The Greatest Hearts Of Iron 4 Mod - End Of A New Beginning

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hello my gravy babies and welcome back to the I sort of Productions channel where today or I should say this month we're gonna be doing something very special indeed I said back when the last DLC released louder as its tones and just before it that I would go back to high four for about a month to go ahead and look at some new mods that I haven't really covered on the channel or that I only ever really covered when they were in a very alpha stage now if you think there is a month that I haven't covered in the past year that you think I should feel free to leave me a recommendation in the comments down below as I haven't really been playing high for the past you know your and a half I've time I've kind of probably missed down on quite a few good ones but anyway welcome to 1857 that's right this is the end of a new beginning marred a full month that takes us back to the 19th century with high for mechanics it's kind of like playing Victoria too in high for luckily the man who invented the ruler really had a go at Australia dinner a look at places like China and unfortunately the man that had the ruler didn't have much authority over there so obviously I thought you know what let's get stuck straight in the middle of it literally and we're gonna be Prussia and those 93 units and the fact I'm apparently a insignificant power has really gone me funkin already also probably the craziest thing about this mod is the the tech tree it just keeps on going Oh bad news I'm way too stupid to figure out how to make this bicycle to contain me 1547 days unfortunately oh well that's probably the best thing I've ever seen in a tech tree camels using a camel alright so the way they've tried to rebalance the industrial part of the game by the blokes is that you can now go ahead and put things down like coal mines or textile mills that will give you resources but they also consume resources so if I wanted to put down a steel mill I need four iron and two coal already though I can't tell if I'm gonna like this or gonna hate it so we'll get back to this at some point now we also have a pretty cool folk retreat as the Prussians which we can go ahead and go down and I'm pretty sure a few other nations do have one does Britain have one Britain does have one Russia do you have one Russia has one we got a lot of things that are fun in this game already because people actually have stuff to do we're a bit sad I can't actually send any volunteers to the Sepoy Rebellion and instead I just have to watch us the the bridge go ahead and put them down but you know I will be a big power one day you just wait until I'm already a great power take that set boys Oh didn't even see this part we actually have a another page of stuff to do here where we can actually set our military High Command I'm pretty sure this is just like the normal stuff in base high for but a bit more organized I suppose yeah it's it's cool nonetheless to change things like your country's laws now such as your mobilization stuff like that you do actually have to go ahead and vote on it or you can just force it through with some power but I'm assuming that kind of come in a bit of a disadvantage and right now there's not really anything I want to change per se are we on child labour is that legal restricted mmm oh we made it illegal was that do people gonna like that let's do it here we can actually see who are actually voting on our act right now and as you can see those radical centrists are all over me and my by allowing of putting the children back in the factories ah cut down the centrist change their mind right of the last minute and unfortunately the children won't be back in the factories but I'd nonetheless I don't think that was a good idea evil way I'm sorry why does the leader the province of Canada look like a hobbit I don't even know what's going over you knew but Brunswick what is that where does that begin where does it end is that hair I this northwestern territory is ruled by rocks I remember this now there's no opposition left in my government where did they go look at the Pope look at him like oh my god oh no I their who's gonna be winning this one no I dare a little dab I don't know this is going you know I hope by my Navy exercising for a very long time and I think I might have enough naval experience by now oh well there goes the polls it's not the first time you're gonna meet the Russian boot go go teach the Danish a quick lesson Oh done demo keeping with the record of a putting about two minutes of resistance yeah every time I look over here it just gets worse and worse Oh Mike's right right oh god damn piked at me okay like five hours later and it seems like we might have a wall I am I don't count that whole Denmark thing I mean the video now what do you want me to say you want to say Randall in the villa in the video and then fill in the middle of the brothers wolf what you want Sabo alright guys out there everybody watching this video if you want I as P to host a multiplayer artillery only game I smash that like button and he'll host won I won I won the brothers war there you go pogchamp kingdom of prussia braat braat braat braat braat braat it's just like Victoria Superboy for how do you feel this is going in the video - now that is p1 is war he's not hosting right so things are going pretty well now we've got the North German Confederation we're working our way down our focus tree to actually form Germany and on top of that guess what guys I've got a bit of an empire going you see this right here that's my colony I'm an emperor I'm an empire I'm an emperor of this province why are you laughing at the side uh uh I just checked what was under build armored vehicles and I've got the deadliest weapon of them all Oh SpaghettiOs yeah no real for no fancy around the Maginot plans this time around we just went right through the middle and the French had no idea how to deal with that it's beautiful oh hello Germany hey guy I'm sure the French won't mind too much about me taking this one Provence Noah of fortune of memories left in their head of revenge or anything like that now and they go officially now the German Empire we can now do the a new Germany tree I haven't done all of the focus tree on here but for the most part just stuff that I'd optically need a bunch of tech little research busser stability stuff some legislative power but this gives us a brand new focus tree yeah I'll say with the scope of the mod it's pretty interesting but it is very historically a railroaded to the point that it's incredibly boring so you'll just be sitting here forever and ever especially is Germany I suppose where I'm just doing endless and endless 70-day focuses for fun stuff like that it never really feels like I'm getting up too much and there's just a plethora a plethora of like focuses just being added every time I switch focus freeze and there's another one down here we've got to go all the way through all of this to get down to the next focus tree on top of somehow making time for all the rest of this stuff it is just incredibly slow incredibly incredibly slow both gameplay wise and the fact that just runs really slow - there was an option to go ahead and turn Africa into a giant state which did help with the lag a bit but I'll go we're in 1871 and there's like nothing's happening and I kind of want to fall asleep double that you think this focus tree would be a blessing but there's just so much stuff you constantly have to keep a top of that I'm honestly getting lost in it points just because there is so much to do I I definitely feel like the month needs a few later starred day shush because I feel like we're gonna be here forever and ever hey France wants to expand next to us and we're gonna go ahead and say no get your grubby little mitts off so in the did happen is that a island did break free apparently not too sure how you let that one happen mr. William you what Gladstone oh look at me I'm a proper British I don't want to say one of you is gonna have to go home and change for the United States of Venezuela and Colombia and America right maybe get some originality in you huh loose I get to watch one of the many Spanish Civil Wars coming up in the world one thing that I'm not a big fan of is the inability to like go actually do bare colonizing early you know go justify on Brunei but I'm for she the game doesn't light do that at least not in its current form which is crying but at the same time kind of seen why why they're doing that mostly trying to keep the game actually going for as long as possible which is I'm assuming their overall goal it's just a whole bunch of balancing I think they're trying to get done here which means it's it's definitely in the works to say the least is just now a lot to do put it bluntly just know what to do like I mentioned before there is a of a focus tree that you're supposed to go down to that it's currently not finished show this is literally all we're gonna have for the rest of the game and there is actually like no war in here from what I can tell I'm not even sure how we go about doing the colonial society and even that is now finalized yet so we're kind of at our peak already really and before I could tell from the rest of the world no us actually changed China kind of just became a giant cancerous blob the British did have a few vents clean up India I didn't really see and you won't get any options to finish up the colonization of Indonesia and stuff like that unfortunately and obviously Australia and this timeframe won't be uniting until 1900 and whatnot so you don't really have to worry about that being a mess I said I do enjoy the / leader portraits I've gone ahead and done I especially like this guy in Japan who looks like he's been stung by a big most famously known as a tank the neighbor tank after it Marty is a very grand to say the least they got a lot of plans and it's gonna need a lot of work one thing I really hope they do put in as different start dates at least while beta testing is going on so we can go ahead and like hop into 1860 straightaway I have to do like 10 hours of gameplay I'm not kidding it's that slow I'm running the game now and I'm all the way of dating so be free I've been here for a very long time but yeah overall I like where the months going it's got a lot of effort put into it it just needs a lot more unfortunately the null a lot happens either so it's kind of hard to play it I think once you've done it once through that's kind of it really especially with the the fact the next folks free that they do have planned isn't in the game yet and there's not really any path to do any fun little Wars here there's a lot of stuff that gives you friendship treaties with people though that's great you know but um that's not what I want I kind of want to beat Sanne I'm very strong I'm incredibly strong for Germany at this time and I want to just beliefs wanna even look some bug just let me slap them about a bit but yeah I think until next time there's a big up town this month we're gonna leave it off for there cuz you know what happened it's definitely fun to come back and have a little look-see on how things have progressed and dadly they've got very well I've gotta say a lot of effort has been put into this mod and now I'm a shoe-in they're gonna put a lot more into it and hopefully we can come back and check it out when it's a bit more you know polished up but I guess until next time guys hope you enjoyed the video how you live liked it subscribe down below let me know any more moths you want to see me trying this month of brand new mods June and I'll catch you all in 1874 which is a pound of a four hours of gameplay [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 479,655
Rating: 4.959033 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi4, hoi4 mods, hoi4 modding, hoi4s mods, end of a new beginning hoi4, hearts of iron 4 end of a new beginnning, paradox interactive, grand strategy, grand strategy games, hearts of iron iv
Id: d2K6IZCea38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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