YMS: Oldboy

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1.5 hours long YMS episode

28 hours and I have finals

Guess that's time well spent

👍︎︎ 203 👤︎︎ u/ErnestoPresso 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit that “FATHER!” bit had me dying. Like was that actually written in the script?

Young man sees his father approaching him with a shotgun.

Young man: FATHER!

starts excitedly unbuckling his pants.

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/fishbiscuit156 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Worst part about this movie is that I know people that saw the remake instead of the original first :(

Such an amazing story to be wasted on an awful movie

👍︎︎ 130 👤︎︎ u/miamiheat121 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can't wait for the inevitable YMS: The Lion King (2019)

👍︎︎ 120 👤︎︎ u/whatzgood 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

That shotgun scene and children undressing instinctively and automatically made me lose my shit completely, not gonna lie. It was the funniest scene in a movie I've seen in a long time.

👍︎︎ 115 👤︎︎ u/Webemperor 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/ninni113 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

OG Old Boy is free on Vudu if you want to watch it before the review


👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

jesus christ this was more than just a review

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/NotessimoALIENS 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hey! 3 days early! Pretty Nice!!

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/bjkman 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
old boy is one of the best revenge movies ever made Spike Lee's 2013 old boy however is a monumentally cancerous embarrassment apparently there's plenty of people who think that this remake is actually not that bad and it leaves me to wonder what they even got out of the original apparently to some people the entire experience of watching a film is nothing more than a summary of basic plot points because aside from that everything about the original that made it special was either butchered or stripped away which kind of defeats the point of remaking something if every choice that made the original work was not important enough for you to include in the remake then what about the original did you want to share to a new audience what movie did you even watch most times in there's a great film certainly international films it's read made in America people are terrified of what's going to happen the fact that it's on your dad yeah they let I've heard that yeah the fact of money winner you might have a moment yeah have a bit of a grace period but are you gonna say true to the original text it's a reinterpretation because the ending we can't but it's sold can you do right it's a reinterpretation old boy 2013 started with a script from Mark Protosevich a script that was passed around for years to many different potential actors and directors I shit you not there was even a point where it seemed like it would be directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Will Smith now that would be a good movie as I know it's unclear whether or not this writer created this as some sort of passion project as a fan of the original film but the end product just makes it seem like it was a total cash grab like hey we got the rights to this previously successful intellectual property perhaps people will watch this for the title alone eventually the project made its way to Spike Lee and it's incredibly unclear whether or not he was even passionate about the original movie at all now when I decided to make this review I kind of fucking hated Spike Lee partly because of some shitty things that he's done but mostly because the movies I saw from him were absolute garbage so I challenged my perspective and decided to watch some of his supposedly great films and at this point I don't really hate him he's clearly got some talent even if he's made more bad movies than good movies and I'm glad I bothered to look past the surface here because what became incredibly apparent was that Oldboy 2013 was a movie that he was either not proud of or not interested in making perhaps this film was made with the Taika Waititi approach of one for them one for me they're paying me money to make this movie so I guess why not fuck it who knows maybe I'm wrong and Spike Lee just genuinely loved this script but when you compare the interviews he gives for something like black clansmen which is undeniably a passion project of his he just seems so eager and excited to talk about it he's got a lot to say and he clearly wants to share it with the world but then you look at the interviews he gave for Oldboy 2013 and it feels as though he's not even awake the way he talks about this movie feels as though he's being forced to talk about it I'm gonna read do a new film it's cause uh I'm not gonna say a remake of there's a reinterpretation of this classic korean film called old boy which is one of the finest films ever made yes it's true starring josh brolin sharlto copley from district 9 elizabeth Olsen and cendol Jackson of all the films I'm done you know for me is about telling a good story and there's many different stories you can tell old boys gonna be another one yes bike I can really tell how passionate you are about this project oh well now I want to make it absolutely clear that I don't believe every remake should be a carbon copy of the original there are many remakes out there that wound up improving the film from their own choices but it really bugs me when the changes being made are so consistently for the worse it always seems like a complete misunderstanding of the originals purpose it's one thing to make changes to a film but it's another to completely miss the point of what you're changing so let's just go through the film so I can thoroughly explain why each choice made for this movie just plain didn't work you reinterpret it old boy it obviously comes along a lot of fans the original one so what would you want to tell them off the vet you know maybe one sense to kind of put their minds it's about this version come with the open line alright so in case you hadn't guessed I'm gonna be spoiling the shit out of both of these movies so if you haven't seen the original 2003 South Korean old boy then check that out right now I would suggest watching it with subtitles instead of the dub right away from the very beginning of the film the differences between the two are staggering the original film opens up right into the action it's exciting the music is exhilarating and intense who the hell is this guy and why is he dangling this other guy with a dog over the edge of a fucking building to put it quite simply it grabs your fucking attention holy fuck that was a great transition I'm excited to learn about everything within an instant the film is shifted into a comedy showcasing a fat clumsy drunk fool what circumstances transformed this into this pretty intriguing if I do say so myself over the next few minutes were given so much useful information about the characters in the film and it's presented in a way where it doesn't feel like a huge exposition dump we learned that he has a daughter and that it's her birthday and from that we can infer that this isn't just some one time oops I got so drunk incident that landed him at the police station the fact that he's in this situation on his daughter's birthday implies that he's an alcoholic the fact that he got her a present shows that he obviously loves her but the situation in of itself shows that he's kind of an irresponsible asshole or even Tetro suspense haha it is all this all this oh hey what do you know even his name holds significance towards the sequence of events in the film it's also interesting to note that this film starts with the main character in captivity not only is it clever foreshadowing towards the captivity that he ultimately winds up in but seeing how he reacts to this taste of what's to come really emphasizes his struggle later in the film I also love how his sharing of personal information makes so much sense because he's shit-faced there's plenty of people that wind up over sharing when they're drunk so it makes tons of sense we're introduced to this character who picks him up from the police station and we can obviously infer that he's such a great friend in his life that he would do that the first thing he does once he's released his phone his daughter telling her that he has a present for her and insisting that she waits just a bit longer for him to get home his friend even insists on talking to his daughter on the phone to wish her a happy birthday the film doesn't even show all that much but it's incredibly clear how close their relationship is as his friend is on the phone our main character disappears into thin air and this sets up the sequence of events for the whole film so after five minutes of exhilarating entertaining and purposeful filmmaking we've made it to the opening credits where it's clear from these stylized choices here that time plays a very important role in the film now I'd say that was a pretty fucking great intro to a film don't you think let's see what Oldboy 2013 has in store for us so the movie starts out and it's straight into the opening title sequence it's stale and uninspired visually and the ominous music were treated to is indistinguishable from any other Hollywood schlock movie I can understand if you wanted to change the personality of the film but right away it's clear that this film has no personality why make art when you can just check items off a list of what is required to make it technically a movie as soon as the opening titles end we meet our main character Joe doucett Joe the most uninspired name of all time we learned that he's an advertising executive and also that he's an alcoholic but instead of showing it in any kind of fun or interesting way it kind of just slaps us over the head with it oh no he's getting drunk on his lunch break just look at that bottle alcohol oh no he's such an alcoholic oh no look how drunk he's acting towards his secretary he's such an asshole now the original movie wasn't exactly subtle in how they showed him being drunk the subtlety is found in how that information relates to the actual story from an audience members perspective this scene could very well be for the sake of entertainment only and although we do get essential information in the scene it in no way feels like an exposition dump in Oldboy 2013 the scene serves literally no other purpose than to dump that information okay item one on the checklist we got a show that he's an alcoholic let's show him pouring liquor into his soda cup it has changed from something you can learn about the character into something that the film is insisting about the character we then learned that it is October 8th 1993 312 p.m. and within less than a minute we get this conversation I do for you Donna do you know what day this is yes I do it's the 8th of October the year of our Lord 1993 which means that I'm late with my child support again that is not why I'm calling you and you know it you know usually when you break immersion and put a title on the screen the whole point is to deliver information to the audience that they otherwise wouldn't have gotten why would you put that there if you're just gonna say it anyway I mean him saying it out loud wasn't exactly subtle in the first place and unlike the original film you can't really just chalk this one up to him over sharing a bunch of personal information because he's drunk who exactly benefits from this title if you're just going to say it out loud less than a minute later why well I can't make it Donna because I have a big client dinner Donna okay listen listen to me she is three years old okay three years old okay so you think she cares whether I'm there or not okay so I guess in this reinterpretation he just doesn't even give a shit about his daughter at all not sure exactly how that benefits the experience of the film but okay man look at how fat and out of shape I am check out these man titties so if you haven't guessed what they're doing here they're really obviously trying to ham up the whole physical transformation thing you know cuz in the original old boy the characters of at clumsy oaf and then he trains a bunch and all of a sudden he can kick some serious ass the transformation this actor and character went through was actually quite impressive so obviously they're gonna try to do the same thing here and really oversell it Josh Brolin telling Terry old boy was his toughest role ever not just getting into that headspace but because of his extreme physical transformation just the weight you lost weight you put on that must have been so demanding on your body I was actually just dumping because we gained 28 pounds in 10 days because of salt intake which was not good I mean really not good I ate at it hurt and then we had to lose 22 pounds in two and a half days so he literally had to be that bloated literally hurt we were doing water weight so we were figuring out ways just to hold the water as much as possible so I was just like one big roly-poly bloat once again this is no longer something you can learn through experiencing the film it is instead something that the film is insisting that you pay attention to embarrassingly enough despite how insistent this film is about it you can barely fucking notice he looks the same 44 year ago trying to be 25 and stupid this is the equivalency of one of those shitty diet infomercials where the person is clearly extending their stomach in the before shot Wow look at how much weight I lost can't you tell aren't you impressed please clap so now he's at that big client dinner and it turns out rather successfully I should mention that the runtime of the film is now past what we've gone through for the original meaning this remake managed to take longer to show us less information in a less entertaining way oh hey look there's a creepy Asian lady staring at me from over there I wonder what that could be about oh hey have you forgotten about how much of an asshole our main character is let's tell you some more what do you say you know we get together this weekend ditch the old man Oh scotch paintball coke dirty movies on skinemax excuse me oh shit he's totally hitting on the partner of the person that he just did business with what a dick you're a dick you want to disrespect me no I know it's all right it's all right it's just a mess I'm a big boy big boy yeah I'm up sleepy boy I'm a big boy I can take it okay but you disrespect the woman I love well that's just plain stupid it's just a misunderstanding Daniel Newcombe use double for wolrd look at how drunk I am now so now he wanders into Chinatown and he finds some random lady selling some shit hey look it's a reference to the original movie to remind us how shitty this one is so he spends five dollars on a random piece of shit for his daughter's birthday which probably only happened because his ex-wife yelled at him then we meet this film's version of his friend and the way this film presents it it's as though he's just some random bar owner who only knows the main character because of how much of an alcoholic he is you promise I don't want to tell the dumb okay come back tomorrow uh-oh it's the spooky Asian lady from before oh no not sure how it benefits the viewers experience to just show who's under the umbrella like that Thanks so now I guess his friend changes his mind or just wants to go check up on him and oh the film's music is very heavily insisting that this is serious but this is just too goddamn ridiculous and yep we're over ten minutes through the film now meaning that this is essentially double the amount of time that the original took to get to this point and we got so much less from the experience great reinterpretation guys all right let's get back to the original movie as soon as the opening credits end we are treated to yet another incredibly powerful scene I said I really loved the choice to open up this sequence with this shot not only do we see a powerhouse of emotions from our main actor but the information we're given as audience members is so limited which helps us empathize with the panic and fear of the main character it's clear that he doesn't know why he was kidnapped and imprisoned in this room he doesn't know where he is and we don't even know what the room looks like all we see is a raw display of ranging emotion desperation fear anger it's just such an intelligent way to open up a scene and it really shows the thought and care put into how information is revealed in this film just how long and how desperately was this character waiting for this door to open the two months that he's already been imprisoned is clearly driving him to act desperately on top of that it just feels so incredibly real the way that chairman Scheck is trying to force his body through the opening the way that this faceless actor is kicking him back inside this is one of those movies where it's clear that everyone on set is giving it their all we then see the interior of the room where he is now wailing on the door and then we get some voice-over narration to accompany the scene there's plenty of movies out there where voice-over narration feels cheesy or unnecessary but it really helps the film here especially considering the main character has essentially lost his mind at this point either way getting our information this way is a hell of a lot less cheesy than if he were just talking to himself out loud plus the narration serves more towards developing the character than it does just explaining things to the audience tungsten each television glitch soon as you get up top people kill him he'll sing Guido a when we learned that his wife has been murdered there is no voice-over narration because it's something that we can already figure out from what we're seeing our main character is driven to the point of insanity he starts hallucinating ants crawling all over his body the emotional toll that this experience is inflicting upon this character is just so perfectly communicated he even tries killing himself but they won't even let him have that after three years we see from his performance how difficult it is for him to stomach eating the same food he's been given every day eventually he starts writing a prison journal and tries to figure out exactly which person he's wronged in his life would do this to him one day he realizes he gets an extra chopstick with his meal by this point our character is so focused on revenge that he dedicates his time to physical training at six years in he starts to tattoo one line in his hand for every year he's been imprisoned as the years past we can see the scars grow on his knuckles from punching the wall as he makes progress with his escape plan we see television clips showcasing major events that have taken place while he's in captivity which is a clever way of showing passage of time considering he is experiencing all of these events through his television set alone after 15 years he gets his first taste of the outside world and he predicts that he'll be out within a month's time but this time when he has knocked out from the sleeping gas a woman comes in the room to hypnotize him casino guerrillas are our area narrative emitter currents Antigua could have secret Intel perimeter tell inhabit which room what a great scene transition anyway now it appears as though he's out of that room so let's see what old boy 2013 did with this whole scene rather than showing us a powerful scene two months into the main character's captivity we are instead shown Joe doucett waking up in the room for the first time at first he thinks this is just a regular motel room that he probably had a one-night stand in he peeks behind the curtain of the running shower but Oh spooky no one's there he then starts talking out loud to himself saying things like where the fuck is the phone eventually he realizes that this is no regular motel room and that he cannot escape and now they decide to recreate the shot that the original film started the scene with yep that's it no desperation no range of emotions you barely even fucking tries what Josh does is a tour de force yes a place in lose luck wait a long time there's an intensity that he's bringing to this part that is just wonderful ah the thing is what kind of research do you do because you see him in every aspect of every type of behavior angry rage sad lonely alone that's what spike does he creates an ambience where anything goes he sits down to eat his food and immediately spits it out because apparently it's just really disgusting it's like they missed the point of the main character growing to hate the food because it's the same thing every day it doesn't even seem like any time has passed at all and already Joe doucett just hates it I guess he just doesn't like Chinese food shortly after we see that he's actually given quite the variety of foods anything to do please please please can I have something else to eat jesus H Christ God love you give me something other than this crap why are you saying this when they're giving you many things other than dumplings you got frosted flakes you got cup of noodles you got a burrito even the dumplings come with a healthy portion of rice if you're not gonna include the fact that the main character was given nothing but dumplings to eat then what's the point of showing him being sick of dumplings at all it's like they completely missed the whole point like great he's a picky eater I guess how exactly does that add anything to the movie we didn't get a recreation of the masturbation scene from the original in the 2003 film several years have passed and the main characters only companion is the television he is so desperate for human affection that he resorts to masturbating to women on television who aren't even really doing anything all that sexual this is a scene to emphasize the desperation of the character and once again this remake completely misses the fucking point not only is what Joe doucett masturbates to essentially just almost porn in the first place but there's zero semblance of any kind of desperation in him doing this keep going rather than seeing the toll that isolation has played on the character instead all we can see is that he's a creepy pervert the main character of the original was clearly not fucking proud of himself for doing this but Joe doucett is just so into it and enjoying himself that it feels as though this is probably the same routine he has at home why are you showing it if the whole point of showing it isn't there why so Joe gets knocked out from the sleepytime gasps and then we see people collecting his hair and blood and fingerprints the first film left some room for interpretation as to what they were doing and you eventually learn what they were doing through information presented later but once again old boy 2013 removes any sense of thought or subtlety from the viewers experience if it wasn't already obvious enough that they're getting his fingerprints on a crowbar the bags and containers that they are using to collect all of this are labeled evidence just in case you didn't get it so now he learns that his wife got murdered on television in the original film the news coverage states that the main character had been missing a year before that point but in this movie they fail to communicate any kind of passage of time at all it's so poorly presented that who knows maybe it's been a year maybe it's been a week who was inside the apartment at the time of the killing to quote forensic investigators the evidence beautiful I'm sorry how do you have all of this information as the daughter is being carried out of the building that's got to be the quickest investigation of all time so now instead of hallucinating aunts Joe doucett just hallucinates a creepy man and since there's no communication towards passage of time in this film we don't really know why he's hallucinating based on how its presented it's most likely that he was just really drunk spiked his his own ideas of okay let's turn this music on and put an 11-minute mag on and you just go and if you're naked great and if you know maybe we'll put a mouse in the room and then deal with him and you know what I mean there is an absolute failure to communicate the struggle of this character and it's incredibly frustrating eventually they do attempt to communicate the main characters isolation and loneliness and it comes off as incredibly comical Joe doucett gets so lonely that he uses his own blood to paint himself a Wilson style dakimakura wow what a weed we didn't get a sequence where he makes friends with a rat that he finds in his bathroom the rat has babies and then the rat disappears and he's very sad about it shortly after we see him excited to partake in his next meal and it uh oh oh no they killed the rat babies and the rat once again it's incredibly difficult to care about any of this because who knows maybe it all happened in one day his facial hair doesn't change throughout any of these shots if you really wanted us to feel the loss of his only friend there's actually a really easy way you could have done that better instead of showing all of the rat shots at once why didn't you just stagger them throughout the whole sequence you know then you could have better Illustrated just how much of a role this companion played in his life but nobody meets the rat and then it sted really quickly after rest in pepperoni is my dear friend the the makeshift motel was extremely challenging just because it was exposing physically and emotionally and that was kind of not new but just to that extent was I think was new and then spike would you know put an 11-minute mag in and just you know play a certain song over the Blood speaker and then just let me go which is really unnerving because you know you have a crew sitting there going and this is so dumb so now Joe doucett tries to cut himself and it looks really fake and stupid he wakes up with a haircut and bandage and then he notices that there's a camera watching him the implication that the film is making is that he only started to clue into this because he woke up bandaged after his suicide attempt if they know whenever I try to kill myself then they must be watching me right it makes sense but it also means that he didn't know there was a camera there when he was jerking off why'd you cover your dick with a pillow is this what you normally do at home I guess it was just for the audience of this film hilarious oh great thanks for showing us who's watching the camera it really helps the experience of the film when you strip away elements of mystery we then see him watching a show called mysteries of crime and they are essentially doing a follow-up on the people affected by the murder he is being framed for not sure how this is exactly a mystery of crime when the case was closed within two seconds of it occurring we learned that his daughter was adopted by some very lovely people and they put her into cello lessons and he is so moved by watching his daughter play the cello that he decides to stop drinking and be a better person this is a movie for American audiences we can't have him motivated by revenge let's have him motivated by just how much he loves his daughter he loves his family so much and that's what American audiences whine how do you think this one differs from the one that was created in 2003 and it's we keep the same plot points into it to a degree but the whole movie is it's made from an American point of view and a point of view of 2013 we didn't get a similar but less effective montage of him making progress with his escape and instead of ending it where he still has another month to go before he'll be free he actually gets to the point where he can escape he goes back to the room to grab his pillowcase and the letters he's been writing to his daughter over the years and just as he's about to leave for good he gets distracted by the television his daughters on TV again and it's very important that he sees her cuz he loves her so much she's all grown up and she's playing the cello so well I love my daughter so much oh hey is a sleeping guest maybe I should get going nah wouldn't want to catch this program at a later time or anything let me inhale a bunch of his sleeping gas first and then maybe try to crawl oh oh it's too late and now with no hypnotism seen at all he wakes up outside in a rather spacious looking chest yay we did it we caught up to the other film but here's the real kicker we are now half an hour through this hour and 40 minute long pile of garbage meaning this entire boring captivity scene was 20 minutes long whereas the original film communicated everything and so much more in just over 11 minutes you spent twice as long trying to communicate this man struggle in captivity and you fucked up so bad that we barely feel it at all how embarrassing I think it was really smart that the writer Mark Protosevich he decided to to make it longer less longer you know there are the scenes in when he's in jail and it was really interesting you know to explore of you know all the the moments when he's alone and he's like confronted to himself and he's becoming almost crazy crazy but a better person alright before we get back to the original movie I'd like to talk about how shitty this poster is seriously what are we even supposed to interpret from this he doesn't look like you woke up scared not knowing where he is why does this film feel the need to constantly insist on how cool he is also this looks less like a movie poster and more like a YouTube thumbnail for one of those mailing myself in a box challenges it just looks pretty awful in general but there was actually a point where the poster didn't look quite nearly as bad I mean check this one out right here not only can you clearly tell that this character is escaping here but the font choice implies a level of chaos and confusion which not only fits what the film should be going for but it's admittedly intriguing this poster was designed by Juan Luis Garcia a man who was approached by an ad agency representing the film to create several posters he was told that they could only pay small amounts for creating the posters but that if the studio and Spike Lee liked them enough then he would be fairly compensated through the licensing buyout fee now with Juan being a working artist he obviously saw some red flags but he was so excited at the prospect of having his own work representing Spike Lee's film that he was a bit blinded by this from this point he claims he was taken advantage of lied to manipulated and harassed over the two-month period that he designed the posters eventually the ad agency contacted him back and said that spike loved a couple of the posters but unfortunately the licensing buyout fee he was promised was insulting lilo he had spent an entire two months creating these posters in the amount that they had offered him was the same that he makes in a day as a photo assistant insultingly enough they insisted that money wasn't important and it was the exposure that counts once he refused they told him that he was a despicable human who would never find work again and threatened to sue him and on top of all that they never even paid him the small amount that he was promised for creating the posters months later he decided to publish his posters online as it's something that the agency told him he could do for the exposure anyway but despite that he was met with several more threats and harassment and eventually these posters were published on Spike Lee's personal and production company's Facebook pages and it looks like somebody decided to edit in little copyright disclosed at the bottom of these posters copyright 2013 40 acres and a mule Filmworks copyright 2013 Spike Lee poof after this point one published a letter to Spike Lee detailing the entire experience and quite understandably this caused a lot of people to become furious - which Spike Lee responded on his Twitter I never heard of this guy Quan Luis Garcia if he has a beef it's not with me I did not hire him do not know him cheap trick writing me yo very professional gotta love how he channeled his inner Jaden Smith and capitalized every single fuckin word anyway despite how much they obviously loved the posters he created instead of paying him they decided to go the noble route and just rip one of them off and that is the story of how we got this shitty poster totally worth it so to give a quick summary of what the original film does from here the main character wakes up it turns out that he is not in an endless field of grass and that he's actually on a roof somewhere he finds a depressed man who's about to commit suicide and we get kind of a bizarre scene now although this may seem a bit comical it actually says a lot about the character this is the first human being that he's interacted with in 15 years now he has been absolutely starved from human interaction for so long and at this point it seems as though he's trying to make sure he's not dreaming it is these words that are the first studies heard from another human being in 15 years aside from the television and he is so thankful to hear someone else talked to him that he repeats these words himself the man falls backwards but our main character grabs him the film doesn't show him tell his story because we already saw that so the man's like wow that's crazy now let me tell you why I want to kill myself and our main character just leaves it's awesome as he's leaving the guy actually kills himself he finds a bunch of guys hanging out and grabs a cigarette from one of their mouths and since it's his first cigarette in 15 years he gets quite the head rush they kick him over and then he decides he's going to put his 15 years worth of imaginary training to the test and it actually works out later outside a man comes up to him and gives him a wallet and phone - wobbu single cochem oh no no he looks inside and there's a bunch of money so he goes to a restaurant and says that he wants to eat a living thing he mentions that he recognizes the chef and says that he saw her on a television cooking program then his cell phone rings and the ringtone is the exact same song that played every time the sleeping gas filled the room the man on the phone starts emotionally toying with him as though this is some sort of game [Music] I the conversation ends and then he eats a live octopus which is pretty intense and it's important to note that this is not just unnecessary shock value the context of this character and how focused on revenge he is he needed to eat something alive because his soul longs to kill while he's eating the woman touches his hand and he passes out and that's the end of the scene at this point were a little over 28 minutes into the film so let's pick up back where we left off half an hour into the remake now there's actually a lot that they decided to get rid of here and again it's fine if you want to make changes like that if you have better ideas for your reinterpretation but the changes they make are ones that I fail to see as improvements we don't experience the character showing any emotion over seeing someone for the first time and so long there's no significance towards the first words that he hears from another human being now I got a much better idea to express how he's been affected by his captivity mmm dirt Hey look at this it's a picture of my daughter with a countdown timer thank you for reminding us all that he is motivated by his daughter and nothing else so he looks around and sees the creepy lady with the umbrella watching him and decides he's gonna chase her and what's a good chase scene without some awesome music to accompany it fucking white knight over here time to beat him up now I know that both films show these guys being super Pro martial arts fighters as soon as they get out of captivity but I feel like it's a lot less believable in this film Taekwondo literally originated from Korea it's not unreasonable to assume that the main character was at least exposed to it at some point in his life before captivity not only that but the martial arts training he gives himself is so much more present in the original in the remake he punches the wall a couple times but most of the training we see him do is him just working out it's a little more difficult to believe that Joe doucett became a pro fighter from watching yoga also what even was this scene really these five football guys were just hanging out drinking while their girlfriends were like 20 feet away I have to assume they came there together because they're drinking the same beer what's up with all the gender segregation also why was this lady there to fuck with him at all if these random football guys weren't there then he would have caught up to you what would have happened then was this a part of your plan perhaps she just didn't think this one through so he gets back to chasing her as she casually walks away if he finds the umbrella but oh no it's not her so now we're introduced to the female lead who instead of being a chef she is a nurse that helps out at a mobile clinic in the back of a van he decides to leave and she offers him her card later Joe winds up at his friend's bar and knocks on the door he lets him in and Joe decides to tell him his story something I forgot to mention is that in this film he's captive for 20 years instead of 15 it's like they're trying to compensate for how in effectively they show the character change by just insisting more neither him nor his friend looked like they've aged 20 years but whatever I guess I'm beloved 20 years 20 years xx the same room guy would have gone crazy somebody sent me also in the original film he winds up meeting his friend much later but as I said before the difference in how they show their relationship is night and day here you have a dedicated lifelong friend who would pick you up from the police station and here you have the owner of some bar who the main character keeps trying to get alcohol from what's the point in showing their friendship when you can just insist it instead anyway he gets a phone call from a blocked number with a hilarious image on the screen and of course he sounds like the cheesiest Hollywood villain ever responsible one of the things that spike suggested early on was he wanted to make Edwin British once again this entire scene is just a watered down version of the original remember all that raw motion will fuck that shit why would you waste your efforts on that when you can just add in some really cheesy music leah has nothing to do with us thank you for reminding me once more that I have a daughter I better do all this shit because I care about my daughter so much the call ends and the friend tries to check the number but it's blocked so now Joe do sets like please my bestest friend I need your help so they Google a bunch of names of people that Joe doucett feels he's maybe wronged in his life once again accompanied by some great music never-say-die senior citizen club that's him hmm why is he honest because he's my boss the next day his friend goes to check on him upstairs and he's passed out he calls 911 notices the information for Elizabeth Olsen's character and hangs up and decides to call her instead so she shows up and gives him some medical attention and then his friend leaves to open the bar and then she starts snooping through his shit love you yeah please give me that check the world can be a cold ugly place and people can be cruel and deceitful but never let that change who you are eventually he wakes up and he gets really pissed off she apologizes and says that she didn't call the police because she believes him don't you knew too much reading my letters what if I felt like I needed to kill you right now [Music] she buys his shit immediately without question I don't know if you're nursing homeless people every day then you've probably seen a few schizophrenic s'right these letters can't possibly be the delusions of a crazy man who is now threatening me I guess I'm just gonna help him on his journey so now they wind up at a retirement home because one of the persons of interest is there I'm not sure if it was trying to imply that his friend sent him this text or the bad guy because if it's the bad guy then he's no longer using a blocked number and maybe you should get your friend to look into that and if it's your friend then why is he badgering you with this in all caps while you're supposed to be resting isn't he just downstairs doing bar service right now whatever now they're at a retirement home because this is where his old boss is right now oh no he's a crazy man now sorry boss how do you know that's not him he seems happy one who called me doesn't know what happy means yeah he looked really happy couldn't you also just tell from his voice did you really think that your old boss turned into an evil British villain character yeah it sounded like it could be him but once I saw how happy he was I rolled that out so now he decides he needs to look for a restaurant named dragon something essentially he's trying to track down where all of the dumplings came from why is your phone scrolling when you're not touching the screen so he goes to a bunch of different restaurants to try the dumplings to see if he recognizes them from his captivity thing eventually he tastes one that seems familiar he hangs out at the restaurant and notices an unusually large order and a big burly man in a suit with a cigar in his mouth comes by to pick them up as he leaves Joe doucett goes through the back of the restaurant and grabs a hammer from an Asian lady who was just hammering a sign into concrete he steals the delivery guys bicycle and then chases after the vehicle and within a short amount of time he has successfully followed them to their destination and he just sneaks right in unnoticed somehow now as you probably already know the first movie had a dumpling scene as well he chases down the oblivious delivery driver a long distance and when he gets there he's horrendously out of breath he follows him up the elevator and that's how he gets inside when Joe doucett chases the vehicle it doesn't feel like he's exerted himself in any way whatsoever good thing the building was only a couple blocks away I guess Joe doucett uses his secret ninja skill to sneak around and take out both of the guys instantly so now it's probably a good point to get back to the original movie for a bit by this point in the film they've spent time developing the relationship of the main character and the female lead it is often bizarre and I can understand why they wouldn't want to replicate all of that for American audiences but either way something was actually developed here whereas the chemistry between these two is non-existent we get a scene where she's chatting online with a friend and he reveals himself to be the bad guy she claims she has no idea who this person is and they just talk about sushi sometimes but this causes him to distrust her anyway he makes it up to the secret location and this starts off some of the most satisfying scenes ever put on film so for some reason you ignored my advice earlier and still haven't seen this movie yet then you should probably just get on that right fucking now so you can experience it firsthand seriously just watch it and come back it's great the first guy that he interacts with is one that he sneaks up on and the presentation is just so enjoyable and creative there's so much personality in this movie and it really adds to the experience then we see this man who is taking a business call on the phone our main character breaks in and we're treated to some excellent usage of classical music no vocal come in nice see the reason he calls him a dick shit is because that's what he was called by the young guys that he beat up [Music] Jenica this movie is just filled with purposeful reincorporation and every ounce of purpose that we see in this story is stripped away in the remake our main character then says he's going to avenge himself by extracting one tooth for each year he was imprisoned the combination of music and emotion and practical effects make this scene just fantastic after extracting his teeth the main character ironically allows him to talk he says he never saw the man's face who ordered for him to be imprisoned but tells him he made recordings of their conversations as he's leaving there's a bunch of thugs waiting for him he hands his hostage over so he can get medical attention and then we see one of the coolest fight scenes ever this fight lasts nearly three minutes and it's all done in one shot it's incredibly well choreographed and realistic the set that they built to get this angle works very well there are so many movies where a group of thugs are taking on one guy and you just have to wonder why they're all attacking him one at a time but we were already shown the limited space of this hallway so it makes sense because there's only two directions that they can really attack him from what helps make this fight realistic is that there's an intentional clumsiness to it characters will often swing and miss their target slip and stumble once he's defeated a decent amount of them you see the fear being displayed in the remaining characters it's just such an intelligent well crafted and well choreographed scene and this is what you get when the people working on the film care about it this is what you get when you have a great director at the Helms of a project the main character doesn't walk away like nothing scratched him he forces himself to crawl backwards with a knife in his back it is one of the most iconic fight scenes ever at this point and for good reason he leaves reflecting on how much of a vengeance filled monster he's become and he questions whether or not he'll ever be able to return to his old self eventually he falls over injured and exhausted a man helps him into a cab and as he's about to leave this happens tyro they saw alright that was all pretty great let's see what Oldboy 2013 did with this scene first he shows up and cancels mr. robot [Music] there's nothing purposeful creative or interesting about this it's just a dumb Gore kill he breaks into the office of samuel l.jackson and then we get a reinterpretation of the torture scene remember that beautiful classical music that perfectly juxtaposed the visuals in the original nah instead we're gonna have a score that does nothing but insist on how cool the scene is been thinking about it for the last 20 years look this is just so lame apparently it's really really really cool that Joe doucett is slicing off a bunch of tiny chunks on this guy's throat you know what I thought was cool though how the main character in the original tortured this man in a way where even if he wanted to talk and give answers he couldn't which really emphasizes how focused on revenge he is samuel l.jackson could give them information at any point but just decides not to having a big scar on your throat is a lot easier to live with than missing 15 teeth so why not I guess at one point Joe doucett shoves a big ball of yarn in his mouth so he can't speak but then he just removes it like two seconds later what was the point of that was it one of those things where you thought oh the original movie did something like this so let's do it too but let's also forget to have any point to it this time also maybe the ball of yarn should have been a bit smaller so you could actually shove it in his mouth he's clearly biting onto it and could spit it out at any point in time what the fuck is this oh no Joe doucett managed to get a hold of some table salt you wouldn't want that in a fresh wound that would really sting wow what a cool way of torturing someone this is so cool right now no no no no one of the reasons why the torture scene in the original was just so incredibly effective is because we can all relate to the pain of having a tooth pulled most of us have experienced some sort of pain in our teeth and it hurts and as the film itself states it's the anticipation of pain that causes this feeling it's incredibly easy to imagine how painful this experience would be whereas with the remake there's really nothing to relate to here I don't think many people watching this film have gotten little chunks of their throat cut out the fact that we're unable to relate to any anticipation of pain here makes this so much less effective also you're kind of just doing him a favor by killing the bacteria and disinfecting the wound for him but it's really cool guys seriously is it gonna be no I think I think there's no point in redoing that movie if you're gonna do less than yeah so so Joe doucett finds his tape and decides to play it right there in the original film he brings the tape to the female leads home and listens to it later [Music] now that doesn't really reveal all the information he's looking for but it's some kind of a clue to keep the audience intrigued but by the end of the tape listening in the remake we learn literally nothing and of course they're not going to show Sam Jackson reacting in any way to the ridiculous amount of time he's being asked to imprison Joe doucett how long will we have the pleasure of entertaining this mr. doose it suggests yeah no that would contradict how badass and cool his character is Samuel Jackson's haircut you know he has him he has the do whole time you know whose idea was that mine because I know that you cast Sam when the first thing is you gonna say houses hair gonna house here it looks like this Sam you have a worn Mohawk exactly no is it let's go for it you say okay so eventually someone discovers the dead bodies and tries to get in the office maybe you should have listened to that tape somewhere else you hold Sam Jackson hostage and then he makes his way towards the stairs easy Joe I'm sorry what didn't they all chase you in the exact same direction you went I get that these are a bunch of new guys but where did the old guys go weren't they chasing you it's just such a sloppy scene transition that obviously wasn't very well thought out at all as soon as he gets here it's abundantly clear that this is a completely different day of shooting obviously that was never a thing in the original movie and it was all pretty fucking seamless but in this movie it might as well just be a week later in a different building or something my expectations for this fight scene were that they wouldn't even try to do it in one shot but they actually did so that's something I guess but it's still just so sloppy and embarrassing throughout the sequence we get more shitty cool music and distractingly cheesy sound effects it all feels fake as shit and at no point do we ever feel the tight cluster phobia that we did with the space in the original if this hallway wasn't wide enough already he moves to an area that's even more spacious I think you missed him so I don't know where that sound came from maybe he swung so hard that the air hit him as with the first movie the fight dies down for some moments but instead of seeing thugs that are astonished by the main characters fighting abilities it just feels like we're watching a bunch of dopey looking extras who have no idea what they're supposed to be doing don't know have you an extra few years older than you Jenna none of this feels real whenever Joe doucett gets hit by one of them it just feels like he's annoyed and of course by the end of the fight he looks just fine there was never any kind of struggle for this character to defeat all of these goons he's a perfect superhero who's just really good at beating everybody up as soon as the fights over we are treated to something both confusing and hilarious what the fuck I have to assume that the fight scene continued with him encountering more thugs but it was just so sloppy and embarrassing that they cut it out this is not the same place where you just were perhaps they did show a bit of a struggle with these last guys that we'll never get to see as it's presented it feels as though he'd be just fine if it weren't for that surprise knife attack punchline after doing some more research I discovered that this film actually was cut down quite a bit and as expected there is an extended fight scene on the blu-ray that shows the missing footage there was almost a minute and a half cut from this scene altogether and there are some moments in this cut footage that show the character going through a bit more of a struggle but not only does it still portray him as more or less of an invincible superhero but it's still all cheesy as shit apparently there's people out there that think that Spike Lee's extended director's cut would have saved the movie I guess we'll never really know considering the original cut of the film was three hours long but personally it just feels like it would be adding bullshit - bullshit I don't really see how experiencing more bad is supposed to save this movie going through the rest of the deleted scenes I found something else that was kind of interesting apparently they completely reshot the scene where Sam Jackson is receiving the call from the bad guy maybe they thought his hair looked a little too ridiculous oddly enough in this version he actually does react to the whole 20-years thing the whole oh we have the pleasure of entertaining mr. Doucet as that guest 20 years I'm sorry not sure you did so I guess in some aspects there was a potentially kind of better film before they cut it down still this movie is pretty fucking broken at its core which I'm sure you can tell by this point in the video anyway the problems with this movie definitely do not end at editing choices and missing information although it is interesting to think about what a director's cut of this film would actually be like anyway Joe doucett makes his way down the stairs with a knife in his back and we are treated to yet another unintentionally hilarious scene transition [Music] now the first film actually did something pretty similar to this and although it is a little bit cheesy and comical it's nowhere near as embarrassing I mean first of all the guys were already in the elevator before the cuts where the fuck was the elevator here and how far away was it it's kind of ridiculous as he goes outside he stumbles over immediately and the villain makes himself incredibly obvious from the moment he speaks he drops him off at his friend's bar and that's the end of the scene now that was great filmmaking so at this point in the original film he listens to the tapes and then he heads to his friends internet cafe and they meet for the first time in 15 years what's interesting about their relationship is that they're presented in a yin and yang kind of way the main character used to be a fat slob at the beginning of the film and now it seems as though his friend has turned into one either way the 15 years worth of change is much more noticeable and present in this film he plays the tape for his friend and asks if he recognizes the voice with no leads they search through the messaging application that was used earlier in the film to find the person that Mito was talking to and immediately the villain just starts fucking with him with more cryptic riddles zuru was an Auckland New Zealand it's a super-fun dahhh no dahhh he then returns to me tows home and ties her up [Music] once again we are shown the incredible emotional toll that captivity has placed on him at this point he doesn't trust anyone and he believes he's found good reason to distrust meto he starts questioning her and he gets a phone call from his friend saying that he tracked down the information of the user that he was talking to he shows up at the address and the villain is waiting for him the villain then tells him if he can figure out who he is and why he imprisoned him within five days then he'll kill himself instead of Mito the main character then prepares to torture information out of him but the villain reveals that he has a weak heart with a pacemaker that he paid the doctors very well to install with a remote control to be able to shut off the motor at any time basically he has a button that he can push to kill himself at any moment go to column songs you gotta watch keyboard worship and a cruiser naked on you dreamer Gekko come on Aras on its commanded scope window Croce jaw Suhana yeah you yeah it is a fascinating dilemma to include in the film and it's easy to see why this character is now struggling with this the villain then says that seeking revenge is the best cure for someone who has been hurt and that he should try it books got high dose with um what took God amah smoke as the villain leaves he tells the main character that he left the door open to me toes place he rushes back there and finds a bunch of goons waiting for him and the man whose teeth he removed earlier is eager to get revenge he took whatever thing I really love that they reincorporate the same classical music that was used in the original scene it really helps make the experience very intense and fun to watch before he's able to pull any teeth he gets a phone call from the villain they opened the door and are presented with a suitcase full of money and it's implied that the villain is paying them to leave the main character alone before he leaves he hits the main character with a bat and as he's leaving the main character insists that they fight buddy though not only does this show that he obviously cares for her but knowing that the villain set out to hurt her as making him start to trust her again at this point mito quits her job and they leave in a rental car despite their very bizarre issues these characters are now falling in love and eventually we see them making passionate love to each other as they're sleeping we see gas start to seep in from under the door and when they wake up they discover that someone has placed a mysterious box in the room inside the box is a severed hand with the same ring that we saw in this character and at this point they figured that they must be bugged with some sort of listening device because the villain clearly knew that he threatened to chop off that guy's hand they go to a local business to get the bug removed and then back at the internet cafe they start doing more searches for the villains username and this leads them to the website for the evergreen old boys which is associated with a school that the main character once attended alright let's get back to the remake and see how they handled all this information so Joe doucett gets some medical attention from the nurse and the guy that we saw working with her at the mobile clinic later the bar is about to close and he gets a call on his cell phone I guess this really is the villains phone number he decides to call the number back this time in uh-oh it's coming from inside the bar yes apparently every single patron in there was one of his goons the whole time so yeah basically they just decided to skip over the whole character experiencing trust issues because of his captivity thing the villain presents the same challenge of finding out who he is and why he did this except this time the reward includes 20 million dollars worth of diamonds for some reason and if he fails he's gonna kill his daughter oh no not my daughter she's my entire motivation as a character also there's no real dilemma between truth and revenge anymore the only reason he's not trying to kill the guy is because someone else will shoot him man that is so much more interesting they then show him a live broadcast of Murray being abused that's some pretty perfect video quality for a 2013 iPad livestream he takes a taxi over to her residence but oh no they're waiting for him when Sam Jackson gets the phone call from the boss he basically just decides to repeat everything he's saying out loud well indeed it was you who gave me this address and I appreciate that but no no there's nothing you can give me that will stop me go to the door and yeah pretty much the same thing happens - any real tension or emotion the main character never tries to fight them or anything there's no threat to cut off his hand overall it's a pretty soulless reinterpretation as they're leaving he gets another phone call from the villain who I guess just immediately decides to hang up every time he calls the same music plays yeah that's how ringtones work did you expect a different song to play every time he called at this point Murray decides to Shazam the ringtone and they find out that the song is from Evergreen Academy so yeah this is the whole reason why he mentioned the ringtone I fail to understand why they didn't do what the original film did and have the song play every time the gas was released at least then it would be something worth him pointing out like hey every time he calls it plays the same song from when I was in captivity not every time he calls is the same song plays isn't that weird so now this film tries to show them falling in love and it's just so fucking awkward there is ZERO fucking chemistry between these characters and it's really awful to watch here so they tracked down the headmistress of the Academy and get Mia to ask her some questions meanwhile Joe doucett sneaks around like a ninja in the background we don't really learn anything at all from the headmistress but Joe doucett finds an old yearbook and is like oh that face looks familiar I guess overall this is a really boring and pointless scene with the only entertaining aspect being this woman's acting you said you believe Joe is innocent why don't you tell me who you are anyway they find a motel and send the picture to Chucky to see if he recognizes him he apparently has no idea and then says let me see what I can find out and I'll call you back and then we get a really awkward sex scene with two characters that apparently like each other also apparently the villain had installed a high quality camera right above their bed at some point without them noticing pretty great live-streaming quality for 2013 alright I guess we've caught up to the original movie so let's get back to that for a bit so they go to the evergreen old boys academy and convince the janitor to let them look at the yearbook for the class of 79 he finds the photo of Lee Woojin and calls his friend to ask some questions he notices that Lee Woojin sister was in the same year as them and also died his friend explains that she went to the dam and fell into the water and that this all happened after the main character had left the school he asks his friend what she was like and he responds by saying she was a total slut as he goes on to describe all of these rumors about her in detail we see that Lee Woojin is actually right there listening in clearly this conversation has an emotional effect on him so he pops a CD out of the drive and breaks it he then walks over and starts stabbing him to death with the broken CDs due to the pseudo sue it was raw we are we here the main character yelling over the phone and as he's driving back we see that he is in a fit of rage we see the villain in his penthouse and there is clearly an emotional toll taken on him as well the main character then visits the dentist's office that he was recommended to by this guy before he was about to destroy his teeth and from that he's able to get the man's phone number so to get you on [Music] when install soaking in Poteau so at this point in the film we learned that the main character arranged this to imprison meto their weather just a fight or not he believes he's doing this for her own safety and tells them to release her if he's not back after July 5th in his mind this is a place that is guarded where she can't be hurt and since he's a fugitive and can't turn to the authorities he believes that this is his best option later the main character learns that he had more to do with those rumors than he had initially thought she's in Detroit at the condo do you got your condo yoga we are then treated to a flashback sequence where the main character starts to remember the events that took place this entire sequence is shown with a changed color palette and we essentially see the current version of our main character following around the younger version of himself the way the sequence was shot they were never shown in the frame at the same time it's a clever and effective way of showing him retrace his steps eventually he remembers looking through a broken window at the school inside an empty classroom Lee Woojin is playing with his sister over the course of the scene it turns into something sexual and once they notice him watching he leaves as he's packing to leave for Seoul he mentions what he saw to his friend young once one day and apparently he blabbed to the whole school now at this point there's still more to reveal within the story but the main characters feel as though they have the truth Mido suggests they run away where they can never be found but our main character is not yet satisfied alright that was all pretty great let's see what old boy 2013 did at this point Chucky uses the information received from Joe doucett to do a google search because apparently the main characters didn't realize they could do that on their phones he tries calling them but they're busy fucking I guess so he leaves a message and at this point we realized that the villain is listening in remember so the villain decides to pay Chucky a visit and who boy is this ever comical who called her the whole you know in Sharlto went for it and you know he did something very extreme which I think was amazing you know it's walking the razor the razor's edge oh now it's nighttime and the main characters are breaking into the school to find some info they find the info on the villains sister and then we get an incredibly embarrassing recreation of that flashback sequence in this version we see young Joe doucett being an asshole and stealing some girl's panties sexy very sexy [Applause] you this girl where's perfectly normal panties what a fucking freak am i right now once again this film completely misses the point of how the original was presented rather than showing the main character retracing the steps of his younger self to try and remember what happened instead these two are kind of just awkwardly hanging out in a scene where they don't belong both versions of the main character show up in frame at the same time the old version leaves the room and the young version just stays there it just feels really awkward and distracting once again this film doesn't understand what made the original work it just sloppily recreates the gist of it in the hopes that it does what is even happening here in the present anyway does Murray see all of this shit happening - or is she just really bored anyway the young Joe doucett goes to his stash by the greenhouse and hears a noise worth investigating you'd think that if they were openly drinking alcohol inside the school that he wouldn't have to stash any outside but whatever I guess oh no those two people are fucking and now I can see both of their faces high so that is what the main character saw and apparently Murray has just been staring at nothing this whole time they then go look through a microfiche slide and discover that there was a double murder-suicide and soon man in the greenhouse that night it was her father so you're a professor at the school who decided to fuck your daughter why did it need to be at the school why didn't you find a room with a locking door or perhaps a room that's not made out of fucking windows in the original film it's pretty fucking harsh that he got locked up 15 years for talking about an intimate moment that he intruded on but in this film I don't see any justification whatsoever why would you be fucking your daughter on the school property outside in a greenhouse unless you wanted people to see it were you thinking you had some kind of expectation of privacy or something this is your fault oh no somebody found out about our relationship how could this have happened anyway they leave the building and he calls Chuckie but there's no answer and there's a mysterious box right there so he opens it and oh I know that tongue anyway remember the mental breakdown that the main character in the original film experienced when he lost his best friend well apparently Joe doucett doesn't give a shit all he does is shake his head a little and try to calm down Murray if this is how the main character is reacting to this I'm not really sure how we're supposed to feel as though Chucky's death mattered at all yeah whatever I'll find a new bartender come on she she keeps drawing me on there was it back at the motel Murray tries to convince him not to go pursue the main villain guy he kills me you're gonna see your daughter okay if you kill him you're still not going to see your daughter I just don't go yep that's it nothing about how vengeance has become a part of him or anything he just feels like it gotta love romance between two people who clearly don't love each other hey do you remember that this guy has a daughter look at her there she is anyway the villain changes the screen so that he gets coordinates to where he is right now and now would be a great time to get back to the original film the main character finds out where the villains penthouse is located he spends a bunch of time trying to figure out the code to get access to the floor but then the villain and his sidekick just show up in the elevator and do it for him when they get upstairs two men try to apprehend him but he stabs them to death using a broken toothbrush our main character now believing that he knows why he was in prison says that it was because he started the rumors that Lee Woojin slept with his sister Woojin then adds to this saying that the rumors got so out of hand that people started saying she was pregnant her period stopped in her belly began to swell and Lee Woojin believes that this was a phantom pregnancy brought on by the lies that she believed now the film never reveals whether or not it was actually a phantom pregnancy but this is what would Jin has convinced himself of I personally feel as though this is just his way of trying to shift the blame onto the main character as woo Jin does not want to admit to himself that he could be in any way responsible for his sister's death our main character then accuses him of killing his sister at the dam but then whoosh in starts laughing woo Jin then reveals that our main character and Mito were both hypnotized to fall in love with each other and that they were both particularly receptive to hypnosis our main character is then directed towards a box on the table where we get to the big reveal of the film and yep holy crap it turns out that Mito was actually his daughter the whole time what a fucked-up way to get revenge our main character furiously lunges towards woo Jin with a pair of scissors but his body guard stops him and after an emotional struggle he manages to stab him through the ear at this point the bodyguard loses composure and attempts to kill him but Lee Woojin steps in and shoots the bodyguard in the head at this point our main character is desperate to make sure that Mito never finds out about this but Wow Jin reveals that mr. Park is still on good terms with him we are colleges who know beep you know cook hunger buddy Joe he's hiding the bazooka camuto's hunger Maria Yaga he calls mr. Parkes phone and talks to Mito who says that he's telling her to open a box in front of her and this fucking scene has one of the most powerful and emotional performances ever and I can't show the whole thing here so you seriously just have to watch it for yourself at this point our main character is so broken and desperate and he'll do anything to protect her from knowing the pain of what happened he goes through several stages of emotional processing he threatens to kill Woojin if she ever finds out he starts begging and apologizing and asking him to forget what he just said and throughout this whole emotional breakdown Woojin is just trying to hold back his laughter it is so fucked up and so powerful and if you haven't noticed the scars on the main character's knuckles have stayed consistent the entire film there is so much passion and detail put into this project and it shows in every way eventually he grabs a pair of scissors and attempts to prove how far he'll go to protect Mito from this information and after cutting out his tongue whoa Jin calls mr. Park and tells him to leave the box closed woo Jin then aims his gun at both of their heads and at this point the main character is ready to die but rather than pulling the trigger he stands up and gives him the remote that was previously explained to stop his pacemaker woo Jin heads for the elevator and our main character presses the button but it turns out that it is not actually connected to his heart and it instead plays audio from his sound system that was recorded of him and Mito having sex no eat okra Suzuka fucking brutal on the elevator whoosh in experiences an emotional flashback of his sister's death and now that he has nothing left to live for he commits suicide we then see that the main character has written a letter to the girl who had performed hypnosis on him earlier and we also see some nice reincorporation of one of the earlier lines in the film through this he becomes hypnotized to forget about his secret and Mito finds him and tries to help warm him up Mito says she loves him in the film ends with a shot of our main characters face we'll never know if he was ever able to truly forget his secret and although in some ways this is a happy ending it is also so incredibly bleak it's kind of sad and fucked-up and bittersweet it's a great ending to a very powerful film and I love it so much this whole ending sequence altogether was just phenomenal the impressive sets the fucked-up plot the mind-blowing performance there's a reason why this is considered one of the best movies ever but enough of that let's go back to old boy 2013 and see just how it compares the main character finds his way to the villains penthouse but not without some terrible music and editing choices he immediately starts fighting with this film's version of The Bodyguard and it's over in like two seconds school the villain then turns on a live feed of his daughter and then opens up the briefcase full of diamonds that he was promised Joe doucett then explains why he believes he was imprisoned and saw your sister with a man then at the green house fucking they were fucking perhaps they should have been fucking somewhere with a bit of privacy it's your fault that you noticed these two people fucking outside I'm sorry this is no one's fault but your dad's this is just so stupid then we get a really comical shot of the bullying that Amanda experienced in school the villain then explains that his father was a great man and he only knew love and what we had together was pure and then we are treated to the funniest scene in the entire movie so once again were shown a flashback with our present-day characters just awkwardly standing there for no reason the father enters the room and immediately the daughters response is to start undressing like that's the cue as soon as I enter the room we fuck those are the rules oh no he didn't come here to fuck he came here to fuck shit up he walks over to the stairs where he sees his wife and bam she's dead - now the shot continues as it follows him down the stairs and he reloads his weapon and throughout this shot it just feels as though the movies continuing to insist on how cool it is the slow pacing and the music is supposed to imply that there's some sort of tension here but does anybody really give a shit nobody cares about any of these characters it's just all really pointless eventually he walks in a room to find the younger version of our main villain father father hilarious and it's even funnier when you actually start to think about it like okay he didn't wake up from the - shotgun blast but he woke up from his father just calmly walking into the room and just like your sister your first response is to start stripping oh great my father's here I'm gonna get my dick sucked does it not concern you that he's very clearly walking up to you with a shotgun perhaps he's done this before and he thought it was just the same old role play they've been doing oh great my daddy's here with a shotgun again time to stret father how on earth can you film this and not realize how fucking stupid it looks the blueprints to a great film were right there but you insisted on instead going for this clearly inferior reinterpretation the original old boys got him locked up for 15 years we'll fuck that we're gonna make it locked up for 20 years the original ol boys got a brother and sister that are involved in an incestuous relationship well fuck that this is a whole family of incest we're raising the fucking bar isn't that cool ow father my daddy was a good man sure he killed my entire family but this is your fault fuck ah so now they casually walked to this other room for some reason for the big reveal moon dude I guess the penthouse set was pretty pathetic compared to the original film anyway so whatever oh yeah it's so he can show him the set for the show mysteries of crime apparently it was a fake show that the villain had created just for the main character and despite him having the ability to change channels he just knew that he would really love the show and remember there was no hypnotism in this movie so it's just random chance I guess they walk over here and oh shit it's Mia playing the cello psych it's not actually Mia though that is not your daughter Ashlee is a musician and very well paid actress that I've had in my employs and she was 10 years old skur I'm so man I'm a punch you he tell me what she is she tell me answer the question you never why to died of it you good so he presses the button on a remote and we get a nice little projection that shows that oh no he fucked his daughter but there's no hypnotism in this film so it just happened to work out that they fell in love he easily could have left without getting her info that day if she wasn't programmed to do this for him these characters never even would have met after their first encounter if Chuckie didn't call her what a wild fucking coincidence it's just all very convenient I guess and this villains entire 20-year plan was based around this it took 20 years to create her a sensitive caring woman eager to help those in need because she herself had overcome such yes we raised her to be a sympathetic person so obviously that means that she would fall in love and have sex with you okay the kind of woman who could not help but fall in love with a man like you Joseph induce Amy oh my god this is embarrassing get her leave her out of it please breathe who is this remember how brutal and emotionally powerful trimmin Schick's performance was well fuck that because Josh Brolin's here to set the bar even higher please please don't hurt me it's emotionally dangerous and then sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't you know you're hoping that when they get in the editing room they have enough I've put enough garbage out there for them to try and cut together something that's so that's tangible kill me kill me please this is why I let you go so that you could truly understand what I have what you took from me so what you're basically saying is that incest is win cest I mean you already made him experience the loss of his loved one by killing his wife right or maybe you could have waited until he remarried and then killed her or something but apparently that doesn't count and he would have no idea what it's like I needed you to experience sexual intimacy with a family member so you could see how cool it is father having to make me free of it the rest is silence nice well that all happened very quickly seriously all it took for him to not tell Murray was for Joe doucett to just beg for 20 seconds yeah that's good enough basically what I wanted you don't need to cut off your tongue or anything that's fine don't worry about it perhaps the director's cut would have showed more but I somehow still doubt that it would have compared to the original in any way I'm trying to imagine exactly what could have been shown for me to give a shit about this villain Lee Woojin was a crazy fucked up asshole but the film kind of makes you feel sorry for him he may be in denial over his own responsibility for his sister's death but you can clearly understand how he'd be able to shift the blame onto the main character but what do we get in this movie fucking bullshit the motivations are terrible the deaths aren't emotional at all at no point do I feel as though this guy was seriously emotionally affected by all of this fucking wonder they didn't show a flashback before this guy killed himself cuz what would you even show father it's all just really stupid anyway the film ends with Joe reading a letter that he sends to Mia or Maria or whatever the music is trying very hard to make it emotionally impactful and going from your life forever I had done something terrible something unforgivable oh hey it's this stupid thing that means something real love you boys [Music] but you must forgive me are they trying to imply that this stupid dumb toy that he bought for five dollars when he was shit-faced after his ex-wife yelled at him is supposed to hold any sort of sentimental value she never even saw it I don't care how much she loves him the appropriate response should be what the fuck is this shit it doesn't mean anything in this film's insistence that it's significant is just embarrassing anyway he sends me as some diamonds and uses the rest of them to check himself back into the place where he was held captive goodbye Joe and apparently he even held on to that blood ducky and this is the only love all ever need in my life and yet that's the end of the movie you couldn't just use some of the diamonds to move away somewhere you're not gonna try and start a new life don't you think you might regret this decision in a couple days I mean obviously there was the concept of self-sacrifice in the original film but this is just so forced it doesn't make sense why is he getting dumplings again if he hates them so much you'd think his bag of diamonds would be enough to request some better meal options or something man I just want to torture myself for eternity because I'm such a good guy this is like the ending of I am Legend yeah sure I don't really need to do this but maybe the audience will think I'm more noble if I do all right have fun in there I guess hey wait a min at the end what did you think of the American remake disabled person now we'll never really know if Spike Lee actually tried to make a great movie here after all his attitude in the interviews he gave is likely because of how much was cut from the film but not only was this film broken at its core with a pointless and terrible script in the first place but there's a much bigger problem here by making this film you are essentially telling American audiences that they don't need to expand their horizons there is a world of foreign language cinema out there that is waiting for people to discover it and part of the reason why the original Oldboy is so important is that it acts as a gateway for South Korean cinema this film is so well made and accessible to mainstream audiences that it proves that there's something more out there you can show this film to someone who's not interested in foreign language films and they'll probably love it and some of those people will become more interested in discovering films that aren't in the English language now I'm not saying that a film's language makes it better or worse what I'm saying is that there are foreign language films out there that American audiences would love but they don't get enough attention and you are doing a huge disservice to this by making a shitty American remake of one of the best and most accessible foreign language films ever it's a brilliant it's a brilliant film it's a brilliant story and one that you know a lot of English speakers will not see because a lot of people don't see foreign films this movie is a crime against the art of filmmaking itself and hopefully this review has introduced the original film to some new audience members if you loved old boy then please check out Park chan-wook's other films his most recent film the handmaiden was my favorite film of 2016 and you should probably check out some films from June ho bong while you're at it too anyway hopefully I've proved to you just how fuckin incompetent this remake was and hopefully people who make remakes in the future will actually put some thought into what made the original film effective there's no point showing a scene from the original movie if you're not going to show the point of the scene the original movie anyway this movie was garbage 1 out of 10 it sucks fuck it thank you for watching bye bye if one of your films have to be repeat which one would it be and we would either be made which would whichever one you want to go which one of your films do you want to see you reinterpreted and allowed on us none okay maybe a prequel a sequel with nada nine-nine either a reinterpretation Oh hopefully I won't happen tool that's her no longer so you have a chance to see it exactly because ain't gonna happen hopalong okay I'll make sure that does that well that review sure was long hey whoa wait what are all these names coming up on the side of the screen over there it's almost like these are the names of the people that support me on patreon and if you want your name to appear at the end of these videos then you can just go to my patreon comm slash YMS and join these lovely lovely people that I'm gonna kiss right now and another one here's a hand kiss my boy thank you so much in other news the website has been redesigned so it doesn't look as stupid and perhaps there will be some more changes in the future who knows it's just if the website is more or less just a place where people can still watch the content if I'm fighting a copyright claim on YouTube or the videos removed for whatever reason so if there's any missing videos and they should be up on that website your movie sucks dot-org anyway now that this YMS review is out of the way I'm gonna start working on some other video could it possibly be a list video probably I think I kind of I don't know if I want to start on synecdoche part 6 just yet and I know I'm kind of like blue balling everybody but that's almost kind of the point because it fits with the themes of the film don't you get it but I might do a 2007 or 2016 list I'm not sure I'm gonna I'm gonna figure it out real quick because as I'm recording this right now I haven't even finished editing the video that you're watching I still get another at least and at least another like 1213 hours left on this one so I'll figure it out let me know what you want to see in the comment section I know I'm still supposed to do that moral oral video which I really want to do and I don't it it's one of those things where every time every time I get to it and I'm in front of the microphone I just I haven't yet figured out exactly how I want to structure it and so I wind up just being like yeah fuck it and working on something else and then putting it but I will get to it I will get to the things that I say I'm gonna get to in the meantime why don't you check out my podcast with Ralf the moviemaker and I hate everything it's called sardonic as we talked about movies we recently talked about my favorite movie the holy mountain and I know that there's a lot of people who were wanting me to talk about that on this channel for a while I'm not really planning on making a video for it at least until synecdoche is done anyway don't know if that's gonna happen or not but you can hear my extended thoughts on sardonic cast on the podcast anyway so it's all there pretty much everything I would say in a video in a edited video form anyway so you should check it out it's pretty cool we talked about movies and that's that's what we do you like me talking about movies here why don't you look you should you should listen to me talk about movies over there why don't you I'm also still working on my album I know a lot of you have been waiting for that very patiently I've been recording it for what two and a half years now I know it's pretty crazy it's what 15 tracks there's some pretty long tracks on there too there's a lot of fucking instruments on it and I'm trying to be as perfectionist as possible with it definitely done a lot of rear according and changes and all that shit and remember that I'm only doing three or four sessions a month so I can focus on the film review shit full-time and that's why it's taking so long and it should be out this year we're pretty much done the tracking it's just editing and then mixing and then mastering but there's going to be a point this year and I don't know which month yet and it's we're just gonna have to figure it out as we get to it but there's gonna be a point this year where I'm going to need to take some time off just set aside a month where I'll still be doing the podcast I'll still be doing quickies and I'll still be doing the commentaries and Adam and PAL stuff because those are all things that are relatively easy to juggle but there's gonna be one month where I'm gonna say like okay no I'm not going to be working on the larger projects for this month and I'll make an update on patreon and if if people don't wish to support me that month then that's totally fine and I can refund it super easily but there's going to be a month where who knows it might not even take the whole month and who knows it might it might be literally unnoticeable on this channel and I'm just saying this for nothing but there's going to be a point in time this year where I'm gonna be like okay I need to figure out the album artwork I need to figure out distribution I need to edit that fucking music video that I've been filming for two years and there's a lot of editing that needs to be done with that shit I need to hire a color corrector like there's a lot of shit that I'm gonna need to be like okay I I need to focus on this right now so stay tuned for that it's gonna happen at some point this year no idea exactly when it's gonna happen but I'll let you know and obviously I'll make sure that everybody gets notified especially on patreon but yeah exciting exciting things coming and the album sounds great from I mean like I'm making it for myself I'm making music that I like right it's stuff that's personal to me so yeah yeah it's I'm happy with it so far and I'm excited I'm excited to share it and that's that's the update for my album I guess I this year is all I can say I know I said April earlier I don't know if that's possible I don't know if that's possible because I feel like we're still I feel like we're probably gonna hit the mixing portion of it in the next month or so but there's so much other shit like I have to if I'm gonna do final I need to do printing for that I'm probably gonna need to do like a Kickstarter campaign just to fund the printing you know get get to essentially use it as like a pre-order service but anyway yeah there's gonna be there's gonna be a point where I really need to focus on that shit now I'm just rambling as I always do some people ask me hey YMS guy what can I do to help stop global warming well the answer is actually pretty simple eat less beef look it up eat less beef look it up cows are destroying the planet man we should be eating chickens instead I'm comfortable with chicken genocide for my taste buds but cows are destroying the planet I watched Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth and it scared the emojis out of me look it up anyway thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this gigantic ass review and I hope you enjoyed the fact that I didn't split into several parts I know you had to wait longer to see the whole product this way but I think it turned out better I think it turned out better artistically and I think that it's it it's better viewed as one whole product anyway instead of making people wait between parts yeah check out the podcast started on a cast check out my gaming channel Adam plays I also have I upload all the full streams from my twitch channel on to a channel called Adam plays throughs so that's that's something if you if you if you want to see the whole thing and not just the edited stuff and also on my twitch stream I don't know if you know this I do a lot of editing on my twitch stream so if you want to see me edit these videos I know that you'd be getting spoiled for some of them essentially but come hang out while I work get shit done boy yeah stay tuned music everything I'm fuckin tired man I'm so tired but I still I still still got a lot to do gotta finish this up so I'm gonna end this here thank you all supporting me on patreon peace out love you guys bye bye ma'am when when I think I missed some of the names I might have just caught barely underneath them I'll extend this conversation another 10 seconds just to make sure that I actually hit some names there thank you so much bye-bye [Laughter] you
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 3,357,790
Rating: 4.9181743 out of 5
Id: zR8sRjBJgQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 13sec (5893 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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