ACTUALLY HILARIOUS | Human Fall Flat w/ Bob & Wade

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who is the boring claim mark oh can you do skins customize your colors keep cus I don't want to live all right how do I do it okay all right guys yes yes yes you're the same [ __ ] clay man no I'm not Wow yeah see we buff you not see me got a thing happen to your mouth I got a smirk what is this game what what's the point we're like platforming it's a puzzle platformer with gang beasts controls all right why wait why I'm going to show you what death is I already see what death is I'm going around oh yeah I try to do things I try to do things and you just ruin it you ruin it dad hey you down there you might be dead you might be dead you're I'd be careful down there and we want to die if I were you be careful you would never be careful you you've never known careful in your life you guys are doing a great job yeah I'm getting there hang on yeah there's got to be a way right hang on I have a better plan I'm not gonna walk claw well hey Mark if you die it's fawn over ears then you don't learn you don't learn you see you not learning me I'm a learner you're really getting closer man I think you're getting there hey wait do you want to go do the rest of this you owe me a life-debt Wade you gotta get me a pet I think you oh wait there was literally a way to just drag you off and make you not be alive anymore you gotta come get me you guys when you're playing video games mark just mind like yours listen you can't talk about you on the island mr. frog on a log in a bargain smart yep you oh you guys just going together I was gonna all right pee fountain thank you Bob listen I'm beginning to think that these game developers don't have any sort of maturity their mark you might say Baba saved your life life dead life dead oh hey we both owe way to life that now mark I know I don't remember that Wade you need to I will take two burritos extra chicken and that'll pay your life dead to me come on mark let's what are we doing here I don't go forward today yeah absolutely listen guys what do you think you think this is 2016 where you can just get in the game and be antics now we need philosophical discussions of why we're here that is train that is death what is between is our existence there you go that makes sense do you think that we as characters died when that train smashed through the station that we're in a purgatory forever I got this with my expert climbing ability that I've learned and earned rawr XD yeah Tom stop Rex dee stop the car stop making it I'm gonna make this rawr daddy here we go Oh actually okay okay rawr I'm gonna really need you to stop doing that rawr why you want to owe me a life-debt housetop no really really terrible oh oh hey wait am i to the place you guys have been trying to get to this whole time I think you skipped straight through all the way yeah I think I did actually I think I did I want to talk to you who's about to skip all the way to the end it's me right that's I'm gonna [ __ ] my pants which is a reaction I both appreciate there's a physiological reaction that I wasn't expecting but you know I appreciate my ability to do it I think what I'm trying is the way I don't think I'm doing it right with I'm doing through the one door that you guys already made there I'm the best oh we don't need the puzzles I've played through this before I've done all this 19 2016 where's the new [ __ ] Bob hadn't played so I started from the beginning he's clearly played everything played this this is my first time ever playing this he has a custom skin wait why would this be the first time oh wait do you didn't think this through I made this custom skin while we were waiting for you to come back no no no no no yeah you've lied to me before so I don't trust Oh you can do zombies stand ups that's fun what does that mean wouldn't you like to know person who's still trying to get over to where we are at so says the man who's never played this game before I didn't tell me I trust him I did it I'm going around I've made it wow that's a heck of a move I know right excuse me excuse me excuse me rawr XD where'd you go all thank God you ended it Oh No Oh see I got the achievement choo choo alright alright here's this puzzle we take this bomb going all right mark how you getting into hanging around this mess huh easily handily with my hands how long if I hit him with this box yeah that would be pretty funny I think mark grab this box we'll save you here mark we're totally totally got you but don't worry about it grab my [ __ ] rawr give me that get it we'll pull you up dude I can't reach it lower lower wait bring me the box ooh woo thank you wait wait wait wait wait let me grab I don't have it yet okay all right I got to throw both of you and the box off the which only seems fair damn it I'm over here now I made it what am i doing what how did you do that oh you just like this nope all right I'll just do all this in the style of my mentor and role model fine if you want to solve the puzzle like me like I do say so I had this my way actually happened is this where you went mark what where I don't know where you are so oh my god wait wait come back hey hang on hey buddy listen I'm trying to go up take me with you hey Mark hey I'm good wait no no I got this I got this give me give me one chance give me one chance to do this and I'll show you that I can finish it without using that leap leap leap oh no no no no hey Mark you might grab me by the head and pull me nope let's do it mark I'm doing this there wait I'll save you all right come on what the hell all right now now I'll save you what the hell God oh this game I had fun mark yeah I am having lots of fun at the most fun anybody's ever had in this game there we go some kind of troubles there oh yeah yeah well didn't you open up yo I go without making silly sounds yo I'm gonna make sure your sounds just grabbed say yes should have made silly sounds I should have committed to the bit [ __ ] didn't didn't heal to go backwards I did for some reason I your made it I'm now officially better than Bob by a country mile nigut I'm as bad as Mark times - no no look at me you couldn't be hmm from the cookie jar if the only point of this level to teach you how to jump and grab there's alligator what the hell I'm not grabbing my guys not grabbing you so lazy what a lazy cuz they're gonna jump on the train this is unfortunate no I'm learning no there's no way that I could make that jump yeah Marc I don't know how you get on top of here who needs to go on top of here when you can go around maybe it's happening and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it whoo whoo I've beaten the system huh yeah what do you got hiding in those pants of yours I rawr I got some of the extra toasty cheez-its I was saving from all did you really do you really have to solve all the puzzles without me is that necessary wait okay wait I'm over here up on top of the Train and jump over is that working out for you he's gonna get all the way around just to find out he has to climb up and jump over and I'll grab your ankles jump if I just jump if I jump I jump yeah I'm holding Wade out for you [Laughter] I think mark has the right idea think marks dead-on take marks I'm gonna try and do the jump the big job I think that's the way to do it all right so let's bring the train back please I didn't know we moved it you complete all right okay interesting interesting very interesting but I see a separate solution all right mark you ready I've already got it not I don't believe you do pretty good no you do not I got this there we go it's as easy as American Pie this game is actually really fun well all right do you guys know this game is fun got you ill defined concept grumbling wait like several life-debt sorry Bob I'll uh I'll just hang out right here oh did you want me to give you a hand climbing up is that what you were looking at me grab me my head what about mine I'll let go of your hands there we go that's big and bulbous it is oh okay I didn't have you quite yet apparently I think I got you okay I trust Oh help me out no you waste so much coming all right I'm gonna there we go you're gonna fling me off the side oh my god this doesn't feel this feels suspicious I don't think about this better go around there's a rock there yeah you can go around go I got it oh you can't go this is very not safe in here Marty I didn't say it wasn't safe I said it was suspicious sorry I delayed reaction oh you landed on some cookies yeah all right so how do we rip these planks off of here just missed my jump oh here mark I got some wood for you there you go I got plenty of wood mines yeah mark is this helpful to you do you need these maybe who knows who is the smash what's the smash those your your calling was to smash all right Bobby did it get it is what I do every day I'm getting it wrong nice work thank you get it mark thank you I am around I've done it where am I kudos so close I think I smashed adequately yeah I give up I thought I was gonna make oh I'm here oh I'm still here ooh interesting interesting interesting this is very interesting guys guys I am very far ahead of you my spine is broken why does it take a while overheard the character to get up every once in a while yep all right mark you're not you literally spawn in the room we're in huh where are you what do you mean we're right over on the other side of this wall now I'm at the construction site have I won did I win guys I think I've won you ever feel like we have to accomplish something so that we can move on from our meaningless existence is here Bob and I are smashing all your climbing yeah Wade and I are smashing all up on each other kind of a dumpster it looks like it goes in here okay well that's not what I would call it but you put a word on it I rode the dumpster down and I got the dog Oh was I not supposed to do that oh my god did I just screw up something stupid because I wouldn't surprise me swing me daddy-o which were supposed to be swinging you what are you guys doing Oh smashing I'm not supposed to be on there oh there you guys are okay I'm about to do a maneuver I'm above you both in life why are you sorry excuse me you're breaking up there I'm above yeah sounds like you're just like telling yourself I am I'm good I am up here by the blue pipes do you see me yeah I see you now okay is there a wide swing this gap can I swing this gap this might just result in me falling but I think I can swing this gap what I don't think I timed it right now I'm in the rubble interesting okay I didn't grab anything that's all right well here's the ramp so uh ramps are for nerds pipes your words that join the pipe Club that box for us no puck Club what was that so that's work being done while you're up there on your monkey bars look it's a pipe not a monkey bar you should know the difference we're doing cool guy Club I don't even know what you guys are doing you you're just following what the man wants you to do look I I'm a rebel I'm uh I'm uh I'm a trendsetter um I'm get up there yeah hope I Club no do drop me puck oh yeah I'm on the puck club ha well that's not great anyway we have we have lightweight it won't open hold on hold on wait come here no there's a better way what am i here now hi what's up douche bag douche bag you're the bag are you using our ramp and so just climb at the wall no pipe clubs it sure looks like you are my god wait swing it back towards me I made it I want to be cool like you you need this his box I will bring it to you to move the thing the other way the solution Hey look who's the cool guy over here and wait wait I have an idea okay I didn't mean I thought it was touching I didn't mean to do that [Laughter] [Music] all right okay okay I'm the hero here I've got this but you decided to walk straight off you moved it no you moved it on me you moved you're just trying to screw over my okay oh you're sneaky traps okay I made through guys made through good job bud thanks man too much I got you open - oh Jesus Christ well thanks for that I don't know what do you do take a rock and break this wall nerd wait what's this oh my god actually works there's something over here wait guys guys you're fools that's a club but Club yeah I'll spawn mark where are you I'm climbing a lot of noise a lot of noise wait why am i up here wait what is what is this dude what does the pad do what pad pad the orange pads what do the orange pads do they're for safety or are they first stacking so you can I think there's something in here that we need I am going to find it have a lot of typically guys found a pipe Club guys I found a pipe Club opportunity Oh what is this oh my god mark how did he walk on top of these blue pipes I didn't do much of it oh my god guys guys oh dang it don't mind me just doing things the old-fashioned way before before there's a pipe Club dude you got to join the pipe club my bub oh my god I'm in a secret area guys guys can you see me wherever you are wait turn around no obviously not whoa crazy bro oh wait I know the way okay all right oh yeah all right this is going to be tricky because it seems like I could fall off at any moment Oh God oh you got Bob Bob I'm about to join your pipe huh not a great club [Applause] wait how are you doing that your your actual wizard whoa hey Marty you need a hand try come up here man come on man let's go to the pipe club guys you had some sweet pipes going on why are you so thumpy thumpy cuz I'm grumpy oh my god it's so hard to do this you do this way I've given up guys I give up I give up hey Mark how's flying on cloud 9 of pipe Club living the pipe Club dream I just yeah we just swung away oh what's the point Bob what's the point what's even the point mark use your ass to break the glass under you and you know so what's the point so I'm gonna pull this lever for me I guess well there's a lot easier now that I didn't have Bob counteracting every s'long oh my god you're actually a wizard pipe club dreams are back baby wait look where I am look where you are you're so sad everything about you oh god I win don't know wait don't take this for me why would you take hey could you at least land it on the glass there well I'll be doing good work keep it up Thanks you know you know what mark you know what work listen hey listen come down here [Applause] [Music] how do you crouch there we go listen to me you listen you need to get Beauty to puck up you need to get that smirk off your face you need to get serious and dreams are for children and we are men playing a men's game in a man's world wait I had it no I know I know wait I know but I earned this one more can you do it can you love her me why can't we break this glass I guess it's fine it's open what are you doing to me okay unit mark yeah yeah you know it baby you know it baby okay guys oh my god guys how are you doing that what are you doing it's rar XD time to do it for us this is for us whoo whoo no wait don't please don't do this for me no wait I swear to god you're so close [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,130,067
Rating: 4.9477715 out of 5
Keywords: human fall flat, human fall flat markiplier, human fall flat bob & wade, bob & wade, markiplier bob & wade, mark bob wade, human fall flat multiplayer, actually hilarious, funny moments, human fall flat funny moments, human fall flat hilarious, human fall flat part 1, human fall flat gameplay, human fall flat online, funny games, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, video games, pc, online, online multiplayer, gang beasts, human fall flat gang beasts
Id: go4iKrHleDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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