7 YEARS LATER... | 7 Days to Die #22

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I'm getting a drink [Music] alright man been a while are we analyzed now I'd do it yeah actually Bob you spawned right next to me mark used to bond a little far away but if you had a steel head does okay I see the arrows should I gather on the way there or should I not every time I played this Patrick has been playing and he's just like he's always got everything like done so I never really have to do anything early on we were basically starting fresh together after a long time mine wants me to make a bedroll where do I get plant fibers from just press e grass on the ground the little grass you punch it rock wow I'm punching the [ __ ] out of these plants do we want it like I have a bedroll do we want to like put it somewhere or not yet and let me come to you guys guys mark you coming hey I'm gathering up some stuff on the way this good stuff this is a meteor I found to be here I'm rich I'm coming oh that's oh yeah there are zombies in this but forgot about that right zombies ah problem guys you uh you in some sort of trouble there man I'm fine they're slow they're slugs stupid and I'm fast and smart you guys know that about me everyone knows that about me fastest now we didn't actually say that that's just fast smart mark hmm fast smart Maher thinks honestly the first time you said I think is it fat smart mark everyone knows all right I see buildings there's a full jackal don't leave me to die we're looking like right here pretty much where we are don't abandon me which I know you guys love to do we have not moved since oh god if you leave me behind I'll never let you forget it I will roast you for the exact same spot we started in I will just I will haunt you if I turn into a ghost look at this box I made you I'm gonna help yourself by putting one here 200 all right how do I do anything gather some stuff mark I'm gonna make an axe are you doing the tutorial no no no yes no yes I made a bed roll flop yeah place I'll grind them pick it back up real quick and just to complete the quest darn it I'm good in the sack even the game knows now we have to journey to a settlement where is the settlement in wait yes yes mark tab then click on your little character really buff I hit him so buff you guys didn't tell me I'll buff I was it's pretty cool man woah how hard that tree just bit it I'm gonna club this zombie get clapping oh well oh I miss damn it what are you doing trying to kill us he certainly seems to be trying to do something how do I keep missing missing what missing what joke's on you didn't even feel it you're gonna false this is design in my head is there a spear in my head I don't see it the sake only what it's here what do you even repair how do you repair it just throw it away and build a new one how do you throw it away drop it out of your inventory Oh easy enough there anything of value in these houses or oh there's a zombie zombie you say those don't exist I found scrap boots sir oh yeah just metal blocks on my feet I'm so [ __ ] hardcore guys hmm hey screw your head did I get my arrows dude this zombies invincible you need some help a real man no no real man on the scene I'm bleeding super profusely bandaged do not die I thank you man you got to squish the nog bro all right sure we do should we do the thing go to the place wait and no I need to do the wooden block thing I haven't so honestly we kind of need well it's the first night should be that bad you needed ax and then you right-click it with your axe I just walked into it nice plank oh oh Jesus Christ there's a bird killing me hey bird oh my god well that it's still after me it's gonna kill me let's go to cover I guarantee this is gonna kill me murder it squishing I used my only bandage and now I'm dying or something oh there's a pig behind you watch out bum bum where uh he looks pretty docile actually should we go to the thing and get safe bill don't kick you out so we can't stay there we won't be safe at night there well so do we need to just get a home I get a home base situation a prio subcostal preparing we gotta build a place we can take over this place and you start repairing it you gotta crawl a zombie over here Wow I took a lot of damage from you you suck zombie how do we get more health stuff there's a low around we need the aloe plants that you see in the ground I got some aloe let me get a cloth with the fun claw I just need to cloth fragments to make a bandage I have one Quan fragment where do we get cloth check the cars just find it or else you can tear apart clothing I think and get it that way like clothing that we craft clothing or just general clothing just general clothing you can just like find places I think we should probably go inside somewhere yeah yeah the running zombies are not gonna be fun running zombies there's a house right here we can go to or else if you guys are close to one now let's go back to wait and I'm just officially started cleared the towel Jesus Christ I wonder your arms you dick there we go all right where are you wait green on the on the compass agree Oh Oh go inside oh god what is it bad it's time all right going already one out here if take care of all right oh damn one swing nice yeah so nice beer baby okay there's a big hole in the back yeah we think they see light so torches our arm is so dark in here I can't see anything so we need wooden blocks right I think we should go upstairs and just fortify the stairs okay good and I can't see anything so I'm gonna do a little torchy oh wait up here I can see some stuff there's a light up here oh this beautiful man Oh God the floor board I'll put a block there we need some wood blocks how block should this be I'm gonna put it fully blocked off because like those vultures and stuff they can fly in through oh god I'm gonna part like ones on the stairs and just sort of I'll try to get the ceiling all closed off yeah you write sped rules okay this is actually kind of like I'm a little bit like it definitely gets hard yeah I'm actually gonna just build this floor out I think I'm gonna take down this handrails and make give us a little bit more floor space I guess we get rid of the pool table too right yeah would that make too much noise I know more than breaking the handrails are oh wow aha was that see that painting I broke this painting there's a hidden medicine in their food supply bond it Oh interesting this is fascinating it really beefed up this game yeah oh I got a lot of rotting flesh guys I don't know if you wanted that I got bottled murky water out of the toilet anybody wanna go god it's very yellow hey there's medicine in the medicine cabinet here this vitamins painkillers recog and fort bites I don't know what those are oh god that's that sound it's loud don't sound good man done sound good I don't see anything out the window so I'm assuming that it's okay is there any point to rotting flesh it might be like emergency food like you could eat it if you had nothing else I don't know I'm gonna just go ahead and say we're gonna get not that you can't stuff in this game which you need like different medicines antibiotics and stuff for there's still stuff in the medicine cabinet anybody wants it in the bathroom okay oh we got someone's breaking in that was me if you don't know there's a zombie I hear the groaning okay they quit running at four o'clock I think 7 o'clock 4 o'clock 7 o'clock 5 o'clock oh they quit running eventually you're on top of the stairs so oh yeah we can like weave nice little archery spot here we can try to hit them from so where are they trying to break in supply I hear them downstairs in the side if you right-click like on the doors you can fortify them if that doors now a scrap door alright there's kind of spooky wait till days up oh you can totally get up on the roof over here if we break some of these wooden things down the roofs nice except for you know worried about vultures still well I doubt we're gonna stay here oh yeah this house is kind of [ __ ] but so can we I carved the walls cuz I need wood yeah whatever Oh heard of record record Rekha that sounds who's gonna toss die I don't really care about die right now there's is someone coming up the stairs or something I I see I saw something on my alert hey what's up the leaves oh there you are oh my god I see you through your hole god I actually started me I never noticed that we start with a note that's like a threatening message from somebody did you read the note that we start with now you pay on time every time or there will be constant huh is it day two o'clock when do they stop yeah these that mean for say 4 o'clock so it's 22 to 4 so it's 6 hours I made night as short as I possibly could for the sake of just not being cooped up in the house yeah there's one downstairs just going out a wall down here well guys there's a sealed shipping crate down here I don't believe you I've got bottle of acid nitrate powder animal fat and glue and glueck glue oh I just got a grenade schematic nice I'm sure you guys have level up points so if you press tab and you click on the little graduation cap skills skill points right now there's dinner Sam Suri's so it's like it says attribute perception you click on the bicep the fortitude all the different oh my god oh my god oh my god he's a leaper what what a leaper is that med I don't remember fighting one of these before [Applause] and that and this my god I want my arrow back squish him in the face he's dead there's some more zombies around here just to be clear yeah he just like left through the sky I thought it was like just a tumbleweed good God a grandma scary oh wait no this is a businessman business grandma that kind of looks like Ellen DeGeneres for a zombie doesn't it oh yeah she'll back we just killed Ellen Ellen that happens to the worst of us why am i I was resting my back against the worst of us though Ellen I'll just stock up on the aloe for once we eventually fire you need a band I'm not gonna help you what do you need for bandages besides aloe cloth drivers then why don't you grab the medicine and medicine cabinet no I can say I'm full yeah we don't need the medicine we're better than the medicine that's what I'm saying that's what I've already said how do how do i repair things wait how do you do that so if you're if you click on it in your inventory and you look like top middle of your screen it'll say modify repair scrap drop it does not says craft or favorite note there it is oh yeah well that was easier than crafting a new one well it's just like supply wise it's not really that worth it early on because the taxes are such [ __ ] so there's a skill under the strengths perks skill tree called path yield that allows it open if you guys want more carry space it's a trick Bob don't listen to him it sounds like a trick doesn't sound like the thing I need yeah all right well I'm gonna go looting now you guys enjoy not having loot space and I'll seal it we would be the worst in an actual box we actually run into a cactus you think we'd actually do that no but I would die from some other thing you know it'd be really annoying to be around Beautif I was if I be apocalypse I'm turning into a zombie like so fast and not by choice it's just gonna happen uh are we supposed to go find this settlement trader person I mean that's the quest or whatever but I'm not down to do what the game tells me to do I'm down to do it I want to are not a person for authority I know that about you we've already had this discussion we have established this god yeah what are you doing I had to fight for my life Oh can you do a quieter there's a blank one door with my ax one time and all the zombies were like oh my god I fell down to the inside guys I might be about to die don't I'm on 18 health I'm seventeen health I'm bleeding I appear to be done right no no you lose you're only on five health when I fix this I will try to make you bandages and bring them to you where are you will stop bleeding I'm at five health the blandest baby stops bleeding the aloe bandage star will heal you a bit I don't even have a lobe bandage on my recipe ala cream wait okay I'll cream and then aloe bandage I've never made them so sure first day advantage needs oh you need the schematic for it really yeah just a bandage is just bandage cream by itself does something then let me look ala cream yeah ala cream it also stops bleeding so just aloe by itself will be can I make Allen crema you have a low but I don't have the hello cream must be where's that at no yeah search in the search bar you got to do it individually all right I'll I need two more aloe leaf so I've got some with me it's not a lot of health I found sleeping zombie who attacked me from not that far away where do you respond oh god my bed sack okay well that's not too bad so it's my pile of stuff still there can I just go back still be there oh wait it's the opposite of what you said I lost everything in my belt but I kept my image Oh God wait what's going on out there birds yeah birds aren't real come on man no there goes my zombie oh wow how are you hitting me from so far away I don't like the zombies in this game they hit me from a thousand miles away and I can't hit that man less than standing on them wait explain yourself what is this [ __ ] yeah the game devs called they're like we're trying to [ __ ] mark and Bob over and I was like alright good luck guys seems like they're doing exclusively to Bob because I'm fine just wait your time is coming okay sure yeah just hold on you'll be [ __ ] over this is bad place to be I'm being [ __ ] right now if you did tell me you told me and you were right told me not to warn you so I guess I'm next on the [ __ ] list all right I'm complimentary so full I am so slow I am so encumbered mmm maybe she used the strength points huh well you didn't tell me how that's true that's true I literally could not have told you any more than I did and tell us how until after we had already spent our fourth round of strength points yeah exactly oh so now you just upgrade the attribute itself before you can upgrade further uh-huh milk drinker I do love milk softy fit oh yeah now we're talking oh wait I needed to get the actual pack meal stuff not just strength yes buddy you're gonna be able to upgrade in that pack-mule so mom's oh dude you don't understand how slow I am right now sounds like a new problem no mark these guys no don't let me mark slow oh come on I'm done quick I'm speedy why don't you die you a-hole all right well no need to be rude oh no I'm marks low marks one stop calling it marks lows not fair everybody if you're playing a game you get over encumbered just know your mark slow I'm fast markiplier slow get over encumbered as you just I'm lightning fast I might be the fastest youtuber I might be like the tourmaline your lightning fast or your mark slow no no no you can go Mach one Mark's low your other marker mark can't be both that's what know it feels accurate feels right why would that be accurate why don't mind don't make fun of my vernacular now Wow just working right to the room don't get mark oh that's that's just that's too far what that's too far you should hear I say the word tutorial apparently that's alert it's turtorial tutorial tutorial where are we staying tonight what time is it try this almost no yeah three minutes probably your take that's not so great all right where's that house set are you guys goin by oh my god oh your bed icon on the map should lead you back to the house are we staying there again that's private so your arms to him dude up real slow we know yeah you know what I'm mark slow and I gotta go goddammit fine I'm gonna get you guys back someday I'm gonna call me catch up to us oh you got um i'm wade slow he's I see what you did there I'm Wade you're wait I'm art I'm wait no no no no wait no no no well I mean I wouldn't want to be that because that's not handsome that's what that is the feelings yes yeah I did yeah I did get you yes I've got some clothing for you guys if you guys still need clothes now I got a nice cool jacket I'm getting aloe plants on my way home I'm gonna be the lowest I'm gonna be just sticky when I get there that's why there's no aloe plants out here people way behind you guys what do you mean I mean I know what was fellow anywhere why I'm barely alive I'm practically dead I need the aloe I gotta rub it on myself so I don't pass out oh no there's aloe plants around this cactus I don't know if I'm capable of this so how Bad's this night gonna be in comparison should be somewhat similar for still pretty early on in the game I believe your level dictates the difficulty except for on days that are multiples of seven like 16 yes specifically 16 but Bob you're pulling a real team Bob dum doesn't like jokes being made about me okay I see how this is dirty and I approve no I don't approve I don't approve Wow is there a way to make like a chest or Oh secure source chest yes there is yes okay do that yeah then I'll put all my stuff in it then no no it's my stuff oh yeah thanks I appreciate you guys I got a t-shirt I got a real life adult t-shirt out here I do not believe it well I'll show you what I get well I'll show you I'll show you a get back that's how I always talk don't come on don't come on man no I'm not gonna let you know no no come on now I'm gonna give you the business yeah don't be mean to Bob I'm not yeah what are you doing to me no I'm gonna give you the business come on no this is booming you're gonna boo me right in the biz hole [ __ ] that's what you are 22 oh that that is ominous hey welcome to my house uh what the Freak was that no the sound the zombies make when they start to come for your soul my soul specifically yeah your soul it's all about the souls as opposed to the other participating how'd you make that chest you gotta make sure them yes search for it in your search bar I searched for nothing click through until you get to it that's the plan don't chuckle like that you stop it now Bob right next to you there's some new shoes and new pants mark here's some new pants for you new pants oh wait guys you know what I got this important well I was sure there's a nice shirt for one of you two I got some decoration hang on let me just have a good look what I'm doing to brighten up our home oh my we're gonna have to water it and take care of it a little bit okay I'm ready for this guy's look at the helmet that I found holy you look like you're ready for oh my god I'm ready to rip it too much leg you know you don't - cooking pot so we can cook like meat and stuff now and I got a cooking pot - hang on cooking real I found a cooking grill oh man we clean the bathtub guys we really need to clean that storage chest left it locked oh that's mine I don't want anyone to touch my stuff okay okay all right unlock locked guys oh you're in there so these are our current quest to go to the settlement the casino tokens are the currency there does anybody have a glue your chest has five glues in it like um please may I go for it behold my blunderbuss don't you shoot me what does antibiotics look like click no ammo bottle of acid is that him yeah sure bathroom medicine cabinet I don't want to go in there that's terrifying killers here I do not have any end about for mites vitamins recog and painkillers none of those antibiotics oh no that doesn't sound good it's all it's gonna be morning in five seconds who's out here between a [ __ ] all right I've got a new slue G hammer so that's fun us what kind of Hammer slew G killer hammer I don't know how to make it any more clear anybody's trying to help me or you find something the ones that we're outside the house yeah I fell off the roof accidentally and now I'm fighting them off okay okay okay yeah be right there be right there I'm blunder Debus anyway oh my god chunga's is upon me blunderbuss is a mungus give me those arrows inside of them mark there's a cacti in there careful I won't do I wanted to shoot the cactus so bad we want to do shooting a cactus is just it's your thing man come on just not like this man sometimes when you're mark slow all you gotta do shoot a cactus oh no not like this mark slow come on guys that's funny cuz it's accurate hey sledgehammer works way better for breaking rocks who knew kind of whooshes - whoosh whoosh I don't like the whoosh that's annoying I don't like your face it's annoying something else I left out you sorry sorry ok alright ok stupid face sorry sorry alright well you can't just say sorry and then do it again in this sorry mark I said sorry like six times how serious do I need to take this well I mean I feel like a marginally more than you are sounds like somebody needs to grow up there there's got a blunderbuss with your name on it you threatening ball yeah yeah that's not cool dude yeah Bob what are you using not cool about it it's not cool just like we're doing it's not cool oh yeah mark it's not your cool see how cool it's not your cool not like it's not you alright so just the main thing about this game just sort of try and survive I barely make over the nine days to die because of night seven okay so it gets real sure sure so what wait but wait what are we working towards here should we go to the settlement settlement we get side quit I mean it's a survival game ultimately you build up Charlie yeah there's not like a main story that I know of it's it's about surviving and [ __ ] gets harder each night starts to get harder and eventually you're gonna have to be built up or else you're gonna get your ass kicked on night 7 if we're still playing where we're at right now we will die you need to gather supplies when you get guns we need to build spike like couple halls at most this guy this guy's really being mark slow over there sky 3 is he's cranking up the mark the market to Dan a little looser what an absolute mark mark asaurus rex oh is that me he's - mark slow to get it doesn't feel good to be called March slow we call me something else well you're certainly not Wade handsome right now that's for sure why am I breaking rocks rocks right now rocks you got rocks coming in on the rock road I have a lot of well what's a lot of wood because I have a hundred 99 Wood is that a lot of wood no that good wood we need like hundreds of wooden spike traps because of those I don't like 20h right approximately maybe we need maybe you're the one looking or whatever I'm not looking right now I'm fortify the house this is excuses I'm hearing excuse it is coming from that anyone want 40 arrows cuz I'm about to make them dude I will be our Archer master I miss a lot so don't rely on me for anything but I'm here - I'm here to shoot arrows and stuff trust me you got it Wade these rocks don't seem so useless anymore now that I'm making arrows huh no I like your rocks mark turns out you're not as mark slow as we thought you were we should start killing the chickens and pigs like me to get meat I got eggs if you guys get eggs save the eggs combining eggs and meat is a good meal really well I mean in generally unsuitable protein heavy enjoy but I guess anything about this game dude no I never recommend a game for us to play unless I know it's gonna be fun and quality content I don't understand why you're what you've let us you know it me neither basically just hammering wood I mean acting wood I don't know doing something to it you're repairing the water you're taking the wood I'm whacking it and it's disappearing so I'm assuming that's good are you guys not enjoying yourselves I'm really kind of man I'm just that's what I do I like the whole resource gathering think it's my jam and game I'm all about that oh oh well this nurse is getting it oh this nurses watching me murder this nurse right now no I'm murdering my own nurse oh we're both murdering nurses not doing this yeah I was I was earlier I was telling everyone they should be grateful to their health care workers but it was just a roost I've actually hear from nurse murder therefore it was a Charlotte Russe it often is those in defense that are the worst roost was just a big old chicken and egg problem if you know what I mean I do yeah that's what they call you some people probably do call me beep Channel I think credit for inventing the name I did when I walked in our college dorm room and you're like that's big sauce right so that first phone call where we ever spoke when we decided I had next box than you had a TV yeah I called you up and you were like oh I'm gonna be calling you big sausage markiplier yeah no she's naked I'm sorry chat that is does boobs what are you doing what are you guys doing I'm good well you guys got the nurses I got the nudists does this bloaty fellow explode the way it looks like he might if I let him get near me I don't know what experiences you guys are having but it's vastly different than them very different than my own don't care if you're talking you're getting the naked people you're getting the doggies what is shared XP I get big bursts of experience whatever we can kill the congas we good we eat share the X B so if Bob kills something and you're close then you get something extra like killed I kill a honking jungus just then Daniel you came at me like what blob and I was like there might be a fox I don't know you killed you killed a Rick and Morty fan Wubba lubba dub dub yes well beloved of do me there's no copy left there's nothing left I'm gonna feast on its corpse I don't know if that's a good thing to do either I need like so many more rocks right now I can give you yeah swing I see you over in the horizon I'm gonna do coming back to the house I'm literally right now I'm literally next to you I'll I'll be back don't you worry about it I'm on top of you I'm gonna drop a giant pile of arrows dude do you have any oh snap there you go look at this guy who the hook ups I'm like weed delivery I just swing by drop off and you're happy I'm about to blunderbuss this guy that was the juiciest thing I've heard all day oh I arrowed is leg up I think I picked up a quad damaged somewhere I am just wrecking everything so what does the eating youkai do I don't I have a bunch and I've eaten it stamina you can make a yucca tea or something like that I think yeah um do you guys know if you click tab you go to your character where you equip the items that on the left there's like a little like bar graph you click on it shows your stats of your health your hunger and all that stuff I'm not gonna look at that apparently you Co supposed to be mixed with water to make better water Oh yucca juice not only is it chock full of antioxidants it's also got some great ginger esque qualities if you know what I mean you know ginger yeah is he feeling at the base of your rod yes we'll get you there almost exactly the same way but mentally friendly you know what I mean I was hoping for something like that 300 would only equates to 16 spike traps that's rude dog and have 574 wood is that enough I have 492 one of those numbers is enough well I have more than both of you so I feel like I'm the real winner here you get to decide if it's enough you have attacked by a vulture is that bad yes I killed it I killed it why are you on the mountain zombie stupid idiot why did it idiot fro I'm not here to judge anyone you know peace and love but what an idiot bro I don't know what I started with fantastic Wade you've done this shimmying towards me at an alarming rate sir I do not want any of your girls your dogs Girl Scout cookies sir sir I tried to tell you I'm not interested in your daughters daughters cookies I can't even say the word daughter man I did not get far we need this to be like three layers deep well we have a couple days right how do we need this to be so deep a couple days but you know bro I can get you some what's that stuff people go in the desert and do [ __ ] dive get buried the drug stuff rasca bro I'm gonna get us some ayahuasca the hell is a circle around a campfire we're gonna get so deep I first thought the business to hide a body what the [ __ ] we talking about wait come on now I don't think about the drugs I just thinking about murder Stevens I guess this construction worker is not happy no the construction workers are douchebags they're just like blammo daughters Girl Scout cookies and you got to just be real forceful with them I need to get home guys guys guys farther than I was home oh I'm all right it's actually nighttime oh goodness me nighttime boys oh my god I'm getting attacked by an [ __ ] bird I'm in life you [ __ ] bird where are you guys lots of wood so if you want me to get there trust me don't leave don't leave the boy wood in my chest I'm almost we have an open window right here what oh I'm out of steam this okay oh I didn't know come on in hey friends how's it going should I lock the should I lock the exterior doors they don't open them do they I don't know wait how do i unlock a door I locked you really locked the door at the top I think because we're all in the same party we can unlock that someone here is [ __ ] good come on guys keep it together we want a lot of spike traps but we also still need to be working on making sure there's not holes in the house like that one right there should make a few frames frames maybe frames someone confirms does anyone have any leather did anyone manage to kill like a pig or something and how do we make something to forge iron we have to make an actual Forge which I think there might be a skill tree for that I don't know there's a skill underneath intellect called advanced engineering I think we need to buy advanced engineering the blacksmith perk oh you right I can buy that craft forges yeah okay cool so I don't know what the Forge recipe is clay soil small stone leather 10 leather 10 all right follow boy I'm gonna level my intellect so I can make better healing stuff I've gotta keep taking a lot of damage for some reason I don't know what's happening are you like dysentery tore poisoned or something I have 9.7% infection right now and I have no access antibiotics good I know it's not quite defined going about did you go in the medicine cabinet in here there are no antibiotics in there what about fort bites like I don't want to recog you just sort of things that are in there but I find none of those are antibiotics anybody exits a very [Music] [Laughter] it's like you're a rejected Muppet on guys I have herbal antibiotics in my inventory whoa all right now I have no infection anymore or whatever that means what the hell does that mean now I have happy infection 9.9% what the hell does that mean your infection is smiling bright I have an old sham sandwich well that gives me 12% food poisoning that doesn't seem good yeah I've got us so over here if you guys come back over here where I'm at I will not why would I do that I put a camp fire that has all the necessary things for cooking [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,190,540
Rating: 4.9703531 out of 5
Keywords: 7 days to die, 7 days to die markiplier, 7 days to die 22, 7 days to die alpha, zombie minecraft, zombie survival, open world, sandbox, zombie sandbox, zombie survival game, crafting, zombie crafting, crafting game, markiplier, lordminion777, muyskerm, mark bob wade, collab, multiplayer, alpha, update, 7 years later
Id: UWT-Y7TsfxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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