YMS: The Hunger Games

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Counterpoint: Hungergames was a p. good movie.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MuForceShoelace 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2013 🗫︎ replies

I'm going to sound gayer than shit but here it goes. If you read the book you'd understand the conflict. They try to fit enough info. in, so reading the book isn't mandatory. At the same time they want to keep it short enough to people don't get bored.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GreenTea420 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2013 🗫︎ replies
So, the Hunger Games was kinda dumb, and I'm pretty sure most of you know that, considering my YouTube demographics. I mean, it's not as bad as Twilight, but there are a lot of similarities within the fan base. [girls screaming] People were nuts for this movie before it was even released. If I fall in love with the book and see it has an upcoming film adaptation, I'm more inclined to be skeptical than optimistic, and for good reasons. [clip] In the book, Suzanne has the luxury, not the luxury, she has the ability to be able to, um, s... have kinda, speculate on what the game makers must be doing, like, "Oh, they're manipulating me now. I know the game makers are doing this. I know the game makers are going that." Well, I can't shoot inside her head, so can't do that, but I can cut to what they're doing. [YMS] All the promotional shit for this movie sold like crazy: posters, calendars, artwork, the soundtrack, and what the fuck was up with that soundtrack? Arcade Fire, The Decemberists, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Glen Hansard, The Low Anthem, what the fuck? I don't know anybody that listens to The Low Anthem, except me and fucking Shay. It's like false advertising. I don't remember hearing any of these songs in the movie, and there's no way you can fit all those in the end credits. To me, it seems like an attempt to try and bring in a crowd that wouldn't have otherwise watched the movie. If you're already listening to those types of music, it probably means that you don't exactly trust things just because they're popular, but they didn't get me. Wait... Or maybe it's there to convince the opposite crowd to listen to something different for a change. Kinda like I do! "Adam, what's that song at 00:25?" "Adam, that song at 25 seconds, what is it? What is it?" "What's that song at the beginning?" "What's that song at the end?" I know, catchy as fuck, right? Well I got a playlist for that shit know, so go find it. Now, although I do you think The Hunger Games is pretty overrated, it's not completely void of substance. You can barely mentioned the movie without someone talking about "how great the social commentary is". The movie's designed in such a way that no matter what side of the spectrum you're on, you feel as if it supports your own beliefs. [clip] What was fascinating is that Bolling sees that like, "Oh, it gives people hope that if they kill one another, and they... that... maybe they could be in the ruling class too." He sees that as, like, "Isn't that a lovely thing?" Whereas, I think the point of the movie, from what you're saying Steve, is the exact opposite. It's not a lovely thing, that they're using hope as a drug, and pitting the people who are not in the 1% against one another so that they fight each other than... rather than fighting the ruling class that's captured the government. [YMS] But is the social commentary in the movie that great anyway? Putting the Battle Royale comparisons aside, didn't they have the exact same thing in the movie Death Race? It's not really that far off. But when it comes to this movie, people just won't shut up about it. So why am I making this review? Because they are way too many people that think this movie is flawless, and because of that, I know that there are people out there who are waiting for someone to unmask it as the horribly average movie that it is. So we start the movie with... Oh my God! Dat fucking horrible beard and blue hair. You can tell it's the future, because no sane person today would ever do that to themselves. We're then introduced to the main character, who's taking care of her sibling in a fatherless home. Food is scarce, so she uses her hunting skills to provide for the fam... What the... Wait. Did anybody else see Winter's Bone? I am in no way implying that The Hunger Games ripped off Winter's Bone. Not even really sure how that would be possible. And I am in no way implying that Jennifer Lawrence is anything short of a great actor, but I find it a bit distracting that I'm seeing two movies in a row with different but similar characters played by the same actor. [clip] The Winter's Bone character, I think, is almost very similar to this character. Yeah, very similar. [YMS] But I guess never saw Winter's Bone so it's OK. Don't worry about it. [clip] - What are you going to do with that when you kill it? - Damn you, Gale. [YMS] What an asshole(!) To make up for it, he throws a rock so that she can shoot a bird. What a great shot! But why did him yelling only scare the deer and not the birds? The birds were, like, right there. Why did throwing a rock do it and not yelling? "Oh shit! Look up ahead, it's a drone. Thanks a lot, Obama." - [clip] Oh my God! Is this real? - [YMS] Oh my God! It's real bread! See, from that line we can determine that there is a shortage of food, and that they're all starving to death, except they don't look like it at all. He even looks like he's been working out. I don't know where he's getting all that whey powder from. I guess when your target audience is the United States you can sell the idea of a famine by simply casting people that are... not fat. But seriously, this guy doesn't look like he's underfed. Apparently, you can throw your name into the draw a few more times if you want more food. I was a little confused by how this system works, so I did some research. Apparently, you're only eligible to compete for the Hunger Games between ages twelve and eighteen, but this guy is listed as being eighteen years old. You'd think that during this conversation that they're having about their own eligibility for the Hunger Games they would at least mention that once. There's no "Hey, this is your last year! Good luck, buddy.", or anything like that. I guess it was probably in the book. Anyway, her sister gets really paranoid, thinking that she'll get picked for whatever reason, so she gives her this mockingjay pin and she's like "Don't worry, nothing will happen to you if you have this pin, cuz it's super special." But wouldn't you know it, she gets picked anyway. Wait, how big is that bowl? Is there honestly one piece a paper in there per name in the crowd? That's a pretty big crowd. Not to mention some people in the crowd have multiple copies of their name in there. You'd think that it would be a bigger bowl. - Anyway, Katniss is so noble, she says, - [clip] I volunteer as tribute. I believe we have a volunteer. [YMS] Was it always part of the rules that someone could volunteer? Because if you can have volunteers, there would be a really easy way to cheat the system. Is there a limit to how many extra times you can put your name in and get food? If a district came to agree on which person would be the volunteer ahead of time, then every single person could just put their name in extra times and get unlimited amount of food for everybody. And the volunteer would be reimbursed by an entire year of everybody treating them like royalty. Plus, if you had a volunteer that was predetermined, you could just spend the entire year training them. Everybody can put their name in extra times and give part of their food to the volunteer, and then they'll be super buff and then they'll never lose. Seems like a pretty decent strategy. Win-win for everybody, right? Just get one guy that could be the perfect super soldier, and then everybody in the district can take turns sucking his dick. There's gotta be one kid that would be willing to do that if it meant the entire district was well fed for a full year. This whole volunteer thing sorta makes things a little flawed. Has there not been one single point in the seventy-four years of the Hunger Games where one kid would have just been like, "Eh, I'm feeling suicidal, I might as well just get, like, a million extra food, and kill myself once I get picked." or something like that. Apparently, she was the very first volunteer, so I guess they'll have to start planning for next year. [clip] Let's have a big hand for our very first volunteer, Katniss Everdeen. [YMS] Ha ha, get it? "A big hand", and everybody raises their hand. But why was she clapping, if that's not what she meant? Back at home, her sister gives her the medallion, so it'll keep her safe now. Sure did a very good job helping your name not get picked. So now these two are on their way to the Hunger Games, and they're left within arms reach of this very important figure that they could easily kill at any time. Seems like a security flaw. You're telling me there hasn't been at least one adolescent male that's tried to strangle her at this point? How many items in this kitchen could be used as a weapon if you really want to? This is the 74th Hunger Games, and not one person has volunteered before, and not one person has ever tried to kill this woman while they're next to her. Hey, the one percent all dress like turds. And everybody in the one percent looks almost exactly as well fed as the people in the districts. I'm not saying everybody in the one percent should be fat, but when showing a crowd of them, it might be a good idea to throw a few more chubby guys in there. You know, show some contrast other than just having everyone look like Lady Gaga. I think I saw a couple of them, but they go virtually unnoticed. I kinda wish we knew more about the high class society. Are there hipster equivalents that were just born into it, and have some sort of protest against the Hunger Games? Or anybody that dresses like a normal person? Not only that, but everybody shown seems to be way too evil to be a human being. If the masses are that malicious that they watch young people kill each other on television, you'd think that they'd at least be projecting, or in some sort of denial. Like, if you watch Bumfights, and you're just like, "Ah, they've got crack addictions, whatever." But I feel like this is far too blatant. I mean, what could they possibly be telling themselves? "I just love being so evil, ha ha ha!" For a movie that's two and a half hours long, I feel like they could have used the time a bit more appropriately, or maybe they just really want me to see the sequels. Anyway, now they have two weeks to train for the Hunger Games, and all the kids are, like, in the same room. Would be a shame if an accident happened to one of them. Has that ever happened in one of the seventy-four Hunger Games? Seems like someone would try it at least once. It would also be really funny if one of the malnourished kids pulled a muscle. And I guess the majority of the districts have already been using that strategy that I was talking about, cuz these kids are fucking pros for no reason. Really? Really? Really? Your name was picked at random, right? Starting to think some of these districts have a public Bowflex. What the fuck does this guy eat? Is this what happens when your district wins the year before? What the fuck is he eating? Ha ha haha! He can't even lift. Himself. One of the douchebags complains that somebody stole his knife. What, what, what the... What? Urgh. Urgh. This one decides that is not very good at training, so he's just gonna paint his arm. Where did he get all of the supplies to do this? [clip] I used to decorate the cakes down at the bakery. [YMS] First of all, that's retarded. Second, your district's in the middle of a food crisis, and you have people decorating cakes, and considering what you're doing with your arm, those cakes have got to be pretty fucking elegant. Who the fuck is buying those cakes? So now's the point where they show off in front of the sponsors individually. So if the sponsors see someone that's a really good shot, they can totally rig the game even more in their favor. Katniss fucks up, and misses by about a foot. She tries to redeem herself, but nobody's paying attention. So she decides to be a fucking badass. OK, if I was one other sponsors, and I saw this girl already miss her target completely, I would assume that last shot was a failed attempt at murder. She doesn't get detained, she doesn't get punished, and she doesn't even get questioned. Why does everybody assume that that shot was intentional? But I guess it works out for her anyway, because her score is 11 out of 10. What the fuck? Why not just give her 10 out of 10? This kinda makes your entire organization look a bit retarded. Imagine if one judge decided to pull up an 11 at the Olympics: someone would get fired. Things kinda seem to just be made up as they go along, which is kinda weird for a 74-year-old tradition. So, it's about 55 minutes through the movie, and the Hunger Games haven't even actually started yet. So now they have this beauty pageant thing, where they impress people, and try to get sponsors to like them. Seventy-four years of Hunger Games and not one person has used this televised opportunity to say "What are you people doing? Jesus Christ!" If these names were picked at random, why does nobody on stage have any social anxiety issues? Not only are they in front of a large crowd, but everything they say is theoretically life-or-death. They all just happen to have really good charisma. So I know they explained why the Hunger Games takes place, even though they already told us in the opening titles, but how did people get sectioned off in the first place? Where was the cut off point? "OK, you make less than 20,000 a year, so you'll get locked up in the slums, K?" "Sorry buddy, you're one dollar under the cut-off mark. Slums for you!" So we finally get to the point where the Hunger Games are starting. Everybody's really intense. Now remember, these are just kids. I know, it's easy to forget, when so many of them look like they're in their 20s, but the characters are kids, so you'd think that maybe five of them would just pass out and vomit. They're picked at random, right? All I had to do was just vomit on camera, and suddenly all my subscribers say that they vomited in their homes. So just imagine how uneasy a kid would be in this situation. But all these kids seem to be acting fine under pressure. [clip] It-it's a staple of literature that characters are thrust into an alien environment, you know, whether it's Gulliver's Travels or, you know, the examples, or Ulysses. I mean, the examples are limitless of people who leave the comfort of their own world, are thrust into alien circumstances, adapt to that, and grow as a result. - But these are children. There are... It's children. - True, that's true, that's true. Um, listen, maybe that's why I was drawn to it. [YMS] Time for some PG-13 violence! Whoa, what's happening off-screen has gotta look pretty gruesome. Blood with no wound, yes! So to tie into that point I was making earlier with the upper class being too detach from empathy to be believable, well it turns out it's not just the one percent. Now these random kids are like "LOL! We're murderers!" [clip] - Just wait till you see the look on her face! - Oh no! Please don't kill me! [YMS] "This is fun!" They don't even seem to care that their own lives are somewhat in danger. "Ha ha! Did you see her? She was, like 'No, my family!'" Aren't your parents at home watching this on TV? Do you think that even if you win the games, that anybody's gonna bother talking to you when you get back? This is dumb. And what's even more dumb is that lover boy is apparently part of this alliance now. When did they orchestrate that? Did he come up to them, or did they come up to him? And why would they trust each other on that one? So Katniss is being really smart and staying away from the action, but apparently, being strategic is wrong, so instead of cutting to some of the other characters that are busy killing each other, they decide to make Katniss part of the action. By spawning fireballs out of nowhere. Real fireballs. What if the entire forest caught on fire and killed everybody? What if you killed her with the fireballs? "And District 12's Katniss Everdeen succumbs to death by fireball." Yeah, that's fair. I don't think anybody takes this game seriously, and apparently not even the people in it. "La la la la la la la, let's kill her. He he he he!" Are they all in denial that they're gonna have to murder each other later? Are any of them really even keeping track of how many other people are left out on the playing field? Well, she makes it up a tree, and instead of chasing after her, they decide that she's gotta come down at some point, so they leave themselves to just do nothing. "Let's just hang around here." You know, if you just moved back a little, you could get a really good angle to kill her with that arrow. Doesn't leaving her unattended leave more room for error? I'm pretty sure even a small child could figure this shit out. I'm pretty sure even twelve to eighteen year olds are not that stupid. Fucking dumb. "Yeah, let's start a fire." You know, a fire's actually a pretty good idea, if you'd start it under the tree. You could kill her just like that: burn the fucking tree down. Why don't you do that? Oh, man! It looks like one of the sponsors really likes her, so he gives her a little present. Are there any limitations as to what the sponsors can give? How do these things get given, anyway? If I was a sponsor, I think I'd just fuck with people. Why not, it's gonna be on TV, right? This is the moment where you should just send her a note that says "Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli". But what are you allowed to give her? Why don't you just give her a fucking Glock? So despite the fact that everyone's trying to kill each other, and Katniss is still in a tree, they decide it's a really good idea to fall asleep. Fucking genius! So Katniss cuts down a branch filled with fucking psychedelic poison wasps. Yep, a million wasps on the ground, just killing that girl right there, and yet within seconds, the ground is wasp free when Katniss comes down, and also the body. They all just decided to leave. Oh, in case you forgot when they told you that the wasp's sting had hallucinogenics, they're gonna tell you again, in case you're really, really dumb. [clip] The venom of a Tracker Jacker sting can produce powerful hallucinations. [YMS] Props for knowing your target audience! Hey, it turns out that this little girl decided to save her. [clip] - How long was I asleep? - A couple of days. I changed your leaves twice. [YMS] What? Did she poop herself? Something bothers me about how relaxed they are right now. Yay! Time for some more replacements of Katniss's internal thoughts with shots of the commentators. [clip] I wanna see if she's gonna figure out this booby trap. Yes, it seems they've reburied their mines around that big pile of goodies. [YMS] Wait, they reburied their mines? How did you dig them up? So although one random chick figures it out, and is able to steal shit right in front of them... "What was that?" "Huh? Huhh?" ...instead of doing the same, Katniss just decides to ruin it for everybody, and then they come back super pissed. I thought having all your shit blown up would have been something to consider when you were burying the mines there. [fake neck breaking and farting noises] She's on her way back, and then it turns out this girl's stuck. Probably alerted half the forest to her location. It's OK though, cuz now she's free. Oh. Fuck! Dammit! OK, she's dead. Waiting for that cannon shot. Still waiting. [clears throat] Nope? You're not going to do it? For consistency sake? The cannon shot that you told us we would hear every time a character has died? [clears throat] Nope? OK then. This guy didn't get one either. I guess it would have distracted us from the scene being super dramatic. Well now all those people in District 11 are super pissed, so they start a riot. Wait, how many days has it been? Have they all have been standing there watching that projector? No-one's sitting, no-one brought any chairs. Even the ground would be better, you know? Katniss then starts following a trail of blood and finds out it leads to... What the fuck!? That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. First of all, you're bleeding to death, so you decide the best plan of action is to paint your face to look like a rock. Second, did you have a mirror with you, so you could match the rock texture on your face with the real rock next to you? How did you apply it so seamlessly? And if you've covered the rest of your body in moss and rocks anyway, why didn't you just do that with your face? Why didn't you just, like, dig a hole? Every part of your body except your face was covered in the first place, why didn't you just cover that? Why don't you just cover yourself with dirt? Did you bring a makeup kit? How long were you applying this makeup? What if someone stepped on your face? What if someone wondered why that rock has eyes? She tends to his wounds and then gives him a smooch on his face. But then she hears a beeping noise and checks to see what it is. OK, so there totally are sponsors that are just fucking with people. Fucking H! You pervy wanker! He is totally beating off at home right now. It's funny, cuz they're both underage. Nobody's fighting each other, so they try to make it a little bit more interesting again. [clip] There will be a feast tomorrow at the Cornucopia. Each of you needs something. Katniss, you're not gonna risk your life for me, I'm not gonna let you. You would do it for me. [YMS] I don't know why you would say that when he was in a group of asshole kids trying to kill you. Well, she decides to get his medicine anyway, but, oh no! It's that bitch! [clip] Oh, I see. You were gonna help him, right? Well that's sweet. - You know, it's too bad that you couldn't help your little... friend. - [YMS] She definitely enjoys this way too much. [clip] We killed her. And now, we're gonna kill you. - Did you kill her? - No! - I heard you. [YMS] How did he get so close without them noticing that he could hear her whispering that? How did she die? Death by being thrown against a wall! [clip] Just this time, 12. For Rue. [YMS] Yeah, let her go. That's so nice to her by letting her stay alive a bit longer. You're gonna try and kill her later though, right? "Aw, thanks for the magical healing cream! Wait, what are you doing? This is not the time for blood play, stop. Well, the game's getting close to the end now, so they decide to spawn some super werewolves. OK, you can spawn creatures out of nowhere. Why is there a huge food shortage again? Why don't you just spawn some cows? Come to think of it, these werewolf things are kind of a sloppy way to deal with the competition, I mean, what if they killed everyone? They make it up to this thing, but, oh no! It's this guy! Why didn't he just push them as they were trying to get up? Why did he wait for them to get up to start fighting them? He could have won just like that. Well, that was satisfying. I still think it would've been awesome if she accidentally stabled his hand to his body when she did that. Well, now there's only two of them left, and there can only be one victor, even though we already know which District won, cuz they're both from the same one. They want them to fight to the death, but instead they decide that they're gonna both poison themselves. But it's just for show. See, this is all part of her plan. Cuz she knows that they're desperate to have a victor, so they won't actually let them both kill themselves. [Clip] Stop! May I present the winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games. [YMS] But if they were so desperate to have one person prevail as a champion, then why did they throw fucking super werewolves at them? How does that not put every single person in danger? That could easily kill everyone. Well, it turns out they let both of them live. This is, like, the best outcome possible. They should just throw a mini-fireball at one of them. That would settle things. The end! So I know that there are a lot of unanswered questions in the movie, and that a lot of them could probably be answered by reading the book, but remember, the point of adapting a novel into a screenplay is so that it stands on its own as a film. So remember, this isn't so much a criticism of the Hunger Games universe itself, but more so a criticism of the way it was presented in the film. I don't think the director was necessarily sloppy on this one, but the time spent on each event in the film definitely could have been cut down enough to answer those questions. Or at least the ones that the book's capable of answering. I've never read the book, but even if it is bad, at least its sales are determined by its content, not how attractive the cast members are. [girls screaming] Subtitles by JorWat
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 2,675,045
Rating: 4.8805442 out of 5
Keywords: hunger, games, yms, jennifer, lawrence
Id: E_mmvL4DlmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2013
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