8 Times First-Person Perspective Made It Ultra Harrowing

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the first person perspective brings an extra level of immersion to games the way it lets you see through the eyes of your character and experience their Adventures firsthand unfortunately it also lets you see through the eyes of your character when they get set on fire whacked in the groin or surgery this would be a lot less traumatic in third person video game seriously here are the most harrowing moments we've had to go through in first person be warned up ahead is lots of horrible Gore and spoilers for The Following games [Music] [Applause] about halfway through Quake 4 you find yourself captured and sent to the fantastically unsanitary strug medical facility it's less of a hospital and more of a fleshy Factory for making more strong soldiers which are a borg style mish mash of salvaged body parts cybernetic doohickeys and anger management issues now I'm no medical expert but the let's say invasive process of stroggification seems to focus heavily on being as unnecessarily long and painful as possible I mean I'd have thought having your legs chopped off with a rusty saw blade would be bad enough without also being stabbed in the gentleman's area with a giant needle the rest of the procedure isn't much better as cybernetic limbs are riveted to the bloody stumps where your extremities used to be and you're sent off to be forcibly indoctrinated into the Mindless ranks of the strog army fortunately in this case you're saved in the nick of time by your buddies in Rhino Squad who manag to haul you off the assembly line before your brain chip gets activated and you go full strug Roger that HQ Rhino Squad out welcome back to the land of the living cane you know I don't want to sound ungrateful Rhino Squad but could you not have turned up maybe 2 minutes earlier before the leg sawing and the groin stabbing bit you see that little artino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood for me and my associates Gard the kind was by All rights a dark brotherhood contract Skyrim offers many opportunities for the Discerning goth Adventurer but Chief among them has to be the quest line for the Dark Brotherhood in this you join Skyrim's Premier assassin club and work your way up the ranks by killing an old woman a a celebrity chef oh dear you're going to kill me now and oh the emperor I'm must diey and you must deliver the blown it is simply the way it is fair enough as you may have gathered the Dark Brotherhood is a bit eccentric not least because they have historically taken most of their orders from the mummified corpse of a woman known as the nightm mother that they keep in a coffin in their headquarters sheesh I hear um KFC does the same with colel Saunders anyway for reasons too convoluted to get into here at one point you need to ease drop on a mad clown and so you have to get into the coffin with the nightm it is not a big coffin but Jane I hear you cry in the comments Skyrim is a game you can play in third person as well well not this bit mate if you're climbing in a coffin with a festering mommy you're doing it in first person person that's right get your face nice and close to that desicated corpse still at least it's dark in here with the lid closed so you don't have to look at it but then it starts talking to you g you know what the Dark Brotherhood I'm all right actually I'm going to go see if I can join the Thieves Guild without having to cuddle a 200y old mummy defiler deaser and defiler you have violated the sanctity of the nightm mother's coffin explain yourself This Kiss well you only live once vigar are the hottest product on sale in BioShock infinites Columbia and no wonder because one incredible Powers show two excellent marketing campaign one Swig and Feats of Wonderman are at the tips of your fingers three attractive collectible B you can put other things in when you finished all the Vigor and four when you drink them for the first time you get cool effects oh rad what else you [Music] got weird Vigor seem like a pretty good time then except for when you drink the devil's kiss figure for the first time and watch your hands burn off in front of your screaming face this is definitely made worse by the front row firstperson view also I feel like a responsible manufacturer should mention somewhere on the bottle that when drunk this drink will make your hands Catch Fire your flesh melt into a puddle and your finger bones poke out like skeletal twiglets that's why I'm sticking with the good old murder of crows Vigor which vicious beaks bloody ragged flesh you know what I might just have a Coke you're still looking aren't you I've been cleared to offer you a place on the Torrance if you want to come along maybe there'll be some closure for you alien isolation is basically one 13-hour long firstperson horror show so you could pick pretty much any moment at random and find yourself more harrowed than the Blair witch's Cleanup Crew let's hope this thing works it's an animal animals are afraid of fire all right all right not that specific moment but you get my point all too often it's you hiding under a desk and watching one of HR giger's 7ot nightmare engines stalking around svasta pole station for tasty player flesh good luck sleeping after that ordeal it's not sleep humans need to survive is it alien isolation ramps up the tension so expertly as you inch around the corridors of SAS pole that when you do get spotted and chased down by a galloping screeching space monster it's one of the most horrifying experiences in gaming yes even more horrifying than that time you accidentally deleted your final fantasy s save getting dragged backwards through a vent is bad enough but the game's PS to resistance when it comes to harrowing firstperson moments is the bit where the alien's tail punctures your gut which is made all the more creepy by the way he tries to tickle your chin afterwards at least trim your nails first [Music] jeez where's the Ace in your what what there's a Ace in the Hole I don't I don't know what you're talking about ah the 1950s what a decade that was with its unprecedented enthusiasm for hula hoops sideburns and frontal lobotomies oh and Elvis he calls this little trick a transorbital labotomy even down under the sea in Rapture these primitive Neurosurgical procedures were all the rage for treating conditions like oh well what you got anything really I keep up on all the medical journalist and the like I hope you have someone to help you with all the big words you know what part of the brain Free Will comes from stubbornness the prefontal lobe in the case of Elizabeth here who you're playing as you're suffering from a serious case of not being successfully interrogated which calls for the medical attention of amateur brain surgeon Atlas this amounts to him sticking a giant needle in your eye socket I'm moving the pick across your eyeball still now and tting it on your skull and then hitting it with a hammer hooray for medical science I don't it was just a we but I don't expect it'll take more than a few of those to reach the meat between the first person perspective the flashes of light in your simulated vision and the very fine voice acting it's all about as pleasant as eating a live light bulb you know what else rests in the lobe creative ity individuality personality Atlas you're the worst you know I hope one day someone sticks a giant needle in you pressurizing ear lock oh really looking forward to going home what's it been 3 months space is or inspiring and beautiful sure but what Steven Hawkings books won't tell you is that space is also a stone cold murderer that will kill you the second it gets a chance they told you that all the time didn't you read them not now Jane anyway you discover the harsh reality of space firsthand at the start of Call of Duty ghosts when you take on the role of one of the American crew of Odin which is a giant space station that can fire tungsten rods at people from space because Call of Duty OD Lane repeat contact sh enemy on OD control but wouldn't you know it Odin is hijacked by the Federation of the Americans leaving you no choice but to shoot everyone and then Scuttle the station so it can't launch any more attacks on the United States then in first person you slowly Die In The Bleak unforgiving vacuum of space exactly like that one nightmare I had after I saw gravity specialist mly cir we have Los with the crew of Odin control repeat L of signal with Odin control where's George Clooney when you need him oh that's right he died in space Outlast is a series that has never shied away from harrowing firstperson experiences from the finger cutting in the original Outlast I think we have a clip you paying attention to having your genitals menaced with a circular sore in the Outlast Whistleblower DLC actually let's not do a clip of that one anyway it's good to see Outlast keeping the tradition alive with Outlast 2 the demo for which sees you take control of a cameraman trying to solve a murder in Arizona not trying very hard it turns out as instead of doing any actual investigating he spends most of his time being freaked out by ghosts chased through corn fields and pulled into Wells by tongue monsters none of which is getting this murder solved man anyway this stuff is all moot because there is shortly another murder only this time the victim is you and this one is way easier to solve I don't need to consult my mind Palace to figure out that the murderer is this jerk with the axe and the cause of death is Axe to the crotch [Music] still it is a demo you've got to put the good stuff in there so people will buy the full game right get all the groin trauma in there so people know what you're all about Outlast why are you like this there everyone's dead are you happy now yeah I am US invasion simulator Homefront imagines The Bleak awfulness of being occupied and oppressed by an advanced foreign Force but in case you somehow missed the Bleak awfulness of the cruelty and execution and flags home front went on to rub your face in it by rubbing your face in it where it is a shallow pit full of the corpses of your countrymen in the initial stages of decomposition up close and in first person what do we do get in what get in jeez by way of context this is a bit where you have to interactively clamber into a mass grave with your freedom fighter Pals where you drape yourself with the dead limbs of murdered friendlies to avoid being detected by enemy forces this presumably is intended to bring to mind any number of grotesque real life War atrocities involving massacres but you know with a button prompt lie down the worst thing to do is be hammering the action button before you get the prompt like you're really Keen to get involved in this Mass grave you have to leave it like a second or two register your moral conflict before you dive in like it's a ballpit Conor where are you guys we're going to be late just sit tight those were some of the most harrowing moments we've had to go through in first person I tell you what isn't harrowing though and that's more videos from outside Xbox and our sister Channel outside extra here they are look how UNH harrowing they are very peaceful and friendly and nothing will jump out of you or hit you in the junk with an axe so click on one of these two videos and enjoy yourself and no junk trauma guaranteed that's the outside Xbox guarantee we can't guarantee that we definitely can guarantee that
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,419,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outlast 2 axe, outlast 2, outlast 2 reaction, quake 4, stroggification, quake 4 strogg, bioshock infinite, burial at sea, burial at sea lobotomy, bioshock infinite lobotomy, skyrim night mother, skyrim dark brotherhood, skyrim, homefront, homefront mass grave, bioshock infinite devil's kiss, alien isolation, alien isolation death, list, countdown, top 7, top 8, 8 things, 7 things, top 10, outside xbox, outsidexbox, gameplay, harrowing, worst moments, scariest, worst, first person
Id: BjvzxdzjFJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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