YMS: After Earth (Part 1)

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Definitely one of the most hilarious YMS reviews yet, laughed a lot. Can't wait for part 2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spykr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

why do you use the beat from whats the difference in all of your vids?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zastavo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really think this was your best review yet. The video editing, the photos of yourself. It was awesome.

Thanks :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i_mormon_stuff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't even finished watching it yet and I had to pause and come here to comment -- Adam, seriously, nothing makes me laugh more than your M. Night Shyamalan Nightmare Sequences. It's funny every time!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jinkeez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YMSTorrents πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

The only thing I disagree with is that After Earth was a worse movie than Avatar. As silly as After Earth is..any other actor than jaden smith and it just would have been a decent sci-fi flick. I actually think it had less plot holes than oblivion. Having a terrible actor for the lead makes it really distracting to appreciate anything in the film.

Avatar had no redeeming features anywhere, and it butchered a already existing franchise which is considered one of the best animated series (based on critic and user reviews). It had great characters and a interesting story. I have no idea how the movie fucked it up so bad.

Il still watch every m night shyamalan movie. I have a feeling that one will just suddenly be up to the quality of The Sixth Sense

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Antrix32 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome video, you could tell just from the copyright notice that this one had the editing kicked up a notch.

2 things that I think should be pointed out from someone who works in the film biz:

First, After Earth absolutely did NOT make its money back. It made $243,843,127 worldwide. And while that might look okay on a $130 mil budget, it's not. As the vid said, they spent $100 mil on advertising (And they always lowball that number in my experience, helps with shareholders, etc.), and they usually pitch that budget lower when talking about it publicly, so I'd guess the total budget with marketing is actually closer to $300 mil. But let's give them the benefit of the doubt and call it $250 mil. So theatrically, this needed to make at least $500 million to break even, as the studios only get half the box office (that is not an exact percentage, but that is generally what it works out to overall, the percentage changes week to week and different countries pay different percentages. Overall, it's close to 50%).

So this movie needed to make as much as the new fucking Thor to be a hit. Insane that it was made at all with that level of risk.

And secondly, I heard from someone that Will Smith directed this in almost every way. They brought in M. Night for some script work, and then brought him on to do blocking, set ups, the "unfun" parts of directing. Yes his movies have gotten terrible, but M. Night has made huge budget movies and knows how to run the set. And then Smith directed all the performances, the shots, etc. Oh and wrote the story and produced it.

So while N. Night sucks, I think we should be even more scared of Will Smith's inevitable directorial debut.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SetYourGoals πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

I FUCKING CALLED IT. You guys were like "no, he has enough videos on After Earth" and "No I think it's The Lone Ranger". NO. You were WRONG. And I was RIGHT.

Great review as always, one of the best so far.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

That dick on a dress was cute <3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fergious πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies
After Earth is a work of fart. [fart sound] And it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise to anybody paying attention to the production. But alas, we live in a society where people watch movies based on who appears in the trailer. And who doesn't love Jaden.... I mean, who doesn't love Will Smith? From 2002 until now, his lowest grossing film still made over a hundred and fifty million dollars, and most of them made more than double that amount. He's kind of a cash magnet to say the least. So what the fuck happened? So even though this movie made money in the foreign market, it kinda fucking failed in the States. And considering the marketing budget was a hundred million dollars, they just barely broke even. It wasn't received too well critically either. I mean, it's only got... six Razzie nominations. So how does a major fuck up like that even happen? Could it be that the film's quality is primarily dependent on the director and not necessarily the celebrities that are casted in the film? Hmm... I mean, we've all seen at least one trailer for the movie; with an advertising budget like that, who hasn't? But you gotta wonder why it doesn't mention the director's name anywhere. Like, not every trailer has a big title showing off their name, I know, but it's fucking nowhere. It's not on any of the posters, and I don't see it anywhere on their shitty website. With the way the studios trying to hide them, you'd almost think it was directed M. Night... [clip] No, God! [distorted speaking] No, God. Please, no. I can refer to this, whether I make a movie or not, whether it's mine really, but it has to have a sticky quality to it. No! If it, if it has a s-s-stickiness th-th-then I go, "Oh, yeah, yeah. There's, there's thousands of ideas that are gonna stick to it." that I get. And I can tell by the stickiness whether it's gonna work or not. No! And I went up and asked her where the cough syrup was. I didn't even have a cough. And I almost bought it. I'm talking about a completely superfluous bottle of cough syrup. That's like six bucks. No! - We can't just stand here as uninvolved observers! - I need a second okay? Just give me a second! We're not gonna be one of those assholes on the news who watches a crime happen and not do something! - We're not assholes! - Just a second! - There were children in that group! - Elliot, please tell us what to do! I need a second, OK? Why can't anybody give me a goddamn second?! No, God. Please, no. No! No! [cacophony of static and noise] Yes! [YMS] So it's pretty obvious that Sony was trying to hide the fact that M. Night had anything to do with this film, and that's not to say that there wasn't good reason to do it. He's pretty much become a laughing stock at this point. Sony wound up putting out a statement saying it had less to do with them wanting to cover up M. Night, and more to do with them wanting to promote Will and Jaden. Really? As if the mere inclusion of his name in one of the trailers would have taken away from the promotion of Will and Jaden. Yeah, I'm gonna assume it had to do with something else. [clip] You've faced some heat for some of your previous films. I have to ask, is there one film in particular that you felt got the rap a little undeservedly? Yeah, there's a few of those. There's a few of those. [YMS] Now, not everyone was fooled by this sneaky marketing tactic. In fact, if this wasn't directed by M. Night, I don't even think I would have watched it. If you watch his more recent films as comedies, it makes them much more enjoyable. [clip] Global warming. [laugh track] You should be more interested in science, Jake. [giggles] You know why? [laughs] Because your face is perfect. [laughs getting louder] [banging noise] [YMS] So I was planning on seeing this movie in theaters, with the hopes that it would be a giant piece of shit, and my mom just so happened to be visiting from out of town on the release date of this movie, so I kind of tricked her into watching it. I mean, she said she wanted to see it, so I just didn't warn her about what kinda movie was gonna be. And it was kinda crazy to witness their marketing tactic actually working on people. [clip] - Why do you wanna see it? - Cuz I saw the trailer, and I like sci-fi. It has the parental, um, father-son, kinda, catch to it. - Do you know who made it? - Um, no. That's okay. I know, but I... we'll see. We'll see. [YMS] I mean, you can't deny that it wasn't their exact intent to trick people like that. "No, of course we weren't trying to hide him. We just really wanted to emphasize Will and Jaden, and focusing on anything else would have taken away from that." [clip] Columbia Pictures will host a Google+ Hangout with the stars of After Earth. Joining will be Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla Motors, and PayPal; Ray Kurzweil, Google's Director of Engineering; explorer and filmmaker Axexandra Cousteau; and NASA's Sunita Williams. And we have a middle school from Culver City, California. Well, we definitely agree with what Jaden said earlier, we know that we have to, like, we have to continue, we have to continue what is helping our Earth, and we definitely have to keep using the reusable things, and, um, it's really, we really have to do it, and start acting now, because we have to, we have to make sure that our future generations aren't in trouble, like, we are right now. [YMS] And yeah, maybe nobody deserves to be tricked into seeing an M. Night Shyamalan movie, but I was determined on seeing it as soon as possible. There was a burning question that needed to be answered: "Could M. Night possibly make a film that's worse than The Last Airbender?" I wasn't quite sure it was possible, but somehow, I kinda think he did. Now what's interesting to note about this movie, is that even though it follows the same trend of baaaddd, this movie wasn't even M. Night's idea to begin with. Yes, he did write the screenplay with Gary Whitta, but the only reason this movie even exists, is because Will Smith was using it as a catalyst to turn his son into a movie star. [clip] So you actually came up with the concept for this movie, as a vehicle for you and Jaden to star together again. I invited him to come to my birthday party, which he didn't come to. So he, he called me to say "I'm sorry I couldn't come to your birthday" And, and he said "Happy birthday", I said "Thanks!" and then we just started talking about Jaden. And I said, "Hey", and I saw Karate Kid. I, I thought Jaden was an amazing actor. And, er, he said, "I have a movie idea, you want me to pitch it to you?" and he pitched me this idea. And then he said, "Well, if you're gonna direct, I'll play the father." And so really, it was a movie for Jaden first, and then Will came on. And then when he finished, I said "I'll do it." and he was like "Huh, what?" - Just like that? - Just like that. I was just like that. And you know, Will, I think Will thought I was joking, cuz Will develops a lot of movies, you know, he probably has, like, twenty movies in development. I have zero movies in development. [YMS] I mean we'd already seen him in The Pursuit of Happyness, and the Karate Kid, but Will wanted one final film to solidify his fame. [clip] And I'm glad that my dad wrote the story in a way that I play the lead, cuz he wrote it, he could have written himself as the lead, he's a... - It feel like you guys made a summer action movie out of parenting. - This is really the most effective way that I know how to parent. [YMS] Will Smith can't just be famous, he has to breed famous. [YMS] Congratulations! You're not only starring in this movie, you're producing, you came up with the story. And I even produced the other actor. I mean, just look at his family. They want nothing more than to be known as the perfect celebrity family. And hey, there's nothing wrong with fulfilling your kids wishes if you've got millions of dollars lying around anyway, but something told me there was a little bit of coercion to be in the spotlight. Nobody named Will and Jada would name their kids Willow and Jaden unless they wanted everybody to be paying attention, "Hey everybody, don't you just love my family? Look at my kids! I can mass-produce superstars with my dick!" - Man, your kids are such talented songwriters. - [clip] No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will. [YMS] I mean it all sound so professional and produced, it's almost as if there was a team of Hollywood writers behind the whole thing... Oh. So when they're reading the lyrics as though they're speaking about themselves, they're actually just being used as puppets so adults can make money off of them? Let's glorify them in our culture! In all fairness, for all I know, Will Smith could be a great father. I mean, how cool would it be to be like "Dad, I was thinking of maybe starring in a summer blockbuster action movie, and I was wondering if maybe you and your rich and famous friends could get together and turn me into a superstar." But as cool as that would be, I think the vast majority of us are glad we weren't thrown into the spotlight at fourteen. I mean, fuck, I'd be the king of cringe threads, if those existed when I was younger. Is it not unfair to your kids to have the whole world watching them when they haven't even figured out who they are yet? [clip] As strange as it may seem, like, this is our family business. We own a pizzeria, and everybody in the family works at a pizzeria, and it just happens that our pizza ends up on a poster. [YMS] Yeah, I'm sorry, it's not your family business, your family is a business. Will, it's cool that you love your family and I'm really happy for you, but there's a difference between loving your son, and wanting everyone in the world to pay attention to how much you love your son. [clip] If you crash landed on another planet, what's one thing you would bring with you that you could never live without? - Um... Jaden. - Me? - I would bring you. - You'd bring me? You know, just based on our relationship, I know that you'd be willing to give your life for me if you had to. Errrrrr... [YMS] Sure, you can cake your children's faces with makeup everyday, hiding pimples so well that people forget that puberty is even a thing. But do you really think the whole world should be watching them at this point, when in ten years from now they'll be looking back every single pseudo-intellectual tweet ever sent and thinking, "Holy shit! I was retarded." Come to think of it, it's kind of unfair how everyone's grouping in that last Tweet with his other embarrassing ones. Like, is it not obvious that he's not actually talking about the movie, and that it's a clever play on words. I guess it's really his own fault that people don't understand if he's going to insist on capitalizing every single fucking word. Man, with all these attempt at sounding deep, you'd almost think someone was encouraging him. [clip] You guys never crashed landed on Earth before? - Yeah, we've never actually crash landed. - No... I mean, technically, when you land in a plane, it's a controlled crash land, so technically we have crash landed on Earth. Mmm, mmm, OK. That's deep. There's a certain air flow that you have to do, a certain frequency of the atoms... -Right, that you just... -... and electrons - What is nothing? - "What is nothing?"! Now that's deep. - And what is something? - And what is something? Right. - Cuz zero is an undefined number. It can be nothing... - It can be nothing... - ...but it can also be everything. - Wow! [YMS] Seriously, just let him develop and figure out who he is. Like your other, lesser-known son, Trey. You know, the one that you don't parade around as much because it reminds people that you had a divorce. I'm sure he appreciates that the world wasn't watching him when he was developing. The world is filled with assholes who can't wait to laugh at someone doing something the slightest bit embarrassing. Like me. Just let the guy grow out of his terrible laugh before you're filming him every second. [terrible laugh montage] [clip] Alright, we'll take a break. [More terrible laughs] [YMS] Like, come on, do you have to make that face every time someone takes a picture? [clip] There's a thing that he does in all his pictures, that is like the furrowed brow. - I don't do that any more. - You, you don't, no, you do. Show the look, show the look. - This is my look, now. - This is my look, naw, it's not. That's not it. - It's this weird, like, pouty-lipped like, confused puppy, like. - [Will] Yeah, that's it. That's it right there. That's it, well, no, because you leave your mouth open just a little bit. Yes! That's it! That's it. - And that the shot, right, every single picture from the last year. - I don't do it anymore, it's not from the last year. It is. Jaden, you just did it yesterday. [YMS] To be fair, I also had a habit of making the same face in every picture. Anyway... now that you know exactly where this movie's coming from, and why it exists in the first place, I think it's time to start tearing it to shreds. The movie opens up right in the middle of the action. Specifically, the shot that we've already seen in the trailer. How riveting. We're then introduced to Jaden Smith, who appears to be having some troubles, but that's OK, cuz he's going to use this time to force- feed us everything we need to know about the future. You know, things that could probably be shown or cleverly written into conversations throughout the film, but zero effort. Hell, we could even use some random stock footage to help set the tone. That's never been done before in any other movie, ever. Hilariously enough, it seems as though the original plan was to write it into other parts of the movie. I mean, just listen to co-writer Gary Whitta at Comic-Con. [clip] At the beginning of the movie, we see Jaden is kinda going through his training at the Ranger military academy, and part of that training is he has to pass an oral exam on the history of his, of his people in the last 1,000 years, and so as he's kinda answering questions about the, the history of, er, of his, his people, and the exodus from Earth, we're also educating the audience about everything that happened. [YMS] So somewhere down the line, they decided that it was not a good idea to do that, but instead just have Jaden Smith start talking to the audience in what seems to be an inappropriate moment. [clip] I've heard stories of Earth. [YMS] "I'm really hurt and I'm gonna die. But first, let me educate you on the history of my people" He explains how one thousand years ago, human beings had to evacuate "Urth". [clip] An evacuation of Earth. [YMS] They then settled on a planet called Nova Prime, and apparently, they were not alone. - [clip] But we were not alone. The aliens released the Ursa. - [YMS] "The aliens" [clip] Bread to kill humans. Technically blind, the Ursa sees humans based on the pheromones we secrete when frightened. Human kind was again in danger of extinction. And that answer came in the form of the Prime Commander, Cypher Raige. The Original Ghost. [YMS] Errrrrrrrr uh? [clip] He's believed to be so completely free of fear that to an Ursa, he is invisible. This phenomena is known as ghosting. [YMS] I mean, I get that the only point that you really want to get across is that a creature exists that can smell your fear, but if you're gonna try and explain it by saying "There was a big war between humans and 'the aliens'", then could you at least do it in such a way that doesn't raise more questions than it answers. Like, if mankind was facing extinction and the only thing that stopped that was Cypher Raige, and that's also your dad, then does that mean that he's over a thousand years old? Or that the war had been going on for a thousand years? Or that humans lived peacefully on that planet without any interaction with aliens whatsoever, and then 999 years later, the aliens find us and start a war, and that maybe it was just a really poor choice of wording to say "We were not alone." Did the aliens already live on this planet or did they find you after you inhabited the planet? How long after you lived on this planet did you come into contact with them? Did it take humans a thousand years to find the planet? You're leaving it pretty vague there. You know, if you're going to have an entire segment on you just explaining things to the audience you'd think that you want to, you know, explain things to the audience. Well, apparently the only thing you really need to know is that there's a creature called the "Urrh-sa". And even though aliens supposedly bred them for the sole purpose of killing humans, they just didn't give them eyes, because they thought that everybody would be so scared that they wouldn't need them. We get a nice little title telling us that the next scene is going to take place three days earlier. Which considering we have no idea whether or not a human lifespan can last over a thousand years, is kind of helpful information. We're told that the scene takes place on the Nova Prime Human Settlement, in the Nova Solar System. Oh, it's the one in the Nova Solar System? I thought it was the other one. I'm really glad it made that clarification. This movie knows exactly what details to explain, and what should be left up to assumption. Oh my God! Is that how people run in the future? Oh, looks like it's just Jaden. - [clip] This isn't a 'rass', Cadet. - [YMS] Oh my God! You're accent's weird, too. Dat run, though. Why the fuck are you bringing your arms up in front of your face? [clip] - He literally wanted me to learn how to, like, run, like... - Yeah, no, it's important, it's important. No, see, cuz this, it's, it's, it's like movie star training, you know, cuz you see guys, when you run in a movie, ladies make a lot of decisions about whether or not you can be an action hero by how you run. You know what I mean? There's a certain way your body has to look when, when you, when you run, you know, so I was, I had him train with a sprinter, cuz that's the most athletic looking run. Ninety degrees, that's ninety, right? And you break that ninety degree barrier, then you're in trouble. So you wanna stay in ninety degrees the whole time. All the power in your upper body, when you're running, comes from the shoulder. You're never pumping your arms. And you know you see people running, and they're doing this with their arms, you don't wanna do that. How embarrassing! - In the classroom, you are an outstanding Ranger. - [YMS] "Otstanding"? OK, it's become pretty clear that this inconsistent accent is going to be used by everybody in the movie. [clip] We had a linguist come in, and break down what language would be, er, a thousand years in the future, and sort of predict, er, what language would be. Just for it to have a slightly different sound, so you felt like you were in a different world. [YMS] Part southern, part British, and part completely fucking random. OK, so unless you have some extremely clear guidelines for the actors' pronunciation, it's going to be very difficult for them to keep a consistent accent. Will, do you seriously think your son is capable enough of an actor to even pull that off? I mean, if he was, then you wouldn't have needed to hire M. Night to make this movie for him anyway, right? Did you not see how that would be a sure-fire way to force every single line of dialogue into being unintentionally hilarious? [Adam] And then Will Smith started talking like that, too. [YMS] Anyway, we find out that he is training to be a Ranger, but he's just not good enough, oh no. [clip] Sir, I am dedicated, have studied, and consistently display conduct becoming of a Ranger, sir! [YMS] The look on his face makes it seem like he's trying to get out a tongue twister, and it seems like he fucked up is annunciation somewhere, because the middle of that sentence was clearly re-recorded. And by re-recorded, I mean they used another take, because I don't know what else they could have done to make it sound so unprofessional. Hear that popping noise when the original take comes back in? [clip] Sir, I am dedicated, have studied, and consistently display conduct becoming of a Ranger, sir! [YMS] Yeah, somebody never learned how to use cross fades. I don't blame them for having to use another take though, because this entire scene, it sounds like Jaden's choking on his lines. [clip] I request that the Commander reconsider his assessments, sir. [YMS] [repeats it, extremely mumblely] - [clip] My father's returning home tonight. - [YMS] Aw, shit! - [clip] And I've got to be able to tell him that I'm a Ranger, sir! - [YMS] "SUHH!" This movie is too good. So Cypher Raige gets home, and we learn that the design choice in the future is cloth. Aw, yeah! Mother-fucking three-pronged chopsticks! Kitai tells his dad that he was not advanced to Ranger. [clip] - You were not advanced to Ranger? - I was not advanced to Ranger, sir. [YMS] "SUHH!" Cypher seems okay about it and trust that he'll do better next year, but Kitai is noticeably upset about it. [clip] - I'm not hungry. I'm going to my room. - Are you asking me or telling me? - May I go to my room, sir? - DENIED! Sit down. [YMS] Holy shit. [clip] There's a lovely moment, and I wondered if it's like this at home: when you, you, you say "Sit down" at the dinner table at the beginning of the film, and you sit down, I thought "There's probably a, you got a bit of eye contact going on", and then I'm thinking, "I wonder if it's like at home?" The movie is exactly like our lives, everything that takes place in the movie is exactly, kinda, what goes on our lives, - except, but it's not. - It's... [YMS] I love how is kind of grinning as he does it, like the only joy in his life is yelling at his son. As soon as he gets home he's like, "I hope that boy talks back to me." [clip] You were not advanced to Ranger? - I was not advance... - [YMS] "Denied!" Later, Cypher Raige explains to his wife that despite having just gotten home from what was supposedly a very long absence, he's leaving again tomorrow to supervise training on Iphitos. [clip] I'm announcing my retirement. [YMS] Oh, you're about to retire soon? I sure hope nothing happens to you on your last visit; that would be a clichΓ©. She says the Kitai blames himself for what happened to Senshi, an event that will be explained later in the movie. She tells Cypher that he really needs a father, so Cypher tells Kitai to pack his bags, because he's coming with him to Iphitos. They're about to leave, when a one-legged soldier decides he needs to pay his respects. I love how absolutely nothing in this environment looks like it's actually there. It's the magic of computers! We then get a long and awkward shot of Jaden staring at his dad, before finally saying: "Oh, cool." So everyone around them falls asleep, and he decides to start exploring around the ship. He comes across this room, when suddenly... Where the fuck did you come from? Meanwhile, Will Smith wakes up and something is obviously bothering him. He takes off his ring and holds it to the wall, and hears a strange clicking sound. Hmm... So once this guy finds out that Kitai is Cypher Raige's son, he decides he's gonna start fucking with him. Kitai seems curious and concerned about the fact that an "Urrh-sa" being stored on the ship. It's supposedly going to be used for part of the training, and so this guy seems like he is just trying to make Kitai piss his pants. [clip] Your body's filling with adrenaline right now, whether you know it or not. Your heart's beating fast. [YMS] OK I think I get what this scene is trying to be. The tone kinda implies that his narration is supposed to somehow make audience members feel the same thing, which might work under a different context where we're actually able to feel scared, but the amount of enjoyment that this man is clearly getting from just fucking with this kid turns this entire scene into a comedy. [clip] It's getting a little harder to breath. Your neurobiological system is telling it to run, but your knees are too weak to move. [YMS] It seems like you want me to take this seriously, but how the fuck am I supposed to do that? Like, why the fuck do you need to be so detailed with the hand gestures if he can't even see you? Well apparently those gestures weren't important enough to include when it was showing him in the background. This is so stupid. Anyway he gets close and scared enough that the "Urrh-sa" sees him, but Cypher Raige shows up to put an end to it. Err, does that ramp go anywhere? It's not like a really confusing an awkward way to design your set or anything. He shows Kitai back to his seat and tells him to strap on the life suit that's behind it. - He then pays the pilots a visit, and says: - [clip] I detected graviton vibrations in the hull. [YMS] Oh, so that thing that you were doing with your ring, you were detecting graviton vibrations. O...K? [clip] - But you detected, how? - Graviton build-up could be a precursor to mass expansion. - [YMS] You didn't answer that guy's question. - [clip] That storm could be on us in minutes. [YMS] He asked you how you detected it. "Stop asking questions, and just listen to this science mumbo jumbo." The fact that he had no idea how he detected it leads me to believe one of two things: either what he did with his ring is just a trick that he doesn't wanna share with people, or he's basically omniscient, and he just knows things. Like what the fuck caused him to put his ring there in the first place? "Urgh, I can't sleep. Too many gravitons." Like, if it's something that you did with your ring, then shouldn't that be a feature that's already built into this highly advanced ship, or maybe just felt a rumble a little, and you're like "Yep, must be the gravitons." [clip] Mass expansion is one in a million. [YMS] So even though graviton build up could be a precursor to mass expansion, apparently it is one in a million. But Cypher Raige just knows things, OK? He doesn't feel fear, so he's smart. [clip] If we try to navigate out, the pull of our own graviton wake could set the thing off. [YMS] The pilots then notice the graviton levels decreasing. Wait, so you've been able to measure gravitons this whole time? So why did Cypher Raige need to tell you that there was graviton build up? Dude, it doesn't matter. The ship's gotta crash somehow. We needed to get to the initial incident either way, so why does it matter how little sense it makes? I feel like it would have been better if they just crashed, and the characters themselves had no idea why it happened. "No, dude, just say it was mass expansion. You know, because of the graviton build-up." [clip] There was graviton vibrations that already told us that there was going to be mass expansion. How did he detect it, though? He had a metal ring, and you saw that the magna- flows... particles flowed in the magna-space. In the hole. And the fact that they were flowing in magna-space meant, obviously, mass expansion was going to occur. None of these other guys went to school. Will Smith was the only guy who was paying attention in class. Subtitles by JorWat
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 3,459,007
Rating: 4.912571 out of 5
Keywords: after earth, yms, review, m night shyamalan, m night, sucks, adam, yourmoviesucks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2014
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