Markiplier Will MOUNT You

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based on the tooltips I've been reading it sounds like controller might not be optimal for this but I guess we'll see might not be optimal I'm committed to controller at this point all right okay so left and right is this all the blue go forward I'm only gonna God what what what what I saw was a mure cursor at where you want to ring what what I'm feeling pretty good about my keyboard math decision how do i forward it 36 come on man Lego what but that is no sense that makes no sense it makes absolutely no sense how would you navigate it's okay it's okay you'll figure it out yes let that is yeah listen you don't need to get oh no listen it's it's 2020 it's not 2015 our base humor needs to be much higher than when this game first came out dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks yeah okay listen I'm glad you haven't changed in the past five years but some of us have become right more it'll never change how the hell did you do that this is oddly beautiful like you have to admit there's something that's there's something about the majesty of the human form yes I think we can all agree that these human forms are indeed majestic cry my sound up on this game got it you gotta let them hear the grunts man yeah I like that this is one hand only for me this is chill I'm into this see I can't go forward I can only orbit around I have to grasp at the ground in front of you yeah but see the thing is I with a controller I cannot go forward can you change the perspective of your camera with your right thumb stick ah that's what it do okay I see which is an extremely limiting way to play but play I shall about the keyboard the mouse I feel like it's really ringing true you'd think though you would think that that joystick would be better oh hell yeah sir oh man what a move oh my god I am a god music is awfully dramatic it hits I like how in the other one it was just like this one is like you are witnessing the majesty of human achievement I wish I hadn't gone full ball I mean you got to go full dong if you're gonna mount this mountain you have to Palmer jahres inca you got this Palmer oh I didn't even realize these guys had names yeah they're all characters you have like a team of food I'm using controller I'm trying to figure out how to get it right and get it tight okay so that's a whip I can't really grab there we go I feel like if I get this it'll become wool oh excuse me I need to borrow this please oh Jesus there's something like majestically beautiful no no oh God okay oh God see the thing is okay here's the problem oh my god the problem is grabbing is not like holding down so it's so you have like a reserve pool that's all of your extra time god oh god I did it again I tried to grab with my other hand at the top I'm like okay I need no holiness obviously but no I'm need to hold it there we go well use up all my take flop and once you get peak it just turns a three second countdown once you're above the plane and you just have today above the plane I'm still waiting for the I M bread multiplayer update I would love to become a loaf with you guys work you love that right that game angered me to no end it's a skill based game which is what I really love about it well okay that's something I can recognize that it is relatively skill based because at least its controls are consistent if you understand them Wow Jesus Christ at the top of my goodness you know me that's what they called me perfect Jesus not like that other guy imperfect Jesus what a [ __ ] Lord no I'm saying guys you know I'm saying please keep talking about this yeah get them this is a good topic for discussion the nips kill me I don't know why I don't mind the dogs my mind the nips oh I've got it I was trying to get in your face if I'm honest I didn't quite get what I wanted out of that mmm okay so I gotta let go to reach is the thing okay there we well don't grab it crabs automatically yeah it's grass when it touches your just a grabby boy you know I feel like I feel like a disadvantage with the gamepad which doesn't make sense you know like I'm the only one on keyboard and mouse to be clear oh warned you I gave you lots of warning switch your control scheme you actually you kind of just don't like oh right when you're at the very climax yeah [Laughter] move or fully at 90 degrees that's what I called the power thrust baby you thrust to the heavens show imperfect Jesus who's boss I don't like the way the camera spins around and you get different angles of everything part about this I thought I was signing up for listen if you can't appreciate the glory of the male form then I don't even know if I can call you my friend what are you are those male apologists I don't know what position I'm in position is what that is they call that the tender embrace it does blow my mind that this this physique is the goal of like a lot of bodybuilders oh there we go cuz cuz to be to be perfectly asked if we're just gonna like it step outside the meme for just a moment this is like it's incredible that the human body could become this but also it's horrifying oh yeah no it's disturbing yeah Oh every time I see bodybuilders especially in person there's a moment or two of like wow what did how'd you do that and then it's followed quickly by like don't shake my hand like Oh covered in oil oh my God look at this fellow's eyeball who's Ebel I ball poor mans eyeball he he trained to earn that eyeballs look at how look at how squishy and bigoted yes uh-huh I know look I don't want to push you mark but you're low on reserved time so you really got a hustle look I don't need to hustle I've got the muscle [Laughter] inspire the muscle this thing oh yes by spoon span you just see spin yourself around you spawned yourself weights always going for that goat ass I do like to go to s yeah what is it what is the tensile strength goats ass can it support his weight well he said it's not us it's mostly on his little titties there no face what's the tensile strengths of these guys dongs like it can it support someone crapping I'm oh I know the ultimate achievement would be all right grasping in three dimensions the dong of one of these fellows as your as your dog ya see what we're doing is we're only going for height we're not going for elegance we're not going out we're not we're not making art here I like the delay where I hear you scream like three seconds before anything goes wrong yeah totally fine I think the most disturbing thing about this other than the visuals is like the really uplifting like Olympics ceremony music happening with it I don't know what music you're getting I'm getting a depressed minor her like Symphony gone on air yes you're welcome yep bring some elegance to this affair I apologize for saying we weren't making art here because holy [ __ ] beauty oh my god see that hold right there oh oh oh oh I'm wrapped I'm wrapped I'm wrapped I'm wrapped you hate to see it I'm cramped my muscles no help you know you got how high is this [Laughter] possibility crap I laid it perfectly and you walked right into it like a fool you're right I am the fool I needed to turn up the slap sounds I want is some delicate Pat's as you grasp now there's supple buttock Oh Oh God there we go yeah that's a tango right there yeah don't get rapped over here yes oh good luck Bob I got this keyboard and mouse aficionado I'm so good you seem to have the way to go with the mouse no no it's it's like it there's a learning curve to the gamepad but I believe that it allows for more intricate nimble ventures Mark's not gonna let facts or evidence get in the way of beliefs gamepad can provide Wow not what you want to see no what do you know I want to see this I don't know if the assets worth this amount of time I think you got to really get up there whoa what's this sticker in the top right you can you can put emotes on the scree great very useful the perfect form Jesus Wow Wow no door Oh Dora the Explorer and how will I ever handle this rod Zhang I think everything isn't a dick joke okay his name's Rodney he likes to go by rod dude I was complimenting his awesome name for your entertainment he's here to do one job that is to have a great name of this heap of majesty and create true arts oh listen listen if your name's rod Zang I'm gonna both clap and laugh because it's amazing Oh but grabbing on to that majestic pose I won't have fun grabbing on to that God you guys look like you're having so much fun mark do you like this sure do it's it's a blast and a half I sort of thought Wade would lose by doubt well that's a good start I'll be waiting wrap what are you talking about oh it wraps nerd oh my reserve time well weights not gonna be winning now wow you know we've all been getting past those legs the entire game Wade so at least I got wrapped up at the top you know Barca lost inches from victory okay yeah yeah at least you could live up to that legacy ya know all my reserve time there goes there going oh my gosh no don't do it no go away oh all that face oh he's liking that yeah he's really enjoying being on top of that thing I wouldn't wouldn't you wouldn't you wouldn't you man I guess so so does the keyboard allow you to push forward and backwards in addition to going up and down yeah well so it is my hands at whatever my mouse is over so I don't even have to really care about orientation if I only mouse over one of the guys it'll just move it in the correct direction to grab oh that's so much easier literally have been saying the whole time is it just like left and right mouse button yeah I've not even used in my left hand it's all keyboard baby I'm gonna try it always best to change up your control mechanism read the crux of the action you really want to switch everything up that you can yeah this is so much better everytime we're like mark this is way easier it's just another inch further away he moves from ever trying it ever well I was literally just I was just saying like hey it's good ridiculously easy well alright I'm gonna still do gamepad but listen you're not doing nothing about highly recommend against that I don't think mastering gamepad comes anywhere close to precision well you know in the next hour when I'm able to play again I guess you know I'll uh you know I'll give it a try I still pronounce the mouse he will finish this before he gets to reserve listen I got I got to go get my thesis statement done you just kill a few hours these the statement did you go back yeah yeah I thought about you know I had time to consider you know between now and the last time I played I was really pontificating my thesis for my bachelor's degree that's weird yeah well you know I'm going for a master's at the same time oh wow yeah it's a combo program oh it's floppy well you barely at the dip in the resort okay okay are you just trying to get content mark I'm sorry worry about where you're bothered by this kind of hurry no no nothing I understand you know I love brain I love everything love playing games with my friends you know being able to participate is the greatest thrill in life if you used Mouse like we do yeah you might get your wish mark I'm taking this one for the team buddy I'm bringing you back all right I appreciate it I don't like where the dicks pointing towards the camera yeah that's good that's good stuff yeah mm-hmm give us a dance yeah I do I do I really do oh can you pole dance on the pillars find out hope the grace I mean answer is yes absolutely acrobatic garage dancing I've ever seen oh oh you've seen nothing yet ready for that dong action there we go that is the finisher look at that finisher yeah one all right all right I'm gonna show you what gamepads all about I show you yeah you do it man retire that gate pad mark you'll be out now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at the controllers and see if we're missing something you know what I mean you know yeah okay as it turns out it doesn't seem to be suggesting any changes to the gamepad it's almost like it doesn't want to support the gamepad however I will not let it stop me I will play who did both I can tell you for a fact the gamepad is inferior and you will lose that's a lot of talk for someone who lost the last round oh you did get him the tower was twice as tall after you left we're playing a game mode called spiral by the way all right I was hoping for that one this looks the same what's spiral all about I don't know I guess you nerds will have to find out oh you get 60 seconds no reserve interesting interesting interesting jarred Umberger good good start good start excellent start excellent I'd say all right those keyboards really holding you back I bet look at and come on I got an geez man oh wow yeah this is great yeah great keyboard add the spiral there we go making a spiral locks oh my that's different all right okay well I thought was gonna hey good luck with that gamepad mark I think that really gives me an advantage in this game mode I think it does I think it does I think it does I think you're ready to admit your faults Oh delightful Oh the bodies disappear oh no interesting interesting looks like the game pad is gonna really bring the win for me you keyboard warriors do you hear the man's confidence yeah yeah oh ho look at all the bodies this wage yeah the dogs go away oh why couldn't they just leave a bikini like on the box the pelvis stays from each human in attach to the edge of the box yeah oh all the students try and look at [Music] mid-back flow that is dope but not dope enough you keyboard loser watch the true controller show you the business and this is good I'm wrapped you like that you'll like that I'll look at my kiss hi I'm a pretty Bowl become the course you see I don't I don't see why they couldn't do this do a version of this with women grabbing you a boob you know that that would give you a lot more grasping surfaces if I'm honest if I'm if I really think it's right - though what a what a delicate I was gonna say what a delicate ass in my face but I guess not anymore yeah well when some loose oh no you know what someone with a keyboard couldn't pull off a glorious flip like that you might be on somebody I am onto something I'm on to the top of this mountain and that's clearly not a game yeah oh man oh you are the Hulk kind of a sick Hulk nice throw feeling under the weather Hulk maybe some black bad clam chowder Hulk oh no the keyboard let him down inferior control devices will often cause there is a there's a price to losing this round as I will never ever let that go it for like the rest of them I would never let it go it's okay it's basically impossible for me to lose this round because weights not very good and you're using a gamepad the clearly inferior decision I might not be very good but you don't three honest about it I I'm always honest I'm the nice one and I never tell lies I think we've established that pretty handily well come on grab me we've established happens if I avoid you entirely get you've got it you got the answer hey grab any second now it's the gamepad it's clearly an issue it's not the gamepad it's me all of my flaws are but I have a gamepad so I'm there for the gamepad is the only thing keeping you in it exactly exactly all right try not to flip myself into space how do you start off by throwing yourself to release both hands at the same time once you get one hand moving forward if you release your back hand you like keep the momentum so that you can you can literally Huck yourself hmm more like Huck your keyboard out the window because it's so frustrating I would like to grasp of this man's who eat like that not my keyboard oh yeah I'm hurtling through the air at such speed with such grace and His grace that is speed I will not deny that didn't work at all get him Wade if there's a timer can you throw yourself upwards like I figure you have to be grabbing on to the top part you can't be I don't actually know if that's true I wonder if you're just in the air above the plane long enough if you just freeze wherever you are when the counter stops that would make it more interesting to try to get on up yet hello a play yeah wait I wouldn't recommend you try it with just you've got some time to burn just see if you alright on the dog you like right let go as you fling up and he's not gonna do it he's a coward yes I'm sure as much as you seem to enjoy watching Bob and I play for 30 minutes I feel like I want to play a little longer you know I did it was it was at the time of my life I I have to admit you learned a lot about yourself right exactly I learned that I actually don't want to go back to college I'm happy where I am si grab on this have you learned that you want to use a mouse yet no no no absolutely not I don't think he needs it I think he's killing it I am killing it thank you see that little traversal we couldn't have pulled that off no way no how we would have just gone up the freeway that's not the Let Go button I might try it if I get if I get into a spot where the jumping seems feasible oh please reach the other way there we go stupid keyboard I knew it I knew it your mic was live haha you silly I mean the blue does technically stay so started started doing it it really did can I have never for thirteen or for the full three seconds oh I don't think I got it guys to jump it you would have to be like in the air for you have to get some momentum yeah all right die well I won't i won't laud that over you Bob because you returned on a thing I was bold you were bald right I tried and I went you went for it you went for it and you really really you showed us the business I was seconds away from success I was there yeah I mean three seconds is the maximum amount of time you can be away but I was just under three seconds away from success yeah yeah yeah continue kicking your ass is so sound I don't know about alright I think you hold it up and then leap like you have to get the timer going and then go for it you could up maybe made your way back up there wait I could have like you really gave up pretty soon there listen Bob tried a thing I didn't want to keep Bob out he team worked hard looks like the superior controller has won out yeah I think you outsmarted the other players you know what I really tricked you guys all right we're playing low gravity frickin yeah now it's just a game of who can launch themselves most efficiently and I think we all know who that's gonna be May thank you say Oh dramatic oh my god it's really low gravity yep okay that's not that's not what I meant hang on uh-huh what I said yup what I meant was yep goddamnit so the timer didn't even start that time for being a high it did on my screen in it I don't know maybe you saw it I didn't see it yeah yeah I don't see where it counts down below good luck nerds oh wait not counting down definitely would have done it if it was do I right right okay so that's not make sense make sense no worky that was special that must be a special low gravity rule I swear but you can definitely hook yourself up the mountain yes you can go for desperation chunks AUSA's jump desperation chunks yeah yeah chunks oh man I gotta get used to like the let go hey you know what they say the superior control schemes take much longer to learn and are just counterintuitive in almost every way oh my god there you go I was a delicate tap I made it eventually I kind of wish you'd grab me by the dawn but I respect the fact you not so what is the what does let go on keyboard like is it's just mouse no keyboard it's just mouse buttons left click right click aim and that sounds really easy gives you an arrow telling you where you're able my god Bob suck it that's super cool wait a minute wait a minute probably the left of the let go confusion I got this oh you didn't grab no he's getting he's applying to another level Bob how can we compete I actually have about a thousand hours and this game do I have him by the dog got kind of the dong just missed the doll the legs though I mean the legs are so thick how are you supposed to reach in there yeah I don't know I don't know how you get to the dong oh look at this guy get used to the letting go idea cuz if I throw it oh there's a mouse it's you there look at that that was worth it yeah okay where's this dick there's this dick gimme oh my god don't go that way come on God controller sucks good god there really is no fine control reserves Natick happy reserves oh it's it's documented yeah yeah got the big blue dick under there definitely look at that you're not you aren't even good at this game if you touch the ground before you get on the tower anymore but I read of course all right you guys who just called me about my name that's fine wait you're not very good at this game are those nips look at how glorious not to the nips to stand out on the blue on the blue man I really can see nothing but the nips at this point Oh tippy top uh well I kind of touched the ground I guess it's not on it thanks me I like it when I don't like it alright mr. Manhattan I'm gonna grab you by the nip dr. Manhattan mister doctor now I guess the kneecap is where I wanted did anyway that's my thigh come on now oh by the tippy toes you were higher than me I gotta give it to you this a superior controller coming I can't grab a goddamn the problem with control is I have to move the camera like also at the same time so it's a lot more there was another way to play wait wait wait I have an idea we're going out baby nice I wish you would kept the leg shape I really like that what's wrong with the colors of my dudes not not good colors for dudes to be yeah he looks like a guy that's been through some problems we're gonna we're gonna go this way mm-hmm really get the I'll get the tip and then we're gonna go fully fully horizontal wow what a guy wasn't lead no joke big big hearts big hearts on that one oh my god we're unlocking new emotes guys what the Wade you're cheating wait don't cheat wait wait come on come on man going out we've we've all collectively agreed by just doing what the previous person didn't need to stop there but I guess I'm holding you by the head about that that's good let's tease ah that's good that was pathetic I really touched correct you grabbed grass did I did not enough electrolytes to keep these muscles going I mean I can't imagine how much hydration you must need to stay that ripped all the time dude I haven't hydrated in years I wanna I want to marvel at our works theories oh no need I almost touched grass like a dweeb I think you did I think I think I saw a little bit of a I grazed it look okay I did I didn't grab it like some people here I do no need to talk about Wade like camera if you could help me out here it's like inside the tower Wow beauty that is nice my dog is pointing in the direction yeah oh wait no oh that was neat I don't I thought it was going to be totally let down now five saw to two stars oh so sad can you leave a good rating on Yelp for me no I don't want to rush you Wade but you've only got eight seconds yeah we're gonna start dipping into reserve time no I've lost it completely what happened am i amazing like leap into forever oh the one time you really had it down what doesn't what's going on what I can't grab anything there we go seems like a you problem listen Urim is like a problem problem like I'm like a block more than anything else I don't got climbers block kids that you won't this is epic comeback just you wait this is this is just this is so sad I know it's a no idea what happened to me come on do it oh my god you weren't using you save that look man a desperation oh god just move for oh my god oh my god oh can't leave cuz I didn't let go god oh my god what happened there just like nothing the frantic screaming didn't save you can't exploit I can't explain what happened to that one nothing worked the way it originally had worked I think the way we built the tower is really pissing off the camera system I was Florrie falling for a moment just my little [ __ ] up there haha the good tits my little [ __ ] alright wait mark that's only gonna go on for like 40 or 50 more minutes I can't throw myself to save my life after this I'll try one more I'm gonna try the keyboard and I'm gonna see I objectively to know if it's all yes objectively we all know that mark is the best at being objective piece ish yet are you objective you're the one who wouldn't let go of the controller literally and figuratively because I wanted to challenge you dick hole that's true I complained because if suddenly I it was completely inept at being able to control and there's a difference Bob the nice one so to speak the only one showing divisive NISP in our group I'm beginning to suspect to think that you're not the nice one at all I am the nice one mmm say something nice about me then I really like how short you are that didn't feel nice but it sounded nice oh for God's sakes listen get him thrown off my crew mark wait say something nice about me I need a comparison you've got hair that's not a nice thing though I don't and it's not nice to not so maybe just take the compliment mine feel nicer no I think it did I think we can all great I think what I think the problem here is that none of us know how to complement each other in a serious way that's probably true I don't do anything seriously yeah where's the character development going on where's the growth uh where's the where's the diversity where's the disney-like love in this where's the princess which one of us is the prince and which one is the villain I'm definitely the variable marks definitely the prince can see but wait a minute the way you cannot say that that was mean you don't want to be the Prince no no I get it but but but no but that okay now yeah I see the game you're playing I see it Bob I see it you're saying why you would be the wheel no no you're saying you would be the villain so that people would be like oh no no Bob you wouldn't be the villain therefore people typically extolling how I am the villain I know I didn't see well my suspicions I had my suspicions but now you're trying to you're trying to you're trying on new people to your siding and being like oh no you're not develop wait a minute wouldn't that be a very villainous thing to do no but now that's reverse psychology and say something nice about wait I really like wades dogs they're cute yeah I did a good job being about wait I get it you say ah I see I see it now I see it all started unraveling for where's the yard go mark what's the board following it down I'm following it okay all right let's see all right say something nice about Wade's dog I think it's really cute how gingers name is cute I count it wait no but that dog didn't have a choice in its name so it's not something nice about that wait a minute why wait don't you see it yeah he said gingers name was cute no no there's layers he's a maniacal genius but now we don't know if he's Knights are really the villain because he's painting himself to be the nice guy but saying it could be the villain but no and would agree with that because of the things that he's saying on their surface or objectively entertaining and nice however look a little deeper you'll see soon I need some more examples right now I'm not seeing it yet sorry Bob say something mean about me you're not as funny as you think you are all that I was actually mean I'm sorry but that felt nice I don't even know how to be how to be ruthless oh man yeah you're apologizing about you be like oh I don't want to say it but then you followed it up immediately with something else that was also me it was like saying like it's it's not saying no I'm not racist but it's that thing like I'm not the mean one artists hahaha wait what do people don't agree with me that I'm the villain not yet evidence is inconclusive just give me one man just give me one no no no that's what you want me to say and then then I'm the bad guy no I'm the if I'm the villain I'm the bad guy that's not how this works [Laughter] Bob's truths were just too much for me to handle but were they the truth were they I mean we had several discussions about how I'm actually the villain of the group no but no no one who sews all the discord no instigated by you and let by you no wait what I mean not led by you like a witch-hunt but like you star you where you drove that conversation in how you were observing that I'm not actually the nice one wait so it's my fault so are you I mean that's okay if you want to be like I can all agree on one thing I'm not too evil one [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,891,705
Rating: 4.9493542 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier will mount you, markiplier, mount your friends, mount your friends 3d, mount your friends 3d markiplier, mount your friends 3d gameplay, gameplay, multiplayer, mount your friends 3d multiplayer, muyskerm, lordminion777, friends, funny, funny games, funny gameplay, funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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