Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In The Outer Worlds (Tips & Tricks)

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so maybe after spending just a little bit too much time in the out words these last few days it is finally time for things I wish I knew earlier in the out words let's not waste any more time and jump straight into it as there were quite a few items on this list of tips and tricks first of all one of the most useful things and one of the things I'm most surprised isn't a default preset option instead of being a thing you can disable what I'm referring to is in the menus while we're checking out our weapons it'll show us the base damage or DPS damage per second of that weapon as it is without taking into account any of our stats or scaling which means that while one weapon could be effectively better in its base form than another weapon maybe with our specific stat set up a different weapon it's actually going to be doing more damage than the other one even though its base stats are lower thing is if we go into the settings we can actually see the option here to disable show base stats if we disable this it'll actually show the DPS or damage of the weapon already taken into account the stats of our character as well which means we can see the final stats of the weapon instead of just the base stats the second thing we're going to be talking about isn't exactly hidden in the game but it is hidden how important this can be and that's that you want to get your science skill up to 20 as soon as you possibly can that way at the workstations you can tinker the weapons tinkerin weapons on this game practically just means upgrade in their level so they do more damage and get better stats that way you don't have to rely on finding a new more powerful weapons when you can just upgrade the one she already have all the ones that you really really like already as you can imagine it gets more and more expensive the higher the level the weapon is and the more you upgrade it and you can only upgrade a weapon up to five times higher level than your character currently is at now this next one maybe only comes into play if you've played some of the older Bethesda games such as the Elder Scrolls and don't worry we're gonna try to keep the comparisons released as possible between games like fallout and this one but specifically talking about the steel mechanic we're used to games like we said are maybe oblivion that if you steal an item whether you get seen or not you can't really just sell them anywhere you have to find specific vendors or sell them cheaper and they're very clearly distinguished in your menu which ones are stolen and which ones are not however in the outer world really a long she don't get seen stealing it it's fine like once it's yours it's yours and it's asked if you'd have just bought it from a shop or founded on the ground somewhere you can sell it to any vendor as if it wasn't stolen there's really no repercussion for stealing she don't get seen and quite honestly even if you do get seen on this game it's not a huge deal most of the time usually if you get caught stealin somebody will approach you and you can evil eye or persuade or intimidate your way out of it and nothing really comes of it other than losing a little bit of reputation in that faction where that said there was this one occasion where they caught me stealin I think it was twice in the same place and they all just started shooting me but I walked out and came back and there's pretty sure like two minutes afterwards so the point of this if you want to steal something go ahead and just do it pretty good life advice in general this next one is only really that useful if you're planning on playing on supernova difficulty as some of you are probably unfortunately found out that the companion deaths on supernova are pretty much permanent if your companion goes down on supernova difficulty unlike on normal difficulty where they just get knocked out and then they come back to life after you finish that encounter on supernova they're they're not coming back they are dead that said so on supernova I would definitely recommend not bring in your companions out into battle until you have access to the don't go dine on Me perk what this perk does is so that when you go to heal with your inhaler it actually revives any teammates that recently just died so if they do happen to go down you can quickly bring them back to life and give them another chance sure this perk does have a cool-down of 15 minutes at a time so if they do happen to die twice in that same 15 minute fraction they are gonna be dead permanently but it's nice to have that second chance every now and then on stooping over difficulty and of course this perk does work another difficulties Wow and it's kind of useful but it's definitely not as important as it would be on supernova now that we're on the topic of perks definitely go ahead and upgrade your run speed as soon as you possibly can like one of the first if not the first perk you should upgrade is definitely the run speed because heck you're gonna be running around the world a lot and it's gonna definitely speed up the process of literally everything and get everything done a little bit quicker so statistically speaking it is the best perk you can unlock first assets let's say compound interest of time saved over time is gonna be so much more than anything else you can unlock this early on so for the first few hours and in my case quite a few hours I never really checked out the inhaler slash consumables menu very much as I was so immersed in everything else in the game it's very overwhelming a lot of things to learn but soon we realized that if we go into our medic slash consumables menu the first item always has to be the Adreno shot and this is what heroes 25% of a health over two second period but then next to it the higher we upgrade our medic skill we get more and more slots beside it and these other slots are to combine with other consumables to get other effects other than just healing this means that any other consumable we equip beside the Adreno shot that when we press l1 and used inhaler will get the temporary buffs off of those consumables as well and that's not the tip obviously that's pretty straight forwards and most people realize that by now the thing I didn't realize until quite long into the game I never really thought about it that you can actually unequip the Adreno shot but you can't just do it by Rhys electing it as you would any other item you actually have to press the options button while on the internal shot and then go up to unequip and even without their journal shot you can put other consumables in the other slots so you can usually inhaler to get buffs that have nothing to do with healing this can be extra damage extra movement speed is especially the main one I used it for as you can see here getting 20% movement speed just for traversing through the world is really useful without wasting any on general shots every single time we want to use the inhaler for different buffs next thing I've seen that's quite annoying around the internet is a lot of these guides or tip videos are saying to save your skill points until later on like don't spend your skill points and perks maybe until you encounter a situation where you actually need those skill points which at first sight may seem like good advice but considering on this game it's really straight forwards to respec both your skill points and your perks pretty cheaply it gets more expensive each time but you can go to the ship whenever you like and just above the workstation you can just respect them all whenever you like pretty much in the game so don't sweat too much where you're putting your points or perks just have fun with it and then you can just readjust them afterwards if you really need to and unless you're playing on like supernovae even hard difficulty it's not like a huge deal I had my pints all over the place on my first playthrough and it was just fine don't worry about it too much another one that I tested and to even put on this video ass again it's from pretty much every tips and guides video I've seen so far is like number one on everywhere but it is a pretty useful tip for those of you who like to have your menus and inventory all sorted very specifically and it's a cool feature that's actually really nice that they included it in this game is that if we press the options button or whatever the equivalent button would be on PC and Xbox you can sort your inventory' here by weight by weight - value by value - range - melee there's a ton of different ways of sorting your weapons and stuff out which is really really cool and like I said could be useful ID person don't use it too much but I'm sure some of you will enjoy this feature so unless you're playing on supernova difficulty where they'll probably be dead most the time you're gonna spend a lot of time staring at your companions and speaking to them as they follow you around etc etc and as cool as some of the helmets and gear can be on this game I personally do like seeing their faces it just adds a more personal level to the companions and makes it feel more immersive but obviously you don't want to remove the helmets because you don't want to get them shot in the face but luckily for us again if we go into the settings menu we can actually disable both ass and at teammates helmets visually which means they'll still have them equipped but we just won't be able to see their which is exactly what we want so go ahead and do that if you want to see your companions faces while you're playing the game so again it's a pretty nice feature your own helmet doesn't really matter as there's not many situations in the game where you see your own character anyway other than if you like afk or something beyond it's quite a few open-world RPG games these days it's the fact that you can sell stuff in bulk which means that when we go to a vendor we can just hold the button down and let's say sell everything in the junk category which a lot of the items we pick up that have no other function other than to be sold will automatically be put in the junk category however we can manually add things to the junk category if we wish to that say there's a ton of weapons we want to get rid of or we're just going through our inventory trying to sort it out so that next time we go to a vendor we can sell it all at one time so we can just quickly tap square or whatever the equivalent button would be on Xbox and PC to add any single item in an venturi to the junk category and then just get rid of it all at once which is a nice time saver another thing that I'm not gonna recommend doing but if you're gonna play like lower difficulty levels I would definitely say go ahead and go for it is that when you're in character creation decide to go for below average intelligence level and while it does have its d-bus it can be really cool that during certain dialogue options you get the decision to have this dumb reply option which sometimes can be absolutely hilarious and really just funny sort of outcomes to the situations and if you plan on any other difficulty other than supernova there's no other way of getting the dumb option on supernova if you let your character dehydrate or have sleep deprivation you can actually drop your intelligence down to get below average intelligence which means you also have access to the dom answers and just as a side note there's actually a specific trophy where you need to use a dumb response to one of the endgame decisions but just for entertainment value alone having the option is pretty cool sometimes also it's very important to get your engineering level to at least 20 as soon as you can this way you can repair your weapons on the fly without having to go to a workbench because unless you're repairing your weapon every single time you go back to a town or something this is something you easily forget about and then in the middle of a major encounter in the middle of a mission in the middle of nowhere eventually your weapon just break down on you and you're kind of screwed so definitely get engineering 220 which luckily for us two of the previous tips included leveling up medical and science skills up until 20 as well which all happened to fall under the tech category along with engineering so we level them up all together anyway so this is pretty much perfect and just a reinforcement of why I left and tech up early is a really really good idea for the most part those are the tips and tricks I wish I knew earlier in at the outwards to quick side things make sure you save often on different save files I have like at least 20 different save files at different points through the game just in case those important decision I didn't realize oh I screwed up somewhere I was just like having the option to go back mainly for recording reasons but if you are a little bit paranoid like myself on these decision-making game where the outcome can be pretty important depending on what we choose just make a ton of save files there's no repercussions for it make as many as you like and this last little one I'm not gonna go too far into for spoiler reasons but I read this somewhere and I didn't really pay much notice to it but now I agree with it don't get Robo phobia accept any floor you like but don't don't get Robo phobia trust me on this one guys you'll thank me for it afterwards so that's it other than that guys just really enjoy the game it's a pretty short game as well like the story isn't incredibly long so really get into the side quests do all the tasks talk to again PCs and stuff really immerse yourself in this world and enjoy it for the game it is don't rush your way through it there's no postgame there's no new game+ so don't try to rush your way to the end or anything like that just enjoy the experience I hope you did find this video helpful guys I hope you really are enjoying the out towards ash usual leave in the comments down below any other tips you have for the newcomers or veterans to the game if you did enjoy the video don't forget a thumbs up on and subscribe for more content Conroe soon and we'll see you next time
Channel: Gamer Guru
Views: 783,922
Rating: 4.8705301 out of 5
Keywords: the outer worlds tips, the outer worlds tips and tricks, the outer worlds, tips, tricks, how to, best weapon, best companion, things i wish i knew earlier, tips and tricks for the outer worlds, guide, beginner, trophy guide, the outer worlds review, outer worlds
Id: 2Y_rVrbsZcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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