yeah yeah the first time where they showed a part of the movie where the actor is doing some of their best work in the film Frances McDormand Scott's walk of the week is Sher Shah but it was you're so wrong Francis yeah walk of the week Adam I tried to pick an answer that's different you know and that was your down fatso that's in mimic what he's like please hold for like five minutes before announcing it oh man I wonder if we double-checked there's so much let me just make sure we're cool here he opens it up holds it to the camera just says hi you're gay spell see you are or why oh you are gay would you like to hear Scott's lock of the week for this sure three billboards really yes I don't know I'm going lady I do because it's Scott's lock of the week three billboards deserves it but I think ladybirds gonna win it [ __ ] don't love it but totally different or 2049 though I think I prefer Blade Runner over three boards again now you think Blade Runner which is not nominated is going to win are you allowed to give the best picture to gay movie two years in a row no don't be gross at him barf if it was another black gay movie maybe if get out was gay I could see it lay out gay out and get head out straight P no it's called get AIDS oh I didn't last very long in this film at all i watch the whole thing because I'm a gentleman the music was so overbearing and just the music related yeah well its uninspired animals yeah he makes factory movies there we go the winner of Best Picture everybody I this is my cynical answer I don't think this should win at all obviously but but you think it will I think it will not based on your own opinions right now cuz I think three billboards should one well I think good time should win but that's not happen ship award is my third choice it's got a chance it got director so it's this is my walk in I think you know my favorite moment of the year but I think this is my locker it's a very good lock but it's not Scott's lock of the week which is three more words outside of ebbing Missouri you couldn't be right fish stinky fish hey Emma Stone somebody glued it shut Wow the only one that actually mattered sorry that was noted for extra points right yeah Wow so a gate yes sorry winning Best Center a straight wins Best Picture got my letters we got a happy ending guys furry stole Hollywood straight furries let's be very clear we got a fish thick Kanye West is very happy somewhere right now what the [ __ ] was that this guy was gonna go speak and they got rid of the microphone and get out of here you're not Guillermo that's funny oh [ __ ] I'm not an adorable Santa Claus troll nice oh you do get Helen Mirren holy [ __ ] what a good deal that's a great deal you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,490,084
Rating: 4.9246836 out of 5
Id: EgNxiVub-Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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