7 Heroes Who Grew Emotionally, Well Done Them

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in ye olden times game heroes were expected to do just two things one kick-ass and to look stupidly ripped for the boxart dam you can kind of a cheat a but as games and the technology that drives them both evolve certain old-school heroes have undergone a kind of emotional makeover leaving behind their days as simple avatars in favour of depth complexity and rich in our lives that belie their basic origins here then are the heroes of gaming who have undergone a radical emotional glow up good for them along the way beware spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] this annoys ins sounds telling their mothers their fathers we'll be the gods we choose to be not those who have been who I was is not who you be we must be better when you think of the God of War emotional depth probably isn't what you think of you think of war and Pegasus's and what you would name your pegasus esmeralda is the answer so it's fair enough that in his earliest incarnation Kratos was a character whose emotional range stretched from violent anger to pure rage he was raging as a series of betrayals from the highest powers on Mount Olympus including his one-time boss Ares it was Aires who sneakily tricked Kratos into murdering his own wife and child in a bid to sever his ties to the mortal world and make him a more loyal soldier which is the most extreme form of employee motivation I mean Ares have you considered a bowl of complimentary fruit at reception the ashes of your wife and child will remain fastened to your skin never to be removed and with that curse war would know him for the beasts he had become his skin wiped with the ash of his dead family these events precipitated a series of ultra violent hack and slash games which invariably ended with the horrible murder of one or more gods including Kratos his own dad Zeus in these original god of War's the closest Kratos came to making a meaningful connection with another person was in optional sex minigames it's okay video games are still art this is why we were so surprised to see Kratos re-emerge almost a decade later with a whole new outlook along with a whole new great big bushy beard [Music] whereas once The Ghost of Sparta was quick to anger and thirsty for slaughter Kratos in 2018 s God of War is living a quiet life of solemn reflection having attempted to bury his violent past and start anew far from his native Greece this time the death of a loved one starts a quest not of vengeance but want to honor their last wishes and to form an emotional bond with his son at Reyes and clearly he finds getting inside his son's head harder than getting inside the trolls in stark contrast to the earlier god of war games as this one unfolds we see Kratos recoil at his son's growing desire to be a fighter and a God we also witness his parental struggle to find the right balance between shielding at Reyes from the horrors of his own past and a wish to form the kind of bond that only comes from honesty I killed many who were deserving and many who were not [Music] I killed my father didn't tell him about the whole my body is coated in corpse ash thing maybe save that 2016 also didn't mention the sex minigames maybe save them for never guy Jessica was kidnapped Jessica my sweetheart since childhood the man gear must pay she's my friend too count me in when we first met a plucky young denim clad Cody Travers in final fight he was a classic American hero with a very basic goal after having his girlfriend kidnapped by the mad gear gang Cody made it his job to punch and kick them into oblivion beat the bad guys save the girl have shoulders broader than a double-decker bus yep sounds like an 80s action hero to me a popping a bit where he eats chicken off the floor however later on in the series his punching fists came back to haunt him as in the process of saving Jessica again he was arrested and locked away by crooked cop Edie for assault and for the crimes of X MADD gear gang member poison [Music] this caused the break-up between him and Jessica and kept him away from his friends so when he broke out of jail to join these street fighter ranks in Street Fighter Alpha 3 he was understandably distant from them and sported a rather fetching pair of long chain handcuffs I do appreciate a good accessory it seemed that prison really affected him with Kody no longer see himself as a hero just a fighter and instead of reuniting with his pals yet a bunch more punch ups went travelling and headed back into prison then in Street Fighter 4 he got bored of prison and broke out again with the promise of returning again don't get your panties in a bunch you'll see me again soon enough now just take your time come back whenever you fancy just rebuild the wall on your way back in if you could despite his pal guys saying that he vanquished a great evil after beating up genetically-engineered big bad Seth the emotionally broken Cody revealed a blessed heroic motive no he was just in my way that's all took him down because he was bothering me yes he was a changed man returning to prison again as he felt he had no place in the outside world returning yeah I'll return all right to my cell that's where I belong but don't worry Cody went away and worked on himself and now he's canonically the mayor and also canonically the wrestler Kenny Omega [Music] to be the mayor ha streetfighter so you think all this talking is just holding me up I don't know where his little Jackrabbit frog legs are running him - you'll have to ask Miss Natalie thank you I will our favorite Tomb Raider Lara Croft has been made over more times than an uncooperative contestant on queer I in the first games Lara's cool calm and collected as well as more angular than a stealth aircraft keeping her emotions under wraps and mainly speaking in pure sass the pace is quickening now yeah one more crossing child or do you wish to stop for tea oh I think I can just about hold it together wouldn't want to spill it on your nice suit at any rate with her British accent and adventuring prowess early Lara was pretty much a hybrid of James Bond and Indiana Jones in the legend reboot however Lara wasn't just after the next shiny artifact on her - raid list I wouldn't take Excalibur as I didn't need it so I hope you can forgive me instead she was looking for answers over the disappearance of her mother it was implied this was the main reason Lara went into nicking old treasures [Music] but the biggest upheaval was in the latest Tomb Raider reboot here Lara was back to just being all about the research until she ended up in a shipwreck kidnapped and impaled on a metal spike nothing like nearly having your kidneys shish kebabbed to give you a new perspective on things in the recent tomb Raider's we've seen Lara's journey from amateur survivalist learning how to deal with stuff life throws at her literally too well this more importantly though here we witness Lara accessing her feelings in a way that broke new ground for the series just check out the fields in this scene you can do it Laura Croft I don't think I'm that kind of cruft sure you are you just don't know it yet my troubles are all for my son I don't want to go back out there but I can't do this anymore you are strong Billy we are survivors you and I we keep fighting even when we do not know how you cannot help but be my son I'm having twins mom they're not born yet Oh what see yeah I wanted you to see the personality of BJ Blass kovitch in the early Wolfenstein games is pretty much whatever you can infer from his wiggling eyebrows in the bottom of the screen I'm thinking excited nervous hungry it may as well be any of those because when allied spy BJ breaks out of prison at the start of 1992's Wolfenstein 3d he's far more concerned with shooting Nazis in the face than he is with explaining his character motivation and don't get us wrong coiling a Third Reich plot to create an army of zombie mutant super soldiers is important work so players were understandably not fussed about getting in the head of Blass kovitch after all he was busy one kicking ass and two looking muscly on the boxart but we mean real muscly guess it's back to the weights rack for you Duke Nukem but as game characters became more sophisticated we were ready to finally find out what makes the mediums most renowned Nazi hunter tick this is Agent BJ plasmids wake up the tell them we have to me which is why it was a shame we didn't learn much more about him from the naughties Wolfenstein titles in which BJ learned to speak but wasn't much more than the kind of straightforward action hero you presumably immediately become when you put on this kind of leather bomber jacket but that all changed with the more recent Wolfenstein the new order and the new Colossus game Zowie meta blasts kovitch who's all about seeing what's on the inside and not just of nazi soldiers blasts kovitch in these games might be a one-man murder machine but he's also kind and fiercely loyal to his chosen family of ragtag resistance members he's also conflicted bjs increasingly exhausted by the seemingly endless fight that has claimed the lives of too many of his friends but is terrified of leaving his loved ones leaderless and being there for you not rare at marquette that's too much to bear the result is maybe the most striking example of emotional growth in all of gaming and a hero story that is genuinely moving which is impressive for a game in which you also fly to the planet Venus to audition in a film for Dolph Hitler see be dissin an enemy so submit in a cold-blooded terrorist that is what you are with both games receiving critical praise it's apparent that for BJ the addition of that depth made him a better character and the character width and this is possibly a coincidence much stronger jacket game that's how it's done you have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love huh ah sarcasm but what profit is it to a man if he gains the world and loses his own soul your first impression of a loo card when he's introduced in the Castlevania series is probably hey that's a weird name it's backwards oh yeah your second impression when our your card emerges from an empty cloaking Castlevania three Dracula's curse will be well not much probably because he only gets three brief screens of dialogue [Music] indeed if you didn't read the manual you might miss the fact that al you card is in fact Dracula's forgotten son who now fights against his wicked father mostly through the medium of jumping on ledges and turning into bats [Music] but sadly Dracula's curse doesn't give us much more insight into this mysterious character except for an ending screen that boldly explains quote the battle was won by Trevor and Al new card but al you card feels guilty because he killed his real father oh my god and Trevor backwards is Robert did I find a clue fans may have felt a bit sorry for Ali card and his striking lack of closure on what is clearly a very complicated relationship with his blood sucking dad but emotional development would follow seven years later in Castlevania Symphony of the Night I was hoping we would not see each other again I can't allow you to leave your father symphony of the night promoted alia caught two protagonists and features an impassioned showdown with his father who is bent on destroying the human race who so callously burned his beloved Lisa Ali Khan's mother as a witch thank you I would forget such a thing no but neither do I seek revenge against them deep and rather than facing off as simple enemies in Symphony of the Night Dracula would rather be on the same side as his long-lost son and join me in remaking this world Oh dad how about we start with a fishing trip and then we'll see about that home remaking the world business of course peace with Dracula is not feasible and a fight to the death ensues and with a scene that packs a surprising sensitivity in nuance considering everyone is basically shouting everything tell me what-what were Lisa's last words she said do not heed humans if you cannot live with them then at least do them no harm for theirs is already a hard lot she also said to tell you that she would love you for all of eternity Lisa forgive me farewell my son oh my heart closure who's that I'm here to save you you're the DARPA chief Donald Anderson right you get a save me huh what's your outfit I'm the pond they sent here to save your worthless butt in the 90s you could get away with a character who's defining personality trait was owning a cool headband and thus in the Metal Gear Solid series Solid Snake became a solid favorite thanks to his cool headband and a few quips the future he makes his own however there are a few complications or should we say clone locations locations okay yes in a genetic puzzle trickier than a crossword in a wind tunnel there are a whole bunch of iterations of Solid Snake mainly because he is a clone of Big Boss by the time Metal Gear Solid 5 came around big boss's mind was the mental template for venom snake of the main protagonist I have no idea what's happening with the snakes anymore but I do enjoy falton ballooning everything [Music] the important thing is to keep in mind that technically these characters are all clones of the same person and the hero in the 1998 game didn't have a huge amount of death except literally when you put him in a big box but in Metal Gear 5 the phantom pain your hero was less a secret agent more a war-torn fighter who suddenly sounded like Jack Bauer he's right yes long-running Metal Gear voice actor David Hayter whose snake voice was more animated and action hero esque was replaced by big league actor Kiefer Sutherland who perfected a nuanced and tortured version of the character which goes some way to explain this scene wherein venom snake mourned some fallen comrades in his own moving yet messy way I will always be with you glad your roots enemy snake have you been talking to kratos [Music] look clearly no character in the Super Mario universe is a model of emotional maturity I mean except for Chain Chomp who clearly has it together you're right Chain Chomp all I need is to be me now although Luigi of Mario Brothers Fame won't be running any self-improvement seminars anytime soon he has undoubtedly shown more emotional evolution than any of his cartoonish cohorts namely he's gone from having basically no personality to being scared all the time what fear is an emotion introduced way back in 1983 Luigi was originally designed to be nothing more than a multiplayer Mario in different colors so that younger brothers and sisters could join their siblings in the arcades but crucially in a way that left nobody in any doubt as to who the main player was in the decades that followed Luigi became a smidge taller than Mario and capable of jumping higher but the real breakthrough came in 2001 when Luigi first walked up to a mansion he'd won in a competition that he didn't even enter and became so afraid it seemed like his heart would give out see Luigi afraid for his life well witch's blood II loved it since then Luigi has become a canonical coward in the pantheon of literary cowards much like Shakespeare's Falstaff or scooby-doo whose defining character trait is that almost everything causes him to tremble with fear not a great life for Luigi but look at it this way how much of Mario Bowser or peach really developed over the years Luigi may be scared all the time but hey at least he's feeling something man and how much courage does it really take for Mario to defeat his foes when he's not afraid of anything it's Luigi who overcomes his terror to win the day who's the real hero Nintendo gets it having heartily embraced Luigi's evolving character famously declaring 2013 to be the year of Luigi a move that really paid off when that fiscal year Nintendo lost 456 million dollars damn Luigi so there were some of the characters that are a little bit basic to begin with but through time and a lot of effort and love by their creators have turned into fully blossomed characters who we all dearly loved and just like just given them beards that usually helps as well definitely enjoyed the video do give us a thumbs up pop a comment down below if you can think of any other characters that have drastically changed over the years and I become way more multi-dimensional and stuff but also you should check out some videos outside Xbox have looked at games where all the endings were bad so you know if you want some more emotions go watch that and feel sad and if you want to see very very one-dimensional characters that only ask you to race things check out this video that we did and don't forget to hit that subscribe button thanks watching
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 971,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, wolfenstein 2, new colossus gameplay, bj blazkowicz, wolfenstein 2 gameplay, symphony of the night, god of war gameplay, god of war 4, kratos, zeus, atreus, luigi, luigi's mansion, alucard, symphony of the night gameplay, castlevania, cody travers, street fighter 4, sf4, street fighter, final fight, lara croft, tomb raider, metal gear solid, mgs5, metal gear solid gameplay, Kiefer Sutherland, funny, lists, 7things
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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