Adum & Pals: Lady in the Water

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This movie is the least magical "fairy tale" I have ever seen. It would've been better if it was just about a guy who forms a relationship with a weird nymph and cut all of the stupid shit about Shyamalan's Messianic writing and all of the roles people fill.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Demiface πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Paul Giamatti was doing his β€œmovie star” stutter, just like Jaden Smith did his β€œmovie star” run in After Earth.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JKN145 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know people hate this movie...but I honestly find it extremely watchable and entertaining. It's actually got pretty good production value, a unique concept, and a lot of heart.

I do admit the weird Shyamalanisms comprise probably at least of why I enjoy it tho. It's fucking hilarious in so many places.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrumanB-12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can anyone link me to the point in their commentary when the boy is prophesying from cereal boxes?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whatzgood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

If it weren't for the commentary I don't think I really would've remembered anything that happened. Even with the commentary the plot's sort of frustrating, but this was all good fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/klatuu_barada_nikto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lady mostly on land

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dbukowski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know Merk is a dick but I miss him in the commentary videos. :( He and Adum played off each other so well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/archayos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
and Mike said this is a story that I I tell my children at night and I turned it into a movie because I wanted to give my kids a really cool bedtime story I feel bad for his kids I feel horrible for his kid scoot can you do me a favor and I'd like you to read the first two sentences on the back of this blu-ray all right [Laughter] lullaby very good phrase lullaby period and good good fright period that's poignant well it's some kind of stirring the way people only do in movies coming a homina homina homina I appreciate the directors decision here to make us use our imaginations to interpret what's happening off screen and the reactions there's a lot of subtlety and nuance in the fine screaming they can't even see [ __ ] fun fact about this movie it had quite a high budget it doesn't particularly look like it except when you understand the fact they built this apartment complex forth in a movie I'm not joking that's real what the [ __ ] because nothing that [ __ ] looks like this with an outdoor pool exists in Philadelphia where he insists on where he insists on filming just like in LA or Miami like bungalow apartment owner if he made more money off of the rent and tendon seamless that's how they recoup the losses for this movie he's a businessman he's a businessman first and foremost businessman first children's storyteller second third Messiah third director fourth so what am I missing what has happened oh wait what I thought you why you get scared yeah he's looking over in water the waters down Paul why is he what I don't understand like there was a lady in the water do not have time to take his clothes off is she gonna like escape before I could see it there's two bit East I should have rolled the other way yeah I like it I'm a wet boy so she carried him I'm a wet boy except my bed is bone-dry that is are my clothes hey from the pool the blue world Wow her name is story oh yeah I like that Shyamalan went with the first draft it's like it's very respectable okay I love it when people like cry like that she's a single tear yeah that's how I cry that's cuz you're a [ __ ] the super so do they have consent in the blue how did how did you end up like this she don't waste your body acting surprised oh she's being chased by the grass dog the red dogs from like Final Fantasy you know someone should move along talk about Bryce's pubic hair Utley they've got very good public stylists in the blue world crash site triangulate did she do it okay all right that was amazing close that and just that's an act break that's just a break can we talk about the all the acting involved like 45 that was amazing was it a great day no no a great game not a great Dan he was green aren't you listening it was made of grain it's grass dog also I pulled a girl out of the pool he [ __ ] PS his name is Cleveland Heep a little bit weirder than her name I'd say generating anyone don't really the story of story and Cleveland heap this got a theatrical release yes could you look that was that's what I was trying to get out but that was Paul Giamatti the actor not the character having a stroke you go who told you this word narf who told you the word you know it's no there was a show called pinky there's a small rat and do you know Orson Welles is he also have you heard of the word story so who told you this word so story that's black can we appreciate that slap it was a nice piece of business have some courage and at least show some tits in this movie this is a kids story horror movie what only football I want to imagine in him like telling this part to his kids and then he walks into the living room and he sees this doesn't clatters movie that it's like why would you tell this to your kids that if if that's what you're trying to imply you this 6:12 talking with Youngs she's innocent guy she's got the mind of a ten-year-old as as does the writer his cameo his very short cameo a modern-day Hitchcock actually like Paul Giovanni's I feel a little bad watching him no I think he's great that was a domestic-violence [ __ ] let's at least a micro transmission I think we can all agree that my throat ray my micro transgression of micro nose when you make a very small deposit in your bank transaction do we know what's happening you know okay I have no idea all I know is that this the title is very misleading because so far she has been in the water a lot less than she has not been in the water this is more like lady mostly on the land lady from the water okay I'll take from the water it's all about the prepositions guys that's definitely a better title so there's there's someone she needs to meet but it's real nebulous I think okay so I think it's supposed to be a writer yeah he's a writer but everyone in the [ __ ] complex is the right owner it just fades into the happening what is what oh that's an annoying cut that was a jarring rendering so there's public garbage on every floor of this apartment I thought you were leaving someone's corner but she's not bleeding yes give her another someone gave her old cuts what an attack call your parents Wow slow motion that was a dropped frame that was that was that was like that would looked like post second like posts on a post they did not film it in a high frame rate mister he does here he is cameo so she's lying down in my room well she got sick in the stairwell downstairs know that I'm acting also how do these Koreans know everything about you but I'm pretty sure the Chinese yeah they're Korean they were yelling at each other yeah [Music] what taught you just it's just words like you for the first time this is new this is new information there's new information to paul giamatti not to Cleveland eating him the script over the phone he was like what what I'm glad let's all hold our breath as long as Giamatti is holding a try I didn't take I didn't take a very deep breath it's getting dark oh like treasure see it's a magical day oh here we go perfect now you're good for another 40 minutes thousand nos is about a rare knife who comes once in a generation of a nurse who is called the madam madam how do you know these rules like if you know these rules this is a real thing and like shouldn't this information just be on like Google yeah there was good Allah knows sound generations but it's a really well kept secret those sneaky Korean you gotta ask I think I might know why this is wrong I'm not comfortable with adopt no he's no boy be the adult here no she doesn't know basically pedophilia only wrote like a fish also she's a fish let's keep that in mind so bestiality on top of those charts yeah yeah we're gonna have a comical cultural full Parliament they're not supposed to drink and pretty crazy oh there's my a more milk he went back for seconds oh dear I think we're night what's happening I think it's at this point in the film that how does he how did he infer I can't it's at this point that we explored a night Shyamalan's adult baby fetish [Music] these people have been unconsciously drawn to live near the vessel this all makes perfect sense also a lot of other people like in this apartment have bought into all this nonsense like very quickly at face value sofa look at him night staring so intently I wrote this very interest is so good this is a very interesting thing to hear hey here's a bunch of people big bathroom and the movie the guy's face was ready everyone's on board with this nonsense yeah everyone's cool with this instrument he's gonna use an instrument we got things called nerfs I got this fish broad in the shower he's saying it and he means that he to the point where the dialogue is gonna be gibberish is just meandering look brace you're being a real scrunt without the SR now can we cut the [ __ ] and get down to business hey who's a good boy what is that the juicy gourds friend you [ __ ] me Bryce [ __ ] me now I run okay great advice if a tenant haven't walked by I'd have been even alive oh wait what because that explained I explained there's rules solid if a Jew walks by is it haha the grass dogs have to hide I know about your family I know someone killed him information there's a lot there's a lot of new information coming every scene more information than actual things happening so J bodies family was murdered apparently yeah I don't remember that not to sound insensitive but so like is that effect anything these characters a lot deeper now it's fine a lot of this film takes place in this bathroom you would think why did they spend so much money building a [ __ ] like oasis when you could just do the whole thing in your mom's bathroom very expensive film yes I wear a suit I'm very important I'm Jewish it's funny that M night created this character as a way of being like oh look how important he thinks he is and then M night also writes his own character is the Messiah whose words are not understood yet and will be killed for for his prophecies like okay too cold you know change my mind oh we got her this is literally nobody was watching the one person there ah what a brave little girl got her booster no no you tell me we kind of just made this [ __ ] up as we went all right Johnny crossword every some more random information how we how we figured this [ __ ] out wasn't it I don't see anything in these words no and I didn't before Wow you said it's all this he's the twist guys actually literate what kind of person would be so arrogant to presume to know the intention of another human being who was put this young life in jail Jay Sherman Wow this is like a moment from a horror movie this is so meta guys so bad this walked up the camera to him and spit it out now I'm trying to decide if the sped up or the slowed down was worse Oh God mister have you brought that butterfly to me oh it caught my eyes you got twist four days bad news guys it's not the kid from the story man all along bad is he trying the door you wants trying the door and it opens inside it opens inside break that door out from the inside hmm okay it's strange it's a good boy what who is this okay so these are the good tree monkeys that that looks like it stopped the bad last dog so yeah you wanna kiss now please don't put her tongue in the rain kissing the ring please [ __ ] the rain no what a great story okay thank God all right okay it's shorter eat sir all right ten out of ten it just was like a video game cuts had it on camera so wait wait this is geography right now are you going this isn't jog we just got a glimpse of the jungle we did whoa how did she get here did she get here by eagle or did you get here from the pool it's a weird place ended I was at agro base long there really put me back on my heels I was not ready for that this may be a controversial opinion I think this is in my top 9 M night Shyamalan movies can't argue with that it could have used more obnoxious backstory yeah yeah yeah more more you say oh yeah I wish they had more seen more seems dedicated to guessing at what the [ __ ] is going on Pelkey was writing it while the movie was being produced I think he wrote a lot of this movie after it was released in theaters the script secret from a lot of people and was mostly the end while he was directing he was improvising and until don't worry it's in the script I definitely get that confused thing because it's not it was like it's a very confused I was like eh I couldn't really horror fantasy yeah now that you've I don't think there was comedy I don't think there was a drop of intentional comedy can be so horror fantasy I guess it's a classic bedtime crispy bacon music score programming crispy bacon crispy bacon is anyone else seeing this is anyone else seeing this that's crazy all of this amazing with the N or B and them were actually done by Neil Breen exist um oh my god but the pule alright we're all gonna die sanity
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,187,783
Rating: 4.9427605 out of 5
Keywords: Lady in the water, yms, adum, pals, scoot, gael, scott, adam, commentary, review, plaze
Id: hbnZ3KwjJrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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