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huh I mean oh I'm joining hey I'm in I'm in because you might because I'm voix yeah yeah it's a request sent hi good trying to get in this vehicle there we go [Music] now we're okay we're all dead okay I'm getting my own care I like Bob's car and wait you try to hop in here yep okay I'm in we're fine everything's fine over here and the host yeah I think it's just cuz there's too many people playing for good good we're good everything nope there's a place yes Lee [ __ ] don't why trying to count around this area yeah plain didn't work out too good huh Bob find a plane just hold on hold on no [ __ ] keep your stupid boat oh come on it was joke it was a joke joke who's okay hold now you think so no promises on how this is about to go to knock someone out no dollar ramp no it's a dust devil I think it might be a little more than oh that's fun oh wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let me in a dog jump my enough hooking I'm on my own wait a minute I'm not in I'm not on don't shout on grandmom no hang on door shopping no I'm gonna buy no I've got the box no oh oh I got the plane is working much better with the controller this would be way better with control controller for that what you're right actually nah that's for lames bring it in for landed coming in I got a bird's-eye view come in thank you yeah I'm gonna try the controller okay okay here I come oh my god tumbleweeds hurt like hell oh my god guys the airplane is so much better with a controller I am often right why is my sensitivity so low and I need to change the setting anyone need a ride in my aeroplane all right wait get hop in all right good here we go first what oh you really got a handle on that [Laughter] I'm cut no no no you want to ride rides coming in with a ride rides coming in rides coming in coming in fresh seasonal and stable you want the ride ride ride baby ride I landed it waiting hobbit this is absolute pain okay we're gonna go oh my god I'm not even pressing anything oh I landed on an island oh yeah I want to do this geez there are some sick tricks that I can do I can land on this needle cut off Bowser see see gold my way inside Wow now I'm standing on it I'm not even holding on for all right [Laughter] hold up wait wait okay I'm holding on to the other side yeah I guess I guess okay here we go okay shot is thoroughly on here and Marcus one is double handing it wait what's up their butts on top of the mountain to the Latin oh you you think you're good enough to go to the mountain what about me to Olympus I'm just kind of hard to turn [Music] [Laughter] bungee jump off the bridge oh I'm being flirted with very hard I have the best view from my room I doubt you could afford the room I'm staying in well all right that's holy God oh my god Jesus I didn't turn into bread yeah where's Bob Bob disappeared for a bit I feel like I deserve this Jamie does happen imagine I want to see top of the mountain well Bob wouldn't take us at the top of the moon Bob said we weren't worthy do not run me up I am stuck I'm stuck Oh God hello we have learned nothin and gained nothing yeah pretty much that sounds like something we would do oh okay I'm on someone yeah grab grab us [Music] [Laughter] that's fine okay go oh I know I told you [Music] I'm sorry Oh up fire but I don't think I'm the DHS I might go aha Thor's hammer I feel like this is a barrel of gunpowder hey barrel this is epic wait come here wait yeah just just hit me well for standing 5 feet away from Oh God there you go Oh dudes zip my karate that's a--fun can we come all the way up here for the zipline is that why we're here that's the one I want to get hot-air balloon to way into the into the okay are you going between two butt cheeks that are farting is that what I'm looking at down there yep come on damn I'm come on straight I'm coming see if you can land in it I couldn't I don't want to land in it why would I want to land into the fermented butt hole I'm landing in this fermented ass Wow okay I got it everybody on okay everybody get on the fun motor on I got you waiting up for me you don't even worry about it my friends read the deal okay don't throw the needle the needle this is great stuff just follow the road who's farting your uber has arrived damn pretty good oh yeah grab the back grab the s grab the S what's on the other mountain hmm sure sure sure sure sure why can't we ever do anything fine now I'm getting this other plane if anyone wants to go for a ride on a non fart flame I would like Mountain it's [ __ ] hard enough to do anything anyway it didn't never affect you is only not good marquel I ain't going nowhere Oh what the hell you just play normally holding hands I'm not grabbing he's grabbing look it's wait it's not me okay [Music] you missed the box where just wrap the goddamn handle it's right there it's not grand man it wants its lock so bad oh my god the actual the actual game part of this game is so frustrating what get the box oh my god just get in the thing in the control someone decided to go so quickly that there wasn't even the chantry to hold on to the plane I think you guys needs a couple therapy there's a plane here oh that's wonderful ah but you know I'm out of time you know I gotta go really sucks and wish wish I could stay with you Wade he doesn't only my wife is happy to spend time with me ah man that's great for you I'm working look at this juicy ass I don't want to look at that juicy yes I don't want to [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,521,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: totally reliable delivery service, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, jacksepticeye, multiplayer, funny, funny moments, funniest, laughing, hilarious, funny game, funniest game
Id: brQETiN2XpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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