3 SATISFIED MEN | Satisfactory #1

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Are you guys on the ground yet? I'm on the ground. Yes. I'm on the ground Yeah, Oh Oh, what fuck is that thing? What is this thing? What are you? Seeing this shit. Look at the tiny head on this sumbitch. No, why's his head? So tiny? I don't know markiplier Where's the tick hippo what's happening Violent Violent. Yeah, whatever all four guys See where you are I have a bunch of leaves and They're not that weight cut they're not that I want to see what's going on It's not good What does Cole give me this Cole Tink tink Tong ting Oh wiser more I'm getting cold though. Hell yeah Watch it. Watch it They're really easy to chew. Oh, I'm gonna zap Marco I do all Marc mindsets active. Oh, I randomly jumped over it I killed one How'd you kill one please wait Stop stick out. You can go ahead tab and drag the thing with dog into your hand Oh Oh, yeah, of course I do yeah Did that punch I think I just punched Michelle Thea's at least three I'm gonna go do like the game you guys keep killing that giant and beautiful creature or whatever, I guess. All right, cool Ain't got shit is what he got. I'm the nice one mark and Wade are fucking evil Bob are you pink? Yam pig? I'm coming to you. We're gonna play this game. Yeah. I just harvested some iron Look up it's a butterfly maw thing. Honestly, we'd be crazy man. It's a giant thing right here Yeah, get the crazy on your eyes. Get the crazy out of your eyes Hey guys, I have some nuts that heal you half of heel block. Oh I've already got some nuts. I can build the hub the heart of our Factory. This is where you complete fix-it milestones Yeah, whatever like we need that I don't think that's part of the game. I like hitting iron. It's so fun. Yeah, no I know I like the way that the chip wears like elastic or something. It's really cool Clay can we play the games? I Feel like 30 irons is a good amount of iron. I've got 99 baby nicely done my friend Thank you, my friend. My pleasure my friend. You're welcome. My friend. Oh, this is a good spot. I built a hub All right, cool. What I had a whole spot picked out. Good job Fucking ignoring me. Good job. I like your Spock is a terrible place We should definitely tear this place down and I'm on the way. Where are you guys? We are up by the iron that we found. Okay be right there. Do you like where I place this home? It was the first place that it let me place it. Yeah. Nice. Good job, buddy. Good job I really tried to think it out. I was like man, what would my friend not want me to do like this? You know, this is a really sick place to start Wade. I really got to commend you You've got an eye you got an eye football place literally anywhere else, but I was like, you know, what would Wade - no Yeah, nobody you got this. I think you got this huh iron ingot Okay, crap great one we need iron ten iron rods. Okay, so I'm gonna upgrade the hub I'm gonna make ten iron rods and I'm gonna upgrade it. Correct is occupied bro. There were two sides to it I thought that was it That's fine. All right Do we only want one hopper do we want multiple hubs? I don't know. Oh, yeah. Okay. I'm gonna do this Boom upgrade. Oh nice nice Three I'm stopping there because you upgraded yeah Now I can do stuff biomass burner. I'm gonna burn some leaves I'm burning leaves. Why are you burning leaves if it's not connected to anything? I just wanna burn some leaves I mean eco-terrorists All right. I'm putting all my leaves in there. It's maxed out of 500 leaves cool, man I'm gathering more leaves though, just in case so hub upgrade - we need 10 plates 10 rods and wire 50y I can I can make the plates in the roads up this way up north. I'm coming for you wait Listen, let's take this together. All right. Oh That's nice. Well six at a time Oh fill me. Did he? Yeah, didn't you know that this is how this works No, I've not seen one of these only had a little baby one and and normal ones give you two at a time So you could just mine this forever. Oh Maybe not forever. I don't know maybe not forever. You got you bit just getting some copper over there Oh Copper. Oh, did you all crash? No. No, I'm still here. Oh wait, there you are. Are you back in? No, my games relaunching. Oh, but your body's here A lot of weird me probably enough copper to get started someone head back to the home. I got enough for wire So I'm gonna make this B wire okay, I'm here. Hello. Okay. You want me to go ahead for this Bob go for it Don't can upgrade Wait, let me get a look at you. Hey, Anna face me here. Oh Yeah, I'm not gonna look at you either really you have a space helmet and you're kind of orange and khaki colored Uh-huh you two you two. Do I look like Bob to you. You guys look the same to me. Yeah Oh God, we're all the same We get for not investing and more expensive Customization on what are you doing on this? What are you doing Bob? I'm looking at the things we I want to make a smelter Oh, I have a will to make a smelter which says when did I have a builder? Well, you sort of have one Yes, I want to make a smelter power poles and power a lot guys we're in trouble I'm not the focus. Oh shit I don't have what we need. Do you guys have what we need to make a smelter? I need a wire at the rock but I need wire I can make I can make lots of wire. Yeah, I'm As soon as you're done, yes, we need more crafts. We each need our own craft bench. I think yeah I just need three plate three rod per craft beds So it's yeah, I just need I just need some plates and I can build my own craft bench. Actually we use this real quick Really wait get out of there. I just finished converting all the copper into ingots stupid. I've got everything I need to make a crafty thing I'm gonna make my own I'm gonna keep this one and as my own I'm gonna make my own craft bench with a view Oh, I see the giant butterfly. Oh, yeah, there's one Bob guys, look at my craft bed, dude. That's a sick craft bench, right? This shit Wow, I don't see the butterfly moth that is so cool. I'm gonna build mine right here next to yours You could just look backwards that's our biomass burner Are you a snail god? Oh, do I worship you? What are we talking about a freaking weirdo? What in the world are you saying? I found the snail god. No, this still doesn't answer anything come over here There's a glowing green snail God on top of this rock in front of there's a glow Okay, you expect me to believe there's a glowing green snail God on top of a rock Well, if you don't believe me, I told you literally where I'm at so you could come see it You see the glory? No, I don't see the glowing green snail Electricity oh, yeah big whoop Thomas Edison did that a long time ago? Oh, you're so special powers What are you talking about? This what? What Do you see it? No, no interesting. I've got it. Ooh, okay, okay Okay, Wade, whatever you say chat says harvest the power slug. Whatever. That means. Yeah, I did. I've got it in my inventory Bob I can confirm I saw nothing. So I think Wade is losing it I think we should probably losing we should probably kill him straight up just because he's already lost his mom All right, so can we build any sort of automatic mining equipment yet? How do we do that? I don't think so I think we're manual for a little bit longer Yeah, Bob you hold down the fort I'm gonna I'm gonna keep exploring for more rare minerals and stuff. We need concrete How do we make convex crashing guys my game crushed? That that seems to be a regular thing Build constructors to automate production of simple parts build power poles to extend your power grid expand your production to upgrade faster it really is like Factorial are we gonna have to fight aliens? And we already have no I mean like for real aliens That's what I liked about factorials. Yeah, I think all these fake aliens you shut your mouth You shut you shut your gosh-darn mouth Did you get food delivery what we're doing gaming Chica got her birthday. Chicken. Oh nice. Oh, is that why you said? Yeah, it wasn't to Bob to hang oddly enough. No, I Hope there are air horns at my funeral Really if I live? Yeah, I got your back I hope you live to be pretty old though because I cannot imagine your acting. Well if I show up to playing air horns Well, my mom would be recording it to be perfectly my mom would record my own That surgery on your scar tissue your mom was like the doctor like, dr. You do a good job. I Gotta eat my chicken. I found a cave I'm gonna go in the cave, but only after I eat my chicken plates and reinforced iron plate I'm making the reinforced iron plates right now, okay? Mark give us a sweet iron plates, but I'll be there and just the fuck. Are you and a cave exploring? It's weird this snails everywhere there's A red power lizard. I can't believe I'm so lucky. I can't believe the shut up last one in existence Who'da thunk my green that power slug is in this box. There's proof that it exists in that box I don't I don't see what you're talking about. I'm almost done with the hub upgrade. You're welcome. I'm almost done exploring this cave There's all kinds of colored creatures. It's like a skittles commercial in here. There's so many collar schools sunrise Sunrise good view you. Have a good view. Yeah from my workbench. That's Right where how would I have known it would be turned around Save the slugs. They're important later. I ain't the slug, but that was my slug. God I your God who's God now. They seen the sunrise mark. It's beautiful. Yeah I'm in cave but a window got a window It's got like just legs is your power lizard create a window so you could observe the beautiful sunrise Wait, there's green. Oh, it's healing there's healing gas here I'm not gonna lie. I was not in the cave before I am now in the cave Flyer I get mushrooms you found glue fungus. Hi. I found white sticky glue in this cave Dude how's it taste a little salty little salty, but you know, it's not as amazing. It's not too bad. I like the flavor It's got a tang to it. Mm. Mm. Mm real good real good that Stavros like the way you say. Oh My god In the cave by the way Care what you're fighting? Holy shit There's a Death Star, okay. Well, I'm gonna upgrade the hub Cause I'm doing stuff, what does that mean things? I'm doing stuff know the gravitational radiation. Sphere. What is that? Hiding who's hiding Hey guys, I upgraded the hub how are you doing all pop they're chasing me. We're gonna have some fun You can come up on top. Oh, I see you. Hey, how's it going? Yeah, they turned left fire Do they now they spit fire like a Death Star that sounds so believable. I they spit fire. I stole their Death Star's. Oh You stole their Death Star. Yeah. Okay. All right. I harvested the Death Star and it gave me a Mercer beer Wow Wow You harvested the Death Star you see how I just don't believe a word you're saying I'm gonna heal up cuz I almost died Yeah, yeah. Yeah big baby Oh God, really. This thing's not even in game yet It says a weird alien thing with an impossibly smooth surface work in progress Analyzing will not give you anything Bullshit, I'm getting so much wine guys. My inventory is full. I didn't know that could happen. Yeah, I'm Number of spaces I have in mind that it could be filled. I don't like your attitude there friend guys There's a green power slug here. Oh my god mark, did you find a green power slow? Yeah, it's weird It looks like a slug but as green and crystalline, it's glowing. That's crazy, man I'm gonna pick it up actually hate you. I went in that cave and I came out someplace. I was way farther away Where are you guys? Oh shit. I got so far. Oh shit Your best friends back and you're gonna be in trouble, oh no, these are directional oh fuck Oh you goofed it. Oh I came here just in time to see you mess up. I goofed guys I goofed I see that alright mark mark. I need to take you somewhere. I'm busy. What do you need? What's up, buddy? What's up, friend? Come on a fun trip with me. Okay, I don't wanna but here I go I got a lot of stuff in my inventory. I kind of want to drop it off first day. I'm not gonna go yet Hey, I got a drop yourself. Definitely go before you draw. Are you definitely drop off before we go? I'm gonna drop off I'm doing that right now. That's like the smartest thing you've ever done in a game Really? I'm not saying like you're usually dumb in games. But like hey man, look at you. Thanks, man Thank you proof. That evolution is real. Whoa. We just just proved right here Lies I made a conveyor Thing. Oh, wow. Good job, Bob. Okay. Wait, what's up order thing? All right come with me Well, there's a tick thing up here. This doesn't do anything but I made a conveyor belt. Okay, there's some cool stuff right here Whoa, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. All right. I'm heading back to see Bob's gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill me, huh Wow I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him. Oh ho God they hurt So thoroughly, well I just wanted you to suffer for questioning me I Use something wait show you so I swear to God if you drop your pants again, I will not be oh Why don't we just go to the cave nearby for a little second here? I don't like the way you said cave nearby I'm just describing where it is and what we need to do. We need to go in the cave nearby. Whoa What the hell I'm doing stuff. Alright, I'm doing actual things We are To man we doing that's you wait sound like that you says what you should you both sound like that to me So it's fine Like this look guys, I did it you did it. You did. What? Oh, that's nice Miner fuck. Yeah, what do I need cable? Fuck. Yes Gallery here. Alright, I can make cable. How do I need like three of those I can make one? I'm gonna make one I wanna know If it works, I mean it I'm gonna place it from a place it where is it? Here it is Go use my go use my conveyor belt. Alright cool here. I go and pop that there. All right It's tiny It's so small. You have to provide power. Ok, you know, it's getting bigger. We have power. We got power look at it Go that far Wow Dude, it's so cool. How do you like connect your ear importable minor? I don't know if these are capable of these don't go onto the barrier belts But I want them to I just want something to go into the smelter. Goddammit look now Sometimes food do you have Miner you need a miner mark one to use the goddammit nerd Actually, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna live my life like this. Hang on. I'm building us some ramps, okay I'm not a goddamn Club Which prime? Gusting human, I don't know have you heard of twins only calm because they just dated five dollars These things make so much iron. Oh shit. Yeah, where was a copper thing nearby, right? Yeah We should put up we should make a copper. I'm gonna go I made your shoe number Yeah, I'll go get going on the limestone. Okay? All right Yeah blank and then how many how many portable miners could you put on these things? It seems like a lot I don't know how many we need. Oh, I need copper. Fuck. I need here. Here here take it take it. Take it all Very Capacious Copper I'll be right I'm gonna go to limestone. Do we need lime sir for anything because I got limestone I deeper Deeper when I have food stuck in my throat, I don't understand that. Oh my god, this is so much copper We need more come I'm gonna come to you mark and I'm gonna I'm gonna put my two thingies on copper Don't take any fuel or any power to operate they just not I just do it. Hell, yeah, man. Oh god Damn, it. Wade's only calm Yeah, hold your weight fucking needs go to Wade's only talk wait fuck I'm gonna work on trying to get the next upgrade going. Okay, what do you need for that? I can bring back a bunch of limestone Concrete which I think is from limestone Should be still in the chest. I got plenty. I got more than enough. I don't need yours How about you go away dick you? Glad that we're working together on this Wade's only calm if you want to eat that way dick For the next hub upgrade. That's what I'm working on we need ayran I'm smelting a hundred iron ore in the smelter right now should be done iron plates iron rod I've got the concrete taken care of. Oh, this thing's overheating. Oh shit. It's about to blow it This shit's about to blow. What is I don't off crafting too much red hot? It's red hot. What? Oh, it's fine. No mark this being hot Dumb it's gonna it's fine marks. Just an idiot non-stop diarrhea. Thank you for the bids. I'm gonna hunt you On it mute well, I guess you guys need to hear but my non-stop I Thought you were decided about how you have non stop that was a donation mark you care Fine it's just I thought it was gonna blow and it's waiting for the inevitable end You know the sweet embrace of death to come claim me, but it never did. So I guess we're fine Just like her it never came, but we come together talk my favorite Oh Apparently you can build conveyors to storage containers Son now that is what I am talking about. Yes. This is some factorio shit right now Where's my inserters, I want to shove things inside wait, there's the rod It needs like 70 plates more and then we're there. All right, I can make like 55 go for it and do it I'll put those that is something you're something. You're really something. Wait. Why are we? Stop it. I Was company I was complimenting him be nice what all the beamers really shown seven more iron plates What is happening in my chat right now? Grades gonna be done right now. Yeah, it should be Yeah, put the plates in there Bob climb up on this thing if you're here why if we look on? The east of us there's like something up there, oh there is something up there look at that There is something up there there really is I think that's Southeast to It was wanted to see what would happen. I don't know the thing made me al fuck That seems just wanted to be king of the mountain we can make a storage container now nice fuck Yes, storage container minor you want mark 1 yes It's it's just rods and concrete plus a plus a minor thing is all you need for that. Oh god No, I can do it. You want me to do it? Yeah, I guess craft it Can we get these little ones out of the way? Okay, here's an important question. How do I rotate this mouse? Scroll wheel scroll wheel. Ah, I see I see I see Can we not? We should be able to pick those up. I think I want to pick up my nerf. Got it God, I gotta get which which way this thing's way bigger than I suspected is the green box I think is the output mark. So you want to output it told you you can't see what I'm previewing right? Ok, this It's just this, can you see this conveyor belt right here? Yeah, I do like this That's the only valid way that'll let me put it right. Yeah, we can we can wrap the conveyor belt. Okay, cool Alright, here we go. Ready? Yeah, I'm Gonna do that I'm gonna do the conveyor and I'm just gonna like wrap it around. I shouldn't read that one Probably read it, you know how like when your mind in it and it's spelled mi n ER right? Yeah so only miners dot-com spelled like that and the quote was why is everyone so mad about our dating service only miners dot Oh, God why did you read that? You told me to know? Why did you read that? Build a power pole because I think it needs to connect You have to also build like the other thing what you call it power line, why is this not connecting Why is this not working? Why can I know what the fuck won't connect? Why won't it connect? It's not giving me an error code on why it won't connect. No power Oh are you trying to do power? Yes, I'm trying to do power. Yes. I'm trying there What did that one connect here Okay I had to turn the other buyer biomass reactor on apparently the biomass reactor can only go to one thing it I'm I think the problem is I think I know what the problem is. Let me let me disassemble this okay? Oh did I should I not have Kurt connected the biomass directly to the okay? Although vegetable and then pull to the biomass. Yeah, that's what exactly what I'm doing. Yeah Look at these chunks of rock or iron is the word Yeah, I do. Ohyou storing. Oh god, Bobby Open the storage container You can put so much in there man. All right, wait, how you doing Lee shit. I'm reading websites that I wish I didn't Mark, I think we've won at the game. I think we won. Yeah, okay. So now that we've beaten the game What do we do next? To feast mark sockets. I already sucked it. I'm good. Do you want to get the limestone thing? We're going to try get the copper up next buy copper. The coppers are probably full. So what do you need to make pull? I just pulled the copper miner mark one unique Copper source also are we worried at all that this all might attract something to attack us? What are we gonna make a gun how do we we can't even make a gun yet? Yeah, that's that's true That is true. That seems true. I will make sure to watch out for the monsters for a few minutes here. Okay. Thanks Wade Thanks. Thanks, buddy. I am here to aid its Marcus in the goddamn cave and eat for ten minutes I wasn't even in the cave. Hey, I've already got all the concrete submitted for our next up of our base. I did stuff I'm the limestone guys what they call me in school. They're like, hey limestone guys, like that's me limestone guy What grade what grade did they call the you that? Will shock you doctors hated My thing is glowing so bright I can't see the button or the lights anymore. It's Sun. I think it's gonna blow Up dude if you saw what I'm looking at right now, there's no book. Oh my god. I have so much copper right now I'm also mine. Mine is glowing it's happening Hundred wire for the hub upgrade right now I have 357 wire I'm gonna drop it by your feet so you can go upgrade that night I really wish I had a view on this if you like the amount of concrete I have produced would you? Would you ask me that right now well go to concrete fuckers calm and you can find out One can already see that you're a huge failure so I don't know what you're afraid of I've got Both success. That's what my mom tells me. You're very famous That's what your mom tells you who is judging me. Well, I mean me all the time, but I know I made concrete I'm hopeful did you drop for extra miners back on the other? No, you did? Oh, I have them in me Sorry, do you want me to put them in the storage box? There's another iron deposit right next to the one buyer base There's toaster. Yeah. Yeah, I'll just put them. Yeah, I'll just put them all. I'm gonna plop them over there Give them a good ol plop. There you go. I'm gonna steal one of them. Just yeah, that's fine I may a minor mark one over on the on the copper deposit actually We don't have anything mining copper right now because I sort of thought I was gonna be able to finish that because I'm an idiot Oh, you want me to put oh wait, there's one over there He needs there's a minor mark one on the copper, but it needs power and then it needs like a conveyor belt or whatever Right, right. Okay. Can we have two conveyor belts going into the same smelter? I just have it bout to find out Yeah, that sounds that sounds cool too because then we don't have to worry about as much power over there. Oh shit I need concrete. Wait. I need you for the first time in forever. I need you in storage 25 concrete on kool aid. I'm grabbing Wade's custom-made handcrafted Delicious good for you, non-gmo Non-gmo concrete. That's the best shit. I don't think I can convey this into the same one Oh, can I do this? Does it do like a connection? No, it's kind of wonky. Okay I want to go to the same one. Let's just double irony into this. Yeah, double irony. Yeah, yeah I think this is working and look now. Let me hook up the power do it so good I'm gonna do it for you for you Powering up. Oh That's a that's a big grindy. He's a grandiy boy It looks like these conveyors match up, but I'm not a hundred percent. Sure. Come on baby. Come on. Come on baby. Come on There's some biomass in storage, I'm just gonna pop it in there. I'm gonna build another smelter right next to this thing There's got to be a way that you can combine conveyors, right that seems to be a better way He's got to be I'm in factorial. There was a specific conveyer belt that would merge them Maybe we have to unlock that specific part. Oh you get it later. Okay, you get it. Later Our I'll just make it that's like a sorting gate or something. Yeah, probably. Alright. I'll just make another smelter. It's fine Okay, so we just into conveyor belt and I'm gonna build you another storage for your second Thing mark, wait, why is this conveyor not? connecting up It's not amazing that's not as you need to upgrade your definition of amazing if that's what you think amazing Is that don't I don't have enough shit. I need more shit. You concrete Concrete I Got whole jar storage. Got it. Okay, a right direction. Yes. Oh, you're fucking I was doing that. You're good Oh, I'm sure go for it go then go then go. Why don't you I am go. Oh, I like that placement Oh, you can line them up. Oh shit. Yeah, I'm gonna line them up. So they're lined up together. Yes. Oh, That if you hold left control while you're lining shit up, you can line them up. Oh, okay lined up that just lined up Marc Loved it actually and in fact, I think I love it even more that I knew I'm gonna make another batch of concrete Special sauce what when I Just wanted to go over here be away from you guys for a kind of problem with ya. What's up? What's the deal? I know everything's um What's right what's the problem alright hub upgrades douche? Oh shit. This power line can go on for a long time. I didn't How big is your power line big Space elevator. That's a casual unlock equipment bacon Oh fuck man, we got bacon in here now hell, yeah damn alright Construct or crafts one part into another can be automated by feeding parts into it with conveyor belt connected also we could Yet but I'm gonna we blew a fuse By the way, shit, we're blowing a fuse. I probably won't you do. Oh god. I hooked up the power Let me let me hang out. I'll use the other there's so many power Listen what's wrong with you? How'd you fix that? I and I just I got I have to make a separate power line that goes out from the other reactor. That's all that's all that's No, I see I see what he's doing this thing says no power are we out of juice I shouldn't be and what's the wires? I'm hooked up correctly, which they might not be It's connected all the way from the miner down to the second generator, but the second generator Oh, the second generator is not a biomass. Oh, that would explain it. It's like down on power Do we auto harvest biomass to put in there? Yeah, that would be convenient if we can harvest biomass from time I don't know how we do that Maybe we could just throw like the big sea urchin thing in there and just like have it mastered The power lizard on it and see what happens. Yeah. Wait, what about these power slugs? I don't know Huh? I've got one why wouldn't I acknowledge assume everybody knows about the power lizards? If the span of these wires too long maybe yeah, oh it says we blew a fuse Okay, I I know how I know how I did I know I don't I don't know. I'm gonna do it. No, it's my secret series and I have value in this place Okay, here's where I think there's a problem. We might have a bug because it overloaded and then I deconstructed the thing so So it might be stuck as a blown fuse So what if we just get rid of the whole power line and then just build a new power line much? It's like Salvage Salvage all these power lines and then build a new line out here to this thing Yeah, I'm gonna do that you might as well just rebuild the whole duder the whole miner Yeah, just in case I can analyze my slug. I found a way to use my slope. Oh Okay, I'm building a new power line. I've got a pair belt set up So the miners ready to go over here on the longest never mind that power line goes fuck she runnin Runnin, alright. Oh, she's running. Oh, she's worse the Moose cube Guys, we've been doing this all wrong. Yeah, you stupid idiot. Alright, so it's producing copper. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah Look at that go. We need we need a smelter shit. I don't have Magical moose moose cube, we can kind of bypass shut. You're crazy for one goddamn second. There we go You know, I Like the cut of this jib, yeah, this is so satisfying in a deeply sexual way Oh my god, so we can conveyor belt the copper out of this storage into another Crafter oh, yeah, we should try that constructor. Do you have what you need to make a constructor? I do actually Right. Oh, yes there Nice. Nice. Nice. I'm gonna conveyor belt that shit. Okay, and then I'll just say to build wire, right? yeah, and then we just Run, do we need another storage unit? I guess I guess the first storage unit, but whatever is fine Well, we do the only thing copper plates are good for wire than decay. But right now yeah, oh look at it go Oh my god Oh Yeah You know this is This is real nice This is it. So it's almost a one-to-one if you look at the container with the ingots Oh, you're definitely a little a little bit faster constructing that it is in getting. Oh, yeah, eventually we will get splitter We'll get to smelt. Oh, yeah This is amazing I like this A lot of this and I just want to say I'm proud of you guys for your probe you shion's as well look at all That goddamn copper wiring Some concrete The man The man all hail the mam and then Alice's little green power slug is completed Please choose a new specimen in the list to begin a new analysis. Wait. I've got it. I've got a new green slug I'm gonna drop this slug on the ground The slug doesn't do anything with mam now now it does something some Oh Where's the slug I dropped it on the ground Mark, where's the slug? Uh, I dropped it mark find the mark. Those things are like Special or something? Where's the slide? I dropped it on the ground. I dropped it on the ground I dropped out of it. I don't know what you want me to say. I dropped it on the ground you Fucked us. No, I didn't lose the slug. It just I dropped it on the ground mark Why you do this Pete lost two slugs? No, you just gotta find it. What do you think? I lost I didn't lose it. You just gotta find it. I don't believe you what I dropped it on the ground It's not my fault. Ooh, what's it gonna Mitch on the roof? I'm overloading this. Yeah, you blew a fuse Yeah, that's not helping I feel like our wiring looks a little bad So we need more powers all we need do we need another yeah. Yeah, we should be able to build Yeah, we can. Oh we can build a bigger one. Oh, no, it's the same. Never mind. It's the same never ceasing I'm gonna build one of these just off to the right here. I guess. What is this? It's a foundation Why do we have it? Because I want things to look nice dude, Oh mark you said oh we can do a biomass burner Is that what you're trying to do you that I just wanted to make a nice platform for it I'm gonna make you the rods you need. No, I'm good I actually have oh, do you have everything I try to keep a lot of good stuff on me? Yeah I try I try this smelter the closer smelter to you mark is the only one that needs power right now We still have upgrade to do with the main base by the way on if you guys saw that yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah, whatever Wade I think the next thing we really need to figure out is how to Get biomass effectively if we're gonna be doing biomass burning for our power We need just like a way to harvest that shit. You you right you right? Wait, what about that green poisonous gas and what if we just a gas? Oh, yeah harvest that shit Wait, just go stand in it and soak some of it in and bring it back. You know, I was trying to offer possible constructive ideas, and so Was Bob and so was my feel like murdering me bro that idea right back in my face murdering me murder Really? You're gonna be that hyperbolic murdering. Okay, whatever. Yeah. Yeah, it would never commit an IRL BR on you Wade Why did you just put regular leaves no, no no no no, I Did that what of it? What of it you two will make them into biomass? No, no No, you make wood into biomass you make leaves also into bio I didn't know that what am I gonna do with these mushrooms that I got like forever ago? Someday, you'll have mushroom love Oh, it's for biomass there's a toilet here, I'm gonna take a shit. Hello You gonna take a sh*t? I don't know if I can now I wasn't expecting Go on man I want to watch over you make sure you're safe No, sea slugs gonna climb up from the toilets. You know, we take this suit off. It's kind of tough to unzip. Yeah. Yeah, man I'll help you Wait, hang on, let me get some music just to set the mood. Okay, that's weird thing to do, but alright <Music> Thanks man that's nice Take it off What did you need it's fine I'm solving my own problems I've got some I've got samples. I've got samples I gotta Get out there we go. Oh god, fuck you. I always going to do that. Alright, Bob what you need? What did you not working? And it said why is it not working? Hello, it's yellow may because it doesn't have any iron in it because the smelter isn't working anymore. Oh Why isn't the smelting work? I think it has to go into storage first. I think it does The smelters back on. Oh, never mind there goes, okay Do things all right now, it's producing now it's producing I solved it. I'm an idiot Don't let me touch things or you're a genius or you're a genius iron plates now We just need to make another one for the iron rods and we're good to go Right, we can switch this one back and forth. But yeah, I mean it's whatever. I mean why not right? Why not? We're just we're just sucking this planet dry. You don't know Baby, yeah, suck it dry We want to convert this other one into wires, oh, yes No, we need ingots. These are ingots. Yeah, well, this this one is ingots. So we have a lot of ingots ingots Oh, sorry rods weenie brats We need rods what how can I make myself more clear we need rods So I'm gonna I'm gonna empty the storage and then break it down and then do the same sort. That's pretty good Yeah, you do that, but do it later sexually Yeah You're pretty close This is a problem, no the other constructor how big a problem. Yeah, that's Cataclysm a medium amount of boy Gusting iron plates calm Are you looking for hot smelters in your yeah, we're learning by trial and error Learning are we learning good? This is how you play games, right? You learn as you go along and no one yells at you from a distance the way you play games is you play the game and try and have fun and like a thousand people are like your Games is fun. There we go. Now we have a rod production as well. Hell, yeah. Oh look at these rods. I'm so happy Production right now. I'm so happy about that. Okay, so we got the rods. We got the plates. Uh-huh We have the copper making wire. So now we just need to get cables going up and you get two limestone I got cables. I got cables cables are on the way We get the limestone up and going there's a limestone deposit west but it's down the hill right here So Bob, do you know where this limestone is right here? No marks on the only one that's been going over there Oh you're at it, oh that's limestone. Okay? Okay, that's not just conveyor that we could just run power down here Yeah, you idiot Wade you were making it seem like a big issue I said if we wanted it to deliver up there we'd have to Man, this is closer than the copper is fuck. Yeah Mine was really you dummy You unbelievable Prick Lord. Okay. Can you make that can you make the minor than wood minor mark 1 yep That's the one okay on you by the way, so orient the green thing Towards like me What are you missing wait? Oh My God, he's gonna trample us, this is our limestone you bitch Terrifying tick monster was like standing right at the output. Oh Jesus oh this guy's so big He's so unhappy What did you do to him? I just shocked him in the dick a little was a bit. There you go Get out of here there. He goes. You guys are mean We just need power now power incoming I have I can build this oh Can I have some kind no you have it. Oh I do have concrete hey where you want it never mind boink Got it. Now. Damn it. I got it. You suck. You suck you you suck you suck You suck you suck you suck You suck you suck You suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you solutions Or whatever I'm just gonna make some useful stuff while you all sit on your dick, what do you mean? We now I just made a concrete factory love that Wow good for all the concrete that we need. Yeah Okay, a lot of concrete why there are some concrete evidence that we will need more concrete a shot. I hate you That makes it marginally better For all of your sweet concrete needs go to concrete lovers dot-com And then just fuck to your heart's content What are you doing? Alright, we need 10 alien carapace So Teresa flee what do you mean was he doing doing? Dancing the game more than either of us is Advancing the game I'm working. I'm do you suck? You suck you suck you suck I have my cilia why I need it put in the storage box. Hang on. No, I need to finish something Launch pod wait, what the fuck is this big red button? Guys, is it new fuck? There's a big red button. What do I do with it? Loser place for me to get in it because I want to be in it. Yeah, look for something like a launch pod Also Bob, you know, yeah fine. Whatever. Yeah. No, I know No, I'm pressing it here we go I Spent the past hour. I spent the past hour. Oh I spent the past hour push getting all the parts You
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,013,929
Rating: 4.9462042 out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory game, gameplay, gaming, video games, pc games, crafting, open world, adventure, markiplier, lordminion777, muyskerm, collab, friends, laughing, funny, building, sandbox, part 1, satisfactory multiplayer, satisfactory part 1, satisfactory markiplier
Id: ATxk2zcUNyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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